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package org.glassfish.jersey.internal.util;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Collection;

Utility class to print the variety of types, useful in toString method.
Author:John Wells (john.wells at oracle.com)
/** * Utility class to print the variety of types, useful in {@code toString} method. * * @author John Wells (john.wells at oracle.com) */
public class Pretty { private static final String DOT = "."; private static final String NULL_STRING = "null"; private static final String CONSTRUCTOR_NAME = "<init>";
Private constructor to forbid the creation of Pretty instance.
/** * Private constructor to forbid the creation of Pretty instance. */
private Pretty() { }
Makes a nice, pretty class (without the package name).
  • clazz – Make me a pretty class.
Returns:A nice string of the class, with no package.
/** * Makes a nice, pretty class (without the package name). * * @param clazz Make me a pretty class. * @return A nice string of the class, with no package. */
public static String clazz(Class<?> clazz) { if (clazz == null) { return NULL_STRING; } String cn = clazz.getName(); int index = cn.lastIndexOf(DOT); if (index < 0) { return cn; } // If this fails, the class name somehow ends in dot, which should be illegal return cn.substring(index + 1); }
Prints a pretty parameterized type.
  • pType – The parameterized type to print. May not be null.
Returns:A pretty string version of the parameterized type.
/** * Prints a pretty parameterized type. * * @param pType The parameterized type to print. May not be null. * @return A pretty string version of the parameterized type. */
public static String pType(ParameterizedType pType) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(clazz(ReflectionHelper.getRawClass(pType)) + "<"); boolean first = true; for (Type t : pType.getActualTypeArguments()) { if (first) { first = false; sb.append(type(t)); } else { sb.append("," + type(t)); } } sb.append(">"); return sb.toString(); }
Returns a pretty string for the given type.
  • t – A possibly null type.
Returns:A pretty string representing the type.
/** * Returns a pretty string for the given type. * * @param t A possibly null type. * @return A pretty string representing the type. */
public static String type(Type t) { if (t == null) { return NULL_STRING; } if (t instanceof Class) { return clazz((Class<?>) t); } if (t instanceof ParameterizedType) { return pType((ParameterizedType) t); } return t.toString(); }
Make a nice pretty string out of the constructor and all its parameters.
  • constructor – The constructor to make pretty.
Returns:A nice pretty string.
/** * Make a nice pretty string out of the constructor and all its parameters. * * @param constructor The constructor to make pretty. * @return A nice pretty string. */
public static String constructor(Constructor<?> constructor) { if (constructor == null) { return NULL_STRING; } return CONSTRUCTOR_NAME + prettyPrintParameters(constructor.getParameterTypes()); }
Makes a nice pretty string of the method, with the method name and all parameters.
  • method – The method to make pretty.
Returns:A nice pretty string.
/** * Makes a nice pretty string of the method, with the method name and all parameters. * * @param method The method to make pretty. * @return A nice pretty string. */
public static String method(Method method) { if (method == null) { return NULL_STRING; } return method.getName() + prettyPrintParameters(method.getParameterTypes()); }
Returns a pretty string representing a Field.
  • field – The possibly null field.
Returns:A pretty string representing the field.
/** * Returns a pretty string representing a Field. * * @param field The possibly null field. * @return A pretty string representing the field. */
public static String field(Field field) { if (field == null) { return NULL_STRING; } Type t = field.getGenericType(); String baseString; if (t instanceof Class) { baseString = clazz((Class<?>) t); } else { baseString = type(t); } return "field(" + baseString + " " + field.getName() + " in " + field.getDeclaringClass().getName() + ")"; }
Returns a pretty string for the given array.
  • array – The possibly null array to represent.
Returns:A pretty string representation of the array.
/** * Returns a pretty string for the given array. * * @param array The possibly null array to represent. * @return A pretty string representation of the array. */
public static String array(Object[] array) { if (array == null) { return NULL_STRING; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("{"); boolean first = true; for (Object item : array) { if (item != null && (item instanceof Class)) { item = Pretty.clazz((Class<?>) item); } if (first) { first = false; sb.append((item == null) ? "null" : item.toString()); } else { sb.append("," + ((item == null) ? "null" : item.toString())); } } sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); }
Returns a pretty string representing the collection.
  • collection – A possibly null collection to represent.
Returns:A pretty string representing the collection.
/** * Returns a pretty string representing the collection. * * @param collection A possibly null collection to represent. * @return A pretty string representing the collection. */
public static String collection(Collection<?> collection) { if (collection == null) { return NULL_STRING; } return array(collection.toArray(new Object[collection.size()])); } private static String prettyPrintParameters(Class<?> params[]) { if (params == null) { return NULL_STRING; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("("); boolean first = true; for (Class<?> param : params) { if (first) { sb.append(clazz(param)); first = false; } else { sb.append("," + clazz(param)); } } sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } }