 * Copyright (c) 1997, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
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 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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package com.sun.tools.doclets.formats.html;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

import com.sun.javadoc.*;
import com.sun.tools.doclets.formats.html.markup.*;
import com.sun.tools.doclets.internal.toolkit.*;
import com.sun.tools.doclets.internal.toolkit.util.*;

This abstract class exists to provide functionality needed in the the formatting of member information. Since AbstractSubWriter and its subclasses control this, they would be the logical place to put this. However, because each member type has its own subclass, subclassing can not be used effectively to change formatting. The concrete class subclass of this class can be subclassed to change formatting.

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

Author:Robert Field, Atul M Dambalkar, Bhavesh Patel (Modified)
See Also:
/** * This abstract class exists to provide functionality needed in the * the formatting of member information. Since AbstractSubWriter and its * subclasses control this, they would be the logical place to put this. * However, because each member type has its own subclass, subclassing * can not be used effectively to change formatting. The concrete * class subclass of this class can be subclassed to change formatting. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> * * @see AbstractMemberWriter * @see ClassWriterImpl * * @author Robert Field * @author Atul M Dambalkar * @author Bhavesh Patel (Modified) */
@Deprecated public abstract class SubWriterHolderWriter extends HtmlDocletWriter {
The HTML tree for main tag.
/** * The HTML tree for main tag. */
protected HtmlTree mainTree = HtmlTree.MAIN(); public SubWriterHolderWriter(ConfigurationImpl configuration, DocPath filename) throws IOException { super(configuration, filename); }
Add the summary header.
  • mw – the writer for the member being documented
  • cd – the classdoc to be documented
  • memberTree – the content tree to which the summary header will be added
/** * Add the summary header. * * @param mw the writer for the member being documented * @param cd the classdoc to be documented * @param memberTree the content tree to which the summary header will be added */
public void addSummaryHeader(AbstractMemberWriter mw, ClassDoc cd, Content memberTree) { mw.addSummaryAnchor(cd, memberTree); mw.addSummaryLabel(memberTree); }
Get the summary table.
  • mw – the writer for the member being documented
  • cd – the classdoc to be documented
  • tableContents – list of summary table contents
  • showTabs – true if the table needs to show tabs
Returns:the content tree for the summary table
/** * Get the summary table. * * @param mw the writer for the member being documented * @param cd the classdoc to be documented * @param tableContents list of summary table contents * @param showTabs true if the table needs to show tabs * @return the content tree for the summary table */
public Content getSummaryTableTree(AbstractMemberWriter mw, ClassDoc cd, List<Content> tableContents, boolean showTabs) { Content caption; if (showTabs) { caption = getTableCaption(mw.methodTypes); generateMethodTypesScript(mw.typeMap, mw.methodTypes); } else { caption = getTableCaption(mw.getCaption()); } Content table = (configuration.isOutputHtml5()) ? HtmlTree.TABLE(HtmlStyle.memberSummary, caption) : HtmlTree.TABLE(HtmlStyle.memberSummary, mw.getTableSummary(), caption); table.addContent(getSummaryTableHeader(mw.getSummaryTableHeader(cd), "col")); for (Content tableContent : tableContents) { table.addContent(tableContent); } return table; }
Get the summary table caption.
  • methodTypes – set comprising of method types to show as table caption
Returns:the caption for the summary table
/** * Get the summary table caption. * * @param methodTypes set comprising of method types to show as table caption * @return the caption for the summary table */
public Content getTableCaption(Set<MethodTypes> methodTypes) { Content tabbedCaption = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.CAPTION); for (MethodTypes type : methodTypes) { Content captionSpan; Content span; if (type.isDefaultTab()) { captionSpan = HtmlTree.SPAN(configuration.getResource(type.resourceKey())); span = HtmlTree.SPAN(type.tabId(), HtmlStyle.activeTableTab, captionSpan); } else { captionSpan = HtmlTree.SPAN(getMethodTypeLinks(type)); span = HtmlTree.SPAN(type.tabId(), HtmlStyle.tableTab, captionSpan); } Content tabSpan = HtmlTree.SPAN(HtmlStyle.tabEnd, getSpace()); span.addContent(tabSpan); tabbedCaption.addContent(span); } return tabbedCaption; }
Get the method type links for the table caption.
  • methodType – the method type to be displayed as link
Returns:the content tree for the method type link
/** * Get the method type links for the table caption. * * @param methodType the method type to be displayed as link * @return the content tree for the method type link */
public Content getMethodTypeLinks(MethodTypes methodType) { String jsShow = "javascript:show(" + methodType.value() +");"; HtmlTree link = HtmlTree.A(jsShow, configuration.getResource(methodType.resourceKey())); return link; }
Add the inherited summary header.
  • mw – the writer for the member being documented
  • cd – the classdoc to be documented
  • inheritedTree – the content tree to which the inherited summary header will be added
/** * Add the inherited summary header. * * @param mw the writer for the member being documented * @param cd the classdoc to be documented * @param inheritedTree the content tree to which the inherited summary header will be added */
public void addInheritedSummaryHeader(AbstractMemberWriter mw, ClassDoc cd, Content inheritedTree) { mw.addInheritedSummaryAnchor(cd, inheritedTree); mw.addInheritedSummaryLabel(cd, inheritedTree); }
Add the index comment.
  • member – the member being documented
  • contentTree – the content tree to which the comment will be added
/** * Add the index comment. * * @param member the member being documented * @param contentTree the content tree to which the comment will be added */
protected void addIndexComment(Doc member, Content contentTree) { addIndexComment(member, member.firstSentenceTags(), contentTree); }
Add the index comment.
  • member – the member being documented
  • firstSentenceTags – the first sentence tags for the member to be documented
  • tdSummary – the content tree to which the comment will be added
/** * Add the index comment. * * @param member the member being documented * @param firstSentenceTags the first sentence tags for the member to be documented * @param tdSummary the content tree to which the comment will be added */
protected void addIndexComment(Doc member, Tag[] firstSentenceTags, Content tdSummary) { Tag[] deprs = member.tags("deprecated"); Content div; if (utils.isDeprecated((ProgramElementDoc) member)) { Content deprLabel = HtmlTree.SPAN(HtmlStyle.deprecatedLabel, deprecatedPhrase); div = HtmlTree.DIV(HtmlStyle.block, deprLabel); div.addContent(getSpace()); if (deprs.length > 0) { addInlineDeprecatedComment(member, deprs[0], div); } tdSummary.addContent(div); return; } else { ClassDoc cd = ((ProgramElementDoc)member).containingClass(); if (cd != null && utils.isDeprecated(cd)) { Content deprLabel = HtmlTree.SPAN(HtmlStyle.deprecatedLabel, deprecatedPhrase); div = HtmlTree.DIV(HtmlStyle.block, deprLabel); div.addContent(getSpace()); tdSummary.addContent(div); } } addSummaryComment(member, firstSentenceTags, tdSummary); }
Add the summary type for the member.
  • mw – the writer for the member being documented
  • member – the member to be documented
  • tdSummaryType – the content tree to which the type will be added
/** * Add the summary type for the member. * * @param mw the writer for the member being documented * @param member the member to be documented * @param tdSummaryType the content tree to which the type will be added */
public void addSummaryType(AbstractMemberWriter mw, ProgramElementDoc member, Content tdSummaryType) { mw.addSummaryType(member, tdSummaryType); }
Add the summary link for the member.
  • mw – the writer for the member being documented
  • member – the member to be documented
  • contentTree – the content tree to which the link will be added
/** * Add the summary link for the member. * * @param mw the writer for the member being documented * @param member the member to be documented * @param contentTree the content tree to which the link will be added */
public void addSummaryLinkComment(AbstractMemberWriter mw, ProgramElementDoc member, Content contentTree) { addSummaryLinkComment(mw, member, member.firstSentenceTags(), contentTree); }
Add the summary link comment.
  • mw – the writer for the member being documented
  • member – the member being documented
  • firstSentenceTags – the first sentence tags for the member to be documented
  • tdSummary – the content tree to which the comment will be added
/** * Add the summary link comment. * * @param mw the writer for the member being documented * @param member the member being documented * @param firstSentenceTags the first sentence tags for the member to be documented * @param tdSummary the content tree to which the comment will be added */
public void addSummaryLinkComment(AbstractMemberWriter mw, ProgramElementDoc member, Tag[] firstSentenceTags, Content tdSummary) { addIndexComment(member, firstSentenceTags, tdSummary); }
Add the inherited member summary.
  • mw – the writer for the member being documented
  • cd – the class being documented
  • member – the member being documented
  • isFirst – true if its the first link being documented
  • linksTree – the content tree to which the summary will be added
/** * Add the inherited member summary. * * @param mw the writer for the member being documented * @param cd the class being documented * @param member the member being documented * @param isFirst true if its the first link being documented * @param linksTree the content tree to which the summary will be added */
public void addInheritedMemberSummary(AbstractMemberWriter mw, ClassDoc cd, ProgramElementDoc member, boolean isFirst, Content linksTree) { if (! isFirst) { linksTree.addContent(", "); } mw.addInheritedSummaryLink(cd, member, linksTree); }
Get the document content header tree
Returns:a content tree the document content header
/** * Get the document content header tree * * @return a content tree the document content header */
public Content getContentHeader() { HtmlTree div = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.DIV); div.addStyle(HtmlStyle.contentContainer); return div; }
Add the class content tree.
  • contentTree – content tree to which the class content will be added
  • classContentTree – class content tree which will be added to the content tree
/** * Add the class content tree. * * @param contentTree content tree to which the class content will be added * @param classContentTree class content tree which will be added to the content tree */
public void addClassContentTree(Content contentTree, Content classContentTree) { if (configuration.allowTag(HtmlTag.MAIN)) { mainTree.addContent(classContentTree); contentTree.addContent(mainTree); } else { contentTree.addContent(classContentTree); } }
Add the annotation content tree.
  • contentTree – content tree to which the annotation content will be added
  • annotationContentTree – annotation content tree which will be added to the content tree
/** * Add the annotation content tree. * * @param contentTree content tree to which the annotation content will be added * @param annotationContentTree annotation content tree which will be added to the content tree */
public void addAnnotationContentTree(Content contentTree, Content annotationContentTree) { addClassContentTree(contentTree, annotationContentTree); }
Get the member header tree
Returns:a content tree the member header
/** * Get the member header tree * * @return a content tree the member header */
public Content getMemberTreeHeader() { HtmlTree li = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.LI); li.addStyle(HtmlStyle.blockList); return li; }
Add the member tree.
  • memberSummaryTree – the content tree representing the member summary
  • memberTree – the content tree representing the member
/** * Add the member tree. * * @param memberSummaryTree the content tree representing the member summary * @param memberTree the content tree representing the member */
public void addMemberTree(Content memberSummaryTree, Content memberTree) { if (configuration.allowTag(HtmlTag.SECTION)) { HtmlTree htmlTree = HtmlTree.SECTION(getMemberTree(memberTree)); memberSummaryTree.addContent(htmlTree); } else { memberSummaryTree.addContent(getMemberTree(memberTree)); } }
Get the member tree
  • contentTree – the tree used to generate the complete member tree
Returns:a content tree for the member
/** * Get the member tree * * @param contentTree the tree used to generate the complete member tree * @return a content tree for the member */
public Content getMemberTree(Content contentTree) { Content ul = HtmlTree.UL(HtmlStyle.blockList, contentTree); return ul; }
Get the member summary tree
  • contentTree – the tree used to generate the member summary tree
Returns:a content tree for the member summary
/** * Get the member summary tree * * @param contentTree the tree used to generate the member summary tree * @return a content tree for the member summary */
public Content getMemberSummaryTree(Content contentTree) { return getMemberTree(HtmlStyle.summary, contentTree); }
Get the member details tree
  • contentTree – the tree used to generate the member details tree
Returns:a content tree for the member details
/** * Get the member details tree * * @param contentTree the tree used to generate the member details tree * @return a content tree for the member details */
public Content getMemberDetailsTree(Content contentTree) { return getMemberTree(HtmlStyle.details, contentTree); }
Get the member tree
  • style – the style class to be added to the content tree
  • contentTree – the tree used to generate the complete member tree
/** * Get the member tree * * @param style the style class to be added to the content tree * @param contentTree the tree used to generate the complete member tree */
public Content getMemberTree(HtmlStyle style, Content contentTree) { Content div = HtmlTree.DIV(style, getMemberTree(contentTree)); return div; } }