Copyright (c) 2000, 2013 IBM Corporation and others. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.InvalidInputException; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.codeassist.impl.AssistOptions; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.Scanner; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.ScannerHelper; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.SimpleSetOfCharArray; public class InternalNamingConventions { private static final char[] DEFAULT_NAME = "name".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$ private static Scanner getNameScanner(CompilerOptions compilerOptions) { return new Scanner( false /*comment*/, false /*whitespace*/, false /*nls*/, compilerOptions.sourceLevel /*sourceLevel*/, null /*taskTags*/, null/*taskPriorities*/, true/*taskCaseSensitive*/, compilerOptions.enablePreviewFeatures); } private static void acceptName( char[] name, char[] prefix, char[] suffix, boolean isFirstPrefix, boolean isFirstSuffix, int reusedCharacters, INamingRequestor requestor) { if(prefix.length > 0 && suffix.length > 0) { requestor.acceptNameWithPrefixAndSuffix(name, isFirstPrefix, isFirstSuffix, reusedCharacters); } else if(prefix.length > 0){ requestor.acceptNameWithPrefix(name, isFirstPrefix, reusedCharacters); } else if(suffix.length > 0){ requestor.acceptNameWithSuffix(name, isFirstSuffix, reusedCharacters); } else { requestor.acceptNameWithoutPrefixAndSuffix(name, reusedCharacters); } } private static char[][] computeBaseTypeNames(char[] typeName, boolean isConstantField, char[][] excludedNames){ if (isConstantField) { return computeNonBaseTypeNames(typeName, isConstantField, false); } else { char[] name = computeBaseTypeNames(typeName[0], excludedNames); if(name != null) { return new char[][]{name}; } else { // compute variable name like from non base type return computeNonBaseTypeNames(typeName, isConstantField, false); } } } private static char[] computeBaseTypeNames(char firstName, char[][] excludedNames){ char[] name = new char[]{firstName}; for(int i = 0 ; i < excludedNames.length ; i++){ if(CharOperation.equals(name, excludedNames[i], false)) { name[0]++; if(name[0] > 'z') name[0] = 'a'; if(name[0] == firstName) return null; i = 0; } } return name; } private static char[][] computeNonBaseTypeNames(char[] sourceName, boolean isConstantField, boolean onlyLongest){ int length = sourceName.length; if (length == 0) { return CharOperation.NO_CHAR_CHAR; } if (length == 1) { if (isConstantField) { return generateConstantName(new char[][]{CharOperation.toLowerCase(sourceName)}, 0, onlyLongest); } else { return generateNonConstantName(new char[][]{CharOperation.toLowerCase(sourceName)}, 0, onlyLongest); } } char[][] nameParts = new char[length][]; int namePartsPtr = -1; int endIndex = length; char c = sourceName[length - 1]; final int IS_LOWER_CASE = 1; final int IS_UPPER_CASE = 2; final int IS_UNDERSCORE = 3; final int IS_OTHER = 4; int previousCharKind = ScannerHelper.isLowerCase(c) ? IS_LOWER_CASE : ScannerHelper.isUpperCase(c) ? IS_UPPER_CASE : c == '_' ? IS_UNDERSCORE : IS_OTHER; for(int i = length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--){ c = sourceName[i]; int charKind = ScannerHelper.isLowerCase(c) ? IS_LOWER_CASE : ScannerHelper.isUpperCase(c) ? IS_UPPER_CASE : c == '_' ? IS_UNDERSCORE : IS_OTHER; switch (charKind) { case IS_LOWER_CASE: if (previousCharKind == IS_UPPER_CASE) { nameParts[++namePartsPtr] = CharOperation.subarray(sourceName, i + 1, endIndex); endIndex = i + 1; } previousCharKind = IS_LOWER_CASE; break; case IS_UPPER_CASE: if (previousCharKind == IS_LOWER_CASE) { nameParts[++namePartsPtr] = CharOperation.subarray(sourceName, i, endIndex); if (i > 0) { char pc = sourceName[i - 1]; previousCharKind = ScannerHelper.isLowerCase(pc) ? IS_LOWER_CASE : ScannerHelper.isUpperCase(pc) ? IS_UPPER_CASE : pc == '_' ? IS_UNDERSCORE : IS_OTHER; } endIndex = i; } else { previousCharKind = IS_UPPER_CASE; } break; case IS_UNDERSCORE: switch (previousCharKind) { case IS_UNDERSCORE: // // Process consecutive underscores only for constant types if (isConstantField) { if (i > 0) { char pc = sourceName[i - 1]; previousCharKind = ScannerHelper.isLowerCase(pc) ? IS_LOWER_CASE : ScannerHelper.isUpperCase(pc) ? IS_UPPER_CASE : pc == '_' ? IS_UNDERSCORE : IS_OTHER; } endIndex = i; } break; case IS_LOWER_CASE: case IS_UPPER_CASE: nameParts[++namePartsPtr] = CharOperation.subarray(sourceName, i + 1, endIndex); if (i > 0) { char pc = sourceName[i - 1]; previousCharKind = ScannerHelper.isLowerCase(pc) ? IS_LOWER_CASE : ScannerHelper.isUpperCase(pc) ? IS_UPPER_CASE : pc == '_' ? IS_UNDERSCORE : IS_OTHER; } // Include the '_' also. E.g. My_word -> "My_" and "word". endIndex = i+1; break; default: previousCharKind = IS_UNDERSCORE; break; } break; default: previousCharKind = IS_OTHER; break; } } if (endIndex > 0) { nameParts[++namePartsPtr] = CharOperation.subarray(sourceName, 0, endIndex); } if (namePartsPtr == -1) { return new char[][] { sourceName }; } if (isConstantField) { return generateConstantName(nameParts, namePartsPtr, onlyLongest); } else { return generateNonConstantName(nameParts, namePartsPtr, onlyLongest); } } private static char[] excludeNames( char[] suffixName, char[] prefixName, char[] suffix, char[][] excludedNames) { int count = 2; int m = 0; while (m < excludedNames.length) { if(CharOperation.equals(suffixName, excludedNames[m], false)) { suffixName = CharOperation.concat( prefixName, String.valueOf(count++).toCharArray(), suffix ); m = 0; } else { m++; } } return suffixName; } private static char[][] generateNonConstantName(char[][] nameParts, int namePartsPtr, boolean onlyLongest) { char[][] names; if (onlyLongest) { names = new char[1][]; } else { names = new char[namePartsPtr + 1][]; } char[] namePart = nameParts[0]; char[] name = CharOperation.toLowerCase(namePart); if (!onlyLongest) { names[namePartsPtr] = name; } char[] nameSuffix = namePart; for (int i = 1; i <= namePartsPtr; i++) { namePart = nameParts[i]; name = CharOperation.concat(CharOperation.toLowerCase(namePart), nameSuffix); // // Only the first word is converted to lower case and the rest of them are not changed for non-constants if (!onlyLongest) { names[namePartsPtr - i] = name; } nameSuffix = CharOperation.concat(namePart, nameSuffix); } if (onlyLongest) { names[0] = name; } return names; } private static char[][] generateConstantName(char[][] nameParts, int namePartsPtr, boolean onlyLongest) { char[][] names; if (onlyLongest) { names = new char[1][]; } else { names = new char[namePartsPtr + 1][]; } char[] namePart = CharOperation.toUpperCase(nameParts[0]); int namePartLength = namePart.length; System.arraycopy(namePart, 0, namePart, 0, namePartLength); char[] name = namePart; if (!onlyLongest) { names[namePartsPtr] = name; } for (int i = 1; i <= namePartsPtr; i++) { namePart = CharOperation.toUpperCase(nameParts[i]); namePartLength = namePart.length; if (namePart[namePartLength - 1] != '_') { name = CharOperation.concat(namePart, name, '_'); } else { name = CharOperation.concat(namePart, name); } if (!onlyLongest) { names[namePartsPtr - i] = name; } } if (onlyLongest) { names[0] = name; } return names; } public static char[] getBaseName( int variableKind, IJavaProject javaProject, char[] name, boolean updateFirstCharacter) { AssistOptions assistOptions; if (javaProject != null) { assistOptions = new AssistOptions(javaProject.getOptions(true)); } else { assistOptions = new AssistOptions(JavaCore.getOptions()); } char[][] prefixes = null; char[][] suffixes = null; switch (variableKind) { case VK_INSTANCE_FIELD: prefixes = assistOptions.fieldPrefixes; suffixes = assistOptions.fieldSuffixes; break; case VK_STATIC_FIELD: prefixes = assistOptions.staticFieldPrefixes; suffixes = assistOptions.staticFieldSuffixes; break; case VK_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD: prefixes = assistOptions.staticFinalFieldPrefixes; suffixes = assistOptions.staticFinalFieldSuffixes; break; case VK_LOCAL: prefixes = assistOptions.localPrefixes; suffixes = assistOptions.localSuffixes; break; case VK_PARAMETER: prefixes = assistOptions.argumentPrefixes; suffixes = assistOptions.argumentSuffixes; break; } return getBaseName(name, prefixes, suffixes, variableKind == VK_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD, updateFirstCharacter); } private static char[] getBaseName(char[] name, char[][] prefixes, char[][] suffixes, boolean isConstant, boolean updateFirstCharacter) { char[] nameWithoutPrefixAndSiffix = removeVariablePrefixAndSuffix(name, prefixes, suffixes, updateFirstCharacter); char[] baseName; if (isConstant) { int length = nameWithoutPrefixAndSiffix.length; baseName = new char[length]; int baseNamePtr = -1; boolean previousIsUnderscore = false; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = nameWithoutPrefixAndSiffix[i]; if (c != '_') { if (previousIsUnderscore) { baseName[++baseNamePtr] = ScannerHelper.toUpperCase(c); previousIsUnderscore = false; } else { baseName[++baseNamePtr] = ScannerHelper.toLowerCase(c); } } else { previousIsUnderscore = true; } } System.arraycopy(baseName, 0, baseName = new char[baseNamePtr + 1], 0, baseNamePtr + 1); } else { baseName = nameWithoutPrefixAndSiffix; } return baseName; } public static char[] removeVariablePrefixAndSuffix( int variableKind, IJavaProject javaProject, char[] name) { AssistOptions assistOptions; if (javaProject != null) { assistOptions = new AssistOptions(javaProject.getOptions(true)); } else { assistOptions = new AssistOptions(JavaCore.getOptions()); } char[][] prefixes = null; char[][] suffixes = null; switch (variableKind) { case VK_INSTANCE_FIELD: prefixes = assistOptions.fieldPrefixes; suffixes = assistOptions.fieldSuffixes; break; case VK_STATIC_FIELD: prefixes = assistOptions.staticFieldPrefixes; suffixes = assistOptions.staticFieldSuffixes; break; case VK_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD: prefixes = assistOptions.staticFinalFieldPrefixes; suffixes = assistOptions.staticFinalFieldSuffixes; break; case VK_LOCAL: prefixes = assistOptions.localPrefixes; suffixes = assistOptions.localSuffixes; break; case VK_PARAMETER: prefixes = assistOptions.argumentPrefixes; suffixes = assistOptions.argumentSuffixes; break; } return InternalNamingConventions.removeVariablePrefixAndSuffix(name, prefixes, suffixes, true); } private static char[] removeVariablePrefixAndSuffix(char[] name, char[][] prefixes, char[][] suffixes, boolean updateFirstCharacter) { // remove longer prefix char[] withoutPrefixName = name; if (prefixes != null) { int bestLength = 0; for (int i= 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) { char[] prefix = prefixes[i]; if (CharOperation.prefixEquals(prefix, name)) { int currLen = prefix.length; boolean lastCharIsLetter = ScannerHelper.isLetter(prefix[currLen - 1]); if(!lastCharIsLetter || (lastCharIsLetter && name.length > currLen && ScannerHelper.isUpperCase(name[currLen]))) { if (bestLength < currLen && name.length != currLen) { withoutPrefixName = CharOperation.subarray(name, currLen, name.length); bestLength = currLen; } } } } } // remove longer suffix char[] withoutSuffixName = withoutPrefixName; if(suffixes != null) { int bestLength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < suffixes.length; i++) { char[] suffix = suffixes[i]; if(CharOperation.endsWith(withoutPrefixName, suffix)) { int currLen = suffix.length; if(bestLength < currLen && withoutPrefixName.length != currLen) { withoutSuffixName = CharOperation.subarray(withoutPrefixName, 0, withoutPrefixName.length - currLen); bestLength = currLen; } } } } if (updateFirstCharacter) withoutSuffixName[0] = ScannerHelper.toLowerCase(withoutSuffixName[0]); return withoutSuffixName; } private static char[] removePrefix(char[] name, char[][] prefixes) { // remove longer prefix char[] withoutPrefixName = name; if (prefixes != null) { int bestLength = 0; int nameLength = name.length; for (int i= 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) { char[] prefix = prefixes[i]; int prefixLength = prefix.length; if(prefixLength <= nameLength) { if(CharOperation.prefixEquals(prefix, name, false)) { if (prefixLength > bestLength) { bestLength = prefixLength; } } } else { int currLen = 0; for (; currLen < nameLength; currLen++) { if(ScannerHelper.toLowerCase(prefix[currLen]) != ScannerHelper.toLowerCase(name[currLen])) { if (currLen > bestLength) { bestLength = currLen; } break; } } if(currLen == nameLength && currLen > bestLength) { bestLength = currLen; } } } if(bestLength > 0) { if(bestLength == nameLength) { withoutPrefixName = CharOperation.NO_CHAR; } else { withoutPrefixName = CharOperation.subarray(name, bestLength, nameLength); } } } // // // // remove longer prefix // char[] withoutPrefixName = name; // if (prefixes != null) { // int bestLength = 0; // for (int i= 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) { // char[] prefix = prefixes[i]; // int max = prefix.length < name.length ? prefix.length : name.length; // int currLen = 0; // for (; currLen < max; currLen++) { // if(Character.toLowerCase(prefix[currLen]) != Character.toLowerCase(name[currLen])) { // if (currLen > bestLength) { // bestLength = currLen; // } // break; // } // } // if(currLen == max && currLen > bestLength) { // bestLength = max; // } // } // if(bestLength > 0) { // if(bestLength == name.length) { // withoutPrefixName = CharOperation.NO_CHAR; // } else { // withoutPrefixName = CharOperation.subarray(name, bestLength, name.length); // } // } // } return withoutPrefixName; } public static final int VK_STATIC_FIELD = 1; public static final int VK_INSTANCE_FIELD = 2; public static final int VK_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD = 3; public static final int VK_PARAMETER = 4; public static final int VK_LOCAL = 5; public static final int BK_SIMPLE_NAME = 1; public static final int BK_SIMPLE_TYPE_NAME = 2; public static void suggestVariableNames( int variableKind, int baseNameKind, char[] baseName, IJavaProject javaProject, int dim, char[] internalPrefix, char[][] excluded, boolean evaluateDefault, INamingRequestor requestor) { if(baseName == null || baseName.length == 0) return; Map<String, String> options; if (javaProject != null) { options = javaProject.getOptions(true); } else { options = JavaCore.getOptions(); } CompilerOptions compilerOptions = new CompilerOptions(options); AssistOptions assistOptions = new AssistOptions(options); boolean isConstantField = false; char[][] prefixes = null; char[][] suffixes = null; switch (variableKind) { case VK_INSTANCE_FIELD: prefixes = assistOptions.fieldPrefixes; suffixes = assistOptions.fieldSuffixes; break; case VK_STATIC_FIELD: prefixes = assistOptions.staticFieldPrefixes; suffixes = assistOptions.staticFieldSuffixes; break; case VK_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD: isConstantField = true; prefixes = assistOptions.staticFinalFieldPrefixes; suffixes = assistOptions.staticFinalFieldSuffixes; break; case VK_LOCAL: prefixes = assistOptions.localPrefixes; suffixes = assistOptions.localSuffixes; break; case VK_PARAMETER: prefixes = assistOptions.argumentPrefixes; suffixes = assistOptions.argumentSuffixes; break; } if(prefixes == null || prefixes.length == 0) { prefixes = new char[1][0]; } else { int length = prefixes.length; System.arraycopy(prefixes, 0, prefixes = new char[length+1][], 0, length); prefixes[length] = CharOperation.NO_CHAR; } if(suffixes == null || suffixes.length == 0) { suffixes = new char[1][0]; } else { int length = suffixes.length; System.arraycopy(suffixes, 0, suffixes = new char[length+1][], 0, length); suffixes[length] = CharOperation.NO_CHAR; } if(internalPrefix == null) { internalPrefix = CharOperation.NO_CHAR; } else { internalPrefix = removePrefix(internalPrefix, prefixes); } char[][] tempNames = null; Scanner nameScanner = getNameScanner(compilerOptions); if (baseNameKind == BK_SIMPLE_TYPE_NAME) { boolean isBaseType = false; try{ nameScanner.setSource(baseName); switch (nameScanner.getNextToken()) { case TerminalTokens.TokenNameint : case TerminalTokens.TokenNamebyte : case TerminalTokens.TokenNameshort : case TerminalTokens.TokenNamechar : case TerminalTokens.TokenNamelong : case TerminalTokens.TokenNamefloat : case TerminalTokens.TokenNamedouble : case TerminalTokens.TokenNameboolean : isBaseType = true; break; } } catch(InvalidInputException e){ // ignore } if (isBaseType) { // compute variable name from base type if (internalPrefix.length > 0) return; tempNames = computeBaseTypeNames(baseName, isConstantField, excluded); } else { // compute variable name for non base type tempNames = computeNonBaseTypeNames(baseName, isConstantField, false); } } else { tempNames = computeNonBaseTypeNames(baseName, isConstantField, true); } boolean acceptDefaultName = true; SimpleSetOfCharArray foundNames = new SimpleSetOfCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < tempNames.length; i++) { char[] tempName = tempNames[i]; // add English plural form is necessary if(dim > 0) { int length = tempName.length; if (isConstantField) { if (tempName[length-1] == 'S'){ if(tempName.length > 1 && tempName[length-2] == 'S') { System.arraycopy(tempName, 0, tempName = new char[length + 2], 0, length); tempName[length] = 'E'; tempName[length+1] = 'S'; } } else if(tempName[length-1] == 'Y') { boolean precededByAVowel = false; if(tempName.length > 1) { switch (tempName[length-2]) { case 'A': case 'E': case 'I': case 'O': case 'U': precededByAVowel = true; break; } } if (precededByAVowel) { System.arraycopy(tempName, 0, tempName = new char[length + 1], 0, length); tempName[length] = 'S'; } else { System.arraycopy(tempName, 0, tempName = new char[length + 2], 0, length); tempName[length-1] = 'I'; tempName[length] = 'E'; tempName[length+1] = 'S'; } } else { System.arraycopy(tempName, 0, tempName = new char[length + 1], 0, length); tempName[length] = 'S'; } } else { if (tempName[length-1] == 's'){ if(tempName.length > 1 && tempName[length-2] == 's') { System.arraycopy(tempName, 0, tempName = new char[length + 2], 0, length); tempName[length] = 'e'; tempName[length+1] = 's'; } } else if(tempName[length-1] == 'y') { boolean precededByAVowel = false; if(tempName.length > 1) { switch (tempName[length-2]) { case 'a': case 'e': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u': precededByAVowel = true; break; } } if (precededByAVowel) { System.arraycopy(tempName, 0, tempName = new char[length + 1], 0, length); tempName[length] = 's'; } else { System.arraycopy(tempName, 0, tempName = new char[length + 2], 0, length); tempName[length-1] = 'i'; tempName[length] = 'e'; tempName[length+1] = 's'; } } else { System.arraycopy(tempName, 0, tempName = new char[length + 1], 0, length); tempName[length] = 's'; } } } char[] unprefixedName = tempName; int matchingIndex = -1; if (!isConstantField) { unprefixedName[0] = ScannerHelper.toUpperCase(unprefixedName[0]); done : for (int j = 0; j <= internalPrefix.length; j++) { if(j == internalPrefix.length || CharOperation.prefixEquals(CharOperation.subarray(internalPrefix, j, -1), unprefixedName, j != 0 /*do not check case when there is no prefix*/)) { matchingIndex = j; break done; } } } else { done : for (int j = 0; j <= internalPrefix.length; j++) { if(j == internalPrefix.length) { matchingIndex = j; break done; } else if(CharOperation.prefixEquals(CharOperation.subarray(internalPrefix, j, -1), unprefixedName, j != 0 /*do not check case when there is no prefix*/)) { if (j == 0 || internalPrefix[j - 1] == '_') { matchingIndex = j; break done; } } } } if(matchingIndex > -1) { if (!isConstantField) { tempName = CharOperation.concat(CharOperation.subarray(internalPrefix, 0, matchingIndex), unprefixedName); if(matchingIndex == 0) tempName[0] = ScannerHelper.toLowerCase(tempName[0]); } else { if(matchingIndex != 0 && tempName[0] != '_' && internalPrefix[matchingIndex - 1] != '_') { tempName = CharOperation.concat(CharOperation.subarray(CharOperation.toUpperCase(internalPrefix), 0, matchingIndex), unprefixedName, '_'); } else { tempName = CharOperation.concat(CharOperation.subarray(CharOperation.toUpperCase(internalPrefix), 0, matchingIndex), unprefixedName); } } for (int k = 0; k < prefixes.length; k++) { if (!isConstantField) { if(prefixes[k].length > 0 && ScannerHelper.isLetterOrDigit(prefixes[k][prefixes[k].length - 1])) { tempName[0] = ScannerHelper.toUpperCase(tempName[0]); } else { tempName[0] = ScannerHelper.toLowerCase(tempName[0]); } } char[] prefixName = CharOperation.concat(prefixes[k], tempName); for (int l = 0; l < suffixes.length; l++) { char[] suffixName = CharOperation.concat(prefixName, suffixes[l]); suffixName = excludeNames( suffixName, prefixName, suffixes[l], excluded); try{ nameScanner.setSource(suffixName); switch (nameScanner.getNextToken()) { case TerminalTokens.TokenNameIdentifier : int token = nameScanner.getNextToken(); if (token == TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF && nameScanner.startPosition == suffixName.length) { if (!foundNames.includes(suffixName)) { acceptName(suffixName, prefixes[k], suffixes[l], k == 0, l == 0, internalPrefix.length - matchingIndex, requestor); foundNames.add(suffixName); acceptDefaultName = false; } } break; default: suffixName = CharOperation.concat( prefixName, String.valueOf(1).toCharArray(), suffixes[l] ); suffixName = excludeNames( suffixName, prefixName, suffixes[l], excluded); nameScanner.setSource(suffixName); switch (nameScanner.getNextToken()) { case TerminalTokens.TokenNameIdentifier : token = nameScanner.getNextToken(); if (token == TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF && nameScanner.startPosition == suffixName.length) { if (!foundNames.includes(suffixName)) { acceptName(suffixName, prefixes[k], suffixes[l], k == 0, l == 0, internalPrefix.length - matchingIndex, requestor); foundNames.add(suffixName); acceptDefaultName = false; } } } } } catch(InvalidInputException e){ // ignore } } } } } // if no names were found if(evaluateDefault && acceptDefaultName) { char[] name = excludeNames(DEFAULT_NAME, DEFAULT_NAME, CharOperation.NO_CHAR, excluded); requestor.acceptNameWithoutPrefixAndSuffix(name, 0); } } }