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package org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene50;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;

import org.apache.lucene.codecs.CompetitiveImpactAccumulator;
import org.apache.lucene.codecs.MultiLevelSkipListWriter;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Impact;
import org.apache.lucene.store.IndexOutput;
import org.apache.lucene.store.RAMOutputStream;

Write skip lists with multiple levels, and support skip within block ints. Assume that docFreq = 28, skipInterval = blockSize = 12 | block#0 | | block#1 | |vInts| d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d (posting list) ^ ^ (level 0 skip point) Note that skipWriter will ignore first document in block#0, since it is useless as a skip point. Also, we'll never skip into the vInts block, only record skip data at the start its start point(if it exist). For each skip point, we will record: 1. docID in former position, i.e. for position 12, record docID[11], etc. 2. its related file points(position, payload), 3. related numbers or uptos(position, payload). 4. start offset.
/** * Write skip lists with multiple levels, and support skip within block ints. * * Assume that docFreq = 28, skipInterval = blockSize = 12 * * | block#0 | | block#1 | |vInts| * d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d (posting list) * ^ ^ (level 0 skip point) * * Note that skipWriter will ignore first document in block#0, since * it is useless as a skip point. Also, we'll never skip into the vInts * block, only record skip data at the start its start point(if it exist). * * For each skip point, we will record: * 1. docID in former position, i.e. for position 12, record docID[11], etc. * 2. its related file points(position, payload), * 3. related numbers or uptos(position, payload). * 4. start offset. * */
final class Lucene50SkipWriter extends MultiLevelSkipListWriter { private int[] lastSkipDoc; private long[] lastSkipDocPointer; private long[] lastSkipPosPointer; private long[] lastSkipPayPointer; private int[] lastPayloadByteUpto; private final IndexOutput docOut; private final IndexOutput posOut; private final IndexOutput payOut; private int curDoc; private long curDocPointer; private long curPosPointer; private long curPayPointer; private int curPosBufferUpto; private int curPayloadByteUpto; private CompetitiveImpactAccumulator[] curCompetitiveFreqNorms; private boolean fieldHasPositions; private boolean fieldHasOffsets; private boolean fieldHasPayloads; public Lucene50SkipWriter(int maxSkipLevels, int blockSize, int docCount, IndexOutput docOut, IndexOutput posOut, IndexOutput payOut) { super(blockSize, 8, maxSkipLevels, docCount); this.docOut = docOut; this.posOut = posOut; this.payOut = payOut; lastSkipDoc = new int[maxSkipLevels]; lastSkipDocPointer = new long[maxSkipLevels]; if (posOut != null) { lastSkipPosPointer = new long[maxSkipLevels]; if (payOut != null) { lastSkipPayPointer = new long[maxSkipLevels]; } lastPayloadByteUpto = new int[maxSkipLevels]; } curCompetitiveFreqNorms = new CompetitiveImpactAccumulator[maxSkipLevels]; for (int i = 0; i < maxSkipLevels; ++i) { curCompetitiveFreqNorms[i] = new CompetitiveImpactAccumulator(); } } public void setField(boolean fieldHasPositions, boolean fieldHasOffsets, boolean fieldHasPayloads) { this.fieldHasPositions = fieldHasPositions; this.fieldHasOffsets = fieldHasOffsets; this.fieldHasPayloads = fieldHasPayloads; } // tricky: we only skip data for blocks (terms with more than 128 docs), but re-init'ing the skipper // is pretty slow for rare terms in large segments as we have to fill O(log #docs in segment) of junk. // this is the vast majority of terms (worst case: ID field or similar). so in resetSkip() we save // away the previous pointers, and lazy-init only if we need to buffer skip data for the term. private boolean initialized; long lastDocFP; long lastPosFP; long lastPayFP; @Override public void resetSkip() { lastDocFP = docOut.getFilePointer(); if (fieldHasPositions) { lastPosFP = posOut.getFilePointer(); if (fieldHasOffsets || fieldHasPayloads) { lastPayFP = payOut.getFilePointer(); } } if (initialized) { for (CompetitiveImpactAccumulator acc : curCompetitiveFreqNorms) { acc.clear(); } } initialized = false; } private void initSkip() { if (!initialized) { super.resetSkip(); Arrays.fill(lastSkipDoc, 0); Arrays.fill(lastSkipDocPointer, lastDocFP); if (fieldHasPositions) { Arrays.fill(lastSkipPosPointer, lastPosFP); if (fieldHasPayloads) { Arrays.fill(lastPayloadByteUpto, 0); } if (fieldHasOffsets || fieldHasPayloads) { Arrays.fill(lastSkipPayPointer, lastPayFP); } } // sets of competitive freq,norm pairs should be empty at this point assert Arrays.stream(curCompetitiveFreqNorms) .map(CompetitiveImpactAccumulator::getCompetitiveFreqNormPairs) .mapToInt(Set::size) .sum() == 0; initialized = true; } }
Sets the values for the current skip data.
/** * Sets the values for the current skip data. */
public void bufferSkip(int doc, CompetitiveImpactAccumulator competitiveFreqNorms, int numDocs, long posFP, long payFP, int posBufferUpto, int payloadByteUpto) throws IOException { initSkip(); this.curDoc = doc; this.curDocPointer = docOut.getFilePointer(); this.curPosPointer = posFP; this.curPayPointer = payFP; this.curPosBufferUpto = posBufferUpto; this.curPayloadByteUpto = payloadByteUpto; this.curCompetitiveFreqNorms[0].addAll(competitiveFreqNorms); bufferSkip(numDocs); } private final RAMOutputStream freqNormOut = new RAMOutputStream(); @Override protected void writeSkipData(int level, IndexOutput skipBuffer) throws IOException { int delta = curDoc - lastSkipDoc[level]; skipBuffer.writeVInt(delta); lastSkipDoc[level] = curDoc; skipBuffer.writeVLong(curDocPointer - lastSkipDocPointer[level]); lastSkipDocPointer[level] = curDocPointer; if (fieldHasPositions) { skipBuffer.writeVLong(curPosPointer - lastSkipPosPointer[level]); lastSkipPosPointer[level] = curPosPointer; skipBuffer.writeVInt(curPosBufferUpto); if (fieldHasPayloads) { skipBuffer.writeVInt(curPayloadByteUpto); } if (fieldHasOffsets || fieldHasPayloads) { skipBuffer.writeVLong(curPayPointer - lastSkipPayPointer[level]); lastSkipPayPointer[level] = curPayPointer; } } CompetitiveImpactAccumulator competitiveFreqNorms = curCompetitiveFreqNorms[level]; assert competitiveFreqNorms.getCompetitiveFreqNormPairs().size() > 0; if (level + 1 < numberOfSkipLevels) { curCompetitiveFreqNorms[level + 1].addAll(competitiveFreqNorms); } writeImpacts(competitiveFreqNorms, freqNormOut); skipBuffer.writeVInt(Math.toIntExact(freqNormOut.getFilePointer())); freqNormOut.writeTo(skipBuffer); freqNormOut.reset(); competitiveFreqNorms.clear(); } static void writeImpacts(CompetitiveImpactAccumulator acc, IndexOutput out) throws IOException { SortedSet<Impact> impacts = acc.getCompetitiveFreqNormPairs(); Impact previous = new Impact(0, 0); for (Impact impact : impacts) { assert impact.freq > previous.freq; assert Long.compareUnsigned(impact.norm, previous.norm) > 0; int freqDelta = impact.freq - previous.freq - 1; long normDelta = impact.norm - previous.norm - 1; if (normDelta == 0) { // most of time, norm only increases by 1, so we can fold everything in a single byte out.writeVInt(freqDelta << 1); } else { out.writeVInt((freqDelta << 1) | 1); out.writeZLong(normDelta); } previous = impact; } } }