package org.bouncycastle.jce.spec;

import java.math.BigInteger;

This class specifies an ElGamal private key with its associated parameters.
See Also:
  • ElGamalPublicKeySpec
/** * This class specifies an ElGamal private key with its associated parameters. * * @see ElGamalPublicKeySpec */
public class ElGamalPrivateKeySpec extends ElGamalKeySpec { private BigInteger x; public ElGamalPrivateKeySpec( BigInteger x, ElGamalParameterSpec spec) { super(spec); this.x = x; }
Returns the private value x.
Returns:the private value x
/** * Returns the private value <code>x</code>. * * @return the private value <code>x</code> */
public BigInteger getX() { return x; } }