Copyright (c) 2000, 2019 IBM Corporation and others. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2019 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser; /** * IMPORTANT NOTE: These constants are dedicated to the internal Scanner implementation. * It is mirrored in org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler public package where it is API. * The mirror implementation is using the backward compatible ITerminalSymbols constant * definitions (stable with 2.0), whereas the internal implementation uses TerminalTokens * which constant values reflect the latest parser generation state. */
Maps each terminal symbol in the java-grammar into a unique integer. This integer is used to represent the terminal when computing a parsing action. Disclaimer : These constant values are generated automatically using a Java grammar, therefore their actual values are subject to change if new keywords were added to the language (for instance, 'assert' is a keyword in 1.4).
/** * Maps each terminal symbol in the java-grammar into a unique integer. * This integer is used to represent the terminal when computing a parsing action. * * Disclaimer : These constant values are generated automatically using a Java * grammar, therefore their actual values are subject to change if new keywords * were added to the language (for instance, 'assert' is a keyword in 1.4). */
public interface TerminalTokens { // special tokens not part of grammar - not autogenerated int TokenNameNotAToken = 0, TokenNameWHITESPACE = 1000, TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE = 1001, TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK = 1002, TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC = 1003; int TokenNameIdentifier = 22, TokenNameabstract = 52, TokenNameassert = 78, TokenNameboolean = 101, TokenNamebreak = 79, TokenNamebyte = 102, TokenNamecase = 103, TokenNamecatch = 104, TokenNamechar = 105, TokenNameclass = 68, TokenNamecontinue = 80, TokenNameconst = 129, TokenNamedefault = 74, TokenNamedo = 81, TokenNamedouble = 106, TokenNameelse = 114, TokenNameenum = 72, TokenNameextends = 88, TokenNamefalse = 38, TokenNamefinal = 53, TokenNamefinally = 113, TokenNamefloat = 107, TokenNamefor = 82, TokenNamegoto = 130, TokenNameif = 83, TokenNameimplements = 125, TokenNameimport = 108, TokenNameinstanceof = 17, TokenNameint = 109, TokenNameinterface = 71, TokenNamelong = 110, TokenNamenative = 54, TokenNamenew = 36, TokenNamenull = 39, TokenNamepackage = 87, TokenNameprivate = 55, TokenNameprotected = 56, TokenNamepublic = 57, TokenNamereturn = 84, TokenNameshort = 111, TokenNamestatic = 40, TokenNamestrictfp = 58, TokenNamesuper = 34, TokenNameswitch = 59, TokenNamesynchronized = 51, TokenNamethis = 35, TokenNamethrow = 75, TokenNamethrows = 122, TokenNametransient = 60, TokenNametrue = 41, TokenNametry = 85, TokenNamevoid = 112, TokenNamevolatile = 61, TokenNamewhile = 76, TokenNamemodule = 115, TokenNameopen = 116, TokenNamerequires = 117, TokenNametransitive = 123, TokenNameexports = 118, TokenNameopens = 119, TokenNameto = 126, TokenNameuses = 120, TokenNameprovides = 121, TokenNamewith = 127, TokenNameIntegerLiteral = 42, TokenNameLongLiteral = 43, TokenNameFloatingPointLiteral = 44, TokenNameDoubleLiteral = 45, TokenNameCharacterLiteral = 46, TokenNameStringLiteral = 47, TokenNameTextBlock = 48, TokenNamePLUS_PLUS = 2, TokenNameMINUS_MINUS = 3, TokenNameEQUAL_EQUAL = 19, TokenNameLESS_EQUAL = 12, TokenNameGREATER_EQUAL = 13, TokenNameNOT_EQUAL = 20, TokenNameLEFT_SHIFT = 18, TokenNameRIGHT_SHIFT = 14, TokenNameUNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT = 16, TokenNamePLUS_EQUAL = 89, TokenNameMINUS_EQUAL = 90, TokenNameMULTIPLY_EQUAL = 91, TokenNameDIVIDE_EQUAL = 92, TokenNameAND_EQUAL = 93, TokenNameOR_EQUAL = 94, TokenNameXOR_EQUAL = 95, TokenNameREMAINDER_EQUAL = 96, TokenNameLEFT_SHIFT_EQUAL = 97, TokenNameRIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL = 98, TokenNameUNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL = 99, TokenNameOR_OR = 31, TokenNameAND_AND = 30, TokenNamePLUS = 4, TokenNameMINUS = 5, TokenNameNOT = 64, TokenNameREMAINDER = 9, TokenNameXOR = 24, TokenNameAND = 21, TokenNameMULTIPLY = 8, TokenNameOR = 27, TokenNameTWIDDLE = 65, TokenNameDIVIDE = 10, TokenNameGREATER = 15, TokenNameLESS = 11, TokenNameLPAREN = 23, TokenNameRPAREN = 26, TokenNameLBRACE = 49, TokenNameRBRACE = 33, TokenNameLBRACKET = 6, TokenNameRBRACKET = 67, TokenNameSEMICOLON = 25, TokenNameQUESTION = 29, TokenNameCOLON = 63, TokenNameCOMMA = 32, TokenNameDOT = 1, TokenNameEQUAL = 73, TokenNameAT = 37, TokenNameELLIPSIS = 124, TokenNameARROW = 100, TokenNameCOLON_COLON = 7, TokenNameBeginLambda = 50, TokenNameBeginIntersectionCast = 66, TokenNameBeginTypeArguments = 86, TokenNameElidedSemicolonAndRightBrace = 69, TokenNameAT308 = 28, TokenNameAT308DOTDOTDOT = 128, TokenNameBeginCaseExpr = 70, TokenNameRestrictedIdentifierYield = 77, TokenNameEOF = 62, TokenNameERROR = 131; }