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package org.glassfish.grizzly.attributes;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.glassfish.grizzly.utils.NullaryFunction;

A non thread-safe AttributeHolder implementation.
Author:Alexey Stashok
/** * A non thread-safe {@link AttributeHolder} implementation. * * @author Alexey Stashok */
final class UnsafeAttributeHolder implements AttributeHolder { // the associated AttributeBuilder final DefaultAttributeBuilder attributeBuilder; // the associated IndexedAttributeAccessorImpl final IndexedAttributeAccessorImpl indexedAttributeAccessor; // list of "optimistic" holders to be used before going to a slower Map storage private final Holder h1 = new Holder(); private final Holder h2 = new Holder(); private final Holder h3 = new Holder(); private final Holder h4 = new Holder(); // the Map storage private Map<Integer, Object> valueMap; // true, if at least one element has been set private boolean isSet; UnsafeAttributeHolder(final DefaultAttributeBuilder attributeBuilder) { this.attributeBuilder = attributeBuilder; indexedAttributeAccessor = new IndexedAttributeAccessorImpl(); } @Override public Object getAttribute(final String name) { return getAttribute(name, null); } @Override public Object getAttribute(final String name, final NullaryFunction initializer) { if (!isSet && initializer == null) { return null; } final Attribute attribute = attributeBuilder.getAttributeByName(name); if (attribute != null) { return indexedAttributeAccessor.getAttribute(attribute, initializer); } return initializer != null ? initializer.evaluate() : null; } @Override public void setAttribute(final String name, final Object value) { Attribute attribute = attributeBuilder.getAttributeByName(name); if (attribute == null) { attribute = attributeBuilder.createAttribute(name); } indexedAttributeAccessor.setAttribute(attribute, value); } @Override public Object removeAttribute(final String name) { if (!isSet) { return null; } final Attribute attribute = attributeBuilder.getAttributeByName(name); if (attribute != null) { return indexedAttributeAccessor.removeAttribute(attribute); } return null; } @Override public Set<String> getAttributeNames() { if (!isSet) { return null; } final Set<String> tmpSet = new HashSet<>(4); if (h1.isSet && h1.value != null) { tmpSet.add(attributeBuilder.getAttributeByIndex(h1.idx).name()); } if (h2.isSet && h2.value != null) { tmpSet.add(attributeBuilder.getAttributeByIndex(h2.idx).name()); } if (h3.isSet && h3.value != null) { tmpSet.add(attributeBuilder.getAttributeByIndex(h3.idx).name()); } if (h4.isSet && h4.value != null) { tmpSet.add(attributeBuilder.getAttributeByIndex(h4.idx).name()); } if (valueMap != null) { for (Integer idx : valueMap.keySet()) { tmpSet.add(attributeBuilder.getAttributeByIndex(idx).name()); } } return tmpSet; } @Override public void clear() { if (!isSet) { return; } isSet = false; h1.clear(); h2.clear(); h3.clear(); h4.clear(); valueMap = null; } @Override public void recycle() { clear(); } @Override public AttributeBuilder getAttributeBuilder() { return attributeBuilder; } @Override public IndexedAttributeAccessor getIndexedAttributeAccessor() { return indexedAttributeAccessor; } @Override public void copyFrom(final AttributeHolder srcAttributes) { if (srcAttributes == null) { throw new NullPointerException("srcAttributes can't be null"); } if (srcAttributes instanceof UnsafeAttributeHolder) { // optimistic case final UnsafeAttributeHolder srcUnsafe = (UnsafeAttributeHolder) srcAttributes; if (!srcUnsafe.isSet) { clear(); return; } isSet = true; h1.copyFrom(srcUnsafe.h1); h2.copyFrom(srcUnsafe.h2); h3.copyFrom(srcUnsafe.h3); h4.copyFrom(srcUnsafe.h4); if (valueMap != null || srcUnsafe.valueMap != null) { MapperAccessor.copy(srcUnsafe, this); } } else { // pessimistic case (slow) clear(); final Set<String> names = srcAttributes.getAttributeNames(); for (String name : names) { setAttribute(name, srcAttributes.getAttribute(name)); } } } @Override public void copyTo(final AttributeHolder dstAttributes) { if (dstAttributes == null) { throw new NullPointerException("dstAttributes can't be null"); } if (!isSet) { dstAttributes.clear(); return; } if (dstAttributes instanceof UnsafeAttributeHolder) { // optimistic case final UnsafeAttributeHolder dstUnsafe = (UnsafeAttributeHolder) dstAttributes; dstUnsafe.isSet = true; dstUnsafe.h1.copyFrom(h1); dstUnsafe.h2.copyFrom(h2); dstUnsafe.h3.copyFrom(h3); dstUnsafe.h4.copyFrom(h4); if (valueMap != null || dstUnsafe.valueMap != null) { MapperAccessor.copy(this, dstUnsafe); } } else { // pessimistic case (slow) dstAttributes.clear(); final Set<String> names = getAttributeNames(); for (String name : names) { dstAttributes.setAttribute(name, getAttribute(name)); } } }
IndexedAttributeAccessor implementation.
/** * {@link IndexedAttributeAccessor} implementation. */
protected final class IndexedAttributeAccessorImpl implements IndexedAttributeAccessor { @Override public Object getAttribute(final int index) { return getAttribute(index, null); } @Override public Object getAttribute(final int index, final NullaryFunction initializer) { if (!isSet && initializer == null) { return null; } return getAttribute(attributeBuilder.getAttributeByIndex(index), initializer); } @Override public void setAttribute(final int index, final Object value) { setAttribute(attributeBuilder.getAttributeByIndex(index), value); } @Override public Object removeAttribute(final int index) { return removeAttribute(attributeBuilder.getAttributeByIndex(index)); } private Object getAttribute(final Attribute attribute, final NullaryFunction initializer) { final int idx = attribute.index(); final Holder h = holderByIdx(idx); if (h != null) { if (h.value == null && initializer != null) { h.value = initializer.evaluate(); } return h.value; } Object value = valueMap != null ? MapperAccessor.getValue(UnsafeAttributeHolder.this, idx) : null; if (value == null && initializer != null) { value = initializer.evaluate(); setAttribute(attribute, value); } return value; } private Object setAttribute(final Attribute attribute, final Object value) { if (!isSet) { if (value != null) { // optimized first value set isSet = true; h1.set(attribute.index(), value); } return null; } isSet = true; final int idx = attribute.index(); Holder h = holderByIdx(idx); if (h != null) { return h.set(idx, value); } if (valueMap != null && // we could use valueMap.contains(idx), but weak comparison is even better. // strong equals comparison will be executed inside MapperAccessor.setValue valueMap.get(idx) != value) { // we go here only if we're sure the element is already in the map // and we need to update it return MapperAccessor.setValue(UnsafeAttributeHolder.this, idx, value); } // if the value is null - it means we supposed to remove the attribute. // but it wasn't found - so we can return if (value == null) { return null; } // Now we know there is no old value associated with the attribute // so we can find an empty holder to store the value h = emptyHolder(); if (h != null) { h.set(idx, value); return null; } // there's no empty holder // check if there's a holder caching null value h = nullHolder(); if (h != null) { // if yes - override it h.set(idx, value); return null; } // and finally if there's no other way around - just store the // value in the map return MapperAccessor.setValue(UnsafeAttributeHolder.this, idx, value); } private Object removeAttribute(final Attribute attribute) { return setAttribute(attribute, null); } private Holder holderByIdx(final int idx) { if (h1.is(idx)) { return h1; } if (h2.is(idx)) { return h2; } if (h3.is(idx)) { return h3; } if (h4.is(idx)) { return h4; } return null; } private Holder emptyHolder() { if (!h1.isSet) { return h1; } if (!h2.isSet) { return h2; } if (!h3.isSet) { return h3; } if (!h4.isSet) { return h4; } return null; } // we call this method, when we're sure all the holders are set private Holder nullHolder() { if (h1.value == null) { return h1; } if (h2.value == null) { return h2; } if (h3.value == null) { return h3; } if (h4.value == null) { return h4; } return null; } } private static final class Holder { int idx; Object value; boolean isSet; Object set(final int idx, final Object value) { final Object oldValue = this.value; this.idx = idx; this.value = value; isSet = true; return oldValue; } void clear() { if (isSet) { idx = -1; value = null; isSet = false; } } private boolean is(final int idx) { return isSet && this.idx == idx; } private void copyFrom(final Holder src) { isSet = src.isSet; idx = src.idx; value = src.value; } } private static final class MapperAccessor { private static Object getValue(final UnsafeAttributeHolder holder, final Integer idx) { return holder.valueMap.get(idx); } private static Object setValue(final UnsafeAttributeHolder holder, final Integer idx, final Object value) { if (value == null) { if (holder.valueMap != null) { return holder.valueMap.remove(idx); } return null; } if (holder.valueMap == null) { holder.valueMap = new HashMap<>(4); } return holder.valueMap.put(idx, value); } private static void copy(final UnsafeAttributeHolder src, final UnsafeAttributeHolder dst) { if (src.valueMap != null) { if (dst.valueMap == null) { dst.valueMap = new HashMap<>(src.valueMap.size()); } else { dst.valueMap.clear(); } dst.valueMap.putAll(src.valueMap); } else { dst.valueMap = null; } } } }