package org.bouncycastle.cert.dane;

import org.bouncycastle.cert.X509CertificateHolder;
import org.bouncycastle.operator.DigestCalculator;

Factory class for creating DANEEntry objects.
/** * Factory class for creating DANEEntry objects. */
public class DANEEntryFactory { private final DANEEntrySelectorFactory selectorFactory;
Base constructor.
  • digestCalculator – a calculator for the message digest to filter email addresses currently SHA-224.
/** * Base constructor. * * @param digestCalculator a calculator for the message digest to filter email addresses currently SHA-224. */
public DANEEntryFactory(DigestCalculator digestCalculator) { this.selectorFactory = new DANEEntrySelectorFactory(digestCalculator); }
Return a DANEEntry for the passed in email address and certificate. This method sets the entry's certificate usage field to 3.
  • emailAddress – the emails address of interest.
  • certificate – the certificate to be associated with the email address.
/** * Return a DANEEntry for the passed in email address and certificate. * This method sets the entry's certificate usage field to 3. * * @param emailAddress the emails address of interest. * @param certificate the certificate to be associated with the email address. * @throws DANEException in case of issue generating a matching name. */
public DANEEntry createEntry(String emailAddress, X509CertificateHolder certificate) throws DANEException { return createEntry(emailAddress, DANEEntry.CERT_USAGE_ACCEPT, certificate); }
Return a DANEEntry for the passed in email address and certificate.
  • emailAddress – the emails address of interest.
  • certUsage – the certificate usage field value to use.
  • certificate – the certificate to be associated with the email address.
/** * Return a DANEEntry for the passed in email address and certificate. * * @param emailAddress the emails address of interest. * @param certUsage the certificate usage field value to use. * @param certificate the certificate to be associated with the email address. * @throws DANEException in case of issue generating a matching name. */
public DANEEntry createEntry(String emailAddress, int certUsage, X509CertificateHolder certificate) throws DANEException { if (certUsage < 0 || certUsage > 3) { throw new DANEException("unknown certificate usage: " + certUsage); } DANEEntrySelector entrySelector = selectorFactory.createSelector(emailAddress); byte[] flags = new byte[3]; flags[DANEEntry.CERT_USAGE] = (byte)certUsage; flags[DANEEntry.SELECTOR] = 0; flags[DANEEntry.MATCHING_TYPE] = 0; return new DANEEntry(entrySelector.getDomainName(), flags, certificate); } }