 * Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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package jdk.incubator.http;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.Flow;
import java.util.concurrent.Flow.Subscription;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

import jdk.incubator.http.internal.common.*;
import jdk.incubator.http.internal.frame.*;
import jdk.incubator.http.internal.hpack.DecodingCallback;

Http/2 Stream handling. REQUESTS sendHeadersOnly() -- assembles HEADERS frame and puts on connection outbound Q sendRequest() -- sendHeadersOnly() + sendBody() sendBody() -- in calling thread: obeys all flow control (so may block) obtains data from request body processor and places on connection outbound Q. sendBodyAsync() -- calls sendBody() in an executor thread. sendHeadersAsync() -- calls sendHeadersOnly() which does not block sendRequestAsync() -- calls sendRequest() in an executor thread RESPONSES Multiple responses can be received per request. Responses are queued up on a LinkedList of CF and the the first one on the list is completed with the next response getResponseAsync() -- queries list of response CFs and returns first one if one exists. Otherwise, creates one and adds it to list and returns it. Completion is achieved through the incoming() upcall from connection reader thread. getResponse() -- calls getResponseAsync() and waits for CF to complete responseBody() -- in calling thread: blocks for incoming DATA frames on stream inputQ. Obeys remote and local flow control so may block. Calls user response body processor with data buffers. responseBodyAsync() -- calls responseBody() in an executor thread. incoming() -- entry point called from connection reader thread. Frames are either handled immediately without blocking or for data frames placed on the stream's inputQ which is consumed by the stream's reader thread. PushedStream sub class ====================== Sending side methods are not used because the request comes from a PUSH_PROMISE frame sent by the server. When a PUSH_PROMISE is received the PushedStream is created. PushedStream does not use responseCF list as there can be only one response. The CF is created when the object created and when the response HEADERS frame is received the object is completed.
/** * Http/2 Stream handling. * * REQUESTS * * sendHeadersOnly() -- assembles HEADERS frame and puts on connection outbound Q * * sendRequest() -- sendHeadersOnly() + sendBody() * * sendBody() -- in calling thread: obeys all flow control (so may block) * obtains data from request body processor and places on connection * outbound Q. * * sendBodyAsync() -- calls sendBody() in an executor thread. * * sendHeadersAsync() -- calls sendHeadersOnly() which does not block * * sendRequestAsync() -- calls sendRequest() in an executor thread * * RESPONSES * * Multiple responses can be received per request. Responses are queued up on * a LinkedList of CF<HttpResponse> and the the first one on the list is completed * with the next response * * getResponseAsync() -- queries list of response CFs and returns first one * if one exists. Otherwise, creates one and adds it to list * and returns it. Completion is achieved through the * incoming() upcall from connection reader thread. * * getResponse() -- calls getResponseAsync() and waits for CF to complete * * responseBody() -- in calling thread: blocks for incoming DATA frames on * stream inputQ. Obeys remote and local flow control so may block. * Calls user response body processor with data buffers. * * responseBodyAsync() -- calls responseBody() in an executor thread. * * incoming() -- entry point called from connection reader thread. Frames are * either handled immediately without blocking or for data frames * placed on the stream's inputQ which is consumed by the stream's * reader thread. * * PushedStream sub class * ====================== * Sending side methods are not used because the request comes from a PUSH_PROMISE * frame sent by the server. When a PUSH_PROMISE is received the PushedStream * is created. PushedStream does not use responseCF list as there can be only * one response. The CF is created when the object created and when the response * HEADERS frame is received the object is completed. */
class Stream<T> extends ExchangeImpl<T> { final AsyncDataReadQueue inputQ = new AsyncDataReadQueue();
This stream's identifier. Assigned lazily by the HTTP2Connection before the stream's first frame is sent.
/** * This stream's identifier. Assigned lazily by the HTTP2Connection before * the stream's first frame is sent. */
protected volatile int streamid; long responseContentLen = -1; long responseBytesProcessed = 0; long requestContentLen; final Http2Connection connection; HttpClientImpl client; final HttpRequestImpl request; final DecodingCallback rspHeadersConsumer; HttpHeadersImpl responseHeaders; final HttpHeadersImpl requestHeaders; final HttpHeadersImpl requestPseudoHeaders; HttpResponse.BodyProcessor<T> responseProcessor; final HttpRequest.BodyProcessor requestProcessor; volatile int responseCode; volatile Response response; volatile CompletableFuture<Response> responseCF; final AbstractPushPublisher<ByteBuffer> publisher; final CompletableFuture<Void> requestBodyCF = new MinimalFuture<>();
True if END_STREAM has been seen in a frame received on this stream.
/** True if END_STREAM has been seen in a frame received on this stream. */
private volatile boolean remotelyClosed; private volatile boolean closed; private volatile boolean endStreamSent; // state flags boolean requestSent, responseReceived, responseHeadersReceived;
A reference to this Stream's connection Send Window controller. The stream MUST acquire the appropriate amount of Send Window before sending any data. Will be null for PushStreams, as they cannot send data.
/** * A reference to this Stream's connection Send Window controller. The * stream MUST acquire the appropriate amount of Send Window before * sending any data. Will be null for PushStreams, as they cannot send data. */
private final WindowController windowController; private final WindowUpdateSender windowUpdater; @Override HttpConnection connection() { return connection.connection; } @Override CompletableFuture<T> readBodyAsync(HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T> handler, boolean returnConnectionToPool, Executor executor) { Log.logTrace("Reading body on stream {0}", streamid); responseProcessor = handler.apply(responseCode, responseHeaders); setClientForResponse(responseProcessor); publisher.subscribe(responseProcessor); CompletableFuture<T> cf = receiveData(executor); PushGroup<?,?> pg = exchange.getPushGroup(); if (pg != null) { // if an error occurs make sure it is recorded in the PushGroup cf = cf.whenComplete((t,e) -> pg.pushError(e)); } return cf; } @Override T readBody(HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T> handler, boolean returnConnectionToPool) throws IOException { CompletableFuture<T> cf = readBodyAsync(handler, returnConnectionToPool, null); try { return cf.join(); } catch (CompletionException e) { throw Utils.getIOException(e); } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("streamid: ") .append(streamid); return sb.toString(); } private boolean receiveDataFrame(Http2Frame frame) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (frame instanceof ResetFrame) { handleReset((ResetFrame) frame); return true; } else if (!(frame instanceof DataFrame)) { assert false; return true; } DataFrame df = (DataFrame) frame; // RFC 7540 6.1: // The entire DATA frame payload is included in flow control, // including the Pad Length and Padding fields if present int len = df.payloadLength(); ByteBufferReference[] buffers = df.getData(); for (ByteBufferReference b : buffers) { ByteBuffer buf = b.get(); if (buf.hasRemaining()) { publisher.acceptData(Optional.of(buf)); } } connection.windowUpdater.update(len); if (df.getFlag(DataFrame.END_STREAM)) { setEndStreamReceived(); publisher.acceptData(Optional.empty()); return false; } // Don't send window update on a stream which is // closed or half closed. windowUpdater.update(len); return true; } // pushes entire response body into response processor // blocking when required by local or remote flow control CompletableFuture<T> receiveData(Executor executor) { CompletableFuture<T> cf = responseProcessor .getBody() .toCompletableFuture(); Consumer<Throwable> onError = e -> { Log.logTrace("receiveData: {0}", e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); cf.completeExceptionally(e); publisher.acceptError(e); }; if (executor == null) { inputQ.blockingReceive(this::receiveDataFrame, onError); } else { inputQ.asyncReceive(executor, this::receiveDataFrame, onError); } return cf; } @Override void sendBody() throws IOException { try { sendBodyImpl().join(); } catch (CompletionException e) { throw Utils.getIOException(e); } } CompletableFuture<ExchangeImpl<T>> sendBodyAsync() { return sendBodyImpl().thenApply( v -> this); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Stream(HttpClientImpl client, Http2Connection connection, Exchange<T> e, WindowController windowController) { super(e); this.client = client; this.connection = connection; this.windowController = windowController; this.request = e.request(); this.requestProcessor = request.requestProcessor; responseHeaders = new HttpHeadersImpl(); requestHeaders = new HttpHeadersImpl(); rspHeadersConsumer = (name, value) -> { responseHeaders.addHeader(name.toString(), value.toString()); if (Log.headers() && Log.trace()) { Log.logTrace("RECEIVED HEADER (streamid={0}): {1}: {2}", streamid, name, value); } }; this.requestPseudoHeaders = new HttpHeadersImpl(); // NEW this.publisher = new BlockingPushPublisher<>(); this.windowUpdater = new StreamWindowUpdateSender(connection); }
Entry point from Http2Connection reader thread. Data frames will be removed by response body thread.
/** * Entry point from Http2Connection reader thread. * * Data frames will be removed by response body thread. */
void incoming(Http2Frame frame) throws IOException { if ((frame instanceof HeaderFrame)) { HeaderFrame hframe = (HeaderFrame)frame; if (hframe.endHeaders()) { Log.logTrace("handling response (streamid={0})", streamid); handleResponse(); if (hframe.getFlag(HeaderFrame.END_STREAM)) { inputQ.put(new DataFrame(streamid, DataFrame.END_STREAM, new ByteBufferReference[0])); } } } else if (frame instanceof DataFrame) { inputQ.put(frame); } else { otherFrame(frame); } } void otherFrame(Http2Frame frame) throws IOException { switch (frame.type()) { case WindowUpdateFrame.TYPE: incoming_windowUpdate((WindowUpdateFrame) frame); break; case ResetFrame.TYPE: incoming_reset((ResetFrame) frame); break; case PriorityFrame.TYPE: incoming_priority((PriorityFrame) frame); break; default: String msg = "Unexpected frame: " + frame.toString(); throw new IOException(msg); } } // The Hpack decoder decodes into one of these consumers of name,value pairs DecodingCallback rspHeadersConsumer() { return rspHeadersConsumer; } protected void handleResponse() throws IOException { synchronized(this) { responseHeadersReceived = true; } HttpConnection c = connection.connection; // TODO: improve responseCode = (int)responseHeaders .firstValueAsLong(":status") .orElseThrow(() -> new IOException("no statuscode in response")); response = new Response( request, exchange, responseHeaders, responseCode, HttpClient.Version.HTTP_2); this.responseContentLen = responseHeaders .firstValueAsLong("content-length") .orElse(-1L); if (Log.headers()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("RESPONSE HEADERS:\n"); Log.dumpHeaders(sb, " ", responseHeaders); Log.logHeaders(sb.toString()); } completeResponse(response); } void incoming_reset(ResetFrame frame) throws IOException { Log.logTrace("Received RST_STREAM on stream {0}", streamid); if (endStreamReceived()) { Log.logTrace("Ignoring RST_STREAM frame received on remotely closed stream {0}", streamid); } else if (closed) { Log.logTrace("Ignoring RST_STREAM frame received on closed stream {0}", streamid); } else { boolean pushedToQueue = false; synchronized(this) { // if the response headers are not yet // received, or the inputQueue is closed, handle reset directly. // Otherwise, put it in the input queue in order to read all // pending data frames first. Indeed, a server may send // RST_STREAM after sending END_STREAM, in which case we should // ignore it. However, we won't know if we have received END_STREAM // or not until all pending data frames are read. // Because the inputQ will not be read until the response // headers are received, and because response headers won't be // sent if the server sent RST_STREAM, then we must handle // reset here directly unless responseHeadersReceived is true. pushedToQueue = !closed && responseHeadersReceived && inputQ.tryPut(frame); } if (!pushedToQueue) { // RST_STREAM was not pushed to the queue: handle it. try { handleReset(frame); } catch (IOException io) { completeResponseExceptionally(io); } } else { // RST_STREAM was pushed to the queue. It will be handled by // asyncReceive after all pending data frames have been // processed. Log.logTrace("RST_STREAM pushed in queue for stream {0}", streamid); } } } void handleReset(ResetFrame frame) throws IOException { Log.logTrace("Handling RST_STREAM on stream {0}", streamid); if (!closed) { close(); int error = frame.getErrorCode(); throw new IOException(ErrorFrame.stringForCode(error)); } else { Log.logTrace("Ignoring RST_STREAM frame received on closed stream {0}", streamid); } } void incoming_priority(PriorityFrame frame) { // TODO: implement priority throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } private void incoming_windowUpdate(WindowUpdateFrame frame) throws IOException { int amount = frame.getUpdate(); if (amount <= 0) { Log.logTrace("Resetting stream: {0} %d, Window Update amount: %d\n", streamid, streamid, amount); connection.resetStream(streamid, ResetFrame.FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR); } else { assert streamid != 0; boolean success = windowController.increaseStreamWindow(amount, streamid); if (!success) { // overflow connection.resetStream(streamid, ResetFrame.FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR); } } } void incoming_pushPromise(HttpRequestImpl pushReq, PushedStream<?,T> pushStream) throws IOException { if (Log.requests()) { Log.logRequest("PUSH_PROMISE: " + pushReq.toString()); } PushGroup<?,T> pushGroup = exchange.getPushGroup(); if (pushGroup == null || pushGroup.noMorePushes()) { cancelImpl(new IllegalStateException("unexpected push promise" + " on stream " + streamid)); } HttpResponse.MultiProcessor<?,T> proc = pushGroup.processor(); CompletableFuture<HttpResponse<T>> cf = pushStream.responseCF(); Optional<HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T>> bpOpt = proc.onRequest( pushReq); if (!bpOpt.isPresent()) { IOException ex = new IOException("Stream " + streamid + " cancelled by user"); if (Log.trace()) { Log.logTrace("No body processor for {0}: {1}", pushReq, ex.getMessage()); } pushStream.cancelImpl(ex); cf.completeExceptionally(ex); return; } pushGroup.addPush(); pushStream.requestSent(); pushStream.setPushHandler(bpOpt.get()); // setup housekeeping for when the push is received // TODO: deal with ignoring of CF anti-pattern cf.whenComplete((HttpResponse<T> resp, Throwable t) -> { if (Log.trace()) { Log.logTrace("Push completed on stream {0} for {1}{2}", pushStream.streamid, resp, ((t==null) ? "": " with exception " + t)); } if (t != null) { pushGroup.pushError(t); proc.onError(pushReq, t); } else { proc.onResponse(resp); } pushGroup.pushCompleted(); }); } private OutgoingHeaders<Stream<T>> headerFrame(long contentLength) { HttpHeadersImpl h = request.getSystemHeaders(); if (contentLength > 0) { h.setHeader("content-length", Long.toString(contentLength)); } setPseudoHeaderFields(); OutgoingHeaders<Stream<T>> f = new OutgoingHeaders<>(h, request.getUserHeaders(), this); if (contentLength == 0) { f.setFlag(HeadersFrame.END_STREAM); endStreamSent = true; } return f; } private void setPseudoHeaderFields() { HttpHeadersImpl hdrs = requestPseudoHeaders; String method = request.method(); hdrs.setHeader(":method", method); URI uri = request.uri(); hdrs.setHeader(":scheme", uri.getScheme()); // TODO: userinfo deprecated. Needs to be removed hdrs.setHeader(":authority", uri.getAuthority()); // TODO: ensure header names beginning with : not in user headers String query = uri.getQuery(); String path = uri.getPath(); if (path == null || path.isEmpty()) { if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("OPTIONS")) { path = "*"; } else { path = "/"; } } if (query != null) { path += "?" + query; } hdrs.setHeader(":path", path); } HttpHeadersImpl getRequestPseudoHeaders() { return requestPseudoHeaders; } @Override Response getResponse() throws IOException { try { if (request.duration() != null) { Log.logTrace("Waiting for response (streamid={0}, timeout={1}ms)", streamid, request.duration().toMillis()); return getResponseAsync(null).get( request.duration().toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } else { Log.logTrace("Waiting for response (streamid={0})", streamid); return getResponseAsync(null).join(); } } catch (TimeoutException e) { Log.logTrace("Response timeout (streamid={0})", streamid); throw new HttpTimeoutException("Response timed out"); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | CompletionException e) { Throwable t = e.getCause(); Log.logTrace("Response failed (streamid={0}): {1}", streamid, t); if (t instanceof IOException) { throw (IOException)t; } throw new IOException(e); } finally { Log.logTrace("Got response or failed (streamid={0})", streamid); } }
Sets endStreamReceived. Should be called only once.
/** Sets endStreamReceived. Should be called only once. */
void setEndStreamReceived() { assert remotelyClosed == false: "Unexpected endStream already set"; remotelyClosed = true; responseReceived(); }
Tells whether, or not, the END_STREAM Flag has been seen in any frame received on this stream.
/** Tells whether, or not, the END_STREAM Flag has been seen in any frame * received on this stream. */
private boolean endStreamReceived() { return remotelyClosed; } @Override void sendHeadersOnly() throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (Log.requests() && request != null) { Log.logRequest(request.toString()); } requestContentLen = requestProcessor.contentLength(); OutgoingHeaders<Stream<T>> f = headerFrame(requestContentLen); connection.sendFrame(f); } void registerStream(int id) { this.streamid = id; connection.putStream(this, streamid); } class RequestSubscriber extends RequestProcessors.ProcessorBase implements Flow.Subscriber<ByteBuffer> { // can be < 0 if the actual length is not known. private volatile long remainingContentLength; private volatile Subscription subscription; RequestSubscriber(long contentLen) { this.remainingContentLength = contentLen; } @Override public void onSubscribe(Flow.Subscription subscription) { if (this.subscription != null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } this.subscription = subscription; subscription.request(1); } @Override public void onNext(ByteBuffer item) { if (requestBodyCF.isDone()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } try { while (item.hasRemaining()) { assert !endStreamSent : "internal error, send data after END_STREAM flag"; DataFrame df = getDataFrame(item); if (remainingContentLength > 0) { remainingContentLength -= df.getDataLength(); assert remainingContentLength >= 0; if (remainingContentLength == 0) { df.setFlag(DataFrame.END_STREAM); endStreamSent = true; } } connection.sendDataFrame(df); } subscription.request(1); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { subscription.cancel(); requestBodyCF.completeExceptionally(ex); } } @Override public void onError(Throwable throwable) { if (requestBodyCF.isDone()) { return; } subscription.cancel(); requestBodyCF.completeExceptionally(throwable); } @Override public void onComplete() { assert endStreamSent || remainingContentLength < 0; try { if (!endStreamSent) { endStreamSent = true; connection.sendDataFrame(getEmptyEndStreamDataFrame()); } requestBodyCF.complete(null); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { requestBodyCF.completeExceptionally(ex); } } } DataFrame getDataFrame(ByteBuffer buffer) throws InterruptedException { int requestAmount = Math.min(connection.getMaxSendFrameSize(), buffer.remaining()); // blocks waiting for stream send window, if exhausted int actualAmount = windowController.tryAcquire(requestAmount, streamid); ByteBuffer outBuf = Utils.slice(buffer, actualAmount); DataFrame df = new DataFrame(streamid, 0 , ByteBufferReference.of(outBuf)); return df; } private DataFrame getEmptyEndStreamDataFrame() throws InterruptedException { return new DataFrame(streamid, DataFrame.END_STREAM, new ByteBufferReference[0]); }
A List of responses relating to this stream. Normally there is only one response, but intermediate responses like 100 are allowed and must be passed up to higher level before continuing. Deals with races such as if responses are returned before the CFs get created by getResponseAsync()
/** * A List of responses relating to this stream. Normally there is only * one response, but intermediate responses like 100 are allowed * and must be passed up to higher level before continuing. Deals with races * such as if responses are returned before the CFs get created by * getResponseAsync() */
final List<CompletableFuture<Response>> response_cfs = new ArrayList<>(5); @Override CompletableFuture<Response> getResponseAsync(Executor executor) { CompletableFuture<Response> cf = null; // The code below deals with race condition that can be caused when // completeResponse() is being called before getResponseAsync() synchronized (response_cfs) { if (!response_cfs.isEmpty()) { // This CompletableFuture was created by completeResponse(). // it will be already completed. cf = response_cfs.remove(0); // if we find a cf here it should be already completed. // finding a non completed cf should not happen. just assert it. assert cf.isDone() : "Removing uncompleted response: could cause code to hang!"; } else { // getResponseAsync() is called first. Create a CompletableFuture // that will be completed by completeResponse() when // completeResponse() is called. cf = new MinimalFuture<>(); response_cfs.add(cf); } } if (executor != null && !cf.isDone()) { // protect from executing later chain of CompletableFuture operations from SelectorManager thread cf = cf.thenApplyAsync(r -> r, executor); } Log.logTrace("Response future (stream={0}) is: {1}", streamid, cf); PushGroup<?,?> pg = exchange.getPushGroup(); if (pg != null) { // if an error occurs make sure it is recorded in the PushGroup cf = cf.whenComplete((t,e) -> pg.pushError(e)); } return cf; }
Completes the first uncompleted CF on list, and removes it. If there is no uncompleted CF then creates one (completes it) and adds to list
/** * Completes the first uncompleted CF on list, and removes it. If there is no * uncompleted CF then creates one (completes it) and adds to list */
void completeResponse(Response resp) { synchronized (response_cfs) { CompletableFuture<Response> cf; int cfs_len = response_cfs.size(); for (int i=0; i<cfs_len; i++) { cf = response_cfs.get(i); if (!cf.isDone()) { Log.logTrace("Completing response (streamid={0}): {1}", streamid, cf); cf.complete(resp); response_cfs.remove(cf); return; } // else we found the previous response: just leave it alone. } cf = MinimalFuture.completedFuture(resp); Log.logTrace("Created completed future (streamid={0}): {1}", streamid, cf); response_cfs.add(cf); } } // methods to update state and remove stream when finished synchronized void requestSent() { requestSent = true; if (responseReceived) { close(); } } final synchronized boolean isResponseReceived() { return responseReceived; } synchronized void responseReceived() { responseReceived = true; if (requestSent) { close(); } }
same as above but for errors
/** * same as above but for errors */
void completeResponseExceptionally(Throwable t) { synchronized (response_cfs) { // use index to avoid ConcurrentModificationException // caused by removing the CF from within the loop. for (int i = 0; i < response_cfs.size(); i++) { CompletableFuture<Response> cf = response_cfs.get(i); if (!cf.isDone()) { cf.completeExceptionally(t); response_cfs.remove(i); return; } } response_cfs.add(MinimalFuture.failedFuture(t)); } } CompletableFuture<Void> sendBodyImpl() { RequestSubscriber subscriber = new RequestSubscriber(requestContentLen); subscriber.setClient(client); requestProcessor.subscribe(subscriber); requestBodyCF.whenComplete((v,t) -> requestSent()); return requestBodyCF; } @Override void cancel() { cancel(new IOException("Stream " + streamid + " cancelled")); } @Override void cancel(IOException cause) { cancelImpl(cause); } // This method sends a RST_STREAM frame void cancelImpl(Throwable e) { if (Log.trace()) { Log.logTrace("cancelling stream {0}: {1}\n", streamid, e); } boolean closing; if (closing = !closed) { // assigning closing to !closed synchronized (this) { if (closing = !closed) { // assigning closing to !closed closed=true; } } } if (closing) { // true if the stream has not been closed yet inputQ.close(); } completeResponseExceptionally(e); try { // will send a RST_STREAM frame if (streamid != 0) { connection.resetStream(streamid, ResetFrame.CANCEL); } } catch (IOException ex) { Log.logError(ex); } } // This method doesn't send any frame void close() { if (closed) return; synchronized(this) { if (closed) return; closed = true; } Log.logTrace("Closing stream {0}", streamid); inputQ.close(); connection.closeStream(streamid); Log.logTrace("Stream {0} closed", streamid); } static class PushedStream<U,T> extends Stream<T> { final PushGroup<U,T> pushGroup; private final Stream<T> parent; // used by server push streams // push streams need the response CF allocated up front as it is // given directly to user via the multi handler callback function. final CompletableFuture<Response> pushCF; final CompletableFuture<HttpResponse<T>> responseCF; final HttpRequestImpl pushReq; HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T> pushHandler; PushedStream(PushGroup<U,T> pushGroup, HttpClientImpl client, Http2Connection connection, Stream<T> parent, Exchange<T> pushReq) { // ## no request body possible, null window controller super(client, connection, pushReq, null); this.pushGroup = pushGroup; this.pushReq = pushReq.request(); this.pushCF = new MinimalFuture<>(); this.responseCF = new MinimalFuture<>(); this.parent = parent; } CompletableFuture<HttpResponse<T>> responseCF() { return responseCF; } synchronized void setPushHandler(HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T> pushHandler) { this.pushHandler = pushHandler; } synchronized HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T> getPushHandler() { // ignored parameters to function can be used as BodyHandler return this.pushHandler; } // Following methods call the super class but in case of // error record it in the PushGroup. The error method is called // with a null value when no error occurred (is a no-op) @Override CompletableFuture<ExchangeImpl<T>> sendBodyAsync() { return super.sendBodyAsync() .whenComplete((ExchangeImpl<T> v, Throwable t) -> pushGroup.pushError(t)); } @Override CompletableFuture<ExchangeImpl<T>> sendHeadersAsync() { return super.sendHeadersAsync() .whenComplete((ExchangeImpl<T> ex, Throwable t) -> pushGroup.pushError(t)); } @Override CompletableFuture<Response> getResponseAsync(Executor executor) { CompletableFuture<Response> cf = pushCF.whenComplete((v, t) -> pushGroup.pushError(t)); if(executor!=null && !cf.isDone()) { cf = cf.thenApplyAsync( r -> r, executor); } return cf; } @Override CompletableFuture<T> readBodyAsync( HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T> handler, boolean returnConnectionToPool, Executor executor) { return super.readBodyAsync(handler, returnConnectionToPool, executor) .whenComplete((v, t) -> pushGroup.pushError(t)); } @Override void completeResponse(Response r) { HttpResponseImpl.logResponse(r); pushCF.complete(r); // not strictly required for push API // start reading the body using the obtained BodyProcessor CompletableFuture<Void> start = new MinimalFuture<>(); start.thenCompose( v -> readBodyAsync(getPushHandler(), false, getExchange().executor())) .whenComplete((T body, Throwable t) -> { if (t != null) { responseCF.completeExceptionally(t); } else { HttpResponseImpl<T> response = new HttpResponseImpl<>(r.request, r, body, getExchange()); responseCF.complete(response); } }); start.completeAsync(() -> null, getExchange().executor()); } @Override void completeResponseExceptionally(Throwable t) { pushCF.completeExceptionally(t); } @Override synchronized void responseReceived() { super.responseReceived(); } // create and return the PushResponseImpl @Override protected void handleResponse() { HttpConnection c = connection.connection; // TODO: improve responseCode = (int)responseHeaders .firstValueAsLong(":status") .orElse(-1); if (responseCode == -1) { completeResponseExceptionally(new IOException("No status code")); } this.response = new Response( pushReq, exchange, responseHeaders, responseCode, HttpClient.Version.HTTP_2); this.responseContentLen = responseHeaders .firstValueAsLong("content-length") .orElse(-1L); if (Log.headers()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("RESPONSE HEADERS"); sb.append(" (streamid=").append(streamid).append("): "); Log.dumpHeaders(sb, " ", responseHeaders); Log.logHeaders(sb.toString()); } // different implementations for normal streams and pushed streams completeResponse(response); } } final class StreamWindowUpdateSender extends WindowUpdateSender { StreamWindowUpdateSender(Http2Connection connection) { super(connection); } @Override int getStreamId() { return streamid; } } }