 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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package org.apache.catalina.manager;

import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory;
import java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean;
import java.lang.management.MemoryUsage;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.Vector;

import javax.management.MBeanServer;
import javax.management.ObjectInstance;
import javax.management.ObjectName;

import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.tomcat.util.ExceptionUtils;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.security.Escape;

This is a refactoring of the servlet to externalize the output into a simple class. Although we could use XSLT, that is unnecessarily complex.
Author:Peter Lin
/** * This is a refactoring of the servlet to externalize * the output into a simple class. Although we could * use XSLT, that is unnecessarily complex. * * @author Peter Lin */
public class StatusTransformer { // --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods public static void setContentType(HttpServletResponse response, int mode) { if (mode == 0){ response.setContentType("text/html;charset="+Constants.CHARSET); } else if (mode == 1){ response.setContentType("text/xml;charset="+Constants.CHARSET); } }
Write an HTML or XML header.
  • writer – the PrintWriter to use
  • args – Path prefix for URLs
  • mode – - 0 = HTML header, 1 = XML declaration
/** * Write an HTML or XML header. * * @param writer the PrintWriter to use * @param args Path prefix for URLs * @param mode - 0 = HTML header, 1 = XML declaration * */
public static void writeHeader(PrintWriter writer, Object[] args, int mode) { if (mode == 0){ // HTML Header Section writer.print(MessageFormat.format( Constants.HTML_HEADER_SECTION, args )); } else if (mode == 1){ writer.write(Constants.XML_DECLARATION); writer.print(MessageFormat.format (Constants.XML_STYLE, args)); writer.write("<status>"); } }
Write the header body. XML output doesn't bother to output this stuff, since it's just title.
  • writer – The output writer
  • args – What to write
  • mode – 0 means write
/** * Write the header body. XML output doesn't bother * to output this stuff, since it's just title. * * @param writer The output writer * @param args What to write * @param mode 0 means write */
public static void writeBody(PrintWriter writer, Object[] args, int mode) { if (mode == 0){ writer.print(MessageFormat.format (Constants.BODY_HEADER_SECTION, args)); } }
Write the manager webapp information.
  • writer – The output writer
  • args – What to write
  • mode – 0 means write
/** * Write the manager webapp information. * * @param writer The output writer * @param args What to write * @param mode 0 means write */
public static void writeManager(PrintWriter writer, Object[] args, int mode) { if (mode == 0){ writer.print(MessageFormat.format(Constants.MANAGER_SECTION, args)); } } public static void writePageHeading(PrintWriter writer, Object[] args, int mode) { if (mode == 0){ writer.print(MessageFormat.format (Constants.SERVER_HEADER_SECTION, args)); } } public static void writeServerInfo(PrintWriter writer, Object[] args, int mode){ if (mode == 0){ writer.print(MessageFormat.format(Constants.SERVER_ROW_SECTION, args)); } } public static void writeFooter(PrintWriter writer, int mode) { if (mode == 0){ // HTML Tail Section writer.print(Constants.HTML_TAIL_SECTION); } else if (mode == 1){ writer.write("</status>"); } }
Write the OS state.
  • writer – The output writer
  • mode – Mode 0 will generate HTML. Mode 1 will generate XML.
  • args – I18n labels for the OS state values
/** * Write the OS state. * * @param writer The output writer * @param mode Mode <code>0</code> will generate HTML. * Mode <code>1</code> will generate XML. * @param args I18n labels for the OS state values */
public static void writeOSState(PrintWriter writer, int mode, Object[] args) { long[] result = new long[16]; boolean ok = false; try { String methodName = "info"; Class<?> paramTypes[] = new Class[1]; paramTypes[0] = result.getClass(); Object paramValues[] = new Object[1]; paramValues[0] = result; Method method = Class.forName("org.apache.tomcat.jni.OS") .getMethod(methodName, paramTypes); method.invoke(null, paramValues); ok = true; } catch (Throwable t) { t = ExceptionUtils.unwrapInvocationTargetException(t); ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); } if (ok) { if (mode == 0){ writer.print("<h1>OS</h1>"); writer.print("<p>"); writer.print( args[0] ); writer.print(' '); writer.print(formatSize(Long.valueOf(result[0]), true)); writer.print(' '); writer.print(args[1]); writer.print(' '); writer.print(formatSize(Long.valueOf(result[1]), true)); writer.print(' '); writer.print(args[2]); writer.print(' '); writer.print(formatSize(Long.valueOf(result[2]), true)); writer.print(' '); writer.print(args[3]); writer.print(' '); writer.print(formatSize(Long.valueOf(result[3]), true)); writer.print(' '); writer.print(args[4]); writer.print(' '); writer.print(Long.valueOf(result[6])); writer.print("<br>"); writer.print(args[5]); writer.print(' '); writer.print(formatTime(Long.valueOf(result[11] / 1000), true)); writer.print(' '); writer.print(args[6]); writer.print(' '); writer.print(formatTime(Long.valueOf(result[12] / 1000), true)); writer.print("</p>"); } else if (mode == 1){ // NO-OP } } }
Write the VM state.
  • writer – The output writer
  • mode – Mode 0 will generate HTML. Mode 1 will generate XML.
  • args – I18n labels for the VM state values
/** * Write the VM state. * @param writer The output writer * @param mode Mode <code>0</code> will generate HTML. * Mode <code>1</code> will generate XML. * @param args I18n labels for the VM state values * @throws Exception Propagated JMX error */
public static void writeVMState(PrintWriter writer, int mode, Object[] args) throws Exception { SortedMap<String, MemoryPoolMXBean> memoryPoolMBeans = new TreeMap<>(); for (MemoryPoolMXBean mbean: ManagementFactory.getMemoryPoolMXBeans()) { String sortKey = mbean.getType() + ":" + mbean.getName(); memoryPoolMBeans.put(sortKey, mbean); } if (mode == 0){ writer.print("<h1>JVM</h1>"); writer.print("<p>"); writer.print( args[0] ); writer.print(' '); writer.print(formatSize( Long.valueOf(Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()), true)); writer.print(' '); writer.print(args[1]); writer.print(' '); writer.print(formatSize( Long.valueOf(Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()), true)); writer.print(' '); writer.print(args[2]); writer.print(' '); writer.print(formatSize( Long.valueOf(Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()), true)); writer.print("</p>"); writer.write("<table border=\"0\"><thead><tr><th>" + args[3] + "</th><th>" + args[4] + "</th><th>" + args[5] + "</th><th>" + args[6] + "</th><th>" + args[7] + "</th><th>" + args[8] + "</th></tr></thead><tbody>"); for (MemoryPoolMXBean memoryPoolMBean : memoryPoolMBeans.values()) { MemoryUsage usage = memoryPoolMBean.getUsage(); writer.write("<tr><td>"); writer.print(memoryPoolMBean.getName()); writer.write("</td><td>"); writer.print(memoryPoolMBean.getType()); writer.write("</td><td>"); writer.print(formatSize(Long.valueOf(usage.getInit()), true)); writer.write("</td><td>"); writer.print(formatSize(Long.valueOf(usage.getCommitted()), true)); writer.write("</td><td>"); writer.print(formatSize(Long.valueOf(usage.getMax()), true)); writer.write("</td><td>"); writer.print(formatSize(Long.valueOf(usage.getUsed()), true)); if (usage.getMax() > 0) { writer.write(" (" + (usage.getUsed() * 100 / usage.getMax()) + "%)"); } writer.write("</td></tr>"); } writer.write("</tbody></table>"); } else if (mode == 1){ writer.write("<jvm>"); writer.write("<memory"); writer.write(" free='" + Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() + "'"); writer.write(" total='" + Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() + "'"); writer.write(" max='" + Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() + "'/>"); for (MemoryPoolMXBean memoryPoolMBean : memoryPoolMBeans.values()) { MemoryUsage usage = memoryPoolMBean.getUsage(); writer.write("<memorypool"); writer.write(" name='" + Escape.xml("", memoryPoolMBean.getName()) + "'"); writer.write(" type='" + memoryPoolMBean.getType() + "'"); writer.write(" usageInit='" + usage.getInit() + "'"); writer.write(" usageCommitted='" + usage.getCommitted() + "'"); writer.write(" usageMax='" + usage.getMax() + "'"); writer.write(" usageUsed='" + usage.getUsed() + "'/>"); } writer.write("</jvm>"); } }
Write connector state.
  • writer – The output writer
  • tpName – MBean name of the thread pool
  • name – Connector name
  • mBeanServer – MBean server
  • globalRequestProcessors – MBean names for the global request processors
  • requestProcessors – MBean names for the request processors
  • mode – Mode 0 will generate HTML. Mode 1 will generate XML.
  • args – I18n labels for the Connector state values
/** * Write connector state. * @param writer The output writer * @param tpName MBean name of the thread pool * @param name Connector name * @param mBeanServer MBean server * @param globalRequestProcessors MBean names for the global request processors * @param requestProcessors MBean names for the request processors * @param mode Mode <code>0</code> will generate HTML. * Mode <code>1</code> will generate XML. * @param args I18n labels for the Connector state values * @throws Exception Propagated JMX error */
public static void writeConnectorState(PrintWriter writer, ObjectName tpName, String name, MBeanServer mBeanServer, Vector<ObjectName> globalRequestProcessors, Vector<ObjectName> requestProcessors, int mode, Object[] args) throws Exception { if (mode == 0) { writer.print("<h1>"); writer.print(name); writer.print("</h1>"); writer.print("<p>"); writer.print( args[0] ); writer.print(' '); writer.print(mBeanServer.getAttribute(tpName, "maxThreads")); writer.print(' '); writer.print(args[1]); writer.print(' '); writer.print(mBeanServer.getAttribute(tpName, "currentThreadCount")); writer.print(' '); writer.print(args[2]); writer.print(' '); writer.print(mBeanServer.getAttribute(tpName, "currentThreadsBusy")); writer.print(' '); writer.print(args[3]); writer.print(' '); writer.print(mBeanServer.getAttribute(tpName, "keepAliveCount")); writer.print("<br>"); ObjectName grpName = null; Enumeration<ObjectName> enumeration = globalRequestProcessors.elements(); while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { ObjectName objectName = enumeration.nextElement(); if (name.equals(objectName.getKeyProperty("name"))) { grpName = objectName; } } if (grpName == null) { return; } writer.print( args[4] ); writer.print(' '); writer.print(formatTime(mBeanServer.getAttribute (grpName, "maxTime"), false)); writer.print(' '); writer.print(args[5]); writer.print(' '); writer.print(formatTime(mBeanServer.getAttribute (grpName, "processingTime"), true)); writer.print(' '); writer.print(args[6]); writer.print(' '); writer.print(mBeanServer.getAttribute(grpName, "requestCount")); writer.print(' '); writer.print(args[7]); writer.print(' '); writer.print(mBeanServer.getAttribute(grpName, "errorCount")); writer.print(' '); writer.print(args[8]); writer.print(' '); writer.print(formatSize(mBeanServer.getAttribute (grpName, "bytesReceived"), true)); writer.print(' '); writer.print(args[9]); writer.print(' '); writer.print(formatSize(mBeanServer.getAttribute (grpName, "bytesSent"), true)); writer.print("</p>"); writer.print("<table border=\"0\"><tr><th>"+ args[10] + "</th><th>" + args[11] + "</th><th>" + args[12] +"</th><th>" + args[13] +"</th><th>" + args[14] + "</th><th>" + args[15] + "</th><th>" + args[16] + "</th><th>" + args[17] + "</th></tr>"); enumeration = requestProcessors.elements(); while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { ObjectName objectName = enumeration.nextElement(); if (name.equals(objectName.getKeyProperty("worker"))) { writer.print("<tr>"); writeProcessorState(writer, objectName, mBeanServer, mode); writer.print("</tr>"); } } writer.print("</table>"); writer.print("<p>"); writer.print( args[18] ); writer.print("</p>"); } else if (mode == 1){ writer.write("<connector name='" + name + "'>"); writer.write("<threadInfo "); writer.write(" maxThreads=\"" + mBeanServer.getAttribute(tpName, "maxThreads") + "\""); writer.write(" currentThreadCount=\"" + mBeanServer.getAttribute(tpName, "currentThreadCount") + "\""); writer.write(" currentThreadsBusy=\"" + mBeanServer.getAttribute(tpName, "currentThreadsBusy") + "\""); writer.write(" />"); ObjectName grpName = null; Enumeration<ObjectName> enumeration = globalRequestProcessors.elements(); while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { ObjectName objectName = enumeration.nextElement(); if (name.equals(objectName.getKeyProperty("name"))) { grpName = objectName; } } if (grpName != null) { writer.write("<requestInfo "); writer.write(" maxTime=\"" + mBeanServer.getAttribute(grpName, "maxTime") + "\""); writer.write(" processingTime=\"" + mBeanServer.getAttribute(grpName, "processingTime") + "\""); writer.write(" requestCount=\"" + mBeanServer.getAttribute(grpName, "requestCount") + "\""); writer.write(" errorCount=\"" + mBeanServer.getAttribute(grpName, "errorCount") + "\""); writer.write(" bytesReceived=\"" + mBeanServer.getAttribute(grpName, "bytesReceived") + "\""); writer.write(" bytesSent=\"" + mBeanServer.getAttribute(grpName, "bytesSent") + "\""); writer.write(" />"); writer.write("<workers>"); enumeration = requestProcessors.elements(); while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { ObjectName objectName = enumeration.nextElement(); if (name.equals(objectName.getKeyProperty("worker"))) { writeProcessorState(writer, objectName, mBeanServer, mode); } } writer.write("</workers>"); } writer.write("</connector>"); } }
Write processor state.
  • writer – The output writer
  • pName – MBean name of the processor
  • mBeanServer – MBean server
  • mode – Mode 0 will generate HTML. Mode 1 will generate XML.
/** * Write processor state. * @param writer The output writer * @param pName MBean name of the processor * @param mBeanServer MBean server * @param mode Mode <code>0</code> will generate HTML. * Mode <code>1</code> will generate XML. * @throws Exception Propagated JMX error */
protected static void writeProcessorState(PrintWriter writer, ObjectName pName, MBeanServer mBeanServer, int mode) throws Exception { Integer stageValue = (Integer) mBeanServer.getAttribute(pName, "stage"); int stage = stageValue.intValue(); boolean fullStatus = true; boolean showRequest = true; String stageStr = null; switch (stage) { case (1/*org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_PARSE*/): stageStr = "P"; fullStatus = false; break; case (2/*org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_PREPARE*/): stageStr = "P"; fullStatus = false; break; case (3/*org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_SERVICE*/): stageStr = "S"; break; case (4/*org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_ENDINPUT*/): stageStr = "F"; break; case (5/*org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_ENDOUTPUT*/): stageStr = "F"; break; case (7/*org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_ENDED*/): stageStr = "R"; fullStatus = false; break; case (6/*org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_KEEPALIVE*/): stageStr = "K"; fullStatus = true; showRequest = false; break; case (0/*org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_NEW*/): stageStr = "R"; fullStatus = false; break; default: // Unknown stage stageStr = "?"; fullStatus = false; } if (mode == 0) { writer.write("<td><strong>"); writer.write(stageStr); writer.write("</strong></td>"); if (fullStatus) { writer.write("<td>"); writer.print(formatTime(mBeanServer.getAttribute (pName, "requestProcessingTime"), false)); writer.write("</td>"); writer.write("<td>"); if (showRequest) { writer.print(formatSize(mBeanServer.getAttribute (pName, "requestBytesSent"), false)); } else { writer.write("?"); } writer.write("</td>"); writer.write("<td>"); if (showRequest) { writer.print(formatSize(mBeanServer.getAttribute (pName, "requestBytesReceived"), false)); } else { writer.write("?"); } writer.write("</td>"); writer.write("<td>"); writer.print(Escape.htmlElementContent(mBeanServer.getAttribute (pName, "remoteAddrForwarded"))); writer.write("</td>"); writer.write("<td>"); writer.print(Escape.htmlElementContent(mBeanServer.getAttribute (pName, "remoteAddr"))); writer.write("</td>"); writer.write("<td nowrap>"); writer.write(Escape.htmlElementContent(mBeanServer.getAttribute (pName, "virtualHost"))); writer.write("</td>"); writer.write("<td nowrap class=\"row-left\">"); if (showRequest) { writer.write(Escape.htmlElementContent(mBeanServer.getAttribute (pName, "method"))); writer.write(' '); writer.write(Escape.htmlElementContent(mBeanServer.getAttribute (pName, "currentUri"))); String queryString = (String) mBeanServer.getAttribute (pName, "currentQueryString"); if ((queryString != null) && (!queryString.equals(""))) { writer.write("?"); writer.print(Escape.htmlElementContent(queryString)); } writer.write(' '); writer.write(Escape.htmlElementContent(mBeanServer.getAttribute (pName, "protocol"))); } else { writer.write("?"); } writer.write("</td>"); } else { writer.write("<td>?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td><td>?</td>"); } } else if (mode == 1){ writer.write("<worker "); writer.write(" stage=\"" + stageStr + "\""); if (fullStatus) { writer.write(" requestProcessingTime=\"" + mBeanServer.getAttribute (pName, "requestProcessingTime") + "\""); writer.write(" requestBytesSent=\""); if (showRequest) { writer.write("" + mBeanServer.getAttribute (pName, "requestBytesSent")); } else { writer.write("0"); } writer.write("\""); writer.write(" requestBytesReceived=\""); if (showRequest) { writer.write("" + mBeanServer.getAttribute (pName, "requestBytesReceived")); } else { writer.write("0"); } writer.write("\""); writer.write(" remoteAddr=\"" + Escape.htmlElementContent(mBeanServer.getAttribute (pName, "remoteAddr")) + "\""); writer.write(" virtualHost=\"" + Escape.htmlElementContent(mBeanServer.getAttribute (pName, "virtualHost")) + "\""); if (showRequest) { writer.write(" method=\"" + Escape.htmlElementContent(mBeanServer.getAttribute (pName, "method")) + "\""); writer.write(" currentUri=\"" + Escape.htmlElementContent(mBeanServer.getAttribute (pName, "currentUri")) + "\""); String queryString = (String) mBeanServer.getAttribute (pName, "currentQueryString"); if ((queryString != null) && (!queryString.equals(""))) { writer.write(" currentQueryString=\"" + Escape.htmlElementContent(queryString) + "\""); } else { writer.write(" currentQueryString=\"&#63;\""); } writer.write(" protocol=\"" + Escape.htmlElementContent(mBeanServer.getAttribute (pName, "protocol")) + "\""); } else { writer.write(" method=\"&#63;\""); writer.write(" currentUri=\"&#63;\""); writer.write(" currentQueryString=\"&#63;\""); writer.write(" protocol=\"&#63;\""); } } else { writer.write(" requestProcessingTime=\"0\""); writer.write(" requestBytesSent=\"0\""); writer.write(" requestBytesReceived=\"0\""); writer.write(" remoteAddr=\"&#63;\""); writer.write(" virtualHost=\"&#63;\""); writer.write(" method=\"&#63;\""); writer.write(" currentUri=\"&#63;\""); writer.write(" currentQueryString=\"&#63;\""); writer.write(" protocol=\"&#63;\""); } writer.write(" />"); } }
Write applications state.
  • writer – The output writer
  • mBeanServer – MBean server
  • mode – Mode 0 will generate HTML. Mode 1 will generate XML.
/** * Write applications state. * @param writer The output writer * @param mBeanServer MBean server * @param mode Mode <code>0</code> will generate HTML. * Mode <code>1</code> will generate XML. * @throws Exception Propagated JMX error */
public static void writeDetailedState(PrintWriter writer, MBeanServer mBeanServer, int mode) throws Exception { if (mode == 0){ ObjectName queryHosts = new ObjectName("*:j2eeType=WebModule,*"); Set<ObjectName> hostsON = mBeanServer.queryNames(queryHosts, null); // Navigation menu writer.print("<h1>"); writer.print("Application list"); writer.print("</h1>"); writer.print("<p>"); int count = 0; Iterator<ObjectName> iterator = hostsON.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { ObjectName contextON = iterator.next(); String webModuleName = contextON.getKeyProperty("name"); if (webModuleName.startsWith("//")) { webModuleName = webModuleName.substring(2); } int slash = webModuleName.indexOf('/'); if (slash == -1) { count++; continue; } writer.print("<a href=\"#" + (count++) + ".0\">"); writer.print(Escape.htmlElementContent(webModuleName)); writer.print("</a>"); if (iterator.hasNext()) { writer.print("<br>"); } } writer.print("</p>"); // Webapp list count = 0; iterator = hostsON.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { ObjectName contextON = iterator.next(); writer.print("<a class=\"A.name\" name=\"" + (count++) + ".0\">"); writeContext(writer, contextON, mBeanServer, mode); } } else if (mode == 1){ // for now we don't write out the Detailed state in XML } }
Write context state.
  • writer – The output writer
  • objectName – The context MBean name
  • mBeanServer – MBean server
  • mode – Mode 0 will generate HTML. Mode 1 will generate XML.
/** * Write context state. * @param writer The output writer * @param objectName The context MBean name * @param mBeanServer MBean server * @param mode Mode <code>0</code> will generate HTML. * Mode <code>1</code> will generate XML. * @throws Exception Propagated JMX error */
protected static void writeContext(PrintWriter writer, ObjectName objectName, MBeanServer mBeanServer, int mode) throws Exception { if (mode == 0){ String webModuleName = objectName.getKeyProperty("name"); String name = webModuleName; if (name == null) { return; } String hostName = null; String contextName = null; if (name.startsWith("//")) { name = name.substring(2); } int slash = name.indexOf('/'); if (slash != -1) { hostName = name.substring(0, slash); contextName = name.substring(slash); } else { return; } ObjectName queryManager = new ObjectName (objectName.getDomain() + ":type=Manager,context=" + contextName + ",host=" + hostName + ",*"); Set<ObjectName> managersON = mBeanServer.queryNames(queryManager, null); ObjectName managerON = null; for (ObjectName aManagersON : managersON) { managerON = aManagersON; } ObjectName queryJspMonitor = new ObjectName (objectName.getDomain() + ":type=JspMonitor,WebModule=" + webModuleName + ",*"); Set<ObjectName> jspMonitorONs = mBeanServer.queryNames(queryJspMonitor, null); // Special case for the root context if (contextName.equals("/")) { contextName = ""; } writer.print("<h1>"); writer.print(Escape.htmlElementContent(name)); writer.print("</h1>"); writer.print("</a>"); writer.print("<p>"); Object startTime = mBeanServer.getAttribute(objectName, "startTime"); writer.print(" Start time: " + new Date(((Long) startTime).longValue())); writer.print(" Startup time: "); writer.print(formatTime(mBeanServer.getAttribute (objectName, "startupTime"), false)); writer.print(" TLD scan time: "); writer.print(formatTime(mBeanServer.getAttribute (objectName, "tldScanTime"), false)); if (managerON != null) { writeManager(writer, managerON, mBeanServer, mode); } if (jspMonitorONs != null) { writeJspMonitor(writer, jspMonitorONs, mBeanServer, mode); } writer.print("</p>"); String onStr = objectName.getDomain() + ":j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=" + webModuleName + ",*"; ObjectName servletObjectName = new ObjectName(onStr); Set<ObjectInstance> set = mBeanServer.queryMBeans(servletObjectName, null); for (ObjectInstance oi : set) { writeWrapper(writer, oi.getObjectName(), mBeanServer, mode); } } else if (mode == 1){ // for now we don't write out the context in XML } }
Write detailed information about a manager.
  • writer – The output writer
  • objectName – The manager MBean name
  • mBeanServer – MBean server
  • mode – Mode 0 will generate HTML. Mode 1 will generate XML.
/** * Write detailed information about a manager. * @param writer The output writer * @param objectName The manager MBean name * @param mBeanServer MBean server * @param mode Mode <code>0</code> will generate HTML. * Mode <code>1</code> will generate XML. * @throws Exception Propagated JMX error */
public static void writeManager(PrintWriter writer, ObjectName objectName, MBeanServer mBeanServer, int mode) throws Exception { if (mode == 0) { writer.print("<br>"); writer.print(" Active sessions: "); writer.print(mBeanServer.getAttribute (objectName, "activeSessions")); writer.print(" Session count: "); writer.print(mBeanServer.getAttribute (objectName, "sessionCounter")); writer.print(" Max active sessions: "); writer.print(mBeanServer.getAttribute(objectName, "maxActive")); writer.print(" Rejected session creations: "); writer.print(mBeanServer.getAttribute (objectName, "rejectedSessions")); writer.print(" Expired sessions: "); writer.print(mBeanServer.getAttribute (objectName, "expiredSessions")); writer.print(" Longest session alive time: "); writer.print(formatSeconds(mBeanServer.getAttribute( objectName, "sessionMaxAliveTime"))); writer.print(" Average session alive time: "); writer.print(formatSeconds(mBeanServer.getAttribute( objectName, "sessionAverageAliveTime"))); writer.print(" Processing time: "); writer.print(formatTime(mBeanServer.getAttribute (objectName, "processingTime"), false)); } else if (mode == 1) { // for now we don't write out the wrapper details } }
Write JSP monitoring information.
  • writer – The output writer
  • jspMonitorONs – The JSP MBean names
  • mBeanServer – MBean server
  • mode – Mode 0 will generate HTML. Mode 1 will generate XML.
/** * Write JSP monitoring information. * @param writer The output writer * @param jspMonitorONs The JSP MBean names * @param mBeanServer MBean server * @param mode Mode <code>0</code> will generate HTML. * Mode <code>1</code> will generate XML. * @throws Exception Propagated JMX error */
public static void writeJspMonitor(PrintWriter writer, Set<ObjectName> jspMonitorONs, MBeanServer mBeanServer, int mode) throws Exception { int jspCount = 0; int jspReloadCount = 0; for (ObjectName jspMonitorON : jspMonitorONs) { Object obj = mBeanServer.getAttribute(jspMonitorON, "jspCount"); jspCount += ((Integer) obj).intValue(); obj = mBeanServer.getAttribute(jspMonitorON, "jspReloadCount"); jspReloadCount += ((Integer) obj).intValue(); } if (mode == 0) { writer.print("<br>"); writer.print(" JSPs loaded: "); writer.print(jspCount); writer.print(" JSPs reloaded: "); writer.print(jspReloadCount); } else if (mode == 1) { // for now we don't write out anything } }
Write detailed information about a wrapper.
  • writer – The output writer
  • objectName – The wrapper MBean names
  • mBeanServer – MBean server
  • mode – Mode 0 will generate HTML. Mode 1 will generate XML.
/** * Write detailed information about a wrapper. * @param writer The output writer * @param objectName The wrapper MBean names * @param mBeanServer MBean server * @param mode Mode <code>0</code> will generate HTML. * Mode <code>1</code> will generate XML. * @throws Exception Propagated JMX error */
public static void writeWrapper(PrintWriter writer, ObjectName objectName, MBeanServer mBeanServer, int mode) throws Exception { if (mode == 0) { String servletName = objectName.getKeyProperty("name"); String[] mappings = (String[]) mBeanServer.invoke(objectName, "findMappings", null, null); writer.print("<h2>"); writer.print(Escape.htmlElementContent(servletName)); if ((mappings != null) && (mappings.length > 0)) { writer.print(" [ "); for (int i = 0; i < mappings.length; i++) { writer.print(Escape.htmlElementContent(mappings[i])); if (i < mappings.length - 1) { writer.print(" , "); } } writer.print(" ] "); } writer.print("</h2>"); writer.print("<p>"); writer.print(" Processing time: "); writer.print(formatTime(mBeanServer.getAttribute (objectName, "processingTime"), true)); writer.print(" Max time: "); writer.print(formatTime(mBeanServer.getAttribute (objectName, "maxTime"), false)); writer.print(" Request count: "); writer.print(mBeanServer.getAttribute(objectName, "requestCount")); writer.print(" Error count: "); writer.print(mBeanServer.getAttribute(objectName, "errorCount")); writer.print(" Load time: "); writer.print(formatTime(mBeanServer.getAttribute (objectName, "loadTime"), false)); writer.print(" Classloading time: "); writer.print(formatTime(mBeanServer.getAttribute (objectName, "classLoadTime"), false)); writer.print("</p>"); } else if (mode == 1){ // for now we don't write out the wrapper details } }
Display the given size in bytes, either as KB or MB.
  • obj – The object to format
  • mb – true to display megabytes, false for kilobytes
Returns:formatted size
/** * Display the given size in bytes, either as KB or MB. * * @param obj The object to format * @param mb true to display megabytes, false for kilobytes * @return formatted size */
public static String formatSize(Object obj, boolean mb) { long bytes = -1L; if (obj instanceof Long) { bytes = ((Long) obj).longValue(); } else if (obj instanceof Integer) { bytes = ((Integer) obj).intValue(); } if (mb) { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); if (bytes < 0) { buff.append('-'); bytes = -bytes; } long mbytes = bytes / (1024 * 1024); long rest = ((bytes - (mbytes * (1024 * 1024))) * 100) / (1024 * 1024); buff.append(mbytes).append('.'); if (rest < 10) { buff.append('0'); } buff.append(rest).append(" MB"); return buff.toString(); } else { return ((bytes / 1024) + " KB"); } }
Display the given time in ms, either as ms or s.
  • obj – The object to format
  • seconds – true to display seconds, false for milliseconds
Returns:formatted time
/** * Display the given time in ms, either as ms or s. * * @param obj The object to format * @param seconds true to display seconds, false for milliseconds * @return formatted time */
public static String formatTime(Object obj, boolean seconds) { long time = -1L; if (obj instanceof Long) { time = ((Long) obj).longValue(); } else if (obj instanceof Integer) { time = ((Integer) obj).intValue(); } if (seconds) { return ((((float) time ) / 1000) + " s"); } else { return (time + " ms"); } }
Formats the given time (given in seconds) as a string.
  • obj – Time object to be formatted as string
Returns:formatted time
/** * Formats the given time (given in seconds) as a string. * * @param obj Time object to be formatted as string * @return formatted time */
public static String formatSeconds(Object obj) { long time = -1L; if (obj instanceof Long) { time = ((Long) obj).longValue(); } else if (obj instanceof Integer) { time = ((Integer) obj).intValue(); } return (time + " s"); } }