package org.bouncycastle.cms;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1EncodableVector;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Integer;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Set;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1TaggedObject;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.BERSequenceGenerator;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.BERTaggedObject;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERSet;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.CMSObjectIdentifiers;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.SignerInfo;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.AlgorithmIdentifier;

General class for generating a pkcs7-signature message stream.

A simple example of usage.

     X509Certificate signCert = ...
     Store           certs = new JcaCertStore(certList);
     ContentSigner sha1Signer = new JcaContentSignerBuilder("SHA1withRSA").setProvider("BC").build(signKP.getPrivate());
     CMSSignedDataStreamGenerator gen = new CMSSignedDataStreamGenerator();
               new JcaSignerInfoGeneratorBuilder(
                    new JcaDigestCalculatorProviderBuilder().setProvider("BC").build())
                    .build(sha1Signer, signCert));
     OutputStream sigOut =;
     sigOut.write("Hello World!".getBytes());
/** * General class for generating a pkcs7-signature message stream. * <p> * A simple example of usage. * </p> * <pre> * X509Certificate signCert = ... * certList.add(signCert); * * Store certs = new JcaCertStore(certList); * ContentSigner sha1Signer = new JcaContentSignerBuilder("SHA1withRSA").setProvider("BC").build(signKP.getPrivate()); * * CMSSignedDataStreamGenerator gen = new CMSSignedDataStreamGenerator(); * * gen.addSignerInfoGenerator( * new JcaSignerInfoGeneratorBuilder( * new JcaDigestCalculatorProviderBuilder().setProvider("BC").build()) * .build(sha1Signer, signCert)); * * gen.addCertificates(certs); * * OutputStream sigOut =; * * sigOut.write("Hello World!".getBytes()); * * sigOut.close(); * </pre> */
public class CMSSignedDataStreamGenerator extends CMSSignedGenerator { private int _bufferSize;
base constructor
/** * base constructor */
public CMSSignedDataStreamGenerator() { }
Set the underlying string size for encapsulated data
  • bufferSize – length of octet strings to buffer the data.
/** * Set the underlying string size for encapsulated data * * @param bufferSize length of octet strings to buffer the data. */
public void setBufferSize( int bufferSize) { _bufferSize = bufferSize; }
generate a signed object that for a CMS Signed Data object using the given provider.
/** * generate a signed object that for a CMS Signed Data * object using the given provider. */
public OutputStream open( OutputStream out) throws IOException { return open(out, false); }
generate a signed object that for a CMS Signed Data object using the given provider - if encapsulate is true a copy of the message will be included in the signature with the default content type "data".
/** * generate a signed object that for a CMS Signed Data * object using the given provider - if encapsulate is true a copy * of the message will be included in the signature with the * default content type "data". */
public OutputStream open( OutputStream out, boolean encapsulate) throws IOException { return open(, out, encapsulate); }
generate a signed object that for a CMS Signed Data object using the given provider - if encapsulate is true a copy of the message will be included in the signature with the default content type "data". If dataOutputStream is non null the data being signed will be written to the stream as it is processed.
  • out – stream the CMS object is to be written to.
  • encapsulate – true if data should be encapsulated.
  • dataOutputStream – output stream to copy the data being signed to.
/** * generate a signed object that for a CMS Signed Data * object using the given provider - if encapsulate is true a copy * of the message will be included in the signature with the * default content type "data". If dataOutputStream is non null the data * being signed will be written to the stream as it is processed. * @param out stream the CMS object is to be written to. * @param encapsulate true if data should be encapsulated. * @param dataOutputStream output stream to copy the data being signed to. */
public OutputStream open( OutputStream out, boolean encapsulate, OutputStream dataOutputStream) throws IOException { return open(, out, encapsulate, dataOutputStream); }
generate a signed object that for a CMS Signed Data object using the given provider - if encapsulate is true a copy of the message will be included in the signature. The content type is set according to the OID represented by the string signedContentType.
/** * generate a signed object that for a CMS Signed Data * object using the given provider - if encapsulate is true a copy * of the message will be included in the signature. The content type * is set according to the OID represented by the string signedContentType. */
public OutputStream open( ASN1ObjectIdentifier eContentType, OutputStream out, boolean encapsulate) throws IOException { return open(eContentType, out, encapsulate, null); }
generate a signed object that for a CMS Signed Data object using the given provider - if encapsulate is true a copy of the message will be included in the signature. The content type is set according to the OID represented by the string signedContentType.
  • eContentType – OID for data to be signed.
  • out – stream the CMS object is to be written to.
  • encapsulate – true if data should be encapsulated.
  • dataOutputStream – output stream to copy the data being signed to.
/** * generate a signed object that for a CMS Signed Data * object using the given provider - if encapsulate is true a copy * of the message will be included in the signature. The content type * is set according to the OID represented by the string signedContentType. * @param eContentType OID for data to be signed. * @param out stream the CMS object is to be written to. * @param encapsulate true if data should be encapsulated. * @param dataOutputStream output stream to copy the data being signed to. */
public OutputStream open( ASN1ObjectIdentifier eContentType, OutputStream out, boolean encapsulate, OutputStream dataOutputStream) throws IOException { // TODO // if (_signerInfs.isEmpty()) // { // /* RFC 3852 5.2 // * "In the degenerate case where there are no signers, the // * EncapsulatedContentInfo value being "signed" is irrelevant. In this // * case, the content type within the EncapsulatedContentInfo value being // * "signed" MUST be id-data (as defined in section 4), and the content // * field of the EncapsulatedContentInfo value MUST be omitted." // */ // if (encapsulate) // { // throw new IllegalArgumentException("no signers, encapsulate must be false"); // } // if (!DATA.equals(eContentType)) // { // throw new IllegalArgumentException("no signers, eContentType must be id-data"); // } // } // // if (!DATA.equals(eContentType)) // { // /* RFC 3852 5.3 // * [The 'signedAttrs']... // * field is optional, but it MUST be present if the content type of // * the EncapsulatedContentInfo value being signed is not id-data. // */ // // TODO signedAttrs must be present for all signers // } // // ContentInfo // BERSequenceGenerator sGen = new BERSequenceGenerator(out); sGen.addObject(CMSObjectIdentifiers.signedData); // // Signed Data // BERSequenceGenerator sigGen = new BERSequenceGenerator(sGen.getRawOutputStream(), 0, true); sigGen.addObject(calculateVersion(eContentType)); ASN1EncodableVector digestAlgs = new ASN1EncodableVector(); // // add the precalculated SignerInfo digest algorithms. // for (Iterator it = _signers.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { SignerInformation signer = (SignerInformation); AlgorithmIdentifier digAlg = CMSSignedHelper.INSTANCE.fixAlgID(signer.getDigestAlgorithmID()); digestAlgs.add(digAlg); } // // add the new digests // for (Iterator it = signerGens.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { SignerInfoGenerator signerGen = (SignerInfoGenerator); digestAlgs.add(signerGen.getDigestAlgorithm()); } sigGen.getRawOutputStream().write(new DERSet(digestAlgs).getEncoded()); BERSequenceGenerator eiGen = new BERSequenceGenerator(sigGen.getRawOutputStream()); eiGen.addObject(eContentType); // If encapsulating, add the data as an octet string in the sequence OutputStream encapStream = encapsulate ? CMSUtils.createBEROctetOutputStream(eiGen.getRawOutputStream(), 0, true, _bufferSize) : null; // Also send the data to 'dataOutputStream' if necessary OutputStream contentStream = CMSUtils.getSafeTeeOutputStream(dataOutputStream, encapStream); // Let all the signers see the data as it is written OutputStream sigStream = CMSUtils.attachSignersToOutputStream(signerGens, contentStream); return new CmsSignedDataOutputStream(sigStream, eContentType, sGen, sigGen, eiGen); }
Return a list of the current Digest AlgorithmIdentifiers applying to the next signature.
Returns:a list of the Digest AlgorithmIdentifiers
/** * Return a list of the current Digest AlgorithmIdentifiers applying to the next signature. * * @return a list of the Digest AlgorithmIdentifiers */
public List<AlgorithmIdentifier> getDigestAlgorithms() { List digestAlorithms = new ArrayList(); // // add the precalculated SignerInfo digest algorithms. // for (Iterator it = _signers.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { SignerInformation signer = (SignerInformation); AlgorithmIdentifier digAlg = CMSSignedHelper.INSTANCE.fixAlgID(signer.getDigestAlgorithmID()); digestAlorithms.add(digAlg); } // // add the new digests // for (Iterator it = signerGens.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { SignerInfoGenerator signerGen = (SignerInfoGenerator); digestAlorithms.add(signerGen.getDigestAlgorithm()); } return digestAlorithms; } // RFC3852, section 5.1: // IF ((certificates is present) AND // (any certificates with a type of other are present)) OR // ((crls is present) AND // (any crls with a type of other are present)) // THEN version MUST be 5 // ELSE // IF (certificates is present) AND // (any version 2 attribute certificates are present) // THEN version MUST be 4 // ELSE // IF ((certificates is present) AND // (any version 1 attribute certificates are present)) OR // (any SignerInfo structures are version 3) OR // (encapContentInfo eContentType is other than id-data) // THEN version MUST be 3 // ELSE version MUST be 1 // private ASN1Integer calculateVersion( ASN1ObjectIdentifier contentOid) { boolean otherCert = false; boolean otherCrl = false; boolean attrCertV1Found = false; boolean attrCertV2Found = false; if (certs != null) { for (Iterator it = certs.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Object obj =; if (obj instanceof ASN1TaggedObject) { ASN1TaggedObject tagged = (ASN1TaggedObject)obj; if (tagged.getTagNo() == 1) { attrCertV1Found = true; } else if (tagged.getTagNo() == 2) { attrCertV2Found = true; } else if (tagged.getTagNo() == 3) { otherCert = true; } } } } if (otherCert) { return new ASN1Integer(5); } if (crls != null) // no need to check if otherCert is true { for (Iterator it = crls.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Object obj =; if (obj instanceof ASN1TaggedObject) { otherCrl = true; } } } if (otherCrl) { return new ASN1Integer(5); } if (attrCertV2Found) { return new ASN1Integer(4); } if (attrCertV1Found) { return new ASN1Integer(3); } if (checkForVersion3(_signers, signerGens)) { return new ASN1Integer(3); } if (! { return new ASN1Integer(3); } return new ASN1Integer(1); } private boolean checkForVersion3(List signerInfos, List signerInfoGens) { for (Iterator it = signerInfos.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { SignerInfo s = SignerInfo.getInstance(((SignerInformation); if (s.getVersion().getValue().intValue() == 3) { return true; } } for (Iterator it = signerInfoGens.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { SignerInfoGenerator s = (SignerInfoGenerator); if (s.getGeneratedVersion() == 3) { return true; } } return false; } private class CmsSignedDataOutputStream extends OutputStream { private OutputStream _out; private ASN1ObjectIdentifier _contentOID; private BERSequenceGenerator _sGen; private BERSequenceGenerator _sigGen; private BERSequenceGenerator _eiGen; public CmsSignedDataOutputStream( OutputStream out, ASN1ObjectIdentifier contentOID, BERSequenceGenerator sGen, BERSequenceGenerator sigGen, BERSequenceGenerator eiGen) { _out = out; _contentOID = contentOID; _sGen = sGen; _sigGen = sigGen; _eiGen = eiGen; } public void write( int b) throws IOException { _out.write(b); } public void write( byte[] bytes, int off, int len) throws IOException { _out.write(bytes, off, len); } public void write( byte[] bytes) throws IOException { _out.write(bytes); } public void close() throws IOException { _out.close(); _eiGen.close(); digests.clear(); // clear the current preserved digest state if (certs.size() != 0) { ASN1Set certSet = CMSUtils.createBerSetFromList(certs); _sigGen.getRawOutputStream().write(new BERTaggedObject(false, 0, certSet).getEncoded()); } if (crls.size() != 0) { ASN1Set crlSet = CMSUtils.createBerSetFromList(crls); _sigGen.getRawOutputStream().write(new BERTaggedObject(false, 1, crlSet).getEncoded()); } // // collect all the SignerInfo objects // ASN1EncodableVector signerInfos = new ASN1EncodableVector(); // // add the generated SignerInfo objects // for (Iterator it = signerGens.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { SignerInfoGenerator sigGen = (SignerInfoGenerator); try { signerInfos.add(sigGen.generate(_contentOID)); byte[] calculatedDigest = sigGen.getCalculatedDigest(); digests.put(sigGen.getDigestAlgorithm().getAlgorithm().getId(), calculatedDigest); } catch (CMSException e) { throw new CMSStreamException("exception generating signers: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } // // add the precalculated SignerInfo objects // { Iterator it = _signers.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SignerInformation signer = (SignerInformation); // TODO Verify the content type and calculated digest match the precalculated SignerInfo // if (!signer.getContentType().equals(_contentOID)) // { // // TODO The precalculated content type did not match - error? // } // // byte[] calculatedDigest = (byte[])_digests.get(signer.getDigestAlgOID()); // if (calculatedDigest == null) // { // // TODO We can't confirm this digest because we didn't calculate it - error? // } // else // { // if (!Arrays.areEqual(signer.getContentDigest(), calculatedDigest)) // { // // TODO The precalculated digest did not match - error? // } // } signerInfos.add(signer.toASN1Structure()); } } _sigGen.getRawOutputStream().write(new DERSet(signerInfos).getEncoded()); _sigGen.close(); _sGen.close(); } } }