 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.engine.jndi.internal;

import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.InvalidNameException;
import javax.naming.Name;
import javax.naming.NameNotFoundException;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.event.EventContext;
import javax.naming.event.NamespaceChangeListener;

import org.hibernate.cfg.Environment;
import org.hibernate.engine.jndi.JndiException;
import org.hibernate.engine.jndi.JndiNameException;
import org.hibernate.engine.jndi.spi.JndiService;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

Standard implementation of JNDI services.
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * Standard implementation of JNDI services. * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class JndiServiceImpl implements JndiService { private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = Logger.getMessageLogger( CoreMessageLogger.class, JndiServiceImpl.class.getName() ); private final Hashtable initialContextSettings;
Constructs a JndiServiceImpl
  • configurationValues – Map of configuration settings, some of which apply to JNDI support.
/** * Constructs a JndiServiceImpl * * @param configurationValues Map of configuration settings, some of which apply to JNDI support. */
public JndiServiceImpl(Map configurationValues) { this.initialContextSettings = extractJndiProperties( configurationValues ); }
Given a hodgepodge of properties, extract out the ones relevant for JNDI interaction.
  • configurationValues – The map of config values
Returns:The extracted JNDI specific properties.
/** * Given a hodgepodge of properties, extract out the ones relevant for JNDI interaction. * * @param configurationValues The map of config values * * @return The extracted JNDI specific properties. */
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public static Properties extractJndiProperties(Map configurationValues) { final Properties jndiProperties = new Properties(); for ( Map.Entry entry : (Set<Map.Entry>) configurationValues.entrySet() ) { if ( !String.class.isInstance( entry.getKey() ) ) { continue; } final String propertyName = (String) entry.getKey(); final Object propertyValue = entry.getValue(); if ( propertyName.startsWith( Environment.JNDI_PREFIX ) ) { // write the IntialContextFactory class and provider url to the result only if they are // non-null; this allows the environmental defaults (if any) to remain in effect if ( Environment.JNDI_CLASS.equals( propertyName ) ) { if ( propertyValue != null ) { jndiProperties.put( Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, propertyValue ); } } else if ( Environment.JNDI_URL.equals( propertyName ) ) { if ( propertyValue != null ) { jndiProperties.put( Context.PROVIDER_URL, propertyValue ); } } else { final String passThruPropertyname = propertyName.substring( Environment.JNDI_PREFIX.length() + 1 ); jndiProperties.put( passThruPropertyname, propertyValue ); } } } return jndiProperties; } @Override public Object locate(String jndiName) { final InitialContext initialContext = buildInitialContext(); final Name name = parseName( jndiName, initialContext ); try { return initialContext.lookup( name ); } catch ( NamingException e ) { throw new JndiException( "Unable to lookup JNDI name [" + jndiName + "]", e ); } finally { cleanUp( initialContext ); } } private InitialContext buildInitialContext() { try { return initialContextSettings.size() == 0 ? new InitialContext() : new InitialContext( initialContextSettings ); } catch ( NamingException e ) { throw new JndiException( "Unable to open InitialContext", e ); } } private Name parseName(String jndiName, Context context) { try { return context.getNameParser( "" ).parse( jndiName ); } catch ( InvalidNameException e ) { throw new JndiNameException( "JNDI name [" + jndiName + "] was not valid", e ); } catch ( NamingException e ) { throw new JndiException( "Error parsing JNDI name [" + jndiName + "]", e ); } } private void cleanUp(InitialContext initialContext) { try { initialContext.close(); } catch ( NamingException e ) { LOG.unableToCloseInitialContext(e.toString()); } } @Override public void bind(String jndiName, Object value) { final InitialContext initialContext = buildInitialContext(); final Name name = parseName( jndiName, initialContext ); try { bind( name, value, initialContext ); } finally { cleanUp( initialContext ); } } private void bind(Name name, Object value, Context context) { try { LOG.tracef( "Binding : %s", name ); context.rebind( name, value ); } catch ( Exception initialException ) { // We had problems doing a simple bind operation. if ( name.size() == 1 ) { // if the jndi name had only 1 component there is nothing more we can do... throw new JndiException( "Error performing bind [" + name + "]", initialException ); } // Otherwise, there is a good chance this may have been caused by missing intermediate contexts. So we // attempt to create those missing intermediate contexts and bind again Context intermediateContextBase = context; while ( name.size() > 1 ) { final String intermediateContextName = name.get( 0 ); Context intermediateContext = null; try { LOG.tracev( "Intermediate lookup: {0}", intermediateContextName ); intermediateContext = (Context) intermediateContextBase.lookup( intermediateContextName ); } catch ( NameNotFoundException handledBelow ) { // ok as we will create it below if not found } catch ( NamingException e ) { throw new JndiException( "Unanticipated error doing intermediate lookup", e ); } if ( intermediateContext != null ) { LOG.tracev( "Found intermediate context: {0}", intermediateContextName ); } else { LOG.tracev( "Creating sub-context: {0}", intermediateContextName ); try { intermediateContext = intermediateContextBase.createSubcontext( intermediateContextName ); } catch ( NamingException e ) { throw new JndiException( "Error creating intermediate context [" + intermediateContextName + "]", e ); } } intermediateContextBase = intermediateContext; name = name.getSuffix( 1 ); } LOG.tracev( "Binding : {0}", name ); try { intermediateContextBase.rebind( name, value ); } catch ( NamingException e ) { throw new JndiException( "Error performing intermediate bind [" + name + "]", e ); } } LOG.debugf( "Bound name: %s", name ); } @Override public void unbind(String jndiName) { final InitialContext initialContext = buildInitialContext(); final Name name = parseName( jndiName, initialContext ); try { initialContext.unbind( name ); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JndiException( "Error performing unbind [" + name + "]", e ); } finally { cleanUp( initialContext ); } } @Override public void addListener(String jndiName, NamespaceChangeListener listener) { final InitialContext initialContext = buildInitialContext(); final Name name = parseName( jndiName, initialContext ); try { ( (EventContext) initialContext ).addNamingListener( name, EventContext.OBJECT_SCOPE, listener ); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JndiException( "Unable to bind listener to namespace [" + name + "]", e ); } finally { cleanUp( initialContext ); } } }