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package com.sun.tools.javadoc.main;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.tools.JavaFileManager;
import javax.tools.JavaFileManager.Location;
import javax.tools.JavaFileObject;
import javax.tools.StandardJavaFileManager;
import javax.tools.StandardLocation;

import com.sun.tools.javac.code.ClassFinder;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.Completer;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.ModuleSymbol;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.PackageSymbol;
import com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Enter;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCClassDecl;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCCompilationUnit;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Abort;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Context;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.List;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.ListBuffer;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Name;

This class could be the main entry point for Javadoc when Javadoc is used as a component in a larger software system. It provides operations to construct a new javadoc processor, and to run it on a set of source files.

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice. @author Neal Gafter

/** * This class could be the main entry point for Javadoc when Javadoc is used as a * component in a larger software system. It provides operations to * construct a new javadoc processor, and to run it on a set of source * files. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> * * @author Neal Gafter */
@Deprecated public class JavadocTool extends com.sun.tools.javac.main.JavaCompiler { DocEnv docenv; final Messager messager; final ClassFinder javadocFinder; final Enter javadocEnter; final Set<JavaFileObject> uniquefiles;
Construct a new JavaCompiler processor, using appropriately extended phases of the underlying compiler.
/** * Construct a new JavaCompiler processor, using appropriately * extended phases of the underlying compiler. */
protected JavadocTool(Context context) { super(context); messager = Messager.instance0(context); javadocFinder = JavadocClassFinder.instance(context); javadocEnter = JavadocEnter.instance(context); uniquefiles = new HashSet<>(); }
For javadoc, the parser needs to keep comments. Overrides method from JavaCompiler.
/** * For javadoc, the parser needs to keep comments. Overrides method from JavaCompiler. */
@Override protected boolean keepComments() { return true; }
Construct a new javadoc tool.
/** * Construct a new javadoc tool. */
public static JavadocTool make0(Context context) { // force the use of Javadoc's class finder JavadocClassFinder.preRegister(context); // force the use of Javadoc's own enter phase JavadocEnter.preRegister(context); // force the use of Javadoc's own member enter phase JavadocMemberEnter.preRegister(context); // force the use of Javadoc's own todo phase JavadocTodo.preRegister(context); // force the use of Messager as a Log Messager.instance0(context); return new JavadocTool(context); } public RootDocImpl getRootDocImpl(String doclocale, String encoding, ModifierFilter filter, List<String> args, List<String[]> options, Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> fileObjects, boolean breakiterator, List<String> subPackages, List<String> excludedPackages, boolean docClasses, boolean legacyDoclet, boolean quiet) throws IOException { docenv = DocEnv.instance(context); docenv.showAccess = filter; docenv.quiet = quiet; docenv.breakiterator = breakiterator; docenv.setLocale(doclocale); docenv.setEncoding(encoding); docenv.docClasses = docClasses; docenv.legacyDoclet = legacyDoclet; javadocFinder.sourceCompleter = docClasses ? Completer.NULL_COMPLETER : sourceCompleter; if (docClasses) { // If -Xclasses is set, the args should be a series of class names for (String arg: args) { if (!isValidPackageName(arg)) // checks docenv.error(null, "main.illegal_class_name", arg); } if (messager.nerrors() != 0) { return null; } return new RootDocImpl(docenv, args, options); } ListBuffer<JCCompilationUnit> classTrees = new ListBuffer<>(); Set<String> includedPackages = new LinkedHashSet<>(); try { StandardJavaFileManager fm = docenv.fileManager instanceof StandardJavaFileManager ? (StandardJavaFileManager) docenv.fileManager : null; Set<String> packageNames = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // Normally, the args should be a series of package names or file names. // Parse the files and collect the package names. for (String arg: args) { if (fm != null && arg.endsWith(".java") && new File(arg).exists()) { if (new File(arg).getName().equals("module-info.java")) { docenv.warning(null, "main.file_ignored", arg); } else { parse(fm.getJavaFileObjects(arg), classTrees, true); } } else if (isValidPackageName(arg)) { packageNames.add(arg); } else if (arg.endsWith(".java")) { if (fm == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); else docenv.error(null, "main.file_not_found", arg); } else { docenv.error(null, "main.illegal_package_name", arg); } } // Parse file objects provide via the DocumentationTool API parse(fileObjects, classTrees, true); modules.initModules(classTrees.toList()); // Build up the complete list of any packages to be documented Location location = modules.multiModuleMode ? StandardLocation.MODULE_SOURCE_PATH : docenv.fileManager.hasLocation(StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH) ? StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH : StandardLocation.CLASS_PATH; PackageTable t = new PackageTable(docenv.fileManager, location) .packages(packageNames) .subpackages(subPackages, excludedPackages); includedPackages = t.getIncludedPackages(); // Parse the files in the packages to be documented ListBuffer<JCCompilationUnit> packageTrees = new ListBuffer<>(); for (String packageName: includedPackages) { List<JavaFileObject> files = t.getFiles(packageName); docenv.notice("main.Loading_source_files_for_package", packageName); if (files.isEmpty()) messager.warning(Messager.NOPOS, "main.no_source_files_for_package", packageName); parse(files, packageTrees, false); } modules.enter(packageTrees.toList(), null); if (messager.nerrors() != 0) { return null; } // Enter symbols for all files docenv.notice("main.Building_tree"); javadocEnter.main(classTrees.toList().appendList(packageTrees.toList())); } catch (Abort ex) {} if (messager.nerrors() != 0) return null; return new RootDocImpl(docenv, listClasses(classTrees.toList()), List.from(includedPackages), options); }
Is the given string a valid package name?
/** Is the given string a valid package name? */
boolean isValidPackageName(String s) { int index; while ((index = s.indexOf('.')) != -1) { if (!isValidClassName(s.substring(0, index))) return false; s = s.substring(index+1); } return isValidClassName(s); } private void parse(Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> files, ListBuffer<JCCompilationUnit> trees, boolean trace) { for (JavaFileObject fo: files) { if (uniquefiles.add(fo)) { // ignore duplicates if (trace) docenv.notice("main.Loading_source_file", fo.getName()); trees.append(parse(fo)); } } }
Are surrogates supported?
/** Are surrogates supported? */
final static boolean surrogatesSupported = surrogatesSupported(); private static boolean surrogatesSupported() { try { boolean b = Character.isHighSurrogate('a'); return true; } catch (NoSuchMethodError ex) { return false; } }
Return true if given file name is a valid class name (including "package-info").
  • s – the name of the class to check.
Returns:true if given class name is a valid class name and false otherwise.
/** * Return true if given file name is a valid class name * (including "package-info"). * @param s the name of the class to check. * @return true if given class name is a valid class name * and false otherwise. */
public static boolean isValidClassName(String s) { if (s.length() < 1) return false; if (s.equals("package-info")) return true; if (surrogatesSupported) { int cp = s.codePointAt(0); if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(cp)) return false; for (int j=Character.charCount(cp); j<s.length(); j+=Character.charCount(cp)) { cp = s.codePointAt(j); if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(cp)) return false; } } else { if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(s.charAt(0))) return false; for (int j=1; j<s.length(); j++) if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(j))) return false; } return true; }
From a list of top level trees, return the list of contained class definitions
/** * From a list of top level trees, return the list of contained class definitions */
List<JCClassDecl> listClasses(List<JCCompilationUnit> trees) { ListBuffer<JCClassDecl> result = new ListBuffer<>(); for (JCCompilationUnit t : trees) { for (JCTree def : t.defs) { if (def.hasTag(JCTree.Tag.CLASSDEF)) result.append((JCClassDecl)def); } } return result.toList(); }
A table to manage included and excluded packages.
/** * A table to manage included and excluded packages. */
class PackageTable { private final Map<String, Entry> entries = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private final Set<String> includedPackages = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private final JavaFileManager fm; private final Location location; private final Set<JavaFileObject.Kind> sourceKinds = EnumSet.of(JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE);
Creates a table to manage included and excluded packages.
  • fm – The file manager used to locate source files
  • locn – the location used to locate source files
/** * Creates a table to manage included and excluded packages. * @param fm The file manager used to locate source files * @param locn the location used to locate source files */
PackageTable(JavaFileManager fm, Location locn) { this.fm = fm; this.location = locn; getEntry("").excluded = false; } PackageTable packages(Collection<String> packageNames) { includedPackages.addAll(packageNames); return this; } PackageTable subpackages(Collection<String> packageNames, Collection<String> excludePackageNames) throws IOException { for (String p: excludePackageNames) { getEntry(p).excluded = true; } for (String packageName: packageNames) { Location packageLocn = getLocation(packageName); for (JavaFileObject fo: fm.list(packageLocn, packageName, sourceKinds, true)) { String binaryName = fm.inferBinaryName(packageLocn, fo); String pn = getPackageName(binaryName); String simpleName = getSimpleName(binaryName); Entry e = getEntry(pn); if (!e.isExcluded() && isValidClassName(simpleName)) { includedPackages.add(pn); e.files = (e.files == null ? List.of(fo) : e.files.prepend(fo)); } } } return this; }
Returns the aggregate set of included packages.
Returns:the aggregate set of included packages
/** * Returns the aggregate set of included packages. * @return the aggregate set of included packages */
Set<String> getIncludedPackages() { return includedPackages; }
Returns the set of source files for a package.
  • packageName – the specified package
  • IOException – if an error occurs while accessing the files
Returns:the set of file objects for the specified package
/** * Returns the set of source files for a package. * @param packageName the specified package * @return the set of file objects for the specified package * @throws IOException if an error occurs while accessing the files */
List<JavaFileObject> getFiles(String packageName) throws IOException { Entry e = getEntry(packageName); // The files may have been found as a side effect of searching for subpackages if (e.files != null) return e.files; ListBuffer<JavaFileObject> lb = new ListBuffer<>(); Location packageLocn = getLocation(packageName); for (JavaFileObject fo: fm.list(packageLocn, packageName, sourceKinds, false)) { String binaryName = fm.inferBinaryName(packageLocn, fo); String simpleName = getSimpleName(binaryName); if (isValidClassName(simpleName)) { lb.append(fo); } } return lb.toList(); } private Location getLocation(String packageName) throws IOException { if (location == StandardLocation.MODULE_SOURCE_PATH) { // TODO: handle invalid results Name pack = names.fromString(packageName); for (ModuleSymbol msym : modules.allModules()) { PackageSymbol p = syms.getPackage(msym, pack); if (p != null && !p.members().isEmpty()) { return fm.getLocationForModule(location, msym.name.toString()); } } return null; } else { return location; } } private Entry getEntry(String name) { Entry e = entries.get(name); if (e == null) entries.put(name, e = new Entry(name)); return e; } private String getPackageName(String name) { int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf("."); return (lastDot == -1 ? "" : name.substring(0, lastDot)); } private String getSimpleName(String name) { int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf("."); return (lastDot == -1 ? name : name.substring(lastDot + 1)); } class Entry { final String name; Boolean excluded; List<JavaFileObject> files; Entry(String name) { this.name = name; } boolean isExcluded() { if (excluded == null) excluded = getEntry(getPackageName(name)).isExcluded(); return excluded; } } } }