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package org.apache.lucene.codecs;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.apache.lucene.index.Impact;

This class accumulates the (freq, norm) pairs that may produce competitive scores.
/** * This class accumulates the (freq, norm) pairs that may produce competitive scores. */
public final class CompetitiveImpactAccumulator { // We speed up accumulation for common norm values by first computing // the max freq for all norms in -128..127 private final int[] maxFreqs; private boolean dirty; private final TreeSet<Impact> freqNormPairs;
Sole constructor.
/** Sole constructor. */
public CompetitiveImpactAccumulator() { maxFreqs = new int[256]; Comparator<Impact> comparator = new Comparator<Impact>() { @Override public int compare(Impact o1, Impact o2) { // greater freqs compare greater int cmp = Integer.compare(o1.freq, o2.freq); if (cmp == 0) { // greater norms compare lower cmp = Long.compareUnsigned(o2.norm, o1.norm); } return cmp; } }; freqNormPairs = new TreeSet<>(comparator); }
Reset to the same state it was in after creation.
/** Reset to the same state it was in after creation. */
public void clear() { Arrays.fill(maxFreqs, 0); dirty = false; freqNormPairs.clear(); }
Accumulate a (freq,norm) pair, updating this structure if there is no equivalent or more competitive entry already.
/** Accumulate a (freq,norm) pair, updating this structure if there is no * equivalent or more competitive entry already. */
public void add(int freq, long norm) { if (norm >= Byte.MIN_VALUE && norm <= Byte.MAX_VALUE) { int index = Byte.toUnsignedInt((byte) norm); maxFreqs[index] = Math.max(maxFreqs[index], freq); dirty = true; } else { add(new Impact(freq, norm)); } }
Merge acc into this.
/** Merge {@code acc} into this. */
public void addAll(CompetitiveImpactAccumulator acc) { for (Impact entry : acc.getCompetitiveFreqNormPairs()) { add(entry); } }
Get the set of competitive freq and norm pairs, orderer by increasing freq and norm.
/** Get the set of competitive freq and norm pairs, orderer by increasing freq and norm. */
public SortedSet<Impact> getCompetitiveFreqNormPairs() { if (dirty) { for (int i = 0; i < maxFreqs.length; ++i) { if (maxFreqs[i] > 0) { add(new Impact(maxFreqs[i], (byte) i)); maxFreqs[i] = 0; } } dirty = false; } return Collections.unmodifiableSortedSet(freqNormPairs); } private void add(Impact newEntry) { Impact next = freqNormPairs.ceiling(newEntry); if (next == null) { // nothing is more competitive freqNormPairs.add(newEntry); } else if (Long.compareUnsigned(next.norm, newEntry.norm) <= 0) { // we already have this entry or more competitive entries in the tree return; } else { // some entries have a greater freq but a less competitive norm, so we // don't know which one will trigger greater scores, still add to the tree freqNormPairs.add(newEntry); } for (Iterator<Impact> it = freqNormPairs.headSet(newEntry, false).descendingIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Impact entry = it.next(); if (Long.compareUnsigned(entry.norm, newEntry.norm) >= 0) { // less competitive it.remove(); } else { // lesser freq but better norm, further entries are not comparable break; } } } @Override public String toString() { return getCompetitiveFreqNormPairs().toString(); } }