 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.lucene.index;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.lucene.codecs.DocValuesProducer;
import org.apache.lucene.codecs.FieldsProducer;
import org.apache.lucene.codecs.NormsProducer;
import org.apache.lucene.codecs.PointsReader;
import org.apache.lucene.codecs.StoredFieldsReader;
import org.apache.lucene.codecs.TermVectorsReader;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Sort;
import org.apache.lucene.search.SortField;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Bits;
import org.apache.lucene.util.FixedBitSet;
import org.apache.lucene.util.IOSupplier;
import org.apache.lucene.util.packed.PackedInts;

import static org.apache.lucene.search.DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS;

An CodecReader which supports sorting documents by a given Sort. This can be used to re-sort and index after it's been created by wrapping all readers of the index with this reader and adding it to a fresh IndexWriter via IndexWriter.addIndexes(CodecReader...). NOTE: This reader should only be used for merging. Pulling fields from this reader might be very costly and memory intensive.
/** * An {@link org.apache.lucene.index.CodecReader} which supports sorting documents by a given * {@link Sort}. This can be used to re-sort and index after it's been created by wrapping all * readers of the index with this reader and adding it to a fresh IndexWriter via * {@link IndexWriter#addIndexes(CodecReader...)}. * NOTE: This reader should only be used for merging. Pulling fields from this reader might be very costly and memory * intensive. * * @lucene.experimental */
public final class SortingCodecReader extends FilterCodecReader { private static class SortingBits implements Bits { private final Bits in; private final Sorter.DocMap docMap; SortingBits(final Bits in, Sorter.DocMap docMap) { this.in = in; this.docMap = docMap; } @Override public boolean get(int index) { return in.get(docMap.newToOld(index)); } @Override public int length() { return in.length(); } } private static class SortingPointValues extends PointValues { private final PointValues in; private final Sorter.DocMap docMap; SortingPointValues(final PointValues in, Sorter.DocMap docMap) { this.in = in; this.docMap = docMap; } @Override public void intersect(IntersectVisitor visitor) throws IOException { in.intersect(new IntersectVisitor() { @Override public void visit(int docID) throws IOException { visitor.visit(docMap.oldToNew(docID)); } @Override public void visit(int docID, byte[] packedValue) throws IOException { visitor.visit(docMap.oldToNew(docID), packedValue); } @Override public Relation compare(byte[] minPackedValue, byte[] maxPackedValue) { return visitor.compare(minPackedValue, maxPackedValue); } }); } @Override public long estimatePointCount(IntersectVisitor visitor) { return in.estimatePointCount(visitor); } @Override public byte[] getMinPackedValue() throws IOException { return in.getMinPackedValue(); } @Override public byte[] getMaxPackedValue() throws IOException { return in.getMaxPackedValue(); } @Override public int getNumDimensions() throws IOException { return in.getNumDimensions(); } @Override public int getNumIndexDimensions() throws IOException { return in.getNumIndexDimensions(); } @Override public int getBytesPerDimension() throws IOException { return in.getBytesPerDimension(); } @Override public long size() { return in.size(); } @Override public int getDocCount() { return in.getDocCount(); } }
Return a sorted view of reader according to the order defined by sort. If the reader is already sorted, this method might return the reader as-is.
/** Return a sorted view of <code>reader</code> according to the order * defined by <code>sort</code>. If the reader is already sorted, this * method might return the reader as-is. */
public static CodecReader wrap(CodecReader reader, Sort sort) throws IOException { return wrap(reader, new Sorter(sort).sort(reader), sort); }
Expert: same as wrap(CodecReader, Sort) but operates directly on a DocMap.
/** Expert: same as {@link #wrap(org.apache.lucene.index.CodecReader, Sort)} but operates directly on a {@link Sorter.DocMap}. */
static CodecReader wrap(CodecReader reader, Sorter.DocMap docMap, Sort sort) { LeafMetaData metaData = reader.getMetaData(); LeafMetaData newMetaData = new LeafMetaData(metaData.getCreatedVersionMajor(), metaData.getMinVersion(), sort); if (docMap == null) { // the reader is already sorted return new FilterCodecReader(reader) { @Override public CacheHelper getCoreCacheHelper() { return null; } @Override public CacheHelper getReaderCacheHelper() { return null; } @Override public LeafMetaData getMetaData() { return newMetaData; } @Override public String toString() { return "SortingCodecReader(" + in + ")"; } }; } if (reader.maxDoc() != docMap.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("reader.maxDoc() should be equal to docMap.size(), got" + reader.maxDoc() + " != " + docMap.size()); } assert Sorter.isConsistent(docMap); return new SortingCodecReader(reader, docMap, newMetaData); } final Sorter.DocMap docMap; // pkg-protected to avoid synthetic accessor methods final LeafMetaData metaData; private SortingCodecReader(final CodecReader in, final Sorter.DocMap docMap, LeafMetaData metaData) { super(in); this.docMap = docMap; this.metaData = metaData; } @Override public FieldsProducer getPostingsReader() { FieldsProducer postingsReader = in.getPostingsReader(); return new FieldsProducer() { @Override public void close() throws IOException { postingsReader.close(); } @Override public void checkIntegrity() throws IOException { postingsReader.checkIntegrity(); } @Override public Iterator<String> iterator() { return postingsReader.iterator(); } @Override public Terms terms(String field) throws IOException { Terms terms = postingsReader.terms(field); return terms == null ? null : new FreqProxTermsWriter.SortingTerms(terms, in.getFieldInfos().fieldInfo(field).getIndexOptions(), docMap); } @Override public int size() { return postingsReader.size(); } @Override public long ramBytesUsed() { return postingsReader.ramBytesUsed(); } }; } @Override public StoredFieldsReader getFieldsReader() { StoredFieldsReader delegate = in.getFieldsReader(); return newStoredFieldsReader(delegate); } private StoredFieldsReader newStoredFieldsReader(StoredFieldsReader delegate) { return new StoredFieldsReader() { @Override public void visitDocument(int docID, StoredFieldVisitor visitor) throws IOException { delegate.visitDocument(docMap.newToOld(docID), visitor); } @Override public StoredFieldsReader clone() { return newStoredFieldsReader(delegate.clone()); } @Override public void checkIntegrity() throws IOException { delegate.checkIntegrity(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { delegate.close(); } @Override public long ramBytesUsed() { return delegate.ramBytesUsed(); } }; } @Override public Bits getLiveDocs() { final Bits inLiveDocs = in.getLiveDocs(); if (inLiveDocs == null) { return null; } else { return new SortingBits(inLiveDocs, docMap); } } @Override public PointsReader getPointsReader() { final PointsReader delegate = in.getPointsReader(); return new PointsReader() { @Override public void checkIntegrity() throws IOException { delegate.checkIntegrity(); } @Override public PointValues getValues(String field) throws IOException { return new SortingPointValues(delegate.getValues(field), docMap); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { delegate.close(); } @Override public long ramBytesUsed() { return delegate.ramBytesUsed(); } }; } @Override public NormsProducer getNormsReader() { final NormsProducer delegate = in.getNormsReader(); return new NormsProducer() { @Override public NumericDocValues getNorms(FieldInfo field) throws IOException { return new NumericDocValuesWriter.SortingNumericDocValues(getOrCreateNorms(field.name, () -> getNumericDocValues(delegate.getNorms(field)))); } @Override public void checkIntegrity() throws IOException { delegate.checkIntegrity(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { delegate.close(); } @Override public long ramBytesUsed() { return delegate.ramBytesUsed(); } }; } @Override public DocValuesProducer getDocValuesReader() { final DocValuesProducer delegate = in.getDocValuesReader(); return new DocValuesProducer() { @Override public NumericDocValues getNumeric(FieldInfo field) throws IOException { return new NumericDocValuesWriter.SortingNumericDocValues(getOrCreateDV(field.name, () -> getNumericDocValues(delegate.getNumeric(field)))); } @Override public BinaryDocValues getBinary(FieldInfo field) throws IOException { return new BinaryDocValuesWriter.SortingBinaryDocValues(getOrCreateDV(field.name, () -> new BinaryDocValuesWriter.BinaryDVs(maxDoc(), docMap, delegate.getBinary(field)))); } @Override public SortedDocValues getSorted(FieldInfo field) throws IOException { SortedDocValues oldDocValues = delegate.getSorted(field); return new SortedDocValuesWriter.SortingSortedDocValues(oldDocValues, getOrCreateDV(field.name, () -> { int[] ords = new int[maxDoc()]; Arrays.fill(ords, -1); int docID; while ((docID = oldDocValues.nextDoc()) != NO_MORE_DOCS) { int newDocID = docMap.oldToNew(docID); ords[newDocID] = oldDocValues.ordValue(); } return ords; })); } @Override public SortedNumericDocValues getSortedNumeric(FieldInfo field) throws IOException { final SortedNumericDocValues oldDocValues = delegate.getSortedNumeric(field); return new SortedNumericDocValuesWriter.SortingSortedNumericDocValues(oldDocValues, getOrCreateDV(field.name, () -> new SortedNumericDocValuesWriter.LongValues(maxDoc(), docMap, oldDocValues, PackedInts.FAST))); } @Override public SortedSetDocValues getSortedSet(FieldInfo field) throws IOException { SortedSetDocValues oldDocValues = delegate.getSortedSet(field); return new SortedSetDocValuesWriter.SortingSortedSetDocValues(oldDocValues, getOrCreateDV(field.name, () -> new SortedSetDocValuesWriter.DocOrds(maxDoc(), docMap, oldDocValues, PackedInts.FAST))); } @Override public void checkIntegrity() throws IOException { delegate.checkIntegrity(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { delegate.close(); } @Override public long ramBytesUsed() { return delegate.ramBytesUsed(); } }; } private NumericDocValuesWriter.NumericDVs getNumericDocValues(NumericDocValues oldNumerics) throws IOException { FixedBitSet docsWithField = new FixedBitSet(maxDoc()); long[] values = new long[maxDoc()]; int docID; while ((docID = oldNumerics.nextDoc()) != NO_MORE_DOCS) { int newDocID = docMap.oldToNew(docID); docsWithField.set(newDocID); values[newDocID] = oldNumerics.longValue(); } return new NumericDocValuesWriter.NumericDVs(values, docsWithField); } @Override public TermVectorsReader getTermVectorsReader() { return newTermVectorsReader(in.getTermVectorsReader()); } private TermVectorsReader newTermVectorsReader(TermVectorsReader delegate) { return new TermVectorsReader() { @Override public Fields get(int doc) throws IOException { return delegate.get(docMap.newToOld(doc)); } @Override public void checkIntegrity() throws IOException { delegate.checkIntegrity(); } @Override public TermVectorsReader clone() { return newTermVectorsReader(delegate.clone()); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { delegate.close(); } @Override public long ramBytesUsed() { return delegate.ramBytesUsed(); } }; } @Override public String toString() { return "SortingCodecReader(" + in + ")"; } // no caching on sorted views @Override public CacheHelper getCoreCacheHelper() { return null; } @Override public CacheHelper getReaderCacheHelper() { return null; } @Override public LeafMetaData getMetaData() { return metaData; } // we try to cache the last used DV or Norms instance since during merge // this instance is used more than once. We could in addition to this single instance // also cache the fields that are used for sorting since we do the work twice for these fields private String cachedField; private Object cachedObject; private boolean cacheIsNorms; private <T> T getOrCreateNorms(String field, IOSupplier<T> supplier) throws IOException { return getOrCreate(field, true, supplier); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private synchronized <T> T getOrCreate(String field, boolean norms, IOSupplier<T> supplier) throws IOException { if ((field.equals(cachedField) && cacheIsNorms == norms) == false) { assert assertCreatedOnlyOnce(field, norms); cachedObject = supplier.get(); cachedField = field; cacheIsNorms = norms; } assert cachedObject != null; return (T) cachedObject; } private final Map<String, Integer> cacheStats = new HashMap<>(); // only with assertions enabled private boolean assertCreatedOnlyOnce(String field, boolean norms) { assert Thread.holdsLock(this); // this is mainly there to make sure we change anything in the way we merge we realize it early Integer timesCached = cacheStats.compute(field + "N:" + norms, (s, i) -> i == null ? 1 : i.intValue() + 1); if (timesCached > 1) { assert norms == false :"[" + field + "] norms must not be cached twice"; boolean isSortField = false; for (SortField sf : metaData.getSort().getSort()) { if (field.equals(sf.getField())) { isSortField = true; break; } } assert timesCached == 2 : "[" + field + "] must not be cached more than twice but was cached: " + timesCached + " times isSortField: " + isSortField; assert isSortField : "only sort fields should be cached twice but [" + field + "] is not a sort field"; } return true; } private <T> T getOrCreateDV(String field, IOSupplier<T> supplier) throws IOException { return getOrCreate(field, false, supplier); } }