 * Hibernate Validator, declare and validate application constraints
 * License: Apache License, Version 2.0
 * See the license.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>.
package org.hibernate.validator.internal.util;

import static org.hibernate.validator.internal.util.CollectionHelper.newHashMap;

import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Executable;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.GenericArrayType;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Member;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;
import java.lang.reflect.WildcardType;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.hibernate.validator.internal.util.logging.Log;
import org.hibernate.validator.internal.util.logging.LoggerFactory;

Some reflection utility methods. Where necessary calls will be performed as PrivilegedAction which is necessary for situations where a security manager is in place.
Author:Hardy Ferentschik, Gunnar Morling, Kevin Pollet <kevin.pollet@serli.com> (C) 2011 SERLI, Guillaume Smet
/** * Some reflection utility methods. Where necessary calls will be performed as {@code PrivilegedAction} which is necessary * for situations where a security manager is in place. * * @author Hardy Ferentschik * @author Gunnar Morling * @author Kevin Pollet &lt;kevin.pollet@serli.com&gt; (C) 2011 SERLI * @author Guillaume Smet */
public final class ReflectionHelper { private static final String PROPERTY_ACCESSOR_PREFIX_GET = "get"; private static final String PROPERTY_ACCESSOR_PREFIX_IS = "is"; private static final String PROPERTY_ACCESSOR_PREFIX_HAS = "has"; public static final String[] PROPERTY_ACCESSOR_PREFIXES = { PROPERTY_ACCESSOR_PREFIX_GET, PROPERTY_ACCESSOR_PREFIX_IS, PROPERTY_ACCESSOR_PREFIX_HAS }; private static final Log LOG = LoggerFactory.make( MethodHandles.lookup() ); private static final Map<Class<?>, Class<?>> PRIMITIVE_TO_WRAPPER_TYPES; static { Map<Class<?>, Class<?>> tmpMap = newHashMap( 9 ); tmpMap.put( boolean.class, Boolean.class ); tmpMap.put( char.class, Character.class ); tmpMap.put( double.class, Double.class ); tmpMap.put( float.class, Float.class ); tmpMap.put( long.class, Long.class ); tmpMap.put( int.class, Integer.class ); tmpMap.put( short.class, Short.class ); tmpMap.put( byte.class, Byte.class ); tmpMap.put( Void.TYPE, Void.TYPE ); PRIMITIVE_TO_WRAPPER_TYPES = Collections.unmodifiableMap( tmpMap ); } private static final Map<Class<?>, Class<?>> WRAPPER_TO_PRIMITIVE_TYPES; static { Map<Class<?>, Class<?>> tmpMap = newHashMap( 9 ); tmpMap.put( Boolean.class, boolean.class ); tmpMap.put( Character.class, char.class ); tmpMap.put( Double.class, double.class ); tmpMap.put( Float.class, float.class ); tmpMap.put( Long.class, long.class ); tmpMap.put( Integer.class, int.class ); tmpMap.put( Short.class, short.class ); tmpMap.put( Byte.class, byte.class ); tmpMap.put( Void.TYPE, Void.TYPE ); WRAPPER_TO_PRIMITIVE_TYPES = Collections.unmodifiableMap( tmpMap ); }
Private constructor in order to avoid instantiation.
/** * Private constructor in order to avoid instantiation. */
private ReflectionHelper() { }
Returns the JavaBeans property name of the given member.

For fields, the field name will be returned. For getter methods, the decapitalized property name will be returned, with the "get", "is" or "has" prefix stripped off. Getter methods are methods

  • whose name start with "get" and who have a return type but no parameter or
  • whose name starts with "is" and who have no parameter and return boolean or
  • whose name starts with "has" and who have no parameter and return boolean (HV-specific, not mandated by JavaBeans spec).
  • member – The member for which to get the property name.
Returns:The property name for the given member or null if the member is neither a field nor a getter method according to the JavaBeans standard.
/** * Returns the JavaBeans property name of the given member. * <p> * For fields, the field name will be returned. For getter methods, the * decapitalized property name will be returned, with the "get", "is" or "has" * prefix stripped off. Getter methods are methods * </p> * <ul> * <li>whose name start with "get" and who have a return type but no parameter * or</li> * <li>whose name starts with "is" and who have no parameter and return * {@code boolean} or</li> * <li>whose name starts with "has" and who have no parameter and return * {@code boolean} (HV-specific, not mandated by JavaBeans spec).</li> * </ul> * * @param member The member for which to get the property name. * * @return The property name for the given member or {@code null} if the * member is neither a field nor a getter method according to the * JavaBeans standard. */
public static String getPropertyName(Member member) { String name = null; if ( member instanceof Field ) { name = member.getName(); } if ( member instanceof Method ) { String methodName = member.getName(); for ( String prefix : PROPERTY_ACCESSOR_PREFIXES ) { if ( methodName.startsWith( prefix ) ) { name = StringHelper.decapitalize( methodName.substring( prefix.length() ) ); } } } return name; }
Checks whether the given executable is a valid JavaBeans getter method, which is the case if
  • its name starts with "get" and it has a return type but no parameter or
  • its name starts with "is", it has no parameter and is returning boolean or
  • its name starts with "has", it has no parameter and is returning boolean (HV-specific, not mandated by JavaBeans spec).
  • executable – The executable of interest.
Returns:true, if the given executable is a JavaBeans getter method, false otherwise.
/** * Checks whether the given executable is a valid JavaBeans getter method, which * is the case if * <ul> * <li>its name starts with "get" and it has a return type but no parameter or</li> * <li>its name starts with "is", it has no parameter and is returning * {@code boolean} or</li> * <li>its name starts with "has", it has no parameter and is returning * {@code boolean} (HV-specific, not mandated by JavaBeans spec).</li> * </ul> * * @param executable The executable of interest. * * @return {@code true}, if the given executable is a JavaBeans getter method, * {@code false} otherwise. */
public static boolean isGetterMethod(Executable executable) { if ( !( executable instanceof Method ) ) { return false; } Method method = (Method) executable; if ( method.getParameterTypes().length != 0 ) { return false; } String methodName = method.getName(); //<PropertyType> get<PropertyName>() if ( methodName.startsWith( PROPERTY_ACCESSOR_PREFIX_GET ) && method.getReturnType() != void.class ) { return true; } //boolean is<PropertyName>() else if ( methodName.startsWith( PROPERTY_ACCESSOR_PREFIX_IS ) && method.getReturnType() == boolean.class ) { return true; } //boolean has<PropertyName>() else if ( methodName.startsWith( PROPERTY_ACCESSOR_PREFIX_HAS ) && method.getReturnType() == boolean.class ) { return true; } return false; }
  • member – The Member instance for which to retrieve the type.
Returns:Returns the Type of the given Field or Method.
/** * @param member The {@code Member} instance for which to retrieve the type. * * @return Returns the {@code Type} of the given {@code Field} or {@code Method}. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException in case {@code member} is not a {@code Field} or {@code Method}. */
public static Type typeOf(Member member) { Type type; if ( member instanceof Field ) { type = ( (Field) member ).getGenericType(); } else if ( member instanceof Method ) { type = ( (Method) member ).getGenericReturnType(); } else if ( member instanceof Constructor<?> ) { type = member.getDeclaringClass(); } //TODO HV-571 change log method name else { throw LOG.getMemberIsNeitherAFieldNorAMethodException( member ); } if ( type instanceof TypeVariable ) { type = TypeHelper.getErasedType( type ); } return type; }
Returns the type of the parameter of the given method with the given parameter index.
  • executable – The executable of interest.
  • parameterIndex – The index of the parameter for which the type should be returned.
Returns:The erased type.
/** * Returns the type of the parameter of the given method with the given parameter index. * * @param executable The executable of interest. * @param parameterIndex The index of the parameter for which the type should be returned. * * @return The erased type. */
public static Type typeOf(Executable executable, int parameterIndex) { Type[] genericParameterTypes = executable.getGenericParameterTypes(); // getGenericParameterTypes() doesn't return synthetic parameters; in this case fall back to getParameterTypes() if ( parameterIndex >= genericParameterTypes.length ) { genericParameterTypes = executable.getParameterTypes(); } Type type = genericParameterTypes[parameterIndex]; if ( type instanceof TypeVariable ) { type = TypeHelper.getErasedType( type ); } return type; } public static Object getValue(Field field, Object object) { try { return field.get( object ); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw LOG.getUnableToAccessMemberException( field.getName(), e ); } } public static Object getValue(Method method, Object object) { try { return method.invoke( object ); } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) { throw LOG.getUnableToAccessMemberException( method.getName(), e ); } }
Indicates whether the given type represents a collection of elements or not (i.e. whether it is an Iterable, Map or array type).
/** * Indicates whether the given type represents a collection of elements or not (i.e. whether it is an * {@code Iterable}, {@code Map} or array type). */
public static boolean isCollection(Type type) { return isIterable( type ) || isMap( type ) || TypeHelper.isArray( type ); }
Determines the type of the elements of an Iterable, array or the value of a Map.
/** * Determines the type of the elements of an {@code Iterable}, array or the value of a {@code Map}. */
public static Type getCollectionElementType(Type type) { Type indexedType = null; if ( isIterable( type ) && type instanceof ParameterizedType ) { ParameterizedType paramType = (ParameterizedType) type; indexedType = paramType.getActualTypeArguments()[0]; } else if ( isMap( type ) && type instanceof ParameterizedType ) { ParameterizedType paramType = (ParameterizedType) type; indexedType = paramType.getActualTypeArguments()[1]; } else if ( TypeHelper.isArray( type ) ) { indexedType = TypeHelper.getComponentType( type ); } return indexedType; }
Indicates if the type is considered indexable (ie is a List, an array or a Map).

Note that it does not include Sets as they are not indexable.

  • type – the type to inspect.
Returns:Returns true if the type is indexable.
/** * Indicates if the type is considered indexable (ie is a {@code List}, an array or a {@code Map}). * <p> * Note that it does not include {@code Set}s as they are not indexable. * * @param type the type to inspect. * * @return Returns true if the type is indexable. */
public static boolean isIndexable(Type type) { return isList( type ) || isMap( type ) || TypeHelper.isArray( type ); }
Converts the given Type to a Class.
  • type – the type to convert
Returns:the class corresponding to the type
/** * Converts the given {@code Type} to a {@code Class}. * * @param type the type to convert * @return the class corresponding to the type */
public static Class<?> getClassFromType(Type type) { if ( type instanceof Class ) { return (Class<?>) type; } if ( type instanceof ParameterizedType ) { return getClassFromType( ( (ParameterizedType) type ).getRawType() ); } if ( type instanceof GenericArrayType ) { return Object[].class; } throw LOG.getUnableToConvertTypeToClassException( type ); }
  • type – the type to check.
Returns:Returns true if type is a iterable type, false otherwise.
/** * @param type the type to check. * * @return Returns {@code true} if {@code type} is a iterable type, {@code false} otherwise. */
public static boolean isIterable(Type type) { if ( type instanceof Class && Iterable.class.isAssignableFrom( (Class<?>) type ) ) { return true; } if ( type instanceof ParameterizedType ) { return isIterable( ( (ParameterizedType) type ).getRawType() ); } if ( type instanceof WildcardType ) { Type[] upperBounds = ( (WildcardType) type ).getUpperBounds(); return upperBounds.length != 0 && isIterable( upperBounds[0] ); } return false; }
  • type – the type to check.
Returns:Returns true if type is implementing Map, false otherwise.
/** * @param type the type to check. * * @return Returns {@code true} if {@code type} is implementing {@code Map}, {@code false} otherwise. */
public static boolean isMap(Type type) { if ( type instanceof Class && Map.class.isAssignableFrom( (Class<?>) type ) ) { return true; } if ( type instanceof ParameterizedType ) { return isMap( ( (ParameterizedType) type ).getRawType() ); } if ( type instanceof WildcardType ) { Type[] upperBounds = ( (WildcardType) type ).getUpperBounds(); return upperBounds.length != 0 && isMap( upperBounds[0] ); } return false; }
  • type – the type to check.
Returns:Returns true if type is implementing List, false otherwise.
/** * @param type the type to check. * * @return Returns {@code true} if {@code type} is implementing {@code List}, {@code false} otherwise. */
public static boolean isList(Type type) { if ( type instanceof Class && List.class.isAssignableFrom( (Class<?>) type ) ) { return true; } if ( type instanceof ParameterizedType ) { return isList( ( (ParameterizedType) type ).getRawType() ); } if ( type instanceof WildcardType ) { Type[] upperBounds = ( (WildcardType) type ).getUpperBounds(); return upperBounds.length != 0 && isList( upperBounds[0] ); } return false; }
Tries to retrieve the indexed value from the specified object.
  • value – The object from which to retrieve the indexed value. The object has to be non null and either a collection or array.
  • index – The index.
Returns:The indexed value or null if value is null or not a collection or array. null is also returned in case the index does not exist.
/** * Tries to retrieve the indexed value from the specified object. * * @param value The object from which to retrieve the indexed value. The object has to be non {@code null} and * either a collection or array. * @param index The index. * * @return The indexed value or {@code null} if {@code value} is {@code null} or not a collection or array. * {@code null} is also returned in case the index does not exist. */
public static Object getIndexedValue(Object value, int index) { if ( value == null ) { return null; } Iterable<?> iterable; Type type = value.getClass(); if ( isIterable( type ) ) { iterable = ( (Iterable<?>) value ); } else if ( TypeHelper.isArray( type ) ) { iterable = CollectionHelper.iterableFromArray( value ); } else { return null; } int i = 0; for ( Object o : iterable ) { if ( i == index ) { return o; } i++; } return null; }
Tries to retrieve the mapped value from the specified object.
  • value – The object from which to retrieve the mapped value. The object has to be non null and must implement the @{code Map} interface.
  • key – The map key. index.
Returns:The mapped value or null if value is null or not implementing @{code Map}.
/** * Tries to retrieve the mapped value from the specified object. * * @param value The object from which to retrieve the mapped value. The object has to be non {@code null} and * must implement the @{code Map} interface. * @param key The map key. index. * * @return The mapped value or {@code null} if {@code value} is {@code null} or not implementing @{code Map}. */
public static Object getMappedValue(Object value, Object key) { if ( !( value instanceof Map ) ) { return null; } Map<?, ?> map = (Map<?, ?>) value; //noinspection SuspiciousMethodCalls return map.get( key ); }
Returns the auto-boxed type of a primitive type.
  • primitiveType – the primitive type
Returns:the auto-boxed type of a primitive type. In case Void is passed (which is considered as primitive type by Class.isPrimitive()), Void will be returned.
/** * Returns the auto-boxed type of a primitive type. * * @param primitiveType the primitive type * * @return the auto-boxed type of a primitive type. In case {@link Void} is * passed (which is considered as primitive type by * {@link Class#isPrimitive()}), {@link Void} will be returned. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException in case the parameter {@code primitiveType} does not * represent a primitive type. */
private static Class<?> internalBoxedType(Class<?> primitiveType) { Class<?> wrapperType = PRIMITIVE_TO_WRAPPER_TYPES.get( primitiveType ); if ( wrapperType == null ) { throw LOG.getHasToBeAPrimitiveTypeException( primitiveType.getClass() ); } return wrapperType; }
Returns the corresponding auto-boxed type if given a primitive type. Returns the given type itself otherwise.
/** * Returns the corresponding auto-boxed type if given a primitive type. Returns the given type itself otherwise. */
public static Type boxedType(Type type) { if ( type instanceof Class && ( (Class<?>) type ).isPrimitive() ) { return internalBoxedType( (Class<?>) type ); } else { return type; } }
Returns the corresponding auto-boxed type if given a primitive type. Returns the given type itself otherwise.
/** * Returns the corresponding auto-boxed type if given a primitive type. Returns the given type itself otherwise. */
public static Class<?> boxedType(Class<?> type) { if ( type.isPrimitive() ) { return internalBoxedType( (Class<?>) type ); } else { return type; } }
Returns the primitive type for a boxed type.
  • type – the boxed type
Returns:the primitive type for a auto-boxed type. In case Void is passed (which is considered as primitive type by Class.isPrimitive()), Void will be returned.
/** * Returns the primitive type for a boxed type. * * @param type the boxed type * * @return the primitive type for a auto-boxed type. In case {@link Void} is * passed (which is considered as primitive type by * {@link Class#isPrimitive()}), {@link Void} will be returned. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException in case the parameter {@code primitiveType} does not * represent a primitive type. */
public static Class<?> unBoxedType(Class<?> type) { Class<?> wrapperType = WRAPPER_TO_PRIMITIVE_TYPES.get( type ); if ( wrapperType == null ) { throw LOG.getHasToBeABoxedTypeException( type.getClass() ); } return wrapperType; } }