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package com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl;

import java.io.EOFException;
import java.io.IOException;

import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.msg.XMLMessageFormatter;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.SymbolTable;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.XMLString;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.parser.XMLComponentManager;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.parser.XMLConfigurationException;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.parser.XMLInputSource;
import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.Entity.ScannedEntity;

This class scans the version of the document to determine which scanner to use: XML 1.1 or XML 1.0. The version is scanned using XML 1.1. scanner.
Author:Neil Graham, IBM, Elena Litani, IBM
/** * This class scans the version of the document to determine * which scanner to use: XML 1.1 or XML 1.0. * The version is scanned using XML 1.1. scanner. * * @xerces.internal * * @author Neil Graham, IBM * @author Elena Litani, IBM */
public class XMLVersionDetector { // // Constants // private final static char[] XML11_VERSION = new char[]{'1', '.', '1'}; // property identifiers
Property identifier: symbol table.
/** Property identifier: symbol table. */
protected static final String SYMBOL_TABLE = Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX + Constants.SYMBOL_TABLE_PROPERTY;
Property identifier: error reporter.
/** Property identifier: error reporter. */
protected static final String ERROR_REPORTER = Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX + Constants.ERROR_REPORTER_PROPERTY;
Property identifier: entity manager.
/** Property identifier: entity manager. */
protected static final String ENTITY_MANAGER = Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX + Constants.ENTITY_MANAGER_PROPERTY; // // Data //
Symbol: "version".
/** Symbol: "version". */
protected final static String fVersionSymbol = "version".intern(); // symbol: [xml]: protected static final String fXMLSymbol = "[xml]".intern();
Symbol table.
/** Symbol table. */
protected SymbolTable fSymbolTable;
Error reporter.
/** Error reporter. */
protected XMLErrorReporter fErrorReporter;
Entity manager.
/** Entity manager. */
protected XMLEntityManager fEntityManager; protected String fEncoding = null; private XMLString fVersionNum = new XMLString(); private final char [] fExpectedVersionString = {'<', '?', 'x', 'm', 'l', ' ', 'v', 'e', 'r', 's', 'i', 'o', 'n', '=', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '};
  • componentManager – The component manager.
  • SAXException – Throws exception if required features and properties cannot be found.
/** * * * @param componentManager The component manager. * * @throws SAXException Throws exception if required features and * properties cannot be found. */
public void reset(XMLComponentManager componentManager) throws XMLConfigurationException { // Xerces properties fSymbolTable = (SymbolTable)componentManager.getProperty(SYMBOL_TABLE); fErrorReporter = (XMLErrorReporter)componentManager.getProperty(ERROR_REPORTER); fEntityManager = (XMLEntityManager)componentManager.getProperty(ENTITY_MANAGER); for(int i=14; i<fExpectedVersionString.length; i++ ) fExpectedVersionString[i] = ' '; } // reset(XMLComponentManager)
Reset the reference to the appropriate scanner given the version of the document and start document scanning.
  • scanner – - the scanner to use
  • version – - the version of the document (XML 1.1 or XML 1.0).
/** * Reset the reference to the appropriate scanner given the version of the * document and start document scanning. * @param scanner - the scanner to use * @param version - the version of the document (XML 1.1 or XML 1.0). */
public void startDocumentParsing(XMLEntityHandler scanner, short version){ if (version == Constants.XML_VERSION_1_0){ fEntityManager.setScannerVersion(Constants.XML_VERSION_1_0); } else { fEntityManager.setScannerVersion(Constants.XML_VERSION_1_1); } // Make sure the locator used by the error reporter is the current entity scanner. fErrorReporter.setDocumentLocator(fEntityManager.getEntityScanner()); // Note: above we reset fEntityScanner in the entity manager, thus in startEntity // in each scanner fEntityScanner field must be reset to reflect the change. // fEntityManager.setEntityHandler(scanner); scanner.startEntity(fXMLSymbol, fEntityManager.getCurrentResourceIdentifier(), fEncoding, null); }
This methods scans the XML declaration to find out the version (and provisional encoding) of the document. The scanning is doing using XML 1.1 scanner.
  • inputSource –
Returns:short - Constants.XML_VERSION_1_1 if document version 1.1, otherwise Constants.XML_VERSION_1_0
/** * This methods scans the XML declaration to find out the version * (and provisional encoding) of the document. * The scanning is doing using XML 1.1 scanner. * @param inputSource * @return short - Constants.XML_VERSION_1_1 if document version 1.1, * otherwise Constants.XML_VERSION_1_0 * @throws IOException */
public short determineDocVersion(XMLInputSource inputSource) throws IOException { fEncoding = fEntityManager.setupCurrentEntity(false, fXMLSymbol, inputSource, false, true); // Must use XML 1.0 scanner to handle whitespace correctly // in the XML declaration. fEntityManager.setScannerVersion(Constants.XML_VERSION_1_0); XMLEntityScanner scanner = fEntityManager.getEntityScanner(); scanner.detectingVersion = true; try { if (!scanner.skipString("<?xml")) { // definitely not a well-formed 1.1 doc! scanner.detectingVersion = false; return Constants.XML_VERSION_1_0; } if (!scanner.skipDeclSpaces()) { fixupCurrentEntity(fEntityManager, fExpectedVersionString, 5); scanner.detectingVersion = false; return Constants.XML_VERSION_1_0; } if (!scanner.skipString("version")) { fixupCurrentEntity(fEntityManager, fExpectedVersionString, 6); scanner.detectingVersion = false; return Constants.XML_VERSION_1_0; } scanner.skipDeclSpaces(); // Check if the next character is '='. If it is then consume it. if (scanner.peekChar() != '=') { fixupCurrentEntity(fEntityManager, fExpectedVersionString, 13); scanner.detectingVersion = false; return Constants.XML_VERSION_1_0; } scanner.scanChar(null); scanner.skipDeclSpaces(); int quoteChar = scanner.scanChar(null); fExpectedVersionString[14] = (char) quoteChar; for (int versionPos = 0; versionPos < XML11_VERSION.length; versionPos++) { fExpectedVersionString[15 + versionPos] = (char) scanner.scanChar(null); } // REVISIT: should we check whether this equals quoteChar? fExpectedVersionString[18] = (char) scanner.scanChar(null); fixupCurrentEntity(fEntityManager, fExpectedVersionString, 19); int matched = 0; for (; matched < XML11_VERSION.length; matched++) { if (fExpectedVersionString[15 + matched] != XML11_VERSION[matched]) break; } scanner.detectingVersion = false; if (matched == XML11_VERSION.length) return Constants.XML_VERSION_1_1; return Constants.XML_VERSION_1_0; // premature end of file } catch (EOFException e) { fErrorReporter.reportError( XMLMessageFormatter.XML_DOMAIN, "PrematureEOF", null, XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR); scanner.detectingVersion = false; return Constants.XML_VERSION_1_0; } } // This method prepends "length" chars from the char array, // from offset 0, to the manager's fCurrentEntity.ch. private void fixupCurrentEntity(XMLEntityManager manager, char [] scannedChars, int length) { ScannedEntity currentEntity = manager.getCurrentEntity(); if(currentEntity.count-currentEntity.position+length > currentEntity.ch.length) { //resize array; this case is hard to imagine... char[] tempCh = currentEntity.ch; currentEntity.ch = new char[length+currentEntity.count-currentEntity.position+1]; System.arraycopy(tempCh, 0, currentEntity.ch, 0, tempCh.length); } if(currentEntity.position < length) { // have to move sensitive stuff out of the way... System.arraycopy(currentEntity.ch, currentEntity.position, currentEntity.ch, length, currentEntity.count-currentEntity.position); currentEntity.count += length-currentEntity.position; } else { // have to reintroduce some whitespace so this parses: for(int i=length; i<currentEntity.position; i++) currentEntity.ch[i]=' '; } // prepend contents... System.arraycopy(scannedChars, 0, currentEntity.ch, 0, length); currentEntity.position = 0; currentEntity.baseCharOffset = 0; currentEntity.startPosition = 0; currentEntity.columnNumber = currentEntity.lineNumber = 1; } } // class XMLVersionDetector