Copyright (c) 2015 Google Inc and others. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 Contributors: John Glassmyer - import group sorting is broken -
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2015 Google Inc and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * John Glassmyer <> - import group sorting is broken - *******************************************************************************/
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.dom.rewrite.imports; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; class OnDemandComputer { private int typeOnDemandThreshold; private int staticOnDemandThreshold; OnDemandComputer(int typeOnDemandThreshold, int staticOnDemandThreshold) { this.typeOnDemandThreshold = typeOnDemandThreshold; this.staticOnDemandThreshold = staticOnDemandThreshold; }
Identifies on-demand reductions (additions of on-demand imports with corresponding removal of single imports) satisfying the type and static on-demand import thresholds.

Only the containers imports which have been added or removed as part of the rewrite will be considered for on-demand reductions.

  • imports – the imports in the compilation unit
  • touchedContainers – the containers of all imports being added or removed as part of this rewrite, which should be considered for on-demand reductions (specified as an on-demand ImportName for each container)
  • typeExplicitSimpleNames – simple names of non-static single imports which must be preserved as single imports and not reduced into on-demand imports
  • staticExplicitSimpleNames – simple names of static single imports which must be preserved as single imports and not reduced into on-demand imports
/** * Identifies on-demand reductions (additions of on-demand imports with corresponding removal of * single imports) satisfying the type and static on-demand import thresholds. * <p> * Only the containers imports which have been added or removed as part of the rewrite * will be considered for on-demand reductions. * * @param imports * the imports in the compilation unit * @param touchedContainers * the containers of all imports being added or removed as part of this rewrite, * which should be considered for on-demand reductions (specified as an on-demand * ImportName for each container) * @param typeExplicitSimpleNames * simple names of non-static single imports which must be preserved as single * imports and not reduced into on-demand imports * @param staticExplicitSimpleNames * simple names of static single imports which must be preserved as single * imports and not reduced into on-demand imports */
Collection<OnDemandReduction> identifyPossibleReductions( Set<ImportName> imports, Set<ImportName> touchedContainers, Set<String> typeExplicitSimpleNames, Set<String> staticExplicitSimpleNames) { Collection<OnDemandReduction> candidates = new ArrayList<OnDemandReduction>(); Map<ImportName, Collection<ImportName>> importsByContainer = mapByContainer(imports); for (Map.Entry<ImportName, Collection<ImportName>> containerAndImports : importsByContainer.entrySet()) { ImportName containerOnDemand = containerAndImports.getKey(); // Imports from an unnamed package should not be reduced (see bug 461863). boolean isUnnamedPackage = containerOnDemand.containerName.isEmpty(); if (touchedContainers.contains(containerOnDemand) && !isUnnamedPackage) { Collection<ImportName> containerImports = containerAndImports.getValue(); Set<String> explicitSimpleNames = containerOnDemand.isStatic ? staticExplicitSimpleNames : typeExplicitSimpleNames; int onDemandThreshold = containerOnDemand.isStatic ? this.staticOnDemandThreshold : this.typeOnDemandThreshold; OnDemandReduction candidate = maybeReduce( containerOnDemand, containerImports, onDemandThreshold, explicitSimpleNames); if (candidate != null) { candidates.add(candidate); } } } return candidates; } private Map<ImportName, Collection<ImportName>> mapByContainer(Collection<ImportName> imports) { Map<ImportName, Collection<ImportName>> importsByContainer = new HashMap<ImportName, Collection<ImportName>>(); for (ImportName importName : imports) { ImportName containerOnDemand = importName.getContainerOnDemand(); Collection<ImportName> containerImports = importsByContainer.get(containerOnDemand); if (containerImports == null) { containerImports = new ArrayList<ImportName>(); importsByContainer.put(containerOnDemand, containerImports); } containerImports.add(importName); } return importsByContainer; } private OnDemandReduction maybeReduce( ImportName containerOnDemand, Collection<ImportName> containerImports, int onDemandThreshold, Set<String> explicitSimpleNames) { boolean containerHasOnDemand = false; Collection<ImportName> reducibleImports = new ArrayList<ImportName>(); for (ImportName currentImport : containerImports) { if (currentImport.isOnDemand()) { containerHasOnDemand = true; } else { if (!explicitSimpleNames.contains(currentImport.simpleName)) { reducibleImports.add(currentImport); } } } if (containerHasOnDemand || reducibleImports.size() >= onDemandThreshold) { return new OnDemandReduction(containerOnDemand, reducibleImports); } return null; } }