Copyright (c) 2000, 2016 IBM Corporation and others. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation Jesper S Moller - Bug 392671 NPE with a method with explicit this and a following incomplete parameter
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2016 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Jesper S Moller - Bug 392671 * NPE with a method with explicit this and a following incomplete parameter *******************************************************************************/
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.*; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Annotation; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Argument; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ASTNode; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Block; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ConstructorDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ExplicitConstructorCall; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.FieldDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.LocalDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.MemberValuePair; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.MethodDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Statement; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.SuperReference; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeParameter; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeReference; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeBinding; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util;
Internal method structure for parsing recovery
/** * Internal method structure for parsing recovery */
public class RecoveredMethod extends RecoveredElement implements TerminalTokens { public AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDeclaration; public RecoveredAnnotation[] annotations; public int annotationCount; public int modifiers; public int modifiersStart; public RecoveredType[] localTypes; public int localTypeCount; public RecoveredBlock methodBody; public boolean discardBody = true; int pendingModifiers; int pendingModifersSourceStart = -1; RecoveredAnnotation[] pendingAnnotations; int pendingAnnotationCount; public RecoveredMethod(AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDeclaration, RecoveredElement parent, int bracketBalance, Parser parser){ super(parent, bracketBalance, parser); this.methodDeclaration = methodDeclaration; this.foundOpeningBrace = !bodyStartsAtHeaderEnd(); if(this.foundOpeningBrace) { this.bracketBalance++; } } /* * Record a nested block declaration */ @Override public RecoveredElement add(Block nestedBlockDeclaration, int bracketBalanceValue) { return this.add(nestedBlockDeclaration, bracketBalanceValue, false); } public RecoveredElement add(Block nestedBlockDeclaration, int bracketBalanceValue, boolean isArgument) { /* default behavior is to delegate recording to parent if any, do not consider elements passed the known end (if set) it must be belonging to an enclosing element */ if (this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd > 0 && nestedBlockDeclaration.sourceStart > this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd){ resetPendingModifiers(); if (this.parent == null){ return this; // ignore } else { return this.parent.add(nestedBlockDeclaration, bracketBalanceValue); } } /* consider that if the opening brace was not found, it is there */ if (!this.foundOpeningBrace && !isArgument){ this.foundOpeningBrace = true; this.bracketBalance++; } if (this.methodBody != null) { this.methodBody.addBlockStatement(new RecoveredBlock(nestedBlockDeclaration, this, bracketBalanceValue)); } else { this.methodBody = new RecoveredBlock(nestedBlockDeclaration, this, bracketBalanceValue); } if (nestedBlockDeclaration.sourceEnd == 0) return this.methodBody; return this; } /* * Record a field declaration */ @Override public RecoveredElement add(FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration, int bracketBalanceValue) { resetPendingModifiers(); /* local variables inside method can only be final and non void */ char[][] fieldTypeName; if ((fieldDeclaration.modifiers & ~ClassFileConstants.AccFinal) != 0 // local var can only be final || (fieldDeclaration.type == null) // initializer || ((fieldTypeName = fieldDeclaration.type.getTypeName()).length == 1 // non void && CharOperation.equals(fieldTypeName[0], TypeBinding.VOID.sourceName()))){ if (this.parent == null){ return this; // ignore } else { this.updateSourceEndIfNecessary(previousAvailableLineEnd(fieldDeclaration.declarationSourceStart - 1)); return this.parent.add(fieldDeclaration, bracketBalanceValue); } } /* default behavior is to delegate recording to parent if any, do not consider elements passed the known end (if set) it must be belonging to an enclosing element */ if (this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd > 0 && fieldDeclaration.declarationSourceStart > this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd){ if (this.parent == null){ return this; // ignore } else { return this.parent.add(fieldDeclaration, bracketBalanceValue); } } /* consider that if the opening brace was not found, it is there */ if (!this.foundOpeningBrace){ this.foundOpeningBrace = true; this.bracketBalance++; } // still inside method, treat as local variable return this; // ignore } /* * Record a local declaration - regular method should have been created a block body */ @Override public RecoveredElement add(LocalDeclaration localDeclaration, int bracketBalanceValue) { resetPendingModifiers(); /* local variables inside method can only be final and non void */ /* char[][] localTypeName; if ((localDeclaration.modifiers & ~AccFinal) != 0 // local var can only be final || (localDeclaration.type == null) // initializer || ((localTypeName = localDeclaration.type.getTypeName()).length == 1 // non void && CharOperation.equals(localTypeName[0], VoidBinding.sourceName()))){ if (this.parent == null){ return this; // ignore } else { this.updateSourceEndIfNecessary(this.previousAvailableLineEnd(localDeclaration.declarationSourceStart - 1)); return this.parent.add(localDeclaration, bracketBalance); } } */ /* do not consider a type starting passed the type end (if set) it must be belonging to an enclosing type */ if (this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd != 0 && localDeclaration.declarationSourceStart > this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd){ if (this.parent == null) { return this; // ignore } else { return this.parent.add(localDeclaration, bracketBalanceValue); } } if (this.methodBody == null){ Block block = new Block(0); block.sourceStart = this.methodDeclaration.bodyStart; RecoveredElement currentBlock = this.add(block, 1, localDeclaration.isArgument()); if (this.bracketBalance > 0){ for (int i = 0; i < this.bracketBalance - 1; i++){ currentBlock = currentBlock.add(new Block(0), 1); } this.bracketBalance = 1; } return currentBlock.add(localDeclaration, bracketBalanceValue); } return this.methodBody.add(localDeclaration, bracketBalanceValue, true); } /* * Record a statement - regular method should have been created a block body */ @Override public RecoveredElement add(Statement statement, int bracketBalanceValue) { resetPendingModifiers(); /* do not consider a type starting passed the type end (if set) it must be belonging to an enclosing type */ if (this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd != 0 && statement.sourceStart > this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd){ if (this.parent == null) { return this; // ignore } else { return this.parent.add(statement, bracketBalanceValue); } } if (this.methodBody == null){ Block block = new Block(0); block.sourceStart = this.methodDeclaration.bodyStart; RecoveredElement currentBlock = this.add(block, 1); if (this.bracketBalance > 0){ for (int i = 0; i < this.bracketBalance - 1; i++){ currentBlock = currentBlock.add(new Block(0), 1); } this.bracketBalance = 1; } return currentBlock.add(statement, bracketBalanceValue); } return this.methodBody.add(statement, bracketBalanceValue, true); } @Override public RecoveredElement add(TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration, int bracketBalanceValue) { /* do not consider a type starting passed the type end (if set) it must be belonging to an enclosing type */ if (this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd != 0 && typeDeclaration.declarationSourceStart > this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd){ if (this.parent == null) { return this; // ignore } return this.parent.add(typeDeclaration, bracketBalanceValue); } if ((typeDeclaration.bits & ASTNode.IsLocalType) != 0 || parser().methodRecoveryActivated || parser().statementRecoveryActivated){ if (this.methodBody == null){ Block block = new Block(0); block.sourceStart = this.methodDeclaration.bodyStart; this.add(block, 1); } this.methodBody.attachPendingModifiers( this.pendingAnnotations, this.pendingAnnotationCount, this.pendingModifiers, this.pendingModifersSourceStart); resetPendingModifiers(); return this.methodBody.add(typeDeclaration, bracketBalanceValue, true); } switch (TypeDeclaration.kind(typeDeclaration.modifiers)) { case TypeDeclaration.INTERFACE_DECL : case TypeDeclaration.ANNOTATION_TYPE_DECL : resetPendingModifiers(); this.updateSourceEndIfNecessary(previousAvailableLineEnd(typeDeclaration.declarationSourceStart - 1)); if (this.parent == null) { return this; // ignore } // close the constructor return this.parent.add(typeDeclaration, bracketBalanceValue); } if (this.localTypes == null) { this.localTypes = new RecoveredType[5]; this.localTypeCount = 0; } else { if (this.localTypeCount == this.localTypes.length) { System.arraycopy( this.localTypes, 0, (this.localTypes = new RecoveredType[2 * this.localTypeCount]), 0, this.localTypeCount); } } RecoveredType element = new RecoveredType(typeDeclaration, this, bracketBalanceValue); this.localTypes[this.localTypeCount++] = element; if(this.pendingAnnotationCount > 0) { element.attach( this.pendingAnnotations, this.pendingAnnotationCount, this.pendingModifiers, this.pendingModifersSourceStart); } resetPendingModifiers(); /* consider that if the opening brace was not found, it is there */ if (!this.foundOpeningBrace){ this.foundOpeningBrace = true; this.bracketBalance++; } return element; } public boolean bodyStartsAtHeaderEnd(){ return this.methodDeclaration.bodyStart == this.methodDeclaration.sourceEnd+1; } /* * Answer the associated parsed structure */ @Override public ASTNode parseTree(){ return this.methodDeclaration; } @Override public void resetPendingModifiers() { this.pendingAnnotations = null; this.pendingAnnotationCount = 0; this.pendingModifiers = 0; this.pendingModifersSourceStart = -1; } /* * Answer the very source end of the corresponding parse node */ @Override public int sourceEnd(){ return this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd; } @Override public String toString(int tab) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(tabString(tab)); result.append("Recovered method:\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ this.methodDeclaration.print(tab + 1, result); if (this.annotations != null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.annotationCount; i++) { result.append("\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ result.append(this.annotations[i].toString(tab + 1)); } } if (this.localTypes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.localTypeCount; i++) { result.append("\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ result.append(this.localTypes[i].toString(tab + 1)); } } if (this.methodBody != null) { result.append("\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ result.append(this.methodBody.toString(tab + 1)); } return result.toString(); } /* * Update the bodyStart of the corresponding parse node */ @Override public void updateBodyStart(int bodyStart){ this.foundOpeningBrace = true; this.methodDeclaration.bodyStart = bodyStart; } public AbstractMethodDeclaration updatedMethodDeclaration(int depth, Set<TypeDeclaration> knownTypes){ /* update annotations */ if (this.modifiers != 0) { this.methodDeclaration.modifiers |= this.modifiers; if (this.modifiersStart < this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceStart) { this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceStart = this.modifiersStart; } } /* update annotations */ if (this.annotationCount > 0){ int existingCount = this.methodDeclaration.annotations == null ? 0 : this.methodDeclaration.annotations.length; Annotation[] annotationReferences = new Annotation[existingCount + this.annotationCount]; if (existingCount > 0){ System.arraycopy(this.methodDeclaration.annotations, 0, annotationReferences, this.annotationCount, existingCount); } for (int i = 0; i < this.annotationCount; i++){ annotationReferences[i] = this.annotations[i].updatedAnnotationReference(); } this.methodDeclaration.annotations = annotationReferences; int start = this.annotations[0].annotation.sourceStart; if (start < this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceStart) { this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceStart = start; } } if (this.methodBody != null){ Block block = this.methodBody.updatedBlock(depth, knownTypes); if (block != null){ this.methodDeclaration.statements = block.statements; if (this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd == 0) { this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd = block.sourceEnd; this.methodDeclaration.bodyEnd = block.sourceEnd; } /* first statement might be an explict constructor call destinated to a special slot */ if (this.methodDeclaration.isConstructor()) { ConstructorDeclaration constructor = (ConstructorDeclaration)this.methodDeclaration; if (this.methodDeclaration.statements != null && this.methodDeclaration.statements[0] instanceof ExplicitConstructorCall){ constructor.constructorCall = (ExplicitConstructorCall)this.methodDeclaration.statements[0]; int length = this.methodDeclaration.statements.length; System.arraycopy( this.methodDeclaration.statements, 1, (this.methodDeclaration.statements = new Statement[length-1]), 0, length-1); } if (constructor.constructorCall == null){ // add implicit constructor call constructor.constructorCall = SuperReference.implicitSuperConstructorCall(); } } } } else { if (this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd == 0) { if (this.methodDeclaration.sourceEnd + 1 == this.methodDeclaration.bodyStart) { // right brace is missing this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd = this.methodDeclaration.sourceEnd; this.methodDeclaration.bodyStart = this.methodDeclaration.sourceEnd; this.methodDeclaration.bodyEnd = this.methodDeclaration.sourceEnd; } else { this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd = this.methodDeclaration.bodyStart; this.methodDeclaration.bodyEnd = this.methodDeclaration.bodyStart; } } } if (this.localTypeCount > 0) this.methodDeclaration.bits |= ASTNode.HasLocalType; return this.methodDeclaration; } /* * Update the corresponding parse node from parser state which * is about to disappear because of restarting recovery */ @Override public void updateFromParserState(){ // if parent is null then recovery already occured in diet parser. if(bodyStartsAtHeaderEnd() && this.parent != null){ Parser parser = parser(); /* might want to recover arguments or thrown exceptions */ if (parser.listLength > 0 && parser.astLengthPtr > 0){ // awaiting interface type references /* has consumed the arguments - listed elements must be thrown exceptions */ if (this.methodDeclaration.sourceEnd == parser.rParenPos) { // protection for bugs 15142 int length = parser.astLengthStack[parser.astLengthPtr]; int astPtr = parser.astPtr - length; boolean canConsume = astPtr >= 0; if(canConsume) { if((!(parser.astStack[astPtr] instanceof AbstractMethodDeclaration))) { canConsume = false; } for (int i = 1, max = length + 1; i < max; i++) { if(!(parser.astStack[astPtr + i ] instanceof TypeReference)) { canConsume = false; } } } if (canConsume){ parser.consumeMethodHeaderThrowsClause(); // will reset typeListLength to zero // thus this check will only be performed on first errorCheck after void foo() throws X, Y, } else { parser.listLength = 0; } } else { /* has not consumed arguments yet, listed elements must be arguments */ if (parser.currentToken == TokenNameLPAREN || parser.currentToken == TokenNameSEMICOLON){ /* if currentToken is parenthesis this last argument is a method/field signature */ parser.astLengthStack[parser.astLengthPtr] --; parser.astPtr --; parser.listLength --; parser.currentToken = 0; } int argLength = parser.astLengthStack[parser.astLengthPtr]; int argStart = parser.astPtr - argLength + 1; boolean needUpdateRParenPos = parser.rParenPos < parser.lParenPos; // 12387 : rParenPos will be used // remove unfinished annotation nodes MemberValuePair[] memberValuePairs = null; while (argLength > 0 && parser.astStack[parser.astPtr] instanceof MemberValuePair) { System.arraycopy(parser.astStack, argStart, memberValuePairs = new MemberValuePair[argLength], 0, argLength); parser.astLengthPtr--; parser.astPtr -= argLength; argLength = parser.astLengthStack[parser.astLengthPtr]; argStart = parser.astPtr - argLength + 1; needUpdateRParenPos = true; } // to compute bodyStart, and thus used to set next checkpoint. int count; for (count = 0; count < argLength; count++){ ASTNode aNode = parser.astStack[argStart+count]; if(aNode instanceof Argument) { Argument argument = (Argument)aNode; /* cannot be an argument if non final */ char[][] argTypeName = argument.type.getTypeName(); if ((argument.modifiers & ~ClassFileConstants.AccFinal) != 0 || (argTypeName.length == 1 && CharOperation.equals(argTypeName[0], TypeBinding.VOID.sourceName()))){ parser.astLengthStack[parser.astLengthPtr] = count; parser.astPtr = argStart+count-1; parser.listLength = count; parser.currentToken = 0; break; } if (needUpdateRParenPos) parser.rParenPos = argument.sourceEnd + 1; } else { parser.astLengthStack[parser.astLengthPtr] = count; parser.astPtr = argStart+count-1; parser.listLength = count; parser.currentToken = 0; break; } } if (parser.listLength > 0 && parser.astLengthPtr > 0){ // protection for bugs 15142 int length = parser.astLengthStack[parser.astLengthPtr]; int astPtr = parser.astPtr - length; boolean canConsume = astPtr >= 0; if(canConsume) { if((!(parser.astStack[astPtr] instanceof AbstractMethodDeclaration))) { canConsume = false; } for (int i = 1, max = length + 1; i < max; i++) { if(!(parser.astStack[astPtr + i ] instanceof Argument)) { canConsume = false; } } } if(canConsume) { parser.consumeMethodHeaderRightParen(); /* fix-up positions, given they were updated against rParenPos, which did not get set */ if (parser.currentElement == this){ // parameter addition might have added an awaiting (no return type) method - see 1FVXQZ4 */ if (this.methodDeclaration.arguments != null) { this.methodDeclaration.sourceEnd = this.methodDeclaration.arguments[this.methodDeclaration.arguments.length-1].sourceEnd; } else { this.methodDeclaration.sourceEnd = this.methodDeclaration.receiver.sourceEnd; } this.methodDeclaration.bodyStart = this.methodDeclaration.sourceEnd+1; parser.lastCheckPoint = this.methodDeclaration.bodyStart; } } } if(memberValuePairs != null) { System.arraycopy(memberValuePairs, 0, parser.astStack, parser.astPtr + 1, memberValuePairs.length); parser.astPtr += memberValuePairs.length; parser.astLengthStack[++parser.astLengthPtr] = memberValuePairs.length; } } } } } @Override public RecoveredElement updateOnClosingBrace(int braceStart, int braceEnd){ if(this.methodDeclaration.isAnnotationMethod()) { this.updateSourceEndIfNecessary(braceStart, braceEnd); if(!this.foundOpeningBrace && this.parent != null) { return this.parent.updateOnClosingBrace(braceStart, braceEnd); } return this; } if(this.parent != null && this.parent instanceof RecoveredType) { int mods = ((RecoveredType)this.parent).typeDeclaration.modifiers; if (TypeDeclaration.kind(mods) == TypeDeclaration.INTERFACE_DECL) { if (!this.foundOpeningBrace) { this.updateSourceEndIfNecessary(braceStart - 1, braceStart - 1); return this.parent.updateOnClosingBrace(braceStart, braceEnd); } } } return super.updateOnClosingBrace(braceStart, braceEnd); } /* * An opening brace got consumed, might be the expected opening one of the current element, * in which case the bodyStart is updated. */ @Override public RecoveredElement updateOnOpeningBrace(int braceStart, int braceEnd){ /* in case the opening brace is close enough to the signature */ if (this.bracketBalance == 0){ /* if (parser.scanner.searchLineNumber(methodDeclaration.sourceEnd) != parser.scanner.searchLineNumber(braceEnd)){ */ switch(parser().lastIgnoredToken){ case -1 : case TokenNamethrows : break; default: this.foundOpeningBrace = true; this.bracketBalance = 1; // pretend the brace was already there } } return super.updateOnOpeningBrace(braceStart, braceEnd); } @Override public void updateParseTree(){ updatedMethodDeclaration(0, new HashSet<TypeDeclaration>()); } /* * Update the declarationSourceEnd of the corresponding parse node */ @Override public void updateSourceEndIfNecessary(int braceStart, int braceEnd){ if (this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd == 0) { if(parser().rBraceSuccessorStart >= braceEnd) { this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd = parser().rBraceEnd; this.methodDeclaration.bodyEnd = parser().rBraceStart; } else { this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd = braceEnd; this.methodDeclaration.bodyEnd = braceStart - 1; } } } @Override public RecoveredElement addAnnotationName(int identifierPtr, int identifierLengthPtr, int annotationStart, int bracketBalanceValue) { if (this.pendingAnnotations == null) { this.pendingAnnotations = new RecoveredAnnotation[5]; this.pendingAnnotationCount = 0; } else { if (this.pendingAnnotationCount == this.pendingAnnotations.length) { System.arraycopy( this.pendingAnnotations, 0, (this.pendingAnnotations = new RecoveredAnnotation[2 * this.pendingAnnotationCount]), 0, this.pendingAnnotationCount); } } RecoveredAnnotation element = new RecoveredAnnotation(identifierPtr, identifierLengthPtr, annotationStart, this, bracketBalanceValue); this.pendingAnnotations[this.pendingAnnotationCount++] = element; return element; } @Override public void addModifier(int flag, int modifiersSourceStart) { this.pendingModifiers |= flag; if (this.pendingModifersSourceStart < 0) { this.pendingModifersSourceStart = modifiersSourceStart; } } void attach(TypeParameter[] parameters, int startPos) { if(this.methodDeclaration.modifiers != ClassFileConstants.AccDefault) return; int lastParameterEnd = parameters[parameters.length - 1].sourceEnd; Parser parser = parser(); Scanner scanner = parser.scanner; if(Util.getLineNumber(this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceStart, scanner.lineEnds, 0, scanner.linePtr) != Util.getLineNumber(lastParameterEnd, scanner.lineEnds, 0, scanner.linePtr)) return; if(parser.modifiersSourceStart > lastParameterEnd && parser.modifiersSourceStart < this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceStart) return; if (this.methodDeclaration instanceof MethodDeclaration) { ((MethodDeclaration)this.methodDeclaration).typeParameters = parameters; this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceStart = startPos; } else if (this.methodDeclaration instanceof ConstructorDeclaration){ ((ConstructorDeclaration)this.methodDeclaration).typeParameters = parameters; this.methodDeclaration.declarationSourceStart = startPos; } } public void attach(RecoveredAnnotation[] annots, int annotCount, int mods, int modsSourceStart) { if (annotCount > 0) { Annotation[] existingAnnotations = this.methodDeclaration.annotations; if (existingAnnotations != null) { this.annotations = new RecoveredAnnotation[annotCount]; this.annotationCount = 0; next : for (int i = 0; i < annotCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < existingAnnotations.length; j++) { if (annots[i].annotation == existingAnnotations[j]) continue next; } this.annotations[this.annotationCount++] = annots[i]; } } else { this.annotations = annots; this.annotationCount = annotCount; } } if (mods != 0) { this.modifiers = mods; this.modifiersStart = modsSourceStart; } } }