 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
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package org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

import javax.net.ssl.SSLEngine;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLEngineResult;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLException;

import org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Connection;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Grizzly;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.ThreadCache;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.ThreadCache.CachedTypeIndex;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.attributes.Attribute;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.FilterChainContext;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.memory.Buffers;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.memory.ByteBufferWrapper;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.memory.CompositeBuffer;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.memory.MemoryManager;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLConnectionContext.Allocator;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLConnectionContext.SslResult;

Utility class, which implements the set of useful SSL related operations.
Author:Alexey Stashok
/** * Utility class, which implements the set of useful SSL related operations. * * @author Alexey Stashok */
public final class SSLUtils {
Workaround for Android 5 (GRIZZLY-1783)
/** * Workaround for Android 5 (GRIZZLY-1783) */
private static final boolean ANDROID_WORKAROUND_NEEDED; private static final int LOLLIPOP_VER = 21; static { boolean isNeedWorkAround = false; if ("android runtime".equalsIgnoreCase(System.getProperty("java.runtime.name"))) { try { // try to figure out the version via reflection final int version = Class.forName("android.os.Build$VERSION").getField("SDK_INT").getInt(null); isNeedWorkAround = version >= LOLLIPOP_VER; } catch (Throwable ignored) { } } ANDROID_WORKAROUND_NEEDED = isNeedWorkAround; } private static final String SSL_CONNECTION_CTX_ATTR_NAME = SSLUtils.class + ".ssl-connection-context"; static final Attribute<SSLConnectionContext> SSL_CTX_ATTR = Grizzly.DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_BUILDER.createAttribute(SSL_CONNECTION_CTX_ATTR_NAME); private static final Allocator HS_UNWRAP_ALLOCATOR = new Allocator() { @Override public Buffer grow(final SSLConnectionContext sslCtx, final Buffer oldBuffer, final int newSize) { // if (oldBuffer != null) { // oldBuffer.dispose(); // } return allocateOutputBuffer(newSize); } }; private static final Allocator HS_WRAP_ALLOCATOR = new Allocator() { @Override public Buffer grow(final SSLConnectionContext sslCtx, final Buffer oldBuffer, final int newSize) { return allocateOutputBuffer(newSize); } }; private static final byte CHANGE_CIPHER_SPECT_CONTENT_TYPE = 20; private static final byte APPLICATION_DATA_CONTENT_TYPE = 23; private static final int SSLV3_RECORD_HEADER_SIZE = 5; // SSLv3 record header private static final int SSL20_HELLO_VERSION = 0x0002; private static final int MIN_VERSION = 0x0300; private static final int MAX_MAJOR_VERSION = 0x03; public static SSLConnectionContext getSslConnectionContext(final Connection connection) { return SSL_CTX_ATTR.get(connection); } public static SSLEngine getSSLEngine(final Connection connection) { final SSLConnectionContext sslCtx = getSslConnectionContext(connection); return sslCtx == null ? null : sslCtx.getSslEngine(); } public static void setSSLEngine(final Connection connection, final SSLEngine sslEngine) { SSLConnectionContext ctx = getSslConnectionContext(connection); if (ctx == null) { // set first time outside of standard SSLFilter ctx = new SSLConnectionContext(connection); SSL_CTX_ATTR.set(connection, ctx); } ctx.configure(sslEngine); } /* * Check if there is enough inbound data in the ByteBuffer to make a inbound packet. Look for both SSLv2 and SSLv3. * * @return -1 if there are not enough bytes to tell (small header), */ @SuppressWarnings("UnnecessaryLocalVariable") public static int getSSLPacketSize(final Buffer buf) throws SSLException { /* * SSLv2 length field is in bytes 0/1 SSLv3/TLS length field is in bytes 3/4 */ if (buf.remaining() < 5) { return -1; } final byte byte0; final byte byte1; final byte byte2; final byte byte3; final byte byte4; if (buf.hasArray()) { final byte[] array = buf.array(); int pos = buf.arrayOffset() + buf.position(); byte0 = array[pos++]; byte1 = array[pos++]; byte2 = array[pos++]; byte3 = array[pos++]; byte4 = array[pos]; } else { int pos = buf.position(); byte0 = buf.get(pos++); byte1 = buf.get(pos++); byte2 = buf.get(pos++); byte3 = buf.get(pos++); byte4 = buf.get(pos); } int len; /* * If we have already verified previous packets, we can ignore the verifications steps, and jump right to the * determination. Otherwise, try one last hueristic to see if it's SSL/TLS. */ if (byte0 >= CHANGE_CIPHER_SPECT_CONTENT_TYPE && byte0 <= APPLICATION_DATA_CONTENT_TYPE) { /* * Last sanity check that it's not a wild record */ final byte major = byte1; final byte minor = byte2; final int v = major << 8 | minor & 0xff; // Check if too old (currently not possible) // or if the major version does not match. // The actual version negotiation is in the handshaker classes if (v < MIN_VERSION || major > MAX_MAJOR_VERSION) { throw new SSLException("Unsupported record version major=" + major + " minor=" + minor); } /* * One of the SSLv3/TLS message types. */ len = ((byte3 & 0xff) << 8) + (byte4 & 0xff) + SSLV3_RECORD_HEADER_SIZE; } else { /* * Must be SSLv2 or something unknown. Check if it's short (2 bytes) or long (3) header. * * Internals can warn about unsupported SSLv2 */ boolean isShort = (byte0 & 0x80) != 0; if (isShort && (byte2 == 1 || byte2 == 4)) { final byte major = byte3; final byte minor = byte4; final int v = major << 8 | minor & 0xff; // Check if too old (currently not possible) // or if the major version does not match. // The actual version negotiation is in the handshaker classes if (v < MIN_VERSION || major > MAX_MAJOR_VERSION) { // if it's not SSLv2, we're out of here. if (v != SSL20_HELLO_VERSION) { throw new SSLException("Unsupported record version major=" + major + " minor=" + minor); } } /* * Client or Server Hello */ int mask = 0x7f; len = ((byte0 & mask) << 8) + (byte1 & 0xff) + 2; } else { // Gobblygook! throw new SSLException("Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?"); } } return len; }
Complete handshakes operations.
  • sslEngine – The SSLEngine used to manage the SSL operations.
/** * Complete handshakes operations. * * @param sslEngine The SSLEngine used to manage the SSL operations. */
public static void executeDelegatedTask(final SSLEngine sslEngine) { Runnable runnable; while ((runnable = sslEngine.getDelegatedTask()) != null) { runnable.run(); } } public static boolean isHandshaking(final SSLEngine sslEngine) { final HandshakeStatus handshakeStatus = sslEngine.getHandshakeStatus(); return !(handshakeStatus == HandshakeStatus.FINISHED || handshakeStatus == HandshakeStatus.NOT_HANDSHAKING); } public static SSLEngineResult handshakeUnwrap(final int length, final SSLConnectionContext sslCtx, final Buffer inputBuffer, final Buffer tmpOutputBuffer) throws SSLException { SslResult result = sslCtx.unwrap(length, inputBuffer, tmpOutputBuffer, HS_UNWRAP_ALLOCATOR); final Buffer output = result.getOutput(); assert !output.isComposite(); if (output != tmpOutputBuffer) { output.dispose(); } if (result.isError()) { throw result.getError(); } return result.getSslEngineResult(); } public static Buffer handshakeWrap(final Connection connection, final SSLConnectionContext sslCtx, final Buffer netBuffer) throws SSLException { final int packetBufferSize = sslCtx.getNetBufferSize(); Buffer buffer; if (netBuffer != null && !netBuffer.isComposite() && netBuffer.capacity() - netBuffer.limit() >= packetBufferSize) { netBuffer.position(netBuffer.limit()); netBuffer.limit(netBuffer.capacity()); buffer = netBuffer; } else { buffer = allocateOutputBuffer(packetBufferSize * 2); } final SslResult result = sslCtx.wrap(Buffers.EMPTY_BUFFER, buffer, HS_WRAP_ALLOCATOR); Buffer output = result.getOutput(); output.flip(); if (buffer != output) { if (netBuffer != null && buffer == netBuffer) { netBuffer.flip(); } } if (result.isError()) { if (output != netBuffer) { output.dispose(); } throw result.getError(); } if (output != netBuffer) { output = allowDispose(Buffers.appendBuffers(connection.getMemoryManager(), netBuffer, output)); } return output; } private static final CachedTypeIndex<Buffer> SSL_OUTPUT_BUFFER_IDX = ThreadCache.obtainIndex(SSLBaseFilter.class.getName() + ".output-buffer-cache", Buffer.class, 4); static Buffer allocateOutputBuffer(final int size/* , final int counter */) { Buffer buffer = ThreadCache.takeFromCache(SSL_OUTPUT_BUFFER_IDX); final boolean hasBuffer = buffer != null; if (!hasBuffer || buffer.remaining() < size) { final ByteBuffer byteBuffer; byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(size); buffer = new ByteBufferWrapper(byteBuffer) { @Override public void dispose() { clear(); ThreadCache.putToCache(SSL_OUTPUT_BUFFER_IDX, this); } }; } return buffer; } public static Buffer allocateInputBuffer(final SSLConnectionContext sslCtx) { final SSLEngine sslEngine = sslCtx.getSslEngine(); if (sslEngine == null) { return null; } // Direct buffer input // final InputBufferWrapper buffer = sslCtx.useInputBuffer(); // return buffer.prepare(sslCtx.getNetBufferSize() * 2); // Heap buffer input return allocateOutputBuffer(sslCtx.getNetBufferSize() * 2); } static Buffer makeInputRemainder(final SSLConnectionContext sslCtx, final FilterChainContext context, final Buffer buffer) { if (buffer == null) { return null; } if (!buffer.hasRemaining()) { buffer.tryDispose(); return null; } final Buffer inputBuffer = sslCtx.resetLastInputBuffer(); if (inputBuffer == null) { // SSLTransportWrapper hasn't been used final Buffer remainder = buffer.split(buffer.position()); buffer.tryDispose(); return remainder; } else { return move(context.getMemoryManager(), buffer); } } static Buffer copy(final MemoryManager memoryManager, final Buffer buffer) { final Buffer tmpBuf = memoryManager.allocate(buffer.remaining()); tmpBuf.put(buffer); return tmpBuf.flip(); } static Buffer move(final MemoryManager memoryManager, final Buffer buffer) { final Buffer tmpBuf = copy(memoryManager, buffer); buffer.tryDispose(); return tmpBuf; } public static Buffer allowDispose(final Buffer buffer) { if (buffer == null) { return null; } buffer.allowBufferDispose(true); if (buffer.isComposite()) { ((CompositeBuffer) buffer).allowInternalBuffersDispose(true); } return buffer; } static SSLEngineResult sslEngineWrap(final SSLEngine engine, final ByteBuffer in, final ByteBuffer out) throws SSLException { return engine.wrap(in, out); } static SSLEngineResult sslEngineWrap(final SSLEngine engine, final ByteBuffer[] in, final int inOffs, final int inLen, final ByteBuffer out) throws SSLException { return ANDROID_WORKAROUND_NEEDED ? AndroidWorkAround.wrapArray(engine, in, inOffs, inLen, out) : engine.wrap(in, inOffs, inLen, out); } static SSLEngineResult sslEngineUnwrap(final SSLEngine engine, final ByteBuffer in, final ByteBuffer out) throws SSLException { return engine.unwrap(in, out); } static SSLEngineResult sslEngineUnwrap(final SSLEngine engine, final ByteBuffer in, final ByteBuffer[] out, final int outOffs, final int outLen) throws SSLException { return ANDROID_WORKAROUND_NEEDED ? AndroidWorkAround.unwrapArray(engine, in, out, outOffs, outLen) : engine.unwrap(in, out, outOffs, outLen); } private static class AndroidWorkAround { public static SSLEngineResult wrapArray(final SSLEngine engine, final ByteBuffer[] in, final int inOffs, final int inLen, final ByteBuffer out) throws SSLException { if (inOffs == 0 && inLen == in.length) { return engine.wrap(in, out); } else { final ByteBuffer[] tmp = new ByteBuffer[inLen]; System.arraycopy(in, inOffs, tmp, 0, inLen); return engine.wrap(tmp, out); } } public static SSLEngineResult unwrapArray(final SSLEngine engine, final ByteBuffer in, final ByteBuffer[] out, final int outOffs, final int outLen) throws SSLException { if (outOffs == 0 && outLen == out.length) { return engine.unwrap(in, out); } else { final ByteBuffer[] tmp = new ByteBuffer[outLen]; System.arraycopy(out, outOffs, tmp, 0, outLen); return engine.unwrap(in, tmp); } } } }