 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.event.spi;

import org.hibernate.event.spi.EventSource;

An observer for detection of multiple entity representations for a persistent entity being merged.
Author:Gail Badner
/** * An observer for detection of multiple entity representations for a persistent entity being merged. * * @author Gail Badner */
public interface EntityCopyObserver {
Called when more than one representation of the same persistent entity is being merged.
  • managedEntity – The managed entity in the persistence context (the merge result).
  • mergeEntity1 – A managed or detached entity being merged; must be non-null.
  • mergeEntity2 – A different managed or detached entity being merged; must be non-null.
  • session – The session.
/** * Called when more than one representation of the same persistent entity is being merged. * * @param managedEntity The managed entity in the persistence context (the merge result). * @param mergeEntity1 A managed or detached entity being merged; must be non-null. * @param mergeEntity2 A different managed or detached entity being merged; must be non-null. * @param session The session. */
void entityCopyDetected(Object managedEntity, Object mergeEntity1, Object mergeEntity2, EventSource session);
Called when the top-level merge operation is complete.
  • session – The session
/** * Called when the top-level merge operation is complete. * * @param session The session */
void topLevelMergeComplete(EventSource session);
Called to clear any data stored in this EntityCopyObserver.
/** * Called to clear any data stored in this EntityCopyObserver. */
void clear(); }