 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.action.internal;

import java.io.Serializable;

import org.hibernate.LockMode;
import org.hibernate.engine.internal.ForeignKeys;
import org.hibernate.engine.internal.NonNullableTransientDependencies;
import org.hibernate.engine.internal.Nullability;
import org.hibernate.engine.internal.Versioning;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.CachedNaturalIdValueSource;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.EntityEntry;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.EntityKey;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.Status;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.EntityPersister;

A base class for entity insert actions.
Author:Gail Badner
/** * A base class for entity insert actions. * * @author Gail Badner */
public abstract class AbstractEntityInsertAction extends EntityAction { private transient Object[] state; private final boolean isVersionIncrementDisabled; private boolean isExecuted; private boolean areTransientReferencesNullified;
Constructs an AbstractEntityInsertAction object.
  • id – - the entity ID
  • state – - the entity state
  • instance – - the entity
  • isVersionIncrementDisabled – - true, if version increment should be disabled; false, otherwise
  • persister – - the entity persister
  • session – - the session
/** * Constructs an AbstractEntityInsertAction object. * * @param id - the entity ID * @param state - the entity state * @param instance - the entity * @param isVersionIncrementDisabled - true, if version increment should * be disabled; false, otherwise * @param persister - the entity persister * @param session - the session */
protected AbstractEntityInsertAction( Serializable id, Object[] state, Object instance, boolean isVersionIncrementDisabled, EntityPersister persister, SessionImplementor session) { super( session, id, instance, persister ); this.state = state; this.isVersionIncrementDisabled = isVersionIncrementDisabled; this.isExecuted = false; this.areTransientReferencesNullified = false; if ( id != null ) { handleNaturalIdPreSaveNotifications(); } }
Returns the entity state. NOTE: calling nullifyTransientReferencesIfNotAlready can modify the entity state.
See Also:
Returns:the entity state.
/** * Returns the entity state. * * NOTE: calling {@link #nullifyTransientReferencesIfNotAlready} can modify the * entity state. * @return the entity state. * * @see {@link #nullifyTransientReferencesIfNotAlready} */
public Object[] getState() { return state; }
Does this insert action need to be executed as soon as possible (e.g., to generate an ID)?
Returns:true, if it needs to be executed as soon as possible; false, otherwise.
/** * Does this insert action need to be executed as soon as possible * (e.g., to generate an ID)? * @return true, if it needs to be executed as soon as possible; * false, otherwise. */
public abstract boolean isEarlyInsert();
Find the transient unsaved entity dependencies that are non-nullable.
Returns:the transient unsaved entity dependencies that are non-nullable, or null if there are none.
/** * Find the transient unsaved entity dependencies that are non-nullable. * @return the transient unsaved entity dependencies that are non-nullable, * or null if there are none. */
public NonNullableTransientDependencies findNonNullableTransientEntities() { return ForeignKeys.findNonNullableTransientEntities( getPersister().getEntityName(), getInstance(), getState(), isEarlyInsert(), getSession() ); }
Nullifies any references to transient entities in the entity state maintained by this action. References to transient entities should be nullified when an entity is made "managed" or when this action is executed, whichever is first.

References will only be nullified the first time this method is called for a this object, so it can safely be called both when the entity is made "managed" and when this action is executed.
See Also:
/** * Nullifies any references to transient entities in the entity state * maintained by this action. References to transient entities * should be nullified when an entity is made "managed" or when this * action is executed, whichever is first. * <p/> * References will only be nullified the first time this method is * called for a this object, so it can safely be called both when * the entity is made "managed" and when this action is executed. * * @see {@link #makeEntityManaged() } */
protected final void nullifyTransientReferencesIfNotAlready() { if ( ! areTransientReferencesNullified ) { new ForeignKeys.Nullifier( getInstance(), false, isEarlyInsert(), getSession() ) .nullifyTransientReferences( getState(), getPersister().getPropertyTypes() ); new Nullability( getSession() ).checkNullability( getState(), getPersister(), false ); areTransientReferencesNullified = true; } }
Make the entity "managed" by the persistence context.
/** * Make the entity "managed" by the persistence context. */
public final void makeEntityManaged() { nullifyTransientReferencesIfNotAlready(); final Object version = Versioning.getVersion( getState(), getPersister() ); getSession().getPersistenceContext().addEntity( getInstance(), ( getPersister().isMutable() ? Status.MANAGED : Status.READ_ONLY ), getState(), getEntityKey(), version, LockMode.WRITE, isExecuted, getPersister(), isVersionIncrementDisabled, false ); }
Indicate that the action has executed.
/** * Indicate that the action has executed. */
protected void markExecuted() { this.isExecuted = true; }
Returns the EntityKey.
Returns:the EntityKey.
/** * Returns the {@link EntityKey}. * @return the {@link EntityKey}. */
protected abstract EntityKey getEntityKey(); @Override public void afterDeserialize(SessionImplementor session) { super.afterDeserialize( session ); // IMPL NOTE: non-flushed changes code calls this method with session == null... // guard against NullPointerException if ( session != null ) { final EntityEntry entityEntry = session.getPersistenceContext().getEntry( getInstance() ); this.state = entityEntry.getLoadedState(); } }
Handle sending notifications needed for natural-id before saving
/** * Handle sending notifications needed for natural-id before saving */
protected void handleNaturalIdPreSaveNotifications() { // before save, we need to add a local (transactional) natural id cross-reference getSession().getPersistenceContext().getNaturalIdHelper().manageLocalNaturalIdCrossReference( getPersister(), getId(), state, null, CachedNaturalIdValueSource.INSERT ); }
Handle sending notifications needed for natural-id after saving
  • generatedId – The generated entity identifier
/** * Handle sending notifications needed for natural-id after saving * * @param generatedId The generated entity identifier */
public void handleNaturalIdPostSaveNotifications(Serializable generatedId) { if ( isEarlyInsert() ) { // with early insert, we still need to add a local (transactional) natural id cross-reference getSession().getPersistenceContext().getNaturalIdHelper().manageLocalNaturalIdCrossReference( getPersister(), generatedId, state, null, CachedNaturalIdValueSource.INSERT ); } // after save, we need to manage the shared cache entries getSession().getPersistenceContext().getNaturalIdHelper().manageSharedNaturalIdCrossReference( getPersister(), getId(), state, null, CachedNaturalIdValueSource.INSERT ); } }