 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree;

import org.hibernate.hql.internal.antlr.HqlSqlTokenTypes;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util.ColumnHelper;
import org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;

import antlr.SemanticException;

Nodes which represent binary arithmetic operators.
Author:Gavin King
/** * Nodes which represent binary arithmetic operators. * * @author Gavin King */
public class BinaryArithmeticOperatorNode extends AbstractSelectExpression implements BinaryOperatorNode, DisplayableNode { @Override public void initialize() throws SemanticException { final Node lhs = getLeftHandOperand(); if ( lhs == null ) { throw new SemanticException( "left-hand operand of a binary operator was null" ); } final Node rhs = getRightHandOperand(); if ( rhs == null ) { throw new SemanticException( "right-hand operand of a binary operator was null" ); } final Type lhType = ( lhs instanceof SqlNode ) ? ( (SqlNode) lhs ).getDataType() : null; final Type rhType = ( rhs instanceof SqlNode ) ? ( (SqlNode) rhs ).getDataType() : null; if ( ExpectedTypeAwareNode.class.isAssignableFrom( lhs.getClass() ) && rhType != null ) { Type expectedType = null; // we have something like : "? [op] rhs" if ( isDateTimeType( rhType ) ) { // more specifically : "? [op] datetime" // 1) if the operator is MINUS, the param needs to be of // some datetime type // 2) if the operator is PLUS, the param needs to be of // some numeric type expectedType = getType() == HqlSqlTokenTypes.PLUS ? StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE : rhType; } else { expectedType = rhType; } ( (ExpectedTypeAwareNode) lhs ).setExpectedType( expectedType ); } else if ( ParameterNode.class.isAssignableFrom( rhs.getClass() ) && lhType != null ) { Type expectedType = null; // we have something like : "lhs [op] ?" if ( isDateTimeType( lhType ) ) { // more specifically : "datetime [op] ?" // 1) if the operator is MINUS, we really cannot determine // the expected type as either another datetime or // numeric would be valid // 2) if the operator is PLUS, the param needs to be of // some numeric type if ( getType() == HqlSqlTokenTypes.PLUS ) { expectedType = StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE; } } else { expectedType = lhType; } ( (ExpectedTypeAwareNode) rhs ).setExpectedType( expectedType ); } }
Figure out the type of the binary expression by looking at the types of the operands. Sometimes we don't know both types, if, for example, one is a parameter.
/** * Figure out the type of the binary expression by looking at * the types of the operands. Sometimes we don't know both types, * if, for example, one is a parameter. */
@Override public Type getDataType() { if ( super.getDataType() == null ) { super.setDataType( resolveDataType() ); } return super.getDataType(); } private Type resolveDataType() { // TODO : we may also want to check that the types here map to exactly one column/JDBC-type // can't think of a situation where arithmetic expression between multi-column mappings // makes any sense. final Node lhs = getLeftHandOperand(); final Node rhs = getRightHandOperand(); final Type lhType = ( lhs instanceof SqlNode ) ? ( (SqlNode) lhs ).getDataType() : null; final Type rhType = ( rhs instanceof SqlNode ) ? ( (SqlNode) rhs ).getDataType() : null; if ( isDateTimeType( lhType ) || isDateTimeType( rhType ) ) { return resolveDateTimeArithmeticResultType( lhType, rhType ); } else { if ( lhType == null ) { if ( rhType == null ) { // we do not know either type // BLIND GUESS! return StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE; } else { // we know only the rhs-hand type, so use that return rhType; } } else { if ( rhType == null ) { // we know only the lhs-hand type, so use that return lhType; } else { if ( lhType == StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE || rhType == StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE ) { return StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE; } if ( lhType == StandardBasicTypes.FLOAT || rhType == StandardBasicTypes.FLOAT ) { return StandardBasicTypes.FLOAT; } if ( lhType == StandardBasicTypes.BIG_DECIMAL || rhType == StandardBasicTypes.BIG_DECIMAL ) { return StandardBasicTypes.BIG_DECIMAL; } if ( lhType == StandardBasicTypes.BIG_INTEGER || rhType == StandardBasicTypes.BIG_INTEGER ) { return StandardBasicTypes.BIG_INTEGER; } if ( lhType == StandardBasicTypes.LONG || rhType == StandardBasicTypes.LONG ) { return StandardBasicTypes.LONG; } if ( lhType == StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER || rhType == StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER ) { return StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER; } return lhType; } } } } private boolean isDateTimeType(Type type) { return type != null && ( java.util.Date.class.isAssignableFrom( type.getReturnedClass() ) || java.util.Calendar.class.isAssignableFrom( type.getReturnedClass() ) ); } private Type resolveDateTimeArithmeticResultType(Type lhType, Type rhType) { // here, we work under the following assumptions: // ------------ valid cases -------------------------------------- // 1) datetime + {something other than datetime} : always results // in a datetime ( db will catch invalid conversions ) // 2) datetime - datetime : always results in a DOUBLE // 3) datetime - {something other than datetime} : always results // in a datetime ( db will catch invalid conversions ) // ------------ invalid cases ------------------------------------ // 4) datetime + datetime // 5) {something other than datetime} - datetime // 6) datetime * {any type} // 7) datetime / {any type} // 8) {any type} / datetime // doing so allows us to properly handle parameters as either the left // or right side here in the majority of cases boolean lhsIsDateTime = isDateTimeType( lhType ); boolean rhsIsDateTime = isDateTimeType( rhType ); // handle the (assumed) valid cases: // #1 - the only valid datetime addition synatx is one or the other is a datetime (but not both) if ( getType() == HqlSqlTokenTypes.PLUS ) { // one or the other needs to be a datetime for us to get into this method in the first place... return lhsIsDateTime ? lhType : rhType; } else if ( getType() == HqlSqlTokenTypes.MINUS ) { // #3 - note that this is also true of "datetime - :param"... if ( lhsIsDateTime && !rhsIsDateTime ) { return lhType; } // #2 if ( lhsIsDateTime && rhsIsDateTime ) { return StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE; } } return null; } @Override public void setScalarColumnText(int i) throws SemanticException { ColumnHelper.generateSingleScalarColumn( this, i ); }
Retrieves the left-hand operand of the operator.
Returns:The left-hand operand
/** * Retrieves the left-hand operand of the operator. * * @return The left-hand operand */
@Override public Node getLeftHandOperand() { return (Node) getFirstChild(); }
Retrieves the right-hand operand of the operator.
Returns:The right-hand operand
/** * Retrieves the right-hand operand of the operator. * * @return The right-hand operand */
@Override public Node getRightHandOperand() { return (Node) getFirstChild().getNextSibling(); } @Override public String getDisplayText() { return "{dataType=" + getDataType() + "}"; } }