package org.bouncycastle.cert.dane;


import org.bouncycastle.cert.X509CertificateHolder;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays;

Carrier class for a DANE entry.
/** * Carrier class for a DANE entry. */
public class DANEEntry { public static final int CERT_USAGE_CA = 0; public static final int CERT_USAGE_PKIX_VALIDATE = 1; public static final int CERT_USAGE_TRUST_ANCHOR = 2; public static final int CERT_USAGE_ACCEPT = 3; static final int CERT_USAGE = 0; static final int SELECTOR = 1; static final int MATCHING_TYPE = 2; private final String domainName; private final byte[] flags; private final X509CertificateHolder certHolder; DANEEntry(String domainName, byte[] flags, X509CertificateHolder certHolder) { this.flags = flags; this.domainName = domainName; this.certHolder = certHolder; } public DANEEntry(String domainName, byte[] data) throws IOException { this(domainName, Arrays.copyOfRange(data, 0, 3), new X509CertificateHolder(Arrays.copyOfRange(data, 3, data.length))); } public byte[] getFlags() { return Arrays.clone(flags); }
Return the certificate associated with this entry.
Returns:the entry's certificate.
/** * Return the certificate associated with this entry. * * @return the entry's certificate. */
public X509CertificateHolder getCertificate() { return certHolder; } public String getDomainName() { return domainName; }
Return the full data string as it would appear in the DNS record - flags + encoding
  • IOException – if there is an issue encoding the certificate inside this entry.
Returns:byte array representing the full data string.
/** * Return the full data string as it would appear in the DNS record - flags + encoding * * @return byte array representing the full data string. * @throws IOException if there is an issue encoding the certificate inside this entry. */
public byte[] getRDATA() throws IOException { byte[] certEnc = certHolder.getEncoded(); byte[] data = new byte[flags.length + certEnc.length]; System.arraycopy(flags, 0, data, 0, flags.length); System.arraycopy(certEnc, 0, data, flags.length, certEnc.length); return data; }
Return true if the byte string has the correct flag bytes to indicate a certificate entry.
  • data – the byte string of interest.
Returns:true if flags indicate a valid certificate, false otherwise.
/** * Return true if the byte string has the correct flag bytes to indicate a certificate entry. * * @param data the byte string of interest. * @return true if flags indicate a valid certificate, false otherwise. */
public static boolean isValidCertificate(byte[] data) { // TODO: perhaps validate ASN.1 data as well... return ((data[CERT_USAGE] >= 0 || data[CERT_USAGE] <= 3)&& data[SELECTOR] == 0 && data[MATCHING_TYPE] == 0); } }