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package org.apache.cassandra.hints;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.zip.CRC32;

import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;

import org.apache.cassandra.io.compress.BufferType;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.NativeLibrary;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.memory.BufferPool;

A RandomAccessReader wrapper that calculates the CRC in place. Useful for HintsReader, for example, where we must verify the CRC, yet don't want to allocate an extra byte array just that purpose. The CRC can be embedded in the input stream and checked via checkCrc(). In addition to calculating the CRC, it allows to enforce a maximum known size. This is needed so that MutationSerializer doesn't blow up the heap when deserializing a corrupted sequence by reading a huge corrupted length of bytes via ByteBufferUtil.readWithLength(DataInput).
/** * A {@link RandomAccessReader} wrapper that calculates the CRC in place. * * Useful for {@link org.apache.cassandra.hints.HintsReader}, for example, where we must verify the CRC, yet don't want * to allocate an extra byte array just that purpose. The CRC can be embedded in the input stream and checked via checkCrc(). * * In addition to calculating the CRC, it allows to enforce a maximum known size. This is needed * so that {@link org.apache.cassandra.db.Mutation.MutationSerializer} doesn't blow up the heap when deserializing a * corrupted sequence by reading a huge corrupted length of bytes via * {@link org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil#readWithLength(java.io.DataInput)}. */
public class ChecksummedDataInput extends RebufferingInputStream { private final CRC32 crc; private int crcPosition; private boolean crcUpdateDisabled; private long limit; private long limitMark; protected long bufferOffset; protected final ChannelProxy channel; ChecksummedDataInput(ChannelProxy channel, BufferType bufferType) { super(BufferPool.get(RandomAccessReader.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, bufferType)); crc = new CRC32(); crcPosition = 0; crcUpdateDisabled = false; this.channel = channel; bufferOffset = 0; buffer.limit(0); resetLimit(); } ChecksummedDataInput(ChannelProxy channel) { this(channel, BufferType.OFF_HEAP); } @SuppressWarnings("resource") public static ChecksummedDataInput open(File file) { return new ChecksummedDataInput(new ChannelProxy(file)); } public boolean isEOF() { return getPosition() == channel.size(); } static class Position implements InputPosition { final long sourcePosition; public Position(long sourcePosition) { super(); this.sourcePosition = sourcePosition; } @Override public long subtract(InputPosition other) { return sourcePosition - ((Position)other).sourcePosition; } }
Return a seekable representation of the current position. For compressed files this is chunk position in file and offset within chunk.
/** * Return a seekable representation of the current position. For compressed files this is chunk position * in file and offset within chunk. */
public InputPosition getSeekPosition() { return new Position(getPosition()); } public void seek(InputPosition pos) { updateCrc(); bufferOffset = ((Position) pos).sourcePosition; buffer.position(0).limit(0); } public void resetCrc() { crc.reset(); crcPosition = buffer.position(); } public void limit(long newLimit) { limitMark = getPosition(); limit = limitMark + newLimit; }
Returns the exact position in the uncompressed view of the file.
/** * Returns the exact position in the uncompressed view of the file. */
protected long getPosition() { return bufferOffset + buffer.position(); }
Returns the position in the source file, which is different for getPosition() for compressed/encrypted files and may be imprecise.
/** * Returns the position in the source file, which is different for getPosition() for compressed/encrypted files * and may be imprecise. */
protected long getSourcePosition() { return bufferOffset; } public void resetLimit() { limit = Long.MAX_VALUE; limitMark = -1; } public void checkLimit(int length) throws IOException { if (getPosition() + length > limit) throw new IOException("Digest mismatch exception"); } public long bytesPastLimit() { assert limitMark != -1; return getPosition() - limitMark; } public boolean checkCrc() throws IOException { try { updateCrc(); // we must disable crc updates in case we rebuffer // when called source.readInt() crcUpdateDisabled = true; return ((int) crc.getValue()) == readInt(); } finally { crcPosition = buffer.position(); crcUpdateDisabled = false; } } @Override public void readFully(byte[] b) throws IOException { checkLimit(b.length); super.readFully(b); } @Override public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { checkLimit(len); return super.read(b, off, len); } @Override protected void reBuffer() { Preconditions.checkState(buffer.remaining() == 0); updateCrc(); bufferOffset += buffer.limit(); readBuffer(); crcPosition = buffer.position(); } protected void readBuffer() { buffer.clear(); while ((channel.read(buffer, bufferOffset)) == 0) {} buffer.flip(); } public void tryUncacheRead() { NativeLibrary.trySkipCache(getChannel().getFileDescriptor(), 0, getSourcePosition(), getPath()); } private void updateCrc() { if (crcPosition == buffer.position() || crcUpdateDisabled) return; assert crcPosition >= 0 && crcPosition < buffer.position(); ByteBuffer unprocessed = buffer.duplicate(); unprocessed.position(crcPosition) .limit(buffer.position()); crc.update(unprocessed); } @Override public void close() { BufferPool.put(buffer); channel.close(); } protected String getPath() { return channel.filePath(); } public ChannelProxy getChannel() { return channel; } }