 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.event.internal;

import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.hibernate.event.spi.EventSource;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreLogging;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.collections.IdentitySet;
import org.hibernate.pretty.MessageHelper;

An EntityCopyObserver implementation that allows multiple representations of the same persistent entity to be merged and provides logging of the entity copies that that are detected.
Author:Gail Badner
/** * An {@link org.hibernate.event.spi.EntityCopyObserver} implementation that allows multiple representations of * the same persistent entity to be merged and provides logging of the entity copies that * that are detected. * * @author Gail Badner */
public class EntityCopyAllowedLoggedObserver extends EntityCopyAllowedObserver { private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = CoreLogging.messageLogger( EntityCopyAllowedLoggedObserver.class ); public static final String SHORT_NAME = "log"; // Tracks the number of entity copies per entity name. private Map<String, Integer> countsByEntityName; // managedToMergeEntitiesXref is only maintained for DEBUG logging so that a "nice" message // about multiple representations can be logged at the completion of the top-level merge. // If no entity copies have been detected, managedToMergeEntitiesXref will remain null; private Map<Object, Set<Object>> managedToMergeEntitiesXref = null; // key is the managed entity; // value is the set of representations being merged corresponding to the same managed result.
Indicates if DEBUG logging is enabled.
Returns:true, if DEBUG logging is enabled.
/** * Indicates if DEBUG logging is enabled. * * @return true, if DEBUG logging is enabled. */
public static boolean isDebugLoggingEnabled() { return LOG.isDebugEnabled(); } @Override public void entityCopyDetected( Object managedEntity, Object mergeEntity1, Object mergeEntity2, EventSource session) { final String entityName = session.getEntityName( managedEntity ); LOG.trace( String.format( "More than one representation of the same persistent entity being merged for: %s", MessageHelper.infoString( entityName, session.getIdentifier( managedEntity ) ) ) ); Set<Object> detachedEntitiesForManaged = null; if ( managedToMergeEntitiesXref == null ) { // This is the first time multiple representations have been found; // instantiate managedToMergeEntitiesXref. managedToMergeEntitiesXref = new IdentityHashMap<Object, Set<Object>>(); } else { // Get any existing representations that have already been found. detachedEntitiesForManaged = managedToMergeEntitiesXref.get( managedEntity ); } if ( detachedEntitiesForManaged == null ) { // There were no existing representations for this particular managed entity; detachedEntitiesForManaged = new IdentitySet(); managedToMergeEntitiesXref.put( managedEntity, detachedEntitiesForManaged ); incrementEntityNameCount( entityName ); } // Now add the detached representation for the managed entity; detachedEntitiesForManaged.add( mergeEntity1 ); detachedEntitiesForManaged.add( mergeEntity2 ); } private void incrementEntityNameCount(String entityName) { Integer countBeforeIncrement = 0; if ( countsByEntityName == null ) { // Use a TreeMap so counts can be logged by entity name in alphabetic order. countsByEntityName = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); } else { countBeforeIncrement = countsByEntityName.get( entityName ); if ( countBeforeIncrement == null ) { // no entity copies for entityName detected previously. countBeforeIncrement = 0; } } countsByEntityName.put( entityName, countBeforeIncrement + 1 ); } public void clear() { if ( managedToMergeEntitiesXref != null ) { managedToMergeEntitiesXref.clear(); managedToMergeEntitiesXref = null; } if ( countsByEntityName != null ) { countsByEntityName.clear(); countsByEntityName = null; } } @Override public void topLevelMergeComplete(EventSource session) { // Log the summary. if ( countsByEntityName != null ) { for ( Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : countsByEntityName.entrySet() ) { final String entityName = entry.getKey(); final int count = entry.getValue(); LOG.debug( String.format( "Summary: number of %s entities with multiple representations merged: %d", entityName, count ) ); } } else { LOG.debug( "No entity copies merged." ); } if ( managedToMergeEntitiesXref != null ) { for ( Map.Entry<Object,Set<Object>> entry : managedToMergeEntitiesXref.entrySet() ) { Object managedEntity = entry.getKey(); Set mergeEntities = entry.getValue(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( "Details: merged ") .append( mergeEntities.size() ) .append( " representations of the same entity " ) .append( MessageHelper.infoString( session.getEntityName( managedEntity ), session.getIdentifier( managedEntity ) ) ) .append( " being merged: " ); boolean first = true; for ( Object mergeEntity : mergeEntities ) { if ( first ) { first = false; } else { sb.append( ", " ); } sb.append( getManagedOrDetachedEntityString( managedEntity, mergeEntity ) ); } sb.append( "; resulting managed entity: [" ).append( managedEntity ).append( ']' ); LOG.debug( sb.toString()); } } } private String getManagedOrDetachedEntityString(Object managedEntity, Object mergeEntity ) { if ( mergeEntity == managedEntity) { return "Managed: [" + mergeEntity + "]"; } else { return "Detached: [" + mergeEntity + "]"; } } }