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package org.apache.batik.transcoder.wmf.tosvg;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.awt.font.TextLayout;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;

import org.apache.batik.ext.awt.geom.Polygon2D;
import org.apache.batik.ext.awt.geom.Polyline2D;
import org.apache.batik.transcoder.wmf.WMFConstants;

This class holds simple properties about a WMF Metafile. It can be used whenever general information must be retrieved about this file.
Version:$Id: WMFHeaderProperties.java 1831630 2018-05-15 12:56:55Z ssteiner $
/** * This class holds simple properties about a WMF Metafile. It can be used * whenever general information must be retrieved about this file. * * @version $Id: WMFHeaderProperties.java 1831630 2018-05-15 12:56:55Z ssteiner $ */
public class WMFHeaderProperties extends AbstractWMFReader { private static final Integer INTEGER_0 = 0; protected DataInputStream stream; private int _bleft, _bright, _btop, _bbottom, _bwidth, _bheight; private int _ileft, _iright, _itop, _ibottom; private float scale = 1.0f; private int startX = 0; private int startY = 0; private int currentHorizAlign = 0; private int currentVertAlign = 0; private WMFFont wf = null; private static final FontRenderContext fontCtx = new FontRenderContext(new AffineTransform(), false, true); private transient boolean firstEffectivePaint = true; public static final int PEN = 1; public static final int BRUSH = 2; public static final int FONT = 3; public static final int NULL_PEN = 4; public static final int NULL_BRUSH = 5; public static final int PALETTE = 6; public static final int OBJ_BITMAP = 7; public static final int OBJ_REGION = 8;
Creates a new WMFHeaderProperties, and sets the associated WMF File.
  • wmffile – the WMF Metafile
/** Creates a new WMFHeaderProperties, and sets the associated WMF File. * @param wmffile the WMF Metafile */
public WMFHeaderProperties(File wmffile) throws IOException { super(); reset(); stream = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(wmffile))); read(stream); stream.close(); }
Creates a new WMFHeaderProperties, with no associated file.
/** Creates a new WMFHeaderProperties, with no associated file. */
public WMFHeaderProperties() { super(); } public void closeResource() { try { if (stream != null) stream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } }
Creates the properties associated file.
/** Creates the properties associated file. */
public void setFile(File wmffile) throws IOException { stream = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(wmffile))); read(stream); stream.close(); }
Resets the internal storage and viewport coordinates.
/** * Resets the internal storage and viewport coordinates. */
public void reset() { left = 0; right = 0; top = 1000; bottom = 1000; inch = 84; _bleft = -1; _bright = -1; _btop = -1; _bbottom = -1; _ileft = -1; _iright = -1; _itop = -1; _ibottom = -1; _bwidth = -1; _bheight= -1; vpW = -1; vpH = -1; vpX = 0; vpY = 0; startX = 0; startY = 0; scaleXY = 1f; firstEffectivePaint = true; }
Get the associated stream.
/** Get the associated stream. */
public DataInputStream getStream() { return stream; } protected boolean readRecords(DataInputStream is) throws IOException { // effective reading of the rest of the file short functionId = 1; int recSize = 0; int gdiIndex; // the last Object index int brushObject = -1; // the last brush int penObject = -1; // the last pen int fontObject = -1; // the last font GdiObject gdiObj; while (functionId > 0) { recSize = readInt( is ); // Subtract size in 16-bit words of recSize and functionId; recSize -= 3; functionId = readShort( is ); if ( functionId <= 0 ) break; switch ( functionId ) { case WMFConstants.META_SETMAPMODE: { int mapmode = readShort( is ); // change isotropic if mode is anisotropic if (mapmode == WMFConstants.MM_ANISOTROPIC) isotropic = false; } break; case WMFConstants.META_SETWINDOWORG: { vpY = readShort( is ); vpX = readShort( is ); } break; case WMFConstants.META_SETWINDOWEXT: { vpH = readShort( is ); vpW = readShort( is ); if (! isotropic) scaleXY = (float)vpW / vpH; vpW = (int)(vpW * scaleXY); } break; case WMFConstants.META_CREATEPENINDIRECT: { int objIndex = 0; int penStyle = readShort( is ); readInt( is ); // width // color definition int colorref = readInt( is ); int red = colorref & 0xff; int green = ( colorref & 0xff00 ) >> 8; int blue = ( colorref & 0xff0000 ) >> 16; Color color = new Color( red, green, blue); if (recSize == 6) readShort(is); // if size greater than 5 if ( penStyle == WMFConstants.META_PS_NULL ) { objIndex = addObjectAt( NULL_PEN, color, objIndex ); } else { objIndex = addObjectAt( PEN, color, objIndex ); } } break; case WMFConstants.META_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT: { int objIndex = 0; int brushStyle = readShort( is ); // color definition int colorref = readInt( is ); int red = colorref & 0xff; int green = ( colorref & 0xff00 ) >> 8; int blue = ( colorref & 0xff0000 ) >> 16; Color color = new Color( red, green, blue); readShort( is ); // hatch if ( brushStyle == WMFConstants.META_PS_NULL ) { objIndex = addObjectAt( NULL_BRUSH, color, objIndex); } else objIndex = addObjectAt(BRUSH, color, objIndex ); } break; case WMFConstants.META_SETTEXTALIGN: int align = readShort( is ); // need to do this, because sometimes there is more than one short if (recSize > 1) for (int i = 1; i < recSize; i++) readShort( is ); currentHorizAlign = WMFUtilities.getHorizontalAlignment(align); currentVertAlign = WMFUtilities.getVerticalAlignment(align); break; case WMFConstants.META_EXTTEXTOUT: { int y = readShort( is ); int x = (int)(readShort( is ) * scaleXY); int lenText = readShort( is ); int flag = readShort( is ); int read = 4; // used to track the actual size really read boolean clipped = false; int x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0; int len; // determination of clipping property if ((flag & WMFConstants.ETO_CLIPPED) != 0) { x1 = (int)(readShort( is ) * scaleXY); y1 = readShort( is ); x2 = (int)(readShort( is ) * scaleXY); y2 = readShort( is ); read += 4; clipped = true; } byte[] bstr = new byte[ lenText ]; int i = 0; for ( ; i < lenText; i++ ) { bstr[ i ] = is.readByte(); } String sr = WMFUtilities.decodeString(wf, bstr); read += (lenText + 1)/2; /* must do this because WMF strings always have an even number of bytes, even * if there is an odd number of characters */ if (lenText % 2 != 0) is.readByte(); // if the record was not completely read, finish reading if (read < recSize) for (int j = read; j < recSize; j++) readShort( is ); TextLayout layout = new TextLayout( sr, wf.font, fontCtx ); int lfWidth = (int)layout.getBounds().getWidth(); x = (int)layout.getBounds().getX(); int lfHeight = (int)getVerticalAlignmentValue(layout, currentVertAlign); resizeBounds(x, y); resizeBounds(x+lfWidth, y+lfHeight); firstEffectivePaint = false; } break; case WMFConstants.META_DRAWTEXT: case WMFConstants.META_TEXTOUT: { int len = readShort( is ); int read = 1; // used to track the actual size really read byte[] bstr = new byte[ len ]; for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { bstr[ i ] = is.readByte(); } String sr = WMFUtilities.decodeString(wf, bstr); /* must do this because WMF strings always have an even number of bytes, even * if there is an odd number of characters */ if (len % 2 != 0) is.readByte(); read += (len + 1) / 2; int y = readShort( is ); int x = (int)(readShort( is ) * scaleXY); read += 2; // if the record was not completely read, finish reading if (read < recSize) for (int j = read; j < recSize; j++) readShort( is ); TextLayout layout = new TextLayout( sr, wf.font, fontCtx ); int lfWidth = (int)layout.getBounds().getWidth(); x = (int)layout.getBounds().getX(); int lfHeight = (int)getVerticalAlignmentValue(layout, currentVertAlign); resizeBounds(x, y); resizeBounds(x+lfWidth, y+lfHeight); } break; case WMFConstants.META_CREATEFONTINDIRECT: { int lfHeight = readShort( is ); float size = (int)(scaleY * lfHeight); int lfWidth = readShort( is ); int escape = readShort( is ); int orient = readShort( is ); int weight = readShort( is ); int italic = is.readByte(); int underline = is.readByte(); int strikeOut = is.readByte(); int charset = is.readByte() & 0x00ff; int lfOutPrecision = is.readByte(); int lfClipPrecision = is.readByte(); int lfQuality = is.readByte(); int lfPitchAndFamily = is.readByte(); int style = italic > 0 ? Font.ITALIC : Font.PLAIN; style |= (weight > 400) ? Font.BOLD : Font.PLAIN; // don't need to read the end of the record, // because it will always be completely used int len = (2*(recSize-9)); byte[] lfFaceName = new byte[ len ]; byte ch; for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) lfFaceName[ i ] = is.readByte(); String face = new String( lfFaceName ); // FIXED : management of font names int d = 0; while ((d < face.length()) && ((Character.isLetterOrDigit(face.charAt(d))) || (Character.isWhitespace(face.charAt(d))))) d++; if (d > 0) face = face.substring(0,d); else face = "System"; if ( size < 0 ) size = -size /* * -1.3 */; int objIndex = 0; Font f = new Font(face, style, (int)size); f = f.deriveFont(size); WMFFont wf = new WMFFont(f, charset, underline, strikeOut, italic, weight, orient, escape); objIndex = addObjectAt( FONT, wf , objIndex ); } break; case WMFConstants.META_CREATEREGION: { int objIndex = 0; for ( int j = 0; j < recSize; j++ ) readShort(is); // read all fields objIndex = addObjectAt( PALETTE, INTEGER_0, 0 ); } break; case WMFConstants.META_CREATEPALETTE: { int objIndex = 0; for ( int j = 0; j < recSize; j++ ) readShort(is); // read all fields objIndex = addObjectAt( OBJ_REGION, INTEGER_0, 0 ); } break; case WMFConstants.META_SELECTOBJECT: gdiIndex = readShort(is); if (( gdiIndex & 0x80000000 ) != 0 ) // Stock Object break; gdiObj = getObject( gdiIndex ); if ( !gdiObj.used ) break; switch( gdiObj.type ) { case PEN: penObject = gdiIndex; break; case BRUSH: brushObject = gdiIndex; break; case FONT: { this.wf = ((WMFFont)gdiObj.obj); fontObject = gdiIndex; } break; case NULL_PEN: penObject = -1; break; case NULL_BRUSH: brushObject = -1; break; } break; case WMFConstants.META_DELETEOBJECT: gdiIndex = readShort(is); gdiObj = getObject( gdiIndex ); if ( gdiIndex == brushObject ) brushObject = -1; else if ( gdiIndex == penObject ) penObject = -1; else if ( gdiIndex == fontObject ) fontObject = -1; gdiObj.clear(); break; case WMFConstants.META_LINETO: { int y = readShort( is ); int x = (int)(readShort( is ) * scaleXY); if (penObject >= 0) { resizeBounds(startX, startY); resizeBounds(x, y); firstEffectivePaint = false; } startX = x; startY = y; } break; case WMFConstants.META_MOVETO: { startY = readShort( is ); startX = (int)(readShort( is ) * scaleXY); } break; case WMFConstants.META_POLYPOLYGON: { int count = readShort( is ); int[] pts = new int[ count ]; int ptCount = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { pts[ i ] = readShort( is ); ptCount += pts[ i ]; } int offset = count+1; for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; j < pts[ i ]; j++ ) { // FIXED 115 : correction preliminary images dimensions int x = (int)(readShort( is ) * scaleXY); int y = readShort( is ); if ((brushObject >= 0) || (penObject >= 0)) resizeBounds(x, y); } } firstEffectivePaint = false; } break; case WMFConstants.META_POLYGON: { int count = readShort( is ); float[] _xpts = new float[ count+1 ]; float[] _ypts = new float[ count+1 ]; for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { _xpts[i] = readShort( is ) * scaleXY; _ypts[i] = readShort( is ); } _xpts[count] = _xpts[0]; _ypts[count] = _ypts[0]; Polygon2D pol = new Polygon2D(_xpts, _ypts, count); paint(brushObject, penObject, pol); } break; case WMFConstants.META_POLYLINE: { int count = readShort( is ); float[] _xpts = new float[ count ]; float[] _ypts = new float[ count ]; for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { _xpts[i] = readShort( is ) * scaleXY; _ypts[i] = readShort( is ); } Polyline2D pol = new Polyline2D(_xpts, _ypts, count); paintWithPen(penObject, pol); } break; case WMFConstants.META_ELLIPSE: case WMFConstants.META_INTERSECTCLIPRECT: case WMFConstants.META_RECTANGLE: { int bot = readShort( is ); int right = (int)(readShort( is ) * scaleXY); int top = readShort( is ); int left = (int)(readShort( is ) * scaleXY); Rectangle2D.Float rec = new Rectangle2D.Float(left, top, right-left, bot-top); paint(brushObject, penObject, rec); } break; case WMFConstants.META_ROUNDRECT: { readShort( is ); readShort( is ); int bot = readShort( is ); int right = (int)(readShort( is ) * scaleXY); int top = readShort( is ); int left = (int)(readShort( is ) * scaleXY); Rectangle2D.Float rec = new Rectangle2D.Float(left, top, right-left, bot-top); paint(brushObject, penObject, rec); } break; case WMFConstants.META_ARC: case WMFConstants.META_CHORD: case WMFConstants.META_PIE: { readShort( is ); readShort( is ); readShort( is ); readShort( is ); int bot = readShort( is ); int right = (int)(readShort( is ) * scaleXY); int top = readShort( is ); int left = (int)(readShort( is ) * scaleXY); Rectangle2D.Float rec = new Rectangle2D.Float(left, top, right-left, bot-top); paint(brushObject, penObject, rec); } break; case WMFConstants.META_PATBLT : { readInt( is ); // rop int height = readShort( is ); int width = (int)(readShort( is ) * scaleXY); int left = (int)(readShort( is ) * scaleXY); int top = readShort( is ); if (penObject >= 0) resizeBounds(left, top); if (penObject >= 0) resizeBounds(left+width, top+height); } break; // UPDATED : META_DIBSTRETCHBLT added case WMFConstants.META_DIBSTRETCHBLT: { is.readInt(); // mode readShort( is ); // heightSrc readShort( is ); // widthSrc readShort( is ); // sy readShort( is ); // sx float heightDst = readShort( is ); float widthDst = readShort( is ) * scaleXY; float dy = readShort( is ) * getVpWFactor() * inch / PIXEL_PER_INCH; float dx = readShort( is ) * getVpWFactor() * inch / PIXEL_PER_INCH * scaleXY; widthDst = widthDst * getVpWFactor() * inch / PIXEL_PER_INCH; heightDst = heightDst * getVpHFactor() * inch / PIXEL_PER_INCH; resizeImageBounds((int)dx, (int)dy); resizeImageBounds((int)(dx + widthDst), (int)(dy + heightDst)); int len = 2*recSize - 20; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) is.readByte(); } break; case WMFConstants.META_STRETCHDIB: { is.readInt(); // mode readShort( is ); // usage readShort( is ); // heightSrc readShort( is ); // widthSrc readShort( is ); // sy readShort( is ); // sx float heightDst = readShort( is ); float widthDst = readShort( is ) * scaleXY; float dy = readShort( is ) * getVpHFactor() * inch / PIXEL_PER_INCH; float dx = readShort( is ) * getVpHFactor() * inch / PIXEL_PER_INCH * scaleXY; widthDst = widthDst * getVpWFactor() * inch / PIXEL_PER_INCH; heightDst = heightDst * getVpHFactor() * inch / PIXEL_PER_INCH; resizeImageBounds((int)dx, (int)dy); resizeImageBounds((int)(dx + widthDst), (int)(dy + heightDst)); int len = 2*recSize - 22; byte[] bitmap = new byte[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) bitmap[i] = is.readByte(); } break; case WMFConstants.META_DIBBITBLT: { is.readInt(); // mode readShort( is ); //sy readShort( is ); //sx readShort( is ); // hdc float height = readShort( is ) * (float)inch / PIXEL_PER_INCH * getVpHFactor(); float width = readShort( is ) * (float)inch / PIXEL_PER_INCH * getVpWFactor() * scaleXY; float dy = inch / PIXEL_PER_INCH * getVpHFactor() * readShort( is ); float dx = inch / PIXEL_PER_INCH * getVpWFactor() * readShort( is ) * scaleXY; resizeImageBounds((int)dx, (int)dy); resizeImageBounds((int)(dx + width), (int)(dy + height)); } break; default: for ( int j = 0; j < recSize; j++ ) readShort(is); break; } } // sets the width, height, etc of the image if the file does not have an APM (in this case it is retrieved // from the viewport) if (! isAldus) { width = vpW; height = vpH; right = vpX; left = vpX + vpW; top = vpY; bottom = vpY + vpH; } resetBounds(); return true; }
Returns:the width of the Rectangle bounding the figures enclosed in the Metafile, in pixels
/** @return the width of the Rectangle bounding the figures enclosed in * the Metafile, in pixels */
public int getWidthBoundsPixels() { return _bwidth; }
Returns:the height of the Rectangle bounding the figures enclosed in the Metafile, in pixels.
/** @return the height of the Rectangle bounding the figures enclosed in * the Metafile, in pixels. */
public int getHeightBoundsPixels() { return _bheight; }
Returns:the width of the Rectangle bounding the figures enclosed in the Metafile, in Metafile Units.
/** @return the width of the Rectangle bounding the figures enclosed in * the Metafile, in Metafile Units. */
public int getWidthBoundsUnits() { return (int)((float)inch * _bwidth / PIXEL_PER_INCH); }
Returns:the height of the Rectangle bounding the figures enclosed in the Metafile in Metafile Units.
/** @return the height of the Rectangle bounding the figures enclosed in * the Metafile in Metafile Units. */
public int getHeightBoundsUnits() { return (int)((float)inch * _bheight / PIXEL_PER_INCH); }
Returns:the X offset of the Rectangle bounding the figures enclosed in the Metafile.
/** @return the X offset of the Rectangle bounding the figures enclosed in * the Metafile. */
public int getXOffset() { return _bleft; }
Returns:the Y offset of the Rectangle bounding the figures enclosed in the Metafile.
/** @return the Y offset of the Rectangle bounding the figures enclosed in * the Metafile. */
public int getYOffset() { return _btop; } private void resetBounds() { // calculate geometry size scale = (float)getWidthPixels() / vpW; if (_bright != -1) { _bright = (int)(scale * (vpX +_bright)); _bleft = (int)(scale * (vpX +_bleft)); _bbottom = (int)(scale * (vpY +_bbottom)); _btop = (int)(scale * (vpY +_btop)); } // calculate image size if (_iright != -1) { _iright = (int)((float)_iright * getWidthPixels() / width); _ileft = (int)((float)_ileft * getWidthPixels() / width); _ibottom = (int)((float)_ibottom * getWidthPixels() / width); _itop = (int)((float)_itop * getWidthPixels() / width); // merge image and geometry size if ((_bright == -1) || (_iright > _bright)) _bright = _iright; if ((_bleft == -1) || (_ileft < _bleft)) _bleft = _ileft; if ((_btop == -1) || (_itop < _btop)) _btop = _itop; if ((_bbottom == -1) || (_ibottom > _bbottom)) _bbottom = _ibottom; } if ((_bleft != -1) && (_bright != -1)) _bwidth = _bright - _bleft; if ((_btop != -1) && (_bbottom != -1)) _bheight = _bbottom - _btop; }
resize Bounds for each primitive encountered. Only elements that are in the overall width and height of the Metafile are kept.
/** resize Bounds for each primitive encountered. Only elements that are in the overall * width and height of the Metafile are kept. */
private void resizeBounds(int x, int y) { if (_bleft == -1) _bleft = x; else if (x < _bleft) _bleft = x; if (_bright == -1) _bright = x; else if (x > _bright) _bright = x; if (_btop == -1) _btop = y; else if (y < _btop) _btop = y; if (_bbottom == -1) _bbottom = y; else if (y > _bbottom) _bbottom = y; }
resize Bounds for each image primitive encountered. Only elements that are in the overall width and height of the Metafile are kept.
/** resize Bounds for each image primitive encountered. Only elements that are in the overall * width and height of the Metafile are kept. */
private void resizeImageBounds(int x, int y) { if (_ileft == -1) _ileft = x; else if (x < _ileft) _ileft = x; if (_iright == -1) _iright = x; else if (x > _iright) _iright = x; if (_itop == -1) _itop = y; else if (y < _itop) _itop = y; if (_ibottom == -1) _ibottom = y; else if (y > _ibottom) _ibottom = y; }
get the Color corresponding with the Object (pen or brush object).
/** get the Color corresponding with the Object (pen or brush object). */
private Color getColorFromObject(int brushObject) { Color color = null; if ( brushObject >= 0 ) { GdiObject gdiObj = getObject( brushObject ); return (Color)gdiObj.obj; } else return null; }
Resize the bounds of the WMF image according with the bounds of the geometric Shape. There will be no resizing if one of the following properties is true :
  • the brush and the pen objects are < 0 (null objects)
  • the color of the geometric Shape is white, and no other Shapes has occured
/** Resize the bounds of the WMF image according with the bounds of the geometric * Shape. * There will be no resizing if one of the following properties is true : * <ul> * <li>the brush and the pen objects are < 0 (null objects)</li> * <li>the color of the geometric Shape is white, and no other Shapes has occured</li> * </ul> */
private void paint(int brushObject, int penObject, Shape shape) { if (( brushObject >= 0 ) || (penObject >= 0)) { Color col; if (brushObject >= 0) col = getColorFromObject(brushObject); else col = getColorFromObject(penObject); if (!(firstEffectivePaint && (col.equals(Color.white)))) { Rectangle rec = shape.getBounds(); resizeBounds((int)rec.getMinX(), (int)rec.getMinY()); resizeBounds((int)rec.getMaxX(), (int)rec.getMaxY()); firstEffectivePaint = false; } } }
Resize the bounds of the WMF image according with the bounds of the geometric Shape. There will be no resizing if one of the following properties is true :
  • the pen objects is < 0 (null object)
  • the color of the geometric Shape is white, and no other Shapes has occured
/** Resize the bounds of the WMF image according with the bounds of the geometric * Shape. * There will be no resizing if one of the following properties is true : * <ul> * <li>the pen objects is < 0 (null object)</li> * <li>the color of the geometric Shape is white, and no other Shapes has occured</li> * </ul> */
private void paintWithPen(int penObject, Shape shape) { if (penObject >= 0) { Color col = getColorFromObject(penObject); if (!(firstEffectivePaint && (col.equals(Color.white)))) { Rectangle rec = shape.getBounds(); resizeBounds((int)rec.getMinX(), (int)rec.getMinY()); resizeBounds((int)rec.getMaxX(), (int)rec.getMaxY()); firstEffectivePaint = false; } } }
get the vertical Alignment value for the text.
/** get the vertical Alignment value for the text. */
private float getVerticalAlignmentValue(TextLayout layout, int vertAlign) { if (vertAlign == WMFConstants.TA_BASELINE) return -layout.getAscent(); else if (vertAlign == WMFConstants.TA_TOP) return (layout.getAscent() + layout.getDescent()); else return 0; } }