Copyright (c) 2014, 2019 Mateusz Matela and others. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 Contributors: Mateusz Matela - [formatter] Formatter does not format Java code correctly, especially when max line width is set - Mateusz Matela - [formatter] IndexOutOfBoundsException in TokenManager - Mateusz Matela - [formatter] Bad line breaking in Eclipse javadoc comments - Lars Vogel - Contributions for Bug 473178
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2014, 2019 Mateusz Matela and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * Mateusz Matela <> - [formatter] Formatter does not format Java code correctly, especially when max line width is set - * Mateusz Matela <> - [formatter] IndexOutOfBoundsException in TokenManager - * Mateusz Matela <> - [formatter] Bad line breaking in Eclipse javadoc comments - * Lars Vogel <> - Contributions for * Bug 473178 *******************************************************************************/
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.formatter; import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK; import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC; import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE; import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens.TokenNameNotAToken; import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens.TokenNameStringLiteral; import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens.TokenNameWHITESPACE; import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens.TokenNamepackage; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTVisitor; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.BlockComment; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Javadoc; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.LineComment; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MemberRef; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodRef; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.QualifiedName; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TagElement; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.ScannerHelper; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.formatter.Token.WrapMode; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.formatter.Token.WrapPolicy; public class CommentsPreparator extends ASTVisitor { public static final int COMMENT_LINE_SEPARATOR_LENGTH = 3; private final static Pattern NLS_TAG_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("//\\$NON-NLS-([0-9]+)\\$"); //$NON-NLS-1$ private final static Pattern STRING_LITERAL_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\".*?(\\\\(\\\\\\\\)*\".*?)*\""); //$NON-NLS-1$ private final static Pattern HTML_TAG_PATTERN; private final static Pattern HTML_ATTRIBUTE_PATTERN; static { String formatCodeTags = "(pre)"; //$NON-NLS-1$ String separateLineTags = "(dl|hr|nl|p|ul|ol|table|tr)"; //$NON-NLS-1$ String breakBeforeTags = "(dd|dt|li|td|th|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|q)"; //$NON-NLS-1$ String breakAfterTags = "(br)"; //$NON-NLS-1$ String noFormatTags = "(code|tt)"; //$NON-NLS-1$ String otherTags = "([\\S&&[^<>]]++)"; //$NON-NLS-1$ String ws = "(?>[ \\t]++|[\\r\\n]++[ \\t]*+\\*?)"; // whitespace or line break with optional asterisk //$NON-NLS-1$ String attributeValue = "(?>\"[^\"]*\")|(?>\'[^\']*\')|[\\S&&[^/>\"\']]++"; //$NON-NLS-1$ String attribute = "(?>" + ws + "+[\\S&&[^=]]+" + ws + "*(=)" + ws + "*(?>" + attributeValue + "))"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$ //$NON-NLS-5$ HTML_TAG_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("<(/)?+(?:" //$NON-NLS-1$ + formatCodeTags + '|' + separateLineTags + '|' + breakBeforeTags + '|' + breakAfterTags + '|' + noFormatTags + '|' + otherTags + ')' + "(" + attribute + "*)" + ws + "*/?>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ HTML_ATTRIBUTE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(attribute); } private final static Pattern HTML_ENTITY_PATTERN = Pattern .compile("&(#x[0-9a-fA-F]+)?(#[0-9]+)?(lt)?(gt)?(nbsp)?(amp)?(circ)?(tilde)?(quot)?;"); //$NON-NLS-1$ private final static String HTML_ENTITY_REPLACE = " <> &^~\""; //$NON-NLS-1$ // Param tags list copied from IJavaDocTagConstants in legacy formatter for compatibility. // There were the following comments: // TODO (frederic) should have another name than 'param' for the following tags // TODO (frederic) investigate how and why this list was created private final static List<String> PARAM_TAGS = Arrays.asList( TagElement.TAG_PARAM, TagElement.TAG_EXCEPTION, TagElement.TAG_SERIALFIELD, TagElement.TAG_THROWS); private final static List<String> IMMUTABLE_TAGS = Arrays.asList(TagElement.TAG_CODE, TagElement.TAG_LITERAL); private final TokenManager tm; private final DefaultCodeFormatterOptions options; private final String sourceLevel; private final String formatDisableTag; private final String formatEnableTag; private Token lastLineComment; private int lastLineCommentPosition; private Token lastFormatOffComment; private TokenManager ctm; private List<Token> commentStructure; private int commentIndent;
Index: position within current comment; Value: whether wrapping on special characters is allowed
/** Index: position within current comment; Value: whether wrapping on special characters is allowed */
private boolean[] allowSubstituteWrapping; private int noFormatTagOpenStart = -1; private int formatCodeTagOpenEnd = -1; private int lastFormatCodeClosingTagIndex = -1; private ArrayList<Integer> commonAttributeAnnotations = new ArrayList<Integer>(); private DefaultCodeFormatter commentCodeFormatter; public CommentsPreparator(TokenManager tm, DefaultCodeFormatterOptions options, String sourceLevel) { = tm; this.options = options; this.sourceLevel = sourceLevel; this.formatDisableTag = options.disabling_tag != null ? new String(options.disabling_tag) : null; this.formatEnableTag = options.enabling_tag != null ? new String(options.enabling_tag) : null; } @Override public boolean preVisit2(ASTNode node) { boolean isMalformed = (node.getFlags() & ASTNode.MALFORMED) != 0; return !isMalformed; } @Override public boolean visit(LineComment node) { int commentIndex =, TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE); handleLineComment(commentIndex); return true; } public void handleLineComment(int commentIndex) { Token commentToken =; boolean isOnFirstColumn = handleWhitespaceAround(commentIndex); if (handleFormatOnOffTags(commentToken)) return; if (isOnFirstColumn) { if (this.options.comment_format_line_comment && !this.options.comment_format_line_comment_starting_on_first_column) { this.lastLineComment = null; commentToken.setIndent(0); commentToken.setWrapPolicy(WrapPolicy.FORCE_FIRST_COLUMN); return; } if (this.options.never_indent_line_comments_on_first_column) { commentToken.setIndent(0); commentToken.setWrapPolicy(WrapPolicy.FORCE_FIRST_COLUMN); } } handleNLSTags(commentToken, commentIndex); int positionInLine =; boolean isContinuation = commentIndex > 0 && - 1) == this.lastLineComment && (positionInLine >= this.lastLineCommentPosition - this.options.indentation_size + 1) &&, commentToken) == 1; boolean isHeader =; boolean formattingEnabled = (this.options.comment_format_line_comment && !isHeader) || (this.options.comment_format_header && isHeader); if (!formattingEnabled) { preserveWhitespace(commentToken, commentIndex); if (isContinuation) { WrapPolicy policy = this.lastLineComment.getWrapPolicy(); if (policy == null) { int lineStart = - 1)); int commentStart = - 1); policy = new WrapPolicy(WrapMode.WHERE_NECESSARY, commentIndex - 1, commentStart - lineStart); } commentToken.setWrapPolicy(policy); this.lastLineComment = commentToken; } else if (commentToken.getLineBreaksBefore() == 0) { this.lastLineComment = commentToken; this.lastLineCommentPosition = positionInLine; } return; } List<Token> structure = tokenizeLineComment(commentToken); if (isContinuation) { Token first = structure.get(0); first.breakBefore(); first.setWrapPolicy( new WrapPolicy(WrapMode.WHERE_NECESSARY, commentIndex - 1, this.lastLineCommentPosition)); // merge previous and current line comment Token previous = this.lastLineComment; Token merged = new Token(previous, previous.originalStart, commentToken.originalEnd, previous.tokenType); merged.putLineBreaksAfter(commentToken.getLineBreaksAfter()); merged.setPreserveLineBreaksAfter(commentToken.isPreserveLineBreaksAfter()); - 1); - 1, merged);; List<Token> lastStructure = this.lastLineComment.getInternalStructure(); lastStructure.addAll(structure); merged.setInternalStructure(lastStructure); this.lastLineComment = merged; } else { commentToken.setInternalStructure(structure); handleCompilerTags(commentToken, commentIndex); preserveWhitespace(commentToken, commentIndex); this.lastLineComment = commentToken; this.lastLineCommentPosition = positionInLine; } } private void preserveWhitespace(Token commentToken, int commentIndex) { if (this.options.comment_preserve_white_space_between_code_and_line_comments && commentToken.getLineBreaksBefore() == 0 && commentIndex > 0) { commentToken.clearSpaceBefore(); List<Token> structure = commentToken.getInternalStructure(); if (structure != null && !structure.isEmpty()) structure.get(0).clearSpaceBefore(); Token previous = - 1); previous.clearSpaceAfter(); if (previous.originalEnd + 1 >= commentToken.originalStart) return; if (structure == null || structure.isEmpty()) { structure = new ArrayList<>(); structure.add(new Token(previous.originalEnd + 1, commentToken.originalEnd, TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE)); commentToken.setInternalStructure(structure); } else { structure.add(0, new Token(previous.originalEnd + 1, commentToken.originalStart - 1, TokenNameWHITESPACE)); } } }
Returns:true if the comment contains on/off tag and should not be formatted
/** * @return true if the comment contains on/off tag and should not be formatted */
private boolean handleFormatOnOffTags(Token commentToken) { if (!this.options.use_tags) return false; String commentString =; int offIndex = this.formatDisableTag != null ? commentString.lastIndexOf(this.formatDisableTag) : -1; int onIndex = this.formatEnableTag != null ? commentString.lastIndexOf(this.formatEnableTag) : -1; if (this.lastFormatOffComment == null) { if (offIndex > onIndex) this.lastFormatOffComment = commentToken; } else { if (onIndex > offIndex) {, commentToken); this.lastFormatOffComment = null; } } return offIndex >= 0 || onIndex >= 0; } private void handleNLSTags(Token comment, int commentIndex) { List<Token> stringLiterals = findStringLiteralsInLine(commentIndex); if (stringLiterals.isEmpty()) return; List<Token> commentFragments = new ArrayList<>(); Matcher matcher = NLS_TAG_PATTERN.matcher(; int previousMatcherEnd = 0; boolean nlsFound = false; while (matcher.find()) { int nlsNumber = Integer.parseInt(; if (nlsNumber > 0 && nlsNumber <= stringLiterals.size()) { if (matcher.start() > previousMatcherEnd) { Token fragment = new Token(comment.originalStart + previousMatcherEnd, comment.originalStart + matcher.start() - 1, TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE); commentFragments.add(fragment); } Token nlsTag = new Token(comment.originalStart + matcher.start(), comment.originalStart + matcher.end() - 1, TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE); stringLiterals.get(nlsNumber - 1).setNLSTag(nlsTag); nlsTag.setNLSTag(stringLiterals.get(nlsNumber - 1)); commentFragments.add(nlsTag); nlsFound = true; previousMatcherEnd = matcher.end(); } } if (nlsFound) { comment.setInternalStructure(commentFragments); if (comment.originalStart + previousMatcherEnd <= comment.originalEnd) { Token fragment = new Token(comment.originalStart + previousMatcherEnd, comment.originalEnd, TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE); commentFragments.add(fragment); } } } private void handleCompilerTags(Token commentToken, int commentIndex) { final String commentText =; final List<Token> structure = commentToken.getInternalStructure(); if (commentText.startsWith("//$FALL-THROUGH$") //$NON-NLS-1$ || commentText.startsWith("//$IDENTITY-COMPARISON$")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ structure.get(1).clearSpaceBefore(); } if (commentText.contains("//$IDENTITY-COMPARISON$")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ // make sure the whole line is not broken Token token = commentToken; for (int i = commentIndex; i > 0; i--) { Token left = - 1); if (, token) > 0) break; token.clearLineBreaksBefore(); left.clearLineBreaksAfter(); token.setWrapPolicy(WrapPolicy.DISABLE_WRAP); token = left; } } } private List<Token> findStringLiteralsInLine(int lastTokenIndex) { List<Token> stringLiterals = new ArrayList<>(); Token previous =; for (int i = lastTokenIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Token token =; if (, previous) > 0) break; if (token.tokenType == TokenNameStringLiteral) stringLiterals.add(token); previous = token; } Collections.reverse(stringLiterals); return stringLiterals; } private List<Token> tokenizeLineComment(Token commentToken) { List<Token> fragments = commentToken.getInternalStructure(); if (fragments == null) { fragments = Arrays.asList(commentToken); } ArrayList<Token> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < fragments.size(); i++) { Token token = fragments.get(i); if (token.hasNLSTag()) { if (ScannerHelper.isWhitespace( - 1))) token.spaceBefore(); result.add(token); continue; } int sourcePosition = token.originalStart; if (sourcePosition == commentToken.originalStart) { // separate starting slashes while (sourcePosition <= token.originalEnd && == '/') sourcePosition++; result.add(new Token(commentToken.originalStart, sourcePosition - 1, TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE)); } int tokenStart = sourcePosition; while (sourcePosition <= token.originalEnd + 1) { if (sourcePosition == token.originalEnd + 1 || ScannerHelper.isWhitespace( { if (tokenStart < sourcePosition) { Token outputToken = new Token(tokenStart, sourcePosition - 1, TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE); outputToken.spaceBefore(); result.add(outputToken); } tokenStart = sourcePosition + 1; } sourcePosition++; } } return result; } @Override public boolean visit(BlockComment node) { int commentIndex =, TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK); handleBlockComment(commentIndex); return true; } public void handleBlockComment(int commentIndex) { Token commentToken =; boolean isFirstColumn = handleWhitespaceAround(commentIndex); if (handleFormatOnOffTags(commentToken)) return; boolean isHeader =; boolean formattingEnabled = (this.options.comment_format_block_comment && !isHeader) || (this.options.comment_format_header && isHeader); formattingEnabled = formattingEnabled && + 2) != '-'; if (formattingEnabled && tokenizeMultilineComment(commentToken)) { this.commentStructure = commentToken.getInternalStructure(); this.ctm = new TokenManager(this.commentStructure,; handleStringLiterals(, commentToken.originalStart); addSubstituteWraps(); } else { commentToken.setInternalStructure(commentToLines(commentToken, -1)); } if (this.options.never_indent_block_comments_on_first_column && isFirstColumn) { commentToken.setIndent(0); commentToken.setWrapPolicy(WrapPolicy.FORCE_FIRST_COLUMN); } } private boolean handleWhitespaceAround(int commentIndex) { Token commentToken =; char charBefore = commentToken.originalStart > 0 ? - 1) : 0; if (charBefore == ' ' || charBefore == '\t') commentToken.spaceBefore(); if (commentToken.originalEnd < - 1) { char charAfter = + 1); if (charAfter == ' ' || charAfter == '\t') commentToken.spaceAfter(); } Token previous = null, next = null; int existingBreaksBefore = 2, existingBreaksAfter = 2; if (commentIndex > 0) { previous = - 1); existingBreaksBefore =, commentToken); if (existingBreaksBefore > 0) { commentToken.breakBefore(); commentToken.clearSpaceBefore(); } } if (commentIndex < - 1) { next = + 1); existingBreaksAfter =, next); if (existingBreaksAfter > 0) commentToken.breakAfter(); } if (existingBreaksBefore <= 1 && (previous.tokenType == TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE || previous.tokenType == TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK)) { if (previous.getWrapPolicy() != WrapPolicy.FORCE_FIRST_COLUMN) commentToken.setWrapPolicy(previous.getWrapPolicy()); } else { int i = commentIndex + 2; while (existingBreaksAfter <= 1 && i < && (next.tokenType == TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE || next.tokenType == TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK)) { Token next2 =; existingBreaksAfter =, next2); next = next2; } if (existingBreaksBefore < existingBreaksAfter && previous != null) { if (previous.isPreserveLineBreaksAfter() || previous.getLineBreaksAfter() >= 2 || existingBreaksAfter < 2) { commentToken.putLineBreaksAfter(previous.getLineBreaksAfter()); commentToken.setPreserveLineBreaksAfter(previous.isPreserveLineBreaksAfter()); previous.clearLineBreaksAfter(); previous.setPreserveLineBreaksAfter(true); } } else if (existingBreaksAfter < 2 && existingBreaksAfter <= existingBreaksBefore && next != null && next.tokenType != TokenNamepackage /* doesn't apply to a comment before the package declaration */) { if (next.isPreserveLineBreaksBefore() || next.getLineBreaksBefore() >= 2 || existingBreaksBefore < 2) { commentToken.putLineBreaksBefore(next.getLineBreaksBefore()); commentToken.setPreserveLineBreaksBefore(next.isPreserveLineBreaksBefore()); next.clearLineBreaksBefore(); next.setPreserveLineBreaksBefore(true); } } } boolean isFirstColumn = (charBefore == '\r' || charBefore == '\n' || commentToken.originalStart == 0); return isFirstColumn; } private List<Token> commentToLines(Token commentToken, int commentStartPositionInLine) { List<Token> lines = new ArrayList<>(); int tab = this.options.tab_size; String commentText =; int commentStartPosition = commentStartPositionInLine; if (commentStartPosition < 0) commentStartPosition =; int positionInLine = commentStartPosition; int lineStart = 0; int breaksBeforeFirstLine = 0; boolean firstLine = true; // all lines except first will be NotAToken to disable asterisk adding boolean emptyLine = true; for (int i = 0; i < commentText.length(); i++) { char c = commentText.charAt(i); switch (c) { case ' ': if ((lineStart == i && positionInLine < commentStartPosition) || (emptyLine && positionInLine == commentToken.getIndent() - 1)) lineStart = i + 1; positionInLine++; break; case '\t': if ((lineStart == i && positionInLine < commentStartPosition) || (emptyLine && positionInLine == commentToken.getIndent() - 1)) lineStart = i + 1; if (tab > 0) positionInLine += tab - positionInLine % tab; break; case '\r': case '\n': if (lineStart < i) { Token line = new Token(commentToken.originalStart + lineStart, commentToken.originalStart + i - 1, firstLine ? commentToken.tokenType : TokenNameNotAToken); line.breakAfter(); if (lines.isEmpty()) line.putLineBreaksBefore(breaksBeforeFirstLine); lines.add(line); } else if (!lines.isEmpty()) { Token previousLine = lines.get(lines.size() - 1); previousLine.putLineBreaksAfter(previousLine.getLineBreaksAfter() + 1); } else { breaksBeforeFirstLine++; } if (i + 1 < commentText.length() && commentText.charAt(i + 1) == (c == '\r' ? '\n' : '\r')) i++; lineStart = i + 1; positionInLine = 0; firstLine = false; emptyLine = true; break; default: positionInLine++; emptyLine = false; } } if (lineStart < commentText.length()) { Token line = new Token(commentToken.originalStart + lineStart, commentToken.originalEnd, firstLine ? commentToken.tokenType : TokenNameNotAToken); line.setWrapPolicy(WrapPolicy.DISABLE_WRAP); lines.add(line); } return lines; } @Override public boolean visit(Javadoc node) { this.noFormatTagOpenStart = -1; this.formatCodeTagOpenEnd = -1; this.lastFormatCodeClosingTagIndex = -1; this.commonAttributeAnnotations.clear(); this.ctm = null; int commentIndex =, TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC); Token commentToken =; if (node.getParent() == null) { // not a proper javadoc, treat as block comment handleWhitespaceAround(commentIndex); } if (commentIndex < - 1) commentToken.breakAfter(); if (handleFormatOnOffTags(commentToken)) return false; boolean isHeader =; boolean formattingEnabled = (this.options.comment_format_javadoc_comment && !isHeader) || (this.options.comment_format_header && isHeader); if (!formattingEnabled || !tokenizeMultilineComment(commentToken)) { commentToken.setInternalStructure(commentToLines(commentToken, -1)); return false; } this.commentStructure = commentToken.getInternalStructure(); this.commentIndent =, true); this.ctm = new TokenManager(commentToken.getInternalStructure(),; handleJavadocTagAlignment(node); handleJavadocBlankLines(node); return true; } @Override public void endVisit(Javadoc node) { if (this.ctm == null) return; addSubstituteWraps(); } @Override public boolean visit(TagElement node) { String tagName = node.getTagName(); if (tagName == null || tagName.length() <= 1) return true; int startIndex = tokenStartingAt(node.getStartPosition()); int nodeEnd = node.getStartPosition() + node.getLength() - 1; while (ScannerHelper.isWhitespace(this.ctm.charAt(nodeEnd))) nodeEnd--; int endIndex = tokenEndingAt(nodeEnd); this.ctm.get(startIndex + 1).setWrapPolicy(WrapPolicy.DISABLE_WRAP); if (node.getParent() instanceof Javadoc) { assert this.ctm.toString(startIndex).startsWith(tagName); Token startTokeen = this.ctm.get(startIndex); if (startIndex > 1) startTokeen.breakBefore(); handleHtml(node); } if (node.isNested() && IMMUTABLE_TAGS.contains(tagName) && startIndex < endIndex) { disableFormatting(startIndex, endIndex, false); } return true; } @Override public void endVisit(TagElement node) { String tagName = node.getTagName(); if (tagName == null || tagName.length() <= 1) { handleHtml(node); } else if (TagElement.TAG_SEE.equals(tagName)) { handleStringLiterals(, node.getStartPosition()); } } private void handleJavadocTagAlignment(Javadoc node) { // Lists of tag tokens: index 0 for tag name, index 1 for param name (or throws etc) (may be null), // the rest for description List<List<Token>> javadocRootTags = new ArrayList<>(); List<TagElement> tagElements = node.tags(); for (TagElement tagElement : tagElements) { String tagName = tagElement.getTagName(); if (tagName == null || tagName.length() <= 1) continue; int startIndex = tokenStartingAt(tagElement.getStartPosition()); int nodeEnd = tagElement.getStartPosition() + tagElement.getLength() - 1; while (ScannerHelper.isWhitespace(this.ctm.charAt(nodeEnd))) nodeEnd--; int endIndex = tokenEndingAt(nodeEnd); List<Token> tagTokens = new ArrayList<>(); tagTokens.add(this.ctm.get(startIndex)); if (!PARAM_TAGS.contains(tagName) || startIndex == endIndex) { tagTokens.add(null); } for (int i = startIndex + 1; i <= endIndex; i++) { tagTokens.add(this.ctm.get(i)); } javadocRootTags.add(tagTokens); } if (this.options.comment_align_tags_names_descriptions) { int maxTagNameLength = 0; int maxParamNameLength = 0; for (List<Token> tagTokens : javadocRootTags) { Token tagName = tagTokens.get(0); Token paramName = tagTokens.get(1); maxTagNameLength = Math.max(maxTagNameLength,, 0)); if (paramName != null) maxParamNameLength = Math.max(maxParamNameLength,, 0)); } int paramNameAlign = maxTagNameLength + 1; int descriptionAlign = paramNameAlign; if (maxParamNameLength > 0) descriptionAlign += maxParamNameLength + 1; for (List<Token> tagTokens : javadocRootTags) { alignJavadocTag(tagTokens, paramNameAlign, descriptionAlign); } } else if (this.options.comment_align_tags_descriptions_grouped) { int groupStart = 0; String groupTagName = null; int descriptionAlign = 0; for (int i = 0; i < javadocRootTags.size(); i++) { List<Token> tagTokens = javadocRootTags.get(i); String tagName = this.ctm.toString(tagTokens.get(0)); if (!tagName.equals(groupTagName)) { for (int j = groupStart; j < i; j++) { alignJavadocTag(javadocRootTags.get(j), 0, descriptionAlign); } groupStart = i; groupTagName = tagName; descriptionAlign = 0; } int indent = tagName.length() + 1; if (tagTokens.get(1) != null) indent += 1 + this.ctm.getLength(tagTokens.get(1), 0); descriptionAlign = Math.max(descriptionAlign, indent); } for (int j = groupStart; j < javadocRootTags.size(); j++) { alignJavadocTag(javadocRootTags.get(j), 0, descriptionAlign); } } else { for (List<Token> tagTokens : javadocRootTags) { int tagNameLength = this.ctm.getLength(tagTokens.get(0), 0); int align = this.options.comment_indent_root_tags ? tagNameLength + 1 : 0; alignJavadocTag(tagTokens, 0, align); } } } private void handleJavadocBlankLines(Javadoc node) { List<TagElement> tagElements = node.tags(); List<Integer> tagIndexes = .filter(t -> !t.isNested() && t.getTagName() != null && t.getTagName().length() > 1) .map(t -> tokenStartingAt(t.getStartPosition())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); tagIndexes.addAll(this.commonAttributeAnnotations); Collections.sort(tagIndexes); String previousName = null; if (!tagIndexes.isEmpty()) { int firstIndex = tagIndexes.get(0); previousName = this.ctm.toString(firstIndex); if (this.options.comment_insert_empty_line_before_root_tags && firstIndex > 1) this.ctm.get(firstIndex).putLineBreaksBefore(2); } if (this.options.comment_insert_empty_line_between_different_tags) { for (int i = 1; i < tagIndexes.size(); i++) { Token tagToken = this.ctm.get(tagIndexes.get(i)); String thisName =; boolean sameType = previousName.equals(thisName) || (isCommonsAttributeAnnotation(previousName) && isCommonsAttributeAnnotation(thisName)); if (!sameType) tagToken.putLineBreaksBefore(2); previousName = thisName; } } } private void alignJavadocTag(List<Token> tagTokens, int paramNameAlign, int descriptionAlign) { Token paramName = tagTokens.get(1); if (paramName != null) { paramName.setAlign(paramNameAlign); if (this.options.comment_insert_new_line_for_parameter && tagTokens.size() > 2) { tagTokens.get(2).breakBefore(); } } boolean extraIndent = (paramName != null && this.options.comment_indent_parameter_description) || (paramName == null && this.options.comment_indent_tag_description); for (int i = 2; i < tagTokens.size(); i++) { Token token = tagTokens.get(i); token.setAlign(descriptionAlign); token.setIndent(extraIndent ? this.options.indentation_size : 0); } } private void handleHtml(TagElement node) { if (!this.options.comment_format_html && !this.options.comment_format_source) return; String text =; Matcher matcher = HTML_TAG_PATTERN.matcher(text); while (matcher.find()) { int startPos = matcher.start() + node.getStartPosition(); int endPos = matcher.end() - 1 + node.getStartPosition(); boolean isOpeningTag = (matcher.start(1) == matcher.end(1)); if (this.options.comment_format_html) { // make sure tokens inside the tag are wrapped only as a substitute int firstTokenIndex = tokenStartingAt(startPos), lastTokenIndex = tokenEndingAt(endPos); for (int i = firstTokenIndex + 1; i <= lastTokenIndex; i++) { Token token = this.ctm.get(i); if (token.getWrapPolicy() == null) token.setWrapPolicy(WrapPolicy.SUBSTITUTE_ONLY); } // allow wraps around equals sign in attributes String attributesText =; Matcher attrMatcher = HTML_ATTRIBUTE_PATTERN.matcher(attributesText); final int commentStart = this.ctm.get(0).originalStart; while (attrMatcher.find()) { int equalPos = node.getStartPosition() + matcher.start(8) + attrMatcher.start(1); assert == '='; this.allowSubstituteWrapping[equalPos - commentStart] = true; } } int matchedGroups = 0; for (int i = 2; i <= 7; i++) if (matcher.start(i) < matcher.end(i)) matchedGroups++; if (matchedGroups != 1) continue; if (matcher.start(2) < matcher.end(2)) { handleFormatCodeTag(startPos, endPos, isOpeningTag); } if (this.options.comment_format_html) { if (TagElement.TAG_PARAM.equals(node.getTagName()) && this.ctm.findIndex(startPos, -1, false) == 1 + this.ctm.firstIndexIn(node, -1)) { continue; // it's a generic class parameter name, not an HTML tag } if (matcher.start(3) < matcher.end(3)) { handleSeparateLineTag(startPos, endPos); } else if (matcher.start(4) < matcher.end(4)) { handleBreakBeforeTag(startPos, endPos, isOpeningTag); } else if (matcher.start(5) < matcher.end(5)) { handleBreakAfterTag(startPos, endPos); } else if (matcher.start(6) < matcher.end(6)) { handleNoFormatTag(startPos, endPos, isOpeningTag); } } } } @Override public boolean visit(MethodRef node) { handleReference(node); return true; } @Override public boolean visit(MemberRef node) { handleReference(node); return true; } @Override public boolean visit(QualifiedName node) { handleReference(node); return false; } private void handleReference(ASTNode node) { ASTNode parent = node.getParent(); if ((parent instanceof TagElement) && ((TagElement) parent).isNested()) { int firstIndex = tokenStartingAt(node.getStartPosition()); int lastIndex = tokenEndingAt(node.getStartPosition() + node.getLength() - 1); if (this.ctm.charAt(this.ctm.get(lastIndex + 1).originalStart) == '}') lastIndex++; for (int i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++) { Token token = this.ctm.get(i); token.setWrapPolicy(WrapPolicy.DISABLE_WRAP); } } } private void handleStringLiterals(String text, int textStartPosition) { Matcher matcher = STRING_LITERAL_PATTERN.matcher(text); while (matcher.find()) { int startPosition = textStartPosition + matcher.start(); int startIndex = this.ctm.findIndex(startPosition, -1, false); int endPosition = textStartPosition + matcher.end() - 1; int endIndex = this.ctm.findIndex(endPosition, -1, false); if (startIndex != endIndex) { startIndex = tokenStartingAt(startPosition); endIndex = tokenEndingAt(endPosition); disableFormatting(startIndex, endIndex, false); } noSubstituteWrapping(startPosition, endPosition); } } private void handleSeparateLineTag(int startPos, int endPos) { int openingTagIndex = tokenStartingAt(startPos); if (openingTagIndex > 1 && this.lastFormatCodeClosingTagIndex == openingTagIndex - 1) { Token token = this.ctm.get(openingTagIndex - 1); assert token.getLineBreaksAfter() == 2; token.clearLineBreaksAfter(); token.breakAfter(); } handleBreakBeforeTag(startPos, endPos, true); handleBreakAfterTag(startPos, endPos); } private void handleBreakBeforeTag(int start, int end, boolean isOpeningTag) { int firstPartIndex = tokenStartingAt(start); int lastPartIndex = tokenEndingAt(end); Token firstPartToken = this.ctm.get(firstPartIndex); firstPartToken.setWrapPolicy(null); if (isOpeningTag) { firstPartToken.breakBefore(); this.ctm.get(lastPartIndex + 1).clearSpaceBefore(); } else { firstPartToken.clearSpaceBefore(); } } private void handleBreakAfterTag(int start, int end) { int tokenIndex = tokenEndingAt(end); this.ctm.get(tokenIndex).breakAfter(); } private void handleNoFormatTag(int start, int end, boolean isOpeningTag) { if (isOpeningTag) { if (this.noFormatTagOpenStart < 0) this.noFormatTagOpenStart = start; } else if (this.noFormatTagOpenStart >= 0) { int openingTagIndex = tokenStartingAt(this.noFormatTagOpenStart); int closingTagIndex = tokenEndingAt(end); if (openingTagIndex < closingTagIndex) { disableFormatting(openingTagIndex, closingTagIndex, true); } this.noFormatTagOpenStart = -1; } } private void handleFormatCodeTag(int startPos, int endPos, boolean isOpeningTag) { if (!this.options.comment_format_source) { handleNoFormatTag(startPos, endPos, isOpeningTag); return; } // add empty lines before opening and after closing token handleSeparateLineTag(startPos, endPos); if (isOpeningTag) { int startIndex = tokenStartingAt(startPos); if (startIndex > 1) this.ctm.get(startIndex).putLineBreaksBefore(2); if (this.formatCodeTagOpenEnd < 0) this.formatCodeTagOpenEnd = endPos; } else if (this.formatCodeTagOpenEnd >= 0) { int endTagIndex = tokenEndingAt(endPos); if (endTagIndex < this.ctm.size() - 2) this.ctm.get(endTagIndex).putLineBreaksAfter(2); formatCode(startPos, endPos); this.formatCodeTagOpenEnd = -1; this.lastFormatCodeClosingTagIndex = this.ctm.findIndex(startPos, -1, true); } } private void fixJavadocTagAlign(Token baseToken, int fixFirstIndex) { for (int i = fixFirstIndex; i < this.ctm.size() - 1; i++) { Token token = this.ctm.get(i); if (token.getAlign() == 0 && token.getIndent() == 0) break; token.setAlign(baseToken.getAlign()); token.setIndent(baseToken.getIndent()); } } private void disableFormatting(int startIndex, int endIndex, boolean isHtml) { Token startToken = this.ctm.get(startIndex), endToken = this.ctm.get(endIndex); Token noFormatToken = new Token(startToken.originalStart, endToken.originalEnd, TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC); List<Token> lines = commentToLines(noFormatToken, findCommentLineIndent(startIndex)); for (Token line : lines) line.setToEscape(isHtml); Token first = lines.get(0); if (startToken.isSpaceBefore()) first.spaceBefore(); first.setAlign(startToken.getAlign()); first.setIndent(startToken.getIndent()); first.putLineBreaksBefore(startToken.getLineBreaksBefore()); first.setWrapPolicy(startToken.getWrapPolicy()); Token last = lines.get(lines.size() - 1); last.putLineBreaksAfter(endToken.getLineBreaksAfter()); fixJavadocTagAlign(startToken, endIndex + 1); List<Token> tokensToReplace = this.commentStructure.subList(startIndex, endIndex + 1); tokensToReplace.clear(); tokensToReplace.addAll(lines); } private void disableFormattingExclusively(int openingTagIndex, int closingTagIndex) { Token openingTag = this.ctm.get(openingTagIndex); int noFormatStart = openingTag.originalEnd + 1; int noFormatEnd = this.ctm.get(closingTagIndex - 1).originalEnd; if (noFormatStart <= noFormatEnd) { Token noFormatToken = new Token(noFormatStart, noFormatEnd, TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC); List<Token> lines = commentToLines(noFormatToken, findCommentLineIndent(openingTagIndex)); for (Token line : lines) line.setToEscape(true); fixJavadocTagAlign(openingTag, closingTagIndex); List<Token> tokensToReplace = this.commentStructure.subList(openingTagIndex + 1, closingTagIndex); tokensToReplace.clear(); tokensToReplace.addAll(lines); } else { this.commentStructure.subList(openingTagIndex + 1, closingTagIndex).clear(); Token closingTag = this.ctm.get(closingTagIndex); if (this.ctm.countLineBreaksBetween(openingTag, closingTag) == 0) { openingTag.clearLineBreaksAfter(); closingTag.clearLineBreaksBefore(); } } } private int findCommentLineIndent(int commentFragmentIndex) { int position = this.ctm.get(commentFragmentIndex).originalStart; int lastNonWhitespace = position; while (--position > 0) { char c = this.ctm.charAt(position); if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') break; if (!ScannerHelper.isWhitespace(c)) lastNonWhitespace = position; } if (lastNonWhitespace > 0 && this.ctm.charAt(lastNonWhitespace - 1) == ' ') lastNonWhitespace--; return this.ctm.getLength(position, lastNonWhitespace - 1, 0); } private int tokenStartingAt(int start) { int tokenIndex = this.ctm.findIndex(start, -1, false); Token token = this.ctm.get(tokenIndex); if (token.originalStart == start) return tokenIndex; assert start > token.originalStart && start <= token.originalEnd; splitToken(token, tokenIndex, start); return tokenIndex + 1; } private int tokenEndingAt(int end) { int tokenIndex = this.ctm.findIndex(end, -1, true); Token token = this.ctm.get(tokenIndex); if (token.originalEnd == end) return tokenIndex; assert end < token.originalEnd && end >= token.originalStart; splitToken(token, tokenIndex, end + 1); return tokenIndex; } private void splitToken(Token token, int tokenIndex, int splitPosition) { assert splitPosition > token.originalStart && splitPosition <= token.originalEnd; Token part1 = new Token(token.originalStart, splitPosition - 1, token.tokenType); Token part2 = new Token(splitPosition, token.originalEnd, token.tokenType); if (token.isSpaceBefore()) part1.spaceBefore(); part1.putLineBreaksBefore(token.getLineBreaksBefore()); part2.putLineBreaksAfter(token.getLineBreaksAfter()); part1.setIndent(token.getIndent()); part2.setIndent(token.getIndent()); part1.setAlign(token.getAlign()); part2.setAlign(token.getAlign()); part1.setWrapPolicy(token.getWrapPolicy()); this.commentStructure.set(tokenIndex, part1); this.commentStructure.add(tokenIndex + 1, part2); } private boolean tokenizeMultilineComment(Token commentToken) { if (this.allowSubstituteWrapping == null || this.allowSubstituteWrapping.length < commentToken.countChars()) { this.allowSubstituteWrapping = new boolean[commentToken.countChars()]; } boolean isJavadoc = commentToken.tokenType == TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC; Arrays.fill(this.allowSubstituteWrapping, 0, commentToken.countChars(), !isJavadoc); final boolean cleanBlankLines = isJavadoc ? this.options.comment_clear_blank_lines_in_javadoc_comment : this.options.comment_clear_blank_lines_in_block_comment; List<Token> structure = new ArrayList<>(); int firstTokenEnd = commentToken.originalStart + 1; while (firstTokenEnd < commentToken.originalEnd - 1 && + 1) == '*') firstTokenEnd++; Token first = new Token(commentToken.originalStart, firstTokenEnd, commentToken.tokenType); first.spaceAfter(); structure.add(first); int lastTokenStart = commentToken.originalEnd - 1; while (lastTokenStart - 1 > firstTokenEnd && - 1) == '*') lastTokenStart--; int position = firstTokenEnd + 1; int lineBreaks = 0; while (position <= commentToken.originalEnd) { // find line start for (int i = position; i < lastTokenStart; i++) { char c =; if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') { lineBreaks++; char c2 = + 1); if ((c2 == '\r' || c2 == '\n') && c2 != c) i++; position = i + 1; } else if (!ScannerHelper.isWhitespace(c)) { while ( == '*' && lineBreaks > 0) i++; position = i; break; } } int tokenStart = position; while (position <= commentToken.originalEnd + 1) { char c = 0; if (position == commentToken.originalEnd + 1 || position == lastTokenStart || ScannerHelper.isWhitespace(c = { if (tokenStart < position) { Token outputToken = new Token(tokenStart, position - 1, commentToken.tokenType); outputToken.spaceBefore(); if (lineBreaks > 0) { if (cleanBlankLines) lineBreaks = 1; if (lineBreaks > 1 || !this.options.join_lines_in_comments) outputToken.putLineBreaksBefore(lineBreaks); } if ( == '@') { outputToken.setWrapPolicy(WrapPolicy.DISABLE_WRAP); if (commentToken.tokenType == TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK && lineBreaks == 1 && structure.size() > 1) { outputToken.putLineBreaksBefore(cleanBlankLines ? 1 : 2); } if (lineBreaks > 0 && isCommonsAttributeAnnotation( { outputToken.breakBefore(); this.commonAttributeAnnotations.add(structure.size()); } } structure.add(outputToken); lineBreaks = 0; } if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') break; tokenStart = position == lastTokenStart ? position : position + 1; } position++; } } Token last = structure.get(structure.size() - 1); boolean newLinesAtBoundries = commentToken.tokenType == TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC ? this.options.comment_new_lines_at_javadoc_boundaries : this.options.comment_new_lines_at_block_boundaries; if (!newLinesAtBoundries) { structure.get(1).clearLineBreaksBefore(); last.clearLineBreaksBefore(); } else if (, last) > 0) { first.breakAfter(); last.breakBefore(); } last.setAlign(1); if (structure.size() == 2) return false; commentToken.setInternalStructure(structure); return true; } private boolean isCommonsAttributeAnnotation(String tokenContent) { return tokenContent.startsWith("@@"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } private void noSubstituteWrapping(int from, int to) { int commentStart = this.ctm.get(0).originalStart; assert commentStart <= from && from <= to && to <= this.ctm.get(this.ctm.size() - 1).originalEnd; Arrays.fill(this.allowSubstituteWrapping, from - commentStart, to - commentStart + 1, false); } private void addSubstituteWraps() { Token previous = this.ctm.get(0); int commentStart = previous.originalStart; for (int i = 1; i < this.ctm.size() - 1; i++) { Token token = this.ctm.get(i); boolean touchesPrevious = token.originalStart == this.ctm.get(i - 1).originalEnd + 1; if (touchesPrevious && token.getLineBreaksBefore() == 0 && previous.getLineBreaksAfter() == 0 && token.getWrapPolicy() == null) { boolean allowWrap = this.allowSubstituteWrapping[token.originalStart - commentStart]; token.setWrapPolicy(allowWrap ? WrapPolicy.SUBSTITUTE_ONLY : WrapPolicy.DISABLE_WRAP); } for (int pos = token.originalStart + 1; pos < token.originalEnd; pos++) { if (!this.allowSubstituteWrapping[pos - commentStart]) continue; char c = this.ctm.charAt(pos); if (!ScannerHelper.isJavaIdentifierPart(c)) { this.ctm.get(tokenStartingAt(pos)).setWrapPolicy(WrapPolicy.SUBSTITUTE_ONLY); this.ctm.get(tokenStartingAt(pos + 1)).setWrapPolicy(WrapPolicy.SUBSTITUTE_ONLY); } } previous = token; } } private void formatCode(int javadocNoFormatCloseStart, int javadocNoFormatCloseEnd) { int openingTagLastIndex = tokenEndingAt(this.formatCodeTagOpenEnd); int closingTagFirstIndex = tokenStartingAt(javadocNoFormatCloseStart); int codeStartPosition = this.formatCodeTagOpenEnd + 1; int codeEndPosition = javadocNoFormatCloseStart - 1; StringBuilder codeBuilder = new StringBuilder(codeEndPosition - codeStartPosition + 1); int[] positionMapping = new int[codeEndPosition - codeStartPosition + 1]; // ^ index: original source position (minus startPosition), value: position in code string getCodeToFormat(codeStartPosition, codeEndPosition, codeBuilder, positionMapping); List<Token> formattedTokens = getCommentCodeFormatter().prepareFormattedCode(codeBuilder.toString()); if (formattedTokens == null) { disableFormattingExclusively(openingTagLastIndex, closingTagFirstIndex); return; } formattedTokens = translateFormattedTokens(codeStartPosition, formattedTokens, positionMapping, null); Token openingToken = this.ctm.get(openingTagLastIndex); for (Token token : formattedTokens) token.setAlign(token.getAlign() + openingToken.getAlign() + openingToken.getIndent()); fixJavadocTagAlign(openingToken, closingTagFirstIndex); // there are too few linebreaks at the start and end Token start = formattedTokens.get(0); start.putLineBreaksBefore(start.getLineBreaksBefore() + 1); Token end = formattedTokens.get(formattedTokens.size() - 1); end.putLineBreaksAfter(end.getLineBreaksAfter() + 1); // and there may be too many line breaks before closing tag this.ctm.get(closingTagFirstIndex).clearLineBreaksBefore(); List<Token> tokensToReplace = this.commentStructure.subList(openingTagLastIndex + 1, closingTagFirstIndex); tokensToReplace.clear(); tokensToReplace.addAll(formattedTokens); } private DefaultCodeFormatter getCommentCodeFormatter() { if (this.commentCodeFormatter == null) { Map<String, String> options2 = this.options.getMap(); options2.put(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.FORMATTER_COMMENT_LINE_LENGTH, String.valueOf(this.options.comment_line_length - this.commentIndent - COMMENT_LINE_SEPARATOR_LENGTH)); options2.put(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.FORMATTER_LINE_SPLIT, String.valueOf(this.options.page_width - this.commentIndent - COMMENT_LINE_SEPARATOR_LENGTH)); options2.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, this.sourceLevel); this.commentCodeFormatter = new DefaultCodeFormatter(options2); } return this.commentCodeFormatter; } private void getCodeToFormat(int startPos, int endPos, StringBuilder sb, int[] posMapping) { int position = 0; // original source position (minus startPos) // skip excessive line break at the beginning char c, c2; if ((c = this.ctm.charAt(position + startPos)) == '\r' || c == '\n') { posMapping[position++] = sb.length() - 1; if (((c2 = this.ctm.charAt(position + startPos)) == '\r' || c2 == '\n') && c2 != c) posMapping[position++] = sb.length() - 1; } while (position + startPos <= endPos) { int lineStart = position + startPos; for (int i = lineStart;; i++) { c = this.ctm.charAt(i); if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') { sb.append(c); lineStart = i + 1; } else if (!ScannerHelper.isWhitespace(c)) { if (c == '*') lineStart = (this.ctm.charAt(i + 1) == ' ') ? i + 2 : i + 1; break; } } int lineEnd = endPos + 1; for (int i = lineStart; i <= endPos; i++) { c = this.ctm.charAt(i); if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') { lineEnd = i; break; } } while (position + startPos < lineStart) { posMapping[position++] = sb.length() - 1; } int htmlEntityStart = -1; for (int i = lineStart; i < lineEnd; i++) { c = this.ctm.charAt(i); sb.append(c); posMapping[position++] = sb.length() - 1; if (c == '&') { htmlEntityStart = i; } else if (c == ';' && htmlEntityStart >= 0) { char replacementChar = getHtmlEntityChar(this.ctm.getSource().substring(htmlEntityStart, i + 1)); if (replacementChar != 0) { sb.setLength(sb.length() - (i + 1 - htmlEntityStart)); sb.append(replacementChar); for (int k = position - (i + 1 - htmlEntityStart); k < position; k++) posMapping[k] = sb.length() - 1; } htmlEntityStart = -1; } } } // remove last line if empty while (sb.length() > 0 && ((c = sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1)) == ' ' || c == '\t')) sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); if (sb.length() > 0 && ((c = sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1)) == '\r' || c == '\n')) { sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); if (sb.length() > 0 && ((c2 = sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1)) == '\r' || c2 == '\n') && c2 != c) sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); } } private char getHtmlEntityChar(String entity) { Matcher matcher = HTML_ENTITY_PATTERN.matcher(entity); if (matcher.find()) { char replaceChar = 0; for (int i = 1; i < HTML_ENTITY_REPLACE.length(); i++) { int start = matcher.start(i); int end = matcher.end(i); if (start == end) continue; // group not matched if (replaceChar != 0) return 0; // more than one group matched switch (i) { case 1: replaceChar = (char) Integer.parseInt(entity.substring(start + 2, end), 16); break; case 2: replaceChar = (char) Integer.parseInt(entity.substring(start + 1, end), 10); break; default: replaceChar = HTML_ENTITY_REPLACE.charAt(i); } } return replaceChar; } return 0; } private List<Token> translateFormattedTokens(int startPosition, List<Token> formattedTokens, int[] positionMapping, HashMap<Token, Token> translationMap) { int previousLineBreaks = 0; List<Token> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (Token token : formattedTokens) { int newStart = Arrays.binarySearch(positionMapping, token.originalStart); while (newStart > 0 && positionMapping[newStart - 1] == token.originalStart) newStart--; int newEnd = Arrays.binarySearch(positionMapping, token.originalEnd); while (newEnd + 1 < positionMapping.length && positionMapping[newEnd + 1] == token.originalEnd) newEnd++; Token translated = new Token(token, newStart + startPosition, newEnd + startPosition, token.tokenType); if (translated.getWrapPolicy() == null) translated.setWrapPolicy(WrapPolicy.DISABLE_WRAP); if (token.hasNLSTag()) { if (translationMap == null) translationMap = new HashMap<>(); Token translatedNLS = translationMap.get(token.getNLSTag()); if (translatedNLS != null) { translatedNLS.setNLSTag(translated); translated.setNLSTag(translatedNLS); } else { translationMap.put(token, translated); } } int lineBreaks = Math.max(previousLineBreaks, token.getLineBreaksBefore()); List<Token> structure = token.getInternalStructure(); if (structure != null && !structure.isEmpty()) { translated.setInternalStructure(translateFormattedTokens(startPosition, structure, positionMapping, translationMap)); } translated.putLineBreaksBefore(lineBreaks); translated.setToEscape(true); result.add(translated); previousLineBreaks = token.getLineBreaksAfter(); } result.get(result.size() - 1).putLineBreaksAfter(previousLineBreaks); return result; } public void finishUp() { if (this.lastFormatOffComment != null), - 1)); } }