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package org.eclipse.jetty.util.log;

import java.util.Properties;

Abstract Logger. Manages the atomic registration of the logger by name.
/** * Abstract Logger. * Manages the atomic registration of the logger by name. */
public abstract class AbstractLogger implements Logger { public static final int LEVEL_DEFAULT = -1; public static final int LEVEL_ALL = 0; public static final int LEVEL_DEBUG = 1; public static final int LEVEL_INFO = 2; public static final int LEVEL_WARN = 3; public static final int LEVEL_OFF = 10; @Override public final Logger getLogger(String name) { if (isBlank(name)) return this; final String basename = getName(); final String fullname = (isBlank(basename) || Log.getRootLogger() == this) ? name : (basename + "." + name); Logger logger = Log.getLoggers().get(fullname); if (logger == null) { Logger newlog = newLogger(fullname); logger = Log.getMutableLoggers().putIfAbsent(fullname, newlog); if (logger == null) logger = newlog; } return logger; } protected abstract Logger newLogger(String fullname);
A more robust form of name blank test. Will return true for null names, and names that have only whitespace
  • name – the name to test
Returns:true for null or blank name, false if any non-whitespace character is found.
/** * A more robust form of name blank test. Will return true for null names, and names that have only whitespace * * @param name the name to test * @return true for null or blank name, false if any non-whitespace character is found. */
private static boolean isBlank(String name) { if (name == null) { return true; } int size = name.length(); char c; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { c = name.charAt(i); if (!Character.isWhitespace(c)) { return false; } } return true; }
Get the Logging Level for the provided log name. Using the FQCN first, then each package segment from longest to shortest.
  • props – the properties to check
  • name – the name to get log for
Returns:the logging level
/** * Get the Logging Level for the provided log name. Using the FQCN first, then each package segment from longest to * shortest. * * @param props the properties to check * @param name the name to get log for * @return the logging level */
public static int lookupLoggingLevel(Properties props, final String name) { if ((props == null) || (props.isEmpty()) || name == null) return LEVEL_DEFAULT; // Calculate the level this named logger should operate under. // Checking with FQCN first, then each package segment from longest to shortest. String nameSegment = name; while ((nameSegment != null) && (nameSegment.length() > 0)) { String levelStr = props.getProperty(nameSegment + ".LEVEL"); // System.err.printf("[StdErrLog.CONFIG] Checking for property [%s.LEVEL] = %s%n",nameSegment,levelStr); int level = getLevelId(nameSegment + ".LEVEL", levelStr); if (level != (-1)) { return level; } // Trim and try again. int idx = nameSegment.lastIndexOf('.'); if (idx >= 0) { nameSegment = nameSegment.substring(0, idx); } else { nameSegment = null; } } // Default Logging Level return LEVEL_DEFAULT; } public static String getLoggingProperty(Properties props, String name, String property) { // Calculate the level this named logger should operate under. // Checking with FQCN first, then each package segment from longest to shortest. String nameSegment = name; while ((nameSegment != null) && (nameSegment.length() > 0)) { String s = props.getProperty(nameSegment + "." + property); if (s != null) return s; // Trim and try again. int idx = nameSegment.lastIndexOf('.'); nameSegment = (idx >= 0) ? nameSegment.substring(0, idx) : null; } return null; } protected static int getLevelId(String levelSegment, String levelName) { if (levelName == null) { return -1; } String levelStr = levelName.trim(); if ("ALL".equalsIgnoreCase(levelStr)) { return LEVEL_ALL; } else if ("DEBUG".equalsIgnoreCase(levelStr)) { return LEVEL_DEBUG; } else if ("INFO".equalsIgnoreCase(levelStr)) { return LEVEL_INFO; } else if ("WARN".equalsIgnoreCase(levelStr)) { return LEVEL_WARN; } else if ("OFF".equalsIgnoreCase(levelStr)) { return LEVEL_OFF; } System.err.println("Unknown StdErrLog level [" + levelSegment + "]=[" + levelStr + "], expecting only [ALL, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, OFF] as values."); return -1; }
Condenses a classname by stripping down the package name to just the first character of each package name segment.Configured
"org.eclipse.jetty.test.FooTest"           = "oejt.FooTest"
"org.eclipse.jetty.server.logging.LogTest" = "orjsl.LogTest"
  • classname – the fully qualified class name
Returns:the condensed name
/** * Condenses a classname by stripping down the package name to just the first character of each package name * segment.Configured * * <pre> * Examples: * "org.eclipse.jetty.test.FooTest" = "oejt.FooTest" * "org.eclipse.jetty.server.logging.LogTest" = "orjsl.LogTest" * </pre> * * @param classname the fully qualified class name * @return the condensed name */
@SuppressWarnings("Duplicates") protected static String condensePackageString(String classname) { if (classname == null || classname.isEmpty()) { return ""; } int rawLen = classname.length(); StringBuilder dense = new StringBuilder(rawLen); boolean foundStart = false; boolean hasPackage = false; int startIdx = -1; int endIdx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < rawLen; i++) { char c = classname.charAt(i); if (!foundStart) { foundStart = Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c); if (foundStart) { if (startIdx >= 0) { dense.append(classname.charAt(startIdx)); hasPackage = true; } startIdx = i; } } if (foundStart) { if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c)) { foundStart = false; } else { endIdx = i; } } } // append remaining from startIdx if ((startIdx >= 0) && (endIdx >= startIdx)) { if (hasPackage) { dense.append('.'); } dense.append(classname, startIdx, endIdx + 1); } return dense.toString(); } @Override public void debug(String msg, long arg) { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debug(msg, new Object[]{arg}); } } }