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package freemarker.core;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Locale;

import freemarker.template.TemplateException;
import freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil;

An interpolation like #{numericalExp; format}; it's deprecated, but still supported. The class name is the remnant of old times, but as some users are using the package-visible AST API, it wasn't renamed.
See Also:
  • DollarVariable
/** * An interpolation like <code>#{numericalExp; format}</code>; it's deprecated, but still supported. The class name is * the remnant of old times, but as some users are using the package-visible AST API, it wasn't renamed. * * @see DollarVariable */
final class NumericalOutput extends Interpolation { private final Expression expression; private final boolean hasFormat; private final int minFracDigits; private final int maxFracDigits;
For OutputFormat-based auto-escaping
/** For OutputFormat-based auto-escaping */
private final MarkupOutputFormat autoEscapeOutputFormat; private volatile FormatHolder formatCache; // creating new NumberFormat is slow operation NumericalOutput(Expression expression, MarkupOutputFormat autoEscapeOutputFormat) { this.expression = expression; hasFormat = false; this.minFracDigits = 0; this.maxFracDigits = 0; this.autoEscapeOutputFormat = autoEscapeOutputFormat; } NumericalOutput(Expression expression, int minFracDigits, int maxFracDigits, MarkupOutputFormat autoEscapeOutputFormat) { this.expression = expression; hasFormat = true; this.minFracDigits = minFracDigits; this.maxFracDigits = maxFracDigits; this.autoEscapeOutputFormat = autoEscapeOutputFormat; } @Override TemplateElement[] accept(Environment env) throws TemplateException, IOException { String s = calculateInterpolatedStringOrMarkup(env); Writer out = env.getOut(); if (autoEscapeOutputFormat != null) { autoEscapeOutputFormat.output(s, out); } else { out.write(s); } return null; } @Override protected String calculateInterpolatedStringOrMarkup(Environment env) throws TemplateException { Number num = expression.evalToNumber(env); FormatHolder fmth = formatCache; // atomic sampling if (fmth == null || !fmth.locale.equals(env.getLocale())) { synchronized (this) { fmth = formatCache; if (fmth == null || !fmth.locale.equals(env.getLocale())) { NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(env.getLocale()); if (hasFormat) { fmt.setMinimumFractionDigits(minFracDigits); fmt.setMaximumFractionDigits(maxFracDigits); } else { fmt.setMinimumFractionDigits(0); fmt.setMaximumFractionDigits(50); } fmt.setGroupingUsed(false); formatCache = new FormatHolder(fmt, env.getLocale()); fmth = formatCache; } } } // We must use Format even if hasFormat == false. // Some locales may use non-Arabic digits, thus replacing the // decimal separator in the result of toString() is not enough. String s = fmth.format.format(num); return s; } @Override protected String dump(boolean canonical, boolean inStringLiteral) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("#{"); final String exprCF = expression.getCanonicalForm(); buf.append(inStringLiteral ? StringUtil.FTLStringLiteralEnc(exprCF, '"') : exprCF); if (hasFormat) { buf.append(" ; "); buf.append("m"); buf.append(minFracDigits); buf.append("M"); buf.append(maxFracDigits); } buf.append("}"); return buf.toString(); } @Override String getNodeTypeSymbol() { return "#{...}"; } @Override boolean heedsOpeningWhitespace() { return true; } @Override boolean heedsTrailingWhitespace() { return true; } private static class FormatHolder { final NumberFormat format; final Locale locale; FormatHolder(NumberFormat format, Locale locale) { this.format = format; this.locale = locale; } } @Override int getParameterCount() { return 3; } @Override Object getParameterValue(int idx) { switch (idx) { case 0: return expression; case 1: return hasFormat ? Integer.valueOf(minFracDigits) : null; case 2: return hasFormat ? Integer.valueOf(maxFracDigits) : null; default: throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } } @Override ParameterRole getParameterRole(int idx) { switch (idx) { case 0: return ParameterRole.CONTENT; case 1: return ParameterRole.MINIMUM_DECIMALS; case 2: return ParameterRole.MAXIMUM_DECIMALS; default: throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } } @Override boolean isNestedBlockRepeater() { return false; } }