 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene84;

import static org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene84.ForUtil.BLOCK_SIZE;
import static org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene84.Lucene84PostingsFormat.DOC_CODEC;
import static org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene84.Lucene84PostingsFormat.MAX_SKIP_LEVELS;
import static org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene84.Lucene84PostingsFormat.PAY_CODEC;
import static org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene84.Lucene84PostingsFormat.POS_CODEC;
import static org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene84.Lucene84PostingsFormat.TERMS_CODEC;
import static org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene84.Lucene84PostingsFormat.VERSION_COMPRESSED_TERMS_DICT_IDS;
import static org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene84.Lucene84PostingsFormat.VERSION_CURRENT;
import static org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene84.Lucene84PostingsFormat.VERSION_START;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;

import org.apache.lucene.codecs.BlockTermState;
import org.apache.lucene.codecs.CodecUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.codecs.PostingsReaderBase;
import org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene84.Lucene84PostingsFormat.IntBlockTermState;
import org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfo;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Impacts;
import org.apache.lucene.index.ImpactsEnum;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexFileNames;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexOptions;
import org.apache.lucene.index.PostingsEnum;
import org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentReadState;
import org.apache.lucene.index.SlowImpactsEnum;
import org.apache.lucene.store.DataInput;
import org.apache.lucene.store.IndexInput;
import org.apache.lucene.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BitUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.IOUtils;
import org.apache.lucene.util.RamUsageEstimator;

Concrete class that reads docId(maybe frq,pos,offset,payloads) list with postings format.
/** * Concrete class that reads docId(maybe frq,pos,offset,payloads) list * with postings format. * * @lucene.experimental */
public final class Lucene84PostingsReader extends PostingsReaderBase { private static final long BASE_RAM_BYTES_USED = RamUsageEstimator.shallowSizeOfInstance(Lucene84PostingsReader.class); private final IndexInput docIn; private final IndexInput posIn; private final IndexInput payIn; private final int version;
Sole constructor.
/** Sole constructor. */
public Lucene84PostingsReader(SegmentReadState state) throws IOException { boolean success = false; IndexInput docIn = null; IndexInput posIn = null; IndexInput payIn = null; // NOTE: these data files are too costly to verify checksum against all the bytes on open, // but for now we at least verify proper structure of the checksum footer: which looks // for FOOTER_MAGIC + algorithmID. This is cheap and can detect some forms of corruption // such as file truncation. String docName = IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(state.segmentInfo.name, state.segmentSuffix, Lucene84PostingsFormat.DOC_EXTENSION); try { docIn = state.directory.openInput(docName, state.context); version = CodecUtil.checkIndexHeader(docIn, DOC_CODEC, VERSION_START, VERSION_CURRENT, state.segmentInfo.getId(), state.segmentSuffix); CodecUtil.retrieveChecksum(docIn); if (state.fieldInfos.hasProx()) { String proxName = IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(state.segmentInfo.name, state.segmentSuffix, Lucene84PostingsFormat.POS_EXTENSION); posIn = state.directory.openInput(proxName, state.context); CodecUtil.checkIndexHeader(posIn, POS_CODEC, version, version, state.segmentInfo.getId(), state.segmentSuffix); CodecUtil.retrieveChecksum(posIn); if (state.fieldInfos.hasPayloads() || state.fieldInfos.hasOffsets()) { String payName = IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(state.segmentInfo.name, state.segmentSuffix, Lucene84PostingsFormat.PAY_EXTENSION); payIn = state.directory.openInput(payName, state.context); CodecUtil.checkIndexHeader(payIn, PAY_CODEC, version, version, state.segmentInfo.getId(), state.segmentSuffix); CodecUtil.retrieveChecksum(payIn); } } this.docIn = docIn; this.posIn = posIn; this.payIn = payIn; success = true; } finally { if (!success) { IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(docIn, posIn, payIn); } } } @Override public void init(IndexInput termsIn, SegmentReadState state) throws IOException { // Make sure we are talking to the matching postings writer CodecUtil.checkIndexHeader(termsIn, TERMS_CODEC, VERSION_START, VERSION_CURRENT, state.segmentInfo.getId(), state.segmentSuffix); final int indexBlockSize = termsIn.readVInt(); if (indexBlockSize != BLOCK_SIZE) { throw new IllegalStateException("index-time BLOCK_SIZE (" + indexBlockSize + ") != read-time BLOCK_SIZE (" + BLOCK_SIZE + ")"); } }
Read values that have been written using variable-length encoding instead of bit-packing.
/** * Read values that have been written using variable-length encoding instead of bit-packing. */
static void readVIntBlock(IndexInput docIn, long[] docBuffer, long[] freqBuffer, int num, boolean indexHasFreq) throws IOException { if (indexHasFreq) { for(int i=0;i<num;i++) { final int code = docIn.readVInt(); docBuffer[i] = code >>> 1; if ((code & 1) != 0) { freqBuffer[i] = 1; } else { freqBuffer[i] = docIn.readVInt(); } } } else { for(int i=0;i<num;i++) { docBuffer[i] = docIn.readVInt(); } } } static void prefixSum(long[] buffer, int count, long base) { buffer[0] += base; for (int i = 1; i < count; ++i) { buffer[i] += buffer[i-1]; } } static int findFirstGreater(long[] buffer, int target, int from) { for (int i = from; i < BLOCK_SIZE; ++i) { if (buffer[i] >= target) { return i; } } return BLOCK_SIZE; } @Override public BlockTermState newTermState() { return new IntBlockTermState(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { IOUtils.close(docIn, posIn, payIn); } @Override public void decodeTerm(DataInput in, FieldInfo fieldInfo, BlockTermState _termState, boolean absolute) throws IOException { final IntBlockTermState termState = (IntBlockTermState) _termState; final boolean fieldHasPositions = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS) >= 0; final boolean fieldHasOffsets = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS) >= 0; final boolean fieldHasPayloads = fieldInfo.hasPayloads(); if (absolute) { termState.docStartFP = 0; termState.posStartFP = 0; termState.payStartFP = 0; } if (version >= VERSION_COMPRESSED_TERMS_DICT_IDS) { final long l = in.readVLong(); if ((l & 0x01) == 0) { termState.docStartFP += l >>> 1; if (termState.docFreq == 1) { termState.singletonDocID = in.readVInt(); } else { termState.singletonDocID = -1; } } else { assert absolute == false; assert termState.singletonDocID != -1; termState.singletonDocID += BitUtil.zigZagDecode(l >>> 1); } } else { termState.docStartFP += in.readVLong(); } if (fieldHasPositions) { termState.posStartFP += in.readVLong(); if (fieldHasOffsets || fieldHasPayloads) { termState.payStartFP += in.readVLong(); } } if (version < VERSION_COMPRESSED_TERMS_DICT_IDS) { if (termState.docFreq == 1) { termState.singletonDocID = in.readVInt(); } else { termState.singletonDocID = -1; } } if (fieldHasPositions) { if (termState.totalTermFreq > BLOCK_SIZE) { termState.lastPosBlockOffset = in.readVLong(); } else { termState.lastPosBlockOffset = -1; } } if (termState.docFreq > BLOCK_SIZE) { termState.skipOffset = in.readVLong(); } else { termState.skipOffset = -1; } } @Override public PostingsEnum postings(FieldInfo fieldInfo, BlockTermState termState, PostingsEnum reuse, int flags) throws IOException { boolean indexHasPositions = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS) >= 0; if (indexHasPositions == false || PostingsEnum.featureRequested(flags, PostingsEnum.POSITIONS) == false) { BlockDocsEnum docsEnum; if (reuse instanceof BlockDocsEnum) { docsEnum = (BlockDocsEnum) reuse; if (!docsEnum.canReuse(docIn, fieldInfo)) { docsEnum = new BlockDocsEnum(fieldInfo); } } else { docsEnum = new BlockDocsEnum(fieldInfo); } return docsEnum.reset((IntBlockTermState) termState, flags); } else { EverythingEnum everythingEnum; if (reuse instanceof EverythingEnum) { everythingEnum = (EverythingEnum) reuse; if (!everythingEnum.canReuse(docIn, fieldInfo)) { everythingEnum = new EverythingEnum(fieldInfo); } } else { everythingEnum = new EverythingEnum(fieldInfo); } return everythingEnum.reset((IntBlockTermState) termState, flags); } } @Override public ImpactsEnum impacts(FieldInfo fieldInfo, BlockTermState state, int flags) throws IOException { if (state.docFreq <= BLOCK_SIZE) { // no skip data return new SlowImpactsEnum(postings(fieldInfo, state, null, flags)); } final boolean indexHasPositions = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS) >= 0; final boolean indexHasOffsets = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS) >= 0; final boolean indexHasPayloads = fieldInfo.hasPayloads(); if (indexHasPositions == false || PostingsEnum.featureRequested(flags, PostingsEnum.POSITIONS) == false) { return new BlockImpactsDocsEnum(fieldInfo, (IntBlockTermState) state); } if (indexHasPositions && PostingsEnum.featureRequested(flags, PostingsEnum.POSITIONS) && (indexHasOffsets == false || PostingsEnum.featureRequested(flags, PostingsEnum.OFFSETS) == false) && (indexHasPayloads == false || PostingsEnum.featureRequested(flags, PostingsEnum.PAYLOADS) == false)) { return new BlockImpactsPostingsEnum(fieldInfo, (IntBlockTermState) state); } return new BlockImpactsEverythingEnum(fieldInfo, (IntBlockTermState) state, flags); } final class BlockDocsEnum extends PostingsEnum { final ForUtil forUtil = new ForUtil(); final ForDeltaUtil forDeltaUtil = new ForDeltaUtil(forUtil); final PForUtil pforUtil = new PForUtil(forUtil); private final long[] docBuffer = new long[BLOCK_SIZE+1]; private final long[] freqBuffer = new long[BLOCK_SIZE]; private int docBufferUpto; private Lucene84SkipReader skipper; private boolean skipped; final IndexInput startDocIn; IndexInput docIn; final boolean indexHasFreq; final boolean indexHasPos; final boolean indexHasOffsets; final boolean indexHasPayloads; private int docFreq; // number of docs in this posting list private long totalTermFreq; // sum of freqBuffer in this posting list (or docFreq when omitted) private int blockUpto; // number of docs in or before the current block private int doc; // doc we last read private long accum; // accumulator for doc deltas // Where this term's postings start in the .doc file: private long docTermStartFP; // Where this term's skip data starts (after // docTermStartFP) in the .doc file (or -1 if there is // no skip data for this term): private long skipOffset; // docID for next skip point, we won't use skipper if // target docID is not larger than this private int nextSkipDoc; private boolean needsFreq; // true if the caller actually needs frequencies // as we read freqBuffer lazily, isFreqsRead shows if freqBuffer are read for the current block // always true when we don't have freqBuffer (indexHasFreq=false) or don't need freqBuffer (needsFreq=false) private boolean isFreqsRead; private int singletonDocID; // docid when there is a single pulsed posting, otherwise -1 public BlockDocsEnum(FieldInfo fieldInfo) throws IOException { this.startDocIn = Lucene84PostingsReader.this.docIn; this.docIn = null; indexHasFreq = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS) >= 0; indexHasPos = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS) >= 0; indexHasOffsets = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS) >= 0; indexHasPayloads = fieldInfo.hasPayloads(); // We set the last element of docBuffer to NO_MORE_DOCS, it helps save conditionals in advance() docBuffer[BLOCK_SIZE] = NO_MORE_DOCS; } public boolean canReuse(IndexInput docIn, FieldInfo fieldInfo) { return docIn == startDocIn && indexHasFreq == (fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS) >= 0) && indexHasPos == (fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS) >= 0) && indexHasPayloads == fieldInfo.hasPayloads(); } public PostingsEnum reset(IntBlockTermState termState, int flags) throws IOException { docFreq = termState.docFreq; totalTermFreq = indexHasFreq ? termState.totalTermFreq : docFreq; docTermStartFP = termState.docStartFP; skipOffset = termState.skipOffset; singletonDocID = termState.singletonDocID; if (docFreq > 1) { if (docIn == null) { // lazy init docIn = startDocIn.clone(); } docIn.seek(docTermStartFP); } doc = -1; this.needsFreq = PostingsEnum.featureRequested(flags, PostingsEnum.FREQS); this.isFreqsRead = true; if (indexHasFreq == false || needsFreq == false) { for (int i = 0; i < ForUtil.BLOCK_SIZE; ++i) { freqBuffer[i] = 1; } } accum = 0; blockUpto = 0; nextSkipDoc = BLOCK_SIZE - 1; // we won't skip if target is found in first block docBufferUpto = BLOCK_SIZE; skipped = false; return this; } @Override public int freq() throws IOException { if (isFreqsRead == false) { pforUtil.decode(docIn, freqBuffer); // read freqBuffer for this block isFreqsRead = true; } return (int) freqBuffer[docBufferUpto-1]; } @Override public int nextPosition() throws IOException { return -1; } @Override public int startOffset() throws IOException { return -1; } @Override public int endOffset() throws IOException { return -1; } @Override public BytesRef getPayload() throws IOException { return null; } @Override public int docID() { return doc; } private void refillDocs() throws IOException { // Check if we skipped reading the previous block of freqBuffer, and if yes, position docIn after it if (isFreqsRead == false) { pforUtil.skip(docIn); isFreqsRead = true; } final int left = docFreq - blockUpto; assert left >= 0; if (left >= BLOCK_SIZE) { forDeltaUtil.decodeAndPrefixSum(docIn, accum, docBuffer); if (indexHasFreq) { if (needsFreq) { isFreqsRead = false; } else { pforUtil.skip(docIn); // skip over freqBuffer if we don't need them at all } } blockUpto += BLOCK_SIZE; } else if (docFreq == 1) { docBuffer[0] = singletonDocID; freqBuffer[0] = totalTermFreq; docBuffer[1] = NO_MORE_DOCS; blockUpto++; } else { // Read vInts: readVIntBlock(docIn, docBuffer, freqBuffer, left, indexHasFreq); prefixSum(docBuffer, left, accum); docBuffer[left] = NO_MORE_DOCS; blockUpto += left; } accum = docBuffer[BLOCK_SIZE - 1]; docBufferUpto = 0; assert docBuffer[BLOCK_SIZE] == NO_MORE_DOCS; } @Override public int nextDoc() throws IOException { if (docBufferUpto == BLOCK_SIZE) { refillDocs(); // we don't need to load freqBuffer for now (will be loaded later if necessary) } doc = (int) docBuffer[docBufferUpto]; docBufferUpto++; return doc; } @Override public int advance(int target) throws IOException { // current skip docID < docIDs generated from current buffer <= next skip docID // we don't need to skip if target is buffered already if (docFreq > BLOCK_SIZE && target > nextSkipDoc) { if (skipper == null) { // Lazy init: first time this enum has ever been used for skipping skipper = new Lucene84SkipReader(docIn.clone(), MAX_SKIP_LEVELS, indexHasPos, indexHasOffsets, indexHasPayloads); } if (!skipped) { assert skipOffset != -1; // This is the first time this enum has skipped // since reset() was called; load the skip data: skipper.init(docTermStartFP+skipOffset, docTermStartFP, 0, 0, docFreq); skipped = true; } // always plus one to fix the result, since skip position in Lucene84SkipReader // is a little different from MultiLevelSkipListReader final int newDocUpto = skipper.skipTo(target) + 1; if (newDocUpto >= blockUpto) { // Skipper moved assert newDocUpto % BLOCK_SIZE == 0 : "got " + newDocUpto; blockUpto = newDocUpto; // Force to read next block docBufferUpto = BLOCK_SIZE; accum = skipper.getDoc(); // actually, this is just lastSkipEntry docIn.seek(skipper.getDocPointer()); // now point to the block we want to search // even if freqBuffer were not read from the previous block, we will mark them as read, // as we don't need to skip the previous block freqBuffer in refillDocs, // as we have already positioned docIn where in needs to be. isFreqsRead = true; } // next time we call advance, this is used to // foresee whether skipper is necessary. nextSkipDoc = skipper.getNextSkipDoc(); } if (docBufferUpto == BLOCK_SIZE) { refillDocs(); } // Now scan... this is an inlined/pared down version // of nextDoc(): long doc; while (true) { doc = docBuffer[docBufferUpto]; if (doc >= target) { break; } ++docBufferUpto; } docBufferUpto++; return this.doc = (int) doc; } @Override public long cost() { return docFreq; } } // Also handles payloads + offsets final class EverythingEnum extends PostingsEnum { final ForUtil forUtil = new ForUtil(); final ForDeltaUtil forDeltaUtil = new ForDeltaUtil(forUtil); final PForUtil pforUtil = new PForUtil(forUtil); private final long[] docBuffer = new long[BLOCK_SIZE+1]; private final long[] freqBuffer = new long[BLOCK_SIZE+1]; private final long[] posDeltaBuffer = new long[BLOCK_SIZE]; private final long[] payloadLengthBuffer; private final long[] offsetStartDeltaBuffer; private final long[] offsetLengthBuffer; private byte[] payloadBytes; private int payloadByteUpto; private int payloadLength; private int lastStartOffset; private int startOffset; private int endOffset; private int docBufferUpto; private int posBufferUpto; private Lucene84SkipReader skipper; private boolean skipped; final IndexInput startDocIn; IndexInput docIn; final IndexInput posIn; final IndexInput payIn; final BytesRef payload; final boolean indexHasOffsets; final boolean indexHasPayloads; private int docFreq; // number of docs in this posting list private long totalTermFreq; // number of positions in this posting list private int blockUpto; // number of docs in or before the current block private int doc; // doc we last read private long accum; // accumulator for doc deltas private int freq; // freq we last read private int position; // current position // how many positions "behind" we are; nextPosition must // skip these to "catch up": private int posPendingCount; // Lazy pos seek: if != -1 then we must seek to this FP // before reading positions: private long posPendingFP; // Lazy pay seek: if != -1 then we must seek to this FP // before reading payloads/offsets: private long payPendingFP; // Where this term's postings start in the .doc file: private long docTermStartFP; // Where this term's postings start in the .pos file: private long posTermStartFP; // Where this term's payloads/offsets start in the .pay // file: private long payTermStartFP; // File pointer where the last (vInt encoded) pos delta // block is. We need this to know whether to bulk // decode vs vInt decode the block: private long lastPosBlockFP; // Where this term's skip data starts (after // docTermStartFP) in the .doc file (or -1 if there is // no skip data for this term): private long skipOffset; private int nextSkipDoc; private boolean needsOffsets; // true if we actually need offsets private boolean needsPayloads; // true if we actually need payloads private int singletonDocID; // docid when there is a single pulsed posting, otherwise -1 public EverythingEnum(FieldInfo fieldInfo) throws IOException { indexHasOffsets = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS) >= 0; indexHasPayloads = fieldInfo.hasPayloads(); this.startDocIn = Lucene84PostingsReader.this.docIn; this.docIn = null; this.posIn = Lucene84PostingsReader.this.posIn.clone(); if (indexHasOffsets || indexHasPayloads) { this.payIn = Lucene84PostingsReader.this.payIn.clone(); } else { this.payIn = null; } if (indexHasOffsets) { offsetStartDeltaBuffer = new long[BLOCK_SIZE]; offsetLengthBuffer = new long[BLOCK_SIZE]; } else { offsetStartDeltaBuffer = null; offsetLengthBuffer = null; startOffset = -1; endOffset = -1; } if (indexHasPayloads) { payloadLengthBuffer = new long[BLOCK_SIZE]; payloadBytes = new byte[128]; payload = new BytesRef(); } else { payloadLengthBuffer = null; payloadBytes = null; payload = null; } // We set the last element of docBuffer to NO_MORE_DOCS, it helps save conditionals in advance() docBuffer[BLOCK_SIZE] = NO_MORE_DOCS; } public boolean canReuse(IndexInput docIn, FieldInfo fieldInfo) { return docIn == startDocIn && indexHasOffsets == (fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS) >= 0) && indexHasPayloads == fieldInfo.hasPayloads(); } public EverythingEnum reset(IntBlockTermState termState, int flags) throws IOException { docFreq = termState.docFreq; docTermStartFP = termState.docStartFP; posTermStartFP = termState.posStartFP; payTermStartFP = termState.payStartFP; skipOffset = termState.skipOffset; totalTermFreq = termState.totalTermFreq; singletonDocID = termState.singletonDocID; if (docFreq > 1) { if (docIn == null) { // lazy init docIn = startDocIn.clone(); } docIn.seek(docTermStartFP); } posPendingFP = posTermStartFP; payPendingFP = payTermStartFP; posPendingCount = 0; if (termState.totalTermFreq < BLOCK_SIZE) { lastPosBlockFP = posTermStartFP; } else if (termState.totalTermFreq == BLOCK_SIZE) { lastPosBlockFP = -1; } else { lastPosBlockFP = posTermStartFP + termState.lastPosBlockOffset; } this.needsOffsets = PostingsEnum.featureRequested(flags, PostingsEnum.OFFSETS); this.needsPayloads = PostingsEnum.featureRequested(flags, PostingsEnum.PAYLOADS); doc = -1; accum = 0; blockUpto = 0; if (docFreq > BLOCK_SIZE) { nextSkipDoc = BLOCK_SIZE - 1; // we won't skip if target is found in first block } else { nextSkipDoc = NO_MORE_DOCS; // not enough docs for skipping } docBufferUpto = BLOCK_SIZE; skipped = false; return this; } @Override public int freq() throws IOException { return freq; } @Override public int docID() { return doc; } private void refillDocs() throws IOException { final int left = docFreq - blockUpto; assert left >= 0; if (left >= BLOCK_SIZE) { forDeltaUtil.decodeAndPrefixSum(docIn, accum, docBuffer); pforUtil.decode(docIn, freqBuffer); blockUpto += BLOCK_SIZE; } else if (docFreq == 1) { docBuffer[0] = singletonDocID; freqBuffer[0] = totalTermFreq; docBuffer[1] = NO_MORE_DOCS; blockUpto++; } else { readVIntBlock(docIn, docBuffer, freqBuffer, left, true); prefixSum(docBuffer, left, accum); docBuffer[left] = NO_MORE_DOCS; blockUpto += left; } accum = docBuffer[BLOCK_SIZE - 1]; docBufferUpto = 0; assert docBuffer[BLOCK_SIZE] == NO_MORE_DOCS; } private void refillPositions() throws IOException { if (posIn.getFilePointer() == lastPosBlockFP) { final int count = (int) (totalTermFreq % BLOCK_SIZE); int payloadLength = 0; int offsetLength = 0; payloadByteUpto = 0; for(int i=0;i<count;i++) { int code = posIn.readVInt(); if (indexHasPayloads) { if ((code & 1) != 0) { payloadLength = posIn.readVInt(); } payloadLengthBuffer[i] = payloadLength; posDeltaBuffer[i] = code >>> 1; if (payloadLength != 0) { if (payloadByteUpto + payloadLength > payloadBytes.length) { payloadBytes = ArrayUtil.grow(payloadBytes, payloadByteUpto + payloadLength); } posIn.readBytes(payloadBytes, payloadByteUpto, payloadLength); payloadByteUpto += payloadLength; } } else { posDeltaBuffer[i] = code; } if (indexHasOffsets) { int deltaCode = posIn.readVInt(); if ((deltaCode & 1) != 0) { offsetLength = posIn.readVInt(); } offsetStartDeltaBuffer[i] = deltaCode >>> 1; offsetLengthBuffer[i] = offsetLength; } } payloadByteUpto = 0; } else { pforUtil.decode(posIn, posDeltaBuffer); if (indexHasPayloads) { if (needsPayloads) { pforUtil.decode(payIn, payloadLengthBuffer); int numBytes = payIn.readVInt(); if (numBytes > payloadBytes.length) { payloadBytes = ArrayUtil.grow(payloadBytes, numBytes); } payIn.readBytes(payloadBytes, 0, numBytes); } else { // this works, because when writing a vint block we always force the first length to be written pforUtil.skip(payIn); // skip over lengths int numBytes = payIn.readVInt(); // read length of payloadBytes payIn.seek(payIn.getFilePointer() + numBytes); // skip over payloadBytes } payloadByteUpto = 0; } if (indexHasOffsets) { if (needsOffsets) { pforUtil.decode(payIn, offsetStartDeltaBuffer); pforUtil.decode(payIn, offsetLengthBuffer); } else { // this works, because when writing a vint block we always force the first length to be written pforUtil.skip(payIn); // skip over starts pforUtil.skip(payIn); // skip over lengths } } } } @Override public int nextDoc() throws IOException { if (docBufferUpto == BLOCK_SIZE) { refillDocs(); } doc = (int) docBuffer[docBufferUpto]; freq = (int) freqBuffer[docBufferUpto]; posPendingCount += freq; docBufferUpto++; position = 0; lastStartOffset = 0; return doc; } @Override public int advance(int target) throws IOException { if (target > nextSkipDoc) { if (skipper == null) { // Lazy init: first time this enum has ever been used for skipping skipper = new Lucene84SkipReader(docIn.clone(), MAX_SKIP_LEVELS, true, indexHasOffsets, indexHasPayloads); } if (!skipped) { assert skipOffset != -1; // This is the first time this enum has skipped // since reset() was called; load the skip data: skipper.init(docTermStartFP+skipOffset, docTermStartFP, posTermStartFP, payTermStartFP, docFreq); skipped = true; } final int newDocUpto = skipper.skipTo(target) + 1; if (newDocUpto > blockUpto - BLOCK_SIZE + docBufferUpto) { // Skipper moved assert newDocUpto % BLOCK_SIZE == 0 : "got " + newDocUpto; blockUpto = newDocUpto; // Force to read next block docBufferUpto = BLOCK_SIZE; accum = skipper.getDoc(); docIn.seek(skipper.getDocPointer()); posPendingFP = skipper.getPosPointer(); payPendingFP = skipper.getPayPointer(); posPendingCount = skipper.getPosBufferUpto(); lastStartOffset = 0; // new document payloadByteUpto = skipper.getPayloadByteUpto(); } nextSkipDoc = skipper.getNextSkipDoc(); } if (docBufferUpto == BLOCK_SIZE) { refillDocs(); } // Now scan: long doc; while (true) { doc = docBuffer[docBufferUpto]; freq = (int) freqBuffer[docBufferUpto]; posPendingCount += freq; docBufferUpto++; if (doc >= target) { break; } } position = 0; lastStartOffset = 0; return this.doc = (int) doc; } // TODO: in theory we could avoid loading frq block // when not needed, ie, use skip data to load how far to // seek the pos pointer ... instead of having to load frq // blocks only to sum up how many positions to skip private void skipPositions() throws IOException { // Skip positions now: int toSkip = posPendingCount - freq; // if (DEBUG) { // System.out.println(" FPR.skipPositions: toSkip=" + toSkip); // } final int leftInBlock = BLOCK_SIZE - posBufferUpto; if (toSkip < leftInBlock) { int end = posBufferUpto + toSkip; while(posBufferUpto < end) { if (indexHasPayloads) { payloadByteUpto += payloadLengthBuffer[posBufferUpto]; } posBufferUpto++; } } else { toSkip -= leftInBlock; while(toSkip >= BLOCK_SIZE) { assert posIn.getFilePointer() != lastPosBlockFP; pforUtil.skip(posIn); if (indexHasPayloads) { // Skip payloadLength block: pforUtil.skip(payIn); // Skip payloadBytes block: int numBytes = payIn.readVInt(); payIn.seek(payIn.getFilePointer() + numBytes); } if (indexHasOffsets) { pforUtil.skip(payIn); pforUtil.skip(payIn); } toSkip -= BLOCK_SIZE; } refillPositions(); payloadByteUpto = 0; posBufferUpto = 0; while(posBufferUpto < toSkip) { if (indexHasPayloads) { payloadByteUpto += payloadLengthBuffer[posBufferUpto]; } posBufferUpto++; } } position = 0; lastStartOffset = 0; } @Override public int nextPosition() throws IOException { assert posPendingCount > 0; if (posPendingFP != -1) { posIn.seek(posPendingFP); posPendingFP = -1; if (payPendingFP != -1 && payIn != null) { payIn.seek(payPendingFP); payPendingFP = -1; } // Force buffer refill: posBufferUpto = BLOCK_SIZE; } if (posPendingCount > freq) { skipPositions(); posPendingCount = freq; } if (posBufferUpto == BLOCK_SIZE) { refillPositions(); posBufferUpto = 0; } position += posDeltaBuffer[posBufferUpto]; if (indexHasPayloads) { payloadLength = (int) payloadLengthBuffer[posBufferUpto]; payload.bytes = payloadBytes; payload.offset = payloadByteUpto; payload.length = payloadLength; payloadByteUpto += payloadLength; } if (indexHasOffsets) { startOffset = lastStartOffset + (int) offsetStartDeltaBuffer[posBufferUpto]; endOffset = startOffset + (int) offsetLengthBuffer[posBufferUpto]; lastStartOffset = startOffset; } posBufferUpto++; posPendingCount--; return position; } @Override public int startOffset() { return startOffset; } @Override public int endOffset() { return endOffset; } @Override public BytesRef getPayload() { if (payloadLength == 0) { return null; } else { return payload; } } @Override public long cost() { return docFreq; } } final class BlockImpactsDocsEnum extends ImpactsEnum { final ForUtil forUtil = new ForUtil(); final ForDeltaUtil forDeltaUtil = new ForDeltaUtil(forUtil); final PForUtil pforUtil = new PForUtil(forUtil); private final long[] docBuffer = new long[BLOCK_SIZE+1]; private final long[] freqBuffer = new long[BLOCK_SIZE]; private int docBufferUpto; private final Lucene84ScoreSkipReader skipper; final IndexInput docIn; final boolean indexHasFreqs; private int docFreq; // number of docs in this posting list private int blockUpto; // number of documents in or before the current block private int doc; // doc we last read private long accum; // accumulator for doc deltas private int nextSkipDoc = -1; private long seekTo = -1; // as we read freqBuffer lazily, isFreqsRead shows if freqBuffer are read for the current block // always true when we don't have freqBuffer (indexHasFreq=false) or don't need freqBuffer (needsFreq=false) private boolean isFreqsRead; public BlockImpactsDocsEnum(FieldInfo fieldInfo, IntBlockTermState termState) throws IOException { indexHasFreqs = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS) >= 0; final boolean indexHasPositions = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS) >= 0; final boolean indexHasOffsets = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS) >= 0; final boolean indexHasPayloads = fieldInfo.hasPayloads(); this.docIn = Lucene84PostingsReader.this.docIn.clone(); docFreq = termState.docFreq; docIn.seek(termState.docStartFP); doc = -1; accum = 0; blockUpto = 0; docBufferUpto = BLOCK_SIZE; skipper = new Lucene84ScoreSkipReader(docIn.clone(), MAX_SKIP_LEVELS, indexHasPositions, indexHasOffsets, indexHasPayloads); skipper.init(termState.docStartFP+termState.skipOffset, termState.docStartFP, termState.posStartFP, termState.payStartFP, docFreq); // We set the last element of docBuffer to NO_MORE_DOCS, it helps save conditionals in advance() docBuffer[BLOCK_SIZE] = NO_MORE_DOCS; this.isFreqsRead = true; if (indexHasFreqs == false) { Arrays.fill(freqBuffer, 1L); } } @Override public int freq() throws IOException { if (isFreqsRead == false) { pforUtil.decode(docIn, freqBuffer); // read freqBuffer for this block isFreqsRead = true; } return (int) freqBuffer[docBufferUpto-1]; } @Override public int docID() { return doc; } private void refillDocs() throws IOException { // Check if we skipped reading the previous block of freqBuffer, and if yes, position docIn after it if (isFreqsRead == false) { pforUtil.skip(docIn); isFreqsRead = true; } final int left = docFreq - blockUpto; assert left >= 0; if (left >= BLOCK_SIZE) { forDeltaUtil.decodeAndPrefixSum(docIn, accum, docBuffer); if (indexHasFreqs) { pforUtil.decode(docIn, freqBuffer); } blockUpto += BLOCK_SIZE; } else { readVIntBlock(docIn, docBuffer, freqBuffer, left, indexHasFreqs); prefixSum(docBuffer, left, accum); docBuffer[left] = NO_MORE_DOCS; blockUpto += left; } accum = docBuffer[BLOCK_SIZE - 1]; docBufferUpto = 0; assert docBuffer[BLOCK_SIZE] == NO_MORE_DOCS; } @Override public void advanceShallow(int target) throws IOException { if (target > nextSkipDoc) { // always plus one to fix the result, since skip position in Lucene84SkipReader // is a little different from MultiLevelSkipListReader final int newDocUpto = skipper.skipTo(target) + 1; if (newDocUpto >= blockUpto) { // Skipper moved assert newDocUpto % BLOCK_SIZE == 0 : "got " + newDocUpto; blockUpto = newDocUpto; // Force to read next block docBufferUpto = BLOCK_SIZE; accum = skipper.getDoc(); seekTo = skipper.getDocPointer(); // delay the seek } // next time we call advance, this is used to // foresee whether skipper is necessary. nextSkipDoc = skipper.getNextSkipDoc(); } assert nextSkipDoc >= target; } @Override public Impacts getImpacts() throws IOException { advanceShallow(doc); return skipper.getImpacts(); } @Override public int nextDoc() throws IOException { return advance(doc + 1); } @Override public int advance(int target) throws IOException { if (target > nextSkipDoc) { advanceShallow(target); } if (docBufferUpto == BLOCK_SIZE) { if (seekTo >= 0) { docIn.seek(seekTo); isFreqsRead = true; // reset isFreqsRead seekTo = -1; } refillDocs(); } int next = findFirstGreater(docBuffer, target, docBufferUpto); this.doc = (int) docBuffer[next]; docBufferUpto = next + 1; return doc; } @Override public int nextPosition() throws IOException { return -1; } @Override public int startOffset() { return -1; } @Override public int endOffset() { return -1; } @Override public BytesRef getPayload() { return null; } @Override public long cost() { return docFreq; } } final class BlockImpactsPostingsEnum extends ImpactsEnum { final ForUtil forUtil = new ForUtil(); final ForDeltaUtil forDeltaUtil = new ForDeltaUtil(forUtil); final PForUtil pforUtil = new PForUtil(forUtil); private final long[] docBuffer = new long[BLOCK_SIZE]; private final long[] freqBuffer = new long[BLOCK_SIZE]; private final long[] posDeltaBuffer = new long[BLOCK_SIZE]; private int docBufferUpto; private int posBufferUpto; private final Lucene84ScoreSkipReader skipper; final IndexInput docIn; final IndexInput posIn; final boolean indexHasOffsets; final boolean indexHasPayloads; private int docFreq; // number of docs in this posting list private long totalTermFreq; // number of positions in this posting list private int docUpto; // how many docs we've read private int doc; // doc we last read private long accum; // accumulator for doc deltas private int freq; // freq we last read private int position; // current position // how many positions "behind" we are; nextPosition must // skip these to "catch up": private int posPendingCount; // Lazy pos seek: if != -1 then we must seek to this FP // before reading positions: private long posPendingFP; // Where this term's postings start in the .doc file: private long docTermStartFP; // Where this term's postings start in the .pos file: private long posTermStartFP; // Where this term's payloads/offsets start in the .pay // file: private long payTermStartFP; // File pointer where the last (vInt encoded) pos delta // block is. We need this to know whether to bulk // decode vs vInt decode the block: private long lastPosBlockFP; private int nextSkipDoc = -1; private long seekTo = -1; public BlockImpactsPostingsEnum(FieldInfo fieldInfo, IntBlockTermState termState) throws IOException { indexHasOffsets = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS) >= 0; indexHasPayloads = fieldInfo.hasPayloads(); this.docIn = Lucene84PostingsReader.this.docIn.clone(); this.posIn = Lucene84PostingsReader.this.posIn.clone(); docFreq = termState.docFreq; docTermStartFP = termState.docStartFP; posTermStartFP = termState.posStartFP; payTermStartFP = termState.payStartFP; totalTermFreq = termState.totalTermFreq; docIn.seek(docTermStartFP); posPendingFP = posTermStartFP; posPendingCount = 0; if (termState.totalTermFreq < BLOCK_SIZE) { lastPosBlockFP = posTermStartFP; } else if (termState.totalTermFreq == BLOCK_SIZE) { lastPosBlockFP = -1; } else { lastPosBlockFP = posTermStartFP + termState.lastPosBlockOffset; } doc = -1; accum = 0; docUpto = 0; docBufferUpto = BLOCK_SIZE; skipper = new Lucene84ScoreSkipReader(docIn.clone(), MAX_SKIP_LEVELS, true, indexHasOffsets, indexHasPayloads); skipper.init(docTermStartFP+termState.skipOffset, docTermStartFP, posTermStartFP, payTermStartFP, docFreq); } @Override public int freq() throws IOException { return freq; } @Override public int docID() { return doc; } private void refillDocs() throws IOException { final int left = docFreq - docUpto; assert left >= 0; if (left >= BLOCK_SIZE) { forDeltaUtil.decodeAndPrefixSum(docIn, accum, docBuffer); pforUtil.decode(docIn, freqBuffer); } else { readVIntBlock(docIn, docBuffer, freqBuffer, left, true); prefixSum(docBuffer, left, accum); docBuffer[left] = NO_MORE_DOCS; } accum = docBuffer[BLOCK_SIZE - 1]; docBufferUpto = 0; } private void refillPositions() throws IOException { if (posIn.getFilePointer() == lastPosBlockFP) { final int count = (int) (totalTermFreq % BLOCK_SIZE); int payloadLength = 0; for(int i=0;i<count;i++) { int code = posIn.readVInt(); if (indexHasPayloads) { if ((code & 1) != 0) { payloadLength = posIn.readVInt(); } posDeltaBuffer[i] = code >>> 1; if (payloadLength != 0) { posIn.seek(posIn.getFilePointer() + payloadLength); } } else { posDeltaBuffer[i] = code; } if (indexHasOffsets) { if ((posIn.readVInt() & 1) != 0) { // offset length changed posIn.readVInt(); } } } } else { pforUtil.decode(posIn, posDeltaBuffer); } } @Override public void advanceShallow(int target) throws IOException { if (target > nextSkipDoc) { // always plus one to fix the result, since skip position in Lucene84SkipReader // is a little different from MultiLevelSkipListReader final int newDocUpto = skipper.skipTo(target) + 1; if (newDocUpto > docUpto) { // Skipper moved assert newDocUpto % BLOCK_SIZE == 0 : "got " + newDocUpto; docUpto = newDocUpto; // Force to read next block docBufferUpto = BLOCK_SIZE; accum = skipper.getDoc(); posPendingFP = skipper.getPosPointer(); posPendingCount = skipper.getPosBufferUpto(); seekTo = skipper.getDocPointer(); // delay the seek } // next time we call advance, this is used to // foresee whether skipper is necessary. nextSkipDoc = skipper.getNextSkipDoc(); } assert nextSkipDoc >= target; } @Override public Impacts getImpacts() throws IOException { advanceShallow(doc); return skipper.getImpacts(); } @Override public int nextDoc() throws IOException { return advance(doc + 1); } @Override public int advance(int target) throws IOException { if (target > nextSkipDoc) { advanceShallow(target); } if (docBufferUpto == BLOCK_SIZE) { if (seekTo >= 0) { docIn.seek(seekTo); seekTo = -1; } refillDocs(); } int next = findFirstGreater(docBuffer, target, docBufferUpto); if (next == BLOCK_SIZE) { return doc = NO_MORE_DOCS; } this.doc = (int) docBuffer[next]; this.freq = (int) freqBuffer[next]; for (int i = docBufferUpto; i <= next; ++i) { posPendingCount += freqBuffer[i]; } docUpto += next - docBufferUpto + 1; docBufferUpto = next + 1; position = 0; return doc; } // TODO: in theory we could avoid loading frq block // when not needed, ie, use skip data to load how far to // seek the pos pointer ... instead of having to load frq // blocks only to sum up how many positions to skip private void skipPositions() throws IOException { // Skip positions now: int toSkip = posPendingCount - freq; final int leftInBlock = BLOCK_SIZE - posBufferUpto; if (toSkip < leftInBlock) { posBufferUpto += toSkip; } else { toSkip -= leftInBlock; while(toSkip >= BLOCK_SIZE) { assert posIn.getFilePointer() != lastPosBlockFP; pforUtil.skip(posIn); toSkip -= BLOCK_SIZE; } refillPositions(); posBufferUpto = toSkip; } position = 0; } @Override public int nextPosition() throws IOException { assert posPendingCount > 0; if (posPendingFP != -1) { posIn.seek(posPendingFP); posPendingFP = -1; // Force buffer refill: posBufferUpto = BLOCK_SIZE; } if (posPendingCount > freq) { skipPositions(); posPendingCount = freq; } if (posBufferUpto == BLOCK_SIZE) { refillPositions(); posBufferUpto = 0; } position += posDeltaBuffer[posBufferUpto++]; posPendingCount--; return position; } @Override public int startOffset() { return -1; } @Override public int endOffset() { return -1; } @Override public BytesRef getPayload() { return null; } @Override public long cost() { return docFreq; } } final class BlockImpactsEverythingEnum extends ImpactsEnum { final ForUtil forUtil = new ForUtil(); final ForDeltaUtil forDeltaUtil = new ForDeltaUtil(forUtil); final PForUtil pforUtil = new PForUtil(forUtil); private final long[] docBuffer = new long[BLOCK_SIZE]; private final long[] freqBuffer = new long[BLOCK_SIZE]; private final long[] posDeltaBuffer = new long[BLOCK_SIZE]; private final long[] payloadLengthBuffer; private final long[] offsetStartDeltaBuffer; private final long[] offsetLengthBuffer; private byte[] payloadBytes; private int payloadByteUpto; private int payloadLength; private int lastStartOffset; private int startOffset = -1; private int endOffset = -1; private int docBufferUpto; private int posBufferUpto; private final Lucene84ScoreSkipReader skipper; final IndexInput docIn; final IndexInput posIn; final IndexInput payIn; final BytesRef payload; final boolean indexHasFreq; final boolean indexHasPos; final boolean indexHasOffsets; final boolean indexHasPayloads; private int docFreq; // number of docs in this posting list private long totalTermFreq; // number of positions in this posting list private int docUpto; // how many docs we've read private int posDocUpTo; // for how many docs we've read positions, offsets, and payloads private int doc; // doc we last read private long accum; // accumulator for doc deltas private int position; // current position // how many positions "behind" we are; nextPosition must // skip these to "catch up": private int posPendingCount; // Lazy pos seek: if != -1 then we must seek to this FP // before reading positions: private long posPendingFP; // Lazy pay seek: if != -1 then we must seek to this FP // before reading payloads/offsets: private long payPendingFP; // Where this term's postings start in the .doc file: private long docTermStartFP; // Where this term's postings start in the .pos file: private long posTermStartFP; // Where this term's payloads/offsets start in the .pay // file: private long payTermStartFP; // File pointer where the last (vInt encoded) pos delta // block is. We need this to know whether to bulk // decode vs vInt decode the block: private long lastPosBlockFP; private int nextSkipDoc = -1; private final boolean needsPositions; private final boolean needsOffsets; // true if we actually need offsets private final boolean needsPayloads; // true if we actually need payloads private boolean isFreqsRead; // shows if freqBuffer for the current doc block are read into freqBuffer private long seekTo = -1; public BlockImpactsEverythingEnum(FieldInfo fieldInfo, IntBlockTermState termState, int flags) throws IOException { indexHasFreq = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS) >= 0; indexHasPos = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS) >= 0; indexHasOffsets = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS) >= 0; indexHasPayloads = fieldInfo.hasPayloads(); needsPositions = PostingsEnum.featureRequested(flags, PostingsEnum.POSITIONS); needsOffsets = PostingsEnum.featureRequested(flags, PostingsEnum.OFFSETS); needsPayloads = PostingsEnum.featureRequested(flags, PostingsEnum.PAYLOADS); this.docIn = Lucene84PostingsReader.this.docIn.clone(); if (indexHasPos && needsPositions) { this.posIn = Lucene84PostingsReader.this.posIn.clone(); } else { this.posIn = null; } if ((indexHasOffsets && needsOffsets) || (indexHasPayloads && needsPayloads)) { this.payIn = Lucene84PostingsReader.this.payIn.clone(); } else { this.payIn = null; } if (indexHasOffsets) { offsetStartDeltaBuffer = new long[BLOCK_SIZE]; offsetLengthBuffer = new long[BLOCK_SIZE]; } else { offsetStartDeltaBuffer = null; offsetLengthBuffer = null; startOffset = -1; endOffset = -1; } if (indexHasPayloads) { payloadLengthBuffer = new long[BLOCK_SIZE]; payloadBytes = new byte[128]; payload = new BytesRef(); } else { payloadLengthBuffer = null; payloadBytes = null; payload = null; } docFreq = termState.docFreq; docTermStartFP = termState.docStartFP; posTermStartFP = termState.posStartFP; payTermStartFP = termState.payStartFP; totalTermFreq = termState.totalTermFreq; docIn.seek(docTermStartFP); posPendingFP = posTermStartFP; payPendingFP = payTermStartFP; posPendingCount = 0; if (termState.totalTermFreq < BLOCK_SIZE) { lastPosBlockFP = posTermStartFP; } else if (termState.totalTermFreq == BLOCK_SIZE) { lastPosBlockFP = -1; } else { lastPosBlockFP = posTermStartFP + termState.lastPosBlockOffset; } doc = -1; accum = 0; docUpto = 0; posDocUpTo = 0; isFreqsRead = true; docBufferUpto = BLOCK_SIZE; skipper = new Lucene84ScoreSkipReader(docIn.clone(), MAX_SKIP_LEVELS, indexHasPos, indexHasOffsets, indexHasPayloads); skipper.init(docTermStartFP+termState.skipOffset, docTermStartFP, posTermStartFP, payTermStartFP, docFreq); if (indexHasFreq == false) { for (int i = 0; i < ForUtil.BLOCK_SIZE; ++i) { freqBuffer[i] = 1; } } } @Override public int freq() throws IOException { if (indexHasFreq && (isFreqsRead == false)) { pforUtil.decode(docIn, freqBuffer); // read freqBuffer for this block isFreqsRead = true; } return (int) freqBuffer[docBufferUpto-1]; } @Override public int docID() { return doc; } private void refillDocs() throws IOException { if (indexHasFreq) { if (isFreqsRead == false) { // previous freq block was not read // check if we need to load the previous freq block to catch up on positions or we can skip it if (indexHasPos && needsPositions && (posDocUpTo < docUpto)) { pforUtil.decode(docIn, freqBuffer); // load the previous freq block } else { pforUtil.skip(docIn); // skip it } isFreqsRead = true; } if (indexHasPos && needsPositions) { while (posDocUpTo < docUpto) { // catch on positions, bring posPendingCount upto the current doc posPendingCount += freqBuffer[docBufferUpto - (docUpto - posDocUpTo)]; posDocUpTo++; } } } final int left = docFreq - docUpto; assert left >= 0; if (left >= BLOCK_SIZE) { forDeltaUtil.decodeAndPrefixSum(docIn, accum, docBuffer); if (indexHasFreq) { isFreqsRead = false; // freq block will be loaded lazily when necessary, we don't load it here } } else { readVIntBlock(docIn, docBuffer, freqBuffer, left, indexHasFreq); prefixSum(docBuffer, left, accum); docBuffer[left] = NO_MORE_DOCS; } accum = docBuffer[BLOCK_SIZE - 1]; docBufferUpto = 0; } private void refillPositions() throws IOException { if (posIn.getFilePointer() == lastPosBlockFP) { final int count = (int) (totalTermFreq % BLOCK_SIZE); int payloadLength = 0; int offsetLength = 0; payloadByteUpto = 0; for(int i=0;i<count;i++) { int code = posIn.readVInt(); if (indexHasPayloads) { if ((code & 1) != 0) { payloadLength = posIn.readVInt(); } payloadLengthBuffer[i] = payloadLength; posDeltaBuffer[i] = code >>> 1; if (payloadLength != 0) { if (payloadByteUpto + payloadLength > payloadBytes.length) { payloadBytes = ArrayUtil.grow(payloadBytes, payloadByteUpto + payloadLength); } posIn.readBytes(payloadBytes, payloadByteUpto, payloadLength); payloadByteUpto += payloadLength; } } else { posDeltaBuffer[i] = code; } if (indexHasOffsets) { int deltaCode = posIn.readVInt(); if ((deltaCode & 1) != 0) { offsetLength = posIn.readVInt(); } offsetStartDeltaBuffer[i] = deltaCode >>> 1; offsetLengthBuffer[i] = offsetLength; } } payloadByteUpto = 0; } else { pforUtil.decode(posIn, posDeltaBuffer); if (indexHasPayloads && payIn != null) { if (needsPayloads) { pforUtil.decode(payIn, payloadLengthBuffer); int numBytes = payIn.readVInt(); if (numBytes > payloadBytes.length) { payloadBytes = ArrayUtil.grow(payloadBytes, numBytes); } payIn.readBytes(payloadBytes, 0, numBytes); } else { // this works, because when writing a vint block we always force the first length to be written pforUtil.skip(payIn); // skip over lengths int numBytes = payIn.readVInt(); // read length of payloadBytes payIn.seek(payIn.getFilePointer() + numBytes); // skip over payloadBytes } payloadByteUpto = 0; } if (indexHasOffsets && payIn != null) { if (needsOffsets) { pforUtil.decode(payIn, offsetStartDeltaBuffer); pforUtil.decode(payIn, offsetLengthBuffer); } else { // this works, because when writing a vint block we always force the first length to be written pforUtil.skip(payIn); // skip over starts pforUtil.skip(payIn); // skip over lengths } } } } @Override public void advanceShallow(int target) throws IOException { if (target > nextSkipDoc) { // always plus one to fix the result, since skip position in Lucene84SkipReader // is a little different from MultiLevelSkipListReader final int newDocUpto = skipper.skipTo(target) + 1; if (newDocUpto > docUpto) { // Skipper moved assert newDocUpto % BLOCK_SIZE == 0 : "got " + newDocUpto; docUpto = newDocUpto; posDocUpTo = docUpto; // Force to read next block docBufferUpto = BLOCK_SIZE; accum = skipper.getDoc(); posPendingFP = skipper.getPosPointer(); payPendingFP = skipper.getPayPointer(); posPendingCount = skipper.getPosBufferUpto(); lastStartOffset = 0; // new document payloadByteUpto = skipper.getPayloadByteUpto(); // actually, this is just lastSkipEntry seekTo = skipper.getDocPointer(); // delay the seek } // next time we call advance, this is used to // foresee whether skipper is necessary. nextSkipDoc = skipper.getNextSkipDoc(); } assert nextSkipDoc >= target; } @Override public Impacts getImpacts() throws IOException { advanceShallow(doc); return skipper.getImpacts(); } @Override public int nextDoc() throws IOException { return advance(doc + 1); } @Override public int advance(int target) throws IOException { if (target > nextSkipDoc) { advanceShallow(target); } if (docBufferUpto == BLOCK_SIZE) { if (seekTo >= 0) { docIn.seek(seekTo); seekTo = -1; isFreqsRead = true; // reset isFreqsRead } refillDocs(); } // Now scan: long doc; while (true) { doc = docBuffer[docBufferUpto]; docBufferUpto++; docUpto++; if (doc >= target) { break; } if (docBufferUpto == BLOCK_SIZE) { return this.doc = NO_MORE_DOCS; } } position = 0; lastStartOffset = 0; return this.doc = (int) doc; } // TODO: in theory we could avoid loading frq block // when not needed, ie, use skip data to load how far to // seek the pos pointer ... instead of having to load frq // blocks only to sum up how many positions to skip private void skipPositions() throws IOException { // Skip positions now: int toSkip = posPendingCount - (int) freqBuffer[docBufferUpto-1]; // if (DEBUG) { // System.out.println(" FPR.skipPositions: toSkip=" + toSkip); // } final int leftInBlock = BLOCK_SIZE - posBufferUpto; if (toSkip < leftInBlock) { int end = posBufferUpto + toSkip; while(posBufferUpto < end) { if (indexHasPayloads) { payloadByteUpto += payloadLengthBuffer[posBufferUpto]; } posBufferUpto++; } } else { toSkip -= leftInBlock; while(toSkip >= BLOCK_SIZE) { assert posIn.getFilePointer() != lastPosBlockFP; pforUtil.skip(posIn); if (indexHasPayloads && payIn != null) { // Skip payloadLength block: pforUtil.skip(payIn); // Skip payloadBytes block: int numBytes = payIn.readVInt(); payIn.seek(payIn.getFilePointer() + numBytes); } if (indexHasOffsets && payIn != null) { pforUtil.skip(payIn); pforUtil.skip(payIn); } toSkip -= BLOCK_SIZE; } refillPositions(); payloadByteUpto = 0; posBufferUpto = 0; while(posBufferUpto < toSkip) { if (indexHasPayloads) { payloadByteUpto += payloadLengthBuffer[posBufferUpto]; } posBufferUpto++; } } position = 0; lastStartOffset = 0; } @Override public int nextPosition() throws IOException { if (indexHasPos == false || needsPositions == false) { return -1; } if (isFreqsRead == false) { pforUtil.decode(docIn, freqBuffer); // read freqBuffer for this docs block isFreqsRead = true; } while (posDocUpTo < docUpto) { // bring posPendingCount upto the current doc posPendingCount += freqBuffer[docBufferUpto - (docUpto - posDocUpTo)]; posDocUpTo++; } assert posPendingCount > 0; if (posPendingFP != -1) { posIn.seek(posPendingFP); posPendingFP = -1; if (payPendingFP != -1 && payIn != null) { payIn.seek(payPendingFP); payPendingFP = -1; } // Force buffer refill: posBufferUpto = BLOCK_SIZE; } if (posPendingCount > freqBuffer[docBufferUpto-1]) { skipPositions(); posPendingCount = (int) freqBuffer[docBufferUpto-1]; } if (posBufferUpto == BLOCK_SIZE) { refillPositions(); posBufferUpto = 0; } position += posDeltaBuffer[posBufferUpto]; if (indexHasPayloads) { payloadLength = (int) payloadLengthBuffer[posBufferUpto]; payload.bytes = payloadBytes; payload.offset = payloadByteUpto; payload.length = payloadLength; payloadByteUpto += payloadLength; } if (indexHasOffsets && needsOffsets) { startOffset = lastStartOffset + (int) offsetStartDeltaBuffer[posBufferUpto]; endOffset = startOffset + (int) offsetLengthBuffer[posBufferUpto]; lastStartOffset = startOffset; } posBufferUpto++; posPendingCount--; return position; } @Override public int startOffset() { return startOffset; } @Override public int endOffset() { return endOffset; } @Override public BytesRef getPayload() { if (payloadLength == 0) { return null; } else { return payload; } } @Override public long cost() { return docFreq; } } @Override public long ramBytesUsed() { return BASE_RAM_BYTES_USED; } @Override public void checkIntegrity() throws IOException { if (docIn != null) { CodecUtil.checksumEntireFile(docIn); } if (posIn != null) { CodecUtil.checksumEntireFile(posIn); } if (payIn != null) { CodecUtil.checksumEntireFile(payIn); } } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "(positions=" + (posIn != null) + ",payloads=" + (payIn != null) +")"; } }