 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cassandra.index.sasi.plan;

import java.util.*;

import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.UnfilteredPartitionIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.AbstractBounds;
import org.apache.cassandra.index.sasi.disk.Token;
import org.apache.cassandra.index.sasi.plan.Operation.OperationType;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.RequestTimeoutException;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.FileUtils;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.AbstractIterator;

public class QueryPlan
    private final QueryController controller;

    public QueryPlan(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, ReadCommand command, long executionQuotaMs)
        this.controller = new QueryController(cfs, (PartitionRangeReadCommand) command, executionQuotaMs);

Converts expressions into operation tree (which is currently just a single AND). Operation tree allows us to do a couple of important optimizations namely, group flattening for AND operations (query rewrite), expression bounds checks, "satisfies by" checks for resulting rows with an early exit.
Returns:root of the operations tree.
/** * Converts expressions into operation tree (which is currently just a single AND). * * Operation tree allows us to do a couple of important optimizations * namely, group flattening for AND operations (query rewrite), expression bounds checks, * "satisfies by" checks for resulting rows with an early exit. * * @return root of the operations tree. */
private Operation analyze() { try { Operation.Builder and = new Operation.Builder(OperationType.AND, controller); controller.getExpressions().forEach(and::add); return and.complete(); } catch (Exception | Error e) { controller.finish(); throw e; } } public UnfilteredPartitionIterator execute(ReadExecutionController executionController) throws RequestTimeoutException { return new ResultIterator(analyze(), controller, executionController); } private static class ResultIterator extends AbstractIterator<UnfilteredRowIterator> implements UnfilteredPartitionIterator { private final AbstractBounds<PartitionPosition> keyRange; private final Operation operationTree; private final QueryController controller; private final ReadExecutionController executionController; private Iterator<DecoratedKey> currentKeys = null; public ResultIterator(Operation operationTree, QueryController controller, ReadExecutionController executionController) { this.keyRange = controller.dataRange().keyRange(); this.operationTree = operationTree; this.controller = controller; this.executionController = executionController; if (operationTree != null) operationTree.skipTo((Long) keyRange.left.getToken().getTokenValue()); } protected UnfilteredRowIterator computeNext() { if (operationTree == null) return endOfData(); for (;;) { if (currentKeys == null || !currentKeys.hasNext()) { if (!operationTree.hasNext()) return endOfData(); Token token = operationTree.next(); currentKeys = token.iterator(); } while (currentKeys.hasNext()) { DecoratedKey key = currentKeys.next(); if (!keyRange.right.isMinimum() && keyRange.right.compareTo(key) < 0) return endOfData(); if (!keyRange.inclusiveLeft() && key.compareTo(keyRange.left) == 0) continue; try (UnfilteredRowIterator partition = controller.getPartition(key, executionController)) { Row staticRow = partition.staticRow(); List<Unfiltered> clusters = new ArrayList<>(); while (partition.hasNext()) { Unfiltered row = partition.next(); if (operationTree.satisfiedBy(row, staticRow, true)) clusters.add(row); } if (!clusters.isEmpty()) return new PartitionIterator(partition, clusters); } } } } private static class PartitionIterator extends AbstractUnfilteredRowIterator { private final Iterator<Unfiltered> rows; public PartitionIterator(UnfilteredRowIterator partition, Collection<Unfiltered> content) { super(partition.metadata(), partition.partitionKey(), partition.partitionLevelDeletion(), partition.columns(), partition.staticRow(), partition.isReverseOrder(), partition.stats()); rows = content.iterator(); } @Override protected Unfiltered computeNext() { return rows.hasNext() ? rows.next() : endOfData(); } } public boolean isForThrift() { return controller.isForThrift(); } public CFMetaData metadata() { return controller.metadata(); } public void close() { FileUtils.closeQuietly(operationTree); controller.finish(); } } }