 * Copyright 2014 - 2019 Rafael Winterhalter
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package net.bytebuddy.pool;

import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
import net.bytebuddy.build.CachedReturnPlugin;
import net.bytebuddy.build.HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin;
import net.bytebuddy.description.TypeVariableSource;
import net.bytebuddy.description.annotation.AnnotationDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.annotation.AnnotationList;
import net.bytebuddy.description.annotation.AnnotationValue;
import net.bytebuddy.description.enumeration.EnumerationDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.field.FieldDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.field.FieldList;
import net.bytebuddy.description.method.MethodDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.method.MethodList;
import net.bytebuddy.description.method.ParameterDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.method.ParameterList;
import net.bytebuddy.description.type.PackageDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.type.TypeDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.type.TypeList;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.ClassFileLocator;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.StackSize;
import net.bytebuddy.utility.OpenedClassReader;
import org.objectweb.asm.*;
import org.objectweb.asm.signature.SignatureReader;
import org.objectweb.asm.signature.SignatureVisitor;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.GenericSignatureFormatError;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;

import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.*;

A type pool allows the retrieval of TypeDescription by its name.
/** * A type pool allows the retrieval of {@link TypeDescription} by its name. */
public interface TypePool {
Locates and describes the given type by its name.
  • name – The name of the type to describe. The name is to be written as when calling Object.toString() on a loaded Class.
Returns:A resolution of the type to describe. If the type to be described was found, the returned Resolution represents this type. Otherwise, an illegal resolution is returned.
/** * Locates and describes the given type by its name. * * @param name The name of the type to describe. The name is to be written as when calling {@link Object#toString()} * on a loaded {@link java.lang.Class}. * @return A resolution of the type to describe. If the type to be described was found, the returned * {@link net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool.Resolution} represents this type. Otherwise, an illegal resolution is returned. */
Resolution describe(String name);
Clears this type pool's cache.
/** * Clears this type pool's cache. */
void clear();
A resolution of a TypePool which was queried for a description.
/** * A resolution of a {@link net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool} which was queried for a description. */
interface Resolution {
Determines if this resolution represents a fully-resolved TypeDescription.
Returns:true if the queried type could be resolved.
/** * Determines if this resolution represents a fully-resolved {@link TypeDescription}. * * @return {@code true} if the queried type could be resolved. */
boolean isResolved();
Resolves this resolution to a TypeDescription. If this resolution is unresolved, this method throws an exception either upon invoking this method or upon invoking at least one method of the returned type description.
Returns:The type description that is represented by this resolution.
/** * Resolves this resolution to a {@link TypeDescription}. If this resolution is unresolved, this * method throws an exception either upon invoking this method or upon invoking at least one method * of the returned type description. * * @return The type description that is represented by this resolution. */
TypeDescription resolve();
A simple resolution that represents a given TypeDescription.
/** * A simple resolution that represents a given {@link TypeDescription}. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class Simple implements Resolution {
The represented type description.
/** * The represented type description. */
private final TypeDescription typeDescription;
Creates a new successful resolution of a given type description.
  • typeDescription – The represented type description.
/** * Creates a new successful resolution of a given type description. * * @param typeDescription The represented type description. */
public Simple(TypeDescription typeDescription) { this.typeDescription = typeDescription; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isResolved() { return true; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription resolve() { return typeDescription; } }
A canonical representation of a non-successful resolution of a TypePool.
/** * A canonical representation of a non-successful resolution of a {@link net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool}. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class Illegal implements Resolution {
The name of the unresolved type.
/** * The name of the unresolved type. */
private final String name;
Creates a new illegal resolution.
  • name – The name of the unresolved type.
/** * Creates a new illegal resolution. * * @param name The name of the unresolved type. */
public Illegal(String name) { this.name = name; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isResolved() { return false; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription resolve() { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot resolve type description for " + name); } } }
A cache provider for a TypePool.
/** * A cache provider for a {@link net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool}. */
interface CacheProvider {
The value that is returned on a cache-miss.
/** * The value that is returned on a cache-miss. */
Resolution UNRESOLVED = null;
Attempts to find a resolution in this cache.
  • name – The name of the type to describe.
Returns:A resolution of the type or null if no such resolution can be found in the cache..
/** * Attempts to find a resolution in this cache. * * @param name The name of the type to describe. * @return A resolution of the type or {@code null} if no such resolution can be found in the cache.. */
Resolution find(String name);
Registers a resolution in this cache. If a resolution to the given name already exists in the cache, it should be discarded.
  • name – The name of the type that is to be registered.
  • resolution – The resolution to register.
Returns:The oldest version of a resolution that is currently registered in the cache which might be the given resolution or another resolution that was previously registered.
/** * Registers a resolution in this cache. If a resolution to the given name already exists in the * cache, it should be discarded. * * @param name The name of the type that is to be registered. * @param resolution The resolution to register. * @return The oldest version of a resolution that is currently registered in the cache which might * be the given resolution or another resolution that was previously registered. */
Resolution register(String name, Resolution resolution);
Clears this cache.
/** * Clears this cache. */
void clear();
A non-operational cache that does not store any type descriptions.
/** * A non-operational cache that does not store any type descriptions. */
enum NoOp implements CacheProvider {
The singleton instance.
/** * The singleton instance. */
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Resolution find(String name) { return UNRESOLVED; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Resolution register(String name, Resolution resolution) { return resolution; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void clear() { /* do nothing */ } }
A simple, thread-safe type cache based on a ConcurrentHashMap.
/** * A simple, thread-safe type cache based on a {@link java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap}. */
class Simple implements CacheProvider {
A map containing all cached resolutions by their names.
/** * A map containing all cached resolutions by their names. */
private final ConcurrentMap<String, Resolution> storage;
Creates a new simple cache.
/** * Creates a new simple cache. */
public Simple() { this(new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Resolution>()); }
Creates a new simple cache.
  • storage – A map that is used for locating and storing resolutions.
/** * Creates a new simple cache. * * @param storage A map that is used for locating and storing resolutions. */
public Simple(ConcurrentMap<String, Resolution> storage) { this.storage = storage; }
Returns a simple cache provider that is prepopulated with the Object type.
Returns:A simple cache provider that is prepopulated with the Object type.
/** * Returns a simple cache provider that is prepopulated with the {@link Object} type. * * @return A simple cache provider that is prepopulated with the {@link Object} type. */
public static CacheProvider withObjectType() { CacheProvider cacheProvider = new Simple(); cacheProvider.register(Object.class.getName(), new Resolution.Simple(TypeDescription.OBJECT)); return cacheProvider; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Resolution find(String name) { return storage.get(name); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Resolution register(String name, Resolution resolution) { Resolution cached = storage.putIfAbsent(name, resolution); return cached == null ? resolution : cached; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void clear() { storage.clear(); }
Returns the underlying storage map of this simple cache provider.
Returns:A map containing all cached resolutions by their names.
/** * Returns the underlying storage map of this simple cache provider. * * @return A map containing all cached resolutions by their names. */
public ConcurrentMap<String, Resolution> getStorage() { return storage; } } }
An empty type pool that cannot describe any type.
/** * An empty type pool that cannot describe any type. */
enum Empty implements TypePool {
The singleton instance.
/** * The singleton instance. */
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Resolution describe(String name) { return new Resolution.Illegal(name); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void clear() { /* do nothing */ } }
A base implementation of a TypePool that is managing a cache provider and that handles the description of array and primitive types.
/** * A base implementation of a {@link net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool} that is managing a cache provider and * that handles the description of array and primitive types. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance abstract class AbstractBase implements TypePool {
A map of primitive types by their name.
/** * A map of primitive types by their name. */
protected static final Map<String, TypeDescription> PRIMITIVE_TYPES;
A map of primitive types by their descriptor.
/** * A map of primitive types by their descriptor. */
protected static final Map<String, String> PRIMITIVE_DESCRIPTORS;
The array symbol as used by Java descriptors.
/** * The array symbol as used by Java descriptors. */
private static final String ARRAY_SYMBOL = "["; /* * Initializes the maps of primitive type names and descriptors. */ static { Map<String, TypeDescription> primitiveTypes = new HashMap<String, TypeDescription>(); Map<String, String> primitiveDescriptors = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Class<?> primitiveType : new Class<?>[]{boolean.class, byte.class, short.class, char.class, int.class, long.class, float.class, double.class, void.class}) { primitiveTypes.put(primitiveType.getName(), TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(primitiveType)); primitiveDescriptors.put(Type.getDescriptor(primitiveType), primitiveType.getName()); } PRIMITIVE_TYPES = Collections.unmodifiableMap(primitiveTypes); PRIMITIVE_DESCRIPTORS = Collections.unmodifiableMap(primitiveDescriptors); }
The cache provider of this instance.
/** * The cache provider of this instance. */
protected final CacheProvider cacheProvider;
Creates a new instance.
  • cacheProvider – The cache provider to be used.
/** * Creates a new instance. * * @param cacheProvider The cache provider to be used. */
protected AbstractBase(CacheProvider cacheProvider) { this.cacheProvider = cacheProvider; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Resolution describe(String name) { if (name.contains("/")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(name + " contains the illegal character '/'"); } int arity = 0; while (name.startsWith(ARRAY_SYMBOL)) { arity++; name = name.substring(1); } if (arity > 0) { String primitiveName = PRIMITIVE_DESCRIPTORS.get(name); name = primitiveName == null ? name.substring(1, name.length() - 1) : primitiveName; } TypeDescription typeDescription = PRIMITIVE_TYPES.get(name); Resolution resolution = typeDescription == null ? cacheProvider.find(name) : new Resolution.Simple(typeDescription); if (resolution == null) { resolution = doCache(name, doDescribe(name)); } return ArrayTypeResolution.of(resolution, arity); }
Writes the resolution to the cache. This method should be overridden if the directly resolved instance should not be added to the cache.
  • name – The name of the type.
  • resolution – The resolution for this type.
Returns:The actual resolution for the type of this name that is stored in the cache.
/** * Writes the resolution to the cache. This method should be overridden if the directly * resolved instance should not be added to the cache. * * @param name The name of the type. * @param resolution The resolution for this type. * @return The actual resolution for the type of this name that is stored in the cache. */
protected Resolution doCache(String name, Resolution resolution) { return cacheProvider.register(name, resolution); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void clear() { cacheProvider.clear(); }
Determines a resolution to a non-primitive, non-array type.
  • name – The name of the type to describe.
Returns:A resolution to the type to describe.
/** * Determines a resolution to a non-primitive, non-array type. * * @param name The name of the type to describe. * @return A resolution to the type to describe. */
protected abstract Resolution doDescribe(String name);
Implements a hierarchical view of type pools, similarly to class loader hierarchies. For every lookup, the parent type pool is asked first if it can resolve a type. Only if the parent (and potentially its parents) are unable to resolve a type, this instance is queried for a type description.
/** * Implements a hierarchical view of type pools, similarly to class loader hierarchies. For every lookup, the parent type pool * is asked first if it can resolve a type. Only if the parent (and potentially its parents) are unable to resolve a type, * this instance is queried for a type description. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance public abstract static class Hierarchical extends AbstractBase {
The parent type pool.
/** * The parent type pool. */
private final TypePool parent;
Creates a hierarchical type pool.
  • cacheProvider – The cache provider to be used.
  • parent – The parent type pool to be used.
/** * Creates a hierarchical type pool. * * @param cacheProvider The cache provider to be used. * @param parent The parent type pool to be used. */
protected Hierarchical(CacheProvider cacheProvider, TypePool parent) { super(cacheProvider); this.parent = parent; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Resolution describe(String name) { Resolution resolution = parent.describe(name); return resolution.isResolved() ? resolution : super.describe(name); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void clear() { try { parent.clear(); } finally { super.clear(); } } }
A resolution for a type that, if resolved, represents an array type.
/** * A resolution for a type that, if resolved, represents an array type. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance protected static class ArrayTypeResolution implements Resolution {
The underlying resolution that is represented by this instance.
/** * The underlying resolution that is represented by this instance. */
private final Resolution resolution;
The arity of the represented array.
/** * The arity of the represented array. */
private final int arity;
Creates a wrapper for another resolution that, if resolved, represents an array type.
  • resolution – The underlying resolution that is represented by this instance.
  • arity – The arity of the represented array.
/** * Creates a wrapper for another resolution that, if resolved, represents an array type. * * @param resolution The underlying resolution that is represented by this instance. * @param arity The arity of the represented array. */
protected ArrayTypeResolution(Resolution resolution, int arity) { this.resolution = resolution; this.arity = arity; }
Creates a wrapper for another resolution that, if resolved, represents an array type. The wrapper is only created if the arity is not zero. If the arity is zero, the given resolution is simply returned instead.
  • resolution – The underlying resolution that is represented by this instance.
  • arity – The arity of the represented array.
Returns:A wrapper for another resolution that, if resolved, represents an array type or the given resolution if the given arity is zero.
/** * Creates a wrapper for another resolution that, if resolved, represents an array type. The wrapper * is only created if the arity is not zero. If the arity is zero, the given resolution is simply * returned instead. * * @param resolution The underlying resolution that is represented by this instance. * @param arity The arity of the represented array. * @return A wrapper for another resolution that, if resolved, represents an array type or the * given resolution if the given arity is zero. */
protected static Resolution of(Resolution resolution, int arity) { return arity == 0 ? resolution : new ArrayTypeResolution(resolution, arity); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isResolved() { return resolution.isResolved(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription resolve() { return TypeDescription.ArrayProjection.of(resolution.resolve(), arity); } }
Represents a nested annotation value.
/** * Represents a nested annotation value. */
protected static class RawAnnotationValue extends AnnotationValue.AbstractBase<AnnotationDescription, Annotation> {
The type pool to use for looking up types.
/** * The type pool to use for looking up types. */
private final TypePool typePool;
The annotation token that represents the nested invocation.
/** * The annotation token that represents the nested invocation. */
private final Default.LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken annotationToken;
Creates a new annotation value for a nested annotation.
  • typePool – The type pool to use for looking up types.
  • annotationToken – The token that represents the annotation.
/** * Creates a new annotation value for a nested annotation. * * @param typePool The type pool to use for looking up types. * @param annotationToken The token that represents the annotation. */
public RawAnnotationValue(TypePool typePool, Default.LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken annotationToken) { this.typePool = typePool; this.annotationToken = annotationToken; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationDescription resolve() { return annotationToken.toAnnotationDescription(typePool).resolve(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Loaded<Annotation> load(ClassLoader classLoader) throws ClassNotFoundException { Class<?> type = Class.forName(annotationToken.getBinaryName(), false, classLoader); if (type.isAnnotation()) { return new ForAnnotationDescription.Loaded<Annotation>(AnnotationDescription.AnnotationInvocationHandler.of(classLoader, (Class<? extends Annotation>) type, annotationToken.getValues())); } else { return new ForAnnotationDescription.IncompatibleRuntimeType(type); } } @Override public int hashCode() { return resolve().hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { return this == other || other instanceof AnnotationValue<?, ?> && resolve().equals(((AnnotationValue<?, ?>) other).resolve()); } @Override public String toString() { return resolve().toString(); } }
Represents an enumeration value of an annotation.
/** * Represents an enumeration value of an annotation. */
protected static class RawEnumerationValue extends AnnotationValue.AbstractBase<EnumerationDescription, Enum<?>> {
The type pool to use for looking up types.
/** * The type pool to use for looking up types. */
private final TypePool typePool;
The descriptor of the enumeration type.
/** * The descriptor of the enumeration type. */
private final String descriptor;
The name of the enumeration.
/** * The name of the enumeration. */
private final String value;
Creates a new enumeration value representation.
  • typePool – The type pool to use for looking up types.
  • descriptor – The descriptor of the enumeration type.
  • value – The name of the enumeration.
/** * Creates a new enumeration value representation. * * @param typePool The type pool to use for looking up types. * @param descriptor The descriptor of the enumeration type. * @param value The name of the enumeration. */
public RawEnumerationValue(TypePool typePool, String descriptor, String value) { this.typePool = typePool; this.descriptor = descriptor; this.value = value; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public EnumerationDescription resolve() { return new LazyEnumerationDescription(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Loaded<Enum<?>> load(ClassLoader classLoader) throws ClassNotFoundException { Class<?> type = Class.forName(descriptor.substring(1, descriptor.length() - 1).replace('/', '.'), false, classLoader); try { return type.isEnum() ? new ForEnumerationDescription.Loaded(Enum.valueOf((Class) type, value)) : new ForEnumerationDescription.IncompatibleRuntimeType(type); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) { return new ForEnumerationDescription.UnknownRuntimeEnumeration((Class) type, value); } } @Override public int hashCode() { return resolve().hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { return this == other || other instanceof AnnotationValue<?, ?> && resolve().equals(((AnnotationValue<?, ?>) other).resolve()); } @Override public String toString() { return resolve().toString(); }
An enumeration description where any type references are only resolved on demand.
/** * An enumeration description where any type references are only resolved on demand. */
protected class LazyEnumerationDescription extends EnumerationDescription.AbstractBase {
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getValue() { return value; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription getEnumerationType() { return typePool.describe(descriptor.substring(1, descriptor.length() - 1).replace('/', '.')).resolve(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public <T extends Enum<T>> T load(Class<T> type) { return Enum.valueOf(type, value); } } }
Represents a type value of an annotation.
/** * Represents a type value of an annotation. */
protected static class RawTypeValue extends AnnotationValue.AbstractBase<TypeDescription, Class<?>> {
A convenience reference indicating that a loaded type should not be initialized.
/** * A convenience reference indicating that a loaded type should not be initialized. */
private static final boolean NO_INITIALIZATION = false;
The type pool to use for looking up types.
/** * The type pool to use for looking up types. */
private final TypePool typePool;
The binary name of the type.
/** * The binary name of the type. */
private final String name;
Represents a type value of an annotation.
  • typePool – The type pool to use for looking up types.
  • type – A type representation of the type that is referenced by the annotation..
/** * Represents a type value of an annotation. * * @param typePool The type pool to use for looking up types. * @param type A type representation of the type that is referenced by the annotation.. */
protected RawTypeValue(TypePool typePool, Type type) { this.typePool = typePool; name = type.getSort() == Type.ARRAY ? type.getInternalName().replace('/', '.') : type.getClassName(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription resolve() { return typePool.describe(name).resolve(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationValue.Loaded<Class<?>> load(ClassLoader classLoader) throws ClassNotFoundException { return new Loaded(Class.forName(name, NO_INITIALIZATION, classLoader)); } @Override public int hashCode() { return resolve().hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { return this == other || other instanceof AnnotationValue<?, ?> && resolve().equals(((AnnotationValue<?, ?>) other).resolve()); } @Override public String toString() { return RenderingDispatcher.CURRENT.toSourceString(resolve()); }
Represents a loaded annotation property that represents a type.
/** * Represents a loaded annotation property that represents a type. */
protected static class Loaded extends AnnotationValue.Loaded.AbstractBase<Class<?>> {
The type that is represented by an annotation property.
/** * The type that is represented by an annotation property. */
private final Class<?> type;
Creates a new representation for an annotation property referencing a type.
  • type – The type that is represented by an annotation property.
/** * Creates a new representation for an annotation property referencing a type. * * @param type The type that is represented by an annotation property. */
public Loaded(Class<?> type) { this.type = type; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public State getState() { return State.RESOLVED; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Class<?> resolve() { return type; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean represents(Object value) { return type.equals(value); } @Override public int hashCode() { return type.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) { return true; } else if (!(other instanceof AnnotationValue.Loaded<?>)) { return false; } AnnotationValue.Loaded<?> annotationValue = (AnnotationValue.Loaded<?>) other; return annotationValue.getState().isResolved() && type.equals(annotationValue.resolve()); } @Override public String toString() { return RenderingDispatcher.CURRENT.toSourceString(TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(type)); } } }
Represents an array that is referenced by an annotation which does not contain primitive values or Strings.
/** * Represents an array that is referenced by an annotation which does not contain primitive values or {@link String}s. */
protected static class RawDescriptionArray extends AnnotationValue.AbstractBase<Object[], Object[]> {
The type pool to use for looking up types.
/** * The type pool to use for looking up types. */
private final TypePool typePool;
A reference to the component type.
/** * A reference to the component type. */
private final ComponentTypeReference componentTypeReference;
A list of all values of this array value in their order.
/** * A list of all values of this array value in their order. */
private List<AnnotationValue<?, ?>> values;
Creates a new array value representation of a complex array.
  • typePool – The type pool to use for looking up types.
  • componentTypeReference – A lazy reference to the component type of this array.
  • values – A list of all values of this annotation.
/** * Creates a new array value representation of a complex array. * * @param typePool The type pool to use for looking up types. * @param componentTypeReference A lazy reference to the component type of this array. * @param values A list of all values of this annotation. */
public RawDescriptionArray(TypePool typePool, ComponentTypeReference componentTypeReference, List<AnnotationValue<?, ?>> values) { this.typePool = typePool; this.values = values; this.componentTypeReference = componentTypeReference; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Object[] resolve() { TypeDescription componentTypeDescription = typePool.describe(componentTypeReference.lookup()).resolve(); Class<?> componentType; if (componentTypeDescription.represents(Class.class)) { componentType = TypeDescription.class; } else if (componentTypeDescription.isAssignableTo(Enum.class)) { // Enums can implement annotation interfaces, check this first. componentType = EnumerationDescription.class; } else if (componentTypeDescription.isAssignableTo(Annotation.class)) { componentType = AnnotationDescription.class; } else if (componentTypeDescription.represents(String.class)) { componentType = String.class; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected complex array component type " + componentTypeDescription); } Object[] array = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(componentType, values.size()); int index = 0; for (AnnotationValue<?, ?> annotationValue : values) { Array.set(array, index++, annotationValue.resolve()); } return array; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationValue.Loaded<Object[]> load(ClassLoader classLoader) throws ClassNotFoundException { List<AnnotationValue.Loaded<?>> loadedValues = new ArrayList<AnnotationValue.Loaded<?>>(values.size()); for (AnnotationValue<?, ?> value : values) { loadedValues.add(value.load(classLoader)); } return new Loaded(Class.forName(componentTypeReference.lookup(), false, classLoader), loadedValues); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Arrays.hashCode(resolve()); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) { return true; } else if (!(other instanceof AnnotationValue<?, ?>)) { return false; } Object value = ((AnnotationValue<?, ?>) other).resolve(); return value instanceof Object[] && Arrays.equals(resolve(), (Object[]) value); } @Override public String toString() { return RenderingDispatcher.CURRENT.toSourceString(values); }
A lazy representation of the component type of an array.
/** * A lazy representation of the component type of an array. */
public interface ComponentTypeReference {
Lazily returns the binary name of the array component type of an annotation value.
Returns:The binary name of the component type.
/** * Lazily returns the binary name of the array component type of an annotation value. * * @return The binary name of the component type. */
String lookup(); }
Represents a loaded annotation property representing a complex array.
/** * Represents a loaded annotation property representing a complex array. */
protected static class Loaded extends AnnotationValue.Loaded.AbstractBase<Object[]> {
The array's loaded component type.
/** * The array's loaded component type. */
private final Class<?> componentType;
A list of loaded values of the represented complex array.
/** * A list of loaded values of the represented complex array. */
private final List<AnnotationValue.Loaded<?>> values;
Creates a new representation of an annotation property representing an array of non-trivial values.
  • componentType – The array's loaded component type.
  • values – A list of loaded values of the represented complex array.
/** * Creates a new representation of an annotation property representing an array of * non-trivial values. * * @param componentType The array's loaded component type. * @param values A list of loaded values of the represented complex array. */
public Loaded(Class<?> componentType, List<AnnotationValue.Loaded<?>> values) { this.componentType = componentType; this.values = values; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public State getState() { for (AnnotationValue.Loaded<?> value : values) { if (!value.getState().isResolved()) { return State.UNRESOLVED; } } return State.RESOLVED; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Object[] resolve() { Object[] array = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(componentType, values.size()); int index = 0; for (AnnotationValue.Loaded<?> annotationValue : values) { Array.set(array, index++, annotationValue.resolve()); } return array; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean represents(Object value) { if (!(value instanceof Object[])) return false; if (value.getClass().getComponentType() != componentType) return false; Object[] array = (Object[]) value; if (values.size() != array.length) return false; Iterator<AnnotationValue.Loaded<?>> iterator = values.iterator(); for (Object aValue : array) { AnnotationValue.Loaded<?> self = iterator.next(); if (!self.getState().isResolved() || !self.represents(aValue)) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = 1; for (AnnotationValue.Loaded<?> value : values) { result = 31 * result + value.hashCode(); } return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) { return true; } else if (!(other instanceof AnnotationValue.Loaded<?>)) { return false; } AnnotationValue.Loaded<?> annotationValue = (AnnotationValue.Loaded<?>) other; if (!annotationValue.getState().isResolved()) { return false; } Object value = annotationValue.resolve(); if (!(value instanceof Object[])) { return false; } Object[] arrayValue = (Object[]) value; if (values.size() != arrayValue.length) { return false; } Iterator<AnnotationValue.Loaded<?>> iterator = values.iterator(); for (Object aValue : arrayValue) { AnnotationValue.Loaded<?> self = iterator.next(); if (!self.resolve().equals(aValue)) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public String toString() { return RenderingDispatcher.CURRENT.toSourceString(values); } } } }

A default implementation of a TypePool that models binary data in the Java byte code format into a TypeDescription. The data lookup is delegated to a ClassFileLocator.

Resolutions that are produced by this type pool are either fully resolved or not resolved at all.

/** * <p> * A default implementation of a {@link net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool} that models binary data in the Java byte code format * into a {@link TypeDescription}. The data lookup is delegated to a {@link net.bytebuddy.dynamic.ClassFileLocator}. * </p> * <p> * {@link Resolution}s that are produced by this type pool are either fully resolved or not resolved at all. * </p> */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class Default extends AbstractBase.Hierarchical {
Indicates that a visited method should be ignored.
/** * Indicates that a visited method should be ignored. */
private static final MethodVisitor IGNORE_METHOD = null;
The locator to query for finding binary data of a type.
/** * The locator to query for finding binary data of a type. */
protected final ClassFileLocator classFileLocator;
The reader mode to apply by this default type pool.
/** * The reader mode to apply by this default type pool. */
protected final ReaderMode readerMode;
Creates a new default type pool without a parent pool.
  • cacheProvider – The cache provider to be used.
  • classFileLocator – The class file locator to be used.
  • readerMode – The reader mode to apply by this default type pool.
/** * Creates a new default type pool without a parent pool. * * @param cacheProvider The cache provider to be used. * @param classFileLocator The class file locator to be used. * @param readerMode The reader mode to apply by this default type pool. */
public Default(CacheProvider cacheProvider, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator, ReaderMode readerMode) { this(cacheProvider, classFileLocator, readerMode, Empty.INSTANCE); }
Creates a new default type pool.
  • cacheProvider – The cache provider to be used.
  • classFileLocator – The class file locator to be used.
  • readerMode – The reader mode to apply by this default type pool.
  • parentPool – The parent type pool.
/** * Creates a new default type pool. * * @param cacheProvider The cache provider to be used. * @param classFileLocator The class file locator to be used. * @param readerMode The reader mode to apply by this default type pool. * @param parentPool The parent type pool. */
public Default(CacheProvider cacheProvider, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator, ReaderMode readerMode, TypePool parentPool) { super(cacheProvider, parentPool); this.classFileLocator = classFileLocator; this.readerMode = readerMode; }
Creates a default TypePool that looks up data by querying the system class loader. The returned instance is configured to use a fast reading mode and a simple cache.
Returns:A type pool that reads its data from the system class loader.
/** * Creates a default {@link net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool} that looks up data by querying the system class * loader. The returned instance is configured to use a fast reading mode and a simple cache. * * @return A type pool that reads its data from the system class loader. */
public static TypePool ofSystemLoader() { return of(ClassFileLocator.ForClassLoader.ofSystemLoader()); }
Creates a default TypePool that looks up data by querying the plaform class loader. The returned instance is configured to use a fast reading mode and a simple cache. If the current VM is of version 8 or older, the extension class loader is represented instead.
Returns:A type pool that reads its data from the platform class path.
/** * Creates a default {@link net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool} that looks up data by querying the plaform class * loader. The returned instance is configured to use a fast reading mode and a simple cache. If the current * VM is of version 8 or older, the extension class loader is represented instead. * * @return A type pool that reads its data from the platform class path. */
public static TypePool ofPlatformLoader() { return of(ClassFileLocator.ForClassLoader.ofPlatformLoader()); }
Creates a default TypePool that looks up data by querying the boot class loader. The returned instance is configured to use a fast reading mode and a simple cache.
Returns:A type pool that reads its data from the boot class loader.
/** * Creates a default {@link net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool} that looks up data by querying the boot class * loader. The returned instance is configured to use a fast reading mode and a simple cache. * * @return A type pool that reads its data from the boot class loader. */
public static TypePool ofBootLoader() { return of(ClassFileLocator.ForClassLoader.ofBootLoader()); }
Returns a type pool for the provided class loader.
  • classLoader – The class loader for which this class pool is representing types.
Returns:An appropriate type pool.
/** * Returns a type pool for the provided class loader. * * @param classLoader The class loader for which this class pool is representing types. * @return An appropriate type pool. */
public static TypePool of(ClassLoader classLoader) { return of(ClassFileLocator.ForClassLoader.of(classLoader)); }
Creates a default TypePool that looks up data by querying the supplied class file locator. The returned instance is configured to use a fast reading mode and a simple cache.
  • classFileLocator – The class file locator to use.
Returns:A type pool that reads its data from the system class path.
/** * Creates a default {@link net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool} that looks up data by querying the supplied class * file locator. The returned instance is configured to use a fast reading mode and a simple cache. * * @param classFileLocator The class file locator to use. * @return A type pool that reads its data from the system class path. */
public static TypePool of(ClassFileLocator classFileLocator) { return new Default(new CacheProvider.Simple(), classFileLocator, ReaderMode.FAST); } @Override protected Resolution doDescribe(String name) { try { ClassFileLocator.Resolution resolution = classFileLocator.locate(name); return resolution.isResolved() ? new Resolution.Simple(parse(resolution.resolve())) : new Resolution.Illegal(name); } catch (IOException exception) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error while reading class file", exception); } }
Parses a binary representation and transforms it into a type description.
  • binaryRepresentation – The binary data to be parsed.
Returns:A type description of the binary data.
/** * Parses a binary representation and transforms it into a type description. * * @param binaryRepresentation The binary data to be parsed. * @return A type description of the binary data. */
private TypeDescription parse(byte[] binaryRepresentation) { ClassReader classReader = OpenedClassReader.of(binaryRepresentation); TypeExtractor typeExtractor = new TypeExtractor(); classReader.accept(typeExtractor, readerMode.getFlags()); return typeExtractor.toTypeDescription(); }
Determines the granularity of the class file parsing that is conducted by a Default.
/** * Determines the granularity of the class file parsing that is conducted by a {@link net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool.Default}. */
public enum ReaderMode {
The extended reader mode parses the code segment of each method in order to detect parameter names that are only stored in a method's debugging information but are not explicitly included.
/** * The extended reader mode parses the code segment of each method in order to detect parameter names * that are only stored in a method's debugging information but are not explicitly included. */
The fast reader mode skips the code segment of each method and cannot detect parameter names that are only contained within the debugging information. This mode still detects explicitly included method parameter names.
/** * The fast reader mode skips the code segment of each method and cannot detect parameter names that are * only contained within the debugging information. This mode still detects explicitly included method * parameter names. */
The flags to provide to a ClassReader for parsing a file.
/** * The flags to provide to a {@link ClassReader} for parsing a file. */
private final int flags;
Creates a new reader mode constant.
  • flags – The flags to provide to a ClassReader for parsing a file.
/** * Creates a new reader mode constant. * * @param flags The flags to provide to a {@link ClassReader} for parsing a file. */
ReaderMode(int flags) { this.flags = flags; }
Returns the flags to provide to a ClassReader for parsing a file.
Returns:The flags to provide to a ClassReader for parsing a file.
/** * Returns the flags to provide to a {@link ClassReader} for parsing a file. * * @return The flags to provide to a {@link ClassReader} for parsing a file. */
protected int getFlags() { return flags; }
Determines if this reader mode represents extended reading.
Returns:true if this reader mode represents extended reading.
/** * Determines if this reader mode represents extended reading. * * @return {@code true} if this reader mode represents extended reading. */
public boolean isExtended() { return this == EXTENDED; } }

A variant of Default that resolves type descriptions lazily. A lazy resolution respects this type pool's CacheProvider but requeries this cache pool for every access of a property of a TypeDescription.

Resolutions of this type pool are only fully resolved if a property that is not the type's name is required.

/** * <p> * A variant of {@link TypePool.Default} that resolves type descriptions lazily. A lazy resolution respects this type * pool's {@link CacheProvider} but requeries this cache pool for every access of a property of a {@link TypeDescription}. * </p> * <p> * {@link Resolution}s of this type pool are only fully resolved if a property that is not the type's name is required. * </p> */
public static class WithLazyResolution extends Default {
Creates a new default type pool with lazy resolution and without a parent pool.
  • cacheProvider – The cache provider to be used.
  • classFileLocator – The class file locator to be used.
  • readerMode – The reader mode to apply by this default type pool.
/** * Creates a new default type pool with lazy resolution and without a parent pool. * * @param cacheProvider The cache provider to be used. * @param classFileLocator The class file locator to be used. * @param readerMode The reader mode to apply by this default type pool. */
public WithLazyResolution(CacheProvider cacheProvider, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator, ReaderMode readerMode) { this(cacheProvider, classFileLocator, readerMode, Empty.INSTANCE); }
Creates a new default type pool with lazy resolution.
  • cacheProvider – The cache provider to be used.
  • classFileLocator – The class file locator to be used.
  • readerMode – The reader mode to apply by this default type pool.
  • parentPool – The parent type pool.
/** * Creates a new default type pool with lazy resolution. * * @param cacheProvider The cache provider to be used. * @param classFileLocator The class file locator to be used. * @param readerMode The reader mode to apply by this default type pool. * @param parentPool The parent type pool. */
public WithLazyResolution(CacheProvider cacheProvider, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator, ReaderMode readerMode, TypePool parentPool) { super(cacheProvider, classFileLocator, readerMode, parentPool); }
Creates a default TypePool with lazy resolution that looks up data by querying the system class loader. The returned instance is configured to use a fast reading mode and a simple cache.
Returns:A type pool that reads its data from the system class loader.
/** * Creates a default {@link net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool} with lazy resolution that looks up data by querying the system class * loader. The returned instance is configured to use a fast reading mode and a simple cache. * * @return A type pool that reads its data from the system class loader. */
public static TypePool ofSystemLoader() { return of(ClassFileLocator.ForClassLoader.ofSystemLoader()); }
Creates a default TypePool with lazy resolution that looks up data by querying the platform class loader. The returned instance is configured to use a fast reading mode and a simple cache. If the current VM is Java 8 or older, the type pool represents the extension class loader.
Returns:A type pool that reads its data from the boot class loader.
/** * Creates a default {@link net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool} with lazy resolution that looks up data by querying the platform class * loader. The returned instance is configured to use a fast reading mode and a simple cache. If the current VM is Java 8 or older, * the type pool represents the extension class loader. * * @return A type pool that reads its data from the boot class loader. */
public static TypePool ofPlatformLoader() { return of(ClassFileLocator.ForClassLoader.ofPlatformLoader()); }
Creates a default TypePool with lazy resolution that looks up data by querying the boot class loader. The returned instance is configured to use a fast reading mode and a simple cache.
Returns:A type pool that reads its data from the boot class loader.
/** * Creates a default {@link net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool} with lazy resolution that looks up data by querying the boot class * loader. The returned instance is configured to use a fast reading mode and a simple cache. * * @return A type pool that reads its data from the boot class loader. */
public static TypePool ofBootLoader() { return of(ClassFileLocator.ForClassLoader.ofBootLoader()); }
Returns a default TypePool with lazy resolution for the provided class loader.
  • classLoader – The class loader for which this class pool is representing types.
Returns:An appropriate type pool.
/** * Returns a default {@link TypePool} with lazy resolution for the provided class loader. * * @param classLoader The class loader for which this class pool is representing types. * @return An appropriate type pool. */
public static TypePool of(ClassLoader classLoader) { return of(ClassFileLocator.ForClassLoader.of(classLoader)); }
Creates a default TypePool with lazy resolution that looks up data by querying the supplied class file locator. The returned instance is configured to use a fast reading mode and a simple cache.
  • classFileLocator – The class file locator to use.
Returns:A type pool that reads its data from the system class path.
/** * Creates a default {@link net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool} with lazy resolution that looks up data by querying the supplied class * file locator. The returned instance is configured to use a fast reading mode and a simple cache. * * @param classFileLocator The class file locator to use. * @return A type pool that reads its data from the system class path. */
public static TypePool of(ClassFileLocator classFileLocator) { return new WithLazyResolution(new CacheProvider.Simple(), classFileLocator, ReaderMode.FAST); } @Override protected Resolution doDescribe(String name) { return new LazyResolution(name); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
protected Resolution doCache(String name, Resolution resolution) { return resolution; }
Non-lazily resolves a type name.
  • name – The name of the type to resolve.
Returns:The resolution for the type of this name.
/** * Non-lazily resolves a type name. * * @param name The name of the type to resolve. * @return The resolution for the type of this name. */
protected Resolution doResolve(String name) { Resolution resolution = cacheProvider.find(name); if (resolution == null) { resolution = cacheProvider.register(name, WithLazyResolution.super.doDescribe(name)); } return resolution; }
A lazy resolution of a type that the enclosing type pool attempts to resolve.
/** * A lazy resolution of a type that the enclosing type pool attempts to resolve. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance(includeSyntheticFields = true) protected class LazyResolution implements Resolution {
The type's name.
/** * The type's name. */
private final String name;
Creates a new lazy resolution.
  • name – The type's name.
/** * Creates a new lazy resolution. * * @param name The type's name. */
protected LazyResolution(String name) { this.name = name; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isResolved() { return doResolve(name).isResolved(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription resolve() { return new LazyTypeDescription(name); } }
A lazy type description that resolves any property that is not the name only when requested.
/** * A lazy type description that resolves any property that is not the name only when requested. */
protected class LazyTypeDescription extends TypeDescription.AbstractBase.OfSimpleType.WithDelegation {
The type's name.
/** * The type's name. */
private final String name;
Creates a new lazy type description.
  • name – The type's name.
/** * Creates a new lazy type description. * * @param name The type's name. */
protected LazyTypeDescription(String name) { this.name = name; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getName() { return name; } @Override @CachedReturnPlugin.Enhance("delegate") protected TypeDescription delegate() { return doResolve(name).resolve(); } } }
An annotation registrant implements a visitor pattern for reading an unknown amount of values of annotations.
/** * An annotation registrant implements a visitor pattern for reading an unknown amount of values of annotations. */
protected interface AnnotationRegistrant {
Registers an annotation value.
  • name – The name of the annotation value.
  • annotationValue – The value of the annotation.
/** * Registers an annotation value. * * @param name The name of the annotation value. * @param annotationValue The value of the annotation. */
void register(String name, AnnotationValue<?, ?> annotationValue);
Called once all annotation values are visited.
/** * Called once all annotation values are visited. */
void onComplete();
An abstract base implementation of an annotation registrant.
/** * An abstract base implementation of an annotation registrant. */
abstract class AbstractBase implements AnnotationRegistrant {
The annotation descriptor.
/** * The annotation descriptor. */
private final String descriptor;
The values that were collected so far.
/** * The values that were collected so far. */
private final Map<String, AnnotationValue<?, ?>> values;
Creates a new annotation registrant.
  • descriptor – The annotation descriptor.
/** * Creates a new annotation registrant. * * @param descriptor The annotation descriptor. */
protected AbstractBase(String descriptor) { this.descriptor = descriptor; values = new HashMap<String, AnnotationValue<?, ?>>(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void register(String name, AnnotationValue<?, ?> annotationValue) { values.put(name, annotationValue); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void onComplete() { getTokens().add(new LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken(descriptor, values)); }
Returns the token list for this collector.
Returns:The token list for this collector.
/** * Returns the token list for this collector. * * @return The token list for this collector. */
protected abstract List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken> getTokens();
A base implementation for a collector for a type variable.
/** * A base implementation for a collector for a type variable. */
protected abstract static class ForTypeVariable extends AbstractBase {
The type variable's type path.
/** * The type variable's type path. */
private final String typePath;
Creates a new annotation collector.
  • descriptor – The annotation descriptor.
  • typePath – The type variable's type path.
/** * Creates a new annotation collector. * * @param descriptor The annotation descriptor. * @param typePath The type variable's type path. */
protected ForTypeVariable(String descriptor, TypePath typePath) { super(descriptor); this.typePath = typePath == null ? LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.EMPTY_TYPE_PATH : typePath.toString(); } @Override protected List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken> getTokens() { Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>> pathMap = getPathMap(); List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken> tokens = pathMap.get(typePath); if (tokens == null) { tokens = new ArrayList<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>(); pathMap.put(typePath, tokens); } return tokens; }
Returns this collector's path map.
Returns:This collector's path map.
/** * Returns this collector's path map. * * @return This collector's path map. */
protected abstract Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>> getPathMap();
A base implementation for a collector for a type variable with an index.
/** * A base implementation for a collector for a type variable with an index. */
protected abstract static class WithIndex extends AbstractBase.ForTypeVariable {
The type variable's index.
/** * The type variable's index. */
private final int index;
Creates a new annotation collector.
  • descriptor – The annotation descriptor.
  • typePath – The type variable's type path.
  • index – The type variable's index.
/** * Creates a new annotation collector. * * @param descriptor The annotation descriptor. * @param typePath The type variable's type path. * @param index The type variable's index. */
protected WithIndex(String descriptor, TypePath typePath, int index) { super(descriptor, typePath); this.index = index; } @Override protected Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>> getPathMap() { Map<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>> indexedPathMap = getIndexedPathMap(); Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>> pathMap = indexedPathMap.get(index); if (pathMap == null) { pathMap = new HashMap<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>(); indexedPathMap.put(index, pathMap); } return pathMap; }
Returns this collector's indexed path map.
Returns:This collector's indexed path map.
/** * Returns this collector's indexed path map. * * @return This collector's indexed path map. */
protected abstract Map<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>> getIndexedPathMap();
A base implementation for a collector for a type variable with two indices.
/** * A base implementation for a collector for a type variable with two indices. */
protected abstract static class DoubleIndexed extends WithIndex {
The type variable's first index.
/** * The type variable's first index. */
private final int preIndex;
Creates a new annotation collector.
  • descriptor – The annotation descriptor.
  • typePath – The type variable's type path.
  • index – The type variable's index.
  • preIndex – The type variable's first index.
/** * Creates a new annotation collector. * * @param descriptor The annotation descriptor. * @param typePath The type variable's type path. * @param index The type variable's index. * @param preIndex The type variable's first index. */
protected DoubleIndexed(String descriptor, TypePath typePath, int index, int preIndex) { super(descriptor, typePath, index); this.preIndex = preIndex; } @Override protected Map<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>> getIndexedPathMap() { Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>>> doubleIndexPathMap = getDoubleIndexedPathMap(); Map<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>> indexedPathMap = doubleIndexPathMap.get(preIndex); if (indexedPathMap == null) { indexedPathMap = new HashMap<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>>(); doubleIndexPathMap.put(preIndex, indexedPathMap); } return indexedPathMap; }
Returns this collector's double indexed path map.
Returns:This collector's double indexed path map.
/** * Returns this collector's double indexed path map. * * @return This collector's double indexed path map. */
protected abstract Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>>> getDoubleIndexedPathMap(); } } } }
An annotation collector for a byte code element.
/** * An annotation collector for a byte code element. */
class ForByteCodeElement extends AbstractBase {
The target collection.
/** * The target collection. */
private final List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken> annotationTokens;
Creates a new annotation collector for a byte code element.
  • descriptor – The annotation descriptor.
  • annotationTokens – The target collection.
/** * Creates a new annotation collector for a byte code element. * * @param descriptor The annotation descriptor. * @param annotationTokens The target collection. */
protected ForByteCodeElement(String descriptor, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken> annotationTokens) { super(descriptor); this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; } @Override protected List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken> getTokens() { return annotationTokens; }
An annotation collector for a byte code element with an index.
/** * An annotation collector for a byte code element with an index. */
public static class WithIndex extends AbstractBase {
The byte code element's index.
/** * The byte code element's index. */
private final int index;
The target collection.
/** * The target collection. */
private final Map<Integer, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens;
Creates a new annotation collector for a byte code element with an index.
  • descriptor – The annotation descriptor.
  • index – The byte code element's index.
  • annotationTokens – The target collection.
/** * Creates a new annotation collector for a byte code element with an index. * * @param descriptor The annotation descriptor. * @param index The byte code element's index. * @param annotationTokens The target collection. */
protected WithIndex(String descriptor, int index, Map<Integer, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens) { super(descriptor); this.index = index; this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; } @Override protected List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken> getTokens() { List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken> annotationTokens = this.annotationTokens.get(index); if (annotationTokens == null) { annotationTokens = new ArrayList<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>(); this.annotationTokens.put(index, annotationTokens); } return annotationTokens; } } }
An annotation collector for a type variable.
/** * An annotation collector for a type variable. */
class ForTypeVariable extends AbstractBase.ForTypeVariable {
The target collection.
/** * The target collection. */
private final Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>> pathMap;
Creates a new annotation collector.
  • descriptor – The annotation descriptor.
  • typePath – The type variable's type path.
  • pathMap – The target collection.
/** * Creates a new annotation collector. * * @param descriptor The annotation descriptor. * @param typePath The type variable's type path. * @param pathMap The target collection. */
protected ForTypeVariable(String descriptor, TypePath typePath, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>> pathMap) { super(descriptor, typePath); this.pathMap = pathMap; } @Override protected Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>> getPathMap() { return pathMap; }
An annotation collector for a type variable with an index.
/** * An annotation collector for a type variable with an index. */
public static class WithIndex extends AbstractBase.ForTypeVariable.WithIndex {
The target collection.
/** * The target collection. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>> indexedPathMap;
Creates a new annotation collector.
  • descriptor – The annotation descriptor.
  • typePath – The type variable's type path.
  • index – The target index.
  • indexedPathMap – The target collection.
/** * Creates a new annotation collector. * * @param descriptor The annotation descriptor. * @param typePath The type variable's type path. * @param index The target index. * @param indexedPathMap The target collection. */
protected WithIndex(String descriptor, TypePath typePath, int index, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>> indexedPathMap) { super(descriptor, typePath, index); this.indexedPathMap = indexedPathMap; } @Override protected Map<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>> getIndexedPathMap() { return indexedPathMap; }
An annotation collector for a type variable with two indices.
/** * An annotation collector for a type variable with two indices. */
public static class DoubleIndexed extends AbstractBase.ForTypeVariable.WithIndex.DoubleIndexed {
The target collection.
/** * The target collection. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>>> doubleIndexedPathMap;
Creates a new annotation collector.
  • descriptor – The annotation descriptor.
  • typePath – The type variable's type path.
  • index – The target index.
  • preIndex – The initial target index.
  • doubleIndexedPathMap – The target collection.
/** * Creates a new annotation collector. * * @param descriptor The annotation descriptor. * @param typePath The type variable's type path. * @param index The target index. * @param preIndex The initial target index. * @param doubleIndexedPathMap The target collection. */
protected DoubleIndexed(String descriptor, TypePath typePath, int index, int preIndex, Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>>> doubleIndexedPathMap) { super(descriptor, typePath, index, preIndex); this.doubleIndexedPathMap = doubleIndexedPathMap; } @Override protected Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>>> getDoubleIndexedPathMap() { return doubleIndexedPathMap; } } } } }
A component type locator allows for the lazy location of an array's component type.
/** * A component type locator allows for the lazy location of an array's component type. */
protected interface ComponentTypeLocator {
Binds this component type to a given property name of an annotation.
  • name – The name of an annotation property which the returned component type reference should query for resolving an array's component type.
Returns:A component type reference to an annotation value's component type.
/** * Binds this component type to a given property name of an annotation. * * @param name The name of an annotation property which the returned component type reference should * query for resolving an array's component type. * @return A component type reference to an annotation value's component type. */
RawDescriptionArray.ComponentTypeReference bind(String name);
A component type locator which cannot legally resolve an array's component type.
/** * A component type locator which cannot legally resolve an array's component type. */
enum Illegal implements ComponentTypeLocator {
The singleton instance.
/** * The singleton instance. */
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public RawDescriptionArray.ComponentTypeReference bind(String name) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected lookup of component type for " + name); } }
A component type locator that lazily analyses an annotation for resolving an annotation property's array value's component type.
/** * A component type locator that lazily analyses an annotation for resolving an annotation property's * array value's component type. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class ForAnnotationProperty implements ComponentTypeLocator {
The type pool to query for type descriptions.
/** * The type pool to query for type descriptions. */
private final TypePool typePool;
The name of the annotation to analyze.
/** * The name of the annotation to analyze. */
private final String annotationName;
Creates a new component type locator for an array value.
  • typePool – The type pool to be used for looking up linked types.
  • annotationDescriptor – A descriptor of the annotation to analyze.
/** * Creates a new component type locator for an array value. * * @param typePool The type pool to be used for looking up linked types. * @param annotationDescriptor A descriptor of the annotation to analyze. */
public ForAnnotationProperty(TypePool typePool, String annotationDescriptor) { this.typePool = typePool; annotationName = annotationDescriptor.substring(1, annotationDescriptor.length() - 1).replace('/', '.'); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public RawDescriptionArray.ComponentTypeReference bind(String name) { return new Bound(name); }
A bound representation of a ForAnnotationProperty.
/** * A bound representation of a * {@link net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool.Default.ComponentTypeLocator.ForAnnotationProperty}. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance(includeSyntheticFields = true) protected class Bound implements RawDescriptionArray.ComponentTypeReference {
The name of the annotation property.
/** * The name of the annotation property. */
private final String name;
Creates a new bound component type locator for an annotation property.
  • name – The name of the annotation property.
/** * Creates a new bound component type locator for an annotation property. * * @param name The name of the annotation property. */
protected Bound(String name) { this.name = name; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String lookup() { return typePool.describe(annotationName) .resolve() .getDeclaredMethods() .filter(named(name)) .getOnly() .getReturnType() .asErasure() .getComponentType() .getName(); } } }
A component type locator that locates an array type by a method's return value from its method descriptor.
/** * A component type locator that locates an array type by a method's return value from its method descriptor. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class ForArrayType implements ComponentTypeLocator, RawDescriptionArray.ComponentTypeReference {
The resolved component type's binary name.
/** * The resolved component type's binary name. */
private final String componentType;
Creates a new component type locator for an array type.
  • methodDescriptor – The method descriptor to resolve.
/** * Creates a new component type locator for an array type. * * @param methodDescriptor The method descriptor to resolve. */
public ForArrayType(String methodDescriptor) { String arrayType = Type.getMethodType(methodDescriptor).getReturnType().getClassName(); componentType = arrayType.substring(0, arrayType.length() - 2); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public RawDescriptionArray.ComponentTypeReference bind(String name) { return this; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String lookup() { return componentType; } } }
A type registrant allows to register a generic type token.
/** * A type registrant allows to register a generic type token. */
protected interface GenericTypeRegistrant {
Registers a discovered generic type token.
  • token – The token to be registered.
/** * Registers a discovered generic type token. * * @param token The token to be registered. */
void register(LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken token);
A signature visitor that rejects any discovered generic type.
/** * A signature visitor that rejects any discovered generic type. */
class RejectingSignatureVisitor extends SignatureVisitor {
The message of the error message.
/** * The message of the error message. */
private static final String MESSAGE = "Unexpected token in generic signature";
Creates a new rejecting signature visitor.
/** * Creates a new rejecting signature visitor. */
public RejectingSignatureVisitor() { super(OpenedClassReader.ASM_API); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void visitFormalTypeParameter(String name) { throw new IllegalStateException(MESSAGE); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public SignatureVisitor visitClassBound() { throw new IllegalStateException(MESSAGE); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public SignatureVisitor visitInterfaceBound() { throw new IllegalStateException(MESSAGE); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public SignatureVisitor visitSuperclass() { throw new IllegalStateException(MESSAGE); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public SignatureVisitor visitInterface() { throw new IllegalStateException(MESSAGE); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public SignatureVisitor visitParameterType() { throw new IllegalStateException(MESSAGE); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public SignatureVisitor visitReturnType() { throw new IllegalStateException(MESSAGE); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public SignatureVisitor visitExceptionType() { throw new IllegalStateException(MESSAGE); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void visitBaseType(char descriptor) { throw new IllegalStateException(MESSAGE); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void visitTypeVariable(String name) { throw new IllegalStateException(MESSAGE); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public SignatureVisitor visitArrayType() { throw new IllegalStateException(MESSAGE); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void visitClassType(String name) { throw new IllegalStateException(MESSAGE); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void visitInnerClassType(String name) { throw new IllegalStateException(MESSAGE); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void visitTypeArgument() { throw new IllegalStateException(MESSAGE); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public SignatureVisitor visitTypeArgument(char wildcard) { throw new IllegalStateException(MESSAGE); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void visitEnd() { throw new IllegalStateException(MESSAGE); } } }
A bag for collecting parameter meta information that is stored as debug information for implemented methods.
/** * A bag for collecting parameter meta information that is stored as debug information for implemented * methods. */
protected static class ParameterBag {
An array of the method's parameter types.
/** * An array of the method's parameter types. */
private final Type[] parameterType;
A map containing the tokens that were collected until now.
/** * A map containing the tokens that were collected until now. */
private final Map<Integer, String> parameterRegistry;
Creates a new bag.
  • parameterType – An array of parameter types for the method on which this parameter bag is used.
/** * Creates a new bag. * * @param parameterType An array of parameter types for the method on which this parameter bag * is used. */
protected ParameterBag(Type[] parameterType) { this.parameterType = parameterType; parameterRegistry = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); }
Registers a new parameter.
  • offset – The offset of the registered entry on the local variable array of the method.
  • name – The name of the parameter.
/** * Registers a new parameter. * * @param offset The offset of the registered entry on the local variable array of the method. * @param name The name of the parameter. */
protected void register(int offset, String name) { parameterRegistry.put(offset, name); }
Resolves the collected parameters as a list of parameter tokens.
  • isStatic – true if the analyzed method is static.
Returns:A list of parameter tokens based on the collected information.
/** * Resolves the collected parameters as a list of parameter tokens. * * @param isStatic {@code true} if the analyzed method is static. * @return A list of parameter tokens based on the collected information. */
protected List<LazyTypeDescription.MethodToken.ParameterToken> resolve(boolean isStatic) { List<LazyTypeDescription.MethodToken.ParameterToken> parameterTokens = new ArrayList<LazyTypeDescription.MethodToken.ParameterToken>(parameterType.length); int offset = isStatic ? StackSize.ZERO.getSize() : StackSize.SINGLE.getSize(); for (Type aParameterType : parameterType) { String name = this.parameterRegistry.get(offset); parameterTokens.add(name == null ? new LazyTypeDescription.MethodToken.ParameterToken() : new LazyTypeDescription.MethodToken.ParameterToken(name)); offset += aParameterType.getSize(); } return parameterTokens; } }
A generic type extractor allows for an iterative extraction of generic type information.
/** * A generic type extractor allows for an iterative extraction of generic type information. */
protected static class GenericTypeExtractor extends GenericTypeRegistrant.RejectingSignatureVisitor implements GenericTypeRegistrant {
A registrant that receives any discovered type.
/** * A registrant that receives any discovered type. */
private final GenericTypeRegistrant genericTypeRegistrant;
The current token that is in the process of creation.
/** * The current token that is in the process of creation. */
private IncompleteToken incompleteToken;
Creates a new generic type extractor.
  • genericTypeRegistrant – The target to receive the complete type.
/** * Creates a new generic type extractor. * * @param genericTypeRegistrant The target to receive the complete type. */
protected GenericTypeExtractor(GenericTypeRegistrant genericTypeRegistrant) { this.genericTypeRegistrant = genericTypeRegistrant; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void visitBaseType(char descriptor) { genericTypeRegistrant.register(LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForPrimitiveType.of(descriptor)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void visitTypeVariable(String name) { genericTypeRegistrant.register(new LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForTypeVariable(name)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public SignatureVisitor visitArrayType() { return new GenericTypeExtractor(this); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void register(LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken componentTypeToken) { genericTypeRegistrant.register(new LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForGenericArray(componentTypeToken)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void visitClassType(String name) { incompleteToken = new IncompleteToken.ForTopLevelType(name); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void visitInnerClassType(String name) { incompleteToken = new IncompleteToken.ForInnerClass(name, incompleteToken); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void visitTypeArgument() { incompleteToken.appendPlaceholder(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public SignatureVisitor visitTypeArgument(char wildcard) { switch (wildcard) { case SignatureVisitor.SUPER: return incompleteToken.appendLowerBound(); case SignatureVisitor.EXTENDS: return incompleteToken.appendUpperBound(); case SignatureVisitor.INSTANCEOF: return incompleteToken.appendDirectBound(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown wildcard: " + wildcard); } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void visitEnd() { genericTypeRegistrant.register(incompleteToken.toToken()); }
An incomplete GenericTypeToken.
/** * An incomplete {@link LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken}. */
protected interface IncompleteToken {
Appends a lower bound to this token.
Returns:A signature visitor for visiting the lower bound's type.
/** * Appends a lower bound to this token. * * @return A signature visitor for visiting the lower bound's type. */
SignatureVisitor appendLowerBound();
Appends an upper bound to this token.
Returns:A signature visitor for visiting the upper bound's type.
/** * Appends an upper bound to this token. * * @return A signature visitor for visiting the upper bound's type. */
SignatureVisitor appendUpperBound();
Appends a direct bound to this token.
Returns:A signature visitor for visiting the direct bound's type.
/** * Appends a direct bound to this token. * * @return A signature visitor for visiting the direct bound's type. */
SignatureVisitor appendDirectBound();
Appends a placeholder to this token.
/** * Appends a placeholder to this token. */
void appendPlaceholder();
Returns true if this token describes a type with parameters.
Returns:true if this token describes a type with parameters.
/** * Returns {@code true} if this token describes a type with parameters. * * @return {@code true} if this token describes a type with parameters. */
boolean isParameterized();
Returns the name of this token.
Returns:The name of this token.
/** * Returns the name of this token. * * @return The name of this token. */
String getName();
Converts this incomplete token to a completed token.
Returns:The finalized token.
/** * Converts this incomplete token to a completed token. * * @return The finalized token. */
LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken toToken();
An abstract base implementation of an incomplete token.
/** * An abstract base implementation of an incomplete token. */
abstract class AbstractBase implements IncompleteToken {
The parameters of this token.
/** * The parameters of this token. */
protected final List<LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken> parameters;
Creates a new base implementation of an incomplete token.
/** * Creates a new base implementation of an incomplete token. */
public AbstractBase() { parameters = new ArrayList<LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken>(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public SignatureVisitor appendDirectBound() { return new GenericTypeExtractor(new ForDirectBound()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public SignatureVisitor appendUpperBound() { return new GenericTypeExtractor(new ForUpperBound()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public SignatureVisitor appendLowerBound() { return new GenericTypeExtractor(new ForLowerBound()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void appendPlaceholder() { parameters.add(LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForUnboundWildcard.INSTANCE); }
A token for registering a direct bound.
/** * A token for registering a direct bound. */
protected class ForDirectBound implements GenericTypeRegistrant {
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void register(LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken token) { parameters.add(token); } }
A token for registering a wildcard with an upper bound.
/** * A token for registering a wildcard with an upper bound. */
protected class ForUpperBound implements GenericTypeRegistrant {
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void register(LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken token) { parameters.add(new LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForUpperBoundWildcard(token)); } }
A token for registering a wildcard with a lower bound.
/** * A token for registering a wildcard with a lower bound. */
protected class ForLowerBound implements GenericTypeRegistrant {
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void register(LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken token) { parameters.add(new LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForLowerBoundWildcard(token)); } } }
An incomplete token representing a generic type without an outer type.
/** * An incomplete token representing a generic type without an outer type. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class ForTopLevelType extends AbstractBase {
The internal name of the type.
/** * The internal name of the type. */
private final String internalName;
Creates a new incomplete token representing a type without an outer type.
  • internalName – The internal name of the type.
/** * Creates a new incomplete token representing a type without an outer type. * * @param internalName The internal name of the type. */
public ForTopLevelType(String internalName) { this.internalName = internalName; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken toToken() { return isParameterized() ? new LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForParameterizedType(getName(), parameters) : new LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForRawType(getName()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isParameterized() { return !parameters.isEmpty(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getName() { return internalName.replace('/', '.'); } }
An incomplete generic type token representing a type with an outer type.
/** * An incomplete generic type token representing a type with an outer type. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class ForInnerClass extends AbstractBase {
The separator that indicates an inner type.
/** * The separator that indicates an inner type. */
private static final char INNER_CLASS_SEPARATOR = '$';
The internal name of the type.
/** * The internal name of the type. */
private final String internalName;
The token representing the outer type.
/** * The token representing the outer type. */
private final IncompleteToken outerTypeToken;
Creates a new incomplete token representing a type without an outer type.
  • internalName – The internal name of the type.
  • outerTypeToken – The incomplete token representing the outer type.
/** * Creates a new incomplete token representing a type without an outer type. * * @param internalName The internal name of the type. * @param outerTypeToken The incomplete token representing the outer type. */
public ForInnerClass(String internalName, IncompleteToken outerTypeToken) { this.internalName = internalName; this.outerTypeToken = outerTypeToken; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken toToken() { return isParameterized() || outerTypeToken.isParameterized() ? new LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForParameterizedType.Nested(getName(), parameters, outerTypeToken.toToken()) : new LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForRawType(getName()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isParameterized() { return !parameters.isEmpty() || !outerTypeToken.isParameterized(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getName() { return outerTypeToken.getName() + INNER_CLASS_SEPARATOR + internalName.replace('/', '.'); } } }
A signature visitor for extracting a generic type resolution.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The type of the resolution this visitor extracts.
/** * A signature visitor for extracting a generic type resolution. * * @param <T> The type of the resolution this visitor extracts. */
protected abstract static class ForSignature<T extends LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution> extends RejectingSignatureVisitor implements GenericTypeRegistrant {
The resolved type variable tokens.
/** * The resolved type variable tokens. */
protected final List<LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.OfFormalTypeVariable> typeVariableTokens;
The name of the currently constructed type.
/** * The name of the currently constructed type. */
protected String currentTypeParameter;
The bounds of the currently constructed type.
/** * The bounds of the currently constructed type. */
protected List<LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken> currentBounds;
Creates a new signature visitor.
/** * Creates a new signature visitor. */
public ForSignature() { typeVariableTokens = new ArrayList<LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.OfFormalTypeVariable>(); }
Applies an extraction of a generic signature given the supplied visitor.
  • genericSignature – The generic signature to interpret.
  • visitor – The visitor to apply.
Type parameters:
  • <S> – The type of the generated resolution.
Returns:The resolution of the supplied signature.
/** * Applies an extraction of a generic signature given the supplied visitor. * * @param genericSignature The generic signature to interpret. * @param visitor The visitor to apply. * @param <S> The type of the generated resolution. * @return The resolution of the supplied signature. */
protected static <S extends LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution> S extract(String genericSignature, ForSignature<S> visitor) { SignatureReader signatureReader = new SignatureReader(genericSignature); signatureReader.accept(visitor); return visitor.resolve(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void visitFormalTypeParameter(String name) { collectTypeParameter(); currentTypeParameter = name; currentBounds = new ArrayList<LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken>(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public SignatureVisitor visitClassBound() { return new GenericTypeExtractor(this); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public SignatureVisitor visitInterfaceBound() { return new GenericTypeExtractor(this); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void register(LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken token) { if (currentBounds == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Did not expect " + token + " before finding formal parameter"); } currentBounds.add(token); }
Collects the currently constructed type.
/** * Collects the currently constructed type. */
protected void collectTypeParameter() { if (currentTypeParameter != null) { typeVariableTokens.add(new LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForTypeVariable.Formal(currentTypeParameter, currentBounds)); } }
Completes the current resolution.
Returns:The resolved generic signature.
/** * Completes the current resolution. * * @return The resolved generic signature. */
public abstract T resolve();
A parser for a generic type signature.
/** * A parser for a generic type signature. */
protected static class OfType extends ForSignature<LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.ForType> {
The interface type's generic signatures.
/** * The interface type's generic signatures. */
private final List<LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken> interfaceTypeTokens;
The super type's generic signature.
/** * The super type's generic signature. */
private LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken superClassToken;
Creates a new parser for a type signature.
/** * Creates a new parser for a type signature. */
protected OfType() { interfaceTypeTokens = new ArrayList<LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken>(); }
Extracts a generic type resolution of a type signature.
  • genericSignature – The signature to interpret.
Returns:The interpreted type signature.
/** * Extracts a generic type resolution of a type signature. * * @param genericSignature The signature to interpret. * @return The interpreted type signature. */
public static LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.ForType extract(String genericSignature) { try { return genericSignature == null ? LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.Raw.INSTANCE : ForSignature.extract(genericSignature, new OfType()); } catch (RuntimeException ignored) { return LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.Malformed.INSTANCE; } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public SignatureVisitor visitSuperclass() { collectTypeParameter(); return new GenericTypeExtractor(new SuperClassRegistrant()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public SignatureVisitor visitInterface() { return new GenericTypeExtractor(new InterfaceTypeRegistrant()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.ForType resolve() { return new LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.ForType.Tokenized(superClassToken, interfaceTypeTokens, typeVariableTokens); }
A registrant for the super type.
/** * A registrant for the super type. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance(includeSyntheticFields = true) protected class SuperClassRegistrant implements GenericTypeRegistrant {
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void register(LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken token) { superClassToken = token; } }
A registrant for the interface types.
/** * A registrant for the interface types. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance(includeSyntheticFields = true) protected class InterfaceTypeRegistrant implements GenericTypeRegistrant {
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void register(LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken token) { interfaceTypeTokens.add(token); } } }
A parser for a generic method signature.
/** * A parser for a generic method signature. */
protected static class OfMethod extends ForSignature<LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.ForMethod> {
The generic parameter types.
/** * The generic parameter types. */
private final List<LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken> parameterTypeTokens;
The generic exception types.
/** * The generic exception types. */
private final List<LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken> exceptionTypeTokens;
The generic return type.
/** * The generic return type. */
private LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken returnTypeToken;
Creates a parser for a generic method signature.
/** * Creates a parser for a generic method signature. */
public OfMethod() { parameterTypeTokens = new ArrayList<LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken>(); exceptionTypeTokens = new ArrayList<LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken>(); }
Extracts a generic method resolution of a method signature.
  • genericSignature – The signature to interpret.
Returns:The interpreted method signature.
/** * Extracts a generic method resolution of a method signature. * * @param genericSignature The signature to interpret. * @return The interpreted method signature. */
public static LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.ForMethod extract(String genericSignature) { try { return genericSignature == null ? LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.Raw.INSTANCE : ForSignature.extract(genericSignature, new OfMethod()); } catch (RuntimeException ignored) { return LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.Malformed.INSTANCE; } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public SignatureVisitor visitParameterType() { return new GenericTypeExtractor(new ParameterTypeRegistrant()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public SignatureVisitor visitReturnType() { collectTypeParameter(); return new GenericTypeExtractor(new ReturnTypeTypeRegistrant()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public SignatureVisitor visitExceptionType() { return new GenericTypeExtractor(new ExceptionTypeRegistrant()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.ForMethod resolve() { return new LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.ForMethod.Tokenized(returnTypeToken, parameterTypeTokens, exceptionTypeTokens, typeVariableTokens); }
A registrant for a parameter type.
/** * A registrant for a parameter type. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance(includeSyntheticFields = true) protected class ParameterTypeRegistrant implements GenericTypeRegistrant {
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void register(LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken token) { parameterTypeTokens.add(token); } }
A registrant for a return type.
/** * A registrant for a return type. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance(includeSyntheticFields = true) protected class ReturnTypeTypeRegistrant implements GenericTypeRegistrant {
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void register(LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken token) { returnTypeToken = token; } }
A registrant for an exception type.
/** * A registrant for an exception type. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance(includeSyntheticFields = true) protected class ExceptionTypeRegistrant implements GenericTypeRegistrant {
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void register(LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken token) { exceptionTypeTokens.add(token); } } }
A parser for a generic field signature.
/** * A parser for a generic field signature. */
protected static class OfField implements GenericTypeRegistrant {
The generic field type.
/** * The generic field type. */
private LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken fieldTypeToken;
Extracts a generic field resolution of a field signature.
  • genericSignature – The signature to interpret.
Returns:The interpreted field signature.
/** * Extracts a generic field resolution of a field signature. * * @param genericSignature The signature to interpret. * @return The interpreted field signature. */
public static LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.ForField extract(String genericSignature) { if (genericSignature == null) { return LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.Raw.INSTANCE; } else { SignatureReader signatureReader = new SignatureReader(genericSignature); OfField visitor = new OfField(); try { signatureReader.acceptType(new GenericTypeExtractor(visitor)); return visitor.resolve(); } catch (RuntimeException ignored) { return LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.Malformed.INSTANCE; } } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void register(LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken token) { fieldTypeToken = token; }
Completes the current resolution.
Returns:The resolved generic signature.
/** * Completes the current resolution. * * @return The resolved generic signature. */
protected LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.ForField resolve() { return new LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.ForField.Tokenized(fieldTypeToken); } } } }
A type description that looks up any referenced ByteCodeElement or AnnotationDescription by querying a type pool at lookup time.
/** * A type description that looks up any referenced {@link net.bytebuddy.description.ByteCodeElement} or * {@link AnnotationDescription} by querying a type pool at lookup time. */
protected static class LazyTypeDescription extends TypeDescription.AbstractBase.OfSimpleType {
The index of a super class's type annotations.
/** * The index of a super class's type annotations. */
private static final int SUPER_CLASS_INDEX = -1;
Indicates that a type does not exist and does therefore not have a name.
/** * Indicates that a type does not exist and does therefore not have a name. */
private static final String NO_TYPE = null;
The type pool to be used for looking up linked types.
/** * The type pool to be used for looking up linked types. */
private final TypePool typePool;
The actual modifiers of this type.
/** * The actual modifiers of this type. */
private final int actualModifiers;
The modifiers of this type.
/** * The modifiers of this type. */
private final int modifiers;
The binary name of this type.
/** * The binary name of this type. */
private final String name;
The type's super type's descriptor or null if this type does not define a super type.
/** * The type's super type's descriptor or {@code null} if this type does not define a super type. */
private final String superClassDescriptor;
The type's generic signature as found in the class file or null if the type is not generic.
/** * The type's generic signature as found in the class file or {@code null} if the type is not generic. */
private final String genericSignature;
The resolution of this type's generic type.
/** * The resolution of this type's generic type. */
private final GenericTypeToken.Resolution.ForType signatureResolution;
The descriptor of this type's interfaces.
/** * The descriptor of this type's interfaces. */
private final List<String> interfaceTypeDescriptors;
A definition of this type's containment within another type or method.
/** * A definition of this type's containment within another type or method. */
private final TypeContainment typeContainment;
The binary name of this type's declaring type or null if no such type exists.
/** * The binary name of this type's declaring type or {@code null} if no such type exists. */
private final String declaringTypeName;
A list of descriptors representing the types that are declared by this type.
/** * A list of descriptors representing the types that are declared by this type. */
private final List<String> declaredTypes;
true if this type is an anonymous type.
/** * {@code true} if this type is an anonymous type. */
private final boolean anonymousType;
The binary name of the nest host or null if no nest host was specified.
/** * The binary name of the nest host or {@code null} if no nest host was specified. */
private final String nestHost;
A list of binary names of all specified nest members.
/** * A list of binary names of all specified nest members. */
private final List<String> nestMembers;
A mapping of type annotations for this type's super type and interface types by their indices.
/** * A mapping of type annotations for this type's super type and interface types by their indices. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> superTypeAnnotationTokens;
A mapping of type annotations of the type variables' type annotations by their indices.
/** * A mapping of type annotations of the type variables' type annotations by their indices. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> typeVariableAnnotationTokens;
A mapping of type annotations of the type variables' bounds' type annotations by their indices and each variable's index.
/** * A mapping of type annotations of the type variables' bounds' type annotations by their indices and each variable's index. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>>> typeVariableBoundsAnnotationTokens;
A list of tokens that represent the annotations of this type.
/** * A list of tokens that represent the annotations of this type. */
private final List<AnnotationToken> annotationTokens;
A list of field tokens describing the field's of this type.
/** * A list of field tokens describing the field's of this type. */
private final List<FieldToken> fieldTokens;
A list of method tokens describing the method's of this type.
/** * A list of method tokens describing the method's of this type. */
private final List<MethodToken> methodTokens;
Creates a new lazy type description.
  • typePool – The type pool to be used for looking up linked types.
  • actualModifiers – The actual modifiers of this type.
  • modifiers – The modifiers of this type.
  • name – The binary name of this type.
  • superClassInternalName – The internal name of this type's super type or null if no such super type is defined.
  • interfaceInternalName – An array of this type's interfaces or null if this type does not define any interfaces.
  • genericSignature – The type's generic signature as found in the class file or null if the type is not generic.
  • typeContainment – A definition of this type's containment within another type or method.
  • declaringTypeInternalName – The internal name of this type's declaring type or null if no such type exists.
  • declaredTypes – A list of descriptors representing the types that are declared by this type.
  • anonymousType – true if this type is an anonymous type.
  • nestHostInternalName – The internal name of the nest host or null if no nest host was specified.
  • nestMemberInternalNames – A list of internal names of the nest members.
  • superTypeAnnotationTokens – A mapping of type annotations for this type's super type and interface types by their indices.
  • typeVariableAnnotationTokens – A mapping of type annotations of the type variables' type annotations by their indices.
  • typeVariableBoundsAnnotationTokens – A mapping of type annotations of the type variables' bounds' type annotations by their indices and each variable's index.
  • annotationTokens – A list of tokens that represent the annotations of this type.
  • fieldTokens – A list of field tokens describing the field's of this type.
  • methodTokens – A list of method tokens describing the method's of this type.
/** * Creates a new lazy type description. * * @param typePool The type pool to be used for looking up linked types. * @param actualModifiers The actual modifiers of this type. * @param modifiers The modifiers of this type. * @param name The binary name of this type. * @param superClassInternalName The internal name of this type's super type or {@code null} if no such super type is defined. * @param interfaceInternalName An array of this type's interfaces or {@code null} if this type does not define any interfaces. * @param genericSignature The type's generic signature as found in the class file or {@code null} if the type is not generic. * @param typeContainment A definition of this type's containment within another type or method. * @param declaringTypeInternalName The internal name of this type's declaring type or {@code null} if no such type exists. * @param declaredTypes A list of descriptors representing the types that are declared by this type. * @param anonymousType {@code true} if this type is an anonymous type. * @param nestHostInternalName The internal name of the nest host or {@code null} if no nest host was specified. * @param nestMemberInternalNames A list of internal names of the nest members. * @param superTypeAnnotationTokens A mapping of type annotations for this type's super type and interface types by their indices. * @param typeVariableAnnotationTokens A mapping of type annotations of the type variables' type annotations by their indices. * @param typeVariableBoundsAnnotationTokens A mapping of type annotations of the type variables' bounds' type annotations by their indices * and each variable's index. * @param annotationTokens A list of tokens that represent the annotations of this type. * @param fieldTokens A list of field tokens describing the field's of this type. * @param methodTokens A list of method tokens describing the method's of this type. */
protected LazyTypeDescription(TypePool typePool, int actualModifiers, int modifiers, String name, String superClassInternalName, String[] interfaceInternalName, String genericSignature, TypeContainment typeContainment, String declaringTypeInternalName, List<String> declaredTypes, boolean anonymousType, String nestHostInternalName, List<String> nestMemberInternalNames, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> superTypeAnnotationTokens, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> typeVariableAnnotationTokens, Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>>> typeVariableBoundsAnnotationTokens, List<AnnotationToken> annotationTokens, List<FieldToken> fieldTokens, List<MethodToken> methodTokens) { this.typePool = typePool; this.actualModifiers = actualModifiers & ~Opcodes.ACC_SUPER; this.modifiers = modifiers & ~(Opcodes.ACC_SUPER | Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED); this.name = Type.getObjectType(name).getClassName(); this.superClassDescriptor = superClassInternalName == null ? NO_TYPE : Type.getObjectType(superClassInternalName).getDescriptor(); this.genericSignature = genericSignature; signatureResolution = RAW_TYPES ? GenericTypeToken.Resolution.Raw.INSTANCE : GenericTypeExtractor.ForSignature.OfType.extract(genericSignature); if (interfaceInternalName == null) { interfaceTypeDescriptors = Collections.emptyList(); } else { interfaceTypeDescriptors = new ArrayList<String>(interfaceInternalName.length); for (String internalName : interfaceInternalName) { interfaceTypeDescriptors.add(Type.getObjectType(internalName).getDescriptor()); } } this.typeContainment = typeContainment; declaringTypeName = declaringTypeInternalName == null ? NO_TYPE : declaringTypeInternalName.replace('/', '.'); this.declaredTypes = declaredTypes; this.anonymousType = anonymousType; nestHost = nestHostInternalName == null ? NO_TYPE : Type.getObjectType(nestHostInternalName).getClassName(); nestMembers = new ArrayList<String>(nestMemberInternalNames.size()); for (String nestMemberInternalName : nestMemberInternalNames) { nestMembers.add(Type.getObjectType(nestMemberInternalName).getClassName()); } this.superTypeAnnotationTokens = superTypeAnnotationTokens; this.typeVariableAnnotationTokens = typeVariableAnnotationTokens; this.typeVariableBoundsAnnotationTokens = typeVariableBoundsAnnotationTokens; this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; this.fieldTokens = fieldTokens; this.methodTokens = methodTokens; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic getSuperClass() { return superClassDescriptor == null || isInterface() ? Generic.UNDEFINED : signatureResolution.resolveSuperClass(superClassDescriptor, typePool, superTypeAnnotationTokens.get(SUPER_CLASS_INDEX), this); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic getInterfaces() { return signatureResolution.resolveInterfaceTypes(interfaceTypeDescriptors, typePool, superTypeAnnotationTokens, this); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public MethodDescription.InDefinedShape getEnclosingMethod() { return typeContainment.getEnclosingMethod(typePool); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription getEnclosingType() { return typeContainment.getEnclosingType(typePool); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList getDeclaredTypes() { return new LazyTypeList(typePool, declaredTypes); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isAnonymousType() { return anonymousType; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isLocalType() { return !anonymousType && typeContainment.isLocalType(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public FieldList<FieldDescription.InDefinedShape> getDeclaredFields() { return new FieldTokenList(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public MethodList<MethodDescription.InDefinedShape> getDeclaredMethods() { return new MethodTokenList(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public PackageDescription getPackage() { String name = getName(); int index = name.lastIndexOf('.'); return new LazyPackageDescription(typePool, index == -1 ? EMPTY_NAME : name.substring(0, index)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getName() { return name; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription getDeclaringType() { return declaringTypeName == null ? TypeDescription.UNDEFINED : typePool.describe(declaringTypeName).resolve(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int getModifiers() { return modifiers; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int getActualModifiers(boolean superFlag) { return superFlag ? (actualModifiers | Opcodes.ACC_SUPER) : actualModifiers; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription getNestHost() { return nestHost == null ? this : typePool.describe(nestHost).resolve(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList getNestMembers() { return nestHost == null ? new LazyNestMemberList(this, typePool, nestMembers) : typePool.describe(nestHost).resolve().getNestMembers(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationList getDeclaredAnnotations() { return LazyAnnotationDescription.asList(typePool, annotationTokens); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic getTypeVariables() { return signatureResolution.resolveTypeVariables(typePool, this, typeVariableAnnotationTokens, typeVariableBoundsAnnotationTokens); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getGenericSignature() { return genericSignature; }
A list of field tokens representing each entry as a field description.
/** * A list of field tokens representing each entry as a field description. */
protected class FieldTokenList extends FieldList.AbstractBase<FieldDescription.InDefinedShape> {
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public FieldDescription.InDefinedShape get(int index) { return fieldTokens.get(index).toFieldDescription(LazyTypeDescription.this); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int size() { return fieldTokens.size(); } }
A list of method tokens representing each entry as a method description.
/** * A list of method tokens representing each entry as a method description. */
protected class MethodTokenList extends MethodList.AbstractBase<MethodDescription.InDefinedShape> {
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public MethodDescription.InDefinedShape get(int index) { return methodTokens.get(index).toMethodDescription(LazyTypeDescription.this); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int size() { return methodTokens.size(); } }
A declaration context encapsulates information about whether a type was declared within another type or within a method of another type.
/** * A declaration context encapsulates information about whether a type was declared within another type * or within a method of another type. */
protected interface TypeContainment {
Returns the enclosing method or null if no such method exists.
  • typePool – The type pool to be used for looking up linked types.
Returns:A method description describing the linked type or null.
/** * Returns the enclosing method or {@code null} if no such method exists. * * @param typePool The type pool to be used for looking up linked types. * @return A method description describing the linked type or {@code null}. */
MethodDescription.InDefinedShape getEnclosingMethod(TypePool typePool);
Returns the enclosing type or null if no such type exists.
  • typePool – The type pool to be used for looking up linked types.
Returns:A type description describing the linked type or null.
/** * Returns the enclosing type or {@code null} if no such type exists. * * @param typePool The type pool to be used for looking up linked types. * @return A type description describing the linked type or {@code null}. */
TypeDescription getEnclosingType(TypePool typePool);
Returns true if the type is self-contained.
Returns:true if the type is self-contained.
/** * Returns {@code true} if the type is self-contained. * * @return {@code true} if the type is self-contained. */
boolean isSelfContained();
Returns true if the type is a local type unless it is an anonymous type.
Returns:true if the type is a local type unless it is an anonymous type
/** * Returns {@code true} if the type is a local type unless it is an anonymous type. * * @return {@code true} if the type is a local type unless it is an anonymous type */
boolean isLocalType();
Describes a type that is not contained within another type, a method or a constructor.
/** * Describes a type that is not contained within another type, a method or a constructor. */
enum SelfContained implements TypeContainment {
The singleton instance.
/** * The singleton instance. */
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public MethodDescription.InDefinedShape getEnclosingMethod(TypePool typePool) { return MethodDescription.UNDEFINED; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription getEnclosingType(TypePool typePool) { return TypeDescription.UNDEFINED; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isSelfContained() { return true; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isLocalType() { return false; } }
Describes a type that is contained within another type.
/** * Describes a type that is contained within another type. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class WithinType implements TypeContainment {
The type's binary name.
/** * The type's binary name. */
private final String name;
true if the type is a local type unless it is an anonymous type.
/** * {@code true} if the type is a local type unless it is an anonymous type. */
private final boolean localType;
Creates a new type containment for a type that is declared within another type.
  • internalName – The type's internal name.
  • localType – true if the type is a local type unless it is an anonymous type.
/** * Creates a new type containment for a type that is declared within another type. * * @param internalName The type's internal name. * @param localType {@code true} if the type is a local type unless it is an anonymous type. */
protected WithinType(String internalName, boolean localType) { name = internalName.replace('/', '.'); this.localType = localType; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public MethodDescription.InDefinedShape getEnclosingMethod(TypePool typePool) { return MethodDescription.UNDEFINED; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription getEnclosingType(TypePool typePool) { return typePool.describe(name).resolve(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isSelfContained() { return false; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isLocalType() { return localType; } }
Describes a type that is contained within a method or constructor.
/** * Describes a type that is contained within a method or constructor. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class WithinMethod implements TypeContainment {
The method's declaring type's internal name.
/** * The method's declaring type's internal name. */
private final String name;
The method's internal name.
/** * The method's internal name. */
private final String methodName;
The method's descriptor.
/** * The method's descriptor. */
private final String methodDescriptor;
Creates a new type containment for a type that is declared within a method.
  • internalName – The method's declaring type's internal name.
  • methodName – The method's internal name.
  • methodDescriptor – The method's descriptor.
/** * Creates a new type containment for a type that is declared within a method. * * @param internalName The method's declaring type's internal name. * @param methodName The method's internal name. * @param methodDescriptor The method's descriptor. */
protected WithinMethod(String internalName, String methodName, String methodDescriptor) { name = internalName.replace('/', '.'); this.methodName = methodName; this.methodDescriptor = methodDescriptor; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public MethodDescription.InDefinedShape getEnclosingMethod(TypePool typePool) { TypeDescription enclosingType = getEnclosingType(typePool); MethodList<MethodDescription.InDefinedShape> enclosingMethod = enclosingType.getDeclaredMethods() .filter(hasMethodName(methodName).and(hasDescriptor(methodDescriptor))); if (enclosingMethod.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException(methodName + methodDescriptor + " not declared by " + enclosingType); } return enclosingMethod.getOnly(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription getEnclosingType(TypePool typePool) { return typePool.describe(name).resolve(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isSelfContained() { return false; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isLocalType() { return true; } } }
A token that represents a generic Java type.
/** * A token that represents a generic Java type. */
protected interface GenericTypeToken {
Represents an empty type path.
/** * Represents an empty type path. */
String EMPTY_TYPE_PATH = "";
Represents a step to a component type within a type path.
/** * Represents a step to a component type within a type path. */
Represents a wildcard type step within a type path.
/** * Represents a wildcard type step within a type path. */
Represents a (reversed) step to an inner class within a type path.
/** * Represents a (reversed) step to an inner class within a type path. */
char INNER_CLASS_PATH = '.';
Represents an index type delimiter within a type path.
/** * Represents an index type delimiter within a type path. */
Transforms this token into a generic type representation.
  • typePool – The type pool to be used for locating non-generic type descriptions.
  • typeVariableSource – The type variable source.
  • typePath – The type path of the resolved generic type.
  • annotationTokens – A mapping of the type's annotation tokens by their type path.
Returns:A description of the represented generic type.
/** * Transforms this token into a generic type representation. * * @param typePool The type pool to be used for locating non-generic type descriptions. * @param typeVariableSource The type variable source. * @param typePath The type path of the resolved generic type. * @param annotationTokens A mapping of the type's annotation tokens by their type path. * @return A description of the represented generic type. */
Generic toGenericType(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, String typePath, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens);
Determines if a generic type tokens represents a primary bound of a type variable. This method must only be invoked on types that represent a Sort.NON_GENERIC, Sort.PARAMETERIZED or Sort.VARIABLE.
  • typePool – The type pool to use.
Returns:true if this token represents a primary bound.
/** * Determines if a generic type tokens represents a primary bound of a type variable. This method must only be invoked on types * that represent a {@link Sort#NON_GENERIC}, * {@link Sort#PARAMETERIZED} or {@link Sort#VARIABLE}. * * @param typePool The type pool to use. * @return {@code true} if this token represents a primary bound. */
boolean isPrimaryBound(TypePool typePool);
Returns the type path prefix that needs to be appended to the existing type path before any further navigation on the parameterized type. This method must only be called on type tokens that represent parameterized type
Returns:A type path segment that needs to be appended to the base type path before any further navigation on the parameterized type.
/** * Returns the type path prefix that needs to be appended to the existing type path before any further navigation on the parameterized * type. This method must only be called on type tokens that represent parameterized type * * @return A type path segment that needs to be appended to the base type path before any further navigation on the parameterized type. */
String getTypePathPrefix();
Represents a generic type token for a formal type variable.
/** * Represents a generic type token for a formal type variable. */
interface OfFormalTypeVariable {
Transforms this token into a generic type representation.
  • typePool – The type pool to be used for locating non-generic type descriptions.
  • typeVariableSource – The type variable source.
  • annotationTokens – A mapping of the type variables' type annotations.
  • boundaryAnnotationTokens – A mapping of the type variables' bounds' type annotation by their bound index.
Returns:A generic type representation of this formal type variable.
/** * Transforms this token into a generic type representation. * * @param typePool The type pool to be used for locating non-generic type descriptions. * @param typeVariableSource The type variable source. * @param annotationTokens A mapping of the type variables' type annotations. * @param boundaryAnnotationTokens A mapping of the type variables' bounds' type annotation by their bound index. * @return A generic type representation of this formal type variable. */
Generic toGenericType(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> boundaryAnnotationTokens); }
A generic type token that represents a primitive type.
/** * A generic type token that represents a primitive type. */
enum ForPrimitiveType implements GenericTypeToken {
The generic type token describing the boolean type.
/** * The generic type token describing the {@code boolean} type. */
The generic type token describing the byte type.
/** * The generic type token describing the {@code byte} type. */
The generic type token describing the short type.
/** * The generic type token describing the {@code short} type. */
The generic type token describing the char type.
/** * The generic type token describing the {@code char} type. */
The generic type token describing the int type.
/** * The generic type token describing the {@code int} type. */
The generic type token describing the long type.
/** * The generic type token describing the {@code long} type. */
The generic type token describing the float type.
/** * The generic type token describing the {@code float} type. */
The generic type token describing the double type.
/** * The generic type token describing the {@code double} type. */
The generic type token describing the void type.
/** * The generic type token describing the {@code void} type. */
A description of this primitive type token.
/** * A description of this primitive type token. */
private final TypeDescription typeDescription;
Creates a new primitive type token.
  • type – The loaded type representing this primitive.
/** * Creates a new primitive type token. * * @param type The loaded type representing this primitive. */
ForPrimitiveType(Class<?> type) { typeDescription = ForLoadedType.of(type); }
Resolves a generic type token of a primitive type.
  • descriptor – The descriptor of the primitive type.
Returns:The corresponding generic type token.
/** * Resolves a generic type token of a primitive type. * * @param descriptor The descriptor of the primitive type. * @return The corresponding generic type token. */
public static GenericTypeToken of(char descriptor) { switch (descriptor) { case 'V': return VOID; case 'Z': return BOOLEAN; case 'B': return BYTE; case 'S': return SHORT; case 'C': return CHAR; case 'I': return INTEGER; case 'J': return LONG; case 'F': return FLOAT; case 'D': return DOUBLE; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a valid primitive type descriptor: " + descriptor); } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic toGenericType(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, String typePath, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens) { return new LazyPrimitiveType(typePool, typePath, annotationTokens == null ? Collections.<String, List<AnnotationToken>>emptyMap() : annotationTokens, typeDescription); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isPrimaryBound(TypePool typePool) { throw new IllegalStateException("A primitive type cannot be a type variable bound: " + this); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getTypePathPrefix() { throw new IllegalStateException("A primitive type cannot be the owner of a nested type: " + this); }
A representation of a lazy primitive type.
/** * A representation of a lazy primitive type. */
protected static class LazyPrimitiveType extends Generic.OfNonGenericType {
The type pool to use.
/** * The type pool to use. */
private final TypePool typePool;
This type's type path.
/** * This type's type path. */
private final String typePath;
This type's type annotation tokens.
/** * This type's type annotation tokens. */
private final Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens;
The represented type's description.
/** * The represented type's description. */
private final TypeDescription typeDescription;
Creates a new lazy primitive type.
  • typePool – The type pool to use.
  • typePath – This type's type path.
  • annotationTokens – This type's type annotation tokens.
  • typeDescription – The represented type's description.
/** * Creates a new lazy primitive type. * * @param typePool The type pool to use. * @param typePath This type's type path. * @param annotationTokens This type's type annotation tokens. * @param typeDescription The represented type's description. */
protected LazyPrimitiveType(TypePool typePool, String typePath, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, TypeDescription typeDescription) { this.typePool = typePool; this.typePath = typePath; this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; this.typeDescription = typeDescription; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription asErasure() { return typeDescription; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic getOwnerType() { return Generic.UNDEFINED; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic getComponentType() { return Generic.UNDEFINED; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationList getDeclaredAnnotations() { return LazyAnnotationDescription.asListOfNullable(typePool, annotationTokens.get(typePath)); } } }
A generic type token that represents an unbound wildcard.
/** * A generic type token that represents an unbound wildcard. */
enum ForUnboundWildcard implements GenericTypeToken {
The singleton instance.
/** * The singleton instance. */
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic toGenericType(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, String typePath, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens) { return new LazyUnboundWildcard(typePool, typePath, annotationTokens == null ? Collections.<String, List<AnnotationToken>>emptyMap() : annotationTokens); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isPrimaryBound(TypePool typePool) { throw new IllegalStateException("A wildcard type cannot be a type variable bound: " + this); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getTypePathPrefix() { throw new IllegalStateException("An unbound wildcard cannot be the owner of a nested type: " + this); }
A generic type representation of a generic unbound wildcard.
/** * A generic type representation of a generic unbound wildcard. */
protected static class LazyUnboundWildcard extends Generic.OfWildcardType {
The type pool to use.
/** * The type pool to use. */
private final TypePool typePool;
This type's type path.
/** * This type's type path. */
private final String typePath;
The type's type annotations.
/** * The type's type annotations. */
private final Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens;
Creates a new lazy unbound wildcard.
  • typePool – The type pool to use.
  • typePath – This type's type path.
  • annotationTokens – The type's type annotations.
/** * Creates a new lazy unbound wildcard. * * @param typePool The type pool to use. * @param typePath This type's type path. * @param annotationTokens The type's type annotations. */
protected LazyUnboundWildcard(TypePool typePool, String typePath, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens) { this.typePool = typePool; this.typePath = typePath; this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic getUpperBounds() { return new TypeList.Generic.Explicit(Generic.OBJECT); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic getLowerBounds() { return new TypeList.Generic.Empty(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationList getDeclaredAnnotations() { return LazyAnnotationDescription.asListOfNullable(typePool, annotationTokens.get(typePath)); } } }
A resolution of a type's, method's or field's generic types.
/** * A resolution of a type's, method's or field's generic types. */
interface Resolution {
Resolves the type variables of the represented element.
  • typePool – The type pool to be used for locating non-generic type descriptions.
  • typeVariableSource – The type variable source to use for resolving type variables.
  • annotationTokens – A mapping of the type variables' type annotation tokens by their indices.
  • boundAnnotationTokens – A mapping of the type variables' bounds' type annotation tokens by their indices and each type variable's index.
Returns:A list describing the resolved generic types.
/** * Resolves the type variables of the represented element. * * @param typePool The type pool to be used for locating non-generic type descriptions. * @param typeVariableSource The type variable source to use for resolving type variables. * @param annotationTokens A mapping of the type variables' type annotation tokens by their indices. * @param boundAnnotationTokens A mapping of the type variables' bounds' type annotation tokens by their indices * and each type variable's index. * @return A list describing the resolved generic types. */
TypeList.Generic resolveTypeVariables(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens, Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>>> boundAnnotationTokens);
A resolution of a type's, method's or field's generic types if all of the represented element's are raw.
/** * A resolution of a type's, method's or field's generic types if all of the represented element's are raw. */
enum Raw implements ForType, ForMethod, ForField {
The singleton instance.
/** * The singleton instance. */
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic resolveFieldType(String fieldTypeDescriptor, TypePool typePool, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, FieldDescription.InDefinedShape definingField) { return RawAnnotatedType.of(typePool, annotationTokens, fieldTypeDescriptor); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic resolveReturnType(String returnTypeDescriptor, TypePool typePool, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, MethodDescription.InDefinedShape definingMethod) { return RawAnnotatedType.of(typePool, annotationTokens, returnTypeDescriptor); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic resolveParameterTypes(List<String> parameterTypeDescriptors, TypePool typePool, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens, MethodDescription.InDefinedShape definingMethod) { return RawAnnotatedType.LazyRawAnnotatedTypeList.of(typePool, annotationTokens, parameterTypeDescriptors); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic resolveExceptionTypes(List<String> exceptionTypeDescriptors, TypePool typePool, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens, MethodDescription.InDefinedShape definingMethod) { return RawAnnotatedType.LazyRawAnnotatedTypeList.of(typePool, annotationTokens, exceptionTypeDescriptors); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic resolveSuperClass(String superClassDescriptor, TypePool typePool, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, TypeDescription definingType) { return RawAnnotatedType.of(typePool, annotationTokens, superClassDescriptor); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic resolveInterfaceTypes(List<String> interfaceTypeDescriptors, TypePool typePool, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens, TypeDescription definingType) { return RawAnnotatedType.LazyRawAnnotatedTypeList.of(typePool, annotationTokens, interfaceTypeDescriptors); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic resolveTypeVariables(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens, Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>>> boundAnnotationTokens) { return new TypeList.Generic.Empty(); }
Represents a non-generic type that defines type annotations.
/** * Represents a non-generic type that defines type annotations. */
protected static class RawAnnotatedType extends Generic.OfNonGenericType {
The type pool to use.
/** * The type pool to use. */
private final TypePool typePool;
The type's type path.
/** * The type's type path. */
private final String typePath;
A mapping of this type's type annotations.
/** * A mapping of this type's type annotations. */
private final Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens;
The represented non-generic type.
/** * The represented non-generic type. */
private final TypeDescription typeDescription;
Creates a new raw annotated type.
  • typePool – The type pool to use.
  • typePath – The type's type path.
  • annotationTokens – A mapping of this type's type annotations.
  • typeDescription – The represented non-generic type.
/** * Creates a new raw annotated type. * * @param typePool The type pool to use. * @param typePath The type's type path. * @param annotationTokens A mapping of this type's type annotations. * @param typeDescription The represented non-generic type. */
protected RawAnnotatedType(TypePool typePool, String typePath, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, TypeDescription typeDescription) { this.typePool = typePool; this.typePath = typePath; this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; this.typeDescription = typeDescription; }
Creates a new raw annotated type.
  • typePool – The type pool to use.
  • annotationTokens – A mapping of this type's type annotations.
  • descriptor – The descriptor of the represented non-generic type.
Returns:An annotated non-generic type.
/** * Creates a new raw annotated type. * * @param typePool The type pool to use. * @param annotationTokens A mapping of this type's type annotations. * @param descriptor The descriptor of the represented non-generic type. * @return An annotated non-generic type. */
protected static Generic of(TypePool typePool, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, String descriptor) { return new RawAnnotatedType(typePool, EMPTY_TYPE_PATH, annotationTokens == null ? Collections.<String, List<AnnotationToken>>emptyMap() : annotationTokens, TokenizedGenericType.toErasure(typePool, descriptor)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription asErasure() { return typeDescription; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic getOwnerType() { TypeDescription declaringType = typeDescription.getDeclaringType(); return declaringType == null ? Generic.UNDEFINED : new RawAnnotatedType(typePool, typePath, annotationTokens, declaringType); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic getComponentType() { TypeDescription componentType = typeDescription.getComponentType(); return componentType == null ? Generic.UNDEFINED : new RawAnnotatedType(typePool, typePath + COMPONENT_TYPE_PATH, annotationTokens, componentType); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationList getDeclaredAnnotations() { StringBuilder typePath = new StringBuilder(this.typePath); for (int index = 0; index < typeDescription.getInnerClassCount(); index++) { typePath = typePath.append(INNER_CLASS_PATH); } return LazyAnnotationDescription.asListOfNullable(typePool, annotationTokens.get(typePath.toString())); }
A generic type list representing raw types.
/** * A generic type list representing raw types. */
protected static class LazyRawAnnotatedTypeList extends TypeList.Generic.AbstractBase {
The type pool to use for locating types.
/** * The type pool to use for locating types. */
private final TypePool typePool;
A mapping of the represented types' type annotation tokens by their indices.
/** * A mapping of the represented types' type annotation tokens by their indices. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens;
A list of type descriptors that this list represents.
/** * A list of type descriptors that this list represents. */
private final List<String> descriptors;
Creates a generic type list only representing raw types.
  • typePool – The type pool to use for locating types.
  • annotationTokens – A mapping of the represented types' type annotation tokens by their indices.
  • descriptors – A list of type descriptors that this list represents.
/** * Creates a generic type list only representing raw types. * * @param typePool The type pool to use for locating types. * @param annotationTokens A mapping of the represented types' type annotation tokens by their indices. * @param descriptors A list of type descriptors that this list represents. */
protected LazyRawAnnotatedTypeList(TypePool typePool, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens, List<String> descriptors) { this.typePool = typePool; this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; this.descriptors = descriptors; }
Creates generic type list only representing raw types.
  • typePool – The type pool to use for locating types.
  • annotationTokens – A mapping of the represented types' type annotation tokens by their indices or null if no type annotations are defined for any type.
  • descriptors – A list of type descriptors that this list represents.
Returns:A generic type list representing the raw types this list represents.
/** * Creates generic type list only representing raw types. * * @param typePool The type pool to use for locating types. * @param annotationTokens A mapping of the represented types' type annotation tokens by their indices or * {@code null} if no type annotations are defined for any type. * @param descriptors A list of type descriptors that this list represents. * @return A generic type list representing the raw types this list represents. */
protected static TypeList.Generic of(TypePool typePool, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens, List<String> descriptors) { return new LazyRawAnnotatedTypeList(typePool, annotationTokens == null ? Collections.<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>>emptyMap() : annotationTokens, descriptors); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic get(int index) { return RawAnnotatedType.of(typePool, annotationTokens.get(index), descriptors.get(index)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int size() { return descriptors.size(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList asErasures() { return new LazyTypeList(typePool, descriptors); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic asRawTypes() { return this; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int getStackSize() { int stackSize = 0; for (String descriptor : descriptors) { stackSize += Type.getType(descriptor).getSize(); } return stackSize; } } } }
A resolution of a type's, method's or field's generic types if its generic signature is malformed.
/** * A resolution of a type's, method's or field's generic types if its generic signature is malformed. */
enum Malformed implements ForType, ForMethod, ForField {
The singleton instance.
/** * The singleton instance. */
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic resolveFieldType(String fieldTypeDescriptor, TypePool typePool, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, FieldDescription.InDefinedShape definingField) { return new TokenizedGenericType.Malformed(typePool, fieldTypeDescriptor); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic resolveReturnType(String returnTypeDescriptor, TypePool typePool, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, MethodDescription.InDefinedShape definingMethod) { return new TokenizedGenericType.Malformed(typePool, returnTypeDescriptor); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic resolveParameterTypes(List<String> parameterTypeDescriptors, TypePool typePool, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens, MethodDescription.InDefinedShape definingMethod) { return new TokenizedGenericType.Malformed.TokenList(typePool, parameterTypeDescriptors); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic resolveExceptionTypes(List<String> exceptionTypeDescriptors, TypePool typePool, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens, MethodDescription.InDefinedShape definingMethod) { return new TokenizedGenericType.Malformed.TokenList(typePool, exceptionTypeDescriptors); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic resolveSuperClass(String superClassDescriptor, TypePool typePool, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, TypeDescription definingType) { return new TokenizedGenericType.Malformed(typePool, superClassDescriptor); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic resolveInterfaceTypes(List<String> interfaceTypeDescriptors, TypePool typePool, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens, TypeDescription definingType) { return new TokenizedGenericType.Malformed.TokenList(typePool, interfaceTypeDescriptors); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic resolveTypeVariables(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens, Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>>> boundAnnotationTokens) { throw new GenericSignatureFormatError(); } }
A resolution of the generic types of a TypeDescription.
/** * A resolution of the generic types of a {@link TypeDescription}. */
interface ForType extends Resolution {
Resolves the generic super type of the represented type.
  • superClassDescriptor – The descriptor of the raw super type.
  • typePool – The type pool to be used for locating non-generic type descriptions.
  • annotationTokens – A mapping of the super type's type annotation tokens.
  • definingType – The type that defines this super type.
Returns:A description of this type's generic super type.
/** * Resolves the generic super type of the represented type. * * @param superClassDescriptor The descriptor of the raw super type. * @param typePool The type pool to be used for locating non-generic type descriptions. * @param annotationTokens A mapping of the super type's type annotation tokens. * @param definingType The type that defines this super type. * @return A description of this type's generic super type. */
Generic resolveSuperClass(String superClassDescriptor, TypePool typePool, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, TypeDescription definingType);
Resolves the generic interface types of the represented type.
  • interfaceTypeDescriptors – The descriptor of the raw interface types.
  • typePool – The type pool to be used for locating non-generic type descriptions.
  • annotationTokens – A mapping of the interface types' type annotation tokens by their indices.
  • definingType – The type that defines these interface type.
Returns:A description of this type's generic interface types.
/** * Resolves the generic interface types of the represented type. * * @param interfaceTypeDescriptors The descriptor of the raw interface types. * @param typePool The type pool to be used for locating non-generic type descriptions. * @param annotationTokens A mapping of the interface types' type annotation tokens by their indices. * @param definingType The type that defines these interface type. * @return A description of this type's generic interface types. */
TypeList.Generic resolveInterfaceTypes(List<String> interfaceTypeDescriptors, TypePool typePool, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens, TypeDescription definingType);
An implementation of a tokenized resolution of generic types of a TypeDescription.
/** * An implementation of a tokenized resolution of generic types of a {@link TypeDescription}. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class Tokenized implements ForType {
The super type's generic type token.
/** * The super type's generic type token. */
private final GenericTypeToken superClassToken;
The interface type's generic type tokens.
/** * The interface type's generic type tokens. */
private final List<GenericTypeToken> interfaceTypeTokens;
The type variables generic type tokens.
/** * The type variables generic type tokens. */
private final List<OfFormalTypeVariable> typeVariableTokens;
Creates a new tokenized resolution of a TypeDescription's generic signatures.
  • superClassToken – The super class's generic type token.
  • interfaceTypeTokens – The interface type's generic type tokens.
  • typeVariableTokens – The type variables generic type tokens.
/** * Creates a new tokenized resolution of a {@link TypeDescription}'s generic signatures. * * @param superClassToken The super class's generic type token. * @param interfaceTypeTokens The interface type's generic type tokens. * @param typeVariableTokens The type variables generic type tokens. */
protected Tokenized(GenericTypeToken superClassToken, List<GenericTypeToken> interfaceTypeTokens, List<OfFormalTypeVariable> typeVariableTokens) { this.superClassToken = superClassToken; this.interfaceTypeTokens = interfaceTypeTokens; this.typeVariableTokens = typeVariableTokens; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic resolveSuperClass(String superClassDescriptor, TypePool typePool, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, TypeDescription definingType) { return TokenizedGenericType.of(typePool, superClassToken, superClassDescriptor, annotationTokens, definingType); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic resolveInterfaceTypes(List<String> interfaceTypeDescriptors, TypePool typePool, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens, TypeDescription definingType) { return new TokenizedGenericType.TokenList(typePool, interfaceTypeTokens, annotationTokens, interfaceTypeDescriptors, definingType); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic resolveTypeVariables(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens, Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>>> boundAnnotationTokens) { return new TokenizedGenericType.TypeVariableList(typePool, typeVariableTokens, typeVariableSource, annotationTokens, boundAnnotationTokens); } } }
A resolution of the generic types of a MethodDescription.
/** * A resolution of the generic types of a {@link MethodDescription}. */
interface ForMethod extends Resolution {
Resolves the return type of the represented method.
  • returnTypeDescriptor – The descriptor of the raw return type.
  • typePool – The type pool to be used for locating non-generic type descriptions.
  • annotationTokens – A mapping of the return type's type annotation tokens.
  • definingMethod – The method that defines this return type.
Returns:A description of this type's generic return type.
/** * Resolves the return type of the represented method. * * @param returnTypeDescriptor The descriptor of the raw return type. * @param typePool The type pool to be used for locating non-generic type descriptions. * @param annotationTokens A mapping of the return type's type annotation tokens. * @param definingMethod The method that defines this return type. * @return A description of this type's generic return type. */
Generic resolveReturnType(String returnTypeDescriptor, TypePool typePool, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, MethodDescription.InDefinedShape definingMethod);
Resolves the generic parameter types of the represented method.
  • parameterTypeDescriptors – The descriptor of the raw parameter types.
  • typePool – The type pool to be used for locating non-generic type descriptions.
  • annotationTokens – A mapping of the parameter types' type annotation tokens by their indices.
  • definingMethod – The method that defines these parameter types.
Returns:A description of this type's generic interface types.
/** * Resolves the generic parameter types of the represented method. * * @param parameterTypeDescriptors The descriptor of the raw parameter types. * @param typePool The type pool to be used for locating non-generic type descriptions. * @param annotationTokens A mapping of the parameter types' type annotation tokens by their indices. * @param definingMethod The method that defines these parameter types. * @return A description of this type's generic interface types. */
TypeList.Generic resolveParameterTypes(List<String> parameterTypeDescriptors, TypePool typePool, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens, MethodDescription.InDefinedShape definingMethod);
Resolves the generic parameter types of the represented method.
  • exceptionTypeDescriptors – The descriptor of the raw exception types.
  • typePool – The type pool to be used for locating non-generic type descriptions.
  • annotationTokens – A mapping of the exception types' type annotation tokens by their indices.
  • definingMethod – The method that defines these exception types.
Returns:A description of this type's generic interface types.
/** * Resolves the generic parameter types of the represented method. * * @param exceptionTypeDescriptors The descriptor of the raw exception types. * @param typePool The type pool to be used for locating non-generic type descriptions. * @param annotationTokens A mapping of the exception types' type annotation tokens by their indices. * @param definingMethod The method that defines these exception types. * @return A description of this type's generic interface types. */
TypeList.Generic resolveExceptionTypes(List<String> exceptionTypeDescriptors, TypePool typePool, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens, MethodDescription.InDefinedShape definingMethod);
An implementation of a tokenized resolution of generic types of a MethodDescription.
/** * An implementation of a tokenized resolution of generic types of a {@link MethodDescription}. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class Tokenized implements ForMethod {
A token describing the represented method's return type.
/** * A token describing the represented method's return type. */
private final GenericTypeToken returnTypeToken;
A token describing the represented method's parameter types.
/** * A token describing the represented method's parameter types. */
private final List<GenericTypeToken> parameterTypeTokens;
A token describing the represented method's exception types.
/** * A token describing the represented method's exception types. */
private final List<GenericTypeToken> exceptionTypeTokens;
A token describing the represented method's type variables.
/** * A token describing the represented method's type variables. */
private final List<OfFormalTypeVariable> typeVariableTokens;
Creates a new tokenized resolution of a MethodDescription's generic signatures.
  • returnTypeToken – A token describing the represented method's return type.
  • parameterTypeTokens – A token describing the represented method's parameter types.
  • exceptionTypeTokens – A token describing the represented method's exception types.
  • typeVariableTokens – A token describing the represented method's type variables.
/** * Creates a new tokenized resolution of a {@link MethodDescription}'s generic signatures. * * @param returnTypeToken A token describing the represented method's return type. * @param parameterTypeTokens A token describing the represented method's parameter types. * @param exceptionTypeTokens A token describing the represented method's exception types. * @param typeVariableTokens A token describing the represented method's type variables. */
protected Tokenized(GenericTypeToken returnTypeToken, List<GenericTypeToken> parameterTypeTokens, List<GenericTypeToken> exceptionTypeTokens, List<OfFormalTypeVariable> typeVariableTokens) { this.returnTypeToken = returnTypeToken; this.parameterTypeTokens = parameterTypeTokens; this.exceptionTypeTokens = exceptionTypeTokens; this.typeVariableTokens = typeVariableTokens; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic resolveReturnType(String returnTypeDescriptor, TypePool typePool, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, MethodDescription.InDefinedShape definingMethod) { return TokenizedGenericType.of(typePool, returnTypeToken, returnTypeDescriptor, annotationTokens, definingMethod); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic resolveParameterTypes(List<String> parameterTypeDescriptors, TypePool typePool, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens, MethodDescription.InDefinedShape definingMethod) { return new TokenizedGenericType.TokenList(typePool, parameterTypeTokens, annotationTokens, parameterTypeDescriptors, definingMethod); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic resolveExceptionTypes(List<String> exceptionTypeDescriptors, TypePool typePool, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens, MethodDescription.InDefinedShape definingMethod) { // Generic signatures of methods are optional. return exceptionTypeTokens.isEmpty() ? Raw.INSTANCE.resolveExceptionTypes(exceptionTypeDescriptors, typePool, annotationTokens, definingMethod) : new TokenizedGenericType.TokenList(typePool, exceptionTypeTokens, annotationTokens, exceptionTypeDescriptors, definingMethod); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic resolveTypeVariables(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens, Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>>> boundAnnotationTokens) { return new TokenizedGenericType.TypeVariableList(typePool, typeVariableTokens, typeVariableSource, annotationTokens, boundAnnotationTokens); } } }
A resolution of the generic types of a FieldDescription.
/** * A resolution of the generic types of a {@link FieldDescription}. */
interface ForField {
Resolves the field type of the represented field.
  • fieldTypeDescriptor – The descriptor of the raw field type.
  • annotationTokens – A mapping of the represented types' type annotation tokens.
  • typePool – The type pool to be used for locating non-generic type descriptions.
  • definingField – The field that defines this type. @return A description of this field's type.
Returns:A generic type representation of the field's type.
/** * Resolves the field type of the represented field. * * @param fieldTypeDescriptor The descriptor of the raw field type. * @param annotationTokens A mapping of the represented types' type annotation tokens. * @param typePool The type pool to be used for locating non-generic type descriptions. * @param definingField The field that defines this type. @return A description of this field's type. * @return A generic type representation of the field's type. */
Generic resolveFieldType(String fieldTypeDescriptor, TypePool typePool, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, FieldDescription.InDefinedShape definingField);
An implementation of a tokenized resolution of the generic type of a FieldDescription.
/** * An implementation of a tokenized resolution of the generic type of a {@link FieldDescription}. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class Tokenized implements ForField {
The token of the represented field's type.
/** * The token of the represented field's type. */
private final GenericTypeToken fieldTypeToken;
Creates a new tokenized resolution of a FieldDescription's type.
  • fieldTypeToken – The token of the represented field's type.
/** * Creates a new tokenized resolution of a {@link FieldDescription}'s type. * * @param fieldTypeToken The token of the represented field's type. */
protected Tokenized(GenericTypeToken fieldTypeToken) { this.fieldTypeToken = fieldTypeToken; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic resolveFieldType(String fieldTypeDescriptor, TypePool typePool, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, FieldDescription.InDefinedShape definingField) { return TokenizedGenericType.of(typePool, fieldTypeToken, fieldTypeDescriptor, annotationTokens, definingField.getDeclaringType()); } } } }
A generic type token that represents a non-generic type.
/** * A generic type token that represents a non-generic type. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class ForRawType implements GenericTypeToken {
The name of the represented type.
/** * The name of the represented type. */
private final String name;
Creates a new type token that represents a non-generic type.
  • name – The name of the represented type.
/** * Creates a new type token that represents a non-generic type. * * @param name The name of the represented type. */
protected ForRawType(String name) { this.name = name; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic toGenericType(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, String typePath, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens) { return new Resolution.Raw.RawAnnotatedType(typePool, typePath, annotationTokens == null ? Collections.<String, List<AnnotationToken>>emptyMap() : annotationTokens, typePool.describe(name).resolve()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isPrimaryBound(TypePool typePool) { return !typePool.describe(name).resolve().isInterface(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getTypePathPrefix() { throw new IllegalStateException("A non-generic type cannot be the owner of a nested type: " + this); } }
A generic type token that represents a type variable.
/** * A generic type token that represents a type variable. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class ForTypeVariable implements GenericTypeToken {
This type variable's nominal symbol.
/** * This type variable's nominal symbol. */
private final String symbol;
Creates a generic type token that represents a type variable.
  • symbol – This type variable's nominal symbol.
/** * Creates a generic type token that represents a type variable. * * @param symbol This type variable's nominal symbol. */
protected ForTypeVariable(String symbol) { this.symbol = symbol; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic toGenericType(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, String typePath, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens) { Generic typeVariable = typeVariableSource.findVariable(symbol); return typeVariable == null ? new UnresolvedTypeVariable(typeVariableSource, typePool, symbol, annotationTokens.get(typePath)) : new AnnotatedTypeVariable(typePool, annotationTokens.get(typePath), typeVariable); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isPrimaryBound(TypePool typePool) { return true; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getTypePathPrefix() { throw new IllegalStateException("A type variable cannot be the owner of a nested type: " + this); }
An annotated representation of a formal type variable.
/** * An annotated representation of a formal type variable. */
protected static class AnnotatedTypeVariable extends Generic.OfTypeVariable {
The type pool to use.
/** * The type pool to use. */
private final TypePool typePool;
The represented annotation tokens.
/** * The represented annotation tokens. */
private final List<AnnotationToken> annotationTokens;
The represented type variable.
/** * The represented type variable. */
private final Generic typeVariable;
Creates a new annotated type variable.
  • typePool – The type pool to use.
  • annotationTokens – The represented annotation tokens.
  • typeVariable – The represented type variable.
/** * Creates a new annotated type variable. * * @param typePool The type pool to use. * @param annotationTokens The represented annotation tokens. * @param typeVariable The represented type variable. */
protected AnnotatedTypeVariable(TypePool typePool, List<AnnotationToken> annotationTokens, Generic typeVariable) { this.typePool = typePool; this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; this.typeVariable = typeVariable; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic getUpperBounds() { return typeVariable.getUpperBounds(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeVariableSource getTypeVariableSource() { return typeVariable.getTypeVariableSource(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getSymbol() { return typeVariable.getSymbol(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationList getDeclaredAnnotations() { return LazyAnnotationDescription.asListOfNullable(typePool, annotationTokens); } }
Represents a type variable that a type references but that does not exist. Such type variables are only emitted by wrongful compilation either due to the isolated recompilation of outer classes or due to bugs in compilers.
/** * Represents a type variable that a type references but that does not exist. Such type variables are only emitted by wrongful * compilation either due to the isolated recompilation of outer classes or due to bugs in compilers. */
protected static class UnresolvedTypeVariable extends Generic.OfTypeVariable {
The undeclared type variable's source.
/** * The undeclared type variable's source. */
private final TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource;
The type pool to use.
/** * The type pool to use. */
private final TypePool typePool;
The type variable's symbol.
/** * The type variable's symbol. */
private final String symbol;
The type variable's annotation tokens.
/** * The type variable's annotation tokens. */
private final List<AnnotationToken> annotationTokens;
Creates an unresolved type variable.
  • typeVariableSource – The undeclared type variable's source.
  • typePool – The type pool to use.
  • symbol – The type variable's symbol.
  • annotationTokens – The type variable's annotation tokens.
/** * Creates an unresolved type variable. * * @param typeVariableSource The undeclared type variable's source. * @param typePool The type pool to use. * @param symbol The type variable's symbol. * @param annotationTokens The type variable's annotation tokens. */
protected UnresolvedTypeVariable(TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, TypePool typePool, String symbol, List<AnnotationToken> annotationTokens) { this.typeVariableSource = typeVariableSource; this.typePool = typePool; this.symbol = symbol; this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic getUpperBounds() { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot resolve bounds of unresolved type variable " + this + " by " + typeVariableSource); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeVariableSource getTypeVariableSource() { return typeVariableSource; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getSymbol() { return symbol; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationList getDeclaredAnnotations() { return LazyAnnotationDescription.asListOfNullable(typePool, annotationTokens); } }
A generic type token that represent a formal type variable, i.e. a type variable including its upper bounds.
/** * A generic type token that represent a formal type variable, i.e. a type variable including its upper bounds. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance protected static class Formal implements GenericTypeToken.OfFormalTypeVariable {
This type variable's nominal symbol.
/** * This type variable's nominal symbol. */
private final String symbol;
A list of tokens that represent this type variable's upper bounds.
/** * A list of tokens that represent this type variable's upper bounds. */
private final List<GenericTypeToken> boundTypeTokens;
Creates generic type token that represent a formal type variable.
  • symbol – This type variable's nominal symbol.
  • boundTypeTokens – A list of tokens that represent this type variable's upper bounds.
/** * Creates generic type token that represent a formal type variable. * * @param symbol This type variable's nominal symbol. * @param boundTypeTokens A list of tokens that represent this type variable's upper bounds. */
protected Formal(String symbol, List<GenericTypeToken> boundTypeTokens) { this.symbol = symbol; this.boundTypeTokens = boundTypeTokens; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic toGenericType(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> boundaryAnnotationTokens) { return new LazyTypeVariable(typePool, typeVariableSource, annotationTokens == null ? Collections.<String, List<AnnotationToken>>emptyMap() : annotationTokens, boundaryAnnotationTokens == null ? Collections.<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>>emptyMap() : boundaryAnnotationTokens, symbol, boundTypeTokens); }
A type description that represents a type variable with bounds that are resolved lazily.
/** * A type description that represents a type variable with bounds that are resolved lazily. */
protected static class LazyTypeVariable extends Generic.OfTypeVariable {
The type pool to use for locating type descriptions.
/** * The type pool to use for locating type descriptions. */
private final TypePool typePool;
The type variable source to use for locating type variables.
/** * The type variable source to use for locating type variables. */
private final TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource;
The type variable's type annotation tokens.
/** * The type variable's type annotation tokens. */
private final Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens;
A mapping of the type variable bounds' type annotation tokens by their indices.
/** * A mapping of the type variable bounds' type annotation tokens by their indices. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> boundaryAnnotationTokens;
The type variable's symbol.
/** * The type variable's symbol. */
private final String symbol;
Tokenized representations of the type variables bound types.
/** * Tokenized representations of the type variables bound types. */
private final List<GenericTypeToken> boundTypeTokens;
Creates a lazy type description of a type variables.
  • typePool – The type pool to use for locating type descriptions.
  • typeVariableSource – The type variable source to use for locating type variables.
  • annotationTokens – The type variable's type annotation tokens.
  • boundaryAnnotationTokens – A mapping of the type variable bounds' type annotation tokens by their indices.
  • symbol – The type variable's symbol.
  • boundTypeTokens – Tokenized representations of the type variables bound types.
/** * Creates a lazy type description of a type variables. * * @param typePool The type pool to use for locating type descriptions. * @param typeVariableSource The type variable source to use for locating type variables. * @param annotationTokens The type variable's type annotation tokens. * @param boundaryAnnotationTokens A mapping of the type variable bounds' type annotation tokens by their indices. * @param symbol The type variable's symbol. * @param boundTypeTokens Tokenized representations of the type variables bound types. */
protected LazyTypeVariable(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> boundaryAnnotationTokens, String symbol, List<GenericTypeToken> boundTypeTokens) { this.typePool = typePool; this.typeVariableSource = typeVariableSource; this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; this.boundaryAnnotationTokens = boundaryAnnotationTokens; this.symbol = symbol; this.boundTypeTokens = boundTypeTokens; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic getUpperBounds() { return new LazyBoundTokenList(typePool, typeVariableSource, boundaryAnnotationTokens, boundTypeTokens); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeVariableSource getTypeVariableSource() { return typeVariableSource; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getSymbol() { return symbol; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationList getDeclaredAnnotations() { return LazyAnnotationDescription.asListOfNullable(typePool, annotationTokens.get(EMPTY_TYPE_PATH)); }
A list representing a formal type variable's bounds.
/** * A list representing a formal type variable's bounds. */
protected static class LazyBoundTokenList extends TypeList.Generic.AbstractBase {
The type pool to use.
/** * The type pool to use. */
private final TypePool typePool;
The type variable source for locating type variables.
/** * The type variable source for locating type variables. */
private final TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource;
A mapping of the bound type's type annotations by their bound index.
/** * A mapping of the bound type's type annotations by their bound index. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens;
The bound types in their tokenized form.
/** * The bound types in their tokenized form. */
private final List<GenericTypeToken> boundTypeTokens;
Creates a new lazy bound token list for a type variable.
  • typePool – The type pool to use.
  • typeVariableSource – The type variable source for locating type variables.
  • annotationTokens – A mapping of the bound type's type annotations by their bound index.
  • boundTypeTokens – The bound types in their tokenized form.
/** * Creates a new lazy bound token list for a type variable. * * @param typePool The type pool to use. * @param typeVariableSource The type variable source for locating type variables. * @param annotationTokens A mapping of the bound type's type annotations by their bound index. * @param boundTypeTokens The bound types in their tokenized form. */
protected LazyBoundTokenList(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens, List<GenericTypeToken> boundTypeTokens) { this.typePool = typePool; this.typeVariableSource = typeVariableSource; this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; this.boundTypeTokens = boundTypeTokens; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic get(int index) { // Avoid resolution of interface bound type unless a type annotation can be possibly resolved. Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens = !this.annotationTokens.containsKey(index) && !this.annotationTokens.containsKey(index + 1) ? Collections.<String, List<AnnotationToken>>emptyMap() : this.annotationTokens.get(index + (boundTypeTokens.get(0).isPrimaryBound(typePool) ? 0 : 1)); return boundTypeTokens.get(index).toGenericType(typePool, typeVariableSource, EMPTY_TYPE_PATH, annotationTokens == null ? Collections.<String, List<AnnotationToken>>emptyMap() : annotationTokens); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int size() { return boundTypeTokens.size(); } } } } }
A generic type token that represents a generic array.
/** * A generic type token that represents a generic array. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class ForGenericArray implements GenericTypeToken {
The array's component type.
/** * The array's component type. */
private final GenericTypeToken componentTypeToken;
Creates a generic type token that represents a generic array.
  • componentTypeToken – The array's component type.
/** * Creates a generic type token that represents a generic array. * * @param componentTypeToken The array's component type. */
protected ForGenericArray(GenericTypeToken componentTypeToken) { this.componentTypeToken = componentTypeToken; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic toGenericType(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, String typePath, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens) { return new LazyGenericArray(typePool, typeVariableSource, typePath, annotationTokens, componentTypeToken); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isPrimaryBound(TypePool typePool) { throw new IllegalStateException("A generic array type cannot be a type variable bound: " + this); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getTypePathPrefix() { throw new IllegalStateException("A generic array type cannot be the owner of a nested type: " + this); }
A generic type representation of a generic array.
/** * A generic type representation of a generic array. */
protected static class LazyGenericArray extends Generic.OfGenericArray {
The type pool to use.
/** * The type pool to use. */
private final TypePool typePool;
The type variable source for locating type variables.
/** * The type variable source for locating type variables. */
private final TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource;
This type's type path.
/** * This type's type path. */
private final String typePath;
This type's type annotations.
/** * This type's type annotations. */
private final Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens;
A tokenized representation of this generic arrays's component type.
/** * A tokenized representation of this generic arrays's component type. */
private final GenericTypeToken componentTypeToken;
Creates a new lazy generic array.
  • typePool – The type pool to use.
  • typeVariableSource – The type variable source for locating type variables.
  • typePath – This type's type path.
  • annotationTokens – This type's type annotations.
  • componentTypeToken – A tokenized representation of this generic arrays's component type.
/** * Creates a new lazy generic array. * * @param typePool The type pool to use. * @param typeVariableSource The type variable source for locating type variables. * @param typePath This type's type path. * @param annotationTokens This type's type annotations. * @param componentTypeToken A tokenized representation of this generic arrays's component type. */
protected LazyGenericArray(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, String typePath, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, GenericTypeToken componentTypeToken) { this.typePool = typePool; this.typeVariableSource = typeVariableSource; this.typePath = typePath; this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; this.componentTypeToken = componentTypeToken; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic getComponentType() { return componentTypeToken.toGenericType(typePool, typeVariableSource, typePath + COMPONENT_TYPE_PATH, annotationTokens); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationList getDeclaredAnnotations() { return LazyAnnotationDescription.asListOfNullable(typePool, annotationTokens.get(typePath)); } } }
A generic type token for a wildcard that is bound below.
/** * A generic type token for a wildcard that is bound below. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class ForLowerBoundWildcard implements GenericTypeToken {
A token that represents the wildcard's lower bound.
/** * A token that represents the wildcard's lower bound. */
private final GenericTypeToken boundTypeToken;
Creates a generic type token for a wildcard that is bound below.
  • boundTypeToken – A token that represents the wildcard's lower bound.
/** * Creates a generic type token for a wildcard that is bound below. * * @param boundTypeToken A token that represents the wildcard's lower bound. */
protected ForLowerBoundWildcard(GenericTypeToken boundTypeToken) { this.boundTypeToken = boundTypeToken; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic toGenericType(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, String typePath, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens) { return new LazyLowerBoundWildcard(typePool, typeVariableSource, typePath, annotationTokens, boundTypeToken); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isPrimaryBound(TypePool typePool) { throw new IllegalStateException("A wildcard type cannot be a type variable bound: " + this); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getTypePathPrefix() { throw new IllegalStateException("A lower bound wildcard cannot be the owner of a nested type: " + this); }
A generic type representation of a lower bound wildcard.
/** * A generic type representation of a lower bound wildcard. */
protected static class LazyLowerBoundWildcard extends Generic.OfWildcardType {
The type pool to use.
/** * The type pool to use. */
private final TypePool typePool;
The type variable source for locating type variables.
/** * The type variable source for locating type variables. */
private final TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource;
This type's type path.
/** * This type's type path. */
private final String typePath;
This type's type annotations.
/** * This type's type annotations. */
private final Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens;
A tokenized representation of this wildcard's bound.
/** * A tokenized representation of this wildcard's bound. */
private final GenericTypeToken boundTypeToken;
Creates a new lazy lower bound wildcard.
  • typePool – The type pool to use.
  • typeVariableSource – The type variable source for locating type variables.
  • typePath – This type's type path.
  • annotationTokens – This type's type annotations.
  • boundTypeToken – A tokenized representation of this wildcard's bound.
/** * Creates a new lazy lower bound wildcard. * * @param typePool The type pool to use. * @param typeVariableSource The type variable source for locating type variables. * @param typePath This type's type path. * @param annotationTokens This type's type annotations. * @param boundTypeToken A tokenized representation of this wildcard's bound. */
protected LazyLowerBoundWildcard(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, String typePath, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, GenericTypeToken boundTypeToken) { this.typePool = typePool; this.typeVariableSource = typeVariableSource; this.typePath = typePath; this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; this.boundTypeToken = boundTypeToken; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic getUpperBounds() { return new TypeList.Generic.Explicit(Generic.OBJECT); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic getLowerBounds() { return new LazyTokenList.ForWildcardBound(typePool, typeVariableSource, typePath, annotationTokens, boundTypeToken); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationList getDeclaredAnnotations() { return LazyAnnotationDescription.asListOfNullable(typePool, annotationTokens.get(typePath)); } } }
A generic type token for a wildcard that is bound above.
/** * A generic type token for a wildcard that is bound above. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class ForUpperBoundWildcard implements GenericTypeToken {
A token that represents the wildcard's upper bound.
/** * A token that represents the wildcard's upper bound. */
private final GenericTypeToken boundTypeToken;
Creates a generic type token for a wildcard that is bound above.
  • boundTypeToken – A token that represents the wildcard's upper bound.
/** * Creates a generic type token for a wildcard that is bound above. * * @param boundTypeToken A token that represents the wildcard's upper bound. */
protected ForUpperBoundWildcard(GenericTypeToken boundTypeToken) { this.boundTypeToken = boundTypeToken; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic toGenericType(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, String typePath, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens) { return new LazyUpperBoundWildcard(typePool, typeVariableSource, typePath, annotationTokens, boundTypeToken); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isPrimaryBound(TypePool typePool) { throw new IllegalStateException("A wildcard type cannot be a type variable bound: " + this); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getTypePathPrefix() { throw new IllegalStateException("An upper bound wildcard cannot be the owner of a nested type: " + this); }
A generic type representation of a tokenized wildcard with an upper bound.
/** * A generic type representation of a tokenized wildcard with an upper bound. */
protected static class LazyUpperBoundWildcard extends Generic.OfWildcardType {
The type pool to use.
/** * The type pool to use. */
private final TypePool typePool;
The type variable source for locating type variables.
/** * The type variable source for locating type variables. */
private final TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource;
This type's type path.
/** * This type's type path. */
private final String typePath;
This type's type annotations.
/** * This type's type annotations. */
private final Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens;
A tokenized representation of this wildcard's bound.
/** * A tokenized representation of this wildcard's bound. */
private final GenericTypeToken boundTypeToken;
Creates a new lazy upper bound wildcard.
  • typePool – The type pool to use.
  • typeVariableSource – The type variable source for locating type variables.
  • typePath – This type's type path.
  • annotationTokens – This type's type annotations.
  • boundTypeToken – A tokenized representation of this wildcard's bound.
/** * Creates a new lazy upper bound wildcard. * * @param typePool The type pool to use. * @param typeVariableSource The type variable source for locating type variables. * @param typePath This type's type path. * @param annotationTokens This type's type annotations. * @param boundTypeToken A tokenized representation of this wildcard's bound. */
protected LazyUpperBoundWildcard(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, String typePath, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, GenericTypeToken boundTypeToken) { this.typePool = typePool; this.typeVariableSource = typeVariableSource; this.typePath = typePath; this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; this.boundTypeToken = boundTypeToken; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic getUpperBounds() { return new LazyTokenList.ForWildcardBound(typePool, typeVariableSource, typePath, annotationTokens, boundTypeToken); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic getLowerBounds() { return new TypeList.Generic.Empty(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationList getDeclaredAnnotations() { return LazyAnnotationDescription.asListOfNullable(typePool, annotationTokens.get(typePath)); } } }
A generic type token that represents a parameterized type.
/** * A generic type token that represents a parameterized type. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class ForParameterizedType implements GenericTypeToken {
The name of the parameterized type's erasure.
/** * The name of the parameterized type's erasure. */
private final String name;
A list of tokens that represent the parameters of the represented type.
/** * A list of tokens that represent the parameters of the represented type. */
private final List<GenericTypeToken> parameterTypeTokens;
Creates a type token that represents a parameterized type.
  • name – The name of the parameterized type's erasure.
  • parameterTypeTokens – A list of tokens that represent the parameters of the represented type.
/** * Creates a type token that represents a parameterized type. * * @param name The name of the parameterized type's erasure. * @param parameterTypeTokens A list of tokens that represent the parameters of the represented type. */
protected ForParameterizedType(String name, List<GenericTypeToken> parameterTypeTokens) { this.name = name; this.parameterTypeTokens = parameterTypeTokens; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic toGenericType(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, String typePath, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens) { return new LazyParameterizedType(typePool, typeVariableSource, typePath, annotationTokens, name, parameterTypeTokens); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isPrimaryBound(TypePool typePool) { return !typePool.describe(name).resolve().isInterface(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getTypePathPrefix() { return String.valueOf(INNER_CLASS_PATH); }
A generic type token to describe a parameterized type description with a generic owner type.
/** * A generic type token to describe a parameterized type description with a generic owner type. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance public static class Nested implements GenericTypeToken {
The name of the parameterized type's erasure.
/** * The name of the parameterized type's erasure. */
private final String name;
A list of tokens that represent the parameters of the represented type.
/** * A list of tokens that represent the parameters of the represented type. */
private final List<GenericTypeToken> parameterTypeTokens;
A token that describes the described parameterized type's owner type.
/** * A token that describes the described parameterized type's owner type. */
private final GenericTypeToken ownerTypeToken;
Creates a type token that represents a parameterized type.
  • name – The name of the parameterized type's erasure.
  • parameterTypeTokens – A list of tokens that represent the parameters of the represented type.
  • ownerTypeToken – A token that describes the described parameterized type's owner type.
/** * Creates a type token that represents a parameterized type. * * @param name The name of the parameterized type's erasure. * @param parameterTypeTokens A list of tokens that represent the parameters of the represented type. * @param ownerTypeToken A token that describes the described parameterized type's owner type. */
protected Nested(String name, List<GenericTypeToken> parameterTypeTokens, GenericTypeToken ownerTypeToken) { this.name = name; this.parameterTypeTokens = parameterTypeTokens; this.ownerTypeToken = ownerTypeToken; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic toGenericType(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, String typePath, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens) { return new LazyParameterizedType(typePool, typeVariableSource, typePath, annotationTokens, name, parameterTypeTokens, ownerTypeToken); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getTypePathPrefix() { return ownerTypeToken.getTypePathPrefix() + INNER_CLASS_PATH; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isPrimaryBound(TypePool typePool) { return !typePool.describe(name).resolve().isInterface(); }
A lazy description of a parameterized type with an owner type.
/** * A lazy description of a parameterized type with an owner type. */
protected static class LazyParameterizedType extends Generic.OfParameterizedType {
The type pool that is used for locating a generic type.
/** * The type pool that is used for locating a generic type. */
private final TypePool typePool;
The type variable source to use for resolving type variables.
/** * The type variable source to use for resolving type variables. */
private final TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource;
This type's type path.
/** * This type's type path. */
private final String typePath;
A mapping of type annotations for this type.
/** * A mapping of type annotations for this type. */
private final Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens;
The binary name of this parameterized type's raw type.
/** * The binary name of this parameterized type's raw type. */
private final String name;
Tokens that represent this parameterized type's parameters.
/** * Tokens that represent this parameterized type's parameters. */
private final List<GenericTypeToken> parameterTypeTokens;
A token that represents this type's owner type.
/** * A token that represents this type's owner type. */
private final GenericTypeToken ownerTypeToken;
Creates a new lazy parameterized type.
  • typePool – The type pool that is used for locating a generic type.
  • typeVariableSource – The type variable source to use for resolving type variables.
  • typePath – This type's type path.
  • annotationTokens – A mapping of type annotations for this type.
  • name – The binary name of this parameterized type's raw type.
  • parameterTypeTokens – Tokens that represent this parameterized type's parameters.
  • ownerTypeToken – A token that represents this type's owner type.
/** * Creates a new lazy parameterized type. * * @param typePool The type pool that is used for locating a generic type. * @param typeVariableSource The type variable source to use for resolving type variables. * @param typePath This type's type path. * @param annotationTokens A mapping of type annotations for this type. * @param name The binary name of this parameterized type's raw type. * @param parameterTypeTokens Tokens that represent this parameterized type's parameters. * @param ownerTypeToken A token that represents this type's owner type. */
protected LazyParameterizedType(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, String typePath, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, String name, List<GenericTypeToken> parameterTypeTokens, GenericTypeToken ownerTypeToken) { this.typePool = typePool; this.typeVariableSource = typeVariableSource; this.typePath = typePath; this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; this.name = name; this.parameterTypeTokens = parameterTypeTokens; this.ownerTypeToken = ownerTypeToken; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription asErasure() { return typePool.describe(name).resolve(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic getTypeArguments() { return new LazyTokenList(typePool, typeVariableSource, typePath + ownerTypeToken.getTypePathPrefix(), annotationTokens, parameterTypeTokens); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic getOwnerType() { return ownerTypeToken.toGenericType(typePool, typeVariableSource, typePath, annotationTokens); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationList getDeclaredAnnotations() { return LazyAnnotationDescription.asListOfNullable(typePool, annotationTokens.get(typePath + ownerTypeToken.getTypePathPrefix())); } } }
A generic type description that represents a parameterized type without an enclosing generic owner type.
/** * A generic type description that represents a parameterized type <b>without</b> an enclosing generic owner type. */
protected static class LazyParameterizedType extends Generic.OfParameterizedType {
The type pool that is used for locating a generic type.
/** * The type pool that is used for locating a generic type. */
private final TypePool typePool;
The type variable source to use for resolving type variables.
/** * The type variable source to use for resolving type variables. */
private final TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource;
This type's type path.
/** * This type's type path. */
private final String typePath;
A mapping of the represent type's annotation tokens.
/** * A mapping of the represent type's annotation tokens. */
private final Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens;
The binary name of the raw type.
/** * The binary name of the raw type. */
private final String name;
A list of type tokens representing this type's bounds.
/** * A list of type tokens representing this type's bounds. */
private final List<GenericTypeToken> parameterTypeTokens;
Creates a new description of a parameterized type.
  • typePool – The type pool that is used for locating a generic type.
  • typeVariableSource – The type variable source to use for resolving type variables.
  • typePath – This type's type path.
  • annotationTokens – A mapping of the represent type's annotation tokens,
  • name – The binary name of the raw type.
  • parameterTypeTokens – A list of type tokens representing this type's bounds.
/** * Creates a new description of a parameterized type. * * @param typePool The type pool that is used for locating a generic type. * @param typeVariableSource The type variable source to use for resolving type variables. * @param typePath This type's type path. * @param annotationTokens A mapping of the represent type's annotation tokens, * @param name The binary name of the raw type. * @param parameterTypeTokens A list of type tokens representing this type's bounds. */
protected LazyParameterizedType(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, String typePath, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, String name, List<GenericTypeToken> parameterTypeTokens) { this.typePool = typePool; this.typeVariableSource = typeVariableSource; this.typePath = typePath; this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; this.name = name; this.parameterTypeTokens = parameterTypeTokens; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription asErasure() { return typePool.describe(name).resolve(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic getTypeArguments() { return new LazyTokenList(typePool, typeVariableSource, typePath, annotationTokens, parameterTypeTokens); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic getOwnerType() { TypeDescription ownerType = typePool.describe(name).resolve().getEnclosingType(); return ownerType == null ? Generic.UNDEFINED : ownerType.asGenericType(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationList getDeclaredAnnotations() { return LazyAnnotationDescription.asListOfNullable(typePool, annotationTokens.get(typePath)); } } }
A lazy list of type tokens.
/** * A lazy list of type tokens. */
class LazyTokenList extends TypeList.Generic.AbstractBase {
The type pool that is used for locating a generic type.
/** * The type pool that is used for locating a generic type. */
private final TypePool typePool;
The type variable source to use for resolving type variables.
/** * The type variable source to use for resolving type variables. */
private final TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource;
The represented types' type path to which an index step is added upon resolution.
/** * The represented types' type path to which an index step is added upon resolution. */
private final String typePath;
A mapping of the represent types' annotation tokens.
/** * A mapping of the represent types' annotation tokens. */
private final Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens;
A list of type tokens this list represents.
/** * A list of type tokens this list represents. */
private final List<GenericTypeToken> genericTypeTokens;
Creates a new type list that represents a list of tokenized types.
  • typePool – The type pool that is used for locating a generic type.
  • typeVariableSource – The type variable source to use for resolving type variables.
  • typePath – The represented types' type path to which an index step is added upon resolution.
  • annotationTokens – A mapping of the represent types' annotation tokens,
  • genericTypeTokens – A list of type tokens this list represents.
/** * Creates a new type list that represents a list of tokenized types. * * @param typePool The type pool that is used for locating a generic type. * @param typeVariableSource The type variable source to use for resolving type variables. * @param typePath The represented types' type path to which an index step is added upon resolution. * @param annotationTokens A mapping of the represent types' annotation tokens, * @param genericTypeTokens A list of type tokens this list represents. */
protected LazyTokenList(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, String typePath, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, List<GenericTypeToken> genericTypeTokens) { this.typePool = typePool; this.typeVariableSource = typeVariableSource; this.typePath = typePath; this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; this.genericTypeTokens = genericTypeTokens; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic get(int index) { return genericTypeTokens.get(index).toGenericType(typePool, typeVariableSource, typePath + index + INDEXED_TYPE_DELIMITER, annotationTokens); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int size() { return genericTypeTokens.size(); }
A generic type description representing a tokenized wildcard bound.
/** * A generic type description representing a tokenized wildcard bound. */
protected static class ForWildcardBound extends TypeList.Generic.AbstractBase {
The type pool that is used for locating a generic type.
/** * The type pool that is used for locating a generic type. */
private final TypePool typePool;
The type variable source to use for resolving type variables.
/** * The type variable source to use for resolving type variables. */
private final TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource;
The represented types' type path to which a wildcard step is added upon resolution.
/** * The represented types' type path to which a wildcard step is added upon resolution. */
private final String typePath;
A mapping of the represent types' annotation tokens.
/** * A mapping of the represent types' annotation tokens. */
private final Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens;
A token representing the wildcard's bound.
/** * A token representing the wildcard's bound. */
private final GenericTypeToken genericTypeToken;
  • typePool – The type pool that is used for locating a generic type.
  • typeVariableSource – The type variable source to use for resolving type variables.
  • typePath – The represented types' type path to which a wildcard step is added upon resolution.
  • annotationTokens – A mapping of the represent types' annotation tokens,
  • genericTypeToken – A token representing the wildcard's bound.
/** * @param typePool The type pool that is used for locating a generic type. * @param typeVariableSource The type variable source to use for resolving type variables. * @param typePath The represented types' type path to which a wildcard step is added upon resolution. * @param annotationTokens A mapping of the represent types' annotation tokens, * @param genericTypeToken A token representing the wildcard's bound. */
protected ForWildcardBound(TypePool typePool, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, String typePath, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, GenericTypeToken genericTypeToken) { this.typePool = typePool; this.typeVariableSource = typeVariableSource; this.typePath = typePath; this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; this.genericTypeToken = genericTypeToken; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic get(int index) { if (index == 0) { return genericTypeToken.toGenericType(typePool, typeVariableSource, typePath + WILDCARD_TYPE_PATH, annotationTokens); } else { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index = " + index); } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int size() { return 1; } } } }
A token for representing collected data on an annotation.
/** * A token for representing collected data on an annotation. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance protected static class AnnotationToken {
The descriptor of the represented annotation.
/** * The descriptor of the represented annotation. */
private final String descriptor;
A map of annotation value names to their value representations.
/** * A map of annotation value names to their value representations. */
private final Map<String, AnnotationValue<?, ?>> values;
Creates a new annotation token.
  • descriptor – The descriptor of the represented annotation.
  • values – A map of annotation value names to their value representations.
/** * Creates a new annotation token. * * @param descriptor The descriptor of the represented annotation. * @param values A map of annotation value names to their value representations. */
protected AnnotationToken(String descriptor, Map<String, AnnotationValue<?, ?>> values) { this.descriptor = descriptor; this.values = values; }
Returns a map of annotation value names to their value representations.
Returns:A map of annotation value names to their value representations.
/** * Returns a map of annotation value names to their value representations. * * @return A map of annotation value names to their value representations. */
protected Map<String, AnnotationValue<?, ?>> getValues() { return values; }
Returns the annotation type's binary name.
Returns:The annotation type's binary name.
/** * Returns the annotation type's binary name. * * @return The annotation type's binary name. */
protected String getBinaryName() { return descriptor.substring(1, descriptor.length() - 1).replace('/', '.'); }
Transforms this token into an annotation description.
  • typePool – The type pool to be used for looking up linked types.
Returns:An optional description of this annotation's token.
/** * Transforms this token into an annotation description. * * @param typePool The type pool to be used for looking up linked types. * @return An optional description of this annotation's token. */
private Resolution toAnnotationDescription(TypePool typePool) { TypePool.Resolution resolution = typePool.describe(getBinaryName()); return resolution.isResolved() ? new Resolution.Simple(new LazyAnnotationDescription(typePool, resolution.resolve(), values)) : new Resolution.Illegal(getBinaryName()); }
A resolution for an annotation tokens. Any annotation is suppressed if its type is not available. This conforms to the handling of the Java reflection API.
/** * A resolution for an annotation tokens. Any annotation is suppressed if its type is not available. * This conforms to the handling of the Java reflection API. */
protected interface Resolution {
Returns true if the represented annotation could be resolved.
Returns:true if the represented annotation could be resolved.
/** * Returns {@code true} if the represented annotation could be resolved. * * @return {@code true} if the represented annotation could be resolved. */
boolean isResolved();
Returns the resolved annotation. This method throws an exception if this instance is not resolved.
Returns:The resolved annotation. This method throws an exception if this instance is not resolved.
/** * Returns the resolved annotation. This method throws an exception if this instance is not resolved. * * @return The resolved annotation. This method throws an exception if this instance is not resolved. */
AnnotationDescription resolve();
A simple resolved annotation.
/** * A simple resolved annotation. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class Simple implements Resolution {
The represented annotation description.
/** * The represented annotation description. */
private final AnnotationDescription annotationDescription;
Creates a new simple resolution.
  • annotationDescription – The represented annotation description.
/** * Creates a new simple resolution. * * @param annotationDescription The represented annotation description. */
protected Simple(AnnotationDescription annotationDescription) { this.annotationDescription = annotationDescription; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isResolved() { return true; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationDescription resolve() { return annotationDescription; } }
An illegal resolution.
/** * An illegal resolution. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class Illegal implements Resolution {
The annotation's binary type name.
/** * The annotation's binary type name. */
private final String annotationType;
Creates a new illegal resolution.
  • annotationType – The annotation's binary type name.
/** * Creates a new illegal resolution. * * @param annotationType The annotation's binary type name. */
public Illegal(String annotationType) { this.annotationType = annotationType; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isResolved() { return false; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationDescription resolve() { throw new IllegalStateException("Annotation type is not available: " + annotationType); } } } }
A token for representing collected data on a field.
/** * A token for representing collected data on a field. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance protected static class FieldToken {
The name of the field.
/** * The name of the field. */
private final String name;
The modifiers of the represented field.
/** * The modifiers of the represented field. */
private final int modifiers;
The descriptor of the field.
/** * The descriptor of the field. */
private final String descriptor;
The field's generic signature as found in the class file or null if the field is not generic.
/** * The field's generic signature as found in the class file or {@code null} if the field is not generic. */
private final String genericSignature;
The resolution of this field's generic type.
/** * The resolution of this field's generic type. */
private final GenericTypeToken.Resolution.ForField signatureResolution;
A mapping of the field type's type annotation tokens.
/** * A mapping of the field type's type annotation tokens. */
private final Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> typeAnnotationTokens;
A list of annotation tokens representing the annotations of the represented field.
/** * A list of annotation tokens representing the annotations of the represented field. */
private final List<AnnotationToken> annotationTokens;
Creates a new field token.
  • name – The name of the field.
  • modifiers – The modifiers of the represented field.
  • descriptor – The descriptor of the field.
  • genericSignature – The field's generic signature as found in the class file or null if the field is not generic.
  • typeAnnotationTokens – A mapping of the field type's type annotation tokens.
  • annotationTokens – A list of annotation tokens representing the annotations of the represented field.
/** * Creates a new field token. * * @param name The name of the field. * @param modifiers The modifiers of the represented field. * @param descriptor The descriptor of the field. * @param genericSignature The field's generic signature as found in the class file or {@code null} if the field is not generic. * @param typeAnnotationTokens A mapping of the field type's type annotation tokens. * @param annotationTokens A list of annotation tokens representing the annotations of the represented field. */
protected FieldToken(String name, int modifiers, String descriptor, String genericSignature, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> typeAnnotationTokens, List<AnnotationToken> annotationTokens) { this.modifiers = modifiers & ~Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED; this.name = name; this.descriptor = descriptor; this.genericSignature = genericSignature; signatureResolution = RAW_TYPES ? GenericTypeToken.Resolution.Raw.INSTANCE : GenericTypeExtractor.ForSignature.OfField.extract(genericSignature); this.typeAnnotationTokens = typeAnnotationTokens; this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; }
Transforms this token into a lazy field description.
  • lazyTypeDescription – The lazy type description to attach this field description to.
Returns:A field description resembling this field token.
/** * Transforms this token into a lazy field description. * * @param lazyTypeDescription The lazy type description to attach this field description to. * @return A field description resembling this field token. */
private LazyFieldDescription toFieldDescription(LazyTypeDescription lazyTypeDescription) { return lazyTypeDescription.new LazyFieldDescription(name, modifiers, descriptor, genericSignature, signatureResolution, typeAnnotationTokens, annotationTokens); } }
A token for representing collected data on a method.
/** * A token for representing collected data on a method. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance protected static class MethodToken {
The internal name of the represented method.
/** * The internal name of the represented method. */
private final String name;
The modifiers of the represented method.
/** * The modifiers of the represented method. */
private final int modifiers;
The descriptor of the represented method.
/** * The descriptor of the represented method. */
private final String descriptor;
The methods's generic signature as found in the class file or null if the method is not generic.
/** * The methods's generic signature as found in the class file or {@code null} if the method is not generic. */
private final String genericSignature;
The generic type resolution of this method.
/** * The generic type resolution of this method. */
private final GenericTypeToken.Resolution.ForMethod signatureResolution;
An array of internal names of the exceptions of the represented method or null if there are no such exceptions.
/** * An array of internal names of the exceptions of the represented method or {@code null} if there * are no such exceptions. */
private final String[] exceptionName;
A mapping of the type variables' type annotation tokens by their indices.
/** * A mapping of the type variables' type annotation tokens by their indices. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> typeVariableAnnotationTokens;
A mapping of the type variables' type bounds' type annotation tokens by their indices and each variable's index.
/** * A mapping of the type variables' type bounds' type annotation tokens by their indices and each variable's index. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>>> typeVariableBoundAnnotationTokens;
A mapping of the return type's type variable tokens.
/** * A mapping of the return type's type variable tokens. */
private final Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> returnTypeAnnotationTokens;
A mapping of the parameter types' type annotation tokens by their indices.
/** * A mapping of the parameter types' type annotation tokens by their indices. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> parameterTypeAnnotationTokens;
A mapping of the exception types' type annotation tokens by their indices.
/** * A mapping of the exception types' type annotation tokens by their indices. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> exceptionTypeAnnotationTokens;
A mapping of the receiver type's annotation tokens.
/** * A mapping of the receiver type's annotation tokens. */
private final Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> receiverTypeAnnotationTokens;
A list of annotation tokens that are present on the represented method.
/** * A list of annotation tokens that are present on the represented method. */
private final List<AnnotationToken> annotationTokens;
A map of parameter indices to tokens that represent their annotations.
/** * A map of parameter indices to tokens that represent their annotations. */
private final Map<Integer, List<AnnotationToken>> parameterAnnotationTokens;
A list of tokens describing meta data of the method's parameters.
/** * A list of tokens describing meta data of the method's parameters. */
private final List<ParameterToken> parameterTokens;
The default value of this method or null if there is no such value.
/** * The default value of this method or {@code null} if there is no such value. */
private final AnnotationValue<?, ?> defaultValue;
Creates a new method token.
  • name – The name of the method.
  • modifiers – The modifiers of the represented method.
  • descriptor – The descriptor of the represented method.
  • genericSignature – The methods's generic signature as found in the class file or null if the method is not generic.
  • exceptionName – An array of internal names of the exceptions of the represented method or null if there are no such exceptions.
  • typeVariableAnnotationTokens – A mapping of the type variables' type annotation tokens by their indices.
  • typeVariableBoundAnnotationTokens – A mapping of the type variables' type bounds' type annotation tokens by their index and each variable's index.
  • returnTypeAnnotationTokens – A mapping of the return type's type variable tokens.
  • parameterTypeAnnotationTokens – A mapping of the parameter types' type annotation tokens by their indices.
  • exceptionTypeAnnotationTokens – A mapping of the exception types' type annotation tokens by their indices.
  • receiverTypeAnnotationTokens – A mapping of the receiver type's annotation tokens.
  • annotationTokens – A list of annotation tokens that are present on the represented method.
  • parameterAnnotationTokens – A map of parameter indices to tokens that represent their annotations.
  • parameterTokens – A list of tokens describing meta data of the method's parameters.
  • defaultValue – The default value of this method or null if there is no such value.
/** * Creates a new method token. * * @param name The name of the method. * @param modifiers The modifiers of the represented method. * @param descriptor The descriptor of the represented method. * @param genericSignature The methods's generic signature as found in the class file or {@code null} if the method is not generic. * @param exceptionName An array of internal names of the exceptions of the represented method or {@code null} if * there are no such exceptions. * @param typeVariableAnnotationTokens A mapping of the type variables' type annotation tokens by their indices. * @param typeVariableBoundAnnotationTokens A mapping of the type variables' type bounds' type annotation tokens by their * index and each variable's index. * @param returnTypeAnnotationTokens A mapping of the return type's type variable tokens. * @param parameterTypeAnnotationTokens A mapping of the parameter types' type annotation tokens by their indices. * @param exceptionTypeAnnotationTokens A mapping of the exception types' type annotation tokens by their indices. * @param receiverTypeAnnotationTokens A mapping of the receiver type's annotation tokens. * @param annotationTokens A list of annotation tokens that are present on the represented method. * @param parameterAnnotationTokens A map of parameter indices to tokens that represent their annotations. * @param parameterTokens A list of tokens describing meta data of the method's parameters. * @param defaultValue The default value of this method or {@code null} if there is no such value. */
protected MethodToken(String name, int modifiers, String descriptor, String genericSignature, String[] exceptionName, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> typeVariableAnnotationTokens, Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>>> typeVariableBoundAnnotationTokens, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> returnTypeAnnotationTokens, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> parameterTypeAnnotationTokens, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> exceptionTypeAnnotationTokens, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> receiverTypeAnnotationTokens, List<AnnotationToken> annotationTokens, Map<Integer, List<AnnotationToken>> parameterAnnotationTokens, List<ParameterToken> parameterTokens, AnnotationValue<?, ?> defaultValue) { this.modifiers = modifiers & ~Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED; this.name = name; this.descriptor = descriptor; this.genericSignature = genericSignature; signatureResolution = RAW_TYPES ? GenericTypeToken.Resolution.Raw.INSTANCE : GenericTypeExtractor.ForSignature.OfMethod.extract(genericSignature); this.exceptionName = exceptionName; this.typeVariableAnnotationTokens = typeVariableAnnotationTokens; this.typeVariableBoundAnnotationTokens = typeVariableBoundAnnotationTokens; this.returnTypeAnnotationTokens = returnTypeAnnotationTokens; this.parameterTypeAnnotationTokens = parameterTypeAnnotationTokens; this.exceptionTypeAnnotationTokens = exceptionTypeAnnotationTokens; this.receiverTypeAnnotationTokens = receiverTypeAnnotationTokens; this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; this.parameterAnnotationTokens = parameterAnnotationTokens; this.parameterTokens = parameterTokens; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; }
Transforms this method token to a method description that is attached to a lazy type description.
  • lazyTypeDescription – The lazy type description to attach this method description to.
Returns:A method description representing this field token.
/** * Transforms this method token to a method description that is attached to a lazy type description. * * @param lazyTypeDescription The lazy type description to attach this method description to. * @return A method description representing this field token. */
private MethodDescription.InDefinedShape toMethodDescription(LazyTypeDescription lazyTypeDescription) { return lazyTypeDescription.new LazyMethodDescription(name, modifiers, descriptor, genericSignature, signatureResolution, exceptionName, typeVariableAnnotationTokens, typeVariableBoundAnnotationTokens, returnTypeAnnotationTokens, parameterTypeAnnotationTokens, exceptionTypeAnnotationTokens, receiverTypeAnnotationTokens, annotationTokens, parameterAnnotationTokens, parameterTokens, defaultValue); }
A token representing a method's parameter.
/** * A token representing a method's parameter. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance protected static class ParameterToken {
Donates an unknown name of a parameter.
/** * Donates an unknown name of a parameter. */
protected static final String NO_NAME = null;
Donates an unknown modifier of a parameter.
/** * Donates an unknown modifier of a parameter. */
protected static final Integer NO_MODIFIERS = null;
The name of the parameter or null if no explicit name for this parameter is known.
/** * The name of the parameter or {@code null} if no explicit name for this parameter is known. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.ValueHandling(HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.ValueHandling.Sort.REVERSE_NULLABILITY) private final String name;
The modifiers of the parameter or null if no modifiers are known for this parameter.
/** * The modifiers of the parameter or {@code null} if no modifiers are known for this parameter. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.ValueHandling(HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.ValueHandling.Sort.REVERSE_NULLABILITY) private final Integer modifiers;
Creates a parameter token for a parameter without an explicit name and without specific modifiers.
/** * Creates a parameter token for a parameter without an explicit name and without specific modifiers. */
protected ParameterToken() { this(NO_NAME); }
Creates a parameter token for a parameter with an explicit name and without specific modifiers.
  • name – The name of the parameter.
/** * Creates a parameter token for a parameter with an explicit name and without specific modifiers. * * @param name The name of the parameter. */
protected ParameterToken(String name) { this(name, NO_MODIFIERS); }
Creates a parameter token for a parameter with an explicit name and with specific modifiers.
  • name – The name of the parameter.
  • modifiers – The modifiers of the parameter.
/** * Creates a parameter token for a parameter with an explicit name and with specific modifiers. * * @param name The name of the parameter. * @param modifiers The modifiers of the parameter. */
protected ParameterToken(String name, Integer modifiers) { this.name = name; this.modifiers = modifiers; }
Returns the name of the parameter or null if there is no such name.
Returns:The name of the parameter or null if there is no such name.
/** * Returns the name of the parameter or {@code null} if there is no such name. * * @return The name of the parameter or {@code null} if there is no such name. */
protected String getName() { return name; }
Returns the modifiers of the parameter or null if no modifiers are known.
Returns:The modifiers of the parameter or null if no modifiers are known.
/** * Returns the modifiers of the parameter or {@code null} if no modifiers are known. * * @return The modifiers of the parameter or {@code null} if no modifiers are known. */
protected Integer getModifiers() { return modifiers; } } }
A lazy description of an annotation that looks up types from a type pool when required.
/** * A lazy description of an annotation that looks up types from a type pool when required. */
private static class LazyAnnotationDescription extends AnnotationDescription.AbstractBase {
The type pool for looking up type references.
/** * The type pool for looking up type references. */
protected final TypePool typePool;
The type of this annotation.
/** * The type of this annotation. */
private final TypeDescription annotationType;
A map of annotation values by their property name.
/** * A map of annotation values by their property name. */
protected final Map<String, AnnotationValue<?, ?>> values;
Creates a new lazy annotation description.
  • typePool – The type pool to be used for looking up linked types.
  • annotationType – The annotation's type.
  • values – A map of annotation value names to their value representations.
/** * Creates a new lazy annotation description. * * @param typePool The type pool to be used for looking up linked types. * @param annotationType The annotation's type. * @param values A map of annotation value names to their value representations. */
private LazyAnnotationDescription(TypePool typePool, TypeDescription annotationType, Map<String, AnnotationValue<?, ?>> values) { this.typePool = typePool; this.annotationType = annotationType; this.values = values; }
Represents a list of annotation tokens in form of a list of lazy type annotations. Any annotation with a type that cannot be loaded from the type pool is ignored and not included in the list. If the provided tokens are null, an empty list is returned.
  • typePool – The type pool to be used for looking up linked types.
  • tokens – The tokens to represent in the list.
Returns:A list of the loadable annotations.
/** * Represents a list of annotation tokens in form of a list of lazy type annotations. Any annotation with * a type that cannot be loaded from the type pool is ignored and not included in the list. If the provided * {@code tokens} are {@code null}, an empty list is returned. * * @param typePool The type pool to be used for looking up linked types. * @param tokens The tokens to represent in the list. * @return A list of the loadable annotations. */
protected static AnnotationList asListOfNullable(TypePool typePool, List<? extends AnnotationToken> tokens) { return tokens == null ? new AnnotationList.Empty() : asList(typePool, tokens); }
Represents a list of annotation tokens in form of a list of lazy type annotations. Any annotation with a type that cannot be loaded from the type pool is ignored and not included in the list.
  • typePool – The type pool to be used for looking up linked types.
  • tokens – The tokens to represent in the list.
Returns:A list of the loadable annotations.
/** * Represents a list of annotation tokens in form of a list of lazy type annotations. Any annotation with * a type that cannot be loaded from the type pool is ignored and not included in the list. * * @param typePool The type pool to be used for looking up linked types. * @param tokens The tokens to represent in the list. * @return A list of the loadable annotations. */
protected static AnnotationList asList(TypePool typePool, List<? extends AnnotationToken> tokens) { List<AnnotationDescription> annotationDescriptions = new ArrayList<AnnotationDescription>(tokens.size()); for (AnnotationToken token : tokens) { AnnotationToken.Resolution resolution = token.toAnnotationDescription(typePool); if (resolution.isResolved()) { annotationDescriptions.add(resolution.resolve()); } } return new AnnotationList.Explicit(annotationDescriptions); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationValue<?, ?> getValue(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape property) { if (!property.getDeclaringType().asErasure().equals(annotationType)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(property + " is not declared by " + getAnnotationType()); } AnnotationValue<?, ?> annotationValue = values.get(property.getName()); if (annotationValue == null) { annotationValue = getAnnotationType().getDeclaredMethods().filter(is(property)).getOnly().getDefaultValue(); } if (annotationValue != null) { return annotationValue; } throw new IllegalStateException(property + " is not defined on annotation"); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription getAnnotationType() { return annotationType; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public <T extends Annotation> Loadable<T> prepare(Class<T> annotationType) { if (!this.annotationType.represents(annotationType)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(annotationType + " does not represent " + this.annotationType); } return new Loadable<T>(typePool, annotationType, values); }
A loadable version of a lazy annotation description.
Type parameters:
  • <S> – The annotation type.
/** * A loadable version of a lazy annotation description. * * @param <S> The annotation type. */
private static class Loadable<S extends Annotation> extends LazyAnnotationDescription implements AnnotationDescription.Loadable<S> {
The loaded annotation type.
/** * The loaded annotation type. */
private final Class<S> annotationType;
Creates a new loadable version of a lazy annotation.
  • typePool – The type pool to be used for looking up linked types.
  • annotationType – The annotation's loaded type.
  • values – A map of annotation value names to their value representations.
/** * Creates a new loadable version of a lazy annotation. * * @param typePool The type pool to be used for looking up linked types. * @param annotationType The annotation's loaded type. * @param values A map of annotation value names to their value representations. */
private Loadable(TypePool typePool, Class<S> annotationType, Map<String, AnnotationValue<?, ?>> values) { super(typePool, ForLoadedType.of(annotationType), values); this.annotationType = annotationType; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public S load() throws ClassNotFoundException { return AnnotationInvocationHandler.of(annotationType.getClassLoader(), annotationType, values); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public S loadSilent() { try { return load(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException exception) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not load annotation type or referenced type", exception); } } } }
An implementation of a PackageDescription that only loads its annotations on requirement.
/** * An implementation of a {@link PackageDescription} that only * loads its annotations on requirement. */
private static class LazyPackageDescription extends PackageDescription.AbstractBase {
The type pool to use for look-ups.
/** * The type pool to use for look-ups. */
private final TypePool typePool;
The name of the package.
/** * The name of the package. */
private final String name;
Creates a new lazy package description.
  • typePool – The type pool to use for look-ups.
  • name – The name of the package.
/** * Creates a new lazy package description. * * @param typePool The type pool to use for look-ups. * @param name The name of the package. */
private LazyPackageDescription(TypePool typePool, String name) { this.typePool = typePool; this.name = name; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationList getDeclaredAnnotations() { Resolution resolution = typePool.describe(name + "." + PackageDescription.PACKAGE_CLASS_NAME); return resolution.isResolved() ? resolution.resolve().getDeclaredAnnotations() : new AnnotationList.Empty(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getName() { return name; } }
A list that is constructing LazyTypeDescriptions.
/** * A list that is constructing {@link LazyTypeDescription}s. */
protected static class LazyTypeList extends TypeList.AbstractBase {
The type pool to use for locating types.
/** * The type pool to use for locating types. */
private final TypePool typePool;
A list of type descriptors that this list represents.
/** * A list of type descriptors that this list represents. */
private final List<String> descriptors;
Creates a list of lazy type descriptions.
  • typePool – The type pool to use for locating types.
  • descriptors – A list of type descriptors that this list represents.
/** * Creates a list of lazy type descriptions. * * @param typePool The type pool to use for locating types. * @param descriptors A list of type descriptors that this list represents. */
protected LazyTypeList(TypePool typePool, List<String> descriptors) { this.typePool = typePool; this.descriptors = descriptors; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription get(int index) { return TokenizedGenericType.toErasure(typePool, descriptors.get(index)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int size() { return descriptors.size(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String[] toInternalNames() { String[] internalName = new String[descriptors.size()]; int index = 0; for (String descriptor : descriptors) { internalName[index++] = Type.getType(descriptor).getInternalName(); } return internalName.length == 0 ? NO_INTERFACES : internalName; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int getStackSize() { int stackSize = 0; for (String descriptor : descriptors) { stackSize += Type.getType(descriptor).getSize(); } return stackSize; } }
A lazy list that represents all nest members of the represented type.
/** * A lazy list that represents all nest members of the represented type. */
protected static class LazyNestMemberList extends TypeList.AbstractBase {
The type for which the nest members are represented.
/** * The type for which the nest members are represented. */
private final TypeDescription typeDescription;
The type pool to use for looking up types.
/** * The type pool to use for looking up types. */
private final TypePool typePool;
The binary names of all nest members of this nest mate group excluding the represented type.
/** * The binary names of all nest members of this nest mate group excluding the represented type. */
private final List<String> nestMembers;
Creates a new lazy type list of all nest members of this group.
  • typeDescription – The type for which the nest members are represented.
  • typePool – The type pool to use for looking up types.
  • nestMembers – The binary names of all nest members of this nest mate group excluding the represented type.
/** * Creates a new lazy type list of all nest members of this group. * * @param typeDescription The type for which the nest members are represented. * @param typePool The type pool to use for looking up types. * @param nestMembers The binary names of all nest members of this nest mate group excluding the represented type. */
protected LazyNestMemberList(TypeDescription typeDescription, TypePool typePool, List<String> nestMembers) { this.typeDescription = typeDescription; this.typePool = typePool; this.nestMembers = nestMembers; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription get(int index) { return index == 0 ? typeDescription : typePool.describe(nestMembers.get(index - 1)).resolve(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int size() { return nestMembers.size() + 1; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String[] toInternalNames() { String[] internalName = new String[nestMembers.size() + 1]; internalName[0] = typeDescription.getInternalName(); int index = 1; for (String name : nestMembers) { internalName[index++] = name.replace('.', '/'); } return internalName; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int getStackSize() { return nestMembers.size() + 1; } }
A representation of a generic type that is described by a GenericTypeToken.
/** * A representation of a generic type that is described by a {@link GenericTypeToken}. */
protected static class TokenizedGenericType extends Generic.LazyProjection.WithEagerNavigation {
The type pool to use for locating referenced types.
/** * The type pool to use for locating referenced types. */
private final TypePool typePool;
The token that describes the represented generic type.
/** * The token that describes the represented generic type. */
private final GenericTypeToken genericTypeToken;
A descriptor of the generic type's raw type.
/** * A descriptor of the generic type's raw type. */
private final String rawTypeDescriptor;
The tokenized type's type annotation tokens.
/** * The tokenized type's type annotation tokens. */
private final Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens;
The closest type variable source of this generic type's declaration context.
/** * The closest type variable source of this generic type's declaration context. */
private final TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource;
Creates a new tokenized generic type.
  • typePool – The type pool to use for locating referenced types.
  • genericTypeToken – The token that describes the represented generic type.
  • rawTypeDescriptor – A descriptor of the generic type's erasure.
  • annotationTokens – The tokenized type's type annotation tokens.
  • typeVariableSource – The closest type variable source of this generic type's declaration context.
/** * Creates a new tokenized generic type. * * @param typePool The type pool to use for locating referenced types. * @param genericTypeToken The token that describes the represented generic type. * @param rawTypeDescriptor A descriptor of the generic type's erasure. * @param annotationTokens The tokenized type's type annotation tokens. * @param typeVariableSource The closest type variable source of this generic type's declaration context. */
protected TokenizedGenericType(TypePool typePool, GenericTypeToken genericTypeToken, String rawTypeDescriptor, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource) { this.typePool = typePool; this.genericTypeToken = genericTypeToken; this.rawTypeDescriptor = rawTypeDescriptor; this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; this.typeVariableSource = typeVariableSource; }
Creates a new generic type description for a tokenized generic type.
  • typePool – The type pool to use for locating referenced types.
  • genericTypeToken – The token that describes the represented generic type.
  • rawTypeDescriptor – A descriptor of the generic type's erasure.
  • annotationTokens – The tokenized type's type annotation tokens or null if no such annotations are defined.
  • typeVariableSource – The closest type variable source of this generic type's declaration context.
Returns:A suitable generic type.
/** * Creates a new generic type description for a tokenized generic type. * * @param typePool The type pool to use for locating referenced types. * @param genericTypeToken The token that describes the represented generic type. * @param rawTypeDescriptor A descriptor of the generic type's erasure. * @param annotationTokens The tokenized type's type annotation tokens or {@code null} if no such annotations are defined. * @param typeVariableSource The closest type variable source of this generic type's declaration context. * @return A suitable generic type. */
protected static Generic of(TypePool typePool, GenericTypeToken genericTypeToken, String rawTypeDescriptor, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource) { return new TokenizedGenericType(typePool, genericTypeToken, rawTypeDescriptor, annotationTokens == null ? Collections.<String, List<AnnotationToken>>emptyMap() : annotationTokens, typeVariableSource); }
Creates a type description from a descriptor by looking up the corresponding type.
  • typePool – The type pool to use for locating a type.
  • descriptor – The descriptor to interpret.
Returns:A description of the type represented by the descriptor.
/** * Creates a type description from a descriptor by looking up the corresponding type. * * @param typePool The type pool to use for locating a type. * @param descriptor The descriptor to interpret. * @return A description of the type represented by the descriptor. */
protected static TypeDescription toErasure(TypePool typePool, String descriptor) { Type type = Type.getType(descriptor); return typePool.describe(type.getSort() == Type.ARRAY ? type.getInternalName().replace('/', '.') : type.getClassName()).resolve(); } @Override @CachedReturnPlugin.Enhance("resolved") protected Generic resolve() { return genericTypeToken.toGenericType(typePool, typeVariableSource, GenericTypeToken.EMPTY_TYPE_PATH, annotationTokens); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@CachedReturnPlugin.Enhance("erasure") public TypeDescription asErasure() { return toErasure(typePool, rawTypeDescriptor); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationList getDeclaredAnnotations() { return resolve().getDeclaredAnnotations(); }
A tokenized list of generic types.
/** * A tokenized list of generic types. */
protected static class TokenList extends TypeList.Generic.AbstractBase {
The type pool to use for locating types.
/** * The type pool to use for locating types. */
private final TypePool typePool;
Type tokens that describe the represented generic types.
/** * Type tokens that describe the represented generic types. */
private final List<GenericTypeToken> genericTypeTokens;
A list of the generic types' erasures.
/** * A list of the generic types' erasures. */
private final List<String> rawTypeDescriptors;
The closest type variable source of this generic type's declaration context.
/** * The closest type variable source of this generic type's declaration context. */
private final TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource;
A mapping of each type's type annotation tokens by its index.
/** * A mapping of each type's type annotation tokens by its index. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens;
Creates a list of tokenized generic types.
  • typePool – The type pool to use for locating type descriptions.
  • genericTypeTokens – A list of tokens describing the represented generic types.
  • annotationTokens – A mapping of each type's type annotation tokens by its index.
  • rawTypeDescriptors – A list of the generic types' erasures.
  • typeVariableSource – The closest type variable source of this generic type's declaration context.
/** * Creates a list of tokenized generic types. * * @param typePool The type pool to use for locating type descriptions. * @param genericTypeTokens A list of tokens describing the represented generic types. * @param annotationTokens A mapping of each type's type annotation tokens by its index. * @param rawTypeDescriptors A list of the generic types' erasures. * @param typeVariableSource The closest type variable source of this generic type's declaration context. */
private TokenList(TypePool typePool, List<GenericTypeToken> genericTypeTokens, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens, List<String> rawTypeDescriptors, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource) { this.typePool = typePool; this.genericTypeTokens = genericTypeTokens; this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; this.rawTypeDescriptors = rawTypeDescriptors; this.typeVariableSource = typeVariableSource; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic get(int index) { return rawTypeDescriptors.size() == genericTypeTokens.size() ? TokenizedGenericType.of(typePool, genericTypeTokens.get(index), rawTypeDescriptors.get(index), annotationTokens.get(index), typeVariableSource) : TokenizedGenericType.toErasure(typePool, rawTypeDescriptors.get(index)).asGenericType(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int size() { return rawTypeDescriptors.size(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList asErasures() { return new LazyTypeList(typePool, rawTypeDescriptors); } }
A list of tokenized type variables.
/** * A list of tokenized type variables. */
protected static class TypeVariableList extends TypeList.Generic.AbstractBase {
The type pool to use for locating types.
/** * The type pool to use for locating types. */
private final TypePool typePool;
Type tokens that describe the represented type variables.
/** * Type tokens that describe the represented type variables. */
private final List<GenericTypeToken.OfFormalTypeVariable> typeVariables;
The type variable source of the represented type variables.
/** * The type variable source of the represented type variables. */
private final TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource;
A mapping of the type variables' type annotation tokens by their indices.
/** * A mapping of the type variables' type annotation tokens by their indices. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens;
A mapping of the type variables' bound types' annotation tokens by their indices and each type variable's index..
/** * A mapping of the type variables' bound types' annotation tokens by their indices and each type variable's index.. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>>> boundAnnotationTokens;
Creates a list of type variables.
  • typePool – The type pool to use for locating types.
  • typeVariables – Type tokens that describe the represented generic types.
  • typeVariableSource – The type variable source of the represented type variables.
  • annotationTokens – A mapping of the type variables' type annotation tokens by their indices.
  • boundAnnotationTokens – A mapping of the type variables' bound types' annotation tokens by their indices and each type variable's index.
/** * Creates a list of type variables. * * @param typePool The type pool to use for locating types. * @param typeVariables Type tokens that describe the represented generic types. * @param typeVariableSource The type variable source of the represented type variables. * @param annotationTokens A mapping of the type variables' type annotation tokens by their indices. * @param boundAnnotationTokens A mapping of the type variables' bound types' annotation tokens by their indices * and each type variable's index. */
protected TypeVariableList(TypePool typePool, List<GenericTypeToken.OfFormalTypeVariable> typeVariables, TypeVariableSource typeVariableSource, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> annotationTokens, Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>>> boundAnnotationTokens) { this.typePool = typePool; this.typeVariables = typeVariables; this.typeVariableSource = typeVariableSource; this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; this.boundAnnotationTokens = boundAnnotationTokens; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic get(int index) { return typeVariables.get(index).toGenericType(typePool, typeVariableSource, annotationTokens.get(index), boundAnnotationTokens.get(index)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int size() { return typeVariables.size(); } }
A lazy description of a non-well-defined described generic type.
/** * A lazy description of a non-well-defined described generic type. */
protected static class Malformed extends LazyProjection.WithEagerNavigation {
The type pool to use for locating types.
/** * The type pool to use for locating types. */
private final TypePool typePool;
The descriptor of the type erasure.
/** * The descriptor of the type erasure. */
private final String rawTypeDescriptor;
Creates a lazy description of a non-well-defined described generic type.
  • typePool – The type pool to use for locating types.
  • rawTypeDescriptor – The descriptor of the type erasure.
/** * Creates a lazy description of a non-well-defined described generic type. * * @param typePool The type pool to use for locating types. * @param rawTypeDescriptor The descriptor of the type erasure. */
protected Malformed(TypePool typePool, String rawTypeDescriptor) { this.typePool = typePool; this.rawTypeDescriptor = rawTypeDescriptor; } @Override protected Generic resolve() { throw new GenericSignatureFormatError(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription asErasure() { return toErasure(typePool, rawTypeDescriptor); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationList getDeclaredAnnotations() { throw new GenericSignatureFormatError(); }
A tokenized list of non-well-defined generic types.
/** * A tokenized list of non-well-defined generic types. */
protected static class TokenList extends TypeList.Generic.AbstractBase {
The type pool to use for locating types.
/** * The type pool to use for locating types. */
private final TypePool typePool;
A list of descriptors of the list's types' erasures.
/** * A list of descriptors of the list's types' erasures. */
private final List<String> rawTypeDescriptors;
Creates a new tokenized list of generic types.
  • typePool – The type pool to use for locating types.
  • rawTypeDescriptors – A list of descriptors of the list's types' erasures.
/** * Creates a new tokenized list of generic types. * * @param typePool The type pool to use for locating types. * @param rawTypeDescriptors A list of descriptors of the list's types' erasures. */
protected TokenList(TypePool typePool, List<String> rawTypeDescriptors) { this.typePool = typePool; this.rawTypeDescriptors = rawTypeDescriptors; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic get(int index) { return new Malformed(typePool, rawTypeDescriptors.get(index)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int size() { return rawTypeDescriptors.size(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList asErasures() { return new LazyTypeList(typePool, rawTypeDescriptors); } } } }
A lazy field description that only resolved type references when required.
/** * A lazy field description that only resolved type references when required. */
private class LazyFieldDescription extends FieldDescription.InDefinedShape.AbstractBase {
The name of the field.
/** * The name of the field. */
private final String name;
The modifiers of the field.
/** * The modifiers of the field. */
private final int modifiers;
The descriptor of this field's type.
/** * The descriptor of this field's type. */
private final String descriptor;
The field's generic signature as found in the class file or null if the field is not generic.
/** * The field's generic signature as found in the class file or {@code null} if the field is not generic. */
private final String genericSignature;
A resolution of this field's generic type.
/** * A resolution of this field's generic type. */
private final GenericTypeToken.Resolution.ForField signatureResolution;
A mapping of the field type's type annotation tokens.
/** * A mapping of the field type's type annotation tokens. */
private final Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> typeAnnotationTokens;
A list of annotation descriptions of this field.
/** * A list of annotation descriptions of this field. */
private final List<AnnotationToken> annotationTokens;
Creates a new lazy field description.
  • name – The name of the field.
  • modifiers – The modifiers of the field.
  • descriptor – The descriptor of this field's type.
  • genericSignature – The field's generic signature as found in the class file or null if the field is not generic.
  • signatureResolution – A resolution of this field's generic type.
  • typeAnnotationTokens – A mapping of the field type's type annotation tokens.
  • annotationTokens – A list of annotation descriptions of this field.
/** * Creates a new lazy field description. * * @param name The name of the field. * @param modifiers The modifiers of the field. * @param descriptor The descriptor of this field's type. * @param genericSignature The field's generic signature as found in the class file or {@code null} if the field is not generic. * @param signatureResolution A resolution of this field's generic type. * @param typeAnnotationTokens A mapping of the field type's type annotation tokens. * @param annotationTokens A list of annotation descriptions of this field. */
private LazyFieldDescription(String name, int modifiers, String descriptor, String genericSignature, GenericTypeToken.Resolution.ForField signatureResolution, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> typeAnnotationTokens, List<AnnotationToken> annotationTokens) { this.modifiers = modifiers; this.name = name; this.descriptor = descriptor; this.genericSignature = genericSignature; this.signatureResolution = signatureResolution; this.typeAnnotationTokens = typeAnnotationTokens; this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic getType() { return signatureResolution.resolveFieldType(descriptor, typePool, typeAnnotationTokens, this); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationList getDeclaredAnnotations() { return LazyAnnotationDescription.asListOfNullable(typePool, annotationTokens); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getName() { return name; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription getDeclaringType() { return LazyTypeDescription.this; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int getModifiers() { return modifiers; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getGenericSignature() { return genericSignature; } }
A lazy representation of a method that resolves references to types only on demand.
/** * A lazy representation of a method that resolves references to types only on demand. */
private class LazyMethodDescription extends MethodDescription.InDefinedShape.AbstractBase {
The internal name of this method.
/** * The internal name of this method. */
private final String internalName;
The modifiers of this method.
/** * The modifiers of this method. */
private final int modifiers;
The descriptor of the return type.
/** * The descriptor of the return type. */
private final String returnTypeDescriptor;
The method's generic signature as found in the class file or null if the method is not generic.
/** * The method's generic signature as found in the class file or {@code null} if the method is not generic. */
private final String genericSignature;
The generic type token of this method.
/** * The generic type token of this method. */
private final GenericTypeToken.Resolution.ForMethod signatureResolution;
A list of type descriptions of this method's parameters.
/** * A list of type descriptions of this method's parameters. */
private final List<String> parameterTypeDescriptors;
A list of type descriptions of this method's exception types.
/** * A list of type descriptions of this method's exception types. */
private final List<String> exceptionTypeDescriptors;
A mapping of the type variables' type annotation tokens by their indices.
/** * A mapping of the type variables' type annotation tokens by their indices. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> typeVariableAnnotationTokens;
A mapping of the type variables' type bounds' type annotation tokens by their indices and each variable's index.
/** * A mapping of the type variables' type bounds' type annotation tokens by their indices and each variable's index. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>>> typeVariableBoundAnnotationTokens;
A mapping of the return type's type variable tokens.
/** * A mapping of the return type's type variable tokens. */
private final Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> returnTypeAnnotationTokens;
A mapping of the parameter types' type annotation tokens by their indices.
/** * A mapping of the parameter types' type annotation tokens by their indices. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> parameterTypeAnnotationTokens;
A mapping of the exception types' type annotation tokens by their indices.
/** * A mapping of the exception types' type annotation tokens by their indices. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> exceptionTypeAnnotationTokens;
A mapping of the receiver type's type annotation tokens.
/** * A mapping of the receiver type's type annotation tokens. */
private final Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> receiverTypeAnnotationTokens;
The annotation tokens representing the method's annotations.
/** * The annotation tokens representing the method's annotations. */
private final List<AnnotationToken> annotationTokens;
The annotation tokens representing the parameter's annotation. Every index can contain null if a parameter does not define any annotations.
/** * The annotation tokens representing the parameter's annotation. Every index can * contain {@code null} if a parameter does not define any annotations. */
private final Map<Integer, List<AnnotationToken>> parameterAnnotationTokens;
An array of parameter names which may be null if no explicit name is known for a parameter.
/** * An array of parameter names which may be {@code null} if no explicit name is known for a parameter. */
private final String[] parameterNames;
An array of parameter modifiers which may be null if no modifiers is known.
/** * An array of parameter modifiers which may be {@code null} if no modifiers is known. */
private final Integer[] parameterModifiers;
The default value of this method or null if no such value exists.
/** * The default value of this method or {@code null} if no such value exists. */
private final AnnotationValue<?, ?> defaultValue;
Creates a new lazy method description.
  • internalName – The internal name of this method.
  • modifiers – The modifiers of the represented method.
  • descriptor – The method descriptor of this method.
  • genericSignature – The method's generic signature as found in the class file or null if the method is not generic.
  • signatureResolution – The generic type token of this method.
  • exceptionTypeInternalName – The internal names of the exceptions that are declared by this method or null if no exceptions are declared by this method.
  • typeVariableAnnotationTokens – A mapping of the type variables' type annotation tokens by their indices.
  • typeVariableBoundAnnotationTokens – A mapping of the type variables' type bounds' type annotation tokens by their index and each variable's index.
  • returnTypeAnnotationTokens – A mapping of the return type's type variable tokens.
  • parameterTypeAnnotationTokens – A mapping of the parameter types' type annotation tokens by their indices.
  • exceptionTypeAnnotationTokens – A mapping of the exception types' type annotation tokens by their indices.
  • receiverTypeAnnotationTokens – A mapping of the receiver type's type annotation tokens.
  • annotationTokens – The annotation tokens representing the method's annotations.
  • parameterAnnotationTokens – The annotation tokens representing the parameter's annotation. Every index can contain null if a parameter does not define any annotations.
  • parameterTokens – A list of parameter tokens which might be empty or even out of sync with the actual parameters if the debugging information found in a class was corrupt.
  • defaultValue – The default value of this method or null if there is no
/** * Creates a new lazy method description. * * @param internalName The internal name of this method. * @param modifiers The modifiers of the represented method. * @param descriptor The method descriptor of this method. * @param genericSignature The method's generic signature as found in the class file or {@code null} if the method is not generic. * @param signatureResolution The generic type token of this method. * @param exceptionTypeInternalName The internal names of the exceptions that are declared by this * method or {@code null} if no exceptions are declared by this * method. * @param typeVariableAnnotationTokens A mapping of the type variables' type annotation tokens by their indices. * @param typeVariableBoundAnnotationTokens A mapping of the type variables' type bounds' type annotation tokens by their * index and each variable's index. * @param returnTypeAnnotationTokens A mapping of the return type's type variable tokens. * @param parameterTypeAnnotationTokens A mapping of the parameter types' type annotation tokens by their indices. * @param exceptionTypeAnnotationTokens A mapping of the exception types' type annotation tokens by their indices. * @param receiverTypeAnnotationTokens A mapping of the receiver type's type annotation tokens. * @param annotationTokens The annotation tokens representing the method's annotations. * @param parameterAnnotationTokens The annotation tokens representing the parameter's annotation. Every * index can contain {@code null} if a parameter does not define any annotations. * @param parameterTokens A list of parameter tokens which might be empty or even out of sync * with the actual parameters if the debugging information found in a * class was corrupt. * @param defaultValue The default value of this method or {@code null} if there is no */
private LazyMethodDescription(String internalName, int modifiers, String descriptor, String genericSignature, GenericTypeToken.Resolution.ForMethod signatureResolution, String[] exceptionTypeInternalName, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> typeVariableAnnotationTokens, Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>>> typeVariableBoundAnnotationTokens, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> returnTypeAnnotationTokens, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> parameterTypeAnnotationTokens, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>>> exceptionTypeAnnotationTokens, Map<String, List<AnnotationToken>> receiverTypeAnnotationTokens, List<AnnotationToken> annotationTokens, Map<Integer, List<AnnotationToken>> parameterAnnotationTokens, List<MethodToken.ParameterToken> parameterTokens, AnnotationValue<?, ?> defaultValue) { this.modifiers = modifiers; this.internalName = internalName; Type methodType = Type.getMethodType(descriptor); Type returnType = methodType.getReturnType(); Type[] parameterType = methodType.getArgumentTypes(); returnTypeDescriptor = returnType.getDescriptor(); parameterTypeDescriptors = new ArrayList<String>(parameterType.length); for (Type type : parameterType) { parameterTypeDescriptors.add(type.getDescriptor()); } this.genericSignature = genericSignature; this.signatureResolution = signatureResolution; if (exceptionTypeInternalName == null) { exceptionTypeDescriptors = Collections.emptyList(); } else { exceptionTypeDescriptors = new ArrayList<String>(exceptionTypeInternalName.length); for (String anExceptionTypeInternalName : exceptionTypeInternalName) { exceptionTypeDescriptors.add(Type.getObjectType(anExceptionTypeInternalName).getDescriptor()); } } this.typeVariableAnnotationTokens = typeVariableAnnotationTokens; this.typeVariableBoundAnnotationTokens = typeVariableBoundAnnotationTokens; this.returnTypeAnnotationTokens = returnTypeAnnotationTokens; this.parameterTypeAnnotationTokens = parameterTypeAnnotationTokens; this.exceptionTypeAnnotationTokens = exceptionTypeAnnotationTokens; this.receiverTypeAnnotationTokens = receiverTypeAnnotationTokens; this.annotationTokens = annotationTokens; this.parameterAnnotationTokens = parameterAnnotationTokens; parameterNames = new String[parameterType.length]; parameterModifiers = new Integer[parameterType.length]; if (parameterTokens.size() == parameterType.length) { int index = 0; for (MethodToken.ParameterToken parameterToken : parameterTokens) { parameterNames[index] = parameterToken.getName(); parameterModifiers[index] = parameterToken.getModifiers(); index++; } } this.defaultValue = defaultValue; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic getReturnType() { return signatureResolution.resolveReturnType(returnTypeDescriptor, typePool, returnTypeAnnotationTokens, this); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic getExceptionTypes() { return signatureResolution.resolveExceptionTypes(exceptionTypeDescriptors, typePool, exceptionTypeAnnotationTokens, this); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public ParameterList<ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape> getParameters() { return new LazyParameterList(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationList getDeclaredAnnotations() { return LazyAnnotationDescription.asList(typePool, annotationTokens); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getInternalName() { return internalName; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription getDeclaringType() { return LazyTypeDescription.this; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int getModifiers() { return modifiers; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic getTypeVariables() { return signatureResolution.resolveTypeVariables(typePool, this, typeVariableAnnotationTokens, typeVariableBoundAnnotationTokens); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationValue<?, ?> getDefaultValue() { return defaultValue; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic getReceiverType() { if (isStatic()) { return Generic.UNDEFINED; } else if (isConstructor()) { TypeDescription declaringType = getDeclaringType(), enclosingDeclaringType = declaringType.getEnclosingType(); if (enclosingDeclaringType == null) { return declaringType.isGenerified() ? new LazyParameterizedReceiverType(declaringType) : new LazyNonGenericReceiverType(declaringType); } else { return !declaringType.isStatic() && declaringType.isGenerified() ? new LazyParameterizedReceiverType(enclosingDeclaringType) : new LazyNonGenericReceiverType(enclosingDeclaringType); } } else { return LazyTypeDescription.this.isGenerified() ? new LazyParameterizedReceiverType() : new LazyNonGenericReceiverType(); } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getGenericSignature() { return genericSignature; }
A lazy list of parameter descriptions for the enclosing method description.
/** * A lazy list of parameter descriptions for the enclosing method description. */
private class LazyParameterList extends ParameterList.AbstractBase<ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape> {
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape get(int index) { return new LazyParameterDescription(index); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean hasExplicitMetaData() { for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { if (parameterNames[i] == null || parameterModifiers[i] == null) { return false; } } return true; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int size() { return parameterTypeDescriptors.size(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic asTypeList() { return signatureResolution.resolveParameterTypes(parameterTypeDescriptors, typePool, parameterTypeAnnotationTokens, LazyMethodDescription.this); } }
A lazy description of a parameters of the enclosing method.
/** * A lazy description of a parameters of the enclosing method. */
private class LazyParameterDescription extends ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape.AbstractBase {
The index of the described parameter.
/** * The index of the described parameter. */
private final int index;
Creates a new description for a given parameter of the enclosing method.
  • index – The index of the described parameter.
/** * Creates a new description for a given parameter of the enclosing method. * * @param index The index of the described parameter. */
protected LazyParameterDescription(int index) { this.index = index; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public MethodDescription.InDefinedShape getDeclaringMethod() { return LazyMethodDescription.this; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int getIndex() { return index; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isNamed() { return parameterNames[index] != null; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean hasModifiers() { return parameterModifiers[index] != null; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getName() { return isNamed() ? parameterNames[index] : super.getName(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int getModifiers() { return hasModifiers() ? parameterModifiers[index] : super.getModifiers(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic getType() { return signatureResolution.resolveParameterTypes(parameterTypeDescriptors, typePool, parameterTypeAnnotationTokens, LazyMethodDescription.this).get(index); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationList getDeclaredAnnotations() { return LazyAnnotationDescription.asListOfNullable(typePool, parameterAnnotationTokens.get(index)); } }
A lazy description of a parameterized receiver type.
/** * A lazy description of a parameterized receiver type. */
private class LazyParameterizedReceiverType extends Generic.OfParameterizedType {
The erasure of the type to be represented as a parameterized receiver type.
/** * The erasure of the type to be represented as a parameterized receiver type. */
private final TypeDescription typeDescription;
Creates a new lazy parameterized receiver type of the method's declaring type.
/** * Creates a new lazy parameterized receiver type of the method's declaring type. */
protected LazyParameterizedReceiverType() { this(LazyTypeDescription.this); }
Creates a new lazy parameterized receiver type of the supplied receiver type.
  • typeDescription – The erasure of the type to be represented as a parameterized receiver type.
/** * Creates a new lazy parameterized receiver type of the supplied receiver type. * * @param typeDescription The erasure of the type to be represented as a parameterized receiver type. */
protected LazyParameterizedReceiverType(TypeDescription typeDescription) { this.typeDescription = typeDescription; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic getTypeArguments() { return new TypeArgumentList(typeDescription.getTypeVariables()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic getOwnerType() { TypeDescription declaringType = typeDescription.getDeclaringType(); if (declaringType == null) { return Generic.UNDEFINED; } else { return !typeDescription.isStatic() && declaringType.isGenerified() ? new LazyParameterizedReceiverType(declaringType) : new LazyNonGenericReceiverType(declaringType); } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationList getDeclaredAnnotations() { return LazyAnnotationDescription.asListOfNullable(typePool, receiverTypeAnnotationTokens.get(getTypePath())); }
Returns the type path for this type.
Returns:This type's type path.
/** * Returns the type path for this type. * * @return This type's type path. */
private String getTypePath() { StringBuilder typePath = new StringBuilder(); for (int index = 0; index < typeDescription.getInnerClassCount(); index++) { typePath = typePath.append(GenericTypeToken.INNER_CLASS_PATH); } return typePath.toString(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription asErasure() { return typeDescription; }
A list of generic types representing the receiver type's type arguments.
/** * A list of generic types representing the receiver type's type arguments. */
protected class TypeArgumentList extends TypeList.Generic.AbstractBase {
The type variables of the represented receiver type.
/** * The type variables of the represented receiver type. */
private final List<? extends Generic> typeVariables;
Creates a new type argument list.
  • typeVariables – The type variables of the represented receiver type.
/** * Creates a new type argument list. * * @param typeVariables The type variables of the represented receiver type. */
protected TypeArgumentList(List<? extends Generic> typeVariables) { this.typeVariables = typeVariables; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic get(int index) { return new AnnotatedTypeVariable(typeVariables.get(index), index); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int size() { return typeVariables.size(); }
Represents a type variable as a type argument with type annotations.
/** * Represents a type variable as a type argument with type annotations. */
protected class AnnotatedTypeVariable extends OfTypeVariable {
The type variable's description.
/** * The type variable's description. */
private final Generic typeVariable;
The type variable's index.
/** * The type variable's index. */
private final int index;
Creates a new description of an annotated type variable as a type argument.
  • typeVariable – The type variable's description.
  • index – The type variable's index.
/** * Creates a new description of an annotated type variable as a type argument. * * @param typeVariable The type variable's description. * @param index The type variable's index. */
protected AnnotatedTypeVariable(Generic typeVariable, int index) { this.typeVariable = typeVariable; this.index = index; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeList.Generic getUpperBounds() { return typeVariable.getUpperBounds(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeVariableSource getTypeVariableSource() { return typeVariable.getTypeVariableSource(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getSymbol() { return typeVariable.getSymbol(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationList getDeclaredAnnotations() { return LazyAnnotationDescription.asListOfNullable(typePool, receiverTypeAnnotationTokens.get(getTypePath() + index + GenericTypeToken.INDEXED_TYPE_DELIMITER)); } } } }
A lazy description of a non-generic receiver type.
/** * A lazy description of a non-generic receiver type. */
protected class LazyNonGenericReceiverType extends Generic.OfNonGenericType {
The type description of the non-generic receiver type.
/** * The type description of the non-generic receiver type. */
private final TypeDescription typeDescription;
Creates a new non-generic receiver type of the method's declaring type.
/** * Creates a new non-generic receiver type of the method's declaring type. */
protected LazyNonGenericReceiverType() { this(LazyTypeDescription.this); }
Creates a new non-generic receiver type of the supplied type.
  • typeDescription – The type to represent as a non-generic receiver type.
/** * Creates a new non-generic receiver type of the supplied type. * * @param typeDescription The type to represent as a non-generic receiver type. */
protected LazyNonGenericReceiverType(TypeDescription typeDescription) { this.typeDescription = typeDescription; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic getOwnerType() { TypeDescription declaringType = typeDescription.getDeclaringType(); return declaringType == null ? Generic.UNDEFINED : new LazyNonGenericReceiverType(declaringType); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Generic getComponentType() { return Generic.UNDEFINED; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationList getDeclaredAnnotations() { StringBuilder typePath = new StringBuilder(); for (int index = 0; index < typeDescription.getInnerClassCount(); index++) { typePath = typePath.append(GenericTypeToken.INNER_CLASS_PATH); } return LazyAnnotationDescription.asListOfNullable(typePool, receiverTypeAnnotationTokens.get(typePath.toString())); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription asErasure() { return typeDescription; } } } }
A type extractor reads a class file and collects data that is relevant to create a type description.
/** * A type extractor reads a class file and collects data that is relevant to create a type description. */
protected class TypeExtractor extends ClassVisitor {
A mask that cuts off pseudo flags beyond the second byte that are inserted by ASM.
/** * A mask that cuts off pseudo flags beyond the second byte that are inserted by ASM. */
private static final int REAL_MODIFIER_MASK = 0xFFFF;
A mapping of the super types' type annotation tokens by their indices.
/** * A mapping of the super types' type annotation tokens by their indices. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>> superTypeAnnotationTokens;
A mapping of the type variables' type annotation tokens by their indices.
/** * A mapping of the type variables' type annotation tokens by their indices. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>> typeVariableAnnotationTokens;
A mapping of the type variables' bounds' type annotation tokens by their indices and each variables index.
/** * A mapping of the type variables' bounds' type annotation tokens by their indices and each variables index. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>>> typeVariableBoundsAnnotationTokens;
A list of annotation tokens describing annotations that are found on the visited type.
/** * A list of annotation tokens describing annotations that are found on the visited type. */
private final List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken> annotationTokens;
A list of field tokens describing fields that are found on the visited type.
/** * A list of field tokens describing fields that are found on the visited type. */
private final List<LazyTypeDescription.FieldToken> fieldTokens;
A list of method tokens describing annotations that are found on the visited type.
/** * A list of method tokens describing annotations that are found on the visited type. */
private final List<LazyTypeDescription.MethodToken> methodTokens;
The actual modifiers found for this type.
/** * The actual modifiers found for this type. */
private int actualModifiers;
The modifiers found for this type.
/** * The modifiers found for this type. */
private int modifiers;
The internal name found for this type.
/** * The internal name found for this type. */
private String internalName;
The internal name of the super type found for this type or null if no such type exists.
/** * The internal name of the super type found for this type or {@code null} if no such type exists. */
private String superClassName;
The generic signature of the type or null if it is not generic.
/** * The generic signature of the type or {@code null} if it is not generic. */
private String genericSignature;
A list of internal names of interfaces implemented by this type or null if no interfaces are implemented.
/** * A list of internal names of interfaces implemented by this type or {@code null} if no interfaces * are implemented. */
private String[] interfaceName;
true if this type was found to represent an anonymous type.
/** * {@code true} if this type was found to represent an anonymous type. */
private boolean anonymousType;
The nest host that was found in the class file or null if no nest host was specified.
/** * The nest host that was found in the class file or {@code null} if no nest host was specified. */
private String nestHost;
A list of nest members that were found in the class file.
/** * A list of nest members that were found in the class file. */
private final List<String> nestMembers;
The declaration context found for this type.
/** * The declaration context found for this type. */
private LazyTypeDescription.TypeContainment typeContainment;
The binary name of this type's declaring type or null if no such type exists.
/** * The binary name of this type's declaring type or {@code null} if no such type exists. */
private String declaringTypeName;
A list of descriptors representing the types that are declared by the parsed type.
/** * A list of descriptors representing the types that are declared by the parsed type. */
private final List<String> declaredTypes;
Creates a new type extractor.
/** * Creates a new type extractor. */
protected TypeExtractor() { super(OpenedClassReader.ASM_API); superTypeAnnotationTokens = new HashMap<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>>(); typeVariableAnnotationTokens = new HashMap<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>>(); typeVariableBoundsAnnotationTokens = new HashMap<Integer, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>>>(); annotationTokens = new ArrayList<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>(); fieldTokens = new ArrayList<LazyTypeDescription.FieldToken>(); methodTokens = new ArrayList<LazyTypeDescription.MethodToken>(); anonymousType = false; typeContainment = LazyTypeDescription.TypeContainment.SelfContained.INSTANCE; nestMembers = new ArrayList<String>(); declaredTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); } @Override @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "EI_EXPOSE_REP2", justification = "The array is not to be modified by contract") public void visit(int classFileVersion, int modifiers, String internalName, String genericSignature, String superClassName, String[] interfaceName) { this.modifiers = modifiers & REAL_MODIFIER_MASK; actualModifiers = modifiers; this.internalName = internalName; this.genericSignature = genericSignature; this.superClassName = superClassName; this.interfaceName = interfaceName; } @Override public void visitOuterClass(String typeName, String methodName, String methodDescriptor) { if (methodName != null) { typeContainment = new LazyTypeDescription.TypeContainment.WithinMethod(typeName, methodName, methodDescriptor); } else if (typeName != null) { typeContainment = new LazyTypeDescription.TypeContainment.WithinType(typeName, true); } } @Override public void visitInnerClass(String internalName, String outerName, String innerName, int modifiers) { if (internalName.equals(this.internalName)) { if (outerName != null) { declaringTypeName = outerName; if (typeContainment.isSelfContained()) { typeContainment = new LazyTypeDescription.TypeContainment.WithinType(outerName, false); } } if (innerName == null && !typeContainment.isSelfContained()) { // Some compilers define this property inconsistently. anonymousType = true; } this.modifiers = modifiers & REAL_MODIFIER_MASK; } else if (outerName != null && innerName != null && outerName.equals(this.internalName)) { declaredTypes.add("L" + internalName + ";"); } } @Override public AnnotationVisitor visitTypeAnnotation(int rawTypeReference, TypePath typePath, String descriptor, boolean visible) { AnnotationRegistrant annotationRegistrant; TypeReference typeReference = new TypeReference(rawTypeReference); switch (typeReference.getSort()) { case TypeReference.CLASS_EXTENDS: annotationRegistrant = new AnnotationRegistrant.ForTypeVariable.WithIndex(descriptor, typePath, typeReference.getSuperTypeIndex(), superTypeAnnotationTokens); break; case TypeReference.CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER: annotationRegistrant = new AnnotationRegistrant.ForTypeVariable.WithIndex(descriptor, typePath, typeReference.getTypeParameterIndex(), typeVariableAnnotationTokens); break; case TypeReference.CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND: annotationRegistrant = new AnnotationRegistrant.ForTypeVariable.WithIndex.DoubleIndexed(descriptor, typePath, typeReference.getTypeParameterBoundIndex(), typeReference.getTypeParameterIndex(), typeVariableBoundsAnnotationTokens); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected type reference: " + typeReference.getSort()); } return new AnnotationExtractor(annotationRegistrant, new ComponentTypeLocator.ForAnnotationProperty(Default.this, descriptor)); } @Override public AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(String descriptor, boolean visible) { return new AnnotationExtractor(descriptor, annotationTokens, new ComponentTypeLocator.ForAnnotationProperty(Default.this, descriptor)); } @Override public FieldVisitor visitField(int modifiers, String internalName, String descriptor, String genericSignature, Object defaultValue) { return new FieldExtractor(modifiers & REAL_MODIFIER_MASK, internalName, descriptor, genericSignature); } @Override public MethodVisitor visitMethod(int modifiers, String internalName, String descriptor, String genericSignature, String[] exceptionName) { return internalName.equals(MethodDescription.TYPE_INITIALIZER_INTERNAL_NAME) ? IGNORE_METHOD : new MethodExtractor(modifiers & REAL_MODIFIER_MASK, internalName, descriptor, genericSignature, exceptionName); } @Override public void visitNestHost(String nestHost) { this.nestHost = nestHost; } @Override public void visitNestMember(String nestMember) { nestMembers.add(nestMember); }
Creates a type description from all data that is currently collected. This method should only be invoked after a class file was parsed fully.
Returns:A type description reflecting the data that was collected by this instance.
/** * Creates a type description from all data that is currently collected. This method should only be invoked * after a class file was parsed fully. * * @return A type description reflecting the data that was collected by this instance. */
protected TypeDescription toTypeDescription() { return new LazyTypeDescription(Default.this, actualModifiers, modifiers, internalName, superClassName, interfaceName, genericSignature, typeContainment, declaringTypeName, declaredTypes, anonymousType, nestHost, nestMembers, superTypeAnnotationTokens, typeVariableAnnotationTokens, typeVariableBoundsAnnotationTokens, annotationTokens, fieldTokens, methodTokens); }
An annotation extractor reads an annotation found in a class field an collects data that is relevant to creating a related annotation description.
/** * An annotation extractor reads an annotation found in a class field an collects data that * is relevant to creating a related annotation description. */
protected class AnnotationExtractor extends AnnotationVisitor {
The annotation registrant to register found annotation values on.
/** * The annotation registrant to register found annotation values on. */
private final AnnotationRegistrant annotationRegistrant;
A locator for the component type of any found annotation value.
/** * A locator for the component type of any found annotation value. */
private final ComponentTypeLocator componentTypeLocator;
Creates a new annotation extractor for a byte code element without an index.
  • descriptor – The annotation descriptor.
  • annotationTokens – The collection for storing any discovered annotation tokens.
  • componentTypeLocator – The component type locator to use.
/** * Creates a new annotation extractor for a byte code element without an index. * * @param descriptor The annotation descriptor. * @param annotationTokens The collection for storing any discovered annotation tokens. * @param componentTypeLocator The component type locator to use. */
protected AnnotationExtractor(String descriptor, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken> annotationTokens, ComponentTypeLocator componentTypeLocator) { this(new AnnotationRegistrant.ForByteCodeElement(descriptor, annotationTokens), componentTypeLocator); }
Creates a new annotation extractor for a byte code element with an index.
  • descriptor – The annotation descriptor.
  • index – The index of the element for which the annotations are collected.
  • annotationTokens – The collection for storing any discovered annotation tokens.
  • componentTypeLocator – The component type locator to use.
/** * Creates a new annotation extractor for a byte code element with an index. * * @param descriptor The annotation descriptor. * @param index The index of the element for which the annotations are collected. * @param annotationTokens The collection for storing any discovered annotation tokens. * @param componentTypeLocator The component type locator to use. */
protected AnnotationExtractor(String descriptor, int index, Map<Integer, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>> annotationTokens, ComponentTypeLocator componentTypeLocator) { this(new AnnotationRegistrant.ForByteCodeElement.WithIndex(descriptor, index, annotationTokens), componentTypeLocator); }
Creates a new annotation extractor.
  • annotationRegistrant – The annotation registrant to register found annotation values on.
  • componentTypeLocator – A locator for the component type of any found annotation value.
/** * Creates a new annotation extractor. * * @param annotationRegistrant The annotation registrant to register found annotation values on. * @param componentTypeLocator A locator for the component type of any found annotation value. */
protected AnnotationExtractor(AnnotationRegistrant annotationRegistrant, ComponentTypeLocator componentTypeLocator) { super(OpenedClassReader.ASM_API); this.annotationRegistrant = annotationRegistrant; this.componentTypeLocator = componentTypeLocator; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void visit(String name, Object value) { annotationRegistrant.register(name, value instanceof Type ? new RawTypeValue(Default.this, (Type) value) : AnnotationValue.ForConstant.of(value)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void visitEnum(String name, String descriptor, String value) { annotationRegistrant.register(name, new RawEnumerationValue(Default.this, descriptor, value)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(String name, String descriptor) { return new AnnotationExtractor(new AnnotationLookup(descriptor, name), new ComponentTypeLocator.ForAnnotationProperty(TypePool.Default.this, descriptor)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public AnnotationVisitor visitArray(String name) { return new AnnotationExtractor(new ArrayLookup(name, componentTypeLocator.bind(name)), ComponentTypeLocator.Illegal.INSTANCE); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void visitEnd() { annotationRegistrant.onComplete(); }
An annotation registrant for registering values of an array.
/** * An annotation registrant for registering values of an array. */
protected class ArrayLookup implements AnnotationRegistrant {
The name of the annotation property the collected array is representing.
/** * The name of the annotation property the collected array is representing. */
private final String name;
A lazy reference to resolve the component type of the collected array.
/** * A lazy reference to resolve the component type of the collected array. */
private final RawDescriptionArray.ComponentTypeReference componentTypeReference;
A list of all annotation values that are found on this array.
/** * A list of all annotation values that are found on this array. */
private final List<AnnotationValue<?, ?>> values;
Creates a new annotation registrant for an array lookup.
  • name – The name of the annotation property the collected array is representing.
  • componentTypeReference – A lazy reference to resolve the component type of the collected array.
/** * Creates a new annotation registrant for an array lookup. * * @param name The name of the annotation property the collected array is representing. * @param componentTypeReference A lazy reference to resolve the component type of the collected array. */
protected ArrayLookup(String name, RawDescriptionArray.ComponentTypeReference componentTypeReference) { this.name = name; this.componentTypeReference = componentTypeReference; values = new ArrayList<AnnotationValue<?, ?>>(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void register(String ignored, AnnotationValue<?, ?> annotationValue) { values.add(annotationValue); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void onComplete() { annotationRegistrant.register(name, new RawDescriptionArray(Default.this, componentTypeReference, values)); } }
An annotation registrant for registering the values on an array that is itself an annotation property.
/** * An annotation registrant for registering the values on an array that is itself an annotation property. */
protected class AnnotationLookup implements AnnotationRegistrant {
The descriptor of the original annotation for which the annotation values are looked up.
/** * The descriptor of the original annotation for which the annotation values are looked up. */
private final String descriptor;
The name of the original annotation for which the annotation values are looked up.
/** * The name of the original annotation for which the annotation values are looked up. */
private final String name;
This annotation's values mapped by their attribute name.
/** * This annotation's values mapped by their attribute name. */
private final Map<String, AnnotationValue<?, ?>> values;
Creates a new annotation registrant for a recursive annotation lookup.
  • name – The name of the original annotation for which the annotation values are looked up.
  • descriptor – The descriptor of the original annotation for which the annotation values are looked up.
/** * Creates a new annotation registrant for a recursive annotation lookup. * * @param name The name of the original annotation for which the annotation values are looked up. * @param descriptor The descriptor of the original annotation for which the annotation values are looked up. */
protected AnnotationLookup(String descriptor, String name) { this.descriptor = descriptor; this.name = name; values = new HashMap<String, AnnotationValue<?, ?>>(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void register(String name, AnnotationValue<?, ?> annotationValue) { values.put(name, annotationValue); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void onComplete() { annotationRegistrant.register(name, new RawAnnotationValue(Default.this, new LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken(descriptor, values))); } } }
A field extractor reads a field within a class file and collects data that is relevant to creating a related field description.
/** * A field extractor reads a field within a class file and collects data that is relevant * to creating a related field description. */
protected class FieldExtractor extends FieldVisitor {
The modifiers found on the field.
/** * The modifiers found on the field. */
private final int modifiers;
The name of the field.
/** * The name of the field. */
private final String internalName;
The descriptor of the field type.
/** * The descriptor of the field type. */
private final String descriptor;
The generic signature of the field or null if it is not generic.
/** * The generic signature of the field or {@code null} if it is not generic. */
private final String genericSignature;
A mapping of the field type's type annotations.
/** * A mapping of the field type's type annotations. */
private final Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>> typeAnnotationTokens;
A list of annotation tokens found for this field.
/** * A list of annotation tokens found for this field. */
private final List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken> annotationTokens;
Creates a new field extractor.
  • modifiers – The modifiers found for this field.
  • internalName – The name of the field.
  • descriptor – The descriptor of the field type.
  • genericSignature – The generic signature of the field or null if it is not generic.
/** * Creates a new field extractor. * * @param modifiers The modifiers found for this field. * @param internalName The name of the field. * @param descriptor The descriptor of the field type. * @param genericSignature The generic signature of the field or {@code null} if it is not generic. */
protected FieldExtractor(int modifiers, String internalName, String descriptor, String genericSignature) { super(OpenedClassReader.ASM_API); this.modifiers = modifiers; this.internalName = internalName; this.descriptor = descriptor; this.genericSignature = genericSignature; typeAnnotationTokens = new HashMap<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>(); annotationTokens = new ArrayList<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>(); } @Override public AnnotationVisitor visitTypeAnnotation(int rawTypeReference, TypePath typePath, String descriptor, boolean visible) { AnnotationRegistrant annotationRegistrant; TypeReference typeReference = new TypeReference(rawTypeReference); switch (typeReference.getSort()) { case TypeReference.FIELD: annotationRegistrant = new AnnotationRegistrant.ForTypeVariable(descriptor, typePath, typeAnnotationTokens); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected type reference on field: " + typeReference.getSort()); } return new AnnotationExtractor(annotationRegistrant, new ComponentTypeLocator.ForAnnotationProperty(Default.this, descriptor)); } @Override public AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(String descriptor, boolean visible) { return new AnnotationExtractor(descriptor, annotationTokens, new ComponentTypeLocator.ForAnnotationProperty(Default.this, descriptor)); } @Override public void visitEnd() { fieldTokens.add(new LazyTypeDescription.FieldToken(internalName, modifiers, descriptor, genericSignature, typeAnnotationTokens, annotationTokens)); } }
A method extractor reads a method within a class file and collects data that is relevant to creating a related method description.
/** * A method extractor reads a method within a class file and collects data that is relevant * to creating a related method description. */
protected class MethodExtractor extends MethodVisitor implements AnnotationRegistrant {
The modifiers found for this method.
/** * The modifiers found for this method. */
private final int modifiers;
The internal name found for this method.
/** * The internal name found for this method. */
private final String internalName;
The descriptor found for this method.
/** * The descriptor found for this method. */
private final String descriptor;
The generic signature of the method or null if it is not generic.
/** * The generic signature of the method or {@code null} if it is not generic. */
private final String genericSignature;
An array of internal names of the exceptions of the found method or null if there are no such exceptions.
/** * An array of internal names of the exceptions of the found method * or {@code null} if there are no such exceptions. */
private final String[] exceptionName;
A mapping of the method's type variables' type annotations by their indices.
/** * A mapping of the method's type variables' type annotations by their indices. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>> typeVariableAnnotationTokens;
A mapping of the method's type variables' bounds' type annotations by their indices and each variable's index.
/** * A mapping of the method's type variables' bounds' type annotations by their indices and each variable's index. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>>> typeVariableBoundAnnotationTokens;
A mapping of the method's return type's type annotations.
/** * A mapping of the method's return type's type annotations. */
private final Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>> returnTypeAnnotationTokens;
A mapping of the parameters' type annotations by their indices.
/** * A mapping of the parameters' type annotations by their indices. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>> parameterTypeAnnotationTokens;
A mapping of the exception types' type annotations by their indices.
/** * A mapping of the exception types' type annotations by their indices. */
private final Map<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>> exceptionTypeAnnotationTokens;
A mapping of the receiver type's type annotations.
/** * A mapping of the receiver type's type annotations. */
private final Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>> receiverTypeAnnotationTokens;
A list of annotation tokens declared on the found method.
/** * A list of annotation tokens declared on the found method. */
private final List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken> annotationTokens;
A mapping of parameter indices to annotation tokens found for the parameters at these indices.
/** * A mapping of parameter indices to annotation tokens found for the parameters at these indices. */
private final Map<Integer, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>> parameterAnnotationTokens;
A list of tokens representing meta information of a parameter as it is available for method's that are compiled in the Java 8 version format.
/** * A list of tokens representing meta information of a parameter as it is available for method's * that are compiled in the Java 8 version format. */
private final List<LazyTypeDescription.MethodToken.ParameterToken> parameterTokens;
A bag of parameter meta information representing debugging information which allows to extract a method's parameter names.
/** * A bag of parameter meta information representing debugging information which allows to extract * a method's parameter names. */
private final ParameterBag legacyParameterBag;
The first label that is found in the method's body, if any, denoting the start of the method. This label can be used to identify names of local variables that describe the method's parameters.
/** * The first label that is found in the method's body, if any, denoting the start of the method. * This label can be used to identify names of local variables that describe the method's parameters. */
private Label firstLabel;
A shift index for visible parameters that indicates a deviation of the actual parameter index.
/** * A shift index for visible parameters that indicates a deviation of the actual parameter index. */
private int visibleParameterShift;
A shift index for invisible parameters that indicates a deviation of the actual parameter index.
/** * A shift index for invisible parameters that indicates a deviation of the actual parameter index. */
private int invisibleParameterShift;
The default value of the found method or null if no such value exists.
/** * The default value of the found method or {@code null} if no such value exists. */
private AnnotationValue<?, ?> defaultValue;
Creates a method extractor.
  • modifiers – The modifiers found for this method.
  • internalName – The internal name found for this method.
  • descriptor – The descriptor found for this method.
  • genericSignature – The generic signature of the method or null if it is not generic.
  • exceptionName – An array of internal names of the exceptions of the found method or null if there are no such exceptions.
/** * Creates a method extractor. * * @param modifiers The modifiers found for this method. * @param internalName The internal name found for this method. * @param descriptor The descriptor found for this method. * @param genericSignature The generic signature of the method or {@code null} if it is not generic. * @param exceptionName An array of internal names of the exceptions of the found method * or {@code null} if there are no such exceptions. */
protected MethodExtractor(int modifiers, String internalName, String descriptor, String genericSignature, String[] exceptionName) { super(OpenedClassReader.ASM_API); this.modifiers = modifiers; this.internalName = internalName; this.descriptor = descriptor; this.genericSignature = genericSignature; this.exceptionName = exceptionName; typeVariableAnnotationTokens = new HashMap<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>>(); typeVariableBoundAnnotationTokens = new HashMap<Integer, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>>>(); returnTypeAnnotationTokens = new HashMap<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>(); parameterTypeAnnotationTokens = new HashMap<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>>(); exceptionTypeAnnotationTokens = new HashMap<Integer, Map<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>>(); receiverTypeAnnotationTokens = new HashMap<String, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>(); annotationTokens = new ArrayList<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>(); parameterAnnotationTokens = new HashMap<Integer, List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>(); parameterTokens = new ArrayList<LazyTypeDescription.MethodToken.ParameterToken>(); legacyParameterBag = new ParameterBag(Type.getMethodType(descriptor).getArgumentTypes()); } @Override public AnnotationVisitor visitTypeAnnotation(int rawTypeReference, TypePath typePath, String descriptor, boolean visible) { AnnotationRegistrant annotationRegistrant; TypeReference typeReference = new TypeReference(rawTypeReference); switch (typeReference.getSort()) { case TypeReference.METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER: annotationRegistrant = new ForTypeVariable.WithIndex(descriptor, typePath, typeReference.getTypeParameterIndex(), typeVariableAnnotationTokens); break; case TypeReference.METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND: annotationRegistrant = new ForTypeVariable.WithIndex.DoubleIndexed(descriptor, typePath, typeReference.getTypeParameterBoundIndex(), typeReference.getTypeParameterIndex(), typeVariableBoundAnnotationTokens); break; case TypeReference.METHOD_RETURN: annotationRegistrant = new ForTypeVariable(descriptor, typePath, returnTypeAnnotationTokens); break; case TypeReference.METHOD_FORMAL_PARAMETER: annotationRegistrant = new ForTypeVariable.WithIndex(descriptor, typePath, typeReference.getFormalParameterIndex(), parameterTypeAnnotationTokens); break; case TypeReference.THROWS: annotationRegistrant = new ForTypeVariable.WithIndex(descriptor, typePath, typeReference.getExceptionIndex(), exceptionTypeAnnotationTokens); break; case TypeReference.METHOD_RECEIVER: annotationRegistrant = new ForTypeVariable(descriptor, typePath, receiverTypeAnnotationTokens); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected type reference on method: " + typeReference.getSort()); } return new AnnotationExtractor(annotationRegistrant, new ComponentTypeLocator.ForAnnotationProperty(Default.this, descriptor)); } @Override public AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(String descriptor, boolean visible) { return new AnnotationExtractor(descriptor, annotationTokens, new ComponentTypeLocator.ForAnnotationProperty(Default.this, descriptor)); } @Override public void visitAnnotableParameterCount(int count, boolean visible) { if (visible) { visibleParameterShift = Type.getMethodType(descriptor).getArgumentTypes().length - count; } else { invisibleParameterShift = Type.getMethodType(descriptor).getArgumentTypes().length - count; } } @Override public AnnotationVisitor visitParameterAnnotation(int index, String descriptor, boolean visible) { return new AnnotationExtractor(descriptor, index + (visible ? visibleParameterShift : invisibleParameterShift), parameterAnnotationTokens, new ComponentTypeLocator.ForAnnotationProperty(Default.this, descriptor)); } @Override public void visitLabel(Label label) { if (readerMode.isExtended() && firstLabel == null) { firstLabel = label; } } @Override public void visitLocalVariable(String name, String descriptor, String signature, Label start, Label end, int index) { if (readerMode.isExtended() && start == firstLabel) { legacyParameterBag.register(index, name); } } @Override public void visitParameter(String name, int modifiers) { parameterTokens.add(new LazyTypeDescription.MethodToken.ParameterToken(name, modifiers)); } @Override public AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotationDefault() { return new AnnotationExtractor(this, new ComponentTypeLocator.ForArrayType(descriptor)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void register(String ignored, AnnotationValue<?, ?> annotationValue) { defaultValue = annotationValue; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void onComplete() { /* do nothing, as the register method is called at most once for default values */ } @Override public void visitEnd() { methodTokens.add(new LazyTypeDescription.MethodToken(internalName, modifiers, descriptor, genericSignature, exceptionName, typeVariableAnnotationTokens, typeVariableBoundAnnotationTokens, returnTypeAnnotationTokens, parameterTypeAnnotationTokens, exceptionTypeAnnotationTokens, receiverTypeAnnotationTokens, annotationTokens, parameterAnnotationTokens, parameterTokens.isEmpty() ? legacyParameterBag.resolve((modifiers & Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) != 0) : parameterTokens, defaultValue)); } } } }
A lazy facade of a type pool that delegates any lookups to another type pool only if another value than the type's name is looked up.
/** * A lazy facade of a type pool that delegates any lookups to another type pool only if another value than the type's name is looked up. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class LazyFacade extends AbstractBase {
The type pool to delegate to.
/** * The type pool to delegate to. */
private final TypePool typePool;
Creates a lazy facade for a type pool.
  • typePool – The type pool to delegate to.
/** * Creates a lazy facade for a type pool. * * @param typePool The type pool to delegate to. */
public LazyFacade(TypePool typePool) { super(CacheProvider.NoOp.INSTANCE); this.typePool = typePool; } @Override protected Resolution doDescribe(String name) { return new LazyResolution(typePool, name); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void clear() { typePool.clear(); }
The lazy resolution for a lazy facade for a type pool.
/** * The lazy resolution for a lazy facade for a type pool. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance protected static class LazyResolution implements Resolution {
The type pool to delegate to.
/** * The type pool to delegate to. */
private final TypePool typePool;
The name of the type that is represented by this resolution.
/** * The name of the type that is represented by this resolution. */
private final String name;
Creates a lazy resolution for a lazy facade for a type pool.
  • typePool – The type pool to delegate to.
  • name – The name of the type that is represented by this resolution.
/** * Creates a lazy resolution for a lazy facade for a type pool. * * @param typePool The type pool to delegate to. * @param name The name of the type that is represented by this resolution. */
protected LazyResolution(TypePool typePool, String name) { this.typePool = typePool; this.name = name; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isResolved() { return typePool.describe(name).isResolved(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription resolve() { return new LazyTypeDescription(typePool, name); } }
A description of a type that delegates to another type pool once a property that is not the name is resolved.
/** * A description of a type that delegates to another type pool once a property that is not the name is resolved. */
protected static class LazyTypeDescription extends TypeDescription.AbstractBase.OfSimpleType.WithDelegation {
The type pool to delegate to.
/** * The type pool to delegate to. */
private final TypePool typePool;
The name of the type that is represented by this resolution.
/** * The name of the type that is represented by this resolution. */
private final String name;
Creates a new lazy type resolution.
  • typePool – The type pool to delegate to.
  • name – The name of the type.
/** * Creates a new lazy type resolution. * * @param typePool The type pool to delegate to. * @param name The name of the type. */
protected LazyTypeDescription(TypePool typePool, String name) { this.typePool = typePool; this.name = name; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public String getName() { return name; } @Override @CachedReturnPlugin.Enhance("delegate") protected TypeDescription delegate() { return typePool.describe(name).resolve(); } } }
A type pool that attempts to load a class.
/** * A type pool that attempts to load a class. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class ClassLoading extends AbstractBase.Hierarchical {
Type-safe representation of the bootstrap class loader which is null.
/** * Type-safe representation of the bootstrap class loader which is {@code null}. */
private static final ClassLoader BOOTSTRAP_CLASS_LOADER = null;
The class loader to query.
/** * The class loader to query. */
private final ClassLoader classLoader;
Creates a class loadings type pool.
  • cacheProvider – The cache provider to use.
  • parent – The parent type pool.
  • classLoader – The class loader to use for locating files.
/** * Creates a class loadings type pool. * * @param cacheProvider The cache provider to use. * @param parent The parent type pool. * @param classLoader The class loader to use for locating files. */
public ClassLoading(CacheProvider cacheProvider, TypePool parent, ClassLoader classLoader) { super(cacheProvider, parent); this.classLoader = classLoader; }
Returns a type pool that attempts type descriptions by loadings types from the given class loader.
  • classLoader – The class loader to use.
Returns:An class loading type pool.
/** * Returns a type pool that attempts type descriptions by loadings types from the given class loader. * * @param classLoader The class loader to use. * @return An class loading type pool. */
public static TypePool of(ClassLoader classLoader) { return of(classLoader, Empty.INSTANCE); }
Returns a type pool that attempts type descriptions by loadings types from the given class loader.
  • classLoader – The class loader to use.
  • parent – The parent type pool to use.
Returns:An class loading type pool.
/** * Returns a type pool that attempts type descriptions by loadings types from the given class loader. * * @param classLoader The class loader to use. * @param parent The parent type pool to use. * @return An class loading type pool. */
public static TypePool of(ClassLoader classLoader, TypePool parent) { return new ClassLoading(CacheProvider.NoOp.INSTANCE, parent, classLoader); }
Returns a type pool that attempts type descriptions by loadings types from the system class loader.
Returns:An class loading type pool for the system class loader.
/** * Returns a type pool that attempts type descriptions by loadings types from the system class loader. * * @return An class loading type pool for the system class loader. */
public static TypePool ofSystemLoader() { return of(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()); }
Returns a type pool that attempts type descriptions by loadings types from the platform class loader. If the current VM is Java 8 or older, the extension class loader is represented instead.
Returns:An class loading type pool for the system class loader.
/** * Returns a type pool that attempts type descriptions by loadings types from the platform class loader. * If the current VM is Java 8 or older, the extension class loader is represented instead. * * @return An class loading type pool for the system class loader. */
public static TypePool ofPlatformLoader() { return of(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getParent()); }
Returns a type pool that attempts type descriptions by loadings types from the bootstrap class loader.
Returns:An class loading type pool for the bootstrap class loader.
/** * Returns a type pool that attempts type descriptions by loadings types from the bootstrap class loader. * * @return An class loading type pool for the bootstrap class loader. */
public static TypePool ofBootLoader() { return of(BOOTSTRAP_CLASS_LOADER); } @Override protected Resolution doDescribe(String name) { try { return new Resolution.Simple(TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(Class.forName(name, false, classLoader))); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) { return new Resolution.Illegal(name); } } }
A type pool that supplies explicitly known type descriptions.
/** * A type pool that supplies explicitly known type descriptions. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance class Explicit extends AbstractBase.Hierarchical {
A mapping from type names to type descriptions of that name.
/** * A mapping from type names to type descriptions of that name. */
private final Map<String, TypeDescription> types;
Creates a new explicit type pool without a parent.
  • types – A mapping from type names to type descriptions of that name.
/** * Creates a new explicit type pool without a parent. * * @param types A mapping from type names to type descriptions of that name. */
public Explicit(Map<String, TypeDescription> types) { this(Empty.INSTANCE, types); }
Creates a new explicit type pool.
  • parent – The parent type pool.
  • types – A mapping from type names to type descriptions of that name.
/** * Creates a new explicit type pool. * * @param parent The parent type pool. * @param types A mapping from type names to type descriptions of that name. */
public Explicit(TypePool parent, Map<String, TypeDescription> types) { super(CacheProvider.NoOp.INSTANCE, parent); this.types = types; } @Override protected Resolution doDescribe(String name) { TypeDescription typeDescription = types.get(name); return typeDescription == null ? new Resolution.Illegal(name) : new Resolution.Simple(typeDescription); } } }