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package org.apache.commons.lang3.time;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.TimeZone;

Custom timezone that contains offset from GMT.
/** * Custom timezone that contains offset from GMT. * * @since 3.7 */
class GmtTimeZone extends TimeZone { private static final int MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE = 60 * 1000; private static final int MINUTES_PER_HOUR = 60; private static final int HOURS_PER_DAY = 24; // Serializable! static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final int offset; private final String zoneId; GmtTimeZone(final boolean negate, final int hours, final int minutes) { if (hours >= HOURS_PER_DAY) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(hours + " hours out of range"); } if (minutes >= MINUTES_PER_HOUR) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(minutes + " minutes out of range"); } final int milliseconds = (minutes + (hours * MINUTES_PER_HOUR)) * MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE; offset = negate ? -milliseconds : milliseconds; zoneId = twoDigits( twoDigits(new StringBuilder(9).append("GMT").append(negate ? '-' : '+'), hours) .append(':'), minutes).toString(); } private static StringBuilder twoDigits(final StringBuilder sb, final int n) { return sb.append((char) ('0' + (n / 10))).append((char) ('0' + (n % 10))); } @Override public int getOffset(final int era, final int year, final int month, final int day, final int dayOfWeek, final int milliseconds) { return offset; } @Override public void setRawOffset(final int offsetMillis) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public int getRawOffset() { return offset; } @Override public String getID() { return zoneId; } @Override public boolean useDaylightTime() { return false; } @Override public boolean inDaylightTime(final Date date) { return false; } @Override public String toString() { return "[GmtTimeZone id=\"" + zoneId + "\",offset=" + offset + ']'; } @Override public int hashCode() { return offset; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object other) { if (!(other instanceof GmtTimeZone)) { return false; } return zoneId == ((GmtTimeZone) other).zoneId; } }