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package org.eclipse.jetty.io;

import java.io.EOFException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.Inet4Address;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;

import org.eclipse.jetty.util.BufferUtil;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Log;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Logger;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.Locker;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.Scheduler;

/** * ByteArrayEndPoint. */
public class ByteArrayEndPoint extends AbstractEndPoint { static final Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(ByteArrayEndPoint.class); static final InetAddress NOIP; static final InetSocketAddress NOIPPORT; static { InetAddress noip = null; try { noip = Inet4Address.getByName(""); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { LOG.warn(e); } finally { NOIP = noip; NOIPPORT = new InetSocketAddress(NOIP, 0); } } private static final ByteBuffer EOF = BufferUtil.allocate(0); private final Runnable _runFillable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { getFillInterest().fillable(); } }; private final Locker _locker = new Locker(); private final Condition _hasOutput = _locker.newCondition(); private final Queue<ByteBuffer> _inQ = new ArrayDeque<>(); private ByteBuffer _out; private boolean _growOutput; /** * */ public ByteArrayEndPoint() { this(null, 0, null, null); }
  • input – the input bytes
  • outputSize – the output size
/** * @param input the input bytes * @param outputSize the output size */
public ByteArrayEndPoint(byte[] input, int outputSize) { this(null, 0, input != null ? BufferUtil.toBuffer(input) : null, BufferUtil.allocate(outputSize)); }
  • input – the input string (converted to bytes using default encoding charset)
  • outputSize – the output size
/** * @param input the input string (converted to bytes using default encoding charset) * @param outputSize the output size */
public ByteArrayEndPoint(String input, int outputSize) { this(null, 0, input != null ? BufferUtil.toBuffer(input) : null, BufferUtil.allocate(outputSize)); } public ByteArrayEndPoint(Scheduler scheduler, long idleTimeoutMs) { this(scheduler, idleTimeoutMs, null, null); } public ByteArrayEndPoint(Scheduler timer, long idleTimeoutMs, byte[] input, int outputSize) { this(timer, idleTimeoutMs, input != null ? BufferUtil.toBuffer(input) : null, BufferUtil.allocate(outputSize)); } public ByteArrayEndPoint(Scheduler timer, long idleTimeoutMs, String input, int outputSize) { this(timer, idleTimeoutMs, input != null ? BufferUtil.toBuffer(input) : null, BufferUtil.allocate(outputSize)); } public ByteArrayEndPoint(Scheduler timer, long idleTimeoutMs, ByteBuffer input, ByteBuffer output) { super(timer); if (BufferUtil.hasContent(input)) addInput(input); _out = output == null ? BufferUtil.allocate(1024) : output; setIdleTimeout(idleTimeoutMs); onOpen(); } @Override public void doShutdownOutput() { super.doShutdownOutput(); try (Locker.Lock lock = _locker.lock()) { _hasOutput.signalAll(); } } @Override public void doClose() { super.doClose(); try (Locker.Lock lock = _locker.lock()) { _hasOutput.signalAll(); } } @Override public InetSocketAddress getLocalAddress() { return NOIPPORT; } @Override public InetSocketAddress getRemoteAddress() { return NOIPPORT; } @Override protected void onIncompleteFlush() { // Don't need to do anything here as takeOutput does the signalling. } protected void execute(Runnable task) { new Thread(task, "BAEPoint-" + Integer.toHexString(hashCode())).start(); } @Override protected void needsFillInterest() throws IOException { try (Locker.Lock lock = _locker.lock()) { if (!isOpen()) throw new ClosedChannelException(); ByteBuffer in = _inQ.peek(); if (BufferUtil.hasContent(in) || isEOF(in)) execute(_runFillable); } } /** * */ public void addInputEOF() { addInput((ByteBuffer)null); }
  • in – The in to set.
/** * @param in The in to set. */
public void addInput(ByteBuffer in) { boolean fillable = false; try (Locker.Lock lock = _locker.lock()) { if (isEOF(_inQ.peek())) throw new RuntimeIOException(new EOFException()); boolean wasEmpty = _inQ.isEmpty(); if (in == null) { _inQ.add(EOF); fillable = true; } if (BufferUtil.hasContent(in)) { _inQ.add(in); fillable = wasEmpty; } } if (fillable) _runFillable.run(); } public void addInput(String s) { addInput(BufferUtil.toBuffer(s, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } public void addInput(String s, Charset charset) { addInput(BufferUtil.toBuffer(s, charset)); } public void addInputAndExecute(ByteBuffer in) { boolean fillable = false; try (Locker.Lock lock = _locker.lock()) { if (isEOF(_inQ.peek())) throw new RuntimeIOException(new EOFException()); boolean wasEmpty = _inQ.isEmpty(); if (in == null) { _inQ.add(EOF); fillable = true; } if (BufferUtil.hasContent(in)) { _inQ.add(in); fillable = wasEmpty; } } if (fillable) execute(_runFillable); }
Returns:Returns the out.
/** * @return Returns the out. */
public ByteBuffer getOutput() { try (Locker.Lock lock = _locker.lock()) { return _out; } }
Returns:Returns the out.
/** * @return Returns the out. */
public String getOutputString() { return getOutputString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); }
  • charset – the charset to encode the output as
Returns:Returns the out.
/** * @param charset the charset to encode the output as * @return Returns the out. */
public String getOutputString(Charset charset) { return BufferUtil.toString(_out, charset); }
Returns:Returns the out.
/** * @return Returns the out. */
public ByteBuffer takeOutput() { ByteBuffer b; try (Locker.Lock lock = _locker.lock()) { b = _out; _out = BufferUtil.allocate(b.capacity()); } getWriteFlusher().completeWrite(); return b; }
Wait for some output
  • time – Time to wait
  • unit – Units for time to wait
Returns:The buffer of output
/** * Wait for some output * * @param time Time to wait * @param unit Units for time to wait * @return The buffer of output * @throws InterruptedException if interrupted */
public ByteBuffer waitForOutput(long time, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { ByteBuffer b; try (Locker.Lock lock = _locker.lock()) { while (BufferUtil.isEmpty(_out) && !isOutputShutdown()) { if (!_hasOutput.await(time, unit)) return null; } b = _out; _out = BufferUtil.allocate(b.capacity()); } getWriteFlusher().completeWrite(); return b; }
Returns:Returns the out.
/** * @return Returns the out. */
public String takeOutputString() { return takeOutputString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); }
  • charset – the charset to encode the output as
Returns:Returns the out.
/** * @param charset the charset to encode the output as * @return Returns the out. */
public String takeOutputString(Charset charset) { ByteBuffer buffer = takeOutput(); return BufferUtil.toString(buffer, charset); }
  • out – The out to set.
/** * @param out The out to set. */
public void setOutput(ByteBuffer out) { try (Locker.Lock lock = _locker.lock()) { _out = out; } getWriteFlusher().completeWrite(); }
Returns:true if there are bytes remaining to be read from the encoded input
/** * @return <code>true</code> if there are bytes remaining to be read from the encoded input */
public boolean hasMore() { return getOutput().position() > 0; } /* * @see org.eclipse.io.EndPoint#fill(org.eclipse.io.Buffer) */ @Override public int fill(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { int filled = 0; try (Locker.Lock lock = _locker.lock()) { while (true) { if (!isOpen()) throw new EofException("CLOSED"); if (isInputShutdown()) return -1; if (_inQ.isEmpty()) break; ByteBuffer in = _inQ.peek(); if (isEOF(in)) { filled = -1; break; } if (BufferUtil.hasContent(in)) { filled = BufferUtil.append(buffer, in); if (BufferUtil.isEmpty(in)) _inQ.poll(); break; } _inQ.poll(); } } if (filled > 0) notIdle(); else if (filled < 0) shutdownInput(); return filled; } /* * @see org.eclipse.io.EndPoint#flush(org.eclipse.io.Buffer, org.eclipse.io.Buffer, org.eclipse.io.Buffer) */ @Override public boolean flush(ByteBuffer... buffers) throws IOException { boolean flushed = true; try (Locker.Lock lock = _locker.lock()) { if (!isOpen()) throw new IOException("CLOSED"); if (isOutputShutdown()) throw new IOException("OSHUT"); boolean idle = true; for (ByteBuffer b : buffers) { if (BufferUtil.hasContent(b)) { if (_growOutput && b.remaining() > BufferUtil.space(_out)) { BufferUtil.compact(_out); if (b.remaining() > BufferUtil.space(_out)) { ByteBuffer n = BufferUtil.allocate(_out.capacity() + b.remaining() * 2); BufferUtil.append(n, _out); _out = n; } } if (BufferUtil.append(_out, b) > 0) idle = false; if (BufferUtil.hasContent(b)) { flushed = false; break; } } } if (!idle) { notIdle(); _hasOutput.signalAll(); } } return flushed; } /** * */ @Override public void reset() { try (Locker.Lock lock = _locker.lock()) { _inQ.clear(); _hasOutput.signalAll(); BufferUtil.clear(_out); } super.reset(); } /* * @see org.eclipse.io.EndPoint#getConnection() */ @Override public Object getTransport() { return null; }
Returns:the growOutput
/** * @return the growOutput */
public boolean isGrowOutput() { return _growOutput; }
  • growOutput – the growOutput to set
/** * @param growOutput the growOutput to set */
public void setGrowOutput(boolean growOutput) { _growOutput = growOutput; } @Override public String toString() { int q; ByteBuffer b; String o; try (Locker.Lock lock = _locker.lock()) { q = _inQ.size(); b = _inQ.peek(); o = BufferUtil.toDetailString(_out); } return String.format("%s[q=%d,q[0]=%s,o=%s]", super.toString(), q, b, o); }
Compares a ByteBuffer Object to EOF by Reference
  • buffer – the input ByteBuffer to be compared to EOF
Returns:Whether the reference buffer is equal to that of EOF
/** * Compares a ByteBuffer Object to EOF by Reference * * @param buffer the input ByteBuffer to be compared to EOF * @return Whether the reference buffer is equal to that of EOF */
private static boolean isEOF(ByteBuffer buffer) { @SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") boolean isEof = (buffer == EOF); return isEof; } }