package org.bouncycastle.crypto.generators;

import org.bouncycastle.crypto.Digest;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests.SHA1Digest;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests.SHA256Digest;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.DSAParameters;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.DSAValidationParameters;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays;
import org.bouncycastle.util.BigIntegers;

import java.math.BigInteger;

// TODO Update javadoc to mention FIPS 186-3 when done
generate suitable parameters for DSA, in line with FIPS 186-2.
/** * generate suitable parameters for DSA, in line with FIPS 186-2. */
public class DSAParametersGenerator { private int L, N; private int certainty; private SecureRandom random; private static final BigInteger ZERO = BigInteger.valueOf(0); private static final BigInteger ONE = BigInteger.valueOf(1); private static final BigInteger TWO = BigInteger.valueOf(2);
initialise the key generator.
  • size – size of the key (range 2^512 -> 2^1024 - 64 bit increments)
  • certainty – measure of robustness of prime (for FIPS 186-2 compliance this should be at least 80).
  • random – random byte source.
/** * initialise the key generator. * * @param size size of the key (range 2^512 -> 2^1024 - 64 bit increments) * @param certainty measure of robustness of prime (for FIPS 186-2 compliance this should be at least 80). * @param random random byte source. */
public void init( int size, int certainty, SecureRandom random) { init(size, getDefaultN(size), certainty, random); } // TODO Make public to enable support for DSA keys > 1024 bits private void init( int L, int N, int certainty, SecureRandom random) { // TODO Check that the (L, N) pair is in the list of acceptable (L, N pairs) (see Section 4.2) // TODO Should we enforce the minimum 'certainty' values as per C.3 Table C.1? this.L = L; this.N = N; this.certainty = certainty; this.random = random; }
which generates the p and g values from the given parameters, returning the DSAParameters object.

Note: can take a while...

/** * which generates the p and g values from the given parameters, * returning the DSAParameters object. * <p> * Note: can take a while... */
public DSAParameters generateParameters() { return L > 1024 ? generateParameters_FIPS186_3() : generateParameters_FIPS186_2(); } private DSAParameters generateParameters_FIPS186_2() { byte[] seed = new byte[20]; byte[] part1 = new byte[20]; byte[] part2 = new byte[20]; byte[] u = new byte[20]; SHA1Digest sha1 = new SHA1Digest(); int n = (L - 1) / 160; byte[] w = new byte[L / 8]; for (;;) { random.nextBytes(seed); hash(sha1, seed, part1); System.arraycopy(seed, 0, part2, 0, seed.length); inc(part2); hash(sha1, part2, part2); for (int i = 0; i != u.length; i++) { u[i] = (byte)(part1[i] ^ part2[i]); } u[0] |= (byte)0x80; u[19] |= (byte)0x01; BigInteger q = new BigInteger(1, u); if (!q.isProbablePrime(certainty)) { continue; } byte[] offset = Arrays.clone(seed); inc(offset); for (int counter = 0; counter < 4096; ++counter) { for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) { inc(offset); hash(sha1, offset, part1); System.arraycopy(part1, 0, w, w.length - (k + 1) * part1.length, part1.length); } inc(offset); hash(sha1, offset, part1); System.arraycopy(part1, part1.length - ((w.length - (n) * part1.length)), w, 0, w.length - n * part1.length); w[0] |= (byte)0x80; BigInteger x = new BigInteger(1, w); BigInteger c = x.mod(q.shiftLeft(1)); BigInteger p = x.subtract(c.subtract(ONE)); if (p.bitLength() != L) { continue; } if (p.isProbablePrime(certainty)) { BigInteger g = calculateGenerator_FIPS186_2(p, q, random); return new DSAParameters(p, q, g, new DSAValidationParameters(seed, counter)); } } } } private static BigInteger calculateGenerator_FIPS186_2(BigInteger p, BigInteger q, SecureRandom r) { BigInteger e = p.subtract(ONE).divide(q); BigInteger pSub2 = p.subtract(TWO); for (;;) { BigInteger h = BigIntegers.createRandomInRange(TWO, pSub2, r); BigInteger g = h.modPow(e, p); if (g.bitLength() > 1) { return g; } } }
generate suitable parameters for DSA, in line with FIPS 186-3 A.1 Generation of the FFC Primes p and q.
/** * generate suitable parameters for DSA, in line with * <i>FIPS 186-3 A.1 Generation of the FFC Primes p and q</i>. */
private DSAParameters generateParameters_FIPS186_3() { // A.1.1.2 Generation of the Probable Primes p and q Using an Approved Hash Function // FIXME This should be configurable (digest size in bits must be >= N) Digest d = new SHA256Digest(); int outlen = d.getDigestSize() * 8; // 1. Check that the (L, N) pair is in the list of acceptable (L, N pairs) (see Section 4.2). If // the pair is not in the list, then return INVALID. // Note: checked at initialisation // 2. If (seedlen < N), then return INVALID. // FIXME This should be configurable (must be >= N) int seedlen = N; byte[] seed = new byte[seedlen / 8]; // 3. n = ceiling(L ⁄ outlen) – 1. int n = (L - 1) / outlen; // 4. b = L – 1 – (n ∗ outlen). int b = (L - 1) % outlen; byte[] output = new byte[d.getDigestSize()]; for (;;) { // 5. Get an arbitrary sequence of seedlen bits as the domain_parameter_seed. random.nextBytes(seed); // 6. U = Hash (domain_parameter_seed) mod 2^(N–1). hash(d, seed, output); BigInteger U = new BigInteger(1, output).mod(ONE.shiftLeft(N - 1)); // 7. q = 2^(N–1) + U + 1 – ( U mod 2). BigInteger q = ONE.shiftLeft(N - 1).add(U).add(ONE).subtract(U.mod(TWO)); // 8. Test whether or not q is prime as specified in Appendix C.3. // TODO Review C.3 for primality checking if (!q.isProbablePrime(certainty)) { // 9. If q is not a prime, then go to step 5. continue; } // 10. offset = 1. // Note: 'offset' value managed incrementally byte[] offset = Arrays.clone(seed); // 11. For counter = 0 to (4L – 1) do int counterLimit = 4 * L; for (int counter = 0; counter < counterLimit; ++counter) { // 11.1 For j = 0 to n do // Vj = Hash ((domain_parameter_seed + offset + j) mod 2^seedlen). // 11.2 W = V0 + (V1 ∗ 2^outlen) + ... + (V^(n–1) ∗ 2^((n–1) ∗ outlen)) + ((Vn mod 2^b) ∗ 2^(n ∗ outlen)). // TODO Assemble w as a byte array BigInteger W = ZERO; for (int j = 0, exp = 0; j <= n; ++j, exp += outlen) { inc(offset); hash(d, offset, output); BigInteger Vj = new BigInteger(1, output); if (j == n) { Vj = Vj.mod(ONE.shiftLeft(b)); } W = W.add(Vj.shiftLeft(exp)); } // 11.3 X = W + 2^(L–1). Comment: 0 ≤ W < 2L–1; hence, 2L–1 ≤ X < 2L. BigInteger X = W.add(ONE.shiftLeft(L - 1)); // 11.4 c = X mod 2q. BigInteger c = X.mod(q.shiftLeft(1)); // 11.5 p = X - (c - 1). Comment: p ≡ 1 (mod 2q). BigInteger p = X.subtract(c.subtract(ONE)); // 11.6 If (p < 2^(L - 1)), then go to step 11.9 if (p.bitLength() != L) { continue; } // 11.7 Test whether or not p is prime as specified in Appendix C.3. // TODO Review C.3 for primality checking if (p.isProbablePrime(certainty)) { // 11.8 If p is determined to be prime, then return VALID and the values of p, q and // (optionally) the values of domain_parameter_seed and counter. // TODO Make configurable (8-bit unsigned)? // int index = 1; // BigInteger g = calculateGenerator_FIPS186_3_Verifiable(d, p, q, seed, index); // if (g != null) // { // // TODO Should 'index' be a part of the validation parameters? // return new DSAParameters(p, q, g, new DSAValidationParameters(seed, counter)); // } BigInteger g = calculateGenerator_FIPS186_3_Unverifiable(p, q, random); return new DSAParameters(p, q, g, new DSAValidationParameters(seed, counter)); } // 11.9 offset = offset + n + 1. Comment: Increment offset; then, as part of // the loop in step 11, increment counter; if // counter < 4L, repeat steps 11.1 through 11.8. // Note: 'offset' value already incremented in inner loop } // 12. Go to step 5. } } private static BigInteger calculateGenerator_FIPS186_3_Unverifiable(BigInteger p, BigInteger q, SecureRandom r) { return calculateGenerator_FIPS186_2(p, q, r); } // private static BigInteger calculateGenerator_FIPS186_3_Verifiable(Digest d, BigInteger p, BigInteger q, // byte[] seed, int index) // { //// A.2.3 Verifiable Canonical Generation of the Generator g // BigInteger e = p.subtract(ONE).divide(q); // byte[] ggen = Hex.decode("6767656E"); // // // 7. U = domain_parameter_seed || "ggen" || index || count. // byte[] U = new byte[seed.length + ggen.length + 1 + 2]; // System.arraycopy(seed, 0, U, 0, seed.length); // System.arraycopy(ggen, 0, U, seed.length, ggen.length); // U[U.length - 3] = (byte)index; // // byte[] w = new byte[d.getDigestSize()]; // for (int count = 1; count < (1 << 16); ++count) // { // inc(U); // hash(d, U, w); // BigInteger W = new BigInteger(1, w); // BigInteger g = W.modPow(e, p); // if (g.compareTo(TWO) >= 0) // { // return g; // } // } // // return null; // } private static void hash(Digest d, byte[] input, byte[] output) { d.update(input, 0, input.length); d.doFinal(output, 0); } private static int getDefaultN(int L) { return L > 1024 ? 256 : 160; } private static void inc(byte[] buf) { for (int i = buf.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { byte b = (byte)((buf[i] + 1) & 0xff); buf[i] = b; if (b != 0) { break; } } } }