 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.catalina.manager;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.security.cert.Certificate;
import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.management.MBeanServer;
import javax.management.MalformedObjectNameException;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.naming.Binding;
import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;

import jakarta.servlet.ServletContext;
import jakarta.servlet.ServletException;
import jakarta.servlet.ServletInputStream;
import jakarta.servlet.UnavailableException;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.catalina.Container;
import org.apache.catalina.ContainerServlet;
import org.apache.catalina.Context;
import org.apache.catalina.Engine;
import org.apache.catalina.Host;
import org.apache.catalina.Manager;
import org.apache.catalina.Server;
import org.apache.catalina.Service;
import org.apache.catalina.Session;
import org.apache.catalina.Wrapper;
import org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector;
import org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost;
import org.apache.catalina.startup.ExpandWar;
import org.apache.catalina.util.ContextName;
import org.apache.catalina.util.IOTools;
import org.apache.catalina.util.ServerInfo;
import org.apache.coyote.ProtocolHandler;
import org.apache.coyote.http11.AbstractHttp11Protocol;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.Diagnostics;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.ExceptionUtils;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.IntrospectionUtils;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.StringUtils;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.modeler.Registry;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.net.SSLContext;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.net.SSLHostConfig;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.net.SSLHostConfigCertificate;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.res.StringManager;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.security.Escape;

Servlet that enables remote management of the web applications installed within the same virtual host as this web application is. Normally, this functionality will be protected by a security constraint in the web application deployment descriptor. However, this requirement can be relaxed during testing.

This servlet examines the value returned by getPathInfo() and related query parameters to determine what action is being requested. The following actions and parameters (starting after the servlet path) are supported:

  • /deploy?config={config-url} - Install and start a new web application, based on the contents of the context configuration file found at the specified URL. The docBase attribute of the context configuration file is used to locate the actual WAR or directory containing the application.
  • /deploy?config={config-url}&war={war-url}/ - Install and start a new web application, based on the contents of the context configuration file found at {config-url}, overriding the docBase attribute with the contents of the web application archive found at {war-url}.
  • /deploy?path=/xxx&war={war-url} - Install and start a new web application attached to context path /xxx, based on the contents of the web application archive found at the specified URL.
  • /list - List the context paths of all currently installed web applications for this virtual host. Each context will be listed with the following format path:status:sessions. Where path is the context path. Status is either running or stopped. Sessions is the number of active Sessions.
  • /reload?path=/xxx - Reload the Java classes and resources for the application at the specified path.
  • /resources?type=xxxx - Enumerate the available global JNDI resources, optionally limited to those of the specified type (fully qualified Java class name), if available.
  • /serverinfo - Display system OS and JVM properties.
  • /sessions - Deprecated. Use expire.
  • /expire?path=/xxx - List session idle time information about the web application attached to context path /xxx for this virtual host.
  • /expire?path=/xxx&idle=mm - Expire sessions for the context path /xxx which were idle for at least mm minutes.
  • /sslConnectorCiphers - Display diagnostic info on SSL/TLS ciphers that are currently configured for each connector.
  • /start?path=/xxx - Start the web application attached to context path /xxx for this virtual host.
  • /stop?path=/xxx - Stop the web application attached to context path /xxx for this virtual host.
  • /threaddump - Write a JVM thread dump.
  • /undeploy?path=/xxx - Shutdown and remove the web application attached to context path /xxx for this virtual host, and remove the underlying WAR file or document base directory. (NOTE - This is only allowed if the WAR file or document base is stored in the appBase directory of this host, typically as a result of being placed there via the /deploy command.
  • /vminfo - Write some VM info.
  • /save - Save the current server configuration to server.xml
  • /save?path=/xxx - Save the context configuration for the web application deployed with path /xxx to an appropriately named context.xml file in the xmlBase for the associated Host.

Use path=/ for the ROOT context.

The syntax of the URL for a web application archive must conform to one of the following patterns to be successfully deployed:

  • file:/absolute/path/to/a/directory - You can specify the absolute path of a directory that contains the unpacked version of a web application. This directory will be attached to the context path you specify without any changes.

NOTE - Attempting to reload or remove the application containing this servlet itself will not succeed. Therefore, this servlet should generally be deployed as a separate web application within the virtual host to be managed.

The following servlet initialization parameters are recognized:

  • debug - The debugging detail level that controls the amount of information that is logged by this servlet. Default is zero.
Author:Craig R. McClanahan, Remy Maucherat
/** * Servlet that enables remote management of the web applications installed * within the same virtual host as this web application is. Normally, this * functionality will be protected by a security constraint in the web * application deployment descriptor. However, this requirement can be * relaxed during testing. * <p> * This servlet examines the value returned by <code>getPathInfo()</code> * and related query parameters to determine what action is being requested. * The following actions and parameters (starting after the servlet path) * are supported: * <ul> * <li><b>/deploy?config={config-url}</b> - Install and start a new * web application, based on the contents of the context configuration * file found at the specified URL. The <code>docBase</code> attribute * of the context configuration file is used to locate the actual * WAR or directory containing the application.</li> * <li><b>/deploy?config={config-url}&amp;war={war-url}/</b> - Install and start * a new web application, based on the contents of the context * configuration file found at <code>{config-url}</code>, overriding the * <code>docBase</code> attribute with the contents of the web * application archive found at <code>{war-url}</code>.</li> * <li><b>/deploy?path=/xxx&amp;war={war-url}</b> - Install and start a new * web application attached to context path <code>/xxx</code>, based * on the contents of the web application archive found at the * specified URL.</li> * <li><b>/list</b> - List the context paths of all currently installed web * applications for this virtual host. Each context will be listed with * the following format <code>path:status:sessions</code>. * Where path is the context path. Status is either running or stopped. * Sessions is the number of active Sessions.</li> * <li><b>/reload?path=/xxx</b> - Reload the Java classes and resources for * the application at the specified path.</li> * <li><b>/resources?type=xxxx</b> - Enumerate the available global JNDI * resources, optionally limited to those of the specified type * (fully qualified Java class name), if available.</li> * <li><b>/serverinfo</b> - Display system OS and JVM properties. * <li><b>/sessions</b> - Deprecated. Use expire. * <li><b>/expire?path=/xxx</b> - List session idle time information about the * web application attached to context path <code>/xxx</code> for this * virtual host.</li> * <li><b>/expire?path=/xxx&amp;idle=mm</b> - Expire sessions * for the context path <code>/xxx</code> which were idle for at * least mm minutes.</li> * <li><b>/sslConnectorCiphers</b> - Display diagnostic info on SSL/TLS ciphers * that are currently configured for each connector. * <li><b>/start?path=/xxx</b> - Start the web application attached to * context path <code>/xxx</code> for this virtual host.</li> * <li><b>/stop?path=/xxx</b> - Stop the web application attached to * context path <code>/xxx</code> for this virtual host.</li> * <li><b>/threaddump</b> - Write a JVM thread dump.</li> * <li><b>/undeploy?path=/xxx</b> - Shutdown and remove the web application * attached to context path <code>/xxx</code> for this virtual host, * and remove the underlying WAR file or document base directory. * (<em>NOTE</em> - This is only allowed if the WAR file or document * base is stored in the <code>appBase</code> directory of this host, * typically as a result of being placed there via the <code>/deploy</code> * command.</li> * <li><b>/vminfo</b> - Write some VM info.</li> * <li><b>/save</b> - Save the current server configuration to server.xml</li> * <li><b>/save?path=/xxx</b> - Save the context configuration for the web * application deployed with path <code>/xxx</code> to an appropriately * named context.xml file in the <code>xmlBase</code> for the associated * Host.</li> * </ul> * <p>Use <code>path=/</code> for the ROOT context.</p> * <p>The syntax of the URL for a web application archive must conform to one * of the following patterns to be successfully deployed:</p> * <ul> * <li><b>file:/absolute/path/to/a/directory</b> - You can specify the absolute * path of a directory that contains the unpacked version of a web * application. This directory will be attached to the context path you * specify without any changes.</li> * </ul> * <p> * <b>NOTE</b> - Attempting to reload or remove the application containing * this servlet itself will not succeed. Therefore, this servlet should * generally be deployed as a separate web application within the virtual host * to be managed. * <p> * The following servlet initialization parameters are recognized: * <ul> * <li><b>debug</b> - The debugging detail level that controls the amount * of information that is logged by this servlet. Default is zero. * </ul> * * @author Craig R. McClanahan * @author Remy Maucherat */
public class ManagerServlet extends HttpServlet implements ContainerServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // ----------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables
Path where context descriptors should be deployed.
/** * Path where context descriptors should be deployed. */
protected File configBase = null;
The Context container associated with our web application.
/** * The Context container associated with our web application. */
protected transient Context context = null;
The debugging detail level for this servlet.
/** * The debugging detail level for this servlet. */
protected int debug = 1;
Path used to store revisions of webapps.
/** * Path used to store revisions of webapps. */
protected File versioned = null;
The associated host.
/** * The associated host. */
protected transient Host host = null;
MBean server.
/** * MBean server. */
protected transient MBeanServer mBeanServer = null;
The associated deployer ObjectName.
/** * The associated deployer ObjectName. */
protected ObjectName oname = null;
The global JNDI NamingContext for this server, if available.
/** * The global JNDI <code>NamingContext</code> for this server, * if available. */
protected transient javax.naming.Context global = null;
The string manager for this package.
/** * The string manager for this package. */
protected static final StringManager sm = StringManager.getManager(Constants.Package);
The Wrapper container associated with this servlet.
/** * The Wrapper container associated with this servlet. */
protected transient Wrapper wrapper = null; // ----------------------------------------------- ContainerServlet Methods
Return the Wrapper with which we are associated.
/** * Return the Wrapper with which we are associated. */
@Override public Wrapper getWrapper() { return this.wrapper; }
Set the Wrapper with which we are associated.
  • wrapper – The new wrapper
/** * Set the Wrapper with which we are associated. * * @param wrapper The new wrapper */
@Override public void setWrapper(Wrapper wrapper) { this.wrapper = wrapper; if (wrapper == null) { context = null; host = null; oname = null; } else { context = (Context) wrapper.getParent(); host = (Host) context.getParent(); Engine engine = (Engine) host.getParent(); String name = engine.getName() + ":type=Deployer,host=" + host.getName(); try { oname = new ObjectName(name); } catch (Exception e) { log(sm.getString("managerServlet.objectNameFail", name), e); } } // Retrieve the MBean server mBeanServer = Registry.getRegistry(null, null).getMBeanServer(); } // --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods
Finalize this servlet.
/** * Finalize this servlet. */
@Override public void destroy() { // No actions necessary }
Process a GET request for the specified resource.
  • request – The servlet request we are processing
  • response – The servlet response we are creating
/** * Process a GET request for the specified resource. * * @param request The servlet request we are processing * @param response The servlet response we are creating * * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs * @exception ServletException if a servlet-specified error occurs */
@Override public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { StringManager smClient = StringManager.getManager( Constants.Package, request.getLocales()); // Identify the request parameters that we need String command = request.getPathInfo(); if (command == null) command = request.getServletPath(); String path = request.getParameter("path"); String war = request.getParameter("war"); String config = request.getParameter("config"); ContextName cn = null; if (path != null) { cn = new ContextName(path, request.getParameter("version")); } else if (config != null) { cn = ContextName.extractFromPath(config); } else if (war != null) { cn = ContextName.extractFromPath(war); } String type = request.getParameter("type"); String tag = request.getParameter("tag"); boolean update = false; if ((request.getParameter("update") != null) && (request.getParameter("update").equals("true"))) { update = true; } String tlsHostName = request.getParameter("tlsHostName"); boolean statusLine = false; if ("true".equals(request.getParameter("statusLine"))) { statusLine = true; } // Prepare our output writer to generate the response message response.setContentType("text/plain; charset=" + Constants.CHARSET); // Stop older versions of IE thinking they know best. We set text/plain // in the line above for a reason. IE's behaviour is unwanted at best // and dangerous at worst. response.setHeader("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff"); PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter(); // Process the requested command if (command == null) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.noCommand")); } else if (command.equals("/deploy")) { if (war != null || config != null) { deploy(writer, config, cn, war, update, smClient); } else if (tag != null) { deploy(writer, cn, tag, smClient); } else { writer.println(smClient.getString( "managerServlet.invalidCommand", command)); } } else if (command.equals("/list")) { list(writer, smClient); } else if (command.equals("/reload")) { reload(writer, cn, smClient); } else if (command.equals("/resources")) { resources(writer, type, smClient); } else if (command.equals("/save")) { save(writer, path, smClient); } else if (command.equals("/serverinfo")) { serverinfo(writer, smClient); } else if (command.equals("/sessions")) { expireSessions(writer, cn, request, smClient); } else if (command.equals("/expire")) { expireSessions(writer, cn, request, smClient); } else if (command.equals("/start")) { start(writer, cn, smClient); } else if (command.equals("/stop")) { stop(writer, cn, smClient); } else if (command.equals("/undeploy")) { undeploy(writer, cn, smClient); } else if (command.equals("/findleaks")) { findleaks(statusLine, writer, smClient); } else if (command.equals("/vminfo")) { vmInfo(writer, smClient, request.getLocales()); } else if (command.equals("/threaddump")) { threadDump(writer, smClient, request.getLocales()); } else if (command.equals("/sslConnectorCiphers")) { sslConnectorCiphers(writer, smClient); } else if (command.equals("/sslConnectorCerts")) { sslConnectorCerts(writer, smClient); } else if (command.equals("/sslConnectorTrustedCerts")) { sslConnectorTrustedCerts(writer, smClient); } else if (command.equals("/sslReload")) { sslReload(writer, tlsHostName, smClient); } else { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.unknownCommand", command)); } // Finish up the response writer.flush(); writer.close(); }
Process a PUT request for the specified resource.
  • request – The servlet request we are processing
  • response – The servlet response we are creating
/** * Process a PUT request for the specified resource. * * @param request The servlet request we are processing * @param response The servlet response we are creating * * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs * @exception ServletException if a servlet-specified error occurs */
@Override public void doPut(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { StringManager smClient = StringManager.getManager( Constants.Package, request.getLocales()); // Identify the request parameters that we need String command = request.getPathInfo(); if (command == null) command = request.getServletPath(); String path = request.getParameter("path"); ContextName cn = null; if (path != null) { cn = new ContextName(path, request.getParameter("version")); } String config = request.getParameter("config"); String tag = request.getParameter("tag"); boolean update = false; if ((request.getParameter("update") != null) && (request.getParameter("update").equals("true"))) { update = true; } // Prepare our output writer to generate the response message response.setContentType("text/plain;charset="+Constants.CHARSET); // Stop older versions of IE thinking they know best. We set text/plain // in the line above for a reason. IE's behaviour is unwanted at best // and dangerous at worst. response.setHeader("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff"); PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter(); // Process the requested command if (command == null) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.noCommand")); } else if (command.equals("/deploy")) { deploy(writer, config, cn, tag, update, request, smClient); } else { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.unknownCommand", command)); } // Finish up the response writer.flush(); writer.close(); }
Initialize this servlet.
/** * Initialize this servlet. */
@Override public void init() throws ServletException { // Ensure that our ContainerServlet properties have been set if ((wrapper == null) || (context == null)) throw new UnavailableException( sm.getString("managerServlet.noWrapper")); // Set our properties from the initialization parameters String value = null; try { value = getServletConfig().getInitParameter("debug"); debug = Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); } // Acquire global JNDI resources if available Server server = ((Engine)host.getParent()).getService().getServer(); if (server != null) { global = server.getGlobalNamingContext(); } // Calculate the directory into which we will be deploying applications versioned = (File) getServletContext().getAttribute (ServletContext.TEMPDIR); configBase = new File(context.getCatalinaBase(), "conf"); Container container = context; Container host = null; Container engine = null; while (container != null) { if (container instanceof Host) host = container; if (container instanceof Engine) engine = container; container = container.getParent(); } if (engine != null) { configBase = new File(configBase, engine.getName()); } if (host != null) { configBase = new File(configBase, host.getName()); } // Note: The directory must exist for this to work. // Log debugging messages as necessary if (debug >= 1) { log("init: Associated with Deployer '" + oname + "'"); if (global != null) { log("init: Global resources are available"); } } } // -------------------------------------------------------- Private Methods
Find potential memory leaks caused by web application reload.
  • statusLine – Print a status line
  • writer – The output writer
  • smClient – StringManager for the client's locale
/** * Find potential memory leaks caused by web application reload. * * @param statusLine Print a status line * @param writer The output writer * @param smClient StringManager for the client's locale */
protected void findleaks(boolean statusLine, PrintWriter writer, StringManager smClient) { if (!(host instanceof StandardHost)) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.findleaksFail")); return; } String[] results = ((StandardHost) host).findReloadedContextMemoryLeaks(); if (results.length > 0) { if (statusLine) { writer.println( smClient.getString("managerServlet.findleaksList")); } for (String result : results) { if (result.isEmpty()) { result = "/"; } writer.println(result); } } else if (statusLine) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.findleaksNone")); } } protected void sslReload(PrintWriter writer, String tlsHostName, StringManager smClient) { Connector connectors[] = getConnectors(); boolean found = false; for (Connector connector : connectors) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(connector.getProperty("SSLEnabled"))) { ProtocolHandler protocol = connector.getProtocolHandler(); if (protocol instanceof AbstractHttp11Protocol<?>) { AbstractHttp11Protocol<?> http11Protoocol = (AbstractHttp11Protocol<?>) protocol; if (tlsHostName == null || tlsHostName.length() == 0) { found = true; http11Protoocol.reloadSslHostConfigs(); } else { SSLHostConfig[] sslHostConfigs = http11Protoocol.findSslHostConfigs(); for (SSLHostConfig sslHostConfig : sslHostConfigs) { if (sslHostConfig.getHostName().equalsIgnoreCase(tlsHostName)) { found = true; http11Protoocol.reloadSslHostConfig(tlsHostName); } } } } } } if (found) { if (tlsHostName == null || tlsHostName.length() == 0) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.sslReloadAll")); } else { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.sslReload", tlsHostName)); } } else { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.sslReloadFail")); } }
Write some VM info.
  • writer – The output writer
  • smClient – StringManager for the client's locale
  • requestedLocales – the client's locales
/** * Write some VM info. * * @param writer The output writer * @param smClient StringManager for the client's locale * @param requestedLocales the client's locales */
protected void vmInfo(PrintWriter writer, StringManager smClient, Enumeration<Locale> requestedLocales) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.vminfo")); writer.print(Diagnostics.getVMInfo(requestedLocales)); }
Write a JVM thread dump.
  • writer – The output writer
  • smClient – StringManager for the client's locale
  • requestedLocales – the client's locales
/** * Write a JVM thread dump. * * @param writer The output writer * @param smClient StringManager for the client's locale * @param requestedLocales the client's locales */
protected void threadDump(PrintWriter writer, StringManager smClient, Enumeration<Locale> requestedLocales) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.threaddump")); writer.print(Diagnostics.getThreadDump(requestedLocales)); } protected void sslConnectorCiphers(PrintWriter writer, StringManager smClient) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.sslConnectorCiphers")); Map<String,List<String>> connectorCiphers = getConnectorCiphers(smClient); for (Map.Entry<String,List<String>> entry : connectorCiphers.entrySet()) { writer.println(entry.getKey()); for (String cipher : entry.getValue()) { writer.print(" "); writer.println(cipher); } } } private void sslConnectorCerts(PrintWriter writer, StringManager smClient) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.sslConnectorCerts")); Map<String,List<String>> connectorCerts = getConnectorCerts(smClient); for (Map.Entry<String,List<String>> entry : connectorCerts.entrySet()) { writer.println(entry.getKey()); for (String cert : entry.getValue()) { writer.println(cert); } } } private void sslConnectorTrustedCerts(PrintWriter writer, StringManager smClient) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.sslConnectorTrustedCerts")); Map<String,List<String>> connectorTrustedCerts = getConnectorTrustedCerts(smClient); for (Map.Entry<String,List<String>> entry : connectorTrustedCerts.entrySet()) { writer.println(entry.getKey()); for (String cert : entry.getValue()) { writer.println(cert); } } }
Store server configuration.
  • writer – Destination for any user message(s) during this operation
  • path – Optional context path to save
  • smClient – i18n support for current client's locale
/** * Store server configuration. * * @param writer Destination for any user message(s) during this operation * @param path Optional context path to save * @param smClient i18n support for current client's locale */
protected synchronized void save(PrintWriter writer, String path, StringManager smClient) { ObjectName storeConfigOname; try { // Note: Hard-coded domain used since this object is per Server/JVM storeConfigOname = new ObjectName("Catalina:type=StoreConfig"); } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) { // Should never happen. The name above is valid. log(sm.getString("managerServlet.exception"), e); writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.exception", e.toString())); return; } if (!mBeanServer.isRegistered(storeConfigOname)) { writer.println(smClient.getString( "managerServlet.storeConfig.noMBean", storeConfigOname)); return; } if ((path == null) || path.length() == 0 || !path.startsWith("/")) { try { mBeanServer.invoke(storeConfigOname, "storeConfig", null, null); writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.saved")); } catch (Exception e) { log(sm.getString("managerServlet.error.storeConfig"), e); writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.exception", e.toString())); } } else { String contextPath = path; if (path.equals("/")) { contextPath = ""; } Context context = (Context) host.findChild(contextPath); if (context == null) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.noContext", path)); return; } try { Boolean result = (Boolean) mBeanServer.invoke(storeConfigOname, "store", new Object[] {context}, new String [] { "org.apache.catalina.Context"}); if (result.booleanValue()) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.savedContext", path)); } else { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.savedContextFail", path)); } } catch (Exception e) { log(sm.getString("managerServlet.error.storeContextConfig", path), e); writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.exception", e.toString())); } } }
Deploy a web application archive (included in the current request) at the specified context path.
  • writer – Writer to render results to
  • config – URL of the context configuration file to be installed
  • cn – Name of the application to be installed
  • tag – Tag to be associated with the webapp
  • update – Flag that indicates that any existing app should be replaced
  • request – Servlet request we are processing
  • smClient – i18n messages using the locale of the client
/** * Deploy a web application archive (included in the current request) * at the specified context path. * * @param writer Writer to render results to * @param config URL of the context configuration file to be installed * @param cn Name of the application to be installed * @param tag Tag to be associated with the webapp * @param update Flag that indicates that any existing app should be * replaced * @param request Servlet request we are processing * @param smClient i18n messages using the locale of the client */
protected synchronized void deploy (PrintWriter writer, String config, ContextName cn, String tag, boolean update, HttpServletRequest request, StringManager smClient) { if (config != null && config.length() == 0) { config = null; } if (debug >= 1) { if (config == null) { log("deploy: Deploying web application '" + cn + "'"); } else { log("deploy: Deploying web application '" + cn + "' " + "with context configuration at '" + config + "'"); } } // Validate the requested context path if (!validateContextName(cn, writer, smClient)) { return; } String name = cn.getName(); String baseName = cn.getBaseName(); String displayPath = cn.getDisplayName(); // If app exists deployment can only proceed if update is true // Note existing WAR will be deleted and then replaced Context context = (Context) host.findChild(name); if (context != null && !update) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.alreadyContext", displayPath)); return; } if (config != null && (config.startsWith("file:"))) { config = config.substring("file:".length()); } File deployedWar = new File(host.getAppBaseFile(), baseName + ".war"); // Determine full path for uploaded WAR File uploadedWar; if (tag == null) { if (update) { // Append ".tmp" to the file name so it won't get deployed if auto // deployment is enabled. It also means the old war won't get // deleted if the upload fails uploadedWar = new File(deployedWar.getAbsolutePath() + ".tmp"); if (uploadedWar.exists() && !uploadedWar.delete()) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.deleteFail", uploadedWar)); } } else { uploadedWar = deployedWar; } } else { File uploadPath = new File(versioned, tag); if (!uploadPath.mkdirs() && !uploadPath.isDirectory()) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.mkdirFail", uploadPath)); return; } uploadedWar = new File(uploadPath, baseName + ".war"); } if (debug >= 2) { log("Uploading WAR file to " + uploadedWar); } try { if (isServiced(name)) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.inService", displayPath)); } else { addServiced(name); try { if (config != null) { if (!configBase.mkdirs() && !configBase.isDirectory()) { writer.println(smClient.getString( "managerServlet.mkdirFail",configBase)); return; } if (ExpandWar.copy(new File(config), new File(configBase, baseName + ".xml")) == false) { throw new Exception(sm.getString("managerServlet.copyError", config)); } } // Upload WAR uploadWar(writer, request, uploadedWar, smClient); if (update && tag == null) { if (deployedWar.exists() && !deployedWar.delete()) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.deleteFail", deployedWar)); return; } // Rename uploaded WAR file if (!uploadedWar.renameTo(deployedWar)) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.renameFail", uploadedWar, deployedWar)); return; } } if (tag != null) { // Copy WAR to the host's appBase ExpandWar.copy(uploadedWar, deployedWar); } // Perform new deployment check(name); } finally { removeServiced(name); } } } catch (Exception e) { log(sm.getString("managerServlet.error.deploy", displayPath), e); writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.exception", e.toString())); return; } writeDeployResult(writer, smClient, name, displayPath); }
Install an application for the specified path from the specified web application archive.
  • writer – Writer to render results to
  • tag – Revision tag to deploy from
  • cn – Name of the application to be installed
  • smClient – i18n messages using the locale of the client
/** * Install an application for the specified path from the specified * web application archive. * * @param writer Writer to render results to * @param tag Revision tag to deploy from * @param cn Name of the application to be installed * @param smClient i18n messages using the locale of the client */
protected void deploy(PrintWriter writer, ContextName cn, String tag, StringManager smClient) { // NOTE: It is assumed that update is always true in this method. // Validate the requested context path if (!validateContextName(cn, writer, smClient)) { return; } String baseName = cn.getBaseName(); String name = cn.getName(); String displayPath = cn.getDisplayName(); // Find the local WAR file File localWar = new File(new File(versioned, tag), baseName + ".war"); File deployedWar = new File(host.getAppBaseFile(), baseName + ".war"); // Copy WAR to appBase try { if (isServiced(name)) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.inService", displayPath)); } else { addServiced(name); try { if (!deployedWar.delete()) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.deleteFail", deployedWar)); return; } ExpandWar.copy(localWar, deployedWar); // Perform new deployment check(name); } finally { removeServiced(name); } } } catch (Exception e) { log(sm.getString("managerServlet.error.deploy", displayPath), e); writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.exception", e.toString())); return; } writeDeployResult(writer, smClient, name, displayPath); }
Install an application for the specified path from the specified web application archive.
  • writer – Writer to render results to
  • config – URL of the context configuration file to be installed
  • cn – Name of the application to be installed
  • war – URL of the web application archive to be installed
  • update – true to override any existing webapp on the path
  • smClient – i18n messages using the locale of the client
/** * Install an application for the specified path from the specified * web application archive. * * @param writer Writer to render results to * @param config URL of the context configuration file to be installed * @param cn Name of the application to be installed * @param war URL of the web application archive to be installed * @param update true to override any existing webapp on the path * @param smClient i18n messages using the locale of the client */
protected void deploy(PrintWriter writer, String config, ContextName cn, String war, boolean update, StringManager smClient) { if (config != null && config.length() == 0) { config = null; } if (war != null && war.length() == 0) { war = null; } if (debug >= 1) { if (config != null) { if (war != null) { log("install: Installing context configuration at '" + config + "' from '" + war + "'"); } else { log("install: Installing context configuration at '" + config + "'"); } } else { if (cn != null) { log("install: Installing web application '" + cn + "' from '" + war + "'"); } else { log("install: Installing web application from '" + war + "'"); } } } if (!validateContextName(cn, writer, smClient)) { return; } @SuppressWarnings("null") // checked in call above String name = cn.getName(); String baseName = cn.getBaseName(); String displayPath = cn.getDisplayName(); // If app exists deployment can only proceed if update is true // Note existing files will be deleted and then replaced Context context = (Context) host.findChild(name); if (context != null && !update) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.alreadyContext", displayPath)); return; } if (config != null && (config.startsWith("file:"))) { config = config.substring("file:".length()); } if (war != null && (war.startsWith("file:"))) { war = war.substring("file:".length()); } try { if (isServiced(name)) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.inService", displayPath)); } else { addServiced(name); try { if (config != null) { if (!configBase.mkdirs() && !configBase.isDirectory()) { writer.println(smClient.getString( "managerServlet.mkdirFail",configBase)); return; } File localConfig = new File(configBase, baseName + ".xml"); if (localConfig.isFile() && !localConfig.delete()) { writer.println(smClient.getString( "managerServlet.deleteFail", localConfig)); return; } ExpandWar.copy(new File(config), localConfig); } if (war != null) { File localWar; if (war.endsWith(".war")) { localWar = new File(host.getAppBaseFile(), baseName + ".war"); } else { localWar = new File(host.getAppBaseFile(), baseName); } if (localWar.exists() && !ExpandWar.delete(localWar)) { writer.println(smClient.getString( "managerServlet.deleteFail", localWar)); return; } ExpandWar.copy(new File(war), localWar); } // Perform new deployment check(name); } finally { removeServiced(name); } } writeDeployResult(writer, smClient, name, displayPath); } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); log(sm.getString("managerServlet.error.deploy", displayPath), t); writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.exception", t.toString())); } } private void writeDeployResult(PrintWriter writer, StringManager smClient, String name, String displayPath) { Context deployed = (Context) host.findChild(name); if (deployed != null && deployed.getConfigured() && deployed.getState().isAvailable()) { writer.println(smClient.getString( "managerServlet.deployed", displayPath)); } else if (deployed!=null && !deployed.getState().isAvailable()) { writer.println(smClient.getString( "managerServlet.deployedButNotStarted", displayPath)); } else { // Something failed writer.println(smClient.getString( "managerServlet.deployFailed", displayPath)); } }
Render a list of the currently active Contexts in our virtual host.
  • writer – Writer to render to
  • smClient – i18n support for current client's locale
/** * Render a list of the currently active Contexts in our virtual host. * * @param writer Writer to render to * @param smClient i18n support for current client's locale */
protected void list(PrintWriter writer, StringManager smClient) { if (debug >= 1) log("list: Listing contexts for virtual host '" + host.getName() + "'"); writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.listed", host.getName())); Container[] contexts = host.findChildren(); for (Container container : contexts) { Context context = (Context) container; if (context != null) { String displayPath = context.getPath(); if (displayPath.equals("")) displayPath = "/"; List<String> parts = null; if (context.getState().isAvailable()) { parts = Arrays.asList( displayPath, "running", "" + context.getManager().findSessions().length, context.getDocBase()); } else { parts = Arrays.asList( displayPath, "stopped", "0", context.getDocBase()); } writer.println(StringUtils.join(parts, ':')); } } }
Reload the web application at the specified context path.
  • writer – Writer to render to
  • cn – Name of the application to be restarted
  • smClient – i18n support for current client's locale
/** * Reload the web application at the specified context path. * * @param writer Writer to render to * @param cn Name of the application to be restarted * @param smClient i18n support for current client's locale */
protected void reload(PrintWriter writer, ContextName cn, StringManager smClient) { if (debug >= 1) log("restart: Reloading web application '" + cn + "'"); if (!validateContextName(cn, writer, smClient)) { return; } try { Context context = (Context) host.findChild(cn.getName()); if (context == null) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.noContext", Escape.htmlElementContent(cn.getDisplayName()))); return; } // It isn't possible for the manager to reload itself if (context.getName().equals(this.context.getName())) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.noSelf")); return; } context.reload(); writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.reloaded", cn.getDisplayName())); } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); log(sm.getString("managerServlet.error.reload", cn.getDisplayName()), t); writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.exception", t.toString())); } }
Render a list of available global JNDI resources.
  • writer – Writer to render to
  • type – Fully qualified class name of the resource type of interest, or null to list resources of all types
  • smClient – i18n support for current client's locale
/** * Render a list of available global JNDI resources. * * @param writer Writer to render to * @param type Fully qualified class name of the resource type of interest, * or <code>null</code> to list resources of all types * @param smClient i18n support for current client's locale */
protected void resources(PrintWriter writer, String type, StringManager smClient) { if (debug >= 1) { if (type != null) { log("resources: Listing resources of type " + type); } else { log("resources: Listing resources of all types"); } } // Is the global JNDI resources context available? if (global == null) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.noGlobal")); return; } // Enumerate the global JNDI resources of the requested type if (type != null) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.resourcesType", type)); } else { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.resourcesAll")); } printResources(writer, "", global, type, smClient); }
List the resources of the given context.
  • writer – Writer to render to
  • prefix – Path for recursion
  • namingContext – The naming context for lookups
  • type – Fully qualified class name of the resource type of interest, or null to list resources of all types
  • smClient – i18n support for current client's locale
/** * List the resources of the given context. * @param writer Writer to render to * @param prefix Path for recursion * @param namingContext The naming context for lookups * @param type Fully qualified class name of the resource type of interest, * or <code>null</code> to list resources of all types * @param smClient i18n support for current client's locale */
protected void printResources(PrintWriter writer, String prefix, javax.naming.Context namingContext, String type, StringManager smClient) { try { NamingEnumeration<Binding> items = namingContext.listBindings(""); while (items.hasMore()) { Binding item = items.next(); Object obj = item.getObject(); if (obj instanceof javax.naming.Context) { printResources(writer, prefix + item.getName() + "/", (javax.naming.Context) obj, type, smClient); } else { if (type != null && (obj == null || !IntrospectionUtils.isInstance(obj.getClass(), type))) { continue; } writer.print(prefix + item.getName()); writer.print(':'); writer.print(item.getClassName()); // Do we want a description if available? writer.println(); } } } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); log(sm.getString("managerServlet.error.resources", type), t); writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.exception", t.toString())); } }
Writes System OS and JVM properties.
  • writer – Writer to render to
  • smClient – i18n support for current client's locale
/** * Writes System OS and JVM properties. * @param writer Writer to render to * @param smClient i18n support for current client's locale */
protected void serverinfo(PrintWriter writer, StringManager smClient) { if (debug >= 1) log("serverinfo"); try { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.serverInfo", ServerInfo.getServerInfo(), System.getProperty("os.name"), System.getProperty("os.version"), System.getProperty("os.arch"), System.getProperty("java.runtime.version"), System.getProperty("java.vm.vendor"))); } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); log(sm.getString("managerServlet.error.serverInfo"), t); writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.exception", t.toString())); } }
Session information for the web application at the specified context path. Displays a profile of session thisAccessedTime listing number of sessions for each 10 minute interval up to 10 hours.
  • writer – Writer to render to
  • cn – Name of the application to list session information for
  • idle – Expire all sessions with idle time > idle for this context
  • smClient – i18n support for current client's locale
/** * Session information for the web application at the specified context path. * Displays a profile of session thisAccessedTime listing number * of sessions for each 10 minute interval up to 10 hours. * * @param writer Writer to render to * @param cn Name of the application to list session information for * @param idle Expire all sessions with idle time &gt; idle for this context * @param smClient i18n support for current client's locale */
protected void sessions(PrintWriter writer, ContextName cn, int idle, StringManager smClient) { if (debug >= 1) { log("sessions: Session information for web application '" + cn + "'"); if (idle >= 0) log("sessions: Session expiration for " + idle + " minutes '" + cn + "'"); } if (!validateContextName(cn, writer, smClient)) { return; } String displayPath = cn.getDisplayName(); try { Context context = (Context) host.findChild(cn.getName()); if (context == null) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.noContext", Escape.htmlElementContent(displayPath))); return; } Manager manager = context.getManager() ; if(manager == null) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.noManager", Escape.htmlElementContent(displayPath))); return; } int maxCount = 60; int histoInterval = 1; int maxInactiveInterval = context.getSessionTimeout(); if (maxInactiveInterval > 0) { histoInterval = maxInactiveInterval / maxCount; if (histoInterval * maxCount < maxInactiveInterval) histoInterval++; if (0 == histoInterval) histoInterval = 1; maxCount = maxInactiveInterval / histoInterval; if (histoInterval * maxCount < maxInactiveInterval) maxCount++; } writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.sessions", displayPath)); writer.println(smClient.getString( "managerServlet.sessiondefaultmax", "" + maxInactiveInterval)); Session [] sessions = manager.findSessions(); int[] timeout = new int[maxCount + 1]; int notimeout = 0; int expired = 0; for (Session session : sessions) { int time = (int) (session.getIdleTimeInternal() / 1000L); if (idle >= 0 && time >= idle * 60) { session.expire(); expired++; } time = time / 60 / histoInterval; if (time < 0) notimeout++; else if (time >= maxCount) timeout[maxCount]++; else timeout[time]++; } if (timeout[0] > 0) writer.println(smClient.getString( "managerServlet.sessiontimeout", "<" + histoInterval, "" + timeout[0])); for (int i = 1; i < maxCount; i++) { if (timeout[i] > 0) writer.println(smClient.getString( "managerServlet.sessiontimeout", "" + (i)*histoInterval + " - <" + (i+1)*histoInterval, "" + timeout[i])); } if (timeout[maxCount] > 0) { writer.println(smClient.getString( "managerServlet.sessiontimeout", ">=" + maxCount*histoInterval, "" + timeout[maxCount])); } if (notimeout > 0) writer.println(smClient.getString( "managerServlet.sessiontimeout.unlimited", "" + notimeout)); if (idle >= 0) writer.println(smClient.getString( "managerServlet.sessiontimeout.expired", ">" + idle,"" + expired)); } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); log(sm.getString("managerServlet.error.sessions", displayPath), t); writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.exception", t.toString())); } }
Extract the expiration request parameter
  • writer – Writer to render to
  • cn – Name of the application to list session information for
  • req – The Servlet request
  • smClient – i18n support for current client's locale
/** * Extract the expiration request parameter * * @param writer Writer to render to * @param cn Name of the application to list session information for * @param req The Servlet request * @param smClient i18n support for current client's locale */
protected void expireSessions(PrintWriter writer, ContextName cn, HttpServletRequest req, StringManager smClient) { int idle = -1; String idleParam = req.getParameter("idle"); if (idleParam != null) { try { idle = Integer.parseInt(idleParam); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log(sm.getString("managerServlet.error.idleParam", idleParam)); } } sessions(writer, cn, idle, smClient); }
Start the web application at the specified context path.
  • writer – Writer to render to
  • cn – Name of the application to be started
  • smClient – i18n support for current client's locale
/** * Start the web application at the specified context path. * * @param writer Writer to render to * @param cn Name of the application to be started * @param smClient i18n support for current client's locale */
protected void start(PrintWriter writer, ContextName cn, StringManager smClient) { if (debug >= 1) log("start: Starting web application '" + cn + "'"); if (!validateContextName(cn, writer, smClient)) { return; } String displayPath = cn.getDisplayName(); try { Context context = (Context) host.findChild(cn.getName()); if (context == null) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.noContext", Escape.htmlElementContent(displayPath))); return; } context.start(); if (context.getState().isAvailable()) writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.started", displayPath)); else writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.startFailed", displayPath)); } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); log(sm.getString("managerServlet.error.start", displayPath), t); writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.startFailed", displayPath)); writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.exception", t.toString())); } }
Stop the web application at the specified context path.
  • writer – Writer to render to
  • cn – Name of the application to be stopped
  • smClient – i18n support for current client's locale
/** * Stop the web application at the specified context path. * * @param writer Writer to render to * @param cn Name of the application to be stopped * @param smClient i18n support for current client's locale */
protected void stop(PrintWriter writer, ContextName cn, StringManager smClient) { if (debug >= 1) log("stop: Stopping web application '" + cn + "'"); if (!validateContextName(cn, writer, smClient)) { return; } String displayPath = cn.getDisplayName(); try { Context context = (Context) host.findChild(cn.getName()); if (context == null) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.noContext", Escape.htmlElementContent(displayPath))); return; } // It isn't possible for the manager to stop itself if (context.getName().equals(this.context.getName())) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.noSelf")); return; } context.stop(); writer.println(smClient.getString( "managerServlet.stopped", displayPath)); } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); log(sm.getString("managerServlet.error.stop", displayPath), t); writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.exception", t.toString())); } }
Undeploy the web application at the specified context path.
  • writer – Writer to render to
  • cn – Name of the application to be removed
  • smClient – i18n support for current client's locale
/** * Undeploy the web application at the specified context path. * * @param writer Writer to render to * @param cn Name of the application to be removed * @param smClient i18n support for current client's locale */
protected void undeploy(PrintWriter writer, ContextName cn, StringManager smClient) { if (debug >= 1) log("undeploy: Undeploying web application at '" + cn + "'"); if (!validateContextName(cn, writer, smClient)) { return; } String name = cn.getName(); String baseName = cn.getBaseName(); String displayPath = cn.getDisplayName(); try { // Validate the Context of the specified application Context context = (Context) host.findChild(name); if (context == null) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.noContext", Escape.htmlElementContent(displayPath))); return; } if (!isDeployed(name)) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.notDeployed", Escape.htmlElementContent(displayPath))); return; } if (isServiced(name)) { writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.inService", displayPath)); } else { addServiced(name); try { // Try to stop the context first to be nicer context.stop(); } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); } try { File war = new File(host.getAppBaseFile(), baseName + ".war"); File dir = new File(host.getAppBaseFile(), baseName); File xml = new File(configBase, baseName + ".xml"); if (war.exists() && !war.delete()) { writer.println(smClient.getString( "managerServlet.deleteFail", war)); return; } else if (dir.exists() && !ExpandWar.delete(dir, false)) { writer.println(smClient.getString( "managerServlet.deleteFail", dir)); return; } else if (xml.exists() && !xml.delete()) { writer.println(smClient.getString( "managerServlet.deleteFail", xml)); return; } // Perform new deployment check(name); } finally { removeServiced(name); } } writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.undeployed", displayPath)); } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); log(sm.getString("managerServlet.error.undeploy", displayPath), t); writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.exception", t.toString())); } } // -------------------------------------------------------- Support Methods
Invoke the isDeployed method on the deployer.
  • name – The webapp name
Returns:true if a webapp with that name is deployed
/** * Invoke the isDeployed method on the deployer. * * @param name The webapp name * @return <code>true</code> if a webapp with that name is deployed * @throws Exception Propagate JMX invocation error */
protected boolean isDeployed(String name) throws Exception { String[] params = { name }; String[] signature = { "java.lang.String" }; Boolean result = (Boolean) mBeanServer.invoke(oname, "isDeployed", params, signature); return result.booleanValue(); }
Invoke the check method on the deployer.
  • name – The webapp name
/** * Invoke the check method on the deployer. * * @param name The webapp name * @throws Exception Propagate JMX invocation error */
protected void check(String name) throws Exception { String[] params = { name }; String[] signature = { "java.lang.String" }; mBeanServer.invoke(oname, "check", params, signature); }
Invoke the isServiced method on the deployer.
  • name – The webapp name
Returns:true if a webapp with that name is being serviced
/** * Invoke the isServiced method on the deployer. * * @param name The webapp name * @return <code>true</code> if a webapp with that name is being serviced * @throws Exception Propagate JMX invocation error */
protected boolean isServiced(String name) throws Exception { String[] params = { name }; String[] signature = { "java.lang.String" }; Boolean result = (Boolean) mBeanServer.invoke(oname, "isServiced", params, signature); return result.booleanValue(); }
Invoke the addServiced method on the deployer.
  • name – The webapp name
/** * Invoke the addServiced method on the deployer. * * @param name The webapp name * @throws Exception Propagate JMX invocation error */
protected void addServiced(String name) throws Exception { String[] params = { name }; String[] signature = { "java.lang.String" }; mBeanServer.invoke(oname, "addServiced", params, signature); }
Invoke the removeServiced method on the deployer.
  • name – The webapp name
/** * Invoke the removeServiced method on the deployer. * * @param name The webapp name * @throws Exception Propagate JMX invocation error */
protected void removeServiced(String name) throws Exception { String[] params = { name }; String[] signature = { "java.lang.String" }; mBeanServer.invoke(oname, "removeServiced", params, signature); }
Upload the WAR file included in this request, and store it at the specified file location.
  • writer – Writer to render to
  • request – The servlet request we are processing
  • war – The file into which we should store the uploaded WAR
  • smClient – The StringManager used to construct i18n messages based on the Locale of the client
  • IOException – if an I/O error occurs during processing
/** * Upload the WAR file included in this request, and store it at the * specified file location. * * @param writer Writer to render to * @param request The servlet request we are processing * @param war The file into which we should store the uploaded WAR * @param smClient The StringManager used to construct i18n messages based * on the Locale of the client * * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs during processing */
protected void uploadWar(PrintWriter writer, HttpServletRequest request, File war, StringManager smClient) throws IOException { if (war.exists() && !war.delete()) { String msg = smClient.getString("managerServlet.deleteFail", war); throw new IOException(msg); } try (ServletInputStream istream = request.getInputStream(); OutputStream ostream = new FileOutputStream(war)) { IOTools.flow(istream, ostream); } catch (IOException e) { if (war.exists() && !war.delete()) { writer.println( smClient.getString("managerServlet.deleteFail", war)); } throw e; } } protected static boolean validateContextName(ContextName cn, PrintWriter writer, StringManager smClient) { // ContextName should be non-null with a path that is empty or starts // with / if (cn != null && (cn.getPath().startsWith("/") || cn.getPath().equals(""))) { return true; } String path = null; if (cn != null) { path = Escape.htmlElementContent(cn.getPath()); } writer.println(smClient.getString("managerServlet.invalidPath", path)); return false; } protected Map<String,List<String>> getConnectorCiphers(StringManager smClient) { Map<String,List<String>> result = new HashMap<>(); Connector connectors[] = getConnectors(); for (Connector connector : connectors) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(connector.getProperty("SSLEnabled"))) { SSLHostConfig[] sslHostConfigs = connector.getProtocolHandler().findSslHostConfigs(); for (SSLHostConfig sslHostConfig : sslHostConfigs) { String name = connector.toString() + "-" + sslHostConfig.getHostName(); /* Add cipher list, keep order but remove duplicates */ result.put(name, new ArrayList<>(new LinkedHashSet<>( Arrays.asList(sslHostConfig.getEnabledCiphers())))); } } else { ArrayList<String> cipherList = new ArrayList<>(1); cipherList.add(smClient.getString("managerServlet.notSslConnector")); result.put(connector.toString(), cipherList); } } return result; } protected Map<String,List<String>> getConnectorCerts(StringManager smClient) { Map<String,List<String>> result = new HashMap<>(); Connector connectors[] = getConnectors(); for (Connector connector : connectors) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(connector.getProperty("SSLEnabled"))) { SSLHostConfig[] sslHostConfigs = connector.getProtocolHandler().findSslHostConfigs(); for (SSLHostConfig sslHostConfig : sslHostConfigs) { if (sslHostConfig.getOpenSslContext().longValue() == 0) { // Not set. Must be JSSE based. Set<SSLHostConfigCertificate> sslHostConfigCerts = sslHostConfig.getCertificates(); for (SSLHostConfigCertificate sslHostConfigCert : sslHostConfigCerts) { String name = connector.toString() + "-" + sslHostConfig.getHostName() + "-" + sslHostConfigCert.getType(); List<String> certList = new ArrayList<>(); SSLContext sslContext = sslHostConfigCert.getSslContext(); String alias = sslHostConfigCert.getCertificateKeyAlias(); if (alias == null) { alias = "tomcat"; } X509Certificate[] certs = sslContext.getCertificateChain(alias); if (certs == null) { certList.add(smClient.getString("managerServlet.certsNotAvailable")); } else { for (Certificate cert : certs) { certList.add(cert.toString()); } } result.put(name, certList); } } else { List<String> certList = new ArrayList<>(); certList.add(smClient.getString("managerServlet.certsNotAvailable")); String name = connector.toString() + "-" + sslHostConfig.getHostName(); result.put(name, certList); } } } else { List<String> certList = new ArrayList<>(1); certList.add(smClient.getString("managerServlet.notSslConnector")); result.put(connector.toString(), certList); } } return result; } protected Map<String,List<String>> getConnectorTrustedCerts(StringManager smClient) { Map<String,List<String>> result = new HashMap<>(); Connector connectors[] = getConnectors(); for (Connector connector : connectors) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(connector.getProperty("SSLEnabled"))) { SSLHostConfig[] sslHostConfigs = connector.getProtocolHandler().findSslHostConfigs(); for (SSLHostConfig sslHostConfig : sslHostConfigs) { String name = connector.toString() + "-" + sslHostConfig.getHostName(); List<String> certList = new ArrayList<>(); if (sslHostConfig.getOpenSslContext().longValue() == 0) { // Not set. Must be JSSE based. SSLContext sslContext = sslHostConfig.getCertificates().iterator().next().getSslContext(); X509Certificate[] certs = sslContext.getAcceptedIssuers(); if (certs == null) { certList.add(smClient.getString("managerServlet.certsNotAvailable")); } else if (certs.length == 0) { certList.add(smClient.getString("managerServlet.trustedCertsNotConfigured")); } else { for (Certificate cert : certs) { certList.add(cert.toString()); } } } else { certList.add(smClient.getString("managerServlet.certsNotAvailable")); } result.put(name, certList); } } else { List<String> certList = new ArrayList<>(1); certList.add(smClient.getString("managerServlet.notSslConnector")); result.put(connector.toString(), certList); } } return result; } private Connector[] getConnectors() { Engine e = (Engine) host.getParent(); Service s = e.getService(); return s.findConnectors(); } }