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package com.sun.tools.doclets.formats.html;

import com.sun.javadoc.*;
import com.sun.tools.doclets.formats.html.markup.*;
import com.sun.tools.doclets.internal.toolkit.*;
import com.sun.tools.doclets.internal.toolkit.util.*;

Print method and constructor info.

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

Author:Robert Field, Atul M Dambalkar, Bhavesh Patel (Modified)
/** * Print method and constructor info. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> * * @author Robert Field * @author Atul M Dambalkar * @author Bhavesh Patel (Modified) */
@Deprecated public abstract class AbstractExecutableMemberWriter extends AbstractMemberWriter { public AbstractExecutableMemberWriter(SubWriterHolderWriter writer, ClassDoc classdoc) { super(writer, classdoc); } public AbstractExecutableMemberWriter(SubWriterHolderWriter writer) { super(writer); }
Add the type parameters for the executable member.
  • member – the member to write type parameters for.
  • htmltree – the content tree to which the parameters will be added.
/** * Add the type parameters for the executable member. * * @param member the member to write type parameters for. * @param htmltree the content tree to which the parameters will be added. */
protected void addTypeParameters(ExecutableMemberDoc member, Content htmltree) { Content typeParameters = getTypeParameters(member); if (!typeParameters.isEmpty()) { htmltree.addContent(typeParameters); htmltree.addContent(writer.getSpace()); } }
Get the type parameters for the executable member.
  • member – the member for which to get the type parameters.
Returns:the type parameters.
/** * Get the type parameters for the executable member. * * @param member the member for which to get the type parameters. * @return the type parameters. */
protected Content getTypeParameters(ExecutableMemberDoc member) { LinkInfoImpl linkInfo = new LinkInfoImpl(configuration, LinkInfoImpl.Kind.MEMBER_TYPE_PARAMS, member); return writer.getTypeParameterLinks(linkInfo); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
protected Content getDeprecatedLink(ProgramElementDoc member) { ExecutableMemberDoc emd = (ExecutableMemberDoc)member; return writer.getDocLink(LinkInfoImpl.Kind.MEMBER, (MemberDoc) emd, emd.qualifiedName() + emd.flatSignature()); }
Add the summary link for the member.
  • context – the id of the context where the link will be printed
  • cd – the classDoc that we should link to
  • member – the member being linked to
  • tdSummary – the content tree to which the link will be added
/** * Add the summary link for the member. * * @param context the id of the context where the link will be printed * @param cd the classDoc that we should link to * @param member the member being linked to * @param tdSummary the content tree to which the link will be added */
protected void addSummaryLink(LinkInfoImpl.Kind context, ClassDoc cd, ProgramElementDoc member, Content tdSummary) { ExecutableMemberDoc emd = (ExecutableMemberDoc)member; String name = emd.name(); Content memberLink = HtmlTree.SPAN(HtmlStyle.memberNameLink, writer.getDocLink(context, cd, (MemberDoc) emd, name, false)); Content code = HtmlTree.CODE(memberLink); addParameters(emd, false, code, name.length() - 1); tdSummary.addContent(code); }
Add the inherited summary link for the member.
  • cd – the classDoc that we should link to
  • member – the member being linked to
  • linksTree – the content tree to which the link will be added
/** * Add the inherited summary link for the member. * * @param cd the classDoc that we should link to * @param member the member being linked to * @param linksTree the content tree to which the link will be added */
protected void addInheritedSummaryLink(ClassDoc cd, ProgramElementDoc member, Content linksTree) { linksTree.addContent( writer.getDocLink(LinkInfoImpl.Kind.MEMBER, cd, (MemberDoc) member, member.name(), false)); }
Add the parameter for the executable member.
  • member – the member to write parameter for.
  • param – the parameter that needs to be written.
  • isVarArg – true if this is a link to var arg.
  • tree – the content tree to which the parameter information will be added.
/** * Add the parameter for the executable member. * * @param member the member to write parameter for. * @param param the parameter that needs to be written. * @param isVarArg true if this is a link to var arg. * @param tree the content tree to which the parameter information will be added. */
protected void addParam(ExecutableMemberDoc member, Parameter param, boolean isVarArg, Content tree) { if (param.type() != null) { Content link = writer.getLink(new LinkInfoImpl( configuration, LinkInfoImpl.Kind.EXECUTABLE_MEMBER_PARAM, param.type()).varargs(isVarArg)); tree.addContent(link); } if(param.name().length() > 0) { tree.addContent(writer.getSpace()); tree.addContent(param.name()); } }
Add the receiver annotations information.
  • member – the member to write receiver annotations for.
  • rcvrType – the receiver type.
  • descList – list of annotation description.
  • tree – the content tree to which the information will be added.
/** * Add the receiver annotations information. * * @param member the member to write receiver annotations for. * @param rcvrType the receiver type. * @param descList list of annotation description. * @param tree the content tree to which the information will be added. */
protected void addReceiverAnnotations(ExecutableMemberDoc member, Type rcvrType, AnnotationDesc[] descList, Content tree) { writer.addReceiverAnnotationInfo(member, descList, tree); tree.addContent(writer.getSpace()); tree.addContent(rcvrType.typeName()); LinkInfoImpl linkInfo = new LinkInfoImpl(configuration, LinkInfoImpl.Kind.CLASS_SIGNATURE, rcvrType); tree.addContent(writer.getTypeParameterLinks(linkInfo)); tree.addContent(writer.getSpace()); tree.addContent("this"); }
Add all the parameters for the executable member.
  • member – the member to write parameters for.
  • htmltree – the content tree to which the parameters information will be added.
/** * Add all the parameters for the executable member. * * @param member the member to write parameters for. * @param htmltree the content tree to which the parameters information will be added. */
protected void addParameters(ExecutableMemberDoc member, Content htmltree, int indentSize) { addParameters(member, true, htmltree, indentSize); }
Add all the parameters for the executable member.
  • member – the member to write parameters for.
  • includeAnnotations – true if annotation information needs to be added.
  • htmltree – the content tree to which the parameters information will be added.
/** * Add all the parameters for the executable member. * * @param member the member to write parameters for. * @param includeAnnotations true if annotation information needs to be added. * @param htmltree the content tree to which the parameters information will be added. */
protected void addParameters(ExecutableMemberDoc member, boolean includeAnnotations, Content htmltree, int indentSize) { htmltree.addContent("("); String sep = ""; Parameter[] params = member.parameters(); String indent = makeSpace(indentSize + 1); Type rcvrType = member.receiverType(); if (includeAnnotations && rcvrType instanceof AnnotatedType) { AnnotationDesc[] descList = rcvrType.asAnnotatedType().annotations(); if (descList.length > 0) { addReceiverAnnotations(member, rcvrType, descList, htmltree); sep = "," + DocletConstants.NL + indent; } } int paramstart; for (paramstart = 0; paramstart < params.length; paramstart++) { htmltree.addContent(sep); Parameter param = params[paramstart]; if (!param.name().startsWith("this$")) { if (includeAnnotations) { boolean foundAnnotations = writer.addAnnotationInfo(indent.length(), member, param, htmltree); if (foundAnnotations) { htmltree.addContent(DocletConstants.NL); htmltree.addContent(indent); } } addParam(member, param, (paramstart == params.length - 1) && member.isVarArgs(), htmltree); break; } } for (int i = paramstart + 1; i < params.length; i++) { htmltree.addContent(","); htmltree.addContent(DocletConstants.NL); htmltree.addContent(indent); if (includeAnnotations) { boolean foundAnnotations = writer.addAnnotationInfo(indent.length(), member, params[i], htmltree); if (foundAnnotations) { htmltree.addContent(DocletConstants.NL); htmltree.addContent(indent); } } addParam(member, params[i], (i == params.length - 1) && member.isVarArgs(), htmltree); } htmltree.addContent(")"); }
Add exceptions for the executable member.
  • member – the member to write exceptions for.
  • htmltree – the content tree to which the exceptions information will be added.
/** * Add exceptions for the executable member. * * @param member the member to write exceptions for. * @param htmltree the content tree to which the exceptions information will be added. */
protected void addExceptions(ExecutableMemberDoc member, Content htmltree, int indentSize) { Type[] exceptions = member.thrownExceptionTypes(); if (exceptions.length > 0) { LinkInfoImpl memberTypeParam = new LinkInfoImpl(configuration, LinkInfoImpl.Kind.MEMBER, member); String indent = makeSpace(indentSize + 1 - 7); htmltree.addContent(DocletConstants.NL); htmltree.addContent(indent); htmltree.addContent("throws "); indent = makeSpace(indentSize + 1); Content link = writer.getLink(new LinkInfoImpl(configuration, LinkInfoImpl.Kind.MEMBER, exceptions[0])); htmltree.addContent(link); for(int i = 1; i < exceptions.length; i++) { htmltree.addContent(","); htmltree.addContent(DocletConstants.NL); htmltree.addContent(indent); Content exceptionLink = writer.getLink(new LinkInfoImpl( configuration, LinkInfoImpl.Kind.MEMBER, exceptions[i])); htmltree.addContent(exceptionLink); } } } protected ClassDoc implementsMethodInIntfac(MethodDoc method, ClassDoc[] intfacs) { for (ClassDoc intf : intfacs) { MethodDoc[] methods = intf.methods(); if (methods.length > 0) { for (MethodDoc md : methods) { if (md.name().equals(method.name()) && md.signature().equals(method.signature())) { return intf; } } } } return null; }
For backward compatibility, include an anchor using the erasures of the parameters. NOTE: We won't need this method anymore after we fix see tags so that they use the type instead of the erasure.
  • emd – the ExecutableMemberDoc to anchor to.
Returns:the 1.4.x style anchor for the ExecutableMemberDoc.
/** * For backward compatibility, include an anchor using the erasures of the * parameters. NOTE: We won't need this method anymore after we fix * see tags so that they use the type instead of the erasure. * * @param emd the ExecutableMemberDoc to anchor to. * @return the 1.4.x style anchor for the ExecutableMemberDoc. */
protected String getErasureAnchor(ExecutableMemberDoc emd) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(emd.name() + "("); Parameter[] params = emd.parameters(); boolean foundTypeVariable = false; for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { buf.append(","); } Type t = params[i].type(); foundTypeVariable = foundTypeVariable || t.asTypeVariable() != null; buf.append(t.isPrimitive() ? t.typeName() : t.asClassDoc().qualifiedName()); buf.append(t.dimension()); } buf.append(")"); return foundTypeVariable ? writer.getName(buf.toString()) : null; } }