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/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */
package org.apache.cassandra.dht; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; import org.apache.cassandra.db.DecoratedKey; import org.apache.cassandra.db.PreHashedDecoratedKey; import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType; import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.PartitionerDefinedOrder; import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.LongType; import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.MurmurHash; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ObjectSizes; import;
This class generates a BigIntegerToken using a Murmur3 hash.
/** * This class generates a BigIntegerToken using a Murmur3 hash. */
public class Murmur3Partitioner implements IPartitioner { public static final LongToken MINIMUM = new LongToken(Long.MIN_VALUE); public static final long MAXIMUM = Long.MAX_VALUE; private static final int HEAP_SIZE = (int) ObjectSizes.measureDeep(MINIMUM); public static final Murmur3Partitioner instance = new Murmur3Partitioner(); public static final AbstractType<?> partitionOrdering = new PartitionerDefinedOrder(instance); private final Splitter splitter = new Splitter(this) { public Token tokenForValue(BigInteger value) { return new LongToken(value.longValue()); } public BigInteger valueForToken(Token token) { return BigInteger.valueOf(((LongToken) token).token); } }; public DecoratedKey decorateKey(ByteBuffer key) { long[] hash = getHash(key); return new PreHashedDecoratedKey(getToken(key, hash), key, hash[0], hash[1]); } public Token midpoint(Token lToken, Token rToken) { // using BigInteger to avoid long overflow in intermediate operations BigInteger l = BigInteger.valueOf(((LongToken) lToken).token), r = BigInteger.valueOf(((LongToken) rToken).token), midpoint; if (l.compareTo(r) < 0) { BigInteger sum = l.add(r); midpoint = sum.shiftRight(1); } else // wrapping case { BigInteger max = BigInteger.valueOf(MAXIMUM); BigInteger min = BigInteger.valueOf(MINIMUM.token); // length of range we're bisecting is (R - min) + (max - L) // so we add that to L giving // L + ((R - min) + (max - L) / 2) = (L + R + max - min) / 2 midpoint = (max.subtract(min).add(l).add(r)).shiftRight(1); if (midpoint.compareTo(max) > 0) midpoint = min.add(midpoint.subtract(max)); } return new LongToken(midpoint.longValue()); } public Token split(Token lToken, Token rToken, double ratioToLeft) { BigDecimal l = BigDecimal.valueOf(((LongToken) lToken).token), r = BigDecimal.valueOf(((LongToken) rToken).token), ratio = BigDecimal.valueOf(ratioToLeft); long newToken; if (l.compareTo(r) < 0) { newToken = r.subtract(l).multiply(ratio).add(l).toBigInteger().longValue(); } else { // wrapping case // L + ((R - min) + (max - L)) * pct BigDecimal max = BigDecimal.valueOf(MAXIMUM); BigDecimal min = BigDecimal.valueOf(MINIMUM.token); BigInteger token = max.subtract(min).add(r).subtract(l).multiply(ratio).add(l).toBigInteger(); BigInteger maxToken = BigInteger.valueOf(MAXIMUM); if (token.compareTo(maxToken) <= 0) { newToken = token.longValue(); } else { // if the value is above maximum BigInteger minToken = BigInteger.valueOf(MINIMUM.token); newToken = minToken.add(token.subtract(maxToken)).longValue(); } } return new LongToken(newToken); } public LongToken getMinimumToken() { return MINIMUM; } public static class LongToken extends Token { static final long serialVersionUID = -5833580143318243006L; final long token; public LongToken(long token) { this.token = token; } public String toString() { return Long.toString(token); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null || this.getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; return token == (((LongToken)obj).token); } public int hashCode() { return Longs.hashCode(token); } public int compareTo(Token o) { return, ((LongToken) o).token); } @Override public IPartitioner getPartitioner() { return instance; } @Override public long getHeapSize() { return HEAP_SIZE; } @Override public Object getTokenValue() { return token; } @Override public double size(Token next) { LongToken n = (LongToken) next; long v = n.token - token; // Overflow acceptable and desired. double d = Math.scalb((double) v, -Long.SIZE); // Scale so that the full range is 1. return d > 0.0 ? d : (d + 1.0); // Adjust for signed long, also making sure t.size(t) == 1. } @Override public Token increaseSlightly() { return new LongToken(token + 1); } }
Generate the token of a key. Note that we need to ensure all generated token are strictly bigger than MINIMUM. In particular we don't want MINIMUM to correspond to any key because the range (MINIMUM, X] doesn't include MINIMUM but we use such range to select all data whose token is smaller than X.
/** * Generate the token of a key. * Note that we need to ensure all generated token are strictly bigger than MINIMUM. * In particular we don't want MINIMUM to correspond to any key because the range (MINIMUM, X] doesn't * include MINIMUM but we use such range to select all data whose token is smaller than X. */
public LongToken getToken(ByteBuffer key) { return getToken(key, getHash(key)); } private LongToken getToken(ByteBuffer key, long[] hash) { if (key.remaining() == 0) return MINIMUM; return new LongToken(normalize(hash[0])); } private long[] getHash(ByteBuffer key) { long[] hash = new long[2]; MurmurHash.hash3_x64_128(key, key.position(), key.remaining(), 0, hash); return hash; } public LongToken getRandomToken() { return getRandomToken(ThreadLocalRandom.current()); } public LongToken getRandomToken(Random r) { return new LongToken(normalize(r.nextLong())); } private long normalize(long v) { // We exclude the MINIMUM value; see getToken() return v == Long.MIN_VALUE ? Long.MAX_VALUE : v; } public boolean preservesOrder() { return false; } public Map<Token, Float> describeOwnership(List<Token> sortedTokens) { Map<Token, Float> ownerships = new HashMap<Token, Float>(); Iterator<Token> i = sortedTokens.iterator(); // 0-case if (!i.hasNext()) throw new RuntimeException("No nodes present in the cluster. Has this node finished starting up?"); // 1-case if (sortedTokens.size() == 1) ownerships.put(, new Float(1.0)); // n-case else { final BigInteger ri = BigInteger.valueOf(MAXIMUM).subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(MINIMUM.token + 1)); // (used for addition later) final BigDecimal r = new BigDecimal(ri); Token start =;BigInteger ti = BigInteger.valueOf(((LongToken)start).token); // The first token and its value Token t; BigInteger tim1 = ti; // The last token and its value (after loop) while (i.hasNext()) { t =; ti = BigInteger.valueOf(((LongToken) t).token); // The next token and its value float age = new BigDecimal(ti.subtract(tim1).add(ri).mod(ri)).divide(r, 6, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN).floatValue(); // %age = ((T(i) - T(i-1) + R) % R) / R ownerships.put(t, age); // save (T(i) -> %age) tim1 = ti; // -> advance loop } // The start token's range extends backward to the last token, which is why both were saved above. float x = new BigDecimal(BigInteger.valueOf(((LongToken)start).token).subtract(ti).add(ri).mod(ri)).divide(r, 6, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN).floatValue(); ownerships.put(start, x); } return ownerships; } public Token.TokenFactory getTokenFactory() { return tokenFactory; } private final Token.TokenFactory tokenFactory = new Token.TokenFactory() { public ByteBuffer toByteArray(Token token) { LongToken longToken = (LongToken) token; return ByteBufferUtil.bytes(longToken.token); } public Token fromByteArray(ByteBuffer bytes) { return new LongToken(ByteBufferUtil.toLong(bytes)); } public String toString(Token token) { return token.toString(); } public void validate(String token) throws ConfigurationException { try { fromString(token); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ConfigurationException(e.getMessage()); } } public Token fromString(String string) { try { return new LongToken(Long.parseLong(string)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid token for Murmur3Partitioner. Got %s but expected a long value (unsigned 8 bytes integer).", string)); } } }; public AbstractType<?> getTokenValidator() { return LongType.instance; } public Token getMaximumToken() { return new LongToken(Long.MAX_VALUE); } public AbstractType<?> partitionOrdering() { return partitionOrdering; } public Optional<Splitter> splitter() { return Optional.of(splitter); } }