 * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that
 * can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root.
package org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.xpath;

import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonToken;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Lexer;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.LexerNoViableAltException;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Vocabulary;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.VocabularyImpl;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.Interval;

Mimic the old XPathLexer from .g4 file
/** Mimic the old XPathLexer from .g4 file */
public class XPathLexer extends Lexer { public static final int TOKEN_REF=1, RULE_REF=2, ANYWHERE=3, ROOT=4, WILDCARD=5, BANG=6, ID=7, STRING=8; public static String[] modeNames = { "DEFAULT_MODE" }; public static final String[] ruleNames = { "ANYWHERE", "ROOT", "WILDCARD", "BANG", "ID", "NameChar", "NameStartChar", "STRING" }; private static final String[] _LITERAL_NAMES = { null, null, null, "'//'", "'/'", "'*'", "'!'" }; private static final String[] _SYMBOLIC_NAMES = { null, "TOKEN_REF", "RULE_REF", "ANYWHERE", "ROOT", "WILDCARD", "BANG", "ID", "STRING" }; public static final Vocabulary VOCABULARY = new VocabularyImpl(_LITERAL_NAMES, _SYMBOLIC_NAMES);
Deprecated:Use VOCABULARY instead.
/** * @deprecated Use {@link #VOCABULARY} instead. */
@Deprecated public static final String[] tokenNames; static { tokenNames = new String[_SYMBOLIC_NAMES.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tokenNames.length; i++) { tokenNames[i] = VOCABULARY.getLiteralName(i); if (tokenNames[i] == null) { tokenNames[i] = VOCABULARY.getSymbolicName(i); } if (tokenNames[i] == null) { tokenNames[i] = "<INVALID>"; } } } @Override public String getGrammarFileName() { return "XPathLexer.g4"; } @Override public String[] getRuleNames() { return ruleNames; } @Override public String[] getModeNames() { return modeNames; } @Override @Deprecated public String[] getTokenNames() { return tokenNames; } @Override public Vocabulary getVocabulary() { return VOCABULARY; } @Override public ATN getATN() { return null; } protected int line = 1; protected int charPositionInLine = 0; public XPathLexer(CharStream input) { super(input); } @Override public Token nextToken() { _tokenStartCharIndex = _input.index(); CommonToken t = null; while ( t==null ) { switch ( _input.LA(1) ) { case '/': consume(); if ( _input.LA(1)=='/' ) { consume(); t = new CommonToken(ANYWHERE, "//"); } else { t = new CommonToken(ROOT, "/"); } break; case '*': consume(); t = new CommonToken(WILDCARD, "*"); break; case '!': consume(); t = new CommonToken(BANG, "!"); break; case '\'': String s = matchString(); t = new CommonToken(STRING, s); break; case CharStream.EOF : return new CommonToken(EOF, "<EOF>"); default: if ( isNameStartChar(_input.LA(1)) ) { String id = matchID(); if ( Character.isUpperCase(id.charAt(0)) ) t = new CommonToken(TOKEN_REF, id); else t = new CommonToken(RULE_REF, id); } else { throw new LexerNoViableAltException(this, _input, _tokenStartCharIndex, null); } break; } } t.setStartIndex(_tokenStartCharIndex); t.setCharPositionInLine(_tokenStartCharIndex); t.setLine(line); return t; } public void consume() { int curChar = _input.LA(1); if ( curChar=='\n' ) { line++; charPositionInLine=0; } else { charPositionInLine++; } _input.consume(); } @Override public int getCharPositionInLine() { return charPositionInLine; } public String matchID() { int start = _input.index(); consume(); // drop start char while ( isNameChar(_input.LA(1)) ) { consume(); } return _input.getText(Interval.of(start,_input.index()-1)); } public String matchString() { int start = _input.index(); consume(); // drop first quote while ( _input.LA(1)!='\'' ) { consume(); } consume(); // drop last quote return _input.getText(Interval.of(start,_input.index()-1)); } public boolean isNameChar(int c) { return Character.isUnicodeIdentifierPart(c); } public boolean isNameStartChar(int c) { return Character.isUnicodeIdentifierStart(c); } }