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package org.glassfish.grizzly.attributes;

import org.glassfish.grizzly.utils.NullaryFunction;

Class used to define dynamic typed attributes on AttributeHolder instances. Storing attribute values in AttributeHolder has two advantage comparing to Map storage: 1) Attribute value is typed, and could be checked at compile time. 2) Access to Attribute value, if used with IndexedAttributeHolder, could be as fast as access to array.
Type parameters:
  • <T> –
/** * Class used to define dynamic typed attributes on {@link AttributeHolder} instances. Storing attribute values in * {@link AttributeHolder} has two advantage comparing to Map storage: 1) <tt>Attribute</tt> value is typed, and could * be checked at compile time. 2) Access to <tt>Attribute</tt> value, if used with {@link IndexedAttributeHolder}, could * be as fast as access to array. * * @param <T> */
public final class Attribute<T> {
AttributeBuilder, which was used to create this attribute
/** * AttributeBuilder, which was used to create this attribute */
private final AttributeBuilder builder;
Attribute name
/** * Attribute name */
private final String name;
Attribute initializer, which will be called, if attribute is not set.
/** * Attribute initializer, which will be called, if attribute is not set. */
private final NullaryFunction<T> initializer;
Attribute index in AttributeBuilder
/** * Attribute index in AttributeBuilder */
private final int attributeIndex; @Override public String toString() { return "Attribute[" + name + ':' + attributeIndex + ']'; } protected Attribute(final AttributeBuilder builder, final String name, final int index, final T defaultValue) { this(builder, name, index, new NullaryFunction<T>() { @Override public T evaluate() { return defaultValue; } }); } protected Attribute(final AttributeBuilder builder, final String name, final int index, final NullaryFunction<T> initializer) { this.builder = builder; this.name = name; this.attributeIndex = index; this.initializer = initializer; }
Get attribute value, stored on the AttributeHolder, the difference from get(AttributeHolder) is that default value or NullaryFunction won't be invoked.
Returns:attribute value
/** * Get attribute value, stored on the {@link AttributeHolder}, the difference from * {@link #get(org.glassfish.grizzly.attributes.AttributeHolder)} is that default value or {@link NullaryFunction} won't * be invoked. * * @param attributeHolder {@link AttributeHolder}. * @return attribute value */
public T peek(final AttributeHolder attributeHolder) { return get0(attributeHolder, null); }
Get attribute value, stored on the AttributeStorage, the difference from get(AttributeStorage) is that default value or NullaryFunction won't be invoked.
Returns:attribute value
/** * Get attribute value, stored on the {@link AttributeStorage}, the difference from {@link #get(AttributeStorage)} is * that default value or {@link NullaryFunction} won't be invoked. * * @param storage {@link AttributeStorage}. * @return attribute value */
public T peek(final AttributeStorage storage) { final AttributeHolder holder = storage.getAttributes(); if (holder != null) { return peek(holder); } return null; }
Get attribute value, stored on the AttributeHolder.
Returns:attribute value
/** * Get attribute value, stored on the {@link AttributeHolder}. * * @param attributeHolder {@link AttributeHolder}. * @return attribute value */
public T get(final AttributeHolder attributeHolder) { return get0(attributeHolder, initializer); }
Get attribute value, stored on the AttributeStorage.
Returns:attribute value
/** * Get attribute value, stored on the {@link AttributeStorage}. * * @param storage {@link AttributeStorage}. * @return attribute value */
public T get(final AttributeStorage storage) { return get(storage.getAttributes()); }
Set attribute value, stored on the AttributeHolder.
/** * Set attribute value, stored on the {@link AttributeHolder}. * * @param attributeHolder {@link AttributeHolder}. * @param value attribute value to set. */
public void set(final AttributeHolder attributeHolder, final T value) { final IndexedAttributeAccessor indexedAccessor = attributeHolder.getIndexedAttributeAccessor(); if (indexedAccessor != null) { indexedAccessor.setAttribute(attributeIndex, value); } else { attributeHolder.setAttribute(name, value); } }
Set attribute value, stored on the AttributeStorage.
/** * Set attribute value, stored on the {@link AttributeStorage}. * * @param storage {@link AttributeStorage}. * @param value attribute value to set. */
public void set(final AttributeStorage storage, final T value) { set(storage.getAttributes(), value); }
Remove attribute value, stored on the AttributeHolder.
Returns:the previous value associated with the attribute
/** * Remove attribute value, stored on the {@link AttributeHolder}. * * @param attributeHolder {@link AttributeHolder}. * @return the previous value associated with the attribute */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T remove(final AttributeHolder attributeHolder) { final IndexedAttributeAccessor indexedAccessor = attributeHolder.getIndexedAttributeAccessor(); return indexedAccessor != null ? (T) indexedAccessor.removeAttribute(attributeIndex) : (T) attributeHolder.removeAttribute(name); }
Remove attribute value, stored on the AttributeStorage.
/** * Remove attribute value, stored on the {@link AttributeStorage}. * * @param storage {@link AttributeStorage}. */
public T remove(final AttributeStorage storage) { final AttributeHolder holder = storage.getAttributes(); if (holder != null) { return remove(holder); } return null; }
Checks if this attribute is set on the AttributeHolder. Returns true, if attribute is set, of false otherwise.
Returns:true, if attribute is set, of false otherwise.
/** * Checks if this attribute is set on the {@link AttributeHolder}. Returns <tt>true</tt>, if attribute is set, of * <tt>false</tt> otherwise. * * @param attributeHolder {@link AttributeHolder}. * * @return <tt>true</tt>, if attribute is set, of <tt>false</tt> otherwise. */
public boolean isSet(final AttributeHolder attributeHolder) { return get0(attributeHolder, null) != null; }
Checks if this attribute is set on the AttributeStorage. Returns true, if attribute is set, of false otherwise.
Returns:true, if attribute is set, of false otherwise.
/** * Checks if this attribute is set on the {@link AttributeStorage}. Returns <tt>true</tt>, if attribute is set, of * <tt>false</tt> otherwise. * * @param storage {@link AttributeStorage}. * * @return <tt>true</tt>, if attribute is set, of <tt>false</tt> otherwise. */
public boolean isSet(final AttributeStorage storage) { final AttributeHolder holder = storage.getAttributes(); return holder != null && isSet(holder); }
Return attribute name, which is used as attribute key on non-indexed AttributeHolders.
Returns:attribute name.
/** * Return attribute name, which is used as attribute key on non-indexed {@link AttributeHolder}s. * * @return attribute name. */
public String name() { return name; }
Return attribute name, which is used as attribute key on indexed AttributeHolders.
Returns:attribute indexed.
/** * Return attribute name, which is used as attribute key on indexed {@link AttributeHolder}s. * * @return attribute indexed. */
public int index() { return attributeIndex; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private T get0(final AttributeHolder attributeHolder, final NullaryFunction<T> initializer) { final IndexedAttributeAccessor indexedAccessor = attributeHolder.getIndexedAttributeAccessor(); return indexedAccessor != null ? (T) indexedAccessor.getAttribute(attributeIndex, initializer) : (T) attributeHolder.getAttribute(name, initializer); } }