 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
 * This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
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package org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl;

import static org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLUtils.isHandshaking;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Filter;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.net.ssl.SSLEngine;

import org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.CloseType;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Closeable;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.CompletionHandler;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Connection;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.FileTransfer;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.GenericCloseListener;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Grizzly;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.PendingWriteQueueLimitExceededException;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.attributes.Attribute;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.FilterChainContext;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.FilterChainContext.Operation;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.NextAction;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.utils.Exceptions;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.utils.JdkVersion;

SSL Filter to operate with SSL encrypted data.
Author:Alexey Stashok
/** * SSL {@link Filter} to operate with SSL encrypted data. * * @author Alexey Stashok */
public class SSLFilter extends SSLBaseFilter { private static final Logger LOGGER = Grizzly.logger(SSLFilter.class); private static final boolean IS_JDK7_OR_HIGHER = JdkVersion.getJdkVersion().compareTo("1.7.0") >= 0; private final Attribute<SSLHandshakeContext> handshakeContextAttr; private final SSLEngineConfigurator clientSSLEngineConfigurator; private final ConnectionCloseListener closeListener = new ConnectionCloseListener(); // Max bytes SSLFilter may enqueue protected volatile int maxPendingBytes = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // ------------------------------------------------------------ Constructors public SSLFilter() { this(null, null); }
Build SSLFilter with the given SSLEngineConfigurator.
  • serverSSLEngineConfigurator – SSLEngine configurator for server side connections
  • clientSSLEngineConfigurator – SSLEngine configurator for client side connections
/** * Build <tt>SSLFilter</tt> with the given {@link SSLEngineConfigurator}. * * @param serverSSLEngineConfigurator SSLEngine configurator for server side connections * @param clientSSLEngineConfigurator SSLEngine configurator for client side connections */
public SSLFilter(SSLEngineConfigurator serverSSLEngineConfigurator, SSLEngineConfigurator clientSSLEngineConfigurator) { this(serverSSLEngineConfigurator, clientSSLEngineConfigurator, true); }
Build SSLFilter with the given SSLEngineConfigurator.
  • serverSSLEngineConfigurator – SSLEngine configurator for server side connections
  • clientSSLEngineConfigurator – SSLEngine configurator for client side connections
  • renegotiateOnClientAuthWant – true, if SSLBaseFilter has to force client authentication during re-handshake, in case the client didn't send its credentials during the initial handshake in response to "wantClientAuth" flag. In this case "needClientAuth" flag will be raised and re-handshake will be initiated
/** * Build <tt>SSLFilter</tt> with the given {@link SSLEngineConfigurator}. * * @param serverSSLEngineConfigurator SSLEngine configurator for server side connections * @param clientSSLEngineConfigurator SSLEngine configurator for client side connections * @param renegotiateOnClientAuthWant <tt>true</tt>, if SSLBaseFilter has to force client authentication during * re-handshake, in case the client didn't send its credentials during the initial handshake in response to * "wantClientAuth" flag. In this case "needClientAuth" flag will be raised and re-handshake will be initiated */
public SSLFilter(SSLEngineConfigurator serverSSLEngineConfigurator, SSLEngineConfigurator clientSSLEngineConfigurator, boolean renegotiateOnClientAuthWant) { super(serverSSLEngineConfigurator, renegotiateOnClientAuthWant); if (clientSSLEngineConfigurator == null) { this.clientSSLEngineConfigurator = new SSLEngineConfigurator(SSLContextConfigurator.DEFAULT_CONFIG.createSSLContext(true), true, false, false); } else { this.clientSSLEngineConfigurator = clientSSLEngineConfigurator; } handshakeContextAttr = Grizzly.DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_BUILDER.createAttribute("SSLFilter-SSLHandshakeContextAttr"); }
Returns:SSLEngineConfigurator used by the filter to create new SSLEngine for client-side Connections
/** * @return {@link SSLEngineConfigurator} used by the filter to create new {@link SSLEngine} for client-side * {@link Connection}s */
public SSLEngineConfigurator getClientSSLEngineConfigurator() { return clientSSLEngineConfigurator; } // ----------------------------------------------------- Methods from Filter @Override public NextAction handleWrite(final FilterChainContext ctx) throws IOException { final Connection connection = ctx.getConnection(); if (ctx.getMessage() instanceof FileTransfer) { throw new IllegalStateException("TLS operations not supported with SendFile messages"); } // noinspection SynchronizationOnLocalVariableOrMethodParameter synchronized (connection) { final SSLConnectionContext sslCtx = obtainSslConnectionContext(connection); final SSLEngine sslEngine = sslCtx.getSslEngine(); if (sslEngine != null && !isHandshaking(sslEngine)) { return sslCtx.isServerMode() ? super.handleWrite(ctx) : accurateWrite(ctx, true); } else { if (sslEngine == null || !handshakeContextAttr.isSet(connection)) { handshake(connection, null, null, clientSSLEngineConfigurator, ctx, false); } return accurateWrite(ctx, false); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods
Returns:the maximum number of bytes that may be queued to be written to a particular Connection. This value is related to the situation when we try to send application data before SSL handshake completes, so the data should be stored and sent on wire once handshake will be completed.
/** * @return the maximum number of bytes that may be queued to be written to a particular {@link Connection}. This value * is related to the situation when we try to send application data before SSL handshake completes, so the data should * be stored and sent on wire once handshake will be completed. */
public int getMaxPendingBytesPerConnection() { return maxPendingBytes; }
Configures the maximum number of bytes that may be queued to be written for a particular Connection. This value is related to the situation when we try to send application data before SSL handshake completes, so the data should be stored and sent on wire once handshake will be completed.
  • maxPendingBytes – maximum number of bytes that may be queued to be written for a particular Connection
/** * Configures the maximum number of bytes that may be queued to be written for a particular {@link Connection}. This * value is related to the situation when we try to send application data before SSL handshake completes, so the data * should be stored and sent on wire once handshake will be completed. * * @param maxPendingBytes maximum number of bytes that may be queued to be written for a particular {@link Connection} */
public void setMaxPendingBytesPerConnection(final int maxPendingBytes) { this.maxPendingBytes = maxPendingBytes; } public void handshake(final Connection connection, final CompletionHandler<SSLEngine> completionHandler) throws IOException { handshake(connection, completionHandler, null, clientSSLEngineConfigurator); } public void handshake(final Connection connection, final CompletionHandler<SSLEngine> completionHandler, final Object dstAddress) throws IOException { handshake(connection, completionHandler, dstAddress, clientSSLEngineConfigurator); } public void handshake(final Connection connection, final CompletionHandler<SSLEngine> completionHandler, final Object dstAddress, final SSLEngineConfigurator sslEngineConfigurator) throws IOException { handshake(connection, completionHandler, dstAddress, sslEngineConfigurator, createContext(connection, Operation.WRITE), true); } protected void handshake(final Connection<?> connection, final CompletionHandler<SSLEngine> completionHandler, final Object dstAddress, final SSLEngineConfigurator sslEngineConfigurator, final FilterChainContext context, final boolean forceBeginHandshake) throws IOException { final SSLConnectionContext sslCtx = obtainSslConnectionContext(connection); SSLEngine sslEngine = sslCtx.getSslEngine(); if (sslEngine == null) { sslEngine = createClientSSLEngine(sslCtx, sslEngineConfigurator); sslCtx.configure(sslEngine); } else if (!isHandshaking(sslEngine)) { // if handshake haven't been started sslEngineConfigurator.configure(sslEngine); } notifyHandshakeStart(connection); // if the session is still valid - we're most probably // tearing down the SSL connection and we can't do beginHandshake(), // because it will throw an exception if (forceBeginHandshake || !sslEngine.getSession().isValid()) { sslEngine.beginHandshake(); } handshakeContextAttr.set(connection, new SSLHandshakeContext(connection, completionHandler)); connection.addCloseListener(closeListener); // noinspection SynchronizationOnLocalVariableOrMethodParameter synchronized (connection) { final Buffer buffer = doHandshakeStep(sslCtx, context, null); assert buffer == null; } } // --------------------------------------------------------- Private Methods
Has to be called in synchronized(connection) {...} block.
/** * Has to be called in synchronized(connection) {...} block. */
private NextAction accurateWrite(final FilterChainContext ctx, final boolean isHandshakeComplete) throws IOException { final Connection connection = ctx.getConnection(); SSLHandshakeContext handshakeContext = handshakeContextAttr.get(connection); if (isHandshakeComplete && handshakeContext == null) { return super.handleWrite(ctx); } else { if (handshakeContext == null) { handshakeContext = new SSLHandshakeContext(connection, null); handshakeContextAttr.set(connection, handshakeContext); } if (!handshakeContext.add(ctx)) { return super.handleWrite(ctx); } } return ctx.getSuspendAction(); } @Override protected void notifyHandshakeComplete(final Connection<?> connection, final SSLEngine sslEngine) { final SSLHandshakeContext handshakeContext = handshakeContextAttr.get(connection); if (handshakeContext != null) { connection.removeCloseListener(closeListener); handshakeContext.completed(sslEngine); handshakeContextAttr.remove(connection); } super.notifyHandshakeComplete(connection, sslEngine); } @Override protected void notifyHandshakeFailed(Connection connection, Throwable t) { final SSLHandshakeContext handshakeContext = handshakeContextAttr.get(connection); if (handshakeContext != null) { connection.removeCloseListener(closeListener); handshakeContext.failed(t); } super.notifyHandshakeFailed(connection, t); } @Override protected Buffer doHandshakeStep(final SSLConnectionContext sslCtx, final FilterChainContext ctx, final Buffer inputBuffer, final Buffer tmpAppBuffer0) throws IOException { try { return super.doHandshakeStep(sslCtx, ctx, inputBuffer, tmpAppBuffer0); } catch (IOException ioe) { SSLHandshakeContext context = handshakeContextAttr.get(ctx.getConnection()); if (context != null) { context.failed(ioe); } throw ioe; } } protected SSLEngine createClientSSLEngine(final SSLConnectionContext sslCtx, final SSLEngineConfigurator sslEngineConfigurator) { return IS_JDK7_OR_HIGHER ? sslEngineConfigurator.createSSLEngine(HostNameResolver.getPeerHostName(sslCtx.getConnection()), -1) : sslEngineConfigurator.createSSLEngine(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------- Inner Classes private final class SSLHandshakeContext { private CompletionHandler<SSLEngine> completionHandler; private final Connection connection; private List<FilterChainContext> pendingWriteContexts; private int sizeInBytes = 0; private Throwable error; private boolean isComplete; public SSLHandshakeContext(final Connection connection, final CompletionHandler<SSLEngine> completionHandler) { this.connection = connection; this.completionHandler = completionHandler; }
Has to be called in synchronized(connection) {...} scope.
/** * Has to be called in synchronized(connection) {...} scope. */
public boolean add(FilterChainContext context) throws IOException { if (error != null) { throw Exceptions.makeIOException(error); } if (isComplete) { return false; } final Buffer buffer = context.getMessage(); final int newSize = sizeInBytes + buffer.remaining(); if (newSize > maxPendingBytes) { throw new PendingWriteQueueLimitExceededException("Max queued data limit exceeded: " + newSize + '>' + maxPendingBytes); } sizeInBytes = newSize; if (pendingWriteContexts == null) { pendingWriteContexts = new LinkedList<>(); } pendingWriteContexts.add(context); return true; } public void completed(final SSLEngine engine) { try { synchronized (connection) { isComplete = true; final CompletionHandler<SSLEngine> completionHandlerLocal = completionHandler; completionHandler = null; if (completionHandlerLocal != null) { completionHandlerLocal.completed(engine); } resumePendingWrites(); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Unexpected SSLHandshakeContext.completed() error", e); failed(e); } } public void failed(final Throwable throwable) { synchronized (connection) { if (error != null) { return; } error = throwable; final CompletionHandler<SSLEngine> completionHandlerLocal = completionHandler; completionHandler = null; if (completionHandlerLocal != null) { completionHandlerLocal.failed(throwable); } connection.closeWithReason(Exceptions.makeIOException(throwable)); // pending writes will fail resumePendingWrites(); } } private void resumePendingWrites() { final List<FilterChainContext> pendingWriteContextsLocal = pendingWriteContexts; pendingWriteContexts = null; if (pendingWriteContextsLocal != null) { for (FilterChainContext ctx : pendingWriteContextsLocal) { try { ctx.resume(); } catch (Exception e) { } } pendingWriteContextsLocal.clear(); sizeInBytes = 0; } } }
Close listener, which is used to notify handshake completion handler about failure, if Connection will be unexpectedly closed.
/** * Close listener, which is used to notify handshake completion handler about failure, if <tt>Connection</tt> will be * unexpectedly closed. */
private final class ConnectionCloseListener implements GenericCloseListener { @Override public void onClosed(final Closeable closeable, final CloseType type) throws IOException { final Connection connection = (Connection) closeable; final SSLHandshakeContext handshakeContext = handshakeContextAttr.get(connection); if (handshakeContext != null) { handshakeContext.failed(new java.io.EOFException()); handshakeContextAttr.remove(connection); } } }
The static class is used as JDK 1.7+ guard and shouldn't be initialized by JDK 1.6.x at runtime, because one of the methods is only available since 1.7.
/** * The static class is used as JDK 1.7+ guard and shouldn't be initialized by JDK 1.6.x at runtime, because one of the * methods is only available since 1.7. */
private static class HostNameResolver { public static String getPeerHostName(final Connection<?> connection) { // try to get the peer's host name we try to connect to final Object addr = connection.getPeerAddress(); return addr instanceof InetSocketAddress ? ((InetSocketAddress) addr).getHostString() : // supported in 1.7+ null; } } }