Copyright (c) 2000, 2017 IBM Corporation and others. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.hierarchy; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ISafeRunnable; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SafeRunner; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubMonitor; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ElementChangedEvent; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.Flags; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClasspathEntry; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IElementChangedListener; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElementDelta; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaModelStatusConstants; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IOpenable; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragment; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragmentRoot; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ITypeHierarchy; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ITypeHierarchyChangedListener; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.WorkingCopyOwner; import; import; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.ClassFile; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.CompilationUnit; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaElement; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaModelStatus; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaProject; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.Openable; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.PackageFragment; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.Region; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.TypeVector; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.Messages; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.Util;
See Also:
  • ITypeHierarchy
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy */
public class TypeHierarchy implements ITypeHierarchy, IElementChangedListener { public static boolean DEBUG = false; static final byte VERSION = 0x0000; // SEPARATOR static final byte SEPARATOR1 = '\n'; static final byte SEPARATOR2 = ','; static final byte SEPARATOR3 = '>'; static final byte SEPARATOR4 = '\r'; // general info static final byte COMPUTE_SUBTYPES = 0x0001; // type info static final byte CLASS = 0x0000; static final byte INTERFACE = 0x0001; static final byte COMPUTED_FOR = 0x0002; static final byte ROOT = 0x0004; // cst static final byte[] NO_FLAGS = new byte[]{}; static final int SIZE = 10;
The Java Project in which the hierarchy is being built - this provides the context for determining a classpath and namelookup rules. Possibly null.
/** * The Java Project in which the hierarchy is being built - this * provides the context for determining a classpath and namelookup rules. * Possibly null. */
protected IJavaProject project;
The type the hierarchy was specifically computed for, possibly null.
/** * The type the hierarchy was specifically computed for, * possibly null. */
protected IType focusType; /* * The working copies that take precedence over original compilation units */ protected ICompilationUnit[] workingCopies; protected Map<IType, IType> classToSuperclass; protected Map<IType, IType[]> typeToSuperInterfaces; protected Map<IType, TypeVector> typeToSubtypes; protected Map<IType, Integer> typeFlags; protected TypeVector rootClasses = new TypeVector(); protected ArrayList<IType> interfaces = new ArrayList<IType>(10); public ArrayList<String> missingTypes = new ArrayList<String>(4); protected static final IType[] NO_TYPE = new IType[0];
The progress monitor to report work completed too.
/** * The progress monitor to report work completed too. */
protected SubMonitor progressMonitor = SubMonitor.convert(null);
Change listeners - null if no one is listening.
/** * Change listeners - null if no one is listening. */
protected ArrayList<ITypeHierarchyChangedListener> changeListeners = null; /* * A map from Openables to ArrayLists of ITypes */ public Map<IOpenable, ArrayList<IType>> files = null;
A region describing the packages considered by this hierarchy. Null if not activated.
/** * A region describing the packages considered by this * hierarchy. Null if not activated. */
protected Region packageRegion = null;
A region describing the projects considered by this hierarchy. Null if not activated.
/** * A region describing the projects considered by this * hierarchy. Null if not activated. */
protected Region projectRegion = null;
Whether this hierarchy should contains subtypes.
/** * Whether this hierarchy should contains subtypes. */
protected boolean computeSubtypes;
The scope this hierarchy should restrain itsef in.
/** * The scope this hierarchy should restrain itsef in. */
IJavaSearchScope scope; /* * Whether this hierarchy needs refresh */ public boolean needsRefresh = true; /* * Collects changes to types */ protected ChangeCollector changeCollector;
Creates an empty TypeHierarchy
/** * Creates an empty TypeHierarchy */
public TypeHierarchy() { // Creates an empty TypeHierarchy }
Creates a TypeHierarchy on the given type.
/** * Creates a TypeHierarchy on the given type. */
public TypeHierarchy(IType type, ICompilationUnit[] workingCopies, IJavaProject project, boolean computeSubtypes) { this(type, workingCopies, SearchEngine.createJavaSearchScope(new IJavaElement[] {project}), computeSubtypes); this.project = project; }
Creates a TypeHierarchy on the given type.
/** * Creates a TypeHierarchy on the given type. */
public TypeHierarchy(IType type, ICompilationUnit[] workingCopies, IJavaSearchScope scope, boolean computeSubtypes) { this.focusType = type == null ? null : (IType) ((JavaElement) type).unresolved(); // unsure the focus type is unresolved (see this.workingCopies = workingCopies; this.computeSubtypes = computeSubtypes; this.scope = scope; }
Initializes the file, package and project regions
/** * Initializes the file, package and project regions */
protected void initializeRegions() { IType[] allTypes = getAllTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < allTypes.length; i++) { IType type = allTypes[i]; Openable o = (Openable) ((JavaElement) type).getOpenableParent(); if (o != null) { ArrayList<IType> types = this.files.get(o); if (types == null) { types = new ArrayList<>(); this.files.put(o, types); } types.add(type); } IPackageFragment pkg = type.getPackageFragment(); this.packageRegion.add(pkg); IJavaProject declaringProject = type.getJavaProject(); if (declaringProject != null) { this.projectRegion.add(declaringProject); } checkCanceled(); } }
Adds the type to the collection of interfaces.
/** * Adds the type to the collection of interfaces. */
protected void addInterface(IType type) { this.interfaces.add(type); }
Adds the type to the collection of root classes if the classes is not already present in the collection.
/** * Adds the type to the collection of root classes * if the classes is not already present in the collection. */
protected void addRootClass(IType type) { if (this.rootClasses.contains(type)) return; this.rootClasses.add(type); }
Adds the given subtype to the type.
/** * Adds the given subtype to the type. */
protected void addSubtype(IType type, IType subtype) { TypeVector subtypes = this.typeToSubtypes.get(type); if (subtypes == null) { subtypes = new TypeVector(); this.typeToSubtypes.put(type, subtypes); } if (!subtypes.contains(subtype)) { subtypes.add(subtype); } }
See Also:
  • ITypeHierarchy
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy */
@Override public synchronized void addTypeHierarchyChangedListener(ITypeHierarchyChangedListener listener) { ArrayList<ITypeHierarchyChangedListener> listeners = this.changeListeners; if (listeners == null) { this.changeListeners = listeners = new ArrayList<>(); } // register with JavaCore to get Java element delta on first listener added if (listeners.size() == 0) { JavaCore.addElementChangedListener(this); } // add listener only if it is not already present if (listeners.indexOf(listener) == -1) { listeners.add(listener); } } private static Integer bytesToFlags(byte[] bytes){ if(bytes != null && bytes.length > 0) { return Integer.valueOf(new String(bytes)); } else { return null; } }
/** * cacheFlags. */
public void cacheFlags(IType type, int flags) { this.typeFlags.put(type, Integer.valueOf(flags)); }
Caches the handle of the superclass for the specified type. As a side effect cache this type as a subtype of the superclass.
/** * Caches the handle of the superclass for the specified type. * As a side effect cache this type as a subtype of the superclass. */
protected void cacheSuperclass(IType type, IType superclass) { if (superclass != null) { if (superclass.equals(type)) { Util.log(IStatus.ERROR, "Type "+type.getFullyQualifiedName()+" is it's own superclass"); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ return; // refuse to enter what could lead to a stackoverflow later } this.classToSuperclass.put(type, superclass); addSubtype(superclass, type); } }
Caches all of the superinterfaces that are specified for the type.
/** * Caches all of the superinterfaces that are specified for the * type. */
protected void cacheSuperInterfaces(IType type, IType[] superinterfaces) { this.typeToSuperInterfaces.put(type, superinterfaces); for (int i = 0; i < superinterfaces.length; i++) { IType superinterface = superinterfaces[i]; if (superinterface != null) { addSubtype(superinterface, type); } } }
Checks with the progress monitor to see whether the creation of the type hierarchy should be canceled. Should be regularly called so that the user can cancel.
  • OperationCanceledException – if cancelling the operation has been requested
See Also:
/** * Checks with the progress monitor to see whether the creation of the type hierarchy * should be canceled. Should be regularly called * so that the user can cancel. * * @exception OperationCanceledException if cancelling the operation has been requested * @see IProgressMonitor#isCanceled */
protected void checkCanceled() { if (this.progressMonitor != null && this.progressMonitor.isCanceled()) { throw new OperationCanceledException(); } }
Compute this type hierarchy.
/** * Compute this type hierarchy. */
protected void compute() throws JavaModelException, CoreException { if (this.focusType != null) { HierarchyBuilder builder = new IndexBasedHierarchyBuilder( this, this.scope);; } // else a RegionBasedTypeHierarchy should be used }
See Also:
  • ITypeHierarchy
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy */
@Override public boolean contains(IType type) { // classes if (this.classToSuperclass.get(type) != null) { return true; } // root classes if (this.rootClasses.contains(type)) return true; // interfaces if (this.interfaces.contains(type)) return true; return false; }
Determines if the change affects this hierarchy, and fires change notification if required.
/** * Determines if the change affects this hierarchy, and fires * change notification if required. */
@Override public void elementChanged(ElementChangedEvent event) { // type hierarchy change has already been fired if (this.needsRefresh) return; if (isAffected(event.getDelta(), event.getType())) { this.needsRefresh = true; fireChange(); } }
See Also:
  • ITypeHierarchy
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy */
@Override public boolean exists() { if (!this.needsRefresh) return true; return (this.focusType == null || this.focusType.exists()) && javaProject().exists(); }
Notifies listeners that this hierarchy has changed and needs refreshing. Note that listeners can be removed as we iterate through the list.
/** * Notifies listeners that this hierarchy has changed and needs * refreshing. Note that listeners can be removed as we iterate * through the list. */
public void fireChange() { ArrayList<ITypeHierarchyChangedListener> listeners = getClonedChangeListeners(); // clone so that a listener cannot have a side-effect on this list when being notified if (listeners == null) { return; } if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("FIRING hierarchy change ["+Thread.currentThread()+"]"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ if (this.focusType != null) { System.out.println(" for hierarchy focused on " + ((JavaElement)this.focusType).toStringWithAncestors()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } for (int i= 0; i < listeners.size(); i++) { final ITypeHierarchyChangedListener listener= listeners.get(i); ISafeRunnable() { @Override public void handleException(Throwable exception) { Util.log(exception, "Exception occurred in listener of Type hierarchy change notification"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } @Override public void run() throws Exception { listener.typeHierarchyChanged(TypeHierarchy.this); } }); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private synchronized ArrayList<ITypeHierarchyChangedListener> getClonedChangeListeners() { ArrayList<ITypeHierarchyChangedListener> listeners = this.changeListeners; if (listeners == null) { return null; } return (ArrayList<ITypeHierarchyChangedListener>) listeners.clone(); } private static byte[] flagsToBytes(Integer flags){ if(flags != null) { return flags.toString().getBytes(); } else { return NO_FLAGS; } }
See Also:
  • ITypeHierarchy
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy */
@Override public IType[] getAllClasses() { TypeVector classes = this.rootClasses.copy(); for (Iterator<IType> iter = this.classToSuperclass.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();){ classes.add(; } return classes.elements(); }
See Also:
  • ITypeHierarchy
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy */
@Override public IType[] getAllInterfaces() { IType[] collection= new IType[this.interfaces.size()]; this.interfaces.toArray(collection); return collection; }
See Also:
  • ITypeHierarchy
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy */
@Override public IType[] getAllSubtypes(IType type) { return getAllSubtypesForType(type); }
See Also:
  • getAllSubtypes(IType)
/** * @see #getAllSubtypes(IType) */
private IType[] getAllSubtypesForType(IType type) { ArrayList<IType> subTypes = new ArrayList<>(); getAllSubtypesForType0(type, subTypes); IType[] subClasses = new IType[subTypes.size()]; subTypes.toArray(subClasses); return subClasses; } /** */ private void getAllSubtypesForType0(IType type, ArrayList<IType> subs) { IType[] subTypes = getSubtypesForType(type); if (subTypes.length != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < subTypes.length; i++) { IType subType = subTypes[i]; if (subs.contains(subType)) continue; subs.add(subType); getAllSubtypesForType0(subType, subs); } } }
See Also:
  • ITypeHierarchy
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy */
@Override public IType[] getAllSuperclasses(IType type) { IType superclass = getSuperclass(type); TypeVector supers = new TypeVector(); while (superclass != null) { supers.add(superclass); superclass = getSuperclass(superclass); } return supers.elements(); }
See Also:
  • ITypeHierarchy
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy */
@Override public IType[] getAllSuperInterfaces(IType type) { ArrayList<IType> supers = getAllSuperInterfaces0(type, null); if (supers == null) return NO_TYPE; IType[] superinterfaces = new IType[supers.size()]; supers.toArray(superinterfaces); return superinterfaces; } private ArrayList<IType> getAllSuperInterfaces0(IType type, ArrayList<IType> supers) { IType[] superinterfaces = this.typeToSuperInterfaces.get(type); if (superinterfaces == null) // type is not part of the hierarchy return supers; if (superinterfaces.length != 0) { if (supers == null) supers = new ArrayList<IType>(); for (int i1 = 0; i1 < superinterfaces.length; i1++) { IType element = superinterfaces[i1]; if (supers.contains(element)) continue; supers.add(element); supers = getAllSuperInterfaces0(element, supers); } } IType superclass = this.classToSuperclass.get(type); if (superclass != null) { supers = getAllSuperInterfaces0(superclass, supers); } return supers; }
See Also:
  • ITypeHierarchy
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy */
@Override public IType[] getAllSupertypes(IType type) { ArrayList<IType> supers = getAllSupertypes0(type, null); if (supers == null) return NO_TYPE; IType[] supertypes = new IType[supers.size()]; supers.toArray(supertypes); return supertypes; } private ArrayList<IType> getAllSupertypes0(IType type, ArrayList<IType> supers) { IType[] superinterfaces = this.typeToSuperInterfaces.get(type); if (superinterfaces == null) // type is not part of the hierarchy return supers; if (superinterfaces.length != 0) { if (supers == null) supers = new ArrayList<IType>(); for (int i1 = 0; i1 < superinterfaces.length; i1++) { IType element = superinterfaces[i1]; if (!supers.contains(element)) { supers.add(element); supers = getAllSuperInterfaces0(element, supers); } } } IType superclass = this.classToSuperclass.get(type); if (superclass != null) { if (supers == null) supers = new ArrayList<>(); supers.add(superclass); supers = getAllSupertypes0(superclass, supers); } return supers; }
See Also:
  • ITypeHierarchy
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy */
@Override public IType[] getAllTypes() { IType[] classes = getAllClasses(); int classesLength = classes.length; IType[] allInterfaces = getAllInterfaces(); int interfacesLength = allInterfaces.length; IType[] all = new IType[classesLength + interfacesLength]; System.arraycopy(classes, 0, all, 0, classesLength); System.arraycopy(allInterfaces, 0, all, classesLength, interfacesLength); return all; }
See Also:
  • getCachedFlags.getCachedFlags(IType)
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy#getCachedFlags(IType) */
@Override public int getCachedFlags(IType type) { Integer flagObject = this.typeFlags.get(type); if (flagObject != null){ return flagObject.intValue(); } return -1; }
See Also:
  • ITypeHierarchy
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy */
@Override public IType[] getExtendingInterfaces(IType type) { if (!isInterface(type)) return NO_TYPE; return getExtendingInterfaces0(type); }
Assumes that the type is an interface
See Also:
  • getExtendingInterfaces
/** * Assumes that the type is an interface * @see #getExtendingInterfaces */
private IType[] getExtendingInterfaces0(IType extendedInterface) { Iterator<Entry<IType, IType[]>> iter = this.typeToSuperInterfaces.entrySet().iterator(); ArrayList<IType> interfaceList = new ArrayList<>(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<IType, IType[]> entry =; IType type = entry.getKey(); if (!isInterface(type)) { continue; } IType[] superInterfaces = entry.getValue(); if (superInterfaces != null) { for (int i = 0; i < superInterfaces.length; i++) { IType superInterface = superInterfaces[i]; if (superInterface.equals(extendedInterface)) { interfaceList.add(type); } } } } IType[] extendingInterfaces = new IType[interfaceList.size()]; interfaceList.toArray(extendingInterfaces); return extendingInterfaces; }
See Also:
  • ITypeHierarchy
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy */
@Override public IType[] getImplementingClasses(IType type) { if (!isInterface(type)) { return NO_TYPE; } return getImplementingClasses0(type); }
Assumes that the type is an interface
See Also:
  • getImplementingClasses
/** * Assumes that the type is an interface * @see #getImplementingClasses */
private IType[] getImplementingClasses0(IType interfce) { Iterator<Map.Entry<IType,IType[]>> iter = this.typeToSuperInterfaces.entrySet().iterator(); ArrayList<IType> iMenters = new ArrayList<>(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<IType, IType[]> entry =; IType type = entry.getKey(); if (isInterface(type)) { continue; } IType[] types = entry.getValue(); for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { IType iFace = types[i]; if (iFace.equals(interfce)) { iMenters.add(type); } } } IType[] implementers = new IType[iMenters.size()]; iMenters.toArray(implementers); return implementers; }
See Also:
  • ITypeHierarchy
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy */
@Override public IType[] getRootClasses() { return this.rootClasses.elements(); }
See Also:
  • ITypeHierarchy
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy */
@Override public IType[] getRootInterfaces() { IType[] allInterfaces = getAllInterfaces(); IType[] roots = new IType[allInterfaces.length]; int rootNumber = 0; for (int i = 0; i < allInterfaces.length; i++) { IType[] superInterfaces = getSuperInterfaces(allInterfaces[i]); if (superInterfaces == null || superInterfaces.length == 0) { roots[rootNumber++] = allInterfaces[i]; } } IType[] result = new IType[rootNumber]; if (result.length > 0) { System.arraycopy(roots, 0, result, 0, rootNumber); } return result; }
See Also:
  • ITypeHierarchy
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy */
@Override public IType[] getSubclasses(IType type) { if (isInterface(type)) { return NO_TYPE; } TypeVector vector = this.typeToSubtypes.get(type); if (vector == null) return NO_TYPE; else return vector.elements(); }
See Also:
  • ITypeHierarchy
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy */
@Override public IType[] getSubtypes(IType type) { return getSubtypesForType(type); }
Returns an array of subtypes for the given type - will never return null.
/** * Returns an array of subtypes for the given type - will never return null. */
private IType[] getSubtypesForType(IType type) { TypeVector vector = this.typeToSubtypes.get(type); if (vector == null) return NO_TYPE; else return vector.elements(); }
See Also:
  • ITypeHierarchy
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy */
@Override public IType getSuperclass(IType type) { if (isInterface(type)) { return null; } return this.classToSuperclass.get(type); }
See Also:
  • ITypeHierarchy
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy */
@Override public IType[] getSuperInterfaces(IType type) { IType[] types = this.typeToSuperInterfaces.get(type); if (types == null) { return NO_TYPE; } return types; }
See Also:
  • ITypeHierarchy
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy */
@Override public IType[] getSupertypes(IType type) { IType superclass = getSuperclass(type); if (superclass == null) { return getSuperInterfaces(type); } else { TypeVector superTypes = new TypeVector(getSuperInterfaces(type)); superTypes.add(superclass); return superTypes.elements(); } }
See Also:
  • ITypeHierarchy
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy */
@Override public IType getType() { return this.focusType; }
Adds the new elements to a new array that contains all of the elements of the old array. Returns the new array.
/** * Adds the new elements to a new array that contains all of the elements of the old array. * Returns the new array. */
protected IType[] growAndAddToArray(IType[] array, IType[] additions) { if (array == null || array.length == 0) { return additions; } IType[] old = array; array = new IType[old.length + additions.length]; System.arraycopy(old, 0, array, 0, old.length); System.arraycopy(additions, 0, array, old.length, additions.length); return array; }
Adds the new element to a new array that contains all of the elements of the old array. Returns the new array.
/** * Adds the new element to a new array that contains all of the elements of the old array. * Returns the new array. */
protected IType[] growAndAddToArray(IType[] array, IType addition) { if (array == null || array.length == 0) { return new IType[] {addition}; } IType[] old = array; array = new IType[old.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(old, 0, array, 0, old.length); array[old.length] = addition; return array; } /* * Whether fine-grained deltas where collected and affects this hierarchy. */ public boolean hasFineGrainChanges() { ChangeCollector collector = this.changeCollector; return collector != null && collector.needsRefresh(); }
Returns whether this type or one of the subtypes in this hierarchy has the same simple name as the given name.
/** * Returns whether this type or one of the subtypes in this hierarchy has the * same simple name as the given name. */
private boolean hasSubtypeNamed(String name) { int idx = -1; String rawName = (idx = name.indexOf('<')) > -1 ? name.substring(0, idx) : name; String simpleName = (idx = rawName.lastIndexOf('.')) > -1 ? rawName.substring(idx + 1) : rawName; if (this.focusType != null && this.focusType.getElementName().equals(simpleName)) { return true; } IType[] types = this.focusType == null ? getAllTypes() : getAllSubtypes(this.focusType); for (int i = 0, length = types.length; i < length; i++) { if (types[i].getElementName().equals(simpleName)) { return true; } } return false; }
Returns whether one of the types in this hierarchy has the given simple name.
/** * Returns whether one of the types in this hierarchy has the given simple name. */
private boolean hasTypeNamed(String simpleName) { IType[] types = getAllTypes(); for (int i = 0, length = types.length; i < length; i++) { if (types[i].getElementName().equals(simpleName)) { return true; } } return false; }
Returns whether the simple name of the given type or one of its supertypes is the simple name of one of the types in this hierarchy.
/** * Returns whether the simple name of the given type or one of its supertypes is * the simple name of one of the types in this hierarchy. */
boolean includesTypeOrSupertype(IType type) { try { // check type if (hasTypeNamed(type.getElementName())) return true; // check superclass String superclassName = type.getSuperclassName(); if (superclassName != null) { int lastSeparator = superclassName.lastIndexOf('.'); String simpleName = superclassName.substring(lastSeparator+1); if (hasTypeNamed(simpleName)) return true; } // check superinterfaces String[] superinterfaceNames = type.getSuperInterfaceNames(); if (superinterfaceNames != null) { for (int i = 0, length = superinterfaceNames.length; i < length; i++) { String superinterfaceName = superinterfaceNames[i]; int lastSeparator = superinterfaceName.lastIndexOf('.'); String simpleName = superinterfaceName.substring(lastSeparator+1); if (hasTypeNamed(simpleName)) return true; } } } catch (JavaModelException e) { // ignore } return false; }
Initializes this hierarchy's internal tables with the given size.
/** * Initializes this hierarchy's internal tables with the given size. */
protected void initialize(int size) { if (size < 10) { size = 10; } int smallSize = (size / 2); this.classToSuperclass = new HashMap<>(size); this.interfaces = new ArrayList<>(smallSize); this.missingTypes = new ArrayList<>(smallSize); this.rootClasses = new TypeVector(); this.typeToSubtypes = new HashMap<>(smallSize); this.typeToSuperInterfaces = new HashMap<>(smallSize); this.typeFlags = new HashMap<>(smallSize); this.projectRegion = new Region(); this.packageRegion = new Region(); this.files = new HashMap<>(5); }
Returns true if the given delta could change this type hierarchy
  • eventType – TODO
/** * Returns true if the given delta could change this type hierarchy * @param eventType TODO */
public synchronized boolean isAffected(IJavaElementDelta delta, int eventType) { IJavaElement element= delta.getElement(); switch (element.getElementType()) { case IJavaElement.JAVA_MODEL: return isAffectedByJavaModel(delta, element, eventType); case IJavaElement.JAVA_PROJECT: return isAffectedByJavaProject(delta, element, eventType); case IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT_ROOT: return isAffectedByPackageFragmentRoot(delta, element, eventType); case IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT: return isAffectedByPackageFragment(delta, (PackageFragment) element, eventType); case IJavaElement.CLASS_FILE: case IJavaElement.COMPILATION_UNIT: return isAffectedByOpenable(delta, element, eventType); } return false; }
Returns true if any of the children of a project, package fragment root, or package fragment have changed in a way that affects this type hierarchy.
  • eventType – TODO
/** * Returns true if any of the children of a project, package * fragment root, or package fragment have changed in a way that * affects this type hierarchy. * @param eventType TODO */
private boolean isAffectedByChildren(IJavaElementDelta delta, int eventType) { if ((delta.getFlags() & IJavaElementDelta.F_CHILDREN) > 0) { IJavaElementDelta[] children= delta.getAffectedChildren(); for (int i= 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (isAffected(children[i], eventType)) { return true; } } } return false; }
Returns true if the given java model delta could affect this type hierarchy
  • eventType – TODO
/** * Returns true if the given java model delta could affect this type hierarchy * @param eventType TODO */
private boolean isAffectedByJavaModel(IJavaElementDelta delta, IJavaElement element, int eventType) { switch (delta.getKind()) { case IJavaElementDelta.ADDED : case IJavaElementDelta.REMOVED : return element.equals(javaProject().getJavaModel()); case IJavaElementDelta.CHANGED : return isAffectedByChildren(delta, eventType); } return false; }
Returns true if the given java project delta could affect this type hierarchy
  • eventType – TODO
/** * Returns true if the given java project delta could affect this type hierarchy * @param eventType TODO */
private boolean isAffectedByJavaProject(IJavaElementDelta delta, IJavaElement element, int eventType) { int kind = delta.getKind(); int flags = delta.getFlags(); if ((flags & IJavaElementDelta.F_OPENED) != 0) { kind = IJavaElementDelta.ADDED; // affected in the same way } if ((flags & IJavaElementDelta.F_CLOSED) != 0) { kind = IJavaElementDelta.REMOVED; // affected in the same way } switch (kind) { case IJavaElementDelta.ADDED : try { // if the added project is on the classpath, then the hierarchy has changed IClasspathEntry[] classpath = ((JavaProject)javaProject()).getExpandedClasspath(); for (int i = 0; i < classpath.length; i++) { if (classpath[i].getEntryKind() == IClasspathEntry.CPE_PROJECT && classpath[i].getPath().equals(element.getPath())) { return true; } } if (this.focusType != null) { // if the hierarchy's project is on the added project classpath, then the hierarchy has changed classpath = ((JavaProject)element).getExpandedClasspath(); IPath hierarchyProject = javaProject().getPath(); for (int i = 0; i < classpath.length; i++) { if (classpath[i].getEntryKind() == IClasspathEntry.CPE_PROJECT && classpath[i].getPath().equals(hierarchyProject)) { return true; } } } return false; } catch (JavaModelException e) { return false; } case IJavaElementDelta.REMOVED : // removed project - if it contains packages we are interested in // then the type hierarchy has changed IJavaElement[] pkgs = this.packageRegion.getElements(); for (int i = 0; i < pkgs.length; i++) { IJavaProject javaProject = pkgs[i].getJavaProject(); if (javaProject != null && javaProject.equals(element)) { return true; } } return false; case IJavaElementDelta.CHANGED : return isAffectedByChildren(delta, eventType); } return false; }
Returns true if the given package fragment delta could affect this type hierarchy
  • eventType – TODO
/** * Returns true if the given package fragment delta could affect this type hierarchy * @param eventType TODO */
private boolean isAffectedByPackageFragment(IJavaElementDelta delta, PackageFragment element, int eventType) { switch (delta.getKind()) { case IJavaElementDelta.ADDED : // if the package fragment is in the projects being considered, this could // introduce new types, changing the hierarchy return this.projectRegion.contains(element); case IJavaElementDelta.REMOVED : // is a change if the package fragment contains types in this hierarchy return packageRegionContainsSamePackageFragment(element); case IJavaElementDelta.CHANGED : // look at the files in the package fragment return isAffectedByChildren(delta, eventType); } return false; }
Returns true if the given package fragment root delta could affect this type hierarchy
  • eventType – TODO
/** * Returns true if the given package fragment root delta could affect this type hierarchy * @param eventType TODO */
private boolean isAffectedByPackageFragmentRoot(IJavaElementDelta delta, IJavaElement element, int eventType) { switch (delta.getKind()) { case IJavaElementDelta.ADDED : return this.projectRegion.contains(element); case IJavaElementDelta.REMOVED : case IJavaElementDelta.CHANGED : int flags = delta.getFlags(); if ((flags & IJavaElementDelta.F_ADDED_TO_CLASSPATH) > 0) { // check if the root is in the classpath of one of the projects of this hierarchy if (this.projectRegion != null) { IPackageFragmentRoot root = (IPackageFragmentRoot)element; IPath rootPath = root.getPath(); IJavaElement[] elements = this.projectRegion.getElements(); for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { JavaProject javaProject = (JavaProject)elements[i]; try { IClasspathEntry entry = javaProject.getClasspathEntryFor(rootPath); if (entry != null) { return true; } } catch (JavaModelException e) { // igmore this project } } } } if ((flags & IJavaElementDelta.F_REMOVED_FROM_CLASSPATH) > 0 || (flags & IJavaElementDelta.F_ARCHIVE_CONTENT_CHANGED) > 0) { // 1. removed from classpath - if it contains packages we are interested in // the the type hierarchy has changed // 2. content of a jar changed - if it contains packages we are interested in // then the type hierarchy has changed IJavaElement[] pkgs = this.packageRegion.getElements(); for (int i = 0; i < pkgs.length; i++) { if (pkgs[i].getParent().equals(element)) { return true; } } return false; } } return isAffectedByChildren(delta, eventType); }
Returns true if the given type delta (a compilation unit delta or a class file delta) could affect this type hierarchy.
  • eventType – TODO
/** * Returns true if the given type delta (a compilation unit delta or a class file delta) * could affect this type hierarchy. * @param eventType TODO */
protected boolean isAffectedByOpenable(IJavaElementDelta delta, IJavaElement element, int eventType) { if (element instanceof CompilationUnit) { CompilationUnit cu = (CompilationUnit)element; ICompilationUnit focusCU = this.focusType != null ? this.focusType.getCompilationUnit() : null; if (focusCU != null && focusCU.getOwner() != cu.getOwner()) return false; //ADDED delta arising from getWorkingCopy() should be ignored if (eventType != ElementChangedEvent.POST_RECONCILE && !cu.isPrimary() && delta.getKind() == IJavaElementDelta.ADDED) return false; ChangeCollector collector = this.changeCollector; if (collector == null) { collector = new ChangeCollector(this); } try { collector.addChange(cu, delta); } catch (JavaModelException e) { if (DEBUG) e.printStackTrace(); } if (cu.isWorkingCopy() && eventType == ElementChangedEvent.POST_RECONCILE) { // changes to working copies are batched this.changeCollector = collector; return false; } else { return collector.needsRefresh(); } } else if (element instanceof ClassFile) { switch (delta.getKind()) { case IJavaElementDelta.REMOVED: IOpenable o = (IOpenable) element; return this.files.get(o) != null; case IJavaElementDelta.ADDED: IType type = ((ClassFile)element).getType(); String typeName = type.getElementName(); if (hasSupertype(typeName) || subtypesIncludeSupertypeOf(type) || this.missingTypes.contains(typeName)) { return true; } break; case IJavaElementDelta.CHANGED: IJavaElementDelta[] children = delta.getAffectedChildren(); for (int i = 0, length = children.length; i < length; i++) { IJavaElementDelta child = children[i]; IJavaElement childElement = child.getElement(); if (childElement instanceof IType) { type = (IType)childElement; boolean hasVisibilityChange = (delta.getFlags() & IJavaElementDelta.F_MODIFIERS) > 0; boolean hasSupertypeChange = (delta.getFlags() & IJavaElementDelta.F_SUPER_TYPES) > 0; if ((hasVisibilityChange && hasSupertype(type.getElementName())) || (hasSupertypeChange && includesTypeOrSupertype(type))) { return true; } } } break; } } return false; } private boolean isInterface(IType type) { int flags = getCachedFlags(type); if (flags == -1) { try { return type.isInterface(); } catch (JavaModelException e) { return false; } } else { return Flags.isInterface(flags); } }
Returns the java project this hierarchy was created in.
/** * Returns the java project this hierarchy was created in. */
public IJavaProject javaProject() { return this.focusType.getJavaProject(); } protected static byte[] readUntil(InputStream input, byte separator) throws JavaModelException, IOException{ return readUntil(input, separator, 0); } protected static byte[] readUntil(InputStream input, byte separator, int offset) throws IOException, JavaModelException{ int length = 0; byte[] bytes = new byte[SIZE]; byte b; while((b = (byte) != separator && b != -1) { if(bytes.length == length) { System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, bytes = new byte[length*2], 0, length); } bytes[length++] = b; } if(b == -1) { throw new JavaModelException(new JavaModelStatus(IStatus.ERROR)); } System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, bytes = new byte[length + offset], offset, length); return bytes; } public static ITypeHierarchy load(IType type, InputStream input, WorkingCopyOwner owner) throws JavaModelException { try { TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy = new TypeHierarchy(); typeHierarchy.initialize(1); IType[] types = new IType[SIZE]; int typeCount = 0; byte version = (byte); if(version != VERSION) { throw new JavaModelException(new JavaModelStatus(IStatus.ERROR)); } byte generalInfo = (byte); if((generalInfo & COMPUTE_SUBTYPES) != 0) { typeHierarchy.computeSubtypes = true; } byte b; byte[] bytes; // read project bytes = readUntil(input, SEPARATOR1); if(bytes.length > 0) { typeHierarchy.project = (IJavaProject)JavaCore.create(new String(bytes)); typeHierarchy.scope = SearchEngine.createJavaSearchScope(new IJavaElement[] {typeHierarchy.project}); } else { typeHierarchy.project = null; typeHierarchy.scope = SearchEngine.createWorkspaceScope(); } // read missing type { bytes = readUntil(input, SEPARATOR1); byte[] missing; int j = 0; int length = bytes.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { b = bytes[i]; if(b == SEPARATOR2) { missing = new byte[i - j]; System.arraycopy(bytes, j, missing, 0, i - j); typeHierarchy.missingTypes.add(new String(missing)); j = i + 1; } } System.arraycopy(bytes, j, missing = new byte[length - j], 0, length - j); typeHierarchy.missingTypes.add(new String(missing)); } // read types while((b = (byte) != SEPARATOR1 && b != -1) { bytes = readUntil(input, SEPARATOR4, 1); bytes[0] = b; IType element = (IType)JavaCore.create(new String(bytes), owner); if(types.length == typeCount) { System.arraycopy(types, 0, types = new IType[typeCount * 2], 0, typeCount); } types[typeCount++] = element; // read flags bytes = readUntil(input, SEPARATOR4); Integer flags = bytesToFlags(bytes); if(flags != null) { typeHierarchy.cacheFlags(element, flags.intValue()); } // read info byte info = (byte); if((info & INTERFACE) != 0) { typeHierarchy.addInterface(element); } if((info & COMPUTED_FOR) != 0) { if(!element.equals(type)) { throw new JavaModelException(new JavaModelStatus(IStatus.ERROR)); } typeHierarchy.focusType = element; } if((info & ROOT) != 0) { typeHierarchy.addRootClass(element); } } // read super class while((b = (byte) != SEPARATOR1 && b != -1) { bytes = readUntil(input, SEPARATOR3, 1); bytes[0] = b; int subClass = Integer.parseInt(new String(bytes)); // read super type bytes = readUntil(input, SEPARATOR1); int superClass = Integer.parseInt(new String(bytes)); typeHierarchy.cacheSuperclass( types[subClass], types[superClass]); } // read super interface while((b = (byte) != SEPARATOR1 && b != -1) { bytes = readUntil(input, SEPARATOR3, 1); bytes[0] = b; int subClass = Integer.parseInt(new String(bytes)); // read super interface bytes = readUntil(input, SEPARATOR1); IType[] superInterfaces = new IType[(bytes.length / 2) + 1]; int interfaceCount = 0; int j = 0; byte[] b2; for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { if(bytes[i] == SEPARATOR2){ b2 = new byte[i - j]; System.arraycopy(bytes, j, b2, 0, i - j); j = i + 1; superInterfaces[interfaceCount++] = types[Integer.parseInt(new String(b2))]; } } b2 = new byte[bytes.length - j]; System.arraycopy(bytes, j, b2, 0, bytes.length - j); superInterfaces[interfaceCount++] = types[Integer.parseInt(new String(b2))]; System.arraycopy(superInterfaces, 0, superInterfaces = new IType[interfaceCount], 0, interfaceCount); typeHierarchy.cacheSuperInterfaces( types[subClass], superInterfaces); } if(b == -1) { throw new JavaModelException(new JavaModelStatus(IStatus.ERROR)); } return typeHierarchy; } catch(IOException e){ throw new JavaModelException(e, IJavaModelStatusConstants.IO_EXCEPTION); } }
Returns true if an equivalent package fragment is included in the package region. Package fragments are equivalent if they both have the same name.
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if an equivalent package fragment is included in the package * region. Package fragments are equivalent if they both have the same name. */
protected boolean packageRegionContainsSamePackageFragment(PackageFragment element) { IJavaElement[] pkgs = this.packageRegion.getElements(); for (int i = 0; i < pkgs.length; i++) { PackageFragment pkg = (PackageFragment) pkgs[i]; if (Util.equalArraysOrNull(pkg.names, element.names)) return true; } return false; }
See Also:
  • TODO (jerome) should use a PerThreadObject to build the hierarchy instead of synchronizing (see also isAffected(IJavaElementDelta))
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy * TODO (jerome) should use a PerThreadObject to build the hierarchy instead of synchronizing * (see also isAffected(IJavaElementDelta)) */
@Override public synchronized void refresh(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException { try { this.progressMonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, this.focusType != null ? Messages.bind(Messages.hierarchy_creatingOnType, this.focusType.getFullyQualifiedName()) : Messages.hierarchy_creating, 100); long start = -1; if (DEBUG) { start = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (this.computeSubtypes) { System.out.println("CREATING TYPE HIERARCHY [" + Thread.currentThread() + "]"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } else { System.out.println("CREATING SUPER TYPE HIERARCHY [" + Thread.currentThread() + "]"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } if (this.focusType != null) { System.out.println(" on type " + ((JavaElement)this.focusType).toStringWithAncestors()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } compute(); initializeRegions(); this.needsRefresh = false; this.changeCollector = null; if (DEBUG) { if (this.computeSubtypes) { System.out.println("CREATED TYPE HIERARCHY in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } else { System.out.println("CREATED SUPER TYPE HIERARCHY in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } System.out.println(this.toString()); } } catch (JavaModelException e) { throw e; } catch (CoreException e) { throw new JavaModelException(e); } finally { if (monitor != null) { monitor.done(); } this.progressMonitor = null; } }
See Also:
  • ITypeHierarchy
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy */
@Override public synchronized void removeTypeHierarchyChangedListener(ITypeHierarchyChangedListener listener) { ArrayList<ITypeHierarchyChangedListener> listeners = this.changeListeners; if (listeners == null) { return; } listeners.remove(listener); // deregister from JavaCore on last listener removed if (listeners.isEmpty()) { JavaCore.removeElementChangedListener(this); } }
See Also:
  • ITypeHierarchy
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy */
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void store(OutputStream output, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException { try { // compute types in hierarchy Hashtable<IType, Integer> hashtable = new Hashtable<>(); Hashtable<Integer, IType> hashtable2 = new Hashtable<>(); int count = 0; if(this.focusType != null) { Integer index = Integer.valueOf(count++); hashtable.put(this.focusType, index); hashtable2.put(index, this.focusType); } Object[] types = this.classToSuperclass.entrySet().toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { Map.Entry<IType, IType> entry = (Map.Entry<IType, IType>) types[i]; IType t = entry.getKey(); if(hashtable.get(t) == null) { Integer index = Integer.valueOf(count++); hashtable.put(t, index); hashtable2.put(index, t); } IType superClass = entry.getValue(); if(superClass != null && hashtable.get(superClass) == null) { Integer index = Integer.valueOf(count++); hashtable.put(superClass, index); hashtable2.put(index, superClass); } } Object[] intfs = this.typeToSuperInterfaces.entrySet().toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < intfs.length; i++) { Map.Entry<IType, IType[]> entry = (Map.Entry<IType, IType[]>) intfs[i]; IType t = entry.getKey(); if(hashtable.get(t) == null) { Integer index = Integer.valueOf(count++); hashtable.put(t, index); hashtable2.put(index, t); } IType[] sp = entry.getValue(); if(sp != null) { for (int j = 0; j < sp.length; j++) { IType superInterface = sp[j]; if(sp[j] != null && hashtable.get(superInterface) == null) { Integer index = Integer.valueOf(count++); hashtable.put(superInterface, index); hashtable2.put(index, superInterface); } } } } // save version of the hierarchy format output.write(VERSION); // save general info byte generalInfo = 0; if(this.computeSubtypes) { generalInfo |= COMPUTE_SUBTYPES; } output.write(generalInfo); // save project if(this.project != null) { output.write(this.project.getHandleIdentifier().getBytes()); } output.write(SEPARATOR1); // save missing types for (int i = 0; i < this.missingTypes.size(); i++) { if(i != 0) { output.write(SEPARATOR2); } output.write((this.missingTypes.get(i)).getBytes()); } output.write(SEPARATOR1); // save types for (int i = 0; i < count ; i++) { IType t = hashtable2.get(Integer.valueOf(i)); // n bytes output.write(t.getHandleIdentifier().getBytes()); output.write(SEPARATOR4); output.write(flagsToBytes(this.typeFlags.get(t))); output.write(SEPARATOR4); byte info = CLASS; if(this.focusType != null && this.focusType.equals(t)) { info |= COMPUTED_FOR; } if(this.interfaces.contains(t)) { info |= INTERFACE; } if(this.rootClasses.contains(t)) { info |= ROOT; } output.write(info); } output.write(SEPARATOR1); // save superclasses types = this.classToSuperclass.entrySet().toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { Map.Entry<IType, IType> entry = (Map.Entry<IType, IType>) types[i]; IJavaElement key = entry.getKey(); IJavaElement value = entry.getValue(); output.write(hashtable.get(key).toString().getBytes()); output.write('>'); output.write(hashtable.get(value).toString().getBytes()); output.write(SEPARATOR1); } output.write(SEPARATOR1); // save superinterfaces intfs = this.typeToSuperInterfaces.entrySet().toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < intfs.length; i++) { Map.Entry<IType, IType[]> entry = (Map.Entry<IType, IType[]>) intfs[i]; IJavaElement key = entry.getKey(); IJavaElement[] values = entry.getValue(); if(values.length > 0) { output.write(hashtable.get(key).toString().getBytes()); output.write(SEPARATOR3); for (int j = 0; j < values.length; j++) { IJavaElement value = values[j]; if(j != 0) output.write(SEPARATOR2); output.write(hashtable.get(value).toString().getBytes()); } output.write(SEPARATOR1); } } output.write(SEPARATOR1); } catch(IOException e) { throw new JavaModelException(e, IJavaModelStatusConstants.IO_EXCEPTION); } }
Returns whether the simple name of a supertype of the given type is the simple name of one of the subtypes in this hierarchy or the simple name of this type.
/** * Returns whether the simple name of a supertype of the given type is * the simple name of one of the subtypes in this hierarchy or the * simple name of this type. */
boolean subtypesIncludeSupertypeOf(IType type) { // look for superclass String superclassName = null; try { superclassName = type.getSuperclassName(); } catch (JavaModelException e) { if (DEBUG) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } if (superclassName == null) { superclassName = "Object"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (hasSubtypeNamed(superclassName)) { return true; } // look for super interfaces String[] interfaceNames = null; try { interfaceNames = type.getSuperInterfaceNames(); } catch (JavaModelException e) { if (DEBUG) e.printStackTrace(); return false; } for (int i = 0, length = interfaceNames.length; i < length; i++) { String interfaceName = interfaceNames[i]; if (hasSubtypeNamed(interfaceName)) { return true; } } return false; }
See Also:
  • ITypeHierarchy
/** * @see ITypeHierarchy */
@Override public String toString() { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("Focus: "); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (this.focusType == null) { buffer.append("<NONE>\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { toString(buffer, this.focusType, 0); } if (exists()) { if (this.focusType != null) { buffer.append("Super types:\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ toString(buffer, this.focusType, 0, true); buffer.append("Sub types:\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ toString(buffer, this.focusType, 0, false); } else { if (this.rootClasses.size > 0) { IJavaElement[] roots = Util.sortCopy(getRootClasses()); buffer.append("Super types of root classes:\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ int length = roots.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { IJavaElement root = roots[i]; toString(buffer, root, 1); toString(buffer, root, 1, true); } buffer.append("Sub types of root classes:\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { IJavaElement root = roots[i]; toString(buffer, root, 1); toString(buffer, root, 1, false); } } else if (this.rootClasses.size == 0) { // see buffer.append("No root classes"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } else { buffer.append("(Hierarchy became stale)"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return buffer.toString(); }
Append a String to the given buffer representing the hierarchy for the type, beginning with the specified indentation level. If ascendant, shows the super types, otherwise show the sub types.
/** * Append a String to the given buffer representing the hierarchy for the type, * beginning with the specified indentation level. * If ascendant, shows the super types, otherwise show the sub types. */
private void toString(StringBuffer buffer, IJavaElement type, int indent, boolean ascendant) { IType[] types= ascendant ? getSupertypes((IType) type) : getSubtypes((IType) type); IJavaElement[] sortedTypes = Util.sortCopy(types); for (int i= 0; i < sortedTypes.length; i++) { toString(buffer, sortedTypes[i], indent + 1); toString(buffer, sortedTypes[i], indent + 1, ascendant); } } private void toString(StringBuffer buffer, IJavaElement type, int indent) { for (int j= 0; j < indent; j++) { buffer.append(" "); //$NON-NLS-1$ } buffer.append(((JavaElement) type).toStringWithAncestors(false/*don't show key*/)); buffer.append('\n'); }
Returns whether one of the types in this hierarchy has a supertype whose simple name is the given simple name.
/** * Returns whether one of the types in this hierarchy has a supertype whose simple * name is the given simple name. */
boolean hasSupertype(String simpleName) { for(Iterator<IType> iter = this.classToSuperclass.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext();){ IType superType =; if (superType.getElementName().equals(simpleName)) { return true; } } return false; }
See Also:
  • IProgressMonitor
/** * @see IProgressMonitor */
protected void worked(int work) { if (this.progressMonitor != null) { this.progressMonitor.worked(work); checkCanceled(); } } }