 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.CQL3Type;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.InvalidRequestException;
import org.apache.cassandra.transport.ProtocolVersion;

Factory methods for aggregate functions.
/** * Factory methods for aggregate functions. */
public abstract class AggregateFcts { public static Collection<AggregateFunction> all() { Collection<AggregateFunction> functions = new ArrayList<>(); functions.add(countRowsFunction); // sum for primitives functions.add(sumFunctionForByte); functions.add(sumFunctionForShort); functions.add(sumFunctionForInt32); functions.add(sumFunctionForLong); functions.add(sumFunctionForFloat); functions.add(sumFunctionForDouble); functions.add(sumFunctionForDecimal); functions.add(sumFunctionForVarint); functions.add(sumFunctionForCounter); // avg for primitives functions.add(avgFunctionForByte); functions.add(avgFunctionForShort); functions.add(avgFunctionForInt32); functions.add(avgFunctionForLong); functions.add(avgFunctionForFloat); functions.add(avgFunctionForDouble); functions.add(avgFunctionForDecimal); functions.add(avgFunctionForVarint); functions.add(avgFunctionForCounter); // count, max, and min for all standard types for (CQL3Type type : CQL3Type.Native.values()) { if (type != CQL3Type.Native.VARCHAR) // varchar and text both mapping to UTF8Type { functions.add(AggregateFcts.makeCountFunction(type.getType())); if (type != CQL3Type.Native.COUNTER) { functions.add(AggregateFcts.makeMaxFunction(type.getType())); functions.add(AggregateFcts.makeMinFunction(type.getType())); } else { functions.add(AggregateFcts.maxFunctionForCounter); functions.add(AggregateFcts.minFunctionForCounter); } } } return functions; }
The function used to count the number of rows of a result set. This function is called when COUNT(*) or COUNT(1) is specified.
/** * The function used to count the number of rows of a result set. This function is called when COUNT(*) or COUNT(1) * is specified. */
public static final AggregateFunction countRowsFunction = new NativeAggregateFunction("countRows", LongType.instance) { public Aggregate newAggregate() { return new Aggregate() { private long count; public void reset() { count = 0; } public ByteBuffer compute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { return LongType.instance.decompose(count); } public void addInput(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, List<ByteBuffer> values) { count++; } }; } @Override public String columnName(List<String> columnNames) { return "count"; } };
The SUM function for decimal values.
/** * The SUM function for decimal values. */
public static final AggregateFunction sumFunctionForDecimal = new NativeAggregateFunction("sum", DecimalType.instance, DecimalType.instance) { @Override public Aggregate newAggregate() { return new Aggregate() { private BigDecimal sum = BigDecimal.ZERO; public void reset() { sum = BigDecimal.ZERO; } public ByteBuffer compute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { return ((DecimalType) returnType()).decompose(sum); } public void addInput(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, List<ByteBuffer> values) { ByteBuffer value = values.get(0); if (value == null) return; BigDecimal number = DecimalType.instance.compose(value); sum = sum.add(number); } }; } };
The AVG function for decimal values.
/** * The AVG function for decimal values. */
public static final AggregateFunction avgFunctionForDecimal = new NativeAggregateFunction("avg", DecimalType.instance, DecimalType.instance) { public Aggregate newAggregate() { return new Aggregate() { private BigDecimal avg = BigDecimal.ZERO; private int count; public void reset() { count = 0; avg = BigDecimal.ZERO; } public ByteBuffer compute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { return DecimalType.instance.decompose(avg); } public void addInput(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, List<ByteBuffer> values) { ByteBuffer value = values.get(0); if (value == null) return; count++; BigDecimal number = DecimalType.instance.compose(value); // avg = avg + (value - sum) / count. avg = avg.add(number.subtract(avg).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(count), RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN)); } }; } };
The SUM function for varint values.
/** * The SUM function for varint values. */
public static final AggregateFunction sumFunctionForVarint = new NativeAggregateFunction("sum", IntegerType.instance, IntegerType.instance) { public Aggregate newAggregate() { return new Aggregate() { private BigInteger sum = BigInteger.ZERO; public void reset() { sum = BigInteger.ZERO; } public ByteBuffer compute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { return ((IntegerType) returnType()).decompose(sum); } public void addInput(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, List<ByteBuffer> values) { ByteBuffer value = values.get(0); if (value == null) return; BigInteger number = IntegerType.instance.compose(value); sum = sum.add(number); } }; } };
The AVG function for varint values.
/** * The AVG function for varint values. */
public static final AggregateFunction avgFunctionForVarint = new NativeAggregateFunction("avg", IntegerType.instance, IntegerType.instance) { public Aggregate newAggregate() { return new Aggregate() { private BigInteger sum = BigInteger.ZERO; private int count; public void reset() { count = 0; sum = BigInteger.ZERO; } public ByteBuffer compute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { if (count == 0) return IntegerType.instance.decompose(BigInteger.ZERO); return IntegerType.instance.decompose(sum.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(count))); } public void addInput(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, List<ByteBuffer> values) { ByteBuffer value = values.get(0); if (value == null) return; count++; BigInteger number = ((BigInteger) argTypes().get(0).compose(value)); sum = sum.add(number); } }; } };
The SUM function for byte values (tinyint).
/** * The SUM function for byte values (tinyint). */
public static final AggregateFunction sumFunctionForByte = new NativeAggregateFunction("sum", ByteType.instance, ByteType.instance) { public Aggregate newAggregate() { return new Aggregate() { private byte sum; public void reset() { sum = 0; } public ByteBuffer compute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { return ((ByteType) returnType()).decompose(sum); } public void addInput(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, List<ByteBuffer> values) { ByteBuffer value = values.get(0); if (value == null) return; Number number = ((Number) argTypes().get(0).compose(value)); sum += number.byteValue(); } }; } };
AVG function for byte values (tinyint).
/** * AVG function for byte values (tinyint). */
public static final AggregateFunction avgFunctionForByte = new NativeAggregateFunction("avg", ByteType.instance, ByteType.instance) { public Aggregate newAggregate() { return new AvgAggregate(ByteType.instance) { public ByteBuffer compute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) throws InvalidRequestException { return ByteType.instance.decompose((byte) computeInternal()); } }; } };
The SUM function for short values (smallint).
/** * The SUM function for short values (smallint). */
public static final AggregateFunction sumFunctionForShort = new NativeAggregateFunction("sum", ShortType.instance, ShortType.instance) { public Aggregate newAggregate() { return new Aggregate() { private short sum; public void reset() { sum = 0; } public ByteBuffer compute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { return ((ShortType) returnType()).decompose(sum); } public void addInput(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, List<ByteBuffer> values) { ByteBuffer value = values.get(0); if (value == null) return; Number number = ((Number) argTypes().get(0).compose(value)); sum += number.shortValue(); } }; } };
AVG function for for short values (smallint).
/** * AVG function for for short values (smallint). */
public static final AggregateFunction avgFunctionForShort = new NativeAggregateFunction("avg", ShortType.instance, ShortType.instance) { public Aggregate newAggregate() { return new AvgAggregate(ShortType.instance) { public ByteBuffer compute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { return ShortType.instance.decompose((short) computeInternal()); } }; } };
The SUM function for int32 values.
/** * The SUM function for int32 values. */
public static final AggregateFunction sumFunctionForInt32 = new NativeAggregateFunction("sum", Int32Type.instance, Int32Type.instance) { public Aggregate newAggregate() { return new Aggregate() { private int sum; public void reset() { sum = 0; } public ByteBuffer compute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { return ((Int32Type) returnType()).decompose(sum); } public void addInput(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, List<ByteBuffer> values) { ByteBuffer value = values.get(0); if (value == null) return; Number number = ((Number) argTypes().get(0).compose(value)); sum += number.intValue(); } }; } };
AVG function for int32 values.
/** * AVG function for int32 values. */
public static final AggregateFunction avgFunctionForInt32 = new NativeAggregateFunction("avg", Int32Type.instance, Int32Type.instance) { public Aggregate newAggregate() { return new AvgAggregate(Int32Type.instance) { public ByteBuffer compute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { return Int32Type.instance.decompose((int) computeInternal()); } }; } };
The SUM function for long values.
/** * The SUM function for long values. */
public static final AggregateFunction sumFunctionForLong = new NativeAggregateFunction("sum", LongType.instance, LongType.instance) { public Aggregate newAggregate() { return new LongSumAggregate(); } };
AVG function for long values.
/** * AVG function for long values. */
public static final AggregateFunction avgFunctionForLong = new NativeAggregateFunction("avg", LongType.instance, LongType.instance) { public Aggregate newAggregate() { return new AvgAggregate(LongType.instance) { public ByteBuffer compute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { return LongType.instance.decompose(computeInternal()); } }; } };
The SUM function for float values.
/** * The SUM function for float values. */
public static final AggregateFunction sumFunctionForFloat = new NativeAggregateFunction("sum", FloatType.instance, FloatType.instance) { public Aggregate newAggregate() { return new FloatSumAggregate(FloatType.instance) { public ByteBuffer compute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) throws InvalidRequestException { return FloatType.instance.decompose((float) computeInternal()); } }; } };
AVG function for float values.
/** * AVG function for float values. */
public static final AggregateFunction avgFunctionForFloat = new NativeAggregateFunction("avg", FloatType.instance, FloatType.instance) { public Aggregate newAggregate() { return new FloatAvgAggregate(FloatType.instance) { public ByteBuffer compute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) throws InvalidRequestException { return FloatType.instance.decompose((float) computeInternal()); } }; } };
The SUM function for double values.
/** * The SUM function for double values. */
public static final AggregateFunction sumFunctionForDouble = new NativeAggregateFunction("sum", DoubleType.instance, DoubleType.instance) { public Aggregate newAggregate() { return new FloatSumAggregate(DoubleType.instance) { public ByteBuffer compute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) throws InvalidRequestException { return DoubleType.instance.decompose(computeInternal()); } }; } };
Sum aggregate function for floating point numbers, using double arithmetics and Kahan's algorithm to improve result precision.
/** * Sum aggregate function for floating point numbers, using double arithmetics and * Kahan's algorithm to improve result precision. */
private static abstract class FloatSumAggregate implements AggregateFunction.Aggregate { private double sum; private double compensation; private double simpleSum; private final AbstractType numberType; public FloatSumAggregate(AbstractType numberType) { this.numberType = numberType; } public void reset() { sum = 0; compensation = 0; simpleSum = 0; } public void addInput(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, List<ByteBuffer> values) { ByteBuffer value = values.get(0); if (value == null) return; double number = ((Number) numberType.compose(value)).doubleValue(); simpleSum += number; double tmp = number - compensation; double rounded = sum + tmp; compensation = (rounded - sum) - tmp; sum = rounded; } public double computeInternal() { // correctly compute final sum if it's NaN from consequently // adding same-signed infinite values. double tmp = sum + compensation; if (Double.isNaN(tmp) && Double.isInfinite(simpleSum)) return simpleSum; else return tmp; } }
Average aggregate for floating point umbers, using double arithmetics and Kahan's algorithm to calculate sum by default, switching to BigDecimal on sum overflow. Resulting number is converted to corresponding representation by concrete implementations.
/** * Average aggregate for floating point umbers, using double arithmetics and Kahan's algorithm * to calculate sum by default, switching to BigDecimal on sum overflow. Resulting number is * converted to corresponding representation by concrete implementations. */
private static abstract class FloatAvgAggregate implements AggregateFunction.Aggregate { private double sum; private double compensation; private double simpleSum; private int count; private BigDecimal bigSum = null; private boolean overflow = false; private final AbstractType numberType; public FloatAvgAggregate(AbstractType numberType) { this.numberType = numberType; } public void reset() { sum = 0; compensation = 0; simpleSum = 0; count = 0; bigSum = null; overflow = false; } public double computeInternal() { if (count == 0) return 0d; if (overflow) { return bigSum.divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(count), RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN).doubleValue(); } else { // correctly compute final sum if it's NaN from consequently // adding same-signed infinite values. double tmp = sum + compensation; if (Double.isNaN(tmp) && Double.isInfinite(simpleSum)) sum = simpleSum; else sum = tmp; return sum / count; } } public void addInput(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, List<ByteBuffer> values) { ByteBuffer value = values.get(0); if (value == null) return; count++; double number = ((Number) numberType.compose(value)).doubleValue(); if (overflow) { bigSum = bigSum.add(BigDecimal.valueOf(number)); } else { simpleSum += number; double prev = sum; double tmp = number - compensation; double rounded = sum + tmp; compensation = (rounded - sum) - tmp; sum = rounded; if (Double.isInfinite(sum) && !Double.isInfinite(number)) { overflow = true; bigSum = BigDecimal.valueOf(prev).add(BigDecimal.valueOf(number)); } } } }
AVG function for double values.
/** * AVG function for double values. */
public static final AggregateFunction avgFunctionForDouble = new NativeAggregateFunction("avg", DoubleType.instance, DoubleType.instance) { public Aggregate newAggregate() { return new FloatAvgAggregate(DoubleType.instance) { public ByteBuffer compute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) throws InvalidRequestException { return DoubleType.instance.decompose(computeInternal()); } }; } };
The SUM function for counter column values.
/** * The SUM function for counter column values. */
public static final AggregateFunction sumFunctionForCounter = new NativeAggregateFunction("sum", CounterColumnType.instance, CounterColumnType.instance) { public Aggregate newAggregate() { return new LongSumAggregate(); } };
AVG function for counter column values.
/** * AVG function for counter column values. */
public static final AggregateFunction avgFunctionForCounter = new NativeAggregateFunction("avg", CounterColumnType.instance, CounterColumnType.instance) { public Aggregate newAggregate() { return new AvgAggregate(LongType.instance) { public ByteBuffer compute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) throws InvalidRequestException { return CounterColumnType.instance.decompose(computeInternal()); } }; } };
The MIN function for counter column values.
/** * The MIN function for counter column values. */
public static final AggregateFunction minFunctionForCounter = new NativeAggregateFunction("min", CounterColumnType.instance, CounterColumnType.instance) { public Aggregate newAggregate() { return new Aggregate() { private Long min; public void reset() { min = null; } public ByteBuffer compute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { return min != null ? LongType.instance.decompose(min) : null; } public void addInput(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, List<ByteBuffer> values) { ByteBuffer value = values.get(0); if (value == null) return; long lval = LongType.instance.compose(value); if (min == null || lval < min) min = lval; } }; } };
MAX function for counter column values.
/** * MAX function for counter column values. */
public static final AggregateFunction maxFunctionForCounter = new NativeAggregateFunction("max", CounterColumnType.instance, CounterColumnType.instance) { public Aggregate newAggregate() { return new Aggregate() { private Long max; public void reset() { max = null; } public ByteBuffer compute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { return max != null ? LongType.instance.decompose(max) : null; } public void addInput(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, List<ByteBuffer> values) { ByteBuffer value = values.get(0); if (value == null) return; long lval = LongType.instance.compose(value); if (max == null || lval > max) max = lval; } }; } };
Creates a MAX function for the specified type.
  • inputType – the function input and output type
Returns:a MAX function for the specified type.
/** * Creates a MAX function for the specified type. * * @param inputType the function input and output type * @return a MAX function for the specified type. */
public static AggregateFunction makeMaxFunction(final AbstractType<?> inputType) { return new NativeAggregateFunction("max", inputType, inputType) { public Aggregate newAggregate() { return new Aggregate() { private ByteBuffer max; public void reset() { max = null; } public ByteBuffer compute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { return max; } public void addInput(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, List<ByteBuffer> values) { ByteBuffer value = values.get(0); if (value == null) return; if (max == null || returnType().compare(max, value) < 0) max = value; } }; } }; }
Creates a MIN function for the specified type.
  • inputType – the function input and output type
Returns:a MIN function for the specified type.
/** * Creates a MIN function for the specified type. * * @param inputType the function input and output type * @return a MIN function for the specified type. */
public static AggregateFunction makeMinFunction(final AbstractType<?> inputType) { return new NativeAggregateFunction("min", inputType, inputType) { public Aggregate newAggregate() { return new Aggregate() { private ByteBuffer min; public void reset() { min = null; } public ByteBuffer compute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { return min; } public void addInput(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, List<ByteBuffer> values) { ByteBuffer value = values.get(0); if (value == null) return; if (min == null || returnType().compare(min, value) > 0) min = value; } }; } }; }
Creates a COUNT function for the specified type.
  • inputType – the function input type
Returns:a COUNT function for the specified type.
/** * Creates a COUNT function for the specified type. * * @param inputType the function input type * @return a COUNT function for the specified type. */
public static AggregateFunction makeCountFunction(AbstractType<?> inputType) { return new NativeAggregateFunction("count", LongType.instance, inputType) { public Aggregate newAggregate() { return new Aggregate() { private long count; public void reset() { count = 0; } public ByteBuffer compute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { return ((LongType) returnType()).decompose(count); } public void addInput(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, List<ByteBuffer> values) { ByteBuffer value = values.get(0); if (value == null) return; count++; } }; } }; } private static class LongSumAggregate implements AggregateFunction.Aggregate { private long sum; public void reset() { sum = 0; } public ByteBuffer compute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { return LongType.instance.decompose(sum); } public void addInput(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, List<ByteBuffer> values) { ByteBuffer value = values.get(0); if (value == null) return; Number number = LongType.instance.compose(value); sum += number.longValue(); } }
Average aggregate class, collecting the sum using long arithmetics, falling back to BigInteger on long overflow. Resulting number is converted to corresponding representation by concrete implementations.
/** * Average aggregate class, collecting the sum using long arithmetics, falling back * to BigInteger on long overflow. Resulting number is converted to corresponding * representation by concrete implementations. */
private static abstract class AvgAggregate implements AggregateFunction.Aggregate { private long sum; private int count; private BigInteger bigSum = null; private boolean overflow = false; private final AbstractType numberType; public AvgAggregate(AbstractType type) { this.numberType = type; } public void reset() { count = 0; sum = 0L; overflow = false; bigSum = null; } long computeInternal() { if (overflow) { return bigSum.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(count)).longValue(); } else { return count == 0 ? 0 : (sum / count); } } public void addInput(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, List<ByteBuffer> values) { ByteBuffer value = values.get(0); if (value == null) return; count++; long number = ((Number) numberType.compose(value)).longValue(); if (overflow) { bigSum = bigSum.add(BigInteger.valueOf(number)); } else { long prev = sum; sum += number; if (((prev ^ sum) & (number ^ sum)) < 0) { overflow = true; bigSum = BigInteger.valueOf(prev).add(BigInteger.valueOf(number)); } } } } }