 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.engine.internal;

import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.EntityPersister;
import org.hibernate.type.VersionType;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

Utilities for dealing with optimistic locking values.
Author:Gavin King
/** * Utilities for dealing with optimistic locking values. * * @author Gavin King */
public final class Versioning { private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = Logger.getMessageLogger( CoreMessageLogger.class, Versioning.class.getName() );
Private constructor disallowing instantiation.
/** * Private constructor disallowing instantiation. */
private Versioning() { }
Create an initial optimistic locking value according the VersionType contract for the version property.
  • versionType – The version type.
  • session – The originating session
Returns:The initial optimistic locking value
/** * Create an initial optimistic locking value according the {@link VersionType} * contract for the version property. * * @param versionType The version type. * @param session The originating session * @return The initial optimistic locking value */
private static Object seed(VersionType versionType, SessionImplementor session) { final Object seed = versionType.seed( session ); LOG.tracef( "Seeding: %s", seed ); return seed; }
Create an initial optimistic locking value according the VersionType contract for the version property if required and inject it into the snapshot state.
  • fields – The current snapshot state
  • versionProperty – The index of the version property
  • versionType – The version type
  • session – The originating session
Returns:True if we injected a new version value into the fields array; false otherwise.
/** * Create an initial optimistic locking value according the {@link VersionType} * contract for the version property <b>if required</b> and inject it into * the snapshot state. * * @param fields The current snapshot state * @param versionProperty The index of the version property * @param versionType The version type * @param session The originating session * @return True if we injected a new version value into the fields array; false * otherwise. */
public static boolean seedVersion( Object[] fields, int versionProperty, VersionType versionType, SessionImplementor session) { final Object initialVersion = fields[versionProperty]; if ( initialVersion==null || // This next bit is to allow for both unsaved-value="negative" // and for "older" behavior where version number did not get // seeded if it was already set in the object // TODO: shift it into unsaved-value strategy ( (initialVersion instanceof Number) && ( (Number) initialVersion ).longValue()<0 ) ) { fields[versionProperty] = seed( versionType, session ); return true; } LOG.tracev( "Using initial version: {0}", initialVersion ); return false; }
Generate the next increment in the optimistic locking value according the VersionType contract for the version property.
  • version – The current version
  • versionType – The version type
  • session – The originating session
Returns:The incremented optimistic locking value.
/** * Generate the next increment in the optimistic locking value according * the {@link VersionType} contract for the version property. * * @param version The current version * @param versionType The version type * @param session The originating session * @return The incremented optimistic locking value. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Object increment(Object version, VersionType versionType, SessionImplementor session) { final Object next = versionType.next( version, session ); if ( LOG.isTraceEnabled() ) { LOG.tracef( "Incrementing: %s to %s", versionType.toLoggableString( version, session.getFactory() ), versionType.toLoggableString( next, session.getFactory() ) ); } return next; }
Inject the optimistic locking value into the entity state snapshot.
  • fields – The state snapshot
  • version – The optimistic locking value
  • persister – The entity persister
/** * Inject the optimistic locking value into the entity state snapshot. * * @param fields The state snapshot * @param version The optimistic locking value * @param persister The entity persister */
public static void setVersion(Object[] fields, Object version, EntityPersister persister) { if ( !persister.isVersioned() ) { return; } fields[ persister.getVersionProperty() ] = version; }
Extract the optimistic locking value out of the entity state snapshot.
  • fields – The state snapshot
  • persister – The entity persister
Returns:The extracted optimistic locking value
/** * Extract the optimistic locking value out of the entity state snapshot. * * @param fields The state snapshot * @param persister The entity persister * @return The extracted optimistic locking value */
public static Object getVersion(Object[] fields, EntityPersister persister) { if ( !persister.isVersioned() ) { return null; } return fields[ persister.getVersionProperty() ]; }
Do we need to increment the version number, given the dirty properties?
  • dirtyProperties – The array of property indexes which were deemed dirty
  • hasDirtyCollections – Were any collections found to be dirty (structurally changed)
  • propertyVersionability – An array indicating versionability of each property.
Returns:True if a version increment is required; false otherwise.
/** * Do we need to increment the version number, given the dirty properties? * * @param dirtyProperties The array of property indexes which were deemed dirty * @param hasDirtyCollections Were any collections found to be dirty (structurally changed) * @param propertyVersionability An array indicating versionability of each property. * @return True if a version increment is required; false otherwise. */
public static boolean isVersionIncrementRequired( final int[] dirtyProperties, final boolean hasDirtyCollections, final boolean[] propertyVersionability) { if ( hasDirtyCollections ) { return true; } for ( int dirtyProperty : dirtyProperties ) { if ( propertyVersionability[dirtyProperty] ) { return true; } } return false; } }