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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
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package org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.type;

import java.util.Iterator;

import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.AbstractObjectStamp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.AbstractPointerStamp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.IntegerStamp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.Stamp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.StampFactory;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.TypeReference;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValueNode;

import jdk.vm.ci.code.CodeUtil;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaKind;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.MetaAccessProvider;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaType;

Helper class that is used to keep all stamp-related operations in one place.
/** * Helper class that is used to keep all stamp-related operations in one place. */
public class StampTool { public static Stamp meet(Iterable<? extends ValueNode> values) { Stamp stamp = meetOrNull(values, null); if (stamp == null) { return StampFactory.forVoid(); } return stamp; }
Meet a collection of ValueNodes optionally excluding selfValue. If no values are encountered then return null.
/** * Meet a collection of {@link ValueNode}s optionally excluding {@code selfValue}. If no values * are encountered then return {@code null}. */
public static Stamp meetOrNull(Iterable<? extends ValueNode> values, ValueNode selfValue) { Iterator<? extends ValueNode> iterator = values.iterator(); Stamp stamp = null; while (iterator.hasNext()) { ValueNode nextValue = iterator.next(); if (nextValue != selfValue) { if (stamp == null) { stamp = nextValue.stamp(); } else { stamp = stamp.meet(nextValue.stamp()); } } } return stamp; }
Compute the stamp resulting from the unsigned comparison being true.
Returns:null if it's can't be true or it nothing useful can be encoded.
/** * Compute the stamp resulting from the unsigned comparison being true. * * @return null if it's can't be true or it nothing useful can be encoded. */
public static Stamp unsignedCompare(Stamp stamp, Stamp stamp2) { IntegerStamp x = (IntegerStamp) stamp; IntegerStamp y = (IntegerStamp) stamp2; if (x == x.unrestricted() && y == y.unrestricted()) { // Don't know anything. return null; } // c <| n, where c is a constant and n is known to be positive. if (x.lowerBound() == x.upperBound()) { if (y.isPositive()) { if (x.lowerBound() == (1 << x.getBits()) - 1) { // Constant is MAX_VALUE which must fail. return null; } if (x.lowerBound() <= y.lowerBound()) { // Test will fail. Return illegalStamp instead? return null; } // If the test succeeds then this proves that n is at greater than c so the bounds // are [c+1..-n.upperBound)]. return StampFactory.forInteger(x.getBits(), x.lowerBound() + 1, y.upperBound()); } return null; } // n <| c, where c is a strictly positive constant if (y.lowerBound() == y.upperBound() && y.isStrictlyPositive()) { // The test proves that n is positive and less than c, [0..c-1] return StampFactory.forInteger(y.getBits(), 0, y.lowerBound() - 1); } return null; } public static Stamp stampForLeadingZeros(IntegerStamp valueStamp) { long mask = CodeUtil.mask(valueStamp.getBits()); // Don't count zeros from the mask in the result. int adjust = Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(mask); assert adjust == 0 || adjust == 32; int min = Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(valueStamp.upMask() & mask) - adjust; int max = Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(valueStamp.downMask() & mask) - adjust; return StampFactory.forInteger(JavaKind.Int, min, max); } public static Stamp stampForTrailingZeros(IntegerStamp valueStamp) { long mask = CodeUtil.mask(valueStamp.getBits()); int min = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(valueStamp.upMask() & mask); int max = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(valueStamp.downMask() & mask); return StampFactory.forInteger(JavaKind.Int, min, max); }
Checks whether this ValueNode represents a legal pointer value which is known to be always null.
  • node – the node to check
Returns:true if this node represents a legal object value which is known to be always null
/** * Checks whether this {@link ValueNode} represents a {@linkplain Stamp#hasValues() legal} * pointer value which is known to be always null. * * @param node the node to check * @return true if this node represents a legal object value which is known to be always null */
public static boolean isPointerAlwaysNull(ValueNode node) { return isPointerAlwaysNull(node.stamp()); }
Checks whether this Stamp represents a legal pointer stamp whose values are known to be always null.
  • stamp – the stamp to check
Returns:true if this stamp represents a legal object stamp whose values are known to be always null
/** * Checks whether this {@link Stamp} represents a {@linkplain Stamp#hasValues() legal} pointer * stamp whose values are known to be always null. * * @param stamp the stamp to check * @return true if this stamp represents a legal object stamp whose values are known to be * always null */
public static boolean isPointerAlwaysNull(Stamp stamp) { if (stamp instanceof AbstractPointerStamp && stamp.hasValues()) { return ((AbstractPointerStamp) stamp).alwaysNull(); } return false; }
Checks whether this ValueNode represents a legal pointer value which is known to never be null.
  • node – the node to check
Returns:true if this node represents a legal object value which is known to never be null
/** * Checks whether this {@link ValueNode} represents a {@linkplain Stamp#hasValues() legal} * pointer value which is known to never be null. * * @param node the node to check * @return true if this node represents a legal object value which is known to never be null */
public static boolean isPointerNonNull(ValueNode node) { return isPointerNonNull(node.stamp()); }
Checks whether this Stamp represents a legal pointer stamp whose values are known to never be null.
  • stamp – the stamp to check
Returns:true if this stamp represents a legal object stamp whose values are known to be always null
/** * Checks whether this {@link Stamp} represents a {@linkplain Stamp#hasValues() legal} pointer * stamp whose values are known to never be null. * * @param stamp the stamp to check * @return true if this stamp represents a legal object stamp whose values are known to be * always null */
public static boolean isPointerNonNull(Stamp stamp) { if (stamp instanceof AbstractPointerStamp) { return ((AbstractPointerStamp) stamp).nonNull(); } return false; }
Returns the Java type this ValueNode has if it is a legal Object value.
  • node – the node to check
Returns:the Java type this value has if it is a legal Object type, null otherwise
/** * Returns the {@linkplain ResolvedJavaType Java type} this {@linkplain ValueNode} has if it is * a {@linkplain Stamp#hasValues() legal} Object value. * * @param node the node to check * @return the Java type this value has if it is a legal Object type, null otherwise */
public static TypeReference typeReferenceOrNull(ValueNode node) { return typeReferenceOrNull(node.stamp()); } public static ResolvedJavaType typeOrNull(ValueNode node) { return typeOrNull(node.stamp()); } public static ResolvedJavaType typeOrNull(Stamp stamp) { TypeReference type = typeReferenceOrNull(stamp); return type == null ? null : type.getType(); } public static ResolvedJavaType typeOrNull(Stamp stamp, MetaAccessProvider metaAccess) { if (stamp instanceof AbstractObjectStamp && stamp.hasValues()) { AbstractObjectStamp abstractObjectStamp = (AbstractObjectStamp) stamp; ResolvedJavaType type = abstractObjectStamp.type(); if (type == null) { return metaAccess.lookupJavaType(Object.class); } else { return type; } } return null; } public static ResolvedJavaType typeOrNull(ValueNode node, MetaAccessProvider metaAccess) { return typeOrNull(node.stamp(), metaAccess); }
Returns the Java type this Stamp has if it is a legal Object stamp.
  • stamp – the stamp to check
Returns:the Java type this stamp has if it is a legal Object stamp, null otherwise
/** * Returns the {@linkplain ResolvedJavaType Java type} this {@linkplain Stamp} has if it is a * {@linkplain Stamp#hasValues() legal} Object stamp. * * @param stamp the stamp to check * @return the Java type this stamp has if it is a legal Object stamp, null otherwise */
public static TypeReference typeReferenceOrNull(Stamp stamp) { if (stamp instanceof AbstractObjectStamp && stamp.hasValues()) { AbstractObjectStamp abstractObjectStamp = (AbstractObjectStamp) stamp; if (abstractObjectStamp.isExactType()) { return TypeReference.createExactTrusted(abstractObjectStamp.type()); } else { return TypeReference.createTrustedWithoutAssumptions(abstractObjectStamp.type()); } } return null; }
Checks whether this ValueNode represents a legal Object value whose Java type is known exactly. If this method returns true then the Java type returned by typeReferenceOrNull(ValueNode) is the concrete dynamic/runtime Java type of this value.
  • node – the node to check
Returns:true if this node represents a legal object value whose Java type is known exactly
/** * Checks whether this {@link ValueNode} represents a {@linkplain Stamp#hasValues() legal} * Object value whose Java type is known exactly. If this method returns true then the * {@linkplain ResolvedJavaType Java type} returned by {@link #typeReferenceOrNull(ValueNode)} * is the concrete dynamic/runtime Java type of this value. * * @param node the node to check * @return true if this node represents a legal object value whose Java type is known exactly */
public static boolean isExactType(ValueNode node) { return isExactType(node.stamp()); }
Checks whether this Stamp represents a legal Object stamp whose Java type is known exactly. If this method returns true then the Java type returned by typeReferenceOrNull(Stamp) is the only concrete dynamic/runtime Java type possible for values of this stamp.
  • stamp – the stamp to check
Returns:true if this node represents a legal object stamp whose Java type is known exactly
/** * Checks whether this {@link Stamp} represents a {@linkplain Stamp#hasValues() legal} Object * stamp whose {@linkplain ResolvedJavaType Java type} is known exactly. If this method returns * true then the Java type returned by {@link #typeReferenceOrNull(Stamp)} is the only concrete * dynamic/runtime Java type possible for values of this stamp. * * @param stamp the stamp to check * @return true if this node represents a legal object stamp whose Java type is known exactly */
public static boolean isExactType(Stamp stamp) { if (stamp instanceof AbstractObjectStamp && stamp.hasValues()) { return ((AbstractObjectStamp) stamp).isExactType(); } return false; } }