Copyright (c) 2000, 2018 IBM Corporation and others. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2018 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.codeassist.complete; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.InvalidInputException; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.codeassist.CompletionEngine; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.*; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.JavadocParser; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.ScannerHelper; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens;
Parser specialized for decoding javadoc comments which includes cursor location for code completion.
/** * Parser specialized for decoding javadoc comments which includes cursor location for code completion. */
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) public class CompletionJavadocParser extends JavadocParser { // Initialize lengthes for block and inline tags tables public final static int INLINE_ALL_TAGS_LENGTH; public final static int BLOCK_ALL_TAGS_LENGTH; static { int length = 0; for (int i=0; i<INLINE_TAGS_LENGTH; i++) { length += INLINE_TAGS[i].length; } INLINE_ALL_TAGS_LENGTH = length; length = 0; for (int i=0; i<BLOCK_TAGS_LENGTH; i++) { length += BLOCK_TAGS[i].length; } BLOCK_ALL_TAGS_LENGTH = length; } // Level tags are array of inline/block tags depending on compilation source level char[][][] levelTags = new char[2][][]; int[] levelTagsLength = new int[2]; // Completion specific info int cursorLocation; CompletionOnJavadoc completionNode = null; boolean pushText = false; boolean allPossibleTags = false; public CompletionJavadocParser(CompletionParser sourceParser) { super(sourceParser); this.scanner = new CompletionScanner(ClassFileConstants.JDK1_3); this.kind = COMPLETION_PARSER | TEXT_PARSE; initLevelTags(); } /* * Do not parse comment if completion location is not included. */ @Override public boolean checkDeprecation(int commentPtr) { boolean isDeprecated = false; this.cursorLocation = ((CompletionParser)this.sourceParser).cursorLocation; CompletionScanner completionScanner = (CompletionScanner)this.scanner; completionScanner.cursorLocation = this.cursorLocation; this.javadocStart = this.sourceParser.scanner.commentStarts[commentPtr]; this.javadocEnd = this.sourceParser.scanner.commentStops[commentPtr]; if (this.javadocStart <= this.cursorLocation && this.cursorLocation <= this.javadocEnd) { if (CompletionEngine.DEBUG) { System.out.println("COMPLETION in Javadoc:"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } completionScanner.completionIdentifier = null; super.checkDeprecation(commentPtr); } else { if (this.sourceParser.scanner.commentTagStarts[commentPtr] != 0) { boolean previousValue = this.checkDocComment; this.checkDocComment = false; isDeprecated = super.checkDeprecation(commentPtr); this.checkDocComment = previousValue; } this.docComment = null; } return isDeprecated; } /* * Replace stored Javadoc node with specific completion one. */ @Override protected boolean commentParse() { this.docComment = new CompletionJavadoc(this.javadocStart, this.javadocEnd); this.firstTagPosition = 1; // bug 429340: completion parser needs to parse the whole comment return super.commentParse(); } /* * Create argument expression. If it includes completion location, create and store completion node. */ @Override protected Object createArgumentReference(char[] name, int dim, boolean isVarargs, Object typeRef, long[] dimPositions, long argNamePos) throws InvalidInputException { // Create argument as we may need it after char[] argName = name==null ? CharOperation.NO_CHAR : name; Expression expression = (Expression) super.createArgumentReference(argName, dim, isVarargs, typeRef, dimPositions, argNamePos); // See if completion location is in argument int refStart = ((TypeReference)typeRef).sourceStart; int refEnd = ((TypeReference)typeRef).sourceEnd; boolean inCompletion = (refStart <= this.cursorLocation && this.cursorLocation <= refEnd) // completion cursor is between first and last stacked identifiers || ((refStart == (refEnd+1) && refEnd == this.cursorLocation)); // or it's a completion on empty token if (this.completionNode == null && inCompletion) { JavadocArgumentExpression javadocArgument = (JavadocArgumentExpression) expression; TypeReference expressionType = javadocArgument.argument.type; if (expressionType instanceof JavadocSingleTypeReference) { this.completionNode = new CompletionOnJavadocSingleTypeReference((JavadocSingleTypeReference) expressionType); } else if (expressionType instanceof JavadocQualifiedTypeReference) { this.completionNode = new CompletionOnJavadocQualifiedTypeReference((JavadocQualifiedTypeReference) expressionType); } if (CompletionEngine.DEBUG) { System.out.println(" completion argument="+this.completionNode); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return this.completionNode; } return expression; } /* * Create field reference. If it includes completion location, create and store completion node. */ @Override protected Object createFieldReference(Object receiver) throws InvalidInputException { int refStart = (int) (this.identifierPositionStack[0] >>> 32); int refEnd = (int) this.identifierPositionStack[0]; boolean inCompletion = (refStart <= (this.cursorLocation+1) && this.cursorLocation <= refEnd) // completion cursor is between first and last stacked identifiers || ((refStart == (refEnd+1) && refEnd == this.cursorLocation)) // or it's a completion on empty token || (this.memberStart == this.cursorLocation); // or it's a completion just after the member separator with an identifier after the cursor if (inCompletion) { JavadocFieldReference fieldRef = (JavadocFieldReference) super.createFieldReference(receiver); char[] name = this.sourceParser.compilationUnit.getMainTypeName(); TypeDeclaration typeDecl = getParsedTypeDeclaration(); if (typeDecl != null) { name =; } this.completionNode = new CompletionOnJavadocFieldReference(fieldRef, this.memberStart, name); if (CompletionEngine.DEBUG) { System.out.println(" completion field="+this.completionNode); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return this.completionNode; } return super.createFieldReference(receiver); } /* * Verify if method identifier positions include completion location. * If so, create method reference and store it. * Otherwise return null as we do not need this reference. */ @Override protected Object createMethodReference(Object receiver, List arguments) throws InvalidInputException { int memberPtr = this.identifierLengthStack[0] - 1; // may be > 0 for inner class constructor reference int refStart = (int) (this.identifierPositionStack[memberPtr] >>> 32); int refEnd = (int) this.identifierPositionStack[memberPtr]; boolean inCompletion = (refStart <= (this.cursorLocation+1) && this.cursorLocation <= refEnd) // completion cursor is between first and last stacked identifiers || ((refStart == (refEnd+1) && refEnd == this.cursorLocation)) // or it's a completion on empty token || (this.memberStart == this.cursorLocation); // or it's a completion just after the member separator with an identifier after the cursor if (inCompletion) { ASTNode node = (ASTNode) super.createMethodReference(receiver, arguments); if (node instanceof JavadocMessageSend) { JavadocMessageSend messageSend = (JavadocMessageSend) node; int nameStart = (int) (messageSend.nameSourcePosition >>> 32); int nameEnd = (int) messageSend.nameSourcePosition; if ((nameStart <= (this.cursorLocation+1) && this.cursorLocation <= nameEnd)) { this.completionNode = new CompletionOnJavadocFieldReference(messageSend, this.memberStart); } else { this.completionNode = new CompletionOnJavadocMessageSend(messageSend, this.memberStart); } } else if (node instanceof JavadocAllocationExpression) { this.completionNode = new CompletionOnJavadocAllocationExpression((JavadocAllocationExpression)node, this.memberStart); } if (CompletionEngine.DEBUG) { System.out.println(" completion method="+this.completionNode); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return this.completionNode; } return super.createMethodReference(receiver, arguments); } /* * Create type reference. If it includes completion location, create and store completion node. */ @Override protected Object createTypeReference(int primitiveToken) { // Need to create type ref in case it was needed by members int nbIdentifiers = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr]; int startPtr = this.identifierPtr - (nbIdentifiers-1); int refStart = (int) (this.identifierPositionStack[startPtr] >>> 32); int refEnd = (int) this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr]; boolean inCompletion = (refStart <= (this.cursorLocation+1) && this.cursorLocation <= refEnd) // completion cursor is between first and last stacked identifiers || ((refStart == (refEnd+1) && refEnd == this.cursorLocation)); // or it's a completion on empty token if (!inCompletion) { return super.createTypeReference(primitiveToken); } this.identifierLengthPtr--; if (nbIdentifiers == 1) { // Single Type ref this.completionNode = new CompletionOnJavadocSingleTypeReference( this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr], this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr], this.tagSourceStart, this.tagSourceEnd); } else if (nbIdentifiers > 1) { // Qualified Type ref for (int i=startPtr; i<this.identifierPtr; i++) { int start = (int) (this.identifierPositionStack[i] >>> 32); int end = (int) this.identifierPositionStack[i]; if (start <= this.cursorLocation && this.cursorLocation <= end) { if (i == startPtr) { this.completionNode = new CompletionOnJavadocSingleTypeReference( this.identifierStack[startPtr], this.identifierPositionStack[startPtr], this.tagSourceStart, this.tagSourceEnd); } else { char[][] tokens = new char[i][]; System.arraycopy(this.identifierStack, startPtr, tokens, 0, i); long[] positions = new long[i+1]; System.arraycopy(this.identifierPositionStack, startPtr, positions, 0, i+1); this.completionNode = new CompletionOnJavadocQualifiedTypeReference(tokens, this.identifierStack[i], positions, this.tagSourceStart, this.tagSourceEnd); } break; } } if (this.completionNode == null) { char[][] tokens = new char[nbIdentifiers-1][]; System.arraycopy(this.identifierStack, startPtr, tokens, 0, nbIdentifiers-1); long[] positions = new long[nbIdentifiers]; System.arraycopy(this.identifierPositionStack, startPtr, positions, 0, nbIdentifiers); this.completionNode = new CompletionOnJavadocQualifiedTypeReference(tokens, this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr], positions, this.tagSourceStart, this.tagSourceEnd); } } if (CompletionEngine.DEBUG) { System.out.println(" completion partial qualified type="+this.completionNode); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return this.completionNode; } /* * Get possible tags for a given prefix. */ private char[][][] possibleTags(char[] prefix, boolean newLine) { char[][][] possibleTags = new char[2][][]; if (newLine) { System.arraycopy(this.levelTags[BLOCK_IDX], 0, possibleTags[BLOCK_IDX] = new char[this.levelTagsLength[BLOCK_IDX]][], 0, this.levelTagsLength[BLOCK_IDX]); } else { possibleTags[BLOCK_IDX] = CharOperation.NO_CHAR_CHAR; } System.arraycopy(this.levelTags[INLINE_IDX], 0, possibleTags[INLINE_IDX] = new char[this.levelTagsLength[INLINE_IDX]][], 0, this.levelTagsLength[INLINE_IDX]); if (prefix == null || prefix.length == 0) return possibleTags; int kinds = this.levelTags.length; for (int k=0; k<kinds; k++) { int length = possibleTags[k].length, size = 0; int indexes[] = new int[length]; for (int i=0; i<length; i++) { if (CharOperation.prefixEquals(prefix, possibleTags[k][i], false)) { indexes[size++] = i; } } char[][] tags = new char[size][]; for (int i=0; i<size; i++) { tags[i] = possibleTags[k][indexes[i]]; } possibleTags[k] = tags; } return possibleTags; } private CompletionJavadoc getCompletionJavadoc() { return (CompletionJavadoc)this.docComment; } private CompletionParser getCompletionParser() { return (CompletionParser)this.sourceParser; } /* * Init tags arrays for current source level. */ private void initLevelTags() { int level = ((int)(this.complianceLevel >>> 16)) - ClassFileConstants.MAJOR_VERSION_1_1 + 1; if ( level >= BLOCK_TAGS_LENGTH) return; // To support future JDKs // Init block tags this.levelTags[BLOCK_IDX] = new char[BLOCK_ALL_TAGS_LENGTH][]; this.levelTagsLength[BLOCK_IDX] = 0; for (int i=0; i<=level; i++) { int length = BLOCK_TAGS[i].length; System.arraycopy(BLOCK_TAGS[i], 0, this.levelTags[BLOCK_IDX], this.levelTagsLength[BLOCK_IDX], length); this.levelTagsLength[BLOCK_IDX] += length; } if (this.levelTagsLength[BLOCK_IDX] < BLOCK_ALL_TAGS_LENGTH) { System.arraycopy(this.levelTags[BLOCK_IDX], 0, this.levelTags[BLOCK_IDX] = new char[this.levelTagsLength[BLOCK_IDX]][], 0, this.levelTagsLength[BLOCK_IDX]); } // Init inline tags this.levelTags[INLINE_IDX] = new char[INLINE_ALL_TAGS_LENGTH][]; this.levelTagsLength[INLINE_IDX]= 0; for (int i=0; i<=level; i++) { int length = INLINE_TAGS[i].length; System.arraycopy(INLINE_TAGS[i], 0, this.levelTags[INLINE_IDX], this.levelTagsLength[INLINE_IDX], length); this.levelTagsLength[INLINE_IDX] += length; } if (this.levelTagsLength[INLINE_IDX] < INLINE_ALL_TAGS_LENGTH) { System.arraycopy(this.levelTags[INLINE_IDX], 0, this.levelTags[INLINE_IDX] = new char[this.levelTagsLength[INLINE_IDX]][], 0, this.levelTagsLength[INLINE_IDX]); } } /* * Parse argument in @see tag method reference */ @Override protected Object parseArguments(Object receiver) throws InvalidInputException { if (this.tagSourceStart>this.cursorLocation) { return super.parseArguments(receiver); } // Init int modulo = 0; // should be 2 for (Type,Type,...) or 3 for (Type arg,Type arg,...) int iToken = 0; char[] argName = null; List arguments = new ArrayList(10); Object typeRef = null; int dim = 0; boolean isVarargs = false; long[] dimPositions = new long[20]; // assume that there won't be more than 20 dimensions... char[] name = null; long argNamePos = -1; // Parse arguments declaration if method reference nextArg : while (this.index < this.scanner.eofPosition) { // Read argument type reference try { typeRef = parseQualifiedName(false); if (this.abort) return null; // May be aborted by specialized parser } catch (InvalidInputException e) { break nextArg; } boolean firstArg = modulo == 0; if (firstArg) { // verify position if (iToken != 0) break nextArg; } else if ((iToken % modulo) != 0) { break nextArg; } if (typeRef == null) { if (firstArg && getCurrentTokenType() == TerminalTokens.TokenNameRPAREN) { this.lineStarted = true; return createMethodReference(receiver, null); } Object methodRef = createMethodReference(receiver, arguments); return syntaxRecoverEmptyArgumentType(methodRef); } if (this.index >= this.scanner.eofPosition) { int argumentStart = ((ASTNode)typeRef).sourceStart; Object argument = createArgumentReference(this.scanner.getCurrentIdentifierSource(), 0, false, typeRef, null, (((long)argumentStart)<<32)+this.tokenPreviousPosition-1); return syntaxRecoverArgumentType(receiver, arguments, argument); } if (this.index >= this.cursorLocation) { if (this.completionNode instanceof CompletionOnJavadocSingleTypeReference) { CompletionOnJavadocSingleTypeReference singleTypeReference = (CompletionOnJavadocSingleTypeReference) this.completionNode; if (singleTypeReference.token == null || singleTypeReference.token.length == 0) { Object methodRef = createMethodReference(receiver, arguments); return syntaxRecoverEmptyArgumentType(methodRef); } } if (this.completionNode instanceof CompletionOnJavadocQualifiedTypeReference) { CompletionOnJavadocQualifiedTypeReference qualifiedTypeReference = (CompletionOnJavadocQualifiedTypeReference) this.completionNode; if (qualifiedTypeReference.tokens == null || qualifiedTypeReference.tokens.length < qualifiedTypeReference.sourcePositions.length) { Object methodRef = createMethodReference(receiver, arguments); return syntaxRecoverEmptyArgumentType(methodRef); } } } iToken++; // Read possible additional type info dim = 0; isVarargs = false; if (readToken() == TerminalTokens.TokenNameLBRACKET) { // array declaration int dimStart = this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition(); while (readToken() == TerminalTokens.TokenNameLBRACKET) { consumeToken(); if (readToken() != TerminalTokens.TokenNameRBRACKET) { break nextArg; } consumeToken(); dimPositions[dim++] = (((long) dimStart) << 32) + this.scanner.getCurrentTokenEndPosition(); } } else if (readToken() == TerminalTokens.TokenNameELLIPSIS) { // ellipsis declaration int dimStart = this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition(); dimPositions[dim++] = (((long) dimStart) << 32) + this.scanner.getCurrentTokenEndPosition(); consumeToken(); isVarargs = true; } // Read argument name argNamePos = -1; if (readToken() == TerminalTokens.TokenNameIdentifier) { consumeToken(); if (firstArg) { // verify position if (iToken != 1) break nextArg; } else if ((iToken % modulo) != 1) { break nextArg; } if (argName == null) { // verify that all arguments name are declared if (!firstArg) { break nextArg; } } argName = this.scanner.getCurrentIdentifierSource(); argNamePos = (((long)this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition())<<32)+this.scanner.getCurrentTokenEndPosition(); iToken++; } else if (argName != null) { // verify that no argument name is declared break nextArg; } // Verify token position if (firstArg) { modulo = iToken + 1; } else { if ((iToken % modulo) != (modulo - 1)) { break nextArg; } } // Read separator or end arguments declaration int token = readToken(); name = argName == null ? CharOperation.NO_CHAR : argName; if (token == TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMA) { // Create new argument Object argument = createArgumentReference(name, dim, isVarargs, typeRef, dimPositions, argNamePos); if (this.abort) return null; // May be aborted by specialized parser arguments.add(argument); consumeToken(); iToken++; } else if (token == TerminalTokens.TokenNameRPAREN) { // Create new argument Object argument = createArgumentReference(name, dim, isVarargs, typeRef, dimPositions, argNamePos); if (this.abort) return null; // May be aborted by specialized parser arguments.add(argument); consumeToken(); return createMethodReference(receiver, arguments); } else { Object argument = createArgumentReference(name, dim, isVarargs, typeRef, dimPositions, argNamePos); return syntaxRecoverArgumentType(receiver, arguments, argument); } } // Something wrong happened => Invalid input throw new InvalidInputException(); } @Override protected boolean parseParam() throws InvalidInputException { int startPosition = this.index; int endPosition = this.index; long namePosition = (((long)startPosition)<<32) + endPosition; this.identifierPtr = -1; boolean valid = super.parseParam(); if (this.identifierPtr > 2) return valid; // See if expression is concerned by completion char[] name = null; CompletionScanner completionScanner = (CompletionScanner) this.scanner; boolean isTypeParam = false; if (this.identifierPtr >= 0) { char[] identifier = null; switch (this.identifierPtr) { case 2: if (!valid && completionScanner.completionIdentifier != null && completionScanner.completionIdentifier.length == 0) { valid = pushParamName(true); } // $FALL-THROUGH$ - fall through next case to verify and get identifiers stack contents case 1: isTypeParam = this.identifierStack[0][0] == '<'; identifier = this.identifierStack[1]; namePosition = this.identifierPositionStack[1]; break; case 0: identifier = this.identifierStack[0]; namePosition = this.identifierPositionStack[0]; isTypeParam = identifier.length > 0 && identifier[0] == '<'; break; } if (identifier != null && identifier.length > 0 && ScannerHelper.isJavaIdentifierPart(this.complianceLevel, identifier[0])) { name = identifier; } startPosition = (int)(this.identifierPositionStack[0]>>32); endPosition = (int)this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr]; } boolean inCompletion = (startPosition <= (this.cursorLocation+1) && this.cursorLocation <= endPosition) // completion cursor is between first and last stacked identifiers || ((startPosition == (endPosition+1) && endPosition == this.cursorLocation)); // or it's a completion on empty token if (inCompletion) { if (this.completionNode == null) { if (isTypeParam) { this.completionNode = new CompletionOnJavadocTypeParamReference(name, namePosition, startPosition, endPosition); } else { this.completionNode = new CompletionOnJavadocParamNameReference(name, namePosition, startPosition, endPosition); } if (CompletionEngine.DEBUG) { System.out.println(" completion param="+this.completionNode); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } else if (this.completionNode instanceof CompletionOnJavadocParamNameReference) { CompletionOnJavadocParamNameReference paramNameRef = (CompletionOnJavadocParamNameReference)this.completionNode; int nameStart = (int) (namePosition>>32); paramNameRef.sourceStart = nameStart; int nameEnd = (int) namePosition; if (nameStart<this.cursorLocation && this.cursorLocation<nameEnd) { paramNameRef.sourceEnd = this.cursorLocation + 1; } else { paramNameRef.sourceEnd = nameEnd; } paramNameRef.tagSourceStart = startPosition; paramNameRef.tagSourceEnd = endPosition; } else if (this.completionNode instanceof CompletionOnJavadocTypeParamReference) { CompletionOnJavadocTypeParamReference typeParamRef = (CompletionOnJavadocTypeParamReference)this.completionNode; int nameStart = (int) (namePosition>>32); typeParamRef.sourceStart = nameStart; int nameEnd = (int) namePosition; if (nameStart<this.cursorLocation && this.cursorLocation<nameEnd) { typeParamRef.sourceEnd = this.cursorLocation + 1; } else { typeParamRef.sourceEnd = nameEnd; } typeParamRef.tagSourceStart = startPosition; typeParamRef.tagSourceEnd = endPosition; } } return valid; } @Override protected boolean parseReference() throws InvalidInputException { boolean completed = this.completionNode != null; boolean valid = super.parseReference(); if (!completed && this.completionNode != null) { this.completionNode.addCompletionFlags(CompletionOnJavadoc.FORMAL_REFERENCE); } return valid; } @Override protected boolean parseTag(int previousPosition) throws InvalidInputException { int startPosition = this.inlineTagStarted ? this.inlineTagStart : previousPosition; boolean newLine = !this.lineStarted; boolean valid = super.parseTag(previousPosition); boolean inCompletion = (this.tagSourceStart <= (this.cursorLocation+1) && this.cursorLocation <= this.tagSourceEnd) // completion cursor is between first and last stacked identifiers || ((this.tagSourceStart == (this.tagSourceEnd+1) && this.tagSourceEnd == this.cursorLocation)); // or it's a completion on empty token if (inCompletion) { int end = this.tagSourceEnd; if (this.inlineTagStarted && this.scanner.currentCharacter == '}') { end = this.scanner.currentPosition; } long position = (((long)startPosition)<<32) + end; int length = this.cursorLocation+1-this.tagSourceStart; char[] tag = new char[length]; System.arraycopy(this.source, this.tagSourceStart, tag, 0, length); char[][][] tags = possibleTags(tag, newLine); if (tags != null) { this.completionNode = new CompletionOnJavadocTag(tag, position, startPosition, end, tags, this.allPossibleTags); } } return valid; } @Override protected boolean parseThrows() { try { Object typeRef = parseQualifiedName(true); if (this.completionNode != null) { this.completionNode.addCompletionFlags(CompletionOnJavadoc.EXCEPTION); } return pushThrowName(typeRef); } catch (InvalidInputException ex) { // ignore } return false; } /* * Push param name reference. If it includes completion location, create and store completion node. */ @Override protected boolean pushParamName(boolean isTypeParam) { if (super.pushParamName(isTypeParam)) { Expression expression = (Expression) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; // See if expression is concerned by completion if (expression.sourceStart <= (this.cursorLocation+1) && this.cursorLocation <= expression.sourceEnd) { if (isTypeParam) { this.completionNode = new CompletionOnJavadocTypeParamReference((JavadocSingleTypeReference)expression); } else { this.completionNode = new CompletionOnJavadocParamNameReference((JavadocSingleNameReference)expression); } if (CompletionEngine.DEBUG) { System.out.println(" completion param="+this.completionNode); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } return true; } return false; }
Push text. If it includes completion location, then rescan line to see if there's a possible reference under the cursor location.
See Also:
  • pushText.pushText(int, int)
/** * Push text. If it includes completion location, then rescan line to see if there's a possible * reference under the cursor location. * * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.AbstractCommentParser#pushText(int, int) */
@Override protected void pushText(int start, int end) { if (start <= this.cursorLocation && this.cursorLocation <= end) { this.scanner.resetTo(start, end); boolean tokenizeWhiteSpace = this.scanner.tokenizeWhiteSpace; this.scanner.tokenizeWhiteSpace = true; try { Object typeRef = null; this.pushText = true; // Get reference tokens int previousToken = TerminalTokens.TokenNameWHITESPACE; while (!this.scanner.atEnd() && this.completionNode == null && !this.abort) { int token = readTokenSafely(); switch (token) { case TerminalTokens.TokenNameStringLiteral : int strStart = 0, strEnd = 0; if ((strStart=this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition()+1) <= this.cursorLocation && this.cursorLocation <= (strEnd=this.scanner.getCurrentTokenEndPosition()-1)) { this.scanner.resetTo(strStart, strEnd); } consumeToken(); break; case TerminalTokens.TokenNameERROR : consumeToken(); if (this.scanner.currentCharacter == '#') { // @see ...#member Object member = null; try { this.scanner.tokenizeWhiteSpace = false; member = parseMember(typeRef); } catch (InvalidInputException e) { consumeToken(); } this.scanner.tokenizeWhiteSpace = true; if (this.completionNode != null) { int flags = this.inlineTagStarted ? 0 : CompletionOnJavadoc.TEXT|CompletionOnJavadoc.ONLY_INLINE_TAG; if (member instanceof JavadocMessageSend) { JavadocMessageSend msgSend = (JavadocMessageSend) member; this.completionNode = new CompletionOnJavadocMessageSend(msgSend, this.memberStart, flags); if (CompletionEngine.DEBUG) { System.out.println(" new completion method="+this.completionNode); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } else if (member instanceof JavadocAllocationExpression) { JavadocAllocationExpression alloc = (JavadocAllocationExpression) member; this.completionNode = new CompletionOnJavadocAllocationExpression(alloc, this.memberStart, flags); if (CompletionEngine.DEBUG) { System.out.println(" new completion method="+this.completionNode); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } else { this.completionNode.addCompletionFlags(flags); } } } break; case TerminalTokens.TokenNameIdentifier : try { this.scanner.tokenizeWhiteSpace = false; typeRef = parseQualifiedName(true); if (this.completionNode == null) { consumeToken(); this.scanner.resetTo(this.tokenPreviousPosition, end); this.index = this.tokenPreviousPosition; } } catch (InvalidInputException e) { consumeToken(); } finally { this.scanner.tokenizeWhiteSpace = true; } if (previousToken != TerminalTokens.TokenNameWHITESPACE) { typeRef = null; this.completionNode = null; } break; case TerminalTokens.TokenNameAT: consumeToken(); try { this.scanner.tokenizeWhiteSpace = false; int startPosition = this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition(); parseTag(startPosition); if (this.completionNode != null) { if (this.inlineTagStarted) { /* May be to replace invalid @value tag inside text? if (this.completionNode instanceof CompletionOnJavadocSingleTypeReference) { CompletionOnJavadocSingleTypeReference singleTypeReference = (CompletionOnJavadocSingleTypeReference) this.completionNode; singleTypeReference.tagSourceStart = startPosition; switch (this.tagValue) { case TAG_VALUE_VALUE: // singleTypeReference.completionFlags |= ONLY_INLINE_TAG; if (this.sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) singleTypeReference.completionFlags |= REPLACE_TAG; break; } } else if (this.completionNode instanceof CompletionOnJavadocQualifiedTypeReference) { CompletionOnJavadocQualifiedTypeReference qualifiedTypeRef = (CompletionOnJavadocQualifiedTypeReference) this.completionNode; qualifiedTypeRef.tagSourceStart = startPosition; switch (this.tagValue) { case TAG_VALUE_VALUE: singleTypeReference.completionFlags |= ONLY_INLINE_TAG; if (this.sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) qualifiedTypeRef.completionFlags |= REPLACE_TAG; break; } } // */ } else { /* May be to replace non-inline tag inside text? if (this.completionNode instanceof CompletionOnJavadocSingleTypeReference) { CompletionOnJavadocSingleTypeReference singleTypeReference = (CompletionOnJavadocSingleTypeReference) this.completionNode; singleTypeReference.tagSourceStart = startPosition; switch (this.tagValue) { case TAG_LINK_VALUE: case TAG_LINKPLAIN_VALUE: singleTypeReference.completionFlags |= ONLY_INLINE_TAG; case TAG_SEE_VALUE: singleTypeReference.completionFlags |= REPLACE_TAG; break; } } else if (this.completionNode instanceof CompletionOnJavadocQualifiedTypeReference) { CompletionOnJavadocQualifiedTypeReference qualifiedTypeRef = (CompletionOnJavadocQualifiedTypeReference) this.completionNode; qualifiedTypeRef.tagSourceStart = startPosition; switch (this.tagValue) { case TAG_LINK_VALUE: case TAG_LINKPLAIN_VALUE: qualifiedTypeRef.completionFlags |= ONLY_INLINE_TAG; case TAG_SEE_VALUE: qualifiedTypeRef.completionFlags |= REPLACE_TAG; break; } } // */ } } } catch (InvalidInputException e) { consumeToken(); } this.scanner.tokenizeWhiteSpace = true; break; default : consumeToken(); typeRef = null; break; } previousToken = token; } } finally { this.scanner.tokenizeWhiteSpace = tokenizeWhiteSpace; this.pushText = false; } // Reset position to avoid missing tokens when new line was encountered this.index = end; this.scanner.currentPosition = end; consumeToken(); if (this.completionNode != null) { if (this.inlineTagStarted) { this.completionNode.addCompletionFlags(CompletionOnJavadoc.FORMAL_REFERENCE); } else { this.completionNode.addCompletionFlags(CompletionOnJavadoc.TEXT); } } } } @Override protected int readToken() throws InvalidInputException { int token = super.readToken(); if (token == TerminalTokens.TokenNameIdentifier && this.scanner.currentPosition == this.scanner.startPosition) { // Scanner is looping on empty token => read it... this.scanner.getCurrentIdentifierSource(); } return token; } /* * Recover syntax on invalid qualified name. */ @Override protected Object syntaxRecoverQualifiedName(int primitiveToken) throws InvalidInputException { if (this.cursorLocation == ((int)this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr])) { // special case of completion just before the dot. return createTypeReference(primitiveToken); } int idLength = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr]; char[][] tokens = new char[idLength][]; int startPtr = this.identifierPtr-idLength+1; System.arraycopy(this.identifierStack, startPtr, tokens, 0, idLength); long[] positions = new long[idLength+1]; System.arraycopy(this.identifierPositionStack, startPtr, positions, 0, idLength); positions[idLength] = (((long)this.tokenPreviousPosition)<<32) + this.tokenPreviousPosition; this.completionNode = new CompletionOnJavadocQualifiedTypeReference(tokens, CharOperation.NO_CHAR, positions, this.tagSourceStart, this.tagSourceEnd); if (CompletionEngine.DEBUG) { System.out.println(" completion partial qualified type="+this.completionNode); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return this.completionNode; } /* * Recover syntax on type argument in invalid method/constructor reference */ protected Object syntaxRecoverArgumentType(Object receiver, List arguments, Object argument) throws InvalidInputException { if (this.completionNode != null && !this.pushText) { this.completionNode.addCompletionFlags(CompletionOnJavadoc.BASE_TYPES); if (this.completionNode instanceof CompletionOnJavadocSingleTypeReference) { char[] token = ((CompletionOnJavadocSingleTypeReference)this.completionNode).token; if (token != null && token.length > 0) { return this.completionNode; } } else { return this.completionNode; } } // Filter empty token if (this.completionNode instanceof CompletionOnJavadocSingleTypeReference) { CompletionOnJavadocSingleTypeReference singleTypeReference = (CompletionOnJavadocSingleTypeReference) this.completionNode; if (singleTypeReference.token != null && singleTypeReference.token.length > 0) { arguments.add(argument); } } else if (this.completionNode instanceof CompletionOnJavadocQualifiedTypeReference) { CompletionOnJavadocQualifiedTypeReference qualifiedTypeReference = (CompletionOnJavadocQualifiedTypeReference) this.completionNode; if (qualifiedTypeReference.tokens != null && qualifiedTypeReference.tokens.length == qualifiedTypeReference.sourcePositions.length) { arguments.add(argument); } } else { arguments.add(argument); } Object methodRef = super.createMethodReference(receiver, arguments); if (methodRef instanceof JavadocMessageSend) { JavadocMessageSend msgSend = (JavadocMessageSend) methodRef; if (this.index > this.cursorLocation) { msgSend.sourceEnd = this.tokenPreviousPosition-1; } int nameStart = (int) (msgSend.nameSourcePosition >>> 32); int nameEnd = (int) msgSend.nameSourcePosition; if ((nameStart <= (this.cursorLocation+1) && this.cursorLocation <= nameEnd)) { this.completionNode = new CompletionOnJavadocFieldReference(msgSend, this.memberStart); } else { this.completionNode = new CompletionOnJavadocMessageSend(msgSend, this.memberStart); } } else if (methodRef instanceof JavadocAllocationExpression) { JavadocAllocationExpression allocExp = (JavadocAllocationExpression) methodRef; if (this.index > this.cursorLocation) { allocExp.sourceEnd = this.tokenPreviousPosition-1; } this.completionNode = new CompletionOnJavadocAllocationExpression(allocExp, this.memberStart); } if (CompletionEngine.DEBUG) { System.out.println(" completion method="+this.completionNode); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return this.completionNode; } /* * Recover syntax on empty type argument in invalid method/constructor reference */ protected Object syntaxRecoverEmptyArgumentType(Object methodRef) throws InvalidInputException { if (methodRef instanceof JavadocMessageSend) { JavadocMessageSend msgSend = (JavadocMessageSend) methodRef; if (this.index > this.cursorLocation) { msgSend.sourceEnd = this.tokenPreviousPosition-1; } this.completionNode = new CompletionOnJavadocMessageSend(msgSend, this.memberStart); } else if (methodRef instanceof JavadocAllocationExpression) { JavadocAllocationExpression allocExp = (JavadocAllocationExpression) methodRef; if (this.index > this.cursorLocation) { allocExp.sourceEnd = this.tokenPreviousPosition-1; } this.completionNode = new CompletionOnJavadocAllocationExpression(allocExp, this.memberStart); } if (CompletionEngine.DEBUG) { System.out.println(" completion method="+this.completionNode); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return this.completionNode; } /* * Store completion node into doc comment. */ @Override protected void updateDocComment() { super.updateDocComment(); if (this.completionNode instanceof Expression && ((Expression) this.completionNode).isTrulyExpression()) { getCompletionParser().assistNodeParent = this.docComment; getCompletionParser().assistNode = (ASTNode) this.completionNode; getCompletionJavadoc().completionNode = (Expression) this.completionNode; } } @Override protected boolean verifySpaceOrEndComment() { CompletionScanner completionScanner = (CompletionScanner) this.scanner; if (completionScanner.completionIdentifier != null && completionScanner.completedIdentifierStart <= this.cursorLocation && this.cursorLocation <= completionScanner.completedIdentifierEnd) { // if we're on completion location do not verify end... return true; } return super.verifySpaceOrEndComment(); } }