 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.catalina.valves;

import java.io.CharArrayWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

import jakarta.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
import jakarta.servlet.ServletException;
import jakarta.servlet.http.Cookie;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpSession;

import org.apache.catalina.AccessLog;
import org.apache.catalina.Globals;
import org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException;
import org.apache.catalina.LifecycleState;
import org.apache.catalina.Session;
import org.apache.catalina.connector.ClientAbortException;
import org.apache.catalina.connector.Request;
import org.apache.catalina.connector.Response;
import org.apache.catalina.util.TLSUtil;
import org.apache.coyote.ActionCode;
import org.apache.coyote.RequestInfo;
import org.apache.juli.logging.Log;
import org.apache.juli.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.ExceptionUtils;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.collections.SynchronizedStack;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.net.IPv6Utils;

Abstract implementation of the Valve interface that generates a web server access log with the detailed line contents matching a configurable pattern. The syntax of the available patterns is similar to that supported by the Apache HTTP Server mod_log_config module.

Patterns for the logged message may include constant text or any of the following replacement strings, for which the corresponding information from the specified Response is substituted:

  • %a - Remote IP address
  • %A - Local IP address
  • %b - Bytes sent, excluding HTTP headers, or '-' if no bytes were sent
  • %B - Bytes sent, excluding HTTP headers
  • %h - Remote host name (or IP address if enableLookups for the connector is false)
  • %H - Request protocol
  • %l - Remote logical username from identd (always returns '-')
  • %m - Request method
  • %p - Local port
  • %q - Query string (prepended with a '?' if it exists, otherwise an empty string
  • %r - First line of the request
  • %s - HTTP status code of the response
  • %S - User session ID
  • %t - Date and time, in Common Log Format format
  • %u - Remote user that was authenticated
  • %U - Requested URL path
  • %v - Local server name
  • %D - Time taken to process the request, in microseconds
  • %T - Time taken to process the request, in seconds
  • %F - Time taken to commit the response, in milliseconds
  • %I - current Request thread name (can compare later with stacktraces)
  • %X - Connection status when response is completed:
    • X = Connection aborted before the response completed.
    • + = Connection may be kept alive after the response is sent.
    • - = Connection will be closed after the response is sent.

In addition, the caller can specify one of the following aliases for commonly utilized patterns:

  • common - %h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b
  • combined - %h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b "%{Referer}i" "%{User-Agent}i"

There is also support to write information from the cookie, incoming header, the Session or something else in the ServletRequest.
It is modeled after the Apache HTTP Server log configuration syntax:

  • %{xxx}i for incoming headers
  • %{xxx}o for outgoing response headers
  • %{xxx}c for a specific cookie
  • %{xxx}r xxx is an attribute in the ServletRequest
  • %{xxx}s xxx is an attribute in the HttpSession
  • %{xxx}t xxx is an enhanced SimpleDateFormat pattern (see Configuration Reference document for details on supported time patterns)
  • %{xxx}T xxx is the unit for the time taken to process the request (see Configuration Reference document for details on supported units)

Conditional logging is also supported. This can be done with the conditionUnless and conditionIf properties. If the value returned from ServletRequest.getAttribute(conditionUnless) yields a non-null value, the logging will be skipped. If the value returned from ServletRequest.getAttribute(conditionIf) yields the null value, the logging will be skipped. The condition attribute is synonym for conditionUnless and is provided for backwards compatibility.

For extended attributes coming from a getAttribute() call, it is you responsibility to ensure there are no newline or control characters.

Author:Craig R. McClanahan, Jason Brittain, Remy Maucherat, Takayuki Kaneko, Peter Rossbach
/** * <p>Abstract implementation of the <b>Valve</b> interface that generates a web * server access log with the detailed line contents matching a configurable * pattern. The syntax of the available patterns is similar to that supported by * the <a href="https://httpd.apache.org/">Apache HTTP Server</a> * <code>mod_log_config</code> module.</p> * * <p>Patterns for the logged message may include constant text or any of the * following replacement strings, for which the corresponding information * from the specified Response is substituted:</p> * <ul> * <li><b>%a</b> - Remote IP address * <li><b>%A</b> - Local IP address * <li><b>%b</b> - Bytes sent, excluding HTTP headers, or '-' if no bytes * were sent * <li><b>%B</b> - Bytes sent, excluding HTTP headers * <li><b>%h</b> - Remote host name (or IP address if * <code>enableLookups</code> for the connector is false) * <li><b>%H</b> - Request protocol * <li><b>%l</b> - Remote logical username from identd (always returns '-') * <li><b>%m</b> - Request method * <li><b>%p</b> - Local port * <li><b>%q</b> - Query string (prepended with a '?' if it exists, otherwise * an empty string * <li><b>%r</b> - First line of the request * <li><b>%s</b> - HTTP status code of the response * <li><b>%S</b> - User session ID * <li><b>%t</b> - Date and time, in Common Log Format format * <li><b>%u</b> - Remote user that was authenticated * <li><b>%U</b> - Requested URL path * <li><b>%v</b> - Local server name * <li><b>%D</b> - Time taken to process the request, in microseconds * <li><b>%T</b> - Time taken to process the request, in seconds * <li><b>%F</b> - Time taken to commit the response, in milliseconds * <li><b>%I</b> - current Request thread name (can compare later with stacktraces) * <li><b>%X</b> - Connection status when response is completed: * <ul> * <li><code>X</code> = Connection aborted before the response completed.</li> * <li><code>+</code> = Connection may be kept alive after the response is sent.</li> * <li><code>-</code> = Connection will be closed after the response is sent.</li> * </ul> * </ul> * <p>In addition, the caller can specify one of the following aliases for * commonly utilized patterns:</p> * <ul> * <li><b>common</b> - <code>%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b</code> * <li><b>combined</b> - * <code>%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b "%{Referer}i" "%{User-Agent}i"</code> * </ul> * * <p> * There is also support to write information from the cookie, incoming * header, the Session or something else in the ServletRequest.<br> * It is modeled after the * <a href="https://httpd.apache.org/">Apache HTTP Server</a> log configuration * syntax:</p> * <ul> * <li><code>%{xxx}i</code> for incoming headers * <li><code>%{xxx}o</code> for outgoing response headers * <li><code>%{xxx}c</code> for a specific cookie * <li><code>%{xxx}r</code> xxx is an attribute in the ServletRequest * <li><code>%{xxx}s</code> xxx is an attribute in the HttpSession * <li><code>%{xxx}t</code> xxx is an enhanced SimpleDateFormat pattern * (see Configuration Reference document for details on supported time patterns) * <li><code>%{xxx}T</code> xxx is the unit for the time taken to process the request * (see Configuration Reference document for details on supported units) * </ul> * * <p> * Conditional logging is also supported. This can be done with the * <code>conditionUnless</code> and <code>conditionIf</code> properties. * If the value returned from ServletRequest.getAttribute(conditionUnless) * yields a non-null value, the logging will be skipped. * If the value returned from ServletRequest.getAttribute(conditionIf) * yields the null value, the logging will be skipped. * The <code>condition</code> attribute is synonym for * <code>conditionUnless</code> and is provided for backwards compatibility. * </p> * * <p> * For extended attributes coming from a getAttribute() call, * it is you responsibility to ensure there are no newline or * control characters. * </p> * * @author Craig R. McClanahan * @author Jason Brittain * @author Remy Maucherat * @author Takayuki Kaneko * @author Peter Rossbach */
public abstract class AbstractAccessLogValve extends ValveBase implements AccessLog { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AbstractAccessLogValve.class);
The list of our time format types.
/** * The list of our time format types. */
private enum FormatType { CLF, SEC, MSEC, MSEC_FRAC, SDF }
The list of our port types.
/** * The list of our port types. */
private enum PortType { LOCAL, REMOTE } //------------------------------------------------------ Constructor public AbstractAccessLogValve() { super(true); } // ----------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables
enabled this component
/** * enabled this component */
protected boolean enabled = true;
Use IPv6 canonical representation format as defined by RFC 5952.
/** * Use IPv6 canonical representation format as defined by RFC 5952. */
private boolean ipv6Canonical = false;
The pattern used to format our access log lines.
/** * The pattern used to format our access log lines. */
protected String pattern = null;
The size of our global date format cache
/** * The size of our global date format cache */
private static final int globalCacheSize = 300;
The size of our thread local date format cache
/** * The size of our thread local date format cache */
private static final int localCacheSize = 60;

Cache structure for formatted timestamps based on seconds.

The cache consists of entries for a consecutive range of seconds. The length of the range is configurable. It is implemented based on a cyclic buffer. New entries shift the range.

There is one cache for the CLF format (the access log standard format) and a HashMap of caches for additional formats used by SimpleDateFormat.

Although the cache supports specifying a locale when retrieving a formatted timestamp, each format will always use the locale given when the format was first used. New locales can only be used for new formats. The CLF format will always be formatted using the locale en_US.

The cache is not threadsafe. It can be used without synchronization via thread local instances, or with synchronization as a global cache.

The cache can be created with a parent cache to build a cache hierarchy. Access to the parent cache is threadsafe.

This class uses a small thread local first level cache and a bigger synchronized global second level cache.

/** * <p>Cache structure for formatted timestamps based on seconds.</p> * * <p>The cache consists of entries for a consecutive range of * seconds. The length of the range is configurable. It is * implemented based on a cyclic buffer. New entries shift the range.</p> * * <p>There is one cache for the CLF format (the access log standard * format) and a HashMap of caches for additional formats used by * SimpleDateFormat.</p> * * <p>Although the cache supports specifying a locale when retrieving a * formatted timestamp, each format will always use the locale given * when the format was first used. New locales can only be used for new formats. * The CLF format will always be formatted using the locale * <code>en_US</code>.</p> * * <p>The cache is not threadsafe. It can be used without synchronization * via thread local instances, or with synchronization as a global cache.</p> * * <p>The cache can be created with a parent cache to build a cache hierarchy. * Access to the parent cache is threadsafe.</p> * * <p>This class uses a small thread local first level cache and a bigger * synchronized global second level cache.</p> */
protected static class DateFormatCache { protected class Cache { /* CLF log format */ private static final String cLFFormat = "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z"; /* Second used to retrieve CLF format in most recent invocation */ private long previousSeconds = Long.MIN_VALUE; /* Value of CLF format retrieved in most recent invocation */ private String previousFormat = ""; /* First second contained in cache */ private long first = Long.MIN_VALUE; /* Last second contained in cache */ private long last = Long.MIN_VALUE; /* Index of "first" in the cyclic cache */ private int offset = 0; /* Helper object to be able to call SimpleDateFormat.format(). */ private final Date currentDate = new Date(); protected final String cache[]; private SimpleDateFormat formatter; private boolean isCLF = false; private Cache parent = null; private Cache(Cache parent) { this(null, parent); } private Cache(String format, Cache parent) { this(format, null, parent); } private Cache(String format, Locale loc, Cache parent) { cache = new String[cacheSize]; for (int i = 0; i < cacheSize; i++) { cache[i] = null; } if (loc == null) { loc = cacheDefaultLocale; } if (format == null) { isCLF = true; format = cLFFormat; formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(format, Locale.US); } else { formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(format, loc); } formatter.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getDefault()); this.parent = parent; } private String getFormatInternal(long time) { long seconds = time / 1000; /* First step: if we have seen this timestamp during the previous call, and we need CLF, return the previous value. */ if (seconds == previousSeconds) { return previousFormat; } /* Second step: Try to locate in cache */ previousSeconds = seconds; int index = (offset + (int)(seconds - first)) % cacheSize; if (index < 0) { index += cacheSize; } if (seconds >= first && seconds <= last) { if (cache[index] != null) { /* Found, so remember for next call and return.*/ previousFormat = cache[index]; return previousFormat; } /* Third step: not found in cache, adjust cache and add item */ } else if (seconds >= last + cacheSize || seconds <= first - cacheSize) { first = seconds; last = first + cacheSize - 1; index = 0; offset = 0; for (int i = 1; i < cacheSize; i++) { cache[i] = null; } } else if (seconds > last) { for (int i = 1; i < seconds - last; i++) { cache[(index + cacheSize - i) % cacheSize] = null; } first = seconds - (cacheSize - 1); last = seconds; offset = (index + 1) % cacheSize; } else if (seconds < first) { for (int i = 1; i < first - seconds; i++) { cache[(index + i) % cacheSize] = null; } first = seconds; last = seconds + (cacheSize - 1); offset = index; } /* Last step: format new timestamp either using * parent cache or locally. */ if (parent != null) { synchronized(parent) { previousFormat = parent.getFormatInternal(time); } } else { currentDate.setTime(time); previousFormat = formatter.format(currentDate); if (isCLF) { StringBuilder current = new StringBuilder(32); current.append('['); current.append(previousFormat); current.append(']'); previousFormat = current.toString(); } } cache[index] = previousFormat; return previousFormat; } } /* Number of cached entries */ private int cacheSize = 0; private final Locale cacheDefaultLocale; private final DateFormatCache parent; protected final Cache cLFCache; private final Map<String, Cache> formatCache = new HashMap<>(); protected DateFormatCache(int size, Locale loc, DateFormatCache parent) { cacheSize = size; cacheDefaultLocale = loc; this.parent = parent; Cache parentCache = null; if (parent != null) { synchronized(parent) { parentCache = parent.getCache(null, null); } } cLFCache = new Cache(parentCache); } private Cache getCache(String format, Locale loc) { Cache cache; if (format == null) { cache = cLFCache; } else { cache = formatCache.get(format); if (cache == null) { Cache parentCache = null; if (parent != null) { synchronized(parent) { parentCache = parent.getCache(format, loc); } } cache = new Cache(format, loc, parentCache); formatCache.put(format, cache); } } return cache; } public String getFormat(long time) { return cLFCache.getFormatInternal(time); } public String getFormat(String format, Locale loc, long time) { return getCache(format, loc).getFormatInternal(time); } }
Global date format cache.
/** * Global date format cache. */
private static final DateFormatCache globalDateCache = new DateFormatCache(globalCacheSize, Locale.getDefault(), null);
Thread local date format cache.
/** * Thread local date format cache. */
private static final ThreadLocal<DateFormatCache> localDateCache = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> new DateFormatCache(localCacheSize, Locale.getDefault(), globalDateCache));
The system time when we last updated the Date that this valve uses for log lines.
/** * The system time when we last updated the Date that this valve * uses for log lines. */
private static final ThreadLocal<Date> localDate = ThreadLocal.withInitial(Date::new);
Are we doing conditional logging. default null. It is the value of conditionUnless property.
/** * Are we doing conditional logging. default null. * It is the value of <code>conditionUnless</code> property. */
protected String condition = null;
Are we doing conditional logging. default null. It is the value of conditionIf property.
/** * Are we doing conditional logging. default null. * It is the value of <code>conditionIf</code> property. */
protected String conditionIf = null;
Name of locale used to format timestamps in log entries and in log file name suffix.
/** * Name of locale used to format timestamps in log entries and in * log file name suffix. */
protected String localeName = Locale.getDefault().toString();
Locale used to format timestamps in log entries and in log file name suffix.
/** * Locale used to format timestamps in log entries and in * log file name suffix. */
protected Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
Array of AccessLogElement, they will be used to make log message.
/** * Array of AccessLogElement, they will be used to make log message. */
protected AccessLogElement[] logElements = null;
Array of elements where the value needs to be cached at the start of the request.
/** * Array of elements where the value needs to be cached at the start of the * request. */
protected CachedElement[] cachedElements = null;
Should this valve use request attributes for IP address, hostname, protocol and port used for the request. Default is false.
See Also:
  • setRequestAttributesEnabled(boolean)
/** * Should this valve use request attributes for IP address, hostname, * protocol and port used for the request. * Default is <code>false</code>. * @see #setRequestAttributesEnabled(boolean) */
protected boolean requestAttributesEnabled = false;
Buffer pool used for log message generation. Pool used to reduce garbage generation.
/** * Buffer pool used for log message generation. Pool used to reduce garbage * generation. */
private SynchronizedStack<CharArrayWriter> charArrayWriters = new SynchronizedStack<>();
Log message buffers are usually recycled and re-used. To prevent excessive memory usage, if a buffer grows beyond this size it will be discarded. The default is 256 characters. This should be set to larger than the typical access log message size.
/** * Log message buffers are usually recycled and re-used. To prevent * excessive memory usage, if a buffer grows beyond this size it will be * discarded. The default is 256 characters. This should be set to larger * than the typical access log message size. */
private int maxLogMessageBufferSize = 256;
Does the configured log pattern include a known TLS attribute?
/** * Does the configured log pattern include a known TLS attribute? */
private boolean tlsAttributeRequired = false; // ------------------------------------------------------------- Properties public int getMaxLogMessageBufferSize() { return maxLogMessageBufferSize; } public void setMaxLogMessageBufferSize(int maxLogMessageBufferSize) { this.maxLogMessageBufferSize = maxLogMessageBufferSize; } public boolean getIpv6Canonical() { return ipv6Canonical; } public void setIpv6Canonical(boolean ipv6Canonical) { this.ipv6Canonical = ipv6Canonical; }
{@inheritDoc} Default is false.
/** * {@inheritDoc} * Default is <code>false</code>. */
@Override public void setRequestAttributesEnabled(boolean requestAttributesEnabled) { this.requestAttributesEnabled = requestAttributesEnabled; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean getRequestAttributesEnabled() { return requestAttributesEnabled; }
Returns:the enabled flag.
/** * @return the enabled flag. */
public boolean getEnabled() { return enabled; }
  • enabled – The enabled to set.
/** * @param enabled * The enabled to set. */
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { this.enabled = enabled; }
Returns:the format pattern.
/** * @return the format pattern. */
public String getPattern() { return this.pattern; }
Set the format pattern, first translating any recognized alias.
  • pattern – The new pattern
/** * Set the format pattern, first translating any recognized alias. * * @param pattern The new pattern */
public void setPattern(String pattern) { if (pattern == null) { this.pattern = ""; } else if (pattern.equals(Constants.AccessLog.COMMON_ALIAS)) { this.pattern = Constants.AccessLog.COMMON_PATTERN; } else if (pattern.equals(Constants.AccessLog.COMBINED_ALIAS)) { this.pattern = Constants.AccessLog.COMBINED_PATTERN; } else { this.pattern = pattern; } logElements = createLogElements(); cachedElements = createCachedElements(logElements); }
Return whether the attribute name to look for when performing conditional logging. If null, every request is logged.
Returns:the attribute name
/** * Return whether the attribute name to look for when * performing conditional logging. If null, every * request is logged. * @return the attribute name */
public String getCondition() { return condition; }
Set the ServletRequest.attribute to look for to perform conditional logging. Set to null to log everything.
  • condition – Set to null to log everything
/** * Set the ServletRequest.attribute to look for to perform * conditional logging. Set to null to log everything. * * @param condition Set to null to log everything */
public void setCondition(String condition) { this.condition = condition; }
Return whether the attribute name to look for when performing conditional logging. If null, every request is logged.
Returns:the attribute name
/** * Return whether the attribute name to look for when * performing conditional logging. If null, every * request is logged. * @return the attribute name */
public String getConditionUnless() { return getCondition(); }
Set the ServletRequest.attribute to look for to perform conditional logging. Set to null to log everything.
  • condition – Set to null to log everything
/** * Set the ServletRequest.attribute to look for to perform * conditional logging. Set to null to log everything. * * @param condition Set to null to log everything */
public void setConditionUnless(String condition) { setCondition(condition); }
Return whether the attribute name to look for when performing conditional logging. If null, every request is logged.
Returns:the attribute name
/** * Return whether the attribute name to look for when * performing conditional logging. If null, every * request is logged. * @return the attribute name */
public String getConditionIf() { return conditionIf; }
Set the ServletRequest.attribute to look for to perform conditional logging. Set to null to log everything.
  • condition – Set to null to log everything
/** * Set the ServletRequest.attribute to look for to perform * conditional logging. Set to null to log everything. * * @param condition Set to null to log everything */
public void setConditionIf(String condition) { this.conditionIf = condition; }
Return the locale used to format timestamps in log entries and in log file name suffix.
Returns:the locale
/** * Return the locale used to format timestamps in log entries and in * log file name suffix. * @return the locale */
public String getLocale() { return localeName; }
Set the locale used to format timestamps in log entries and in log file name suffix. Changing the locale is only supported as long as the AccessLogValve has not logged anything. Changing the locale later can lead to inconsistent formatting.
  • localeName – The locale to use.
/** * Set the locale used to format timestamps in log entries and in * log file name suffix. Changing the locale is only supported * as long as the AccessLogValve has not logged anything. Changing * the locale later can lead to inconsistent formatting. * * @param localeName The locale to use. */
public void setLocale(String localeName) { this.localeName = localeName; locale = findLocale(localeName, locale); } // --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods
Log a message summarizing the specified request and response, according to the format specified by the pattern property.
  • request – Request being processed
  • response – Response being processed
/** * Log a message summarizing the specified request and response, according * to the format specified by the <code>pattern</code> property. * * @param request Request being processed * @param response Response being processed * * @exception IOException if an input/output error has occurred * @exception ServletException if a servlet error has occurred */
@Override public void invoke(Request request, Response response) throws IOException, ServletException { if (tlsAttributeRequired) { // The log pattern uses TLS attributes. Ensure these are populated // before the request is processed because with NIO2 it is possible // for the connection to be closed (and the TLS info lost) before // the access log requests the TLS info. Requesting it now causes it // to be cached in the request. request.getAttribute(Globals.CERTIFICATES_ATTR); } if (cachedElements != null) { for (CachedElement element : cachedElements) { element.cache(request); } } getNext().invoke(request, response); } @Override public void log(Request request, Response response, long time) { if (!getState().isAvailable() || !getEnabled() || logElements == null || condition != null && null != request.getRequest().getAttribute(condition) || conditionIf != null && null == request.getRequest().getAttribute(conditionIf)) { return; } // Date for access log should be the beginning of the request Date date = getDate(request.getCoyoteRequest().getStartTime()); CharArrayWriter result = charArrayWriters.pop(); if (result == null) { result = new CharArrayWriter(128); } for (AccessLogElement logElement : logElements) { logElement.addElement(result, date, request, response, time); } log(result); if (result.size() <= maxLogMessageBufferSize) { result.reset(); charArrayWriters.push(result); } } // -------------------------------------------------------- Protected Methods
Log the specified message.
  • message – Message to be logged. This object will be recycled by the calling method.
/** * Log the specified message. * * @param message Message to be logged. This object will be recycled by * the calling method. */
protected abstract void log(CharArrayWriter message); // -------------------------------------------------------- Private Methods
This method returns a Date object that is accurate to within one second. If a thread calls this method to get a Date and it's been less than 1 second since a new Date was created, this method simply gives out the same Date again so that the system doesn't spend time creating Date objects unnecessarily.
  • systime – The time
Returns:the date object
/** * This method returns a Date object that is accurate to within one second. * If a thread calls this method to get a Date and it's been less than 1 * second since a new Date was created, this method simply gives out the * same Date again so that the system doesn't spend time creating Date * objects unnecessarily. * @param systime The time * @return the date object */
private static Date getDate(long systime) { Date date = localDate.get(); date.setTime(systime); return date; }
Find a locale by name.
  • name – The locale name
  • fallback – Fallback locale if the name is not found
Returns:the locale object
/** * Find a locale by name. * @param name The locale name * @param fallback Fallback locale if the name is not found * @return the locale object */
protected static Locale findLocale(String name, Locale fallback) { if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) { return Locale.getDefault(); } else { for (Locale l: Locale.getAvailableLocales()) { if (name.equals(l.toString())) { return l; } } } log.error(sm.getString("accessLogValve.invalidLocale", name)); return fallback; }
Start this component and implement the requirements of LifecycleBase.startInternal().
  • LifecycleException – if this component detects a fatal error that prevents this component from being used
/** * Start this component and implement the requirements * of {@link org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase#startInternal()}. * * @exception LifecycleException if this component detects a fatal error * that prevents this component from being used */
@Override protected synchronized void startInternal() throws LifecycleException { setState(LifecycleState.STARTING); }
Stop this component and implement the requirements of LifecycleBase.stopInternal().
  • LifecycleException – if this component detects a fatal error that prevents this component from being used
/** * Stop this component and implement the requirements * of {@link org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase#stopInternal()}. * * @exception LifecycleException if this component detects a fatal error * that prevents this component from being used */
@Override protected synchronized void stopInternal() throws LifecycleException { setState(LifecycleState.STOPPING); }
AccessLogElement writes the partial message into the buffer.
/** * AccessLogElement writes the partial message into the buffer. */
protected interface AccessLogElement { public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time); }
Marks an AccessLogElement as needing to be have the value cached at the start of the request rather than just recorded at the end as the source data for the element may not be available at the end of the request. This typically occurs for remote network information, such as ports, IP addresses etc. when the connection is closed unexpectedly. These elements take advantage of these values being cached elsewhere on first request and do not cache the value in the element since the elements are state-less.
/** * Marks an AccessLogElement as needing to be have the value cached at the * start of the request rather than just recorded at the end as the source * data for the element may not be available at the end of the request. This * typically occurs for remote network information, such as ports, IP * addresses etc. when the connection is closed unexpectedly. These elements * take advantage of these values being cached elsewhere on first request * and do not cache the value in the element since the elements are * state-less. */
protected interface CachedElement { public void cache(Request request); }
write thread name - %I
/** * write thread name - %I */
protected static class ThreadNameElement implements AccessLogElement { @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { RequestInfo info = request.getCoyoteRequest().getRequestProcessor(); if(info != null) { buf.append(info.getWorkerThreadName()); } else { buf.append('-'); } } }
write local IP address - %A
/** * write local IP address - %A */
protected static class LocalAddrElement implements AccessLogElement { private final String localAddrValue; public LocalAddrElement(boolean ipv6Canonical) { String init; try { init = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); } catch (Throwable e) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(e); init = ""; } if (ipv6Canonical) { localAddrValue = IPv6Utils.canonize(init); } else { localAddrValue = init; } } @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { buf.append(localAddrValue); } }
write remote IP address - %a
/** * write remote IP address - %a */
protected class RemoteAddrElement implements AccessLogElement, CachedElement { @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { String value = null; if (requestAttributesEnabled) { Object addr = request.getAttribute(REMOTE_ADDR_ATTRIBUTE); if (addr == null) { value = request.getRemoteAddr(); } else { value = addr.toString(); } } else { value = request.getRemoteAddr(); } if (ipv6Canonical) { value = IPv6Utils.canonize(value); } buf.append(value); } @Override public void cache(Request request) { if (!requestAttributesEnabled) { request.getRemoteAddr(); } } }
write remote host name - %h
/** * write remote host name - %h */
protected class HostElement implements AccessLogElement, CachedElement { @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { String value = null; if (requestAttributesEnabled) { Object host = request.getAttribute(REMOTE_HOST_ATTRIBUTE); if (host != null) { value = host.toString(); } } if (value == null || value.length() == 0) { value = request.getRemoteHost(); } if (value == null || value.length() == 0) { value = "-"; } if (ipv6Canonical) { value = IPv6Utils.canonize(value); } buf.append(value); } @Override public void cache(Request request) { if (!requestAttributesEnabled) { request.getRemoteHost(); } } }
write remote logical username from identd (always returns '-') - %l
/** * write remote logical username from identd (always returns '-') - %l */
protected static class LogicalUserNameElement implements AccessLogElement { @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { buf.append('-'); } }
write request protocol - %H
/** * write request protocol - %H */
protected class ProtocolElement implements AccessLogElement { @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { if (requestAttributesEnabled) { Object proto = request.getAttribute(PROTOCOL_ATTRIBUTE); if (proto == null) { buf.append(request.getProtocol()); } else { buf.append(proto.toString()); } } else { buf.append(request.getProtocol()); } } }
write remote user that was authenticated (if any), else '-' - %u
/** * write remote user that was authenticated (if any), else '-' - %u */
protected static class UserElement implements AccessLogElement { @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { if (request != null) { String value = request.getRemoteUser(); if (value != null) { buf.append(value); } else { buf.append('-'); } } else { buf.append('-'); } } }
write date and time, in configurable format (default CLF) - %t or %{format}t
/** * write date and time, in configurable format (default CLF) - %t or %{format}t */
protected class DateAndTimeElement implements AccessLogElement {
Format prefix specifying request start time
/** * Format prefix specifying request start time */
private static final String requestStartPrefix = "begin";
Format prefix specifying response end time
/** * Format prefix specifying response end time */
private static final String responseEndPrefix = "end";
Separator between optional prefix and rest of format
/** * Separator between optional prefix and rest of format */
private static final String prefixSeparator = ":";
Special format for seconds since epoch
/** * Special format for seconds since epoch */
private static final String secFormat = "sec";
Special format for milliseconds since epoch
/** * Special format for milliseconds since epoch */
private static final String msecFormat = "msec";
Special format for millisecond part of timestamp
/** * Special format for millisecond part of timestamp */
private static final String msecFractionFormat = "msec_frac";
The patterns we use to replace "S" and "SSS" millisecond formatting of SimpleDateFormat by our own handling
/** * The patterns we use to replace "S" and "SSS" millisecond * formatting of SimpleDateFormat by our own handling */
private static final String msecPattern = "{#}"; private static final String tripleMsecPattern = msecPattern + msecPattern + msecPattern; /* Our format description string, null if CLF */ private final String format; /* Whether to use begin of request or end of response as the timestamp */ private final boolean usesBegin; /* The format type */ private final FormatType type; /* Whether we need to postprocess by adding milliseconds */ private boolean usesMsecs = false; protected DateAndTimeElement() { this(null); }
Replace the millisecond formatting character 'S' by some dummy characters in order to make the resulting formatted time stamps cacheable. We replace the dummy chars later with the actual milliseconds because that's relatively cheap.
/** * Replace the millisecond formatting character 'S' by * some dummy characters in order to make the resulting * formatted time stamps cacheable. We replace the dummy * chars later with the actual milliseconds because that's * relatively cheap. */
private String tidyFormat(String format) { boolean escape = false; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); int len = format.length(); char x; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { x = format.charAt(i); if (escape || x != 'S') { result.append(x); } else { result.append(msecPattern); usesMsecs = true; } if (x == '\'') { escape = !escape; } } return result.toString(); } protected DateAndTimeElement(String header) { String format = header; boolean usesBegin = false; FormatType type = FormatType.CLF; if (format != null) { if (format.equals(requestStartPrefix)) { usesBegin = true; format = ""; } else if (format.startsWith(requestStartPrefix + prefixSeparator)) { usesBegin = true; format = format.substring(6); } else if (format.equals(responseEndPrefix)) { usesBegin = false; format = ""; } else if (format.startsWith(responseEndPrefix + prefixSeparator)) { usesBegin = false; format = format.substring(4); } if (format.length() == 0) { type = FormatType.CLF; } else if (format.equals(secFormat)) { type = FormatType.SEC; } else if (format.equals(msecFormat)) { type = FormatType.MSEC; } else if (format.equals(msecFractionFormat)) { type = FormatType.MSEC_FRAC; } else { type = FormatType.SDF; format = tidyFormat(format); } } this.format = format; this.usesBegin = usesBegin; this.type = type; } @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { long timestamp = date.getTime(); long frac; if (!usesBegin) { timestamp += TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(time); } /* Implementation note: This is deliberately not implemented using * switch. If a switch is used the compiler (at least the Oracle * one) will use a synthetic class to implement the switch. The * problem is that this class needs to be pre-loaded when using a * SecurityManager and the name of that class will depend on any * anonymous inner classes and any other synthetic classes. As such * the name is not constant and keeping the pre-loading up to date * as the name changes is error prone. */ if (type == FormatType.CLF) { buf.append(localDateCache.get().getFormat(timestamp)); } else if (type == FormatType.SEC) { buf.append(Long.toString(timestamp / 1000)); } else if (type == FormatType.MSEC) { buf.append(Long.toString(timestamp)); } else if (type == FormatType.MSEC_FRAC) { frac = timestamp % 1000; if (frac < 100) { if (frac < 10) { buf.append('0'); buf.append('0'); } else { buf.append('0'); } } buf.append(Long.toString(frac)); } else { // FormatType.SDF String temp = localDateCache.get().getFormat(format, locale, timestamp); if (usesMsecs) { frac = timestamp % 1000; StringBuilder tripleMsec = new StringBuilder(4); if (frac < 100) { if (frac < 10) { tripleMsec.append('0'); tripleMsec.append('0'); } else { tripleMsec.append('0'); } } tripleMsec.append(frac); temp = temp.replace(tripleMsecPattern, tripleMsec); temp = temp.replace(msecPattern, Long.toString(frac)); } buf.append(temp); } } }
write first line of the request (method and request URI) - %r
/** * write first line of the request (method and request URI) - %r */
protected static class RequestElement implements AccessLogElement { @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { if (request != null) { String method = request.getMethod(); if (method == null) { // No method means no request line buf.append('-'); } else { buf.append(request.getMethod()); buf.append(' '); buf.append(request.getRequestURI()); if (request.getQueryString() != null) { buf.append('?'); buf.append(request.getQueryString()); } buf.append(' '); buf.append(request.getProtocol()); } } else { buf.append('-'); } } }
write HTTP status code of the response - %s
/** * write HTTP status code of the response - %s */
protected static class HttpStatusCodeElement implements AccessLogElement { @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { if (response != null) { // This approach is used to reduce GC from toString conversion int status = response.getStatus(); if (100 <= status && status < 1000) { buf.append((char) ('0' + (status / 100))) .append((char) ('0' + ((status / 10) % 10))) .append((char) ('0' + (status % 10))); } else { buf.append(Integer.toString(status)); } } else { buf.append('-'); } } }
write local or remote port for request connection - %p and %{xxx}p
/** * write local or remote port for request connection - %p and %{xxx}p */
protected class PortElement implements AccessLogElement, CachedElement {
Type of port to log
/** * Type of port to log */
private static final String localPort = "local"; private static final String remotePort = "remote"; private final PortType portType; public PortElement() { portType = PortType.LOCAL; } public PortElement(String type) { switch (type) { case remotePort: portType = PortType.REMOTE; break; case localPort: portType = PortType.LOCAL; break; default: log.error(sm.getString("accessLogValve.invalidPortType", type)); portType = PortType.LOCAL; break; } } @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { if (requestAttributesEnabled && portType == PortType.LOCAL) { Object port = request.getAttribute(SERVER_PORT_ATTRIBUTE); if (port == null) { buf.append(Integer.toString(request.getServerPort())); } else { buf.append(port.toString()); } } else { if (portType == PortType.LOCAL) { buf.append(Integer.toString(request.getServerPort())); } else { buf.append(Integer.toString(request.getRemotePort())); } } } @Override public void cache(Request request) { if (portType == PortType.REMOTE) { request.getRemotePort(); } } }
write bytes sent, excluding HTTP headers - %b, %B
/** * write bytes sent, excluding HTTP headers - %b, %B */
protected static class ByteSentElement implements AccessLogElement { private final boolean conversion;
  • conversion – true to write '-' instead of 0 - %b.
/** * @param conversion <code>true</code> to write '-' instead of 0 - %b. */
public ByteSentElement(boolean conversion) { this.conversion = conversion; } @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { // Don't need to flush since trigger for log message is after the // response has been committed long length = response.getBytesWritten(false); if (length <= 0) { // Protect against nulls and unexpected types as these values // may be set by untrusted applications Object start = request.getAttribute( Globals.SENDFILE_FILE_START_ATTR); if (start instanceof Long) { Object end = request.getAttribute( Globals.SENDFILE_FILE_END_ATTR); if (end instanceof Long) { length = ((Long) end).longValue() - ((Long) start).longValue(); } } } if (length <= 0 && conversion) { buf.append('-'); } else { buf.append(Long.toString(length)); } } }
write request method (GET, POST, etc.) - %m
/** * write request method (GET, POST, etc.) - %m */
protected static class MethodElement implements AccessLogElement { @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { if (request != null) { buf.append(request.getMethod()); } } }
write time taken to process the request - %D, %T
/** * write time taken to process the request - %D, %T */
protected static class ElapsedTimeElement implements AccessLogElement { private final boolean micros; private final boolean millis;
  • micros – true, write time in microseconds - %D
  • millis – true, write time in milliseconds, if both arguments are false, write time in seconds - %T
/** * @param micros <code>true</code>, write time in microseconds - %D * @param millis <code>true</code>, write time in milliseconds, * if both arguments are <code>false</code>, write time in seconds - %T */
public ElapsedTimeElement(boolean micros, boolean millis) { this.micros = micros; this.millis = millis; } @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { if (micros) { buf.append(Long.toString(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMicros(time))); } else if (millis) { buf.append(Long.toString(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(time))); } else { // second buf.append(Long.toString(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(time))); } } }
write time until first byte is written (commit time) in millis - %F
/** * write time until first byte is written (commit time) in millis - %F */
protected static class FirstByteTimeElement implements AccessLogElement { @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { long commitTime = response.getCoyoteResponse().getCommitTimeNanos(); if (commitTime == -1) { buf.append('-'); } else { long delta = commitTime - request.getCoyoteRequest().getStartTimeNanos(); buf.append(Long.toString(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(delta))); } } }
write Query string (prepended with a '?' if it exists) - %q
/** * write Query string (prepended with a '?' if it exists) - %q */
protected static class QueryElement implements AccessLogElement { @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { String query = null; if (request != null) { query = request.getQueryString(); } if (query != null) { buf.append('?'); buf.append(query); } } }
write user session ID - %S
/** * write user session ID - %S */
protected static class SessionIdElement implements AccessLogElement { @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { if (request == null) { buf.append('-'); } else { Session session = request.getSessionInternal(false); if (session == null) { buf.append('-'); } else { buf.append(session.getIdInternal()); } } } }
write requested URL path - %U
/** * write requested URL path - %U */
protected static class RequestURIElement implements AccessLogElement { @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { if (request != null) { buf.append(request.getRequestURI()); } else { buf.append('-'); } } }
write local server name - %v
/** * write local server name - %v */
protected class LocalServerNameElement implements AccessLogElement { @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { String value = null; if (requestAttributesEnabled) { Object serverName = request.getAttribute(SERVER_NAME_ATTRIBUTE); if (serverName != null) { value = serverName.toString(); } } if (value == null || value.length() == 0) { value = request.getServerName(); } if (value == null || value.length() == 0) { value = "-"; } if (ipv6Canonical) { value = IPv6Utils.canonize(value); } buf.append(value); } }
write any string
/** * write any string */
protected static class StringElement implements AccessLogElement { private final String str; public StringElement(String str) { this.str = str; } @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { buf.append(str); } }
write incoming headers - %{xxx}i
/** * write incoming headers - %{xxx}i */
protected static class HeaderElement implements AccessLogElement { private final String header; public HeaderElement(String header) { this.header = header; } @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { Enumeration<String> iter = request.getHeaders(header); if (iter.hasMoreElements()) { buf.append(iter.nextElement()); while (iter.hasMoreElements()) { buf.append(',').append(iter.nextElement()); } return; } buf.append('-'); } }
write a specific cookie - %{xxx}c
/** * write a specific cookie - %{xxx}c */
protected static class CookieElement implements AccessLogElement { private final String header; public CookieElement(String header) { this.header = header; } @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { String value = "-"; Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies(); if (cookies != null) { for (Cookie cookie : cookies) { if (header.equals(cookie.getName())) { value = cookie.getValue(); break; } } } buf.append(value); } }
write a specific response header - %{xxx}o
/** * write a specific response header - %{xxx}o */
protected static class ResponseHeaderElement implements AccessLogElement { private final String header; public ResponseHeaderElement(String header) { this.header = header; } @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { if (null != response) { Iterator<String> iter = response.getHeaders(header).iterator(); if (iter.hasNext()) { buf.append(iter.next()); while (iter.hasNext()) { buf.append(',').append(iter.next()); } return; } } buf.append('-'); } }
write an attribute in the ServletRequest - %{xxx}r
/** * write an attribute in the ServletRequest - %{xxx}r */
protected static class RequestAttributeElement implements AccessLogElement { private final String header; public RequestAttributeElement(String header) { this.header = header; } @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { Object value = null; if (request != null) { value = request.getAttribute(header); } else { value = "??"; } if (value != null) { if (value instanceof String) { buf.append((String) value); } else { buf.append(value.toString()); } } else { buf.append('-'); } } }
write an attribute in the HttpSession - %{xxx}s
/** * write an attribute in the HttpSession - %{xxx}s */
protected static class SessionAttributeElement implements AccessLogElement { private final String header; public SessionAttributeElement(String header) { this.header = header; } @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { Object value = null; if (null != request) { HttpSession sess = request.getSession(false); if (null != sess) { value = sess.getAttribute(header); } } else { value = "??"; } if (value != null) { if (value instanceof String) { buf.append((String) value); } else { buf.append(value.toString()); } } else { buf.append('-'); } } }
Write connection status when response is completed - %X
/** * Write connection status when response is completed - %X */
protected static class ConnectionStatusElement implements AccessLogElement { @Override public void addElement(CharArrayWriter buf, Date date, Request request, Response response, long time) { if (response != null && request != null) { boolean statusFound = false; // Check whether connection IO is in "not allowed" state AtomicBoolean isIoAllowed = new AtomicBoolean(false); request.getCoyoteRequest().action(ActionCode.IS_IO_ALLOWED, isIoAllowed); if (!isIoAllowed.get()) { buf.append('X'); statusFound = true; } else { // Check for connection aborted cond if (response.isError()) { Throwable ex = (Throwable) request.getAttribute(RequestDispatcher.ERROR_EXCEPTION); if (ex instanceof ClientAbortException) { buf.append('X'); statusFound = true; } } } // If status is not found yet, cont to check whether connection is keep-alive or close if (!statusFound) { String connStatus = response.getHeader(org.apache.coyote.http11.Constants.CONNECTION); if (org.apache.coyote.http11.Constants.CLOSE.equalsIgnoreCase(connStatus)) { buf.append('-'); } else { buf.append('+'); } } } else { // Unknown connection status buf.append('?'); } } }
Parse pattern string and create the array of AccessLogElement.
Returns:the log elements array
/** * Parse pattern string and create the array of AccessLogElement. * @return the log elements array */
protected AccessLogElement[] createLogElements() { List<AccessLogElement> list = new ArrayList<>(); boolean replace = false; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < pattern.length(); i++) { char ch = pattern.charAt(i); if (replace) { /* * For code that processes {, the behavior will be ... if I do * not encounter a closing } - then I ignore the { */ if ('{' == ch) { StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder(); int j = i + 1; for (; j < pattern.length() && '}' != pattern.charAt(j); j++) { name.append(pattern.charAt(j)); } if (j + 1 < pattern.length()) { /* the +1 was to account for } which we increment now */ j++; list.add(createAccessLogElement(name.toString(), pattern.charAt(j))); i = j; /* Since we walked more than one character */ } else { // D'oh - end of string - pretend we never did this // and do processing the "old way" list.add(createAccessLogElement(ch)); } } else { list.add(createAccessLogElement(ch)); } replace = false; } else if (ch == '%') { replace = true; list.add(new StringElement(buf.toString())); buf = new StringBuilder(); } else { buf.append(ch); } } if (buf.length() > 0) { list.add(new StringElement(buf.toString())); } return list.toArray(new AccessLogElement[0]); } private CachedElement[] createCachedElements(AccessLogElement[] elements) { List<CachedElement> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (AccessLogElement element : elements) { if (element instanceof CachedElement) { list.add((CachedElement) element); } } return list.toArray(new CachedElement[0]); }
Create an AccessLogElement implementation which needs an element name.
  • name – Header name
  • pattern – char in the log pattern
Returns:the log element
/** * Create an AccessLogElement implementation which needs an element name. * @param name Header name * @param pattern char in the log pattern * @return the log element */
protected AccessLogElement createAccessLogElement(String name, char pattern) { switch (pattern) { case 'i': return new HeaderElement(name); case 'c': return new CookieElement(name); case 'o': return new ResponseHeaderElement(name); case 'p': return new PortElement(name); case 'r': if (TLSUtil.isTLSRequestAttribute(name)) { tlsAttributeRequired = true; } return new RequestAttributeElement(name); case 's': return new SessionAttributeElement(name); case 't': return new DateAndTimeElement(name); case 'T': // ms for milliseconds, us for microseconds, and s for seconds if ("ms".equals(name)) { return new ElapsedTimeElement(false, true); } else if ("us".equals(name)) { return new ElapsedTimeElement(true, false); } else { return new ElapsedTimeElement(false, false); } default: return new StringElement("???"); } }
Create an AccessLogElement implementation.
  • pattern – char in the log pattern
Returns:the log element
/** * Create an AccessLogElement implementation. * @param pattern char in the log pattern * @return the log element */
protected AccessLogElement createAccessLogElement(char pattern) { switch (pattern) { case 'a': return new RemoteAddrElement(); case 'A': return new LocalAddrElement(ipv6Canonical); case 'b': return new ByteSentElement(true); case 'B': return new ByteSentElement(false); case 'D': return new ElapsedTimeElement(true, false); case 'F': return new FirstByteTimeElement(); case 'h': return new HostElement(); case 'H': return new ProtocolElement(); case 'l': return new LogicalUserNameElement(); case 'm': return new MethodElement(); case 'p': return new PortElement(); case 'q': return new QueryElement(); case 'r': return new RequestElement(); case 's': return new HttpStatusCodeElement(); case 'S': return new SessionIdElement(); case 't': return new DateAndTimeElement(); case 'T': return new ElapsedTimeElement(false, false); case 'u': return new UserElement(); case 'U': return new RequestURIElement(); case 'v': return new LocalServerNameElement(); case 'I': return new ThreadNameElement(); case 'X': return new ConnectionStatusElement(); default: return new StringElement("???" + pattern + "???"); } } }