Copyright (c) 2014, 2015 Google Inc and others. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 Contributors: John Glassmyer - import group sorting is broken - Lars Vogel - Contributions for Bug 473178
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2014, 2015 Google Inc and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * John Glassmyer <> - import group sorting is broken - * Lars Vogel <> - Contributions for * Bug 473178 *******************************************************************************/
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.dom.rewrite.imports; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException; public class ConflictIdentifier {
Encapsulates those simple names (of type imports and of static imports) which would be imported from multiple on-demand or implicit import containers.
/** * Encapsulates those simple names (of type imports and of static imports) which would be * imported from multiple on-demand or implicit import containers. */
static final class Conflicts { final Set<String> typeConflicts; final Set<String> staticConflicts; Conflicts(Set<String> typeConflicts, Set<String> staticConflicts) { this.typeConflicts = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(typeConflicts)); this.staticConflicts = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(staticConflicts)); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format( "Conflicts(type: %s; static: %s)", this.typeConflicts, this.staticConflicts); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } private final OnDemandComputer onDemandComputer; private final TypeConflictingSimpleNameFinder typeConflictFinder; private final StaticConflictingSimpleNameFinder staticConflictFinder; private final Set<String> implicitImportContainers; ConflictIdentifier( OnDemandComputer onDemandComputer, TypeConflictingSimpleNameFinder typeConflictFinder, StaticConflictingSimpleNameFinder staticConflictFinder, Set<String> implicitImportContainers) { this.onDemandComputer = onDemandComputer; this.typeConflictFinder = typeConflictFinder; this.staticConflictFinder = staticConflictFinder; this.implicitImportContainers = implicitImportContainers; }
Identifies the simple names (of the elements of imports) which would be imported from multiple on-demand or implicit import containers.
  • imports – imports whose simple names are to be considered for conflicts
  • addedImports – imports which have been added as part of the rewrite (and could therefore trigger on-demand reductions; a subset of imports
  • typeExplicitSimpleNames – simple names of types which are already known to require explicit imports
  • staticExplicitSimpleNames – simple names of statics which are already known to require explicit imports
  • progressMonitor – a progress monitor used to track time spent searching for conflicts
Returns:a Conflicts object encapsulating the found conflicting type and static names
/** * Identifies the simple names (of the elements of {@code imports}) which would be imported from * multiple on-demand or implicit import containers. * * @param imports * imports whose simple names are to be considered for conflicts * @param addedImports * imports which have been added as part of the rewrite (and could therefore trigger * on-demand reductions; a subset of {@code imports} * @param typeExplicitSimpleNames * simple names of types which are already known to require explicit imports * @param staticExplicitSimpleNames * simple names of statics which are already known to require explicit imports * @param progressMonitor * a progress monitor used to track time spent searching for conflicts * @return a {@link Conflicts} object encapsulating the found conflicting type and static names * @throws JavaModelException if an error occurs while searching for declarations */
Conflicts identifyConflicts( Set<ImportName> imports, Set<ImportName> addedImports, Set<String> typeExplicitSimpleNames, Set<String> staticExplicitSimpleNames, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws JavaModelException { Collection<OnDemandReduction> onDemandCandidates = this.onDemandComputer.identifyPossibleReductions( imports, addedImports, typeExplicitSimpleNames, staticExplicitSimpleNames); Set<String> typeOnDemandContainers = new HashSet<>(extractContainerNames(onDemandCandidates, false)); Set<String> staticOnDemandContainers = new HashSet<>(extractContainerNames(onDemandCandidates, true)); if (!typeOnDemandContainers.isEmpty()) { // Existing on-demands might conflict with new or existing on-demands. typeOnDemandContainers.addAll(extractOnDemandContainerNames(imports, false)); // Implicitly imported types might conflict with type on-demands. typeOnDemandContainers.addAll(this.implicitImportContainers); // Member types imported by static on-demands might conflict with type on-demands. typeOnDemandContainers.addAll(staticOnDemandContainers); } if (!staticOnDemandContainers.isEmpty()) { // Existing on-demands might conflict with new or existing on-demands. staticOnDemandContainers.addAll(extractOnDemandContainerNames(imports, true)); } Set<String> typeConflicts = findConflictingSimpleNames( this.typeConflictFinder, imports, false, typeOnDemandContainers, progressMonitor); Set<String> staticConflicts = findConflictingSimpleNames( this.staticConflictFinder, imports, true, staticOnDemandContainers, progressMonitor); return new Conflicts(typeConflicts, staticConflicts); } private Collection<String> extractContainerNames( Collection<OnDemandReduction> onDemandCandidates, boolean isStatic) { Collection<String> containerNames = new ArrayList<>(onDemandCandidates.size()); for (OnDemandReduction onDemandCandidate : onDemandCandidates) { ImportName containerOnDemand = onDemandCandidate.containerOnDemand; if (containerOnDemand.isStatic == isStatic) { containerNames.add(containerOnDemand.containerName); } } return containerNames; } private Collection<String> extractOnDemandContainerNames( Collection<ImportName> imports, boolean isStatic) { Collection<String> onDemandContainerNames = new ArrayList<>(imports.size()); for (ImportName importName : imports) { if (importName.isOnDemand() && importName.isStatic == isStatic) { onDemandContainerNames.add(importName.containerName); } } return onDemandContainerNames; } private Set<String> findConflictingSimpleNames( ConflictingSimpleNameFinder conflictFinder, Set<ImportName> imports, boolean isStatic, Set<String> onDemandImportedContainers, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException { if (onDemandImportedContainers.isEmpty() || imports.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptySet(); } Set<String> simpleNames = new HashSet<>(); for (ImportName currentImport : imports) { if (currentImport.isStatic == isStatic) { simpleNames.add(currentImport.simpleName); } } return conflictFinder.findConflictingSimpleNames(simpleNames, onDemandImportedContainers, monitor); } }