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package freemarker.template;

import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.io.Writer;

import freemarker.core.Configurable;
import freemarker.core.Environment;
import freemarker.core.StopException;
import freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil;

Used for the template_exception_handler configuration setting.
/** * Used for the {@link Configurable#setTemplateExceptionHandler(TemplateExceptionHandler) template_exception_handler} * configuration setting. */
public interface TemplateExceptionHandler {
Method called after a TemplateException was raised inside a template. The exception should be re-thrown unless you want to suppress the exception.

Note that you can check with Environment.isInAttemptBlock() if you are inside a #attempt block, which then will handle this exception and roll back the output generated inside it.

Note that StopException-s (raised by #stop) won't be captured here.

Note that you shouldn't log the exception in this method unless you suppress it. If there's a concern that the exception might won't be logged after it bubbles up from Template.process(Object, Writer), simply ensure that Configurable.getLogTemplateExceptions() is true.

  • te – The exception that occurred; don't forget to re-throw it unless you want to suppress it
  • env – The runtime environment of the template
  • out – This is where the output of the template is written
/** * Method called after a {@link TemplateException} was raised inside a template. The exception should be re-thrown * unless you want to suppress the exception. * * <p>Note that you can check with {@link Environment#isInAttemptBlock()} if you are inside a {@code #attempt} * block, which then will handle this exception and roll back the output generated inside it. * * <p>Note that {@link StopException}-s (raised by {@code #stop}) won't be captured here. * * <p>Note that you shouldn't log the exception in this method unless you suppress it. If there's a concern that the * exception might won't be logged after it bubbles up from {@link Template#process(Object, Writer)}, simply * ensure that {@link Configuration#getLogTemplateExceptions()} is {@code true}. * * @param te The exception that occurred; don't forget to re-throw it unless you want to suppress it * @param env The runtime environment of the template * @param out This is where the output of the template is written */
void handleTemplateException(TemplateException te, Environment env, Writer out) throws TemplateException;
TemplateExceptionHandler that simply skips the failing instructions, letting the template continue executing. It does nothing to handle the event. Note that the exception is still logged, as with all other TemplateExceptionHandler-s.
/** * {@link TemplateExceptionHandler} that simply skips the failing instructions, letting the template continue * executing. It does nothing to handle the event. Note that the exception is still logged, as with all * other {@link TemplateExceptionHandler}-s. */
TemplateExceptionHandler IGNORE_HANDLER = new TemplateExceptionHandler() { public void handleTemplateException(TemplateException te, Environment env, Writer out) { // Do nothing } };
TemplateExceptionHandler that simply re-throws the exception; this should be used in most production systems.
/** * {@link TemplateExceptionHandler} that simply re-throws the exception; this should be used in most production * systems. */
TemplateExceptionHandler RETHROW_HANDLER = new TemplateExceptionHandler() { public void handleTemplateException(TemplateException te, Environment env, Writer out) throws TemplateException { throw te; } };
TemplateExceptionHandler useful when you developing non-HTML templates. This handler outputs the stack trace information to the client and then re-throws the exception.
/** * {@link TemplateExceptionHandler} useful when you developing non-HTML templates. This handler * outputs the stack trace information to the client and then re-throws the exception. */
TemplateExceptionHandler DEBUG_HANDLER = new TemplateExceptionHandler() { public void handleTemplateException(TemplateException te, Environment env, Writer out) throws TemplateException { if (!env.isInAttemptBlock()) { PrintWriter pw = (out instanceof PrintWriter) ? (PrintWriter) out : new PrintWriter(out); pw.print("FreeMarker template error (DEBUG mode; use RETHROW in production!):\n"); te.printStackTrace(pw, false, true, true); pw.flush(); // To commit the HTTP response } throw te; } };
TemplateExceptionHandler useful when you developing HTML templates. This handler outputs the stack trace information to the client, formatting it so that it will be usually well readable in the browser, and then re-throws the exception.
/** * {@link TemplateExceptionHandler} useful when you developing HTML templates. This handler * outputs the stack trace information to the client, formatting it so that it will be usually well readable * in the browser, and then re-throws the exception. */
TemplateExceptionHandler HTML_DEBUG_HANDLER = new TemplateExceptionHandler() { public void handleTemplateException(TemplateException te, Environment env, Writer out) throws TemplateException { if (!env.isInAttemptBlock()) { boolean externalPw = out instanceof PrintWriter; PrintWriter pw = externalPw ? (PrintWriter) out : new PrintWriter(out); try { pw.print("<!-- FREEMARKER ERROR MESSAGE STARTS HERE -->" + "<!-- ]]> -->" + "<script language=javascript>//\"></script>" + "<script language=javascript>//'></script>" + "<script language=javascript>//\"></script>" + "<script language=javascript>//'></script>" + "</title></xmp></script></noscript></style></object>" + "</head></pre></table>" + "</form></table></table></table></a></u></i></b>" + "<div align='left' " + "style='background-color:#FFFF7C; " + "display:block; border-top:double; padding:4px; margin:0; " + "font-family:Arial,sans-serif; "); pw.print(FONT_RESET_CSS); pw.print("'>" + "<b style='font-size:12px; font-style:normal; font-weight:bold; " + "text-decoration:none; text-transform: none;'>FreeMarker template error " + " (HTML_DEBUG mode; use RETHROW in production!)</b>" + "<pre style='display:block; background: none; border: 0; margin:0; padding: 0;" + "font-family:monospace; "); pw.print(FONT_RESET_CSS); pw.println("; white-space: pre-wrap; white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; white-space: -pre-wrap; " + "white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;'>"); StringWriter stackTraceSW = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter stackPW = new PrintWriter(stackTraceSW); te.printStackTrace(stackPW, false, true, true); stackPW.close(); pw.println(); pw.println(StringUtil.XMLEncNQG(stackTraceSW.toString())); pw.println("</pre></div></html>"); pw.flush(); // To commit the HTTP response } finally { if (!externalPw) pw.close(); } } // if (!env.isInAttemptBlock()) throw te; } private static final String FONT_RESET_CSS = "color:#A80000; font-size:12px; font-style:normal; font-variant:normal; " + "font-weight:normal; text-decoration:none; text-transform: none"; }; }